I think we’ve all thought about, at one time or another, what it would be like to have super powers, which power we would choose. I know I used to. However there is one thing missing from all of the day dreaming, comics and super hero movies, a super sex life. Think about it, none of the superhero movies have super hot sex scenes. Most, depict the hero actively trying to avoid the opposite sex. There’s a reason for that, super powers make it nearly impossible to have any kind of a sex life at all, super or otherwise. I used to have an amazing sex life. Before I had super powers, when I was just a normal guy in the Marine Corp. I had women all over the world, sometimes two at a time. Then, the accident happened, I was stationed at a top secret government research facility. I don’t even know what they were researching, one of the scientists tried to explain it to me once, but I hardly understood a word of what he was telling me. I’d ask him to explain it to me again, but I am the only one who survived the explosion.
My memory of the whole thing is fragmented, I only remember bits and pieces. All I know is, I reported for duty that morning as usual, took up my post at the gate, and woke up in a hospital six months later. The doctors all told me there was no way I should have survived, let alone recover from my injuries. They said, if I was lucky, I might regain some use of my arms, but I would never walk again. They painted a pretty bleak future for a young active guy like myself.
They were wrong, not only, did I make a full recovery, but I became stronger than I had ever been. Actually, I suddenly had the strength of twenty men, could run faster than the fastest sprinter, and was virtually impervious to injury. The doctors were astonished and subjected me to test after test in order to explain what had happened. All to no avail. Since there was nobody that worked in the facility still living, they had no idea what I’d been exposed to or what effects it might have on me in the future. The general consensus among the doctors was that, although whatever I had been exposed to was responsible for my miraculous recovery and new found abilities, the resulting mutations in my cell structures would, most likely, also result in an eventual equally rapid cell collapse and painful demise. Well, that hasn’t happened, at least not yet. In fact I have continued to gain strength over the seven years that have passed since the accident.
Everything was great, at first, I was reassigned to a secret agency responsible for carrying out only the most sensitive and dangerous missions. I was the nation’s secret weapon, and I was good at it too. Though, it didn’t take long to discover the downside of my new powers, I couldn’t make love to a woman without seriously injuring her. You see the same abilities that made me a superhero, were also impossible to control while in the throes of passion. For one thing, the same properties that made my flesh impervious to knives, swords, bullets, and pretty much everything else, also basically turned my penis into a deadly weapon capable of puncturing human flesh and crushing bone. Secondly, things would start out fine but, as my passion built, I was unable to control the speed and force of my thrusting, resulting in major injury to any unlucky partner. Unfortunately, I only discovered this fact when a cute little nurse climbed into my bed one night in the hospital. She did eventually walk again but, was too traumatized to ever have sex again, poor thing.
Being unable to make love to a woman was devastating to me, as the accident had also greatly increased my already high sex drive. My only option was to take matters into my hand, which came with its own perils. Not only did I now have super speed and super strength, but I also had super orgasms. Whenever I reach climax, gallons of semen blast from my turgid member with the force and velocity of a cannon blast. Luckily I wasn’t with a partner when I discovered this, otherwise I might have killed someone instead of just putting a hole in the ceiling of my hospital room. The guy in the room above got quite a rude awakening though. It was also a bit of an embarrassment to explain what happened when security rushed into my room looking for a terrorist.
After leaving the hospital, I met a beautiful woman that was almost perfect to me. She was smart, funny, beautiful, and fun to be with. I managed to avoid getting sexual with her for a while, but inevitably I had to explain what happened to the nurse. It didn’t scare her off though, and she was determined to find a way for us to have a physical relationship. The best I could do was offer to pleasure her orally. An offer which, she was delighted to accept. In the course of performing this act on her, I found my new powers to be quite helpful, as the speed with which my tongue flew over around and into her sex, brought her to orgasm rapidly and repeatedly. By the time I stopped, she was completely exhausted and unable to move.
