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The Case Of The Blood Red Moon

"A detective finds out not all storybook horrors hide in the dark."

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A low moan of pleasure escaped her lips. His head was nestled between her legs as he licked her there. She caressed his curly hair. The feeling of his probing tongue sent erotic ripples through her young body. They were high school sweethearts. The summer moon shone down through the open sunroof on them in the back seat of his car.

He captured her clit between his warm lips and gently sucked. Another moan escaped her, and a hot flush spread across her flesh. Into her moist depths, he slid one long finger. Her body gave a small shudder as he penetrated her though he could only go so deep before they touched her hymen. He moved his hand back and forth as he licked at her pussy with his tongue. It sent another shudder through her young naked body.

She felt his other hand on the underside of her leg, caressing her, then he lifted it to place it on his shoulder. This pressed her back into the seat. It also opened her legs to his actions further. He added a second finger to the first. He often played with her with them. Sometimes like this while he licked her, and at other times when they were necking. He did not know she secretly wore skirts almost every time they went on a date, just so she could let him fondle her with those fingers. 

Her breath came in gasps, and quivers rippled through her. His skillful actions were going to bring her to a climax soon. She felt as if she could float up and touch the moon, so bright and full above her. When he took her clit in his mouth and sucked, she exploded.

Her orgasm clouded her mind with pleasure, and her body quivered around his fingers.

"Darling," she whispered, coming to earth moments later. Taking his face in her hands, she kissed him. She tasted herself on his lips. "That's the last time you do that."

Puzzlement at her words showed on his face. Backseat groping and hidden fondles had been the extent of their teenage passion.

"Do that to a virgin, silly," she smiled, a wicked smile. Tonight she had decided things would change between them. "I want you. I want you in me tonight."


Under that same full moon, a dark and sinister shape watched the two young lovers. In its heart throbbed a different passion, one for blood and violence. It wanted warm flesh beneath its claws, but something held it back. Let them have their brief moment of sweaty lust, it thought. There was still time.


"Put it in me," she whispered. "I want you so badly."

Standing between her legs, he muttered a soft curse. Sitting up, she looked down. He was fiddling with something in his hands obviously aggravated.

"Damned rubber," he muttered. "I can't get it on."

"I've never seen one," she told him.

Suddenly feeling quite brazen, she reached for his hand.

"Let me see it."

She took it from him. Putting one finger into near-transparent latex, she saw the problem. In his excitement, he had been trying to put it on backward. With one hand, she grasped his erect cock. Eager to be in her, it quivered at her touch. She centered the condom and unrolled it down the hard shaft.

"Maybe I shouldn't let you have me," she stroked his latex-covered cock. "Maybe I'll just give you a handjob instead."

He kissed her as an answer to her teasing. His tongue entwined in hers. With his hands, he massaged her bare breasts. She broke the kiss and moved his cockhead to the entrance of her virgin cunt. She rubbed it up and down her wet pussy, just barely inside the lips. Her excited juices made the tip shiny in the moonlight. He sucked in his breath at her actions.

He moved his hips slowly forward and back, letting his cock penetrate her. The tip wormed its way in and out. Pleasure for them both radiated from the contact. Her pussy got even wetter, preparing her for that thrust that would make her a woman.

With one arm, he hooked her left knee. Pulling her leg up, he rested her ankle on his shoulder. He did the same with the other leg, then spread her wide. At the end of each shallow stroke, the head of his cock pressed against her cherry. Just a light tap and brief pressure. Waves of pleasure flowed through her, and she sighed, unconsciously relaxing. She was surprised at his restraint.

Suddenly he lunged forward. The thin barrier of her virginity gave way with one quick tear. The pain was sharp. He let her recover then feed her two slow strokes. Going deeper each time, he opened untouched depths. That lit her mind with erotic joy. He pushed forward until he was buried to the root.

The juices that wet his pubic hairs were tinted pink. In their passion, both ignored that little bit of blood.


The dark and sinister shape had almost made up its mind to seek other prey. Then the coppery scent of newly spilled blood wafted across its nostrils. The smell was a hot iron thrust deep into its brain. Red eyes stared through the tall grass at the grunting couple. It stood and started forward.

Perhaps the boy would fight. Long clawed hands clenched and unclenched. Gauging the boy's strong back and bulging muscles, it smiled. It was always good when they fought. The dark shape glided silently through the grass.

