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A Freak Storm brings Out The Freak In Siblings

""You really are a dirty slut, aren't you?" I said as I jammed my cock into Jenny's cunt until my balls came to rest on her arse cheeks."

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Author's Notes

"Sorry this one is a little long but really needed to set the characters up for the story to work. <p> [ADVERT] </p>I hope you enjoy this single story"

I was on top of the world. I had just won the fourth round of the world snowboarding competition. One more win would cement my place as number one in the world. The music beat out as I danced shirtless with a group of snow bunnies. Looking around the chalet, I saw my teammates and friends in various states of dress and sexual positions as the after-comp party degreased into complete debauchery.

An hour later, I had a gorgeous brunette riding my face and a Swedish model riding my hard cock. Life couldn't get any better than this. I thought as I unloaded my third load for the night into the model. The rest of the night became a blur, as most comp nights did. There is never a shortage of snow bunnies wanting to get a chance to party with a world champion. The sponsorship deals and huge prize money helped as well. 

But I loved the European circuit because I got to fuck some of the hottest models and women available. I woke up as the morning sun streamed through the chalet windows. I was naked; Miss Italy from this year's Miss Universe was on my right side. On my other side was the Swedish supermodel Genevieve I had fucked last night in the hot tub, and next to her was a smoking-hot redhead. I had no idea who she was, but she was gorgeous.

I sat up and thought it had been a while since I had a trifecta (one of each hair color). As I stirred, Miss Italy roused, opened her eyes, and looked at me, saying something in Italian. I replied by smacking her hard on her naked arse cheek.

"Time to move, girls. I have a plane to catch. I have to be back in the States by tomorrow for pre-comp training. Come on, let's hustle."

All three girls groaned and moaned, the redhead grabbing my cock and taking it in her mouth.

"Oh fuck, ok, maybe I have enough time for a morning blow job," I said, looking at the hot read head.

She wrapped her hand around my thick eight-inch cock and stroked it while licking and sucking the head. I closed my eyes and was enjoying the incredible sensation when I felt lips on my neck. Opening my eyes, Miss Italy was kissing my neck and moving slowly down my body. Soon enough, I felt two tongues sliding up and down my dick.

With two mouths servicing my cock, I was in heaven, and that was when I saw it, and memories from last night came flooding back to me. On the redhead's hand was a brand new engagement and wedding ring. Fuck, suddenly, I remembered who the redhead was, and I pushed both girls away.

"Are you fucking crazy? You're Christopher Swanson's new wife, Racheal. He's the boss of Red Bull. If he finds out you are here naked, sucking my cock, my sponsorship deal is as good as dead. Get dressed and get the fuck out of here."

"Oh, stop being so fucking dramatic, Matt. You had no issue fucking me in the arse last night while Miss Italy here was eating my cunt."

"Yeah, well, I was off my head last night. And everything is a whole lot clearer this morning," I said, pushing the girls off and climbing out of bed.

"Make sure you aren't here when I get out of the shower, and for fuck sake, not a fucking word of what happened here last night to anyone," I said as I made my way to the bathroom stepping over naked bodies on the way.

 I turned the shower on a let the hot water flow over my tired and sore body. I was leaning with my outstretched arms against the wall enjoying the hot water when I felt a woman's arms wrap around my waist and take hold of my cock. Turning my head, I saw Genevieve, the Swedish model.

"Don't worry, Matthew, I'm not married. Let me take care of this beautiful cock," she said, dropping to her knees and deep-throating me. When my cock was hard, I lifted Genevieve up and pushed her up against the tiled wall, and slid his cock deep into her from behind. I fucked her hard and fast against the tiled wall coming inside her. 

Two hours later, the rest of the team and I were on a private Leah jet on our way back to Colorado in the States. The next championship round was on home ground, and I knew I had the hometown advantage but still needed to come up with something special to seal the world championship. I was reviewing a combination of moves for the upcoming comp when my phone rang.

Looking at the number, I didn't recognize it, so turned it off. Seconds later, it started ringing again. It was the same number, so I stopped it. A minute later, I received a text message.

"Matthew, it's your sister Jenny. I know this is out of the blue, and we haven't spoken since Dad's funeral if you even remember that. But I need some help, and you are the only person I know who can help me. Please call me back. It's urgent."

I looked at the message and read it several times before deciding to reply.

"Out of the blue? That's an understatement, Jenny. I have no idea who you are. I met you once when I was ten when my father died. I think you have the wrong person. We may be biological siblings, but we are anything but brother and sister."