After our first few sessions together, she felt she needed to do something for me in return and insisted on giving me a hand job. I reluctantly agreed, warning her to stay clear of the danger zone when I reached my peak. I dropped my pants and she proceeded to manually stimulate my organ as our lips and tongues twisted together. As I felt my testicles draw up and my tool swell, I hollered for her to stand clear. Unfortunately, instead of standing clear, she looked straight down just as I erupted.
Once the bandages came off, and the swelling went down, she was still pretty, even with the eye patch. I tried, but she always nervous around me after that and our relationship fell apart.
My new assignment with the government gave me a lot of free time with little to do. Which, left me perpetually horny, thinking about all of the sex I would be having, if only I could. I desperately needed something to occupy my mind before I went crazy. I started going to the gym and whenever that guy, you know the one, tries to draw everyone’s attention to how much he is lifting, would finish his set, I would walk over, pick up the bar with one hand and ask, “You done with this?” That was fun for a while, but soon grew old.
I took a few art classes and started painting. That didn’t help, I just ended up painting pictures of sexy nude women and twisted orgy scenes. A friend suggested model railroading and took me to a train show with him. Soon, a detailed model railroad layout, complete with tiny brothels, miniature street walkers, and orgy scenes, filled my entire basement. Obviously that wasn’t keeping my mind off of women and sex. Then I had a brilliant idea, I had the powers of a super hero. What I needed was a secret lair, a cool car, and appropriate super suit. Probably, a super hero name too, I wasn’t really concerned with that. The secret lair and car was what I really wanted.
Being a highly valued government operative, I was able to persuade the agency to provide funding and high tech gadgetry for my “Secure Base of Operations," but not the car. They did however, agree to provide me with a fully armored Hummer.
My little project’s funding came from a special black ops fund which meant, there was none of the usual red tape and oversight attached to government funding. This allowed me to build my lair any where, and any way I wanted. I found the perfect spot, fairly isolated on a mountainside overlooking the city below. I brought in a crew of hard rock miners to tunnel into the mountain and carve out chambers for a workshop, command center, garage, and living quarters. It took nearly two years to complete the digging. After that, it took another year, doing most of the work myself, to complete. Once finished the large vehicle entrance was undetectable when closed. The only sign that any construction had occurred on the site, was the unassuming house that I constructed around the upper entrance which, was hidden behind a false wall in a closet.
The project had been a lot of work and had helped distract me from thinking about the sex that I couldn’t have for three years. Now that I had a fully equipped shop to work in, it was time to build my super hero car. Over the next year, with the help of a mechanic friend, and a couple of NASA engineers, the Hummer was transformed into a high tech, high powered, badass armored superhero mobile. We also made a few modifications to my old Harley, making it a high tech super machine as well.
The guys at NASA also helped me out with a true super hero suit, complete with lots of high tech gadgetry. It looked really cool and, though not quite indestructible, could withstand most anything I was likely to encounter. All I needed now was a name. You would think a name would be the easiest part of becoming a super hero, you would be wrong. It seems, most of the good ones are taken and one thing I don’t want to fight is a trademark infringement suit. Even super heroes fear lawyers. I spent weeks trying to come up with a good name, it kept me up at night. Finally, I settled on Night Wolf, for no reason in particular, other than wolves are pretty cool and it sounded better than anything else I could come up with.
For a little over four years, the project had kept my mind occupied and distracted me from my sexual desires. Now, it was complete and I was right back where I started. I began patrolling the city at night intent on being a real super hero and fighting crime. The thing is, it’s a lot harder to catch criminals in the act and save the day just in the nick of time than the movies would lead you to believe. Also, super villains just aren’t all that common either.
I pretty much spent every night, sitting in the worst part of town, waiting for something to happen. It hardly ever does, unless you just happen to be in the right place at the right time. I did manage to stop a convenience store robbery and some teenagers who were about to vandalize a playground. Other than that, I sat in the Wolf Mobile, watching hookers and wishing I could bang one, or all, of them.

As I sat watching what I thought was going to become a break in, but turned out to be a man who couldn’t find his keys, I became more depressed and despondent than ever and headed for the nearest bar intending to get super drunk.
