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A Good Girl's Desire

"Astrid knew she was going to get punished, but not how."

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Astrid already knew she had messed up and done something so catastrophically stupid, that it was in danger of jeopardizing her future and her entire life.

So she looked down, hesitantly studying her own naked feet on the dark wooden floor and furrowing her brow in anticipation, before she looked back up at the door in front of her.
He was behind it. The dark brown wood hiding him, in there, the anger and cold fury that would soon take her.

"I can do this," she whispered to herself and quickly knocked twice. 


“Enter," came the answer slowly, and she hesitated for only a second before her hand reached the handle and pushed the door open.

The room wasn’t small, bigger than her own bedroom, but the bookshelves filled with books and pictures, accompanied by the oriental carpet on the floor, gave the room a smaller, almost cosy feel. No windows though.
In front of her, behind a big, old-fashioned desk, in a high backed and button tufted chair, sat her father. Oswald Capell.

He wasn’t looking at her. His cold blue eyes were fixated on the documents in front of him, carefully shuffling through the papers and occasionally scribbling down short notes. His dark hair was still perfectly slicked back, but he had taken off his jacket and waistcoat and unbuttoned the two top buttons on his white shirt.


He didn’t look dangerous in the warm light, but Astrid knew he could be. Harsh and unforgiving, even when he acted gentle. So she waited patiently and quietly, until he put his pen down and fixed his eyes up on her.

“I think you’ll agree, when I say I have tried everything with you,” he started, and Astrid immediately looked down again, trying to hide from whatever punishment were coming her way.

“I have tried patience. I’ve been stern. You have been grounded, your privileges taken away, we’ve had agreements, which have been very fair on your part, that you’ve still defied. And you continue to dishonor and disrespect me.”

He tapped the desk with a long slender finger, like he was trying to figure something out, an equation that would make it all fall into place.

“I think I’ve reached the end in trying to help you. Maybe boarding school would be the best option.”

Astrid’s head whipped up and her voice came out far too loud, even if she hadn’t meant it to.

“No! Don’t send me away. Just punish me. Please, you can’t, this… this is my home!”

Oswald leaned back in the chair, folding his hands on his lap, but didn’t answer, so she continued. This time she almost managed to keep her now trembling voice under control.

“Father, I’m almost 18. You can’t… I’ll just come back and-”

“Yes, almost an adult and yet you still insists on acting like a child,” he snapped back. He hadn’t raised his voice, but it still cut through her. “So then I guess I’ll just have to treat you like a child."

He pushed his chair back a little, motioning her to come forward and she did, slowly stepping around the heavy desk until she stood beside her father.

He was tall, even when sitting down and his eyes looked so harshly into hers that she turned her face away, instead studying the books on the shelves behind him.

“On my lap,” he commanded.

Her eyes darted back to him again, bewildered this time.


“Lie down on my lap, Astrid.”

“Are you... going to hit me?”


His eyes didn’t reveal anything, but she could still feel the heat rising to her cheeks as she leaned over and carefully tried to position herself and putting all her weight on him, without it being too uncomfortable. She could feel her skirt climbing up and wished she had worn stockings. The more clothes, the lesser the pain, she remembered.

“Now,” he started, and Astrid felt him pushing her a couple of inches further, so her face was closer to the floor and her backside almost over his leg that was closest hers. “do you remember how we used to do this, when you were a child?”

“Yes, sir.” Her voice were almost a whisper, and a lump had suddenly appeared in her throat. 

“Then tell me.”

“You will hit me six times. I will count each hit. After the sixth hit, you will consider if I have been punished enough and.. and… if not.. you will continue. Until I have learned my lesson. ”

Astrid felt her skirt being pushed up, over her back, so only her underpants would be between her and his hand, and she knew, he really meant it and this was going to hurt.


The first hit landed hard, not as terrible as she had feared, but a yelp still escaped her. He didn’t lift his hand and Astrid closed her eyes, awaiting the next.


“O-one,” she stuttered, already having forgotten the rules, which did not bode well.

She felt him lift his hand and she squeezed her eyes harder shut.

The second hit was worse, but not much.

“Two,” she counted out loud, but making no other sound.

She felt him move again, lifting his hand and arm, and the sound when he hit her the third time was hard and sharp.

She didn’t scream, but a hard pained groan found a way out of her, and she suddenly realized how her whole body had tensed up and her legs had started to shake, if only a little.


By the fourth hit, it had begun to sting and her legs jumped helplessly under her, her breath suddenly gone from her.

She felt her father’s hand resting patiently on her backside again, as she tried catching her breath and getting herself to count further out loud.