"Matthew, please. Would I reach out to you if I had any other choice? And, like it or not, we are brother and sister, which must mean something. I know Mother poisoned you against me. I'm sure she told you all sorts of lies about me, and she is the only reason why we don't know each other. Please, Matthew, I don't want you to hate me. Now the witch is dead. It's time we got to know each other you are all I have left in this world."

It took me a while to digest Jenny's text message. She has never been a part of the family. And from what mother had told me rightly so. When she was seventeen, she seduced and fucked Dad, tearing the family apart. After Mom had caught them in bed together, Mom kicked her out of the house.

Jenny's name had always been taboo in our house when I was growing up. Mom used to say she was dead and I was an only child. But when Dad died, this mysterious woman showed up at his funeral, and she and Mom fought. I remember hearing someone say that the woman was Jenny, Mom's daughter.

"Why? After all these years. Why now? What do you need my help so desperately for? Did you fuck up someone else's life?" I typed back.

"Yes. I fucked up my life. I have always fucked up my own life. I need your help, Matthew, please."

"I'm on a flight at the moment, I will call you when we land, and you can tell me what you need."

"Thank You."

I sat back and tried to take it all in. I have a sister. Shit, she must be in her fifties by now. She must really be in trouble if she has reached out to me. But how the fuck did she get my phone number. 

We finally landed in Denver, and I drove home to Breckenridge. I was meant to be heading up to Copper Mountain in the morning for training, but the text messages from Jenny were playing on my mind. I had no one anymore. Now Mom was gone, maybe it would be nice to connect with Jenny. Shit, we might not know each other, but perhaps we should.

I sat in the library of our family home, now my home, which looked directly out at Copper Mountain, and dialed the number.

"Hello, Jenny?"

"Yes, thank's for calling me back. I wasn't sure you would, and I wouldn't blame you if you hadn't."

"I usually keep my word. I said I would hear what you had to say, so what is it you need from me?"

"Straight to the point. I can see Mom raised you to be just like her."

"Listen, Jenny. I didn't call you so you could take jabs at Mom. You said you needed my help. What do you need? Money?"

"No, Matthew, I don't need your money. I need somewhere to live for a while. I have split up from my husband Alan, and it wasn't a nice break-up. I just need to get away from here and go somewhere no one knows me. I want to come home, Matthew."

I wasn't expecting that. I thought she had heard about my Red Ball deal and was trying to cash in on my multi-million dollar sponsorship deal.

"So you didn't reach out because you heard about the deal I have just signed with Red Ball, and you are looking for a handout?"

"Matthew, I have no idea what you are talking about. I don't even know what you do for a living. Last I heard, you were some sort of ski bum or something. Look, I really just need some place to crash while I sort my shitty life out. And I would like it to be in the home I grew up in."

"Ok, so what do you need from me." 

"Well, I assume Mom left the house to you. I need you to say I can come to stay at your place for a while."

"No, that's not what I meant. Sure, if you only need a place to stay, you can hang out here for a while. I guess. It's your family home as well. But what do you need from me for that to happen?"

"Thank you, Matthew. I don't have a car never needed one living in the city. I mean, we have one, but Alan isn't going to let me have it."

"Ok, well, just fly out to Denver. I will pick you up at the airport."

"Well, I have some stuff. Actually, I have a lot of stuff. I was hoping you might come to pick me up and get a Uhaul trailer for my stuff. The road trip will allow us to get to know each other."

"Fuck, that's a lot right now, not that I'm not ok with it, but I'm two weeks out from the next round of the world championships and If I win this round, It will secure the world championship for me. I have a lot of training right now."

"Ah, ok, so you aren't just a ski bum then?"

"Haha, no, but I did drop out of college to go snowboarding turns out I'm pretty good at it."

"Ok, well, I don't want to stand in the way of my little brother being a world champion. I'll figure something out."

It was the first time I had ever been called little brother, and it struck a chord with me. Fuck it. It's my home ground. I can skip a few days of training and help out my sister.

"You know what, Jenny, I think I can squeeze in a little road trip. Where do you live anyway?"

"Kansas City, Kansas. It's not too far away. It should only take a couple of days. I would really appreciate it if you could help me. I'm in a hotel right now, and I need help to get my stuff."

"Right, so this Alan guy isn't being too helpful."

"That's an understatement. I guess I can't blame him, really. I mean, he did catch me fucking his boss."

"Holy shit, so that's why you have split up. Yeah, I'm pretty sure that would do it. You really are good at fucking up your life. How about I head out to Kansas City tomorrow, and we can go from there."

"Oh, Mathew, thank you, I would be forever in your debt If you could do that for me. You have no idea how much I appreciate it. I promise to find a way to make it up to you."

