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A Daughter's Bondage Gift For Her Dad

"A frustrated daughter finds a way to get her father in bed with her."

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I am Angie. I was sixteen, slim with long dark hair, and I had a massive problem. I wanted my Dad to fuck me. I had tried dropping hints, all of which were ignored. I knew he was not dumb, far from it, he was smart, intelligent, and good-looking, and yet, no matter how much I tried to let him know what I wanted, he just pretended he did not hear or understand.

I was at my wit's end. Finally, in sheer desperation, I asked Alan, my older brother, what I could do. That shows how desperate I was. Usually, I would never have mentioned it to him, he would have laughed at me, told me not to be so stupid. However, I thought I had a lever that would elicit his help.

In recent months, Alan had started noticing me. A few times when he had a mate over, I caught the two of them looking at me, and looking away when they saw me noticing them. As I had matured, I got the feeling that Alan would gladly fuck me. given half a chance, even though I was two years younger than him.

I had been told often that I was attractive. Admittedly, my boobs were not great, just 32B, but they still attracted lustful glances from the boys at school, and my legs were slim and sexy enough to get the boys looking hungrily at them. So why couldn't I get Dad to look at me like that?

It was early on a Friday evening, and I was in my room when Alan got home from work and came up the stairs. I gave him time to get his coat and shoes off, then went and knocked on his bedroom door.

"What are you after?" he growled as I entered his room.

"I need your help," I admitted, "how do I get Dad to fuck me?"

He looked at me in surprise.

"What? You want Dad to fuck you?" he laughed, "dream on, little sis. You have two chances, slim and none."

"But why?" I insisted, "am I not attractive, not fuckable?"

Alan cleared his throat before answering.

"Well, yeah, you are fuckable," he finally conceded, "but you know what Dad is like. You are still his little girl. He will not look at you that way unless it is served up on a plate for him."

"So how do I go about setting it up so he can't refuse?" I asked, "any ideas?"

Alan thought for a while.

"Look, what does Dad do on Saturdays?" he said, "he takes Mom to her Saturday job at 6, gets back, and goes back to bed until about 10."

"I know that," I sneered, "what is that to do with me?"

"Suppose when he gets back, he finds you in his bed, waiting for him?" Alan mused.

"He would tell me to get back to my own room," I guessed.

"Ah, but what if you were handcuffed to the bed?" he suggested, "and you had not got the keys?"

I smiled at the idea. Then frowned.

"But if I do not have the keys, how can I handcuff myself for him?" I pointed out.

"You can't, but I can set you up for him," Alan offered, "but it will cost you."

"How much?" I sighed.

"Not money," Alan corrected me, "I will settle for you in bed with me."

I looked at him astounded, surprised he would even suggest it.

"It is the only way you will get it done," he told me, "your choice."

I thought it over and came to the conclusion that he was right. At least it gave me a chance of fulfilling my fantasy. I nodded my agreement. He put his coat and shoes back on.

"Where are you going?" I asked.

"Have you got a pair of handcuffs handy?" he queried, "if not, I have to go get some. I know a place that stays open late, a sex shop, you know, porn films, adult magazines, and sex toys. I won't be long. Call it my contribution to your effort."

He was as good as his word, returning within half an hour. I went to bed that night tingling with anticipation. I was so wound up, I needed to put my hand between my legs, feeling the wetness as I stroked along my slit, then rubbing myself, feeling the warm wetness increase as I brought myself to a wonderful climax, burying my face in my pillow to muffle my screams.

I set my alarm for five past six in the morning and woke easily at the sound of it. Dad would already be out, so I went over to Alan's room, tapping on the door. He opened it, still looking sleepy.

"Are you ready? I want to get set up before Dad gets back," I told him.

"Okay, don't panic," he mumbled, "go use the bathroom. You won't be able to go once you are cuffed."

I took his advice and met him as he was going into Mom and Dad's room.

"Right, get the nighty off," he ordered, "we want you ready for him, with everything on display, let him see you are not a little girl anymore."

I blushed as I took off the nighty, letting my brother see me naked for the first time in many years, my nipples erect and just a light fuzz outlining my slit.

"Oh yes," Alan murmured softly, "he would need to be dead to pass that up. Get on the bed."

I did as he told me, putting my arms above my head so he could handcuff me to the metal headboard, the chain of the cuffs threaded through the metal bars. I thought that would be all, but he took an ankle, pulling it to the side of the bed. He took cords from his pocket, tying the ankle in place, then repeated it with the other ankle, so my legs were wide apart.

"Angie, you have no idea how sexy that looks. Nobody could refuse that," he whispered, "even I am having trouble not fucking you right now."