Or perhaps the girl would run. It chuckled softly to itself, thinking of past chases. Yes, better when they ran.


The sun had just dipped below the horizon when Detective Sergeant George Saberson pulled into the Precinct's parking lot. He had his pick of places. The lot was empty except for three other autos and a single squad car.

Tonight was the last night the old station would be open. Tomorrow, its doors would be locked for good. The city had consolidated all of the West County departments over the last year into one "mega-station." Saberson did not care for the new building. It was an ugly block of concrete and glass. Worse, it added twenty minutes to his travel time. Moving had taken less time than planned. The only things left here were some furniture and the phones. Since the date had been publicly announced, the Chief felt obliged to keep a few people here until the old station was officially closed.

Saberson, as the newest Detective Sergeant at the Precinct, was stuck with the shit detail of this last night's watch. With him were Desk Sergeant Gardner and two patrolmen. Of all the luck, he thought, getting out of his car. At least it got him out of Stakeout. Grabbing his jacket, he went inside.

"You don't understand!" someone yelled. "He has got to die before the moon comes up."

Gardner and the two patrolmen were clearly in trouble. Hands high, their pistols lay at their feet. They were held at bay by a dark-haired man in his thirties and wearing glasses. He wore blue jeans and a t-shirt, with a windbreaker over that. He clenched a big silver revolver in a shaky grip.

"I'll shoot one of you if I have to!" The man yelled, clearly nervous. "Take me to him now."

Saberson let the door close softly, careful not to make a sound. Luckily, the man had not noticed his entrance.

"Now, let us all stay calm," a woman's voice said. "There is no need for violence. I am sure something can be worked out if we just talk about it."

She was standing over by the benches. That is why Saberson had not seen her when he had entered. A tall woman easily six foot, she wore a business suit with a short skirt, glasses, and had her red hair pulled back with one of those large bows Saberson hated. She was beautiful in a cold and frosty way. He did not recognize her.

"You've got no idea what you are dealing with!" The man kept moving the gun back and forth. "You think those puny bars will hold him. When the moon rises, he'll break free and kill you all."

Saberson drew his revolver, stepped up, and put the barrel to the back of the man's head.

"Only going to be one person who might die here tonight," he growled. "It just depends on how stupid he is."

"Oh hell," the man muttered, lowering his gun.

Gardner and the two patrolmen jumped forward, wrestling him to the floor. They cuffed his hands behind his back and began reading him his rights.

"Damned glad to see you, Detective," Gardner handed Saberson the man's gun.

It was a big .44 magnum. Saberson popped open the cylinder. The bullets inside were strange, not lead but shiny and what looked like silver. Saberson put the pistol in his coat pocket. The two patrolmen pulled the man roughly to his feet and hustled him into the back. They would take him to the elevator then downstairs to the basement holding cells.

"Who's the woman?" Saberson asked Gardner.

"A shrink from Barnes," the sergeant answered. "Here to see the Mauler."

"Say what?!" Saberson exclaimed. "I didn't know we caught the bastard."

"This morning. The Department is holding him here to keep a lid on it."

The woman walked up then.

"Doctor Penelope O'Shay," she introduced herself. "Are all nights this much fun?"

Saberson chuckled, shaking her hand.

"Full moon brings out the crazies," he replied. To Gardner, he said. "Phone Dispatch and have them send a car for the wacko with the gun. I want him out of here."

The Sergeant nodded and went to make the call. It gave Saberson a chance to look over the psychiatrist.

O'Shay? Irish, then. She had that classic Maureen O'Sullivan looks. Carrot topped redhead, with the promise of fiery passion. Her glasses were perched low on her nose, and with her hair pulled back, she looked like some prim schoolmarm. The way she filled out that business suit made you think of anything but school.

"I came to interview the suspect," she stated. "Can we get to it? It has been a long day, and this shit hasn't helped. I would like to get home."

Saberson nodded and lead her toward the back.

"What's the story on the Mauler?" he asked.

"The suspect was picked up this morning," she said as she followed him through the empty offices. "Patrol officers answering a call on an abandoned auto."

There were two ways down to the basement holding cells, the elevator, and a set of stairs. To use the stairs, Saberson would have to get keys from Gardner. He stopped before the elevator and pushed the down button.

"What makes them think he is our man?"

He turned when she did not answer him. O'Shay was standing there staring at the elevator like it might bite her, clearly nervous.

"You okay, Doc?" he asked.