I sat at the bar and downed two shots and a beer without even looking around at the place. I ordered another round and surveyed the place while waiting for my drinks. With rainbow flags hanging everywhere and two guys making out by the pool table it became obvious, I was in a gay bar. It didn’t matter to me, as good a place to get drunk as any I thought, downing another shot.
I noticed a big burly guy sitting at the other end of the bar and the thought fluttered briefly in my mind, that he might be stout enough to withstand my lustful pounding. I dismissed the thought just as quickly, knowing nobody could withstand it.
A lovely woman in a short form fitting red dress sauntered over and sat beside me.
“Mind if I sit here?” She smiled.
I smiled back, glancing at her pert round breasts and perfect legs. “Help yourself,” I muttered, knowing she was a lesbian, and even if she wasn’t, there was nothing I could do with her anyway.
“Interesting uh...suit,” she said, looking me over.
I’d actually forgotten I was suited up for fighting crime, at least I’d left the mask in the car. “Uh, thanks, it’s my uniform,” I stuttered, not sure how else to explain my unusual attire .
“Uniform huh, so you part of some elite military unit or something?” She smiled.
“Used to be in the Marines,” I answered, hoping she wouldn’t pursue the subject further, but she did.
She continued her teasing interrogation with sparkling friendly smiles and subtle melodic giggles. I kept my replies short and vague until, I broke down and spilled my entire story. I don’t know why, maybe I just needed somebody to know. Maybe the years of frustration finally caused a full mental break. Whatever the reason, I poured my heart out to this beautiful stranger. When I was finished, I chugged the rest of my beer and set the empty mug on the bar with a sigh of relief.
“Wow, honey you need a good fuck more than anyone I’ve ever met. Let’s go to my place and I’ll help you out with that,” she said, trailing her red polished nails along my thigh and over the growing bulge in my suit.
Her touch caused an instant stir in my pants and I pulled away, staring at her in disbelief. “Are you crazy, didn’t you hear what I just said? I can’t have sex with you, it would kill you!”
She just smiled a wanton smile and leaned in to whisper in my ear, “Honey, you might be a super stud, but I’m a super slut and I can take whatever you got. And, if I’m wrong, well, what a way to go.”
She lightly kissed my cheek, took my hand in hers, and walked toward the door swaying her hips, with me trailing behind like a puppy. It was a short walk to her apartment and all the way there, I continued trying to tell her we couldn’t do this. She ignored my protests and carried on undeterred.
The apartment door was barely shut and she was in my arms, kissing me, pushing her hot tongue in my mouth. My long neglected organ threatened to tear through my suit, and probably would have if it weren’t made of space age tungsten polymer. I pushed her away, but her legs locked around my waist with surprising strength and her fingers gripped my hair tightly.
“Stop! We can’t do this. I don’t want to hurt anyone else,” I begged.
She held the sides of my head so I was staring into the deep dark pools of her eyes. “You got me all worked up, bragging about your wonder cock and how you wield it. Now you’re going to prove you’re not all talk. Believe me stud, I can take all you got. So shut up and fuck me!”
Her words and the heat of her spectacular body against me, overwhelmed my senses and I kissed her hard, ready to devour her. She had asked for it and, now, I was going to give it to her, damn the consequences. I balanced her perfect round ass in one hand while slipping the thin straps of her dress from her shoulders with the other. The top of her dress fell away, revealing the creamy flesh and stiff pink caps of her perfectly rounded perky breasts.
Our lips and tongues tangled in a passionate duel as I carried her to the sofa and set her down gently. Her hands reached for my belt, activating The Hibernator, a hidden canister of knockout gas used to immobilize enemies. Fortunately, my lightning fast reflexes enabled me to disable the device and haul her into the other room before she inhaled enough of the gas to completely knock her out. She was pretty woozy for about twenty minutes though, Which gave me just enough time to get out of my suit. The boys at NASA never considered undressing quickly to be a high priority in the design of a super suit.
