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A daughters love

"A father finds new love with someone he least expects"

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"Wow, what a long day.” Celeste thought as she opened the door to her home. It was nighttime and she had just gotten home from a couple hours of studying at a friends house. As soon as she walked in the door she heard the sound of sex coming from the other end of the house. She wasn’t alarmed, she knew it was her father and probably a chick he picked up at the local bar. Ever since her mother left, her dad seemed to be dating a lot more, and bringing home his dates to fuck Although she was used to this, she thought that this girl was particularly loud.

Celeste dropped her backpack by the door and walked into her kitchen for a glass of water. She listened as her father and the girl he was with moans got louder. She finished her water and wondered into the hallway. she thought one little peak would'nt hurt. She wakled towards her dads bedroom door. “I just want to see what kind of slut dad brought home this time.”She thought. She walked up to the door and thought it was odd that it was actually opened just a crack. She peeked in. She saw a woman laying on the bed and her fathers head in between her legs.

“Oh Danny, yes! No one has ever licked my pussy like this before!” The girl gasped while bucking underneath her father.

Celeste looked at her father who was grunting as he was licking the girls pussy. She could see just the outline of what he looked like. The only light that was on in his room was a small dim lamp placed on the side of the room. She looked him up and down, she could tell he was naked because she could see his rather large cock sticking straight out. She watched him as he stood up.

Celeste slowly backed away from her fathers bedroom door quietly. If she was caught spying she would die of embarrassment, but as she walked to the end of the hall, she heard her father tell the slut to get on fours. She noticed as she entered her bedroom that her panties felt moist. This was normal as she found herself horny most of the time. She began taking her clothes off to get ready to hop in the shower.

Naked she walked to her bathroom. She started the shower and adjusted the water to how she wanted it. She began to inspect herself in the full length mirror on the closed door of the bathroom. For only 17, she was filled out nicely. She had beautiful ash blond hair that was down to the middle of her back, soft pale skin, deep hazel eyes, only 34 c sized breasts but they were beautiful. She also had a nice firm ass. She stood 5 foot 5, she had long legs. Those were her main feature, she worked out very hard to maintain the muscles in her legs to keep them looking nice.

Celeste hopped in the shower and did what she needed to do. Within 15 minutes she was done. She got out of the steamy shower, admired herself once more. She noticed her nipples standing up. She took one in her fingers and played with it for a second. She felt a tingle in her pussy. Noticing that she wrapped herself up in her fluffy towel and walked out of the bathroom. As soon as she put one foot in her room she heard moans from her dad and his partner again.

“They aren’t done yet!?” She said quietly to her self. She took a comb to her soft wet blond hair after that she dressed herself in her favorite short pink silk robe. She loved the way it felt on her hot skin. The alarm clock beside Celestes bed said it was 11:30 at night. Sho wondered how long her father and his date planned on going at it?” She asked herself. She turned out the light and got into bed. She closed her eyes but the sounds coming from her fathers bedroom kept her from falling asleep. She opened her eyes and listened intently.

“Oh, oh, oh Danny yes, fuck me just like that!” Celeste heard the girl moan loudly. “This pussy is yours forever!”

“Yeah Tammy, talk to me baby, tell me what I want to hear.” She heard her fathers raspy voice say. “ Do you like it when I fuck your wet pussy like this? You want it harder baby?” He asked.

Celeste felt herself getting wet as she listened to her father fucking. It turned her on to hear him moaning. She closed her eyes and pictured her dads sweaty naked body fucking his date. Celeste pushed her robe to the side revealing her moist pussy. She put her hand up to her naked breast and rubbed on the nipple getting it to stand up. She let a little moan out herself.

Then with the other hand she slowly made her way to her soaked mound. Finding her opening she shoved two of her fingers in. She Pulled them in then out a couple times moaning some more to herself. She loved finger fucking herself. She took her fingers out of her cunt and focused on her erect clit. She massaged the spot slowly. Then feeling her body tense up she massaged a little harder. “Fuck yeah!” She whispered as she released the orgasm, making her body shake from the intensity.

She laid there a little while longer. Thinking of her naked dad some more. She loved the way her father looked. She loved his short curly light brown hair, he had the same beautiful hazel eyes as she did. Her father was a tall man and didn't’t weigh much. He was very well built, he had the sexiest six pack she’d ever seen.
She always admired the way he looked. It wasn’t always like this. She only started fantasizing about him around 6 months ago. Silently touching herself when he would bring a girl home. The more she fantasized, the more she wished she was the one her father was fucking. Spying on him having sex became a regular thing, but she didn't’t find herself ashamed of what she was doing. Slowly Celeste felt herself falling asleep.