His question seemed to shake her out of her daze. The door to the elevator opened, and the two patrolmen walked out.

"I'm fine," she said.

They entered together. Saberson punched in his code number to activate the elevator, then pushed the down button. She still looked nervous, but Saberson let it ride.

"What makes them think this guy is the Mauler?" he asked again.

In the past two nights, nine people had been killed. Every one of them had been literally torn to bits. So far, the media only knew of three, all found together in a northside condo.

"The responding officers found him nude, and asleep in the front seat of the car," she answered. "In the backseat were two headless bodies covered in blood."

Saberson let out a low whistle. The elevator stopped, and the doors opened. A row of cells greeted them, only two with occupants.

"You have got to let me out of here!" the man from upstairs yelled. "The moon is almost up. There's not much time to act."

Saberson ignored him instead of concentrating his attention on the other prisoner.

The Mauler was big. That was his first impression. Two fifty, two seventy-five, all muscle. He sat on his bunk, arms wrapped around his legs. He wore one of those orange prisoner jumpsuits. His head was on his knees. Long blonde hair hung down past his shoulders, hiding his face from their view.

"Hello, my name is Doctor O'Shay," The psychiatrist stepped up to the bars. "What's yours?"

"Great, twenty questions!" the other man scoffed. "We're all going to die."

"Shut up!" Saberson ordered.

"Thorgenson," the man sat down on his bunk. "Olaf Thorgenson. Scream that name when he rips your hearts out."

"You know each other?" O'Shay asked.

"I've been tracking this bastard for twenty states, always just behind him," he said, then laughed. "Now it's all going to end because the cops are too stupid to see the truth."

"What truth?"

"Thorgenson is a werewolf!"

The man suddenly bolted from the bunk, lunging at the doctor through the bars. Saberson barely had time to pull her back.

"He will change with the moonrise," the man yelled. "And he'll kill us all!"

He walked back over to his bunk, laughing softly to himself. Saberson looked at Thorgenson and was surprised to find him looking back. Frosty blue eyes like ice, yet with something else. A great sadness behind them.

"Professor Gray is right," Olaf softly spoke. "You should kill me. Quickly too, the moon comes."

Saberson led the doctor quietly back into the elevator. Neither said a word until the door had closed.

"Fascinating," O'Shay muttered.

"Yeah," Saberson agreed. "The media will have a field day with this shit."

Suddenly the elevator lurched and stopped. The lights went out, plunging them both into darkness.

"Now what?" Saberson muttered.

A beam of light blazed out. The doctor had pulled a small flashlight from her handbag. Saberson knelt beside the panel and opened the door to the emergency telephone.

"Gardner, what the hell is going on? The Doc and I are stuck in the elevator," Saberson said, once the Sergeant answered. He listened for a minute, just nodding his head. "Well, tell them to hook it back up. We're not going to spend the night in here."

Hanging the phone up, he turned.

"Bi-State Electric is being just too damned efficient. Somebody told them to turn the electricity off tonight, not tomorrow." Saberson pulled his jacket off and set it on the floor. "Gardner said it will take twenty maybe thirty minutes tops to restore power. Something about the main circuit breaker."

"This is not good," O'Shay muttered.

Saberson instantly took note. The doctor's voice had a raw edge he had heard before, usually just before the person jumped to their deaths off of a high building.

"You okay, Doc?"

"You wouldn't think a psychiatrist would have phobias. Eight years of schooling should be good for something," she replied. "Claustrophobia. Had it since I was a child. Never been good in small enclosed places. Reminds me too much of the hole I got stuck in when I was eight."

He could barely make out her face beyond the glare of the flashlight. It had a stark and nervous look. She started to pace back and forth. Not much room for that in the elevator. She was like some caged beast.

"It was like this, dark and hot," she roughly pulled her jacket off, throwing it down in the corner. "Forty-eight hours I spent in that hole. Damn it, why don't they hurry up."

She went to the panel and started pushing the button over and over. Saberson, fearing she would do herself harm, grabbed her from behind. She was shaking like a leaf.

"Everything's gonna be alright," his breath ruffled her hair. "We will be out of here in no time."

She spun around in his arms and grabbed him, crushing her lips to his. Saberson's surprise made the kiss no less sweet.

"I need something to get my mind off this damned elevator," she murmured, looking up at him. "Guess it's your lucky night, Detective."


"Why did you come to Saint Louis?"