“I don’t think I can do this,” she heard herself groan instead, gasping the air in, desperate to fill her lungs.

Oswald’s voice was almost gentle when he answered and she felt his fingers, slowly caressing her, lingering by the edge of her panties on her right cheek. “You’re doing very well. Count for me.”


He lifted his arm quickly, bringing it down again just as fast, and although it wasn’t quite a scream that escaped her, it was close.

“Fuck, five!”


“Yes, I’m sorry, Sir.”

Astrid could feel the burning behind her eyes, but if she were lucky, she was almost done now. She wished it was over, but as if her father could read her thoughts, he waited, and she felt the time tick on, with the only sound in her ears being her own gasping breaths.

Then he hit her, and she felt herself biting her own bottom lip and groaned deeply.

“Six! I’m so sorry, Sir. I’ll be good. I promise. I promise.”

He didn’t answer, and she didn’t dare say another word, fearing her father would punish her further if she didn’t keep quiet.

Then she felt her panties being pulled down until they hung loosely, just over her knees, and a sound over her made her aware that her father had grabbed something off the shelf beside them.
“This will be a little cold, but I’ll be gentle. It won’t hurt,” he finally said.

She winced when she felt his hand again, but not out of pain, only from the surprise from the chill of the cold lotion he was massaging her with.

“You did very well, so you deserve to be cared for a little too.”

She felt him going down her thigh, again slowly and carefully, creeping closer and up again, to her inner thigh where she now felt embarrassingly exposed.
“I didn’t mean to hurt you badly,” he added, gliding his hand back over her, until he reached her back dimples. “I just want you to listen to me and let me help you.”

Astrid nodded, not even sure her father was watching her head, but she didn’t really care, other than being very self conscious of the naked part of her. The burning was already slowly fading, and his touch felt nice, following the curve of her backside with his open hand, down and closer to her crotch.

“You are not bad, Astrid. You can be a very good girl… when you want to.”

She suppressed a gasp when she felt his fingers softly touching her labia, but she twitched and felt her heart skip a beat.

His fingers were careful, trailing her slit slowly down and Astrid suddenly became very aware of the bulge growing and pressing into her lower stomach under her.

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She bit her lip to keep herself from saying anything. It was wrong, so wrong. But she could still feel the warmth, spreading from her crotch, both upwards to her stomach and into her legs.

“Have you ever been with a man?”

She quickly shook her head, too embarrassed to speak or break her own silence with sounds she couldn’t control.

“Do you touch yourself?”

The heat spread further in her as she nodded, her father now moving his fingers in slow circles, right over her clit, but still on her outer labia, and still not pressing into her.

“Tell me what you fantasise about when you play with yourself.”

“I… I don’t know.”

“That’s not true.”

His fingers were getting more insistent, not much, but she could feel him pressing inward, shifting up and down. Just a little more pressure and he would spread her lips and have a finger inside her.

“You don’t need to tell me, I think I know,” he said and she could hear the smirk in his voice.

“You’re breathing very heavily and,” her father’s fingers, finally pushed into her, easily gliding in and pressing softly on her clitoris, making her backside twitch and an unwilling moan escape her. “you’re very wet.”

He almost didn’t move, but the gentle circular motions around her clit were too much already and she had to force herself to not press against his hand and keep her hips still.

“Are you just acting out, because you want my attention?” he grinned, his voice clearly filled with amusement over the realisation he had just had.

“I don’t-”

“Don’t lie to me,” 

“I… I…”

“Say it.”

“I want to make you happy..” she whispered breathlessly and against her expectations she felt his fingers glide out of her, and he firmly seized the back of her shirt and pulled her backwards, to her feet in a sliding motion, where she dizzily found her footing and stood up.

She could feel the wetness between her thighs, and now, standing in front of her father, his eyes going over every inch of her body, she felt the shame rise up in her and pushed her skirt down, to cover herself.

Oswald was studying his own hand now, looking at the clear liquid dripping down his index and middle finger and a wolfish grin spread on his face, before looking back at his daughter, shaking and blushing, in front of him.

“Take off your shirt.”
Astrid nodded, before pulling it over her head and letting it fall to the floor. She was naked underneath, and even though it wasn’t cold, she shuddered and tried to hide her breasts under her hands. Her father smiled, reaching out and taking her arm, to stop her from covering up, and pulled her closer. She felt his other hand pull down her panties, which were still hanging around her knees, and she stepped out of them, leaving them on the floor.

She shakingly put a knee on each side of her father’s legs, climbing onto the chair and sat on him, facing him, almost naked, apart from the skirt that had again climbed up and exposed her wet pussy.