He stroked a finger along my slit, feeling the wetness already there, and making me squirm. He smiled at my reaction and started rubbing, watching as I wriggled helplessly. He stopped, leaving me squirming in frustration.

"I was so tempted to make you come," he confessed, "but I will save that pleasure for when I collect my payment. Remember, I get paid even if he doesn't fuck you. Agreed?"

I nodded, and he left the room after covering me with the sheet. I must have dozed off, but the sound of the front door slamming let me know Dad was back. Oh God, now I was nervous. I heard footsteps on the stairs, then the bedroom door opening. There was a moment of silence, then the sheet was pulled off me, revealing my naked and helpless body.

"Angie, what the hell are you playing at?" Dad snapped, "get back to your own room."

I shook my head.

"Can't, no, no keys for, for the handcuffs," I stammered, "I'm sorry, Dad, I just... I just thought..."

Tears came unbidden, as I saw how stupid I had been. Why should Dad even look at me when he had someone as sexy as Mom to satisfy his needs?

"I thought if you found me like this, you would see I am not just a little girl anymore," I almost yelled, "and you ignored all my hints, and I have wanted you so much, but you never even acknowledged that I was grown up, and now I am like this and you still don't want me."

He came over to the bed, sitting on the edge. A hand stroked my face.

"Oh, Angie," he murmured, "if you only knew how hard it has been, ignoring all the hints and invitations. I guess I just did not want to accept that my little girl has grown up."

He sighed, a hand smoothing my hair, then moving down to my neck. I squirmed at his touch.

"Why do you think I stopped letting you sit on my knee in the evenings?" he asked, "or letting you kiss me Goodnight? I was getting horny when you did, and I was scared I would make a grab for you, and we both know there are laws against that."

I nodded miserably.

"My problem now is what to do with you," he went on, "What would you do if your darkest, most erotic fantasy, suddenly appeared in front of you?"

"Enjoy it?" I suggested, "at least now you know I want it too."

"I think you have made that pretty clear," he laughed, "and I have to admit that you are certainly not a little girl anymore. You are sure about this?"

I nodded, smiling at him. He bent over, kissing me. Not the chaste Daddy-daughter kiss which he used to give, but the kind of kiss given to a lover. His hand caressed my tit, teasing the nipple and making me moan softly. He smiled as he watched me squirm, then slowly slid his hand down, over my belly, brushing the soft fuzz between my legs, and then stroking along my wet slit.

"Mmm, seems I am not the only one looking forward to this," he murmured, "have you ever been fucked before?"

I shook my head.

"Only with vibrators," I told him, "I wanted you to be my first."

He was rubbing my clit, watching me trying to push up against his hand. A finger slid into me, then two, pumping them in and out of me. A third finger slid in. Oh God, the feeling was incredible as he finger-fucked me, his eyes never leaving my face.

"Nice and tight," he announced, "but I don't think you will have any problem with being fucked. Not if you can take three fingers without any discomfort."

He withdrew his fingers, just as I was ready to come. I groaned.  "So my girl doesn't like being denied her climax," he laughed, "I wonder how long I can keep you waiting?"

He started taking his clothing off, with me watching fascinated. He was so tall, about six foot, and still slim. His hair was still dark, and as his shirt was removed, I could see no sign of sagging muscles or pot belly. After taking the shirt off, he came over to me, rubbing between my legs, taking me higher and higher, and then stopping. He did this with every item of clothing. Take it off, then finger-fuck me until I was so near to coming, and stopping every time before I could get there.

And by every item, I am talking shoes, socks, every single item, and each time I was teased to within seconds of coming. I was almost screaming in frustration, and he knew it. He hesitated when all that was left were his boxer shorts, looking at me doubtfully, but eventually slipped them down.

I looked at his cock, already standing up proudly. Oh wow, it looked so big, bigger and thicker than any vibrators I had used. My pussy twitched at the thought of that inside me. He lay next to me, a leg over my leg, and his cock pressing into my leg as he kissed me, then moved slowly down the bed.

His teeth nibbled at my neck, and I was squirming wildly, giving away how sensitive my neck was. All that achieved was to make him spend more time kissing and nibbling that area, clearly enjoying my discomfiture as I grew more desperate.

Down a bit further, his hair tickling under my arm as he leaned across to take a nipple into his mouth, while a hand pinched and squeezed the other nipple. He was creating sensations that I had never experienced before. I should have known. This was a man who had been enjoying sex for longer than I had been born, and not only enjoying it but making my sexy Mom happy and satisfied for all these years.

He was obviously going to know what areas would get the best reactions from me. I was so near to coming, and he had not even reached my soaking slit yet. He continued his downward journey, inevitably discovering how sensitive and ticklish I was along my ribs.