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Olaf Thorgenson looked up. The overhead lights had gone out minutes earlier, then one dull emergency light had kicked in.

"In all the time I've hunted you," Gray said, staring through the bars at him. "You've always avoided big cities."

Olaf thought back to the long trail, the times the Professor had almost caught him. If there was anyone who deserved an answer, he did.

"I have come home to be with my wife and son," Olaf bowed his head once more to his knees. "I have come home to die."


The flashlight cast dancing shadows from where it lay on the pile of their discarded clothing.

"Oh yes, just like that," O'Shay moaned.

Saberson lay on his back, the elevator floor cold on the bare skin of his ass. The doctor straddled his waist, his cock firmly planted inside her. She was stroking herself up and down his hard length.

"Hard and nasty," she moaned again. "That's what a girl wants. Hard and nasty."

He had been surprised the prim and proper doctor had a kinky side. When she had peeled her suit off, he had discovered she wore a black leather corset, garter belt, and stockings underneath. Pulling down her panties, he had found her clit pierced with a single diamond stud. She liked leather it seemed, and something else. She liked to be in control.

Taking her pleasure riding his hard shaft, she leaned forward and grabbed his wrists with her hands. She held his arms down, pinning him to the floor. Eyes closed, she buried him to the root in her. She sat there, grinding her crotch to his, rubbing her pierced clit against his stomach.

Her breasts were inches from his face, the hard nipples poking out over the top of her corset. Leaning up, Saberson took one nipple in his mouth and bit it with his teeth.

"Oh yes, bite them," she groaned. Pushing her breasts forward, she rubbed them across his face. "Suck them, make them ache."

Saberson had had about all of this submissive shit as he could handle. With a growl, he broke free of her grasp. Grabbing her around the waist, he rolled them to the side. Coming up with the beautiful doctor on her back and him firmly in between her legs.

"Now it's my turn," he swore, looking down at her face.


In the nighttime sky above, the moon had risen. In the cells below, the Beast answered its call.

The change began, the hair slowly growing from the skin. Bones lengthened and grew. Olaf's muscles cramped and twisted, bringing a cry of pain to his lips. Those lips stretched as well, his face changing to the Mask of the Wolf. He felt his humanity slipping from him. Olaf screamed his rage up at the moon, falling to the floor of his cell.

"Oh my god," was muttered from the other cell.

The Beast stood. With a flex of broad shoulders, it ripped its way from the orange jumpsuit. It stood, now ready to hunt. Ready to kill.

It recognized Gray from past encounters. The smell of fear was strong in the small space. It excited the Beast, and it moved towards the other cell. The bars between them easily bent under its clawed hands. Gray would be its first prey tonight.

He would not be the last!


At first, she fought him.

Saberson had the advantage of being on top, and he had the weight. He hooked one arm under her leg, raising himself up with his knees. With the other arm, he held her down. Pressing his hand down heavily on her breast to keep her in place. The nipple was stone hard under his palm. He gave her three hard, savage thrusts, slamming himself into her crotch. That brought a groan of pleasure to her lips.

"Oh yes," she moaned. "Fuck me damn it, fuck me."

He intended to do just that. His strokes started long and deep. To the balls. His belly slapped her clit with each thrust. With one hand, she grabbed his neck. Her fingers entwined into his hair. She pulled him down, her lips seeking his. They kissed long and hard, feeding upon each other like animals.

Suddenly, Saberson felt her tense. She moaned into his mouth. Her eyes rolled back, and she shuddered under him. He felt her orgasm, the muscles of her crotch rippling around his hard cock. He slammed himself into her to the root, grinding himself against her mound. Her pierced clit was a hard point against him. She lay there unmoving for several moments, enjoying her orgasm.

He had other ideas. Saberson pulled himself from her. Grabbing her around the leather-covered waist, he flipped her over onto her stomach. With one hand, he grabbed her hair. With it, he pulled her back up onto her hands and knees. He intended to have her from behind. He put his cock back into her and rubbed the head between the lips of her wet pussy. It brought another throaty moan from her. She looked back at him over her shoulder, lust simmering in her eyes.

"Not there," she moaned. "I want it in my ass."


The blood covered the walls, the coppery scent sharp to its nostrils. The Beast dropped Gray's severed head.

There were two ways out, the elevator and a set of emergency stairs. With the power out, the elevator was useless. The Beast suddenly heard the sound of keys in the stairway door.