He grabbed her ass, with both hands, and slid them down her thigh, around and up her stomach until he cupped her breast with one hand, rubbing her hardening nipples with the other and smiled when she bit her lip and sighed.

“I think you can make me very happy,” he said, letting go of her, to open the zipper that was the only thing separating them.

She didn’t look down, but could feel the heat emanating from him, and his hard dick pressing against her vulva and lower stomach.

“Do you want your daddy to fuck you?” he asked in a low growling voice, letting his free hand trail up over her breast, to her throat where he grabbed her.

“Please,” she whispered, still avoiding his eyes, instead focusing on his lips that were curled into a smile.

“Up,” he commanded, and she did, raising herself on her legs, so he could guide himself under her, letting the tip press against her wet hole.

He didn’t say anything, only tugged downwards with the hand that was still holding her throat, but she obliged.

She couldn’t stop herself from moaning quietly as he slowly filled her up, inch by inch. It hurt, forcing, penetrating and stretching her, but the warmth and wetness and his cock throbbing inside her, made her almost forget the pain.

She could feel his hand twitching slightly around her throat, the other cupping her ass now, while small grunts escaped him as she took him completely in.

She didn’t know what happened, but she felt him, his cock touching something deep inside her and her whole body tensed up and she fell into his chest, supporting herself by grabbing his shoulders.
Oswald laughed quietly into her ear, clutching her ass tighter and giving it a light smack.

“Do you enjoy fucking your father, little slut?” he whispered, but she didn’t answer, instead she tried raising herself again, moving her hips in a gentle, steady rhythm, finding the balance between up and down and back and forth. 

She couldn’t hold her moans back anymore. It came out coarse and gasping,more intense and musical the more she found her rhythm and balance, clutching her father’s shoulders. She could feel his breaths grow deeper, harder and warmer against her neck, a sound that reminded her of a purr, emanating from him.

“You’re such a good girl,” he panted against her, his hand leaving her neck and gliding down, to find her pussy, gently holding a thumb over her clit, so she pushed against it, everytime she came down.

It was like a little ball of light, deep inside her stomach and loins, tensing and twisting, growing bigger and filling her with heat. She couldn’t stop, but she couldn’t catch her breath either, so she leaned back, closed eyes, face turned to the ceiling.

Astrid felt her father’s mouth kiss her chest, then her breast, takings her nipple in his mouth, and eagerly licking, until he gently bit down, and held tight, so he wouldn’t lose his grip, as she kept riding him. 

He pushed his thumb harder against her, his hand now dripping with her juices, as she rode him harder and faster, the ball inside her igniting, and fireworks starting up as her voice rose with her climax.

She began shaking and Oswald bit her nipple hard and let go, feeling her fuck him, his soaked thumb now massaging her, before looking at the face of his daughter, orgasming, her brow furrowed and mouth slightly open, the voice coming from her, warm and pleased.

Astrid was done, but before she could even realize it, or let her legs rest, her father grabbed her by the waist, stood up and threw her, with him over her, still inside her, on the desk.

“Now, it’s my turn, little slut,” he interrupted her surprised yelp, and pulled himself as far out of her he could, with the head of his cock still inside her, and forced himself, as hard and with as much power he could, back into her.

Her moan were closer a scream now, and she dug her nails into his back in reflex.

He did it again, gripping her shoulders and pushing her downwards as he pushed himself faster and harder up in her. He burrowed his face in her neck, biting down, into her soft skin, as he smacked into her, harder, more violently for every thrust.

The sounds from Astrid’s mouths were forced out now, and her legs had embraced him, holding around him, like her arms, as if holding on to the only thing in the world.

The pain was hard, and intense, mixed with that smoldering orb inside her, as he fucked her, growing inside her, biting her, taking her, and she almost couldn’t anymore.

“I’m going to cum in my little girl,” he hissed into her neck, and Astrid didn’t have time to answer, before she felt the muscles in his back tense, and his cock throbbing inside her, filling her up with his cum, and he lay painting and still over her.

She didn’t dare to break the silence, the shame again finding its way to her and she let go of him, as he pulled himself out of her. She could feel her wetness now mixed with her father’s semen trickle out of her, down her ass, unto the desk.

He seemed to quickly catch his breath, as he zipped his pants back up and slicked his now messy hair back.

Astrid didn’t move, her body exhausted and her legs parted wide, and through her half closed eyes, she saw her father smirking and looking down at her.

“Let’s keep you at home a little while yet.”

Written by Clementinen
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