Of course, by the time I stood naked before her, I’d had time to reconsider what I was doing and was about to refuse when she leaned forward and sucked my throbbing tool into her hungry mouth. It had been a long time since I’d felt the touch of a woman and my eyes rolled back in my head as the warmth engulfed my long neglected member. My fingers tangled in her silky red curls as her mouth expertly pleasured my rigid pole. My orgasm was building quickly and I knew I had to stop her before I erupted. Reluctantly, I pulled myself from her warm sucking mouth and placed her on the bed.
She looked so disappointed, I feared she might start to cry. “Sorry, it’s been a long time and I wasn’t going to last much longer,” I apologized.
I kissed her again, moving onto the bed with her and caressing her firm luscious breasts. She moaned at my touch and wriggled beneath me. Lust was rising within me as I kissed and licked my way down her neck. She had ignited an inferno and there was only one way for it to be extinguished.
I rose up on my knees, gripping the tiny waistband of her red lace panties and slid them down her long silky smooth legs, revealing, not the pretty wet pussy I was expecting but, a stiff little cock and balls. My jaw dropped as I stared in surprise.
“What were you expecting hun? You did pick me up in a gay bar,” she giggled, spreading her legs wide and reaching down to cover her little surprise.
I struggled to find words as she started fingering her puckered pink hole. “Just slide it in baby, I guarantee you’ll love it,” she bit her bottom lip while pushing a second finger in.
I knew a few guys in the corps who’d bragged about the ladyboys overseas but, I’d never partaken myself. At his point my lust was at an all time high and I decided it was too late to stop now. I moved between her splayed thighs and lined my throbbing pole up with her pink little hole.
“Whoa, hold up there cowboy,” she said placing her palm flat on my broad chest. “I may be a slut, but a girl still needs a little lube. Especially with a trouser snake as big as yours.” She handed me a bottle from the nightstand with a giggle and pulled her knees back toward her chest.
“Oh yes baby,” she moaned as I pushed two lubed fingers into her. “That’s it baby, stretch my pussy for your big hard cock.”
Once we were both well prepared, I edged closer and slowly pushed into her. I hadn’t penetrated anyone in seven years and had to fight the urge to immediately bury my bone deep in her tight slick hole.
“Oh god, you feel so good,” I groaned as I pushed further into her welcoming orifice.
“Oh yes baby, give it to me. I want it all!” she moaned, grabbing my ass and pulling me all the way inside her.
After such a long time without feeling the touch of another, I was already about to explode and had to pause a moment to calm myself down. After the feeling of impending orgasm passed, I began slowly pumping in and out of her tight sheath. She felt so good impaled on my iron hard shaft I struggled to control the speed and power of my thrusting to avoid injuring her.
“Give it to me baby, harder, fuck me harder,” she screamed, raking her nails down the sides of my ass.
She was making it impossible to control myself and I thrust harder and faster, gripping her hips to avoid driving her through the wall.
“Yes, yes yes fuck me baby, fuck me!” she wailed as her body began to spasm and white cum spurted from her little dick.
The harder I thrust, the louder she moaned until I finally reached my peak and exploded inside her. She took the full force of my release inside of her and shot out of my grip and across the room, slamming into the wall head first and sprawled limply on the floor in a puddle of hot cum.
Oh god! I’ve killed her, I thought as I stared at her limp twisted form lying there. I rushed to her side, knowing without a doubt that I’d killed her. I sobbed uncontrollably as I gently brushed the bits of broken drywall from her hair.
“Sorry, oh god I’m so sorry,” I sobbed as hot tears flooded my cheeks.
I sat beside her lifeless body, sobbing and wondering what to do when suddenly, her body twitched and she sat up with a moan. I fell back in shock and stared with surprise as she shook the dust and debris from her fiery curls.
“You’re alive,” I shrieked, reaching for her.
She looked at me with a wicked smile. “Alive? Honey, I’m more than just alive. I’m fantastic! That’s the best fuck I’ve ever had, and I can’t wait to do it again!”
Things have changed drastically for me since that night. I still go out fighting crime a few nights a week but the rest of my time is spent deep in my lair with my super slut, having super sex. Maybe this super hero gig isn’t that bad after all.