"Don't sweat it. It's no big deal. It's basically only a one-day trip. Do you need me to rough up this Alan fella a bit to get your stuff?"

"Haha, no, I will sort that out. Just let me know when you get here, and I'll have everything ready to load."

"Ok, Jenny, I guess I'll see you sometime tomorrow night. I'll ring you when I get into Kansas City."

"Ok, perfect, see you then. And Mathew, I'm really looking forward to meeting my little brother."

"Yeah, me too, sis. It feels nice to say that. Talk tomorrow."

First thing at 05:00 am, I loaded up my new Chevy Tahoe and headed towards Kansas City. It was a ten-hour drive at the speed limit, so I got an early start. The more I thought about meeting my sister, the more I was into it. 

Mom had always said horrible things about her. Especially since she had seduced Dad and forced him to have sex with her. Mom had said she was a slut and a whore possessed by the devil. Now I know Mom was a bit of a Bible-bashing nut job. And I only ever took half of what she said as the truth, and the rest was bible voodoo.

But I had never really thought about it much because I had never met Jenny, and we never spoke about her. But thinking about it now, how the hell would a seventeen-year-old girl seduce and force her father to have sex with her? That just didn't sit right. I'm sure there is much more to the story, and a road trip is just the thing to discover why my sister left before I was born.

I rolled into Kansas City around 15:30 and called Jenny.

"Hey, Jenny, I just got into town. Where are you?"

"I'm over at my house packing my stuff in boxes. I'll send you the address if you want to grab a Uhual trailer and come over. That would be great."

I grabbed an enclosed box trailer and headed to the house. I pulled up out front. There was a black Audi Q7 in the drive, and when I shut the engine off, I could hear a man and woman screaming at each other.

I got out of the Tahoe and headed for the door. They were really going at it. The door was open, so I half-knocked and walked in. When the guy saw me, he instantly stopped yelling and turned to me. 

"Who the fuck are you? And why are you in my house?"

Before I could answer, the woman I guessed was my sister Jenny (I had never met her) jumped in and answered.

"That's Matt. He's my new lover. He is here to help move my stuff and make sure you aren't a fucking arsehole to me.

I was dumbfounded, firstly because my sister was absolutely smoking hot, like I mean Milf porn star hot. And secondly, because she had called me her lover and not brother.

"Oh, so you weren't satisfied humiliating me at my work by Cuckolding me with my boss. Now you have taken to cradle snatching. Who is he, one of your dumb friend's sons, you fucking slut."

"I tell you who I am, pal. I'm the guy that's going to knock you the fuck out if you speak to my woman like that again. Now why don't you fuck off somewhere for the next hour and let Jenny pack her shit? So neither of us ever has to look at your weasel little face again."

"That's my wife, not your woman, arsehole."

"Correction Alan, I was your wife. You kicked me out, remember? I would do what Matt says unless you want to end up in the hospital tonight?" 

I stepped toward him, and he headed for the door like a rat from a sinking ship. Once we heard the Audi pull out of the drive, Jenny hugged me so tight I could feel her whole body shaking with fear.

"Matthew, thank God you arrived when you did. I was terrified. I have never seen him so angry he wasn't meant to be home from work yet. I am so sorry I said you were my lover. I just wanted to piss him off."

"It's totally cool. I figured that's where you were going with that, so I played along."

"Did you mean what you said? Would you really have knocked him out?" 

"Fuck yeah, he was being a dick to you."

Jenny threw her arms around my neck and kissed me on the cheek.

"You are officially my hero."

I couldn't help but feel Jenny's large tits pressing against my chest as she hugged me. I sort of wished we weren't related because I would totally fuck her. She was as hot as any of the women I fuck over the last week in Switzerland, just a little older. But not as old as I thought she was, well she didn't look it.

With the trailer all packed up, we hit the road. We were two hours into the road trip, and even though we had questions to ask each other, we had not said much to each other. I could see Jenny looking at me and wanting to say something but didn't. Then suddenly, she thought she would kick off the conversation. 

"So are you ok to drive back to Breckenridge tonight? I mean, you have already driven 10 hours today?" Jenny asked.

"Yeah, I'm fine. If I get tired, you can drive, right?" I said, looking at her.

"Yeah, I guess. Or we could just stay somewhere tonight and drive in the morning."

"No, I have already gotten grief from the coach for blowing off practice today. I need to get back."

"Ah, ok. I googled you last night. I had no idea how famous my little brother was. Makes me feel proud and quite humble. I'm related to someone so famous. And I'm sure you have hundreds of girls chasing you. I mean, you are really good-looking and, of course, famous."

"Hey, you flirting with...

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Written by Kevtheledge63
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