"Everyone okay down here?" the policeman asked, stepping out. The bars of this cell door bent as easily as the others. The startled man did not even have time to draw his gun before he died.


At first, Saberson hesitated. Then he pulled his cock from her and moved it higher. O'Shay gave a throaty moan when the head came in contact with the rosebud of her ass. He felt it pucker in as he pushed slowly forward, closing itself around him. The head had no more entered when the doctor shoved herself backward, burying half his hard length in her.

It was Saberson's turn to moan. Where her pussy had been hot and moist, her ass was the most fantastic thing he had ever felt in a long time. He let her hair go and put both hands around her leather-covered waist.

She pulled herself forward until the head nearly came free, then slammed herself back. Two hard strokes and she had him all. Wiggling her hips from side to side, she began fucking herself on him. Forwards and back she went, his balls slapping her clit each time. She sighed and stretched out her legs to get every inch. The pleasure for Saberson was incredible. Wave after wave radiated from his crotch. He could almost be happy just letting the woman do all the work.

Almost! he thought, but not quite.

Reaching forward, he palmed her hanging breasts and sank his fingers into them hard. Using that for leverage, he pulled her roughly back. He rammed himself into her.

"Oh damn yes!" her yells echoed in the small elevator. "Fuck me, fuck me!"

Her ass squeezed and sucked like it meant to chew his cock off and keep it. That was all he needed. O'Shay was in the middle of a screaming orgasm when Saberson came. His body tensed. Spurt after spurt, he emptied into her sucking depth. He buried himself in her as his mind exploded with erotic joy, collapsing on top of the beautiful woman.

Minutes? Hours? Saberson didn't know how long they laid there. Suddenly the lights came back on, blinding in their brightness. Then Saberson heard a sound that wiped all thoughts of sex from him.


"Get dressed," he ordered, and frantically reached for his clothes. "Something's wrong!"


Gardner backed slowly towards the outside door, firing as he did. Sacorski beside him frantically reloaded.

The two patrolmen sent from Division to transport Gray were both dead. They had been standing beside the downstairs door when the lights had come back on. As if on cue, the door had opened.

Instead of Hamilton with the prisoner in tow, a fanged and hairy horror had bounded out. Colliding with the officers, it struck. It broke one man's arm and knocked him roughly to the side. Before anyone could react, the creature had ripped the head from the other officer. Blood fountained to the ceiling.

For a moment, there was stark silence, then Gardner drew his gun and fired. Sacorski was right behind him. Even the injured officer clawed at his pistol. The gunfire was deafening in the near-empty room, echoing off the walls. One or two shots that missed exploded drywall. The bullets seemed to have no effect on the monster, though. Gardner felt the door behind him. He grabbed Sacorski by the arm and pushed him through.

"Outside!" he yelled. 


The elevator door opened for Saberson and the Doctor. They slowly stepped out. He had his pistol out. O'Shay held a small automatic she had pulled from her bag. She had left her jacket in the elevator. Her red hair was tousled without its earlier bow. Her face was flushed.

From this? Saberson wondered. Or the sex?

"Rough town sometimes," she had said with a shrug when he had seen the pistol. "A woman has gotta have some protection."

The squad room was empty and deadly quiet. O'Shay gave a small gasp. Next to a shattered desk lay the headless body of one of the patrolmen. His blood made a crimson pool on the white floor. Suddenly there was gunfire outside. They both ran for the door.

The parking lot was ablaze with lights and action. Several new squad cars and a transport van were there. The police officers were out, guns firing. Saberson saw Sergeant Gardner pumping shotgun round after shotgun round.

Darting between the vehicles was a blonde hairy shape. It wrenched the door off one cruiser. The police officer behind it fired up point-blank. The bullets seemed to have no effect. The horror knocked the policeman twenty feet. Then with ridiculous ease, it flipped the cruiser over onto the van. Both vehicles exploded into flames.

The monster turned. In the flickering firelight, Saberson could see it clearly now. Gray had been right, for there stood a werewolf. The horror howled once up at the full moon overhead, then ran.

"We've got to follow!" O'Shay yelled.

Luckily evening traffic was light. They caught up with the werewolf within three blocks. The creature was running down the center of the street, dodging cars with leaps and bounds. Moving with purpose, it seemed to know where it was going.

"Get me backup, now!" Saberson yelled into his car radio. "Call out SWAT, damn it, or get the fucking Army. I don't care but get me some backup."