The next morning Celeste woke up very relaxed. It was the weekend and she was glad she got to sleep in. She got herself out of bed and went to the closet to pick out an outfit to wear. She decided on something that morning. She was going to confess to her dad her feelings today. She didn't’t know how but she felt if she didn't’t do it soon she would burst. She put on her short shorts and a pink low cut tank top and headed out to the kitchen.

Celeste poured herself a bowl of cereal and seated herself on the bar stools at the counter and ate alone. She was concentrating on a magazine she had put up there a couple days ago. That was until she heard talking coming from the hallway.

“But I thought you said you wanted to be with me forever.” She heard the girl from the night before say.

Celeste saw her father and the girl walk out towards the door. “Honey you were drunk when you asked me that so I didn't’ take you seriously.” He said with a sigh. Danny left the girl standing by the door and walked to the counter where his daughter was sitting. He grabbed a little black purse that belonged to his date. He looked at his daughter who was still eating smiled at her and said “Good morning love.”

“Good morning daddy, taking out the trash?” Celeste asked grinning and motioning with her hands at the girl by the door.

"Sure am!” He said as he returned his daughters grin.

“Excuse me! Did that bitch just call me trash!?” The girl asked enraged.

Danny walked over to the woman fast, handed her the black bag walked over to the door and opened it. “You, out, now!” He said scowling at the girl.

“But…” She young girl started to say.

Danny didn't’t give her a chance to finish, he grabbed the girls arm and pushed her out the door. He looked and her and says sternly “ No one calls my daughter a bitch. You just ruined any chance of you and me ever getting together again.” He slammed the door in the girls face and walked into the kitchen.

“Where and how do you find these girls dad?” Celeste asked her father as she put her bowl in the sink and washed it.

“I don’t know baby, I just don’t know.” He shrugged his shoulders, sighed and started to speak again "But I’ll tell you one thing, I think I’m gonna stop this dating shit for awhile. It’s just too much work. I always get stuck with these little immature girls.”

“Good for you! Finally learning something are we?” Celeste asked walking up to her handsome father. She wrapped her arms around him for a hug and she laid her head on his chest. “Daddy can we please spend today together? I feel like we have not gotten to spend too much time together the past couple of weeks.”

Danny looked down at his beautiful daughter and said.” Sure, what would you like to do today sweetheart?”

“I don’t know, I just want to spend some time with you.” Celeste said as she hugged her father tighter.

Celeste couldn't’t feel it but Danny’s cock was beginning to grow in his pants. This happened every time his daughter would hug him. But lately it’s been happening a lot more. He couldn't’t help looking every time Celeste came out of her room in a low cut shirt or short shorts. Or in her skimpy pjs that she loved to wear. Danny wanted nothing more than to spend the entire day with his loving little girl, he’d love to spend forever with her if she’d be willing.

The two of them went out to lunch, then caught a movie and after that they went to the mall together just to hang out and shop. Danny loved buying Celeste anything and everything she wanted. It was fun for him. With the day almost over Danny and Celeste headed home.

“Thanks Daddy, I had fun today.” Celeste told her dad as they walked into their home.

“Your welcome sweetie, I’d do anything for you. I love you so much baby.” Danny said pulling Celeste in for a tight hug. They stood there just hugging for a couple minutes.

As they pulled away from the intimate hug Celeste noticed something. She glanced quickly at her fathers crotch and sure enough there it was! Her father was sporting a massive hard on. Danny didn't’t seem to notice this as he wandered to the living room and plopped down on the couch.

“Daddy, I’ll be right back, I’m going to change into my pajamas.” She said as she headed to her room.

“OK honey. I’ll be waiting” Her father called out to her.

Celeste hurried to her room and shut the door. “Wow!” She thought. “Can this really be happening? Does my father want me?” She hoped his hard on was for her. Celeste rummaged through her dresser drawers and pulled out a sexy light blue night gown. She knew this was her fathers favorite gown that Celeste wore. She knew this because she caught him sneaking peaks at her a few times when she had worn it before. Why wouldn't he,the gown was short, silky and very sexy. She put in on and found the matching silky light blue panties.

Celeste walked casually out to the living room in her night gown and sat down next to her dad. She snuggled up close to him as he watched the TV. Danny hadn’t noticed what she had put on. “I love you daddy” Celeste said sweetly.

Danny put his arm around his little girl while still watching TV and said “ I love you too love.” As he put his arm around his daughter he noticed the fabric of the clothing she was wearing.