The slightest touch sent me into convulsions, so with a hand teasing along one side and his early morning stubble scraping along the other side, I was laughing hysterically. I could not avoid a single touch, and I honestly thought I was going to wet myself. Thank God, Alan had made me use the bathroom before getting into the bed.

At last, Dad took pity on me, and moved away from the ribs, kissing his way across my belly, then settling between my wide-open thighs, his face inches from my hungry pussy. I could feel his warm breath on my wetness. Strong fingers parted my outer lips, and a tongue snaked along the length of my slit, flicking the love button at the end of the stroke and making me gasp.

He obviously saw my reaction because he repeated the lick over and over. I was squirming frantically by then, and when he started rubbing my clit, I went into orbit, arching up as far as I could as I came massively for him. Oh God, I had climaxed most nights, using my hands or a vibe, but had never had a climax anywhere near the intensity of that one. I collapsed back onto the bed, gasping for breath, while my sexy Dad stroked me softly while I recovered.

"I take it my girl enjoyed that," he observed, "have you any idea just how sexy you look when you come?"

I just lay moaning softly, unable to answer. After a while,  he moved back, positioning himself between my open thighs, his cock nudging the entrance to my soaking pussy, then slid easily into me. He entered me slowly until I was totally impaled on his erection. I felt so full, and It felt so good, I just wanted to stay like that forever.

Then he started to move, shafting me slowly at first, and I realised that what had felt so good moments before was nothing compared to this. Every muscle inside me was gripping him, and I could feel the full length of his cock as I was fucked for the first time in my life.

Dad smiled down at me, still screwing me slowly, and my frustration was growing as he took me higher and higher but not enough for me to come. I guessed he was holding back.

"Dad, I am not made of icing sugar," I murmured, "you can fuck me harder. I won't break."

He increased his speed, then his hands were gripping my hips, and he was rough-fucking me, banging hard and I was coming for him, screaming my pleasure as I came, and feeling his cock twitching as warm wetness exploded deep inside me as he came. I was gasping for breath as he pulled out of me, his cum oozing out of my slit and running down to my bum-crack.

He was lying next to me kissing me deeply, one hand on my backside, pulling me into him. He was breathing hard too, and from the smile on his face, he had clearly enjoyed fucking his little girl. Not that he would ever think of me that way again. After a few moments of getting our breath back, he lay idly teasing my nipple and watching me squirm for him.

"I only finished my period a couple of days ago," I told him, "so I won't get pregnant."

"You wouldn't anyway," he informed me, "I had the snip years ago, vasectomy. I am firing blanks."

I smiled at this news, knowing it meant I could enjoy him any time without worrying about pregnancy. I would have to talk to Mom about going on the pill though, just in case I got fucked by anyone else.

"How did you get handcuffed without keys?" he asked.

"Alan helped," I confessed.

"Christ, how did you talk him into that," Dad enquired, "I thought he hardly talked to you."

"We did a deal," I admitted, "he helped with this and I would let him have me in bed as payment."

Dad looked at me in astonishment. He got off the bed, opening the door.

"ALAN!" he yelled.

Alan came rushing in.

"Angie tells me you helped set this up," Dad accused him, "in return for payment."

Alan nodded, looking nervous. He held out the keys.

"Sorry," he muttered, "I will unlock her."

"No rush, and no need to be sorry," Dad told him, "Angie and I both got what we wanted. I just thought you would like to collect your payment now while she is all set out ready for you."

Alan grinned. "Oh yes," he murmured.

"Go grab some condoms," Dad told him, "before our girl goes off the boil."

My toes curled and the warm tingle started between my legs as I realised I was going to be fucked by my brother as well as my Dad. Dad started stroking my slit gently, increasing my wetness.

"Have you ever been enjoyed by another female?" he asked.

I shook my head, wriggling as the pressure from his fingers increased.

"I think your Mother will be correcting that tonight," he told me, "after all, she has been enjoying Alan since he was sixteen, and I know for a fact that she really enjoys playing with young females."

I squirmed in anticipation as Alan returned with a handful of condoms. He hastily put one on, while Dad kneeled near my head, moving me until his semi-flaccid cock was nudging my cheek. I opened my mouth for him, not knowing what to do next, but certain I would soon be taught.

My lips enclosed the cock, and Dad was sliding in and out of my mouth. Without thinking, my tongue was teasing the tip of his cock, and from the smile on his face, I was not doing too badly for a first effort. Alan slid into my soaking slit, not as gently as Dad had done, but I enjoyed how hard he was fucking me.

Mmm, a cock at both ends, and the prospect of a sexy Mom introducing me to lesbian sex later that night. Looked like my sex life was finally going to be...

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Written by marie5555
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