The Doctor clutched the door, gun in one hand and a look of excitement in her eyes. Her nipples were stiff points under her blouse. Behind them, several squad cars, lights flashing, joined the chase.

"Look!" she pointed. "It's going into that cemetery."

She was right. The werewolf cut across traffic. Cars slammed on their brakes to avoid the monster, several hitting each other in a metal-wrenching collision. The werewolf leaped the tall brick wall of the cemetery and disappeared.

"Hold on!" Saberson said.

He fishtailed the cruiser around the stopped cars and accelerated towards the cemetery entrance. Their police car hit the wrought iron gates square on, snapping the chain and flinging them open.

Suddenly the werewolf was there before them. Bloody arms held wide, it crouched in the road. Saberson slammed on his brakes but still hit the monster. It went flying into the rows of headstones. The impact was like hitting a telephone pole. The airbags deployed as Saberson and O'Shay were thrown forward hard. For a moment, both just sat there, stunned as the bags quickly deflated. Then adrenaline took over.

"Stay in the car!" Saberson ordered. "Call in and let them know what's going on."

O'Shay was clearly not happy but obeyed. Saberson flung open his car door coming out. The other police cars came roaring in, gravel flying as they stopped.

"Watch yourselves!" Saberson yelled as the officers piled out. He walked slowly forward.

An eerie quiet descended on the cemetery as everyone looked nervously around. The flashing lights of the cars threw dancing shadows through the headstones. Saberson heard growling on his left. He spun but did not see anything. He turned back. 

The monster was suddenly there before him. Towering over him, the werewolf backhanded Saberson with one massive arm. The blow knocked him back and into the air. Everything went black.


Saberson awoke to find himself laying on the car hood of the police cruiser he had driven. The windshield was cracked under his back, and something was poking him hard in the side.


O'Shay had a shotgun from one of the cruisers. She stood at the end of his car, and fired at the werewolf as it walked forward. All but two of the officers were down. Those were pumping bullet after bullet into the creature. None seemed to have any effect.


Pushing himself up, Saberson slid down the hood. He landed on the gravel hard, whatever it was in his jacket giving him a nasty poke. Saberson reached into that pocket.


The Doctor had run out of shells for her shotgun. For a moment, no one, woman, officers, nor beast moved. Then the werewolf seemed to smile and raised one long-clawed hand.

"Not tonight, you hairy bastard," Saberson hissed.

He pushed O'Shay out of the way. In his hand, he held Gray's revolver. The first shot rang out like a clap of vengeful thunder and hit the monster in the shoulder.

Where all the other bullets had passed harmlessly through the werewolf, the silver bullets from Gray's gun blew holes the size of a fist in the monster's hairy hide. It howled in pain and staggered back. Saberson fired twice more, hitting it in the chest both times. It fell forward onto the gravel roadway of the cemetery and tried to crawl away. Saberson carefully followed.

Red gore and blood were everywhere, matting the blonde hair of the werewolf. It pushed itself slowly up. Saberson fired again, this time hitting the monster in the back. It let out a moanful howl and continued crawling.

The werewolf finally stopped beside a pair of old headstones. It flung an arm across the graves and looked back at Saberson, sadness in its eyes. It let out another moanful howl.

"It ends here," Saberson said.

He raised Gray's revolver and fired.


"Everyone is about done," she said.

Saberson turned. O'Shay stood there, the morning sun breaking the horizon behind her. The moon had finally set.

"Thought I would get a ride from you," she continued. "My car is back at the station."

"Look here," Saberson pointed.

He knelt where the werewolf had finally died. In the end, just like the legend, it had changed back into a man. Nothing was left to show the creature had been. Nothing, but dead police officers.

O'Shay came over and knelt beside him. Saberson brushed dirt from the letters in the stone.

"Helga Thorgenson, 1892-1913. Johnny Thorgenson, 1906-1913," Saberson read to her. "Loving wife and son, killed by a wolf."

"That was the name Grey called him," she said. "Think he was related?"

Detective George Saberson stood, and wiped the dirt from his fingers. He helped the Doctor to stand. Thinking of everything that had happened on this night, he slowly shook his head.

"I don't think we will ever know."

He had used all but one of the silver bullets to kill the werewolf. He took the last one and put it gently on the headstone.

"Come on," he said to O'Shay, taking her hand. "I'll buy you a cup of coffee and some breakfast."

Written by silenceinthedark
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