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He took his gaze from the TV and took a looked at Celeste. He was wearing a very stunned look on his face.

“Don’t you like it Dad?” Celeste asked. “I know it’s your favorite. I just wanted to look pretty for you.” She told him her face getting pink from embarrassment. She looked at his face which was still in shock. “I’m sorry!” She cried jumping off the couch and turning away from her father in shame.

Her father stood up went up to his daughter from behind and put his arms around her waist. “I’m sorry I reacted like that.” He told her. “I guess I’m not used to seeing you all grown up. You look amazing my dear Celeste!” He turned her around so he could face her. “You’re the most beautiful young woman I’ve ever seen.” He said kissing her forehead.

Danny wrapped Celeste up in another big hug from behind. He closed his eyes as he held his sexy daughter tight to him. He felt himself getting hard again. He opened his eyes and saw his daughters firm butt then her sexy long legs, he felt himself getting even more harder. “Oh god!” He thought to himself. “I really want this beautiful girl to be mine.”

Celeste pulled away from the hug and looked down between them at her fathers raging hard on. She looked up at her fathers face which was now red with shame. She took his hand and led him to the couch. They sat and she once again curled up to him. “It’s OK daddy. I know you want me”
Celeste whispered.

Danny sat there silent, looking at his daughter. His eyes traveled to her chest. He could tell she was not wearing a bra because he could see her small nipples poking out to say hello to him. He wanted to tell her he wanted her more than anything in the world, he wanted to tell her all the things he would like to do to her sexy body, but he couldn't find the words. He just sat there with shame.

Celeste knew this was not going to be easy. She took her Danny’s hand in hers and moved it to her thigh, she then slide it up underneath her silky gown and led in to her pussy. She took her hand off his and left it there for him to feel her wetness. “See daddy.’ She said smiling. “Do you feel that? You made me this wet. That’s because of you.” Celeste stood up and slid her night gown off her thin body. Then she removed her wet panties. There she stood naked in front of her admiring father.

It was then that Danny stood up as well, sporting a rather big bulge in his shorts. He went over to Celeste and put one of his hands on each of her soft arms. “My god baby you are beautiful.” He moved his hand up to her pretty face and lifted it to his. Danny’s lips found his daughters and they met for their first kiss. “Mmmmmmm….” A moan escaped from his mouth. He then picked up his daughter and placed his hands firmly on her tight ass. Celeste then took the opportunity to wrapped her legs around her father.

Celeste gave her father small kisses on his neck as he carried her to his bedroom. He dropped his little girl gently on the mattress and stripped. After he did that he laid beside his waiting daughter.

Danny looked into her eyes and said. “Celeste my love, I want you to know that I love you with all my heart.” He took her hand and placed it to his heart. ”Feel how fast my heart is beating? It only beats for you. If we do this…” He paused looking for the right words. He started again. “If we make love tonight, it will never be the same between us. We can’t go back to being in our loving father daughter relationship.” He kissed her lips and told her.” I want us to be together baby, just you and me. No one else! I don’t want anyone but you.”

Celeste felt her dads heart beat faster. She smiled and said ”Daddy, don’t you know that’s all I’ve ever wanted. I’ve wanted you for the longest time. I’d be honored to be with you.”

“From now on Celeste you cant call me daddy in public. From now on you and I are a couple. OK?” Danny asked.

“Mmmmmm yes Danny.” Celeste said and she found Danny’s firm cock. “I promise to love you forever!” She said as she massaged his bulging member.

Celeste sat up and got in between Danny’s legs she looked at her fathers cock which was now dancing in front of her eyes. She bent down and licked the tip. “Can I please suck your cock baby?” She asked with a pleading look in her eyes.

“Yes sweetie. Take my big cock in your mouth and suck it!” Danny gasped.

Celeste enveloped his cock with her hot wanting mouth and sucked it all the way down. “Oh Celeste baby!Yeah suck it just like that angel.” No one had ever sucked his cock the way she was doing now.

She sucked it for a couple more minutes until Danny sat up quickly and said. “No, I don’t want to cum yet. Get that sexy ass over here and let me taste your sweet wet pussy!”

Celeste did what he asked. She laid down and spread her firm legs. Danny found his over to his daughters sweet smelling pussy. He gave her erect clit a small little kiss. Then finally took it in his mouth and sucked it in.

“Danny! Oh my god your so good!” She cried out. Danny continued licking and sucking Celeste’s sweet cunt. Before he used to suck other women’s pussy’s and pretend it was Celeste’s pussy. He imagine her pussy would taste like honey....

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Written by DeliaStar05
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