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Slasher Party Massacre

"Straight to Video at a Blockbuster near you"

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The three of them sat watching movies and tossing popcorn back and forth. It was their usual Friday night ritual and had been for years.

They were all now in their early thirties. They had gone through jobs, marriage, boyfriends, and probably some girlfriends. Whatever life had flung their way. Nothing changed it.

They made one solemn vow at the end of high school and even cut their hands a little to seal the pact. This had been, of course, Michelle’s idea since she was the group’s closeted juvenile delinquent. She said vows were easy to break and they couldn't go by words alone so she whipped out her switchblade and they did their blood oath.

They then made their fateful promise:

We solemnly swear that no matter what may happen, no matter what bullshit the adult world drags our way, we will never stop watching cheesy horror movies every Friday night while indulging in all the delicious, disgusting, bad for us, yummy junk food. AMEN! PRAISE FREDDY."

They chanted it together as if it were something they said on a regular basis, not something their crazy asses just made up on the spur of the moment.

"Why the fuck are we watching Sleepaway Camp part three again?" Michelle groaned.

"I thought you liked this one. We've watched it dozens of times together,” Leigh said with a tone of disappointment.

"Exactly. We've watched it for years. It's a chick with a dick. No twist ending unless we get amnesia."

"Leigh, you bring this movie every single Friday. Along with all the other Sleepaway Camp films except for the fourth one. We haven't even watched that one," Michelle continued.

“Well, that's just because the fourth one is garbage. Not even Isaac Hayes can save it. I am sparing you," Leigh said with a bit of a chuckle.

Beth tossed some popcorn which hit Leigh's nose, bounced off, and fell onto the floor with the other two dozen pieces.

Michelle glared, looking at the mess. "Listen, bitches. I'm not your mother and I'm not cleaning up your mess again. I've got a riding crop and I know how to use it so be warned!" Beth looked at Leigh, questioning the truth of the threat. Leigh nodded knowingly and remembered the time that Michelle decided to beat her up because she had gotten up in the night and ate all the Oreo ice cream.

Apparently Michelle was having epic PMS and chomping Midol in bulk from a Pez dispenser.

“That camp counselor is such a creepo," Leigh said, to no one in particular, with a bit of a yawn.

Michelle nudged her ribs hard. “See, even you are falling asleep and bored."

"Ouch, I am not! Don't be such a mean bitch."

Michelle chuckled and held a baggy to her friend’s nose roughly. “Smell that. Does a mean bitch bring this?" The pungent scent of weed filled the small room.

Both looked over at Beth checking her reaction but she was just staring at the screen looking bored.

Beth was the perceived good girl of the group. She had smoked with them numerous times but she always felt a little guilty after. She was the sensitive one.

"Too sensitive to actually buy pot I suppose," Michelle had quipped often. Michelle was the funny one, a laugh a minute. She was like this hot girl version of Rodney Dangerfield, without the impressive gut.

Leigh was the difficult one to pigeonhole. Simply calling her the weird one did not do her justice. The married one of the group who knew every detail of horror, slasher, and Italian-Giallo films as well as an expert on porn. It was once said if masturbation was an Olympic event she would have more gold than Fort Knox. Rumor had it she once had a vibe so powerful when she turned it on lights across town would dim and flicker like a death row prisoner was being electrocuted.

“You know, that's Bruce Springsteen's sister, playing Angela in parts two and three," Michelle said knowingly.

“Duh. I told you that years and years ago... Now are you going to roll us a joint or what?" Leigh replied.

"You told me it was Rick Springfield's sister... slut!" but she then continued to roll.

Beth was remaining quiet. Not aloof, but staying out of the trivial arguments of her stoner besties. There was something mysterious about her even after all these years. It was hard to pinpoint.

She might be an enigma but what wasn't a mystery was her intimidating beauty. It brought out the best and worst in humanity. For example: once Mother Theresa got into fisticuffs with a monk over who would open Beth's car door; Kiss wrote a power ballad for her and invited her to tour Europe with them even though they had no tour booked; Paul Stanley still sends her popcorn tins for Xmas.

Michelle rolled up a tight J, lit it, and took a deep hit exhaling a cloud of intoxicating smoke before passing it. "Here you go, Princess. Only the best for you," she said, giving a mock bow.

Leigh took a hit and then another before leaning in to blow smoke right in Michelle's face, laughing like a stoned hyena.

“Rude, just fucking rude, Leigh! You think you are so funny," the coughing, red-eyed victim scolded.

Leigh nudged Beth and handed the joint to her. She took it gingerly, bringing it to her lips all ladylike and inhaling, her pinky extended like the Duchess of fucking York, or was it Peppermint Patty? She actually made smoking weed sexy. A fact not lost on her two drooling comrades.

"Jesus,” Leigh moaned while squeezing her thighs together like she was demonstrating Kegel exercises at a flea market. She was also gazing at her friends with a look normally only seen during Lesbian Night at Burger King.

Sleepaway Camp three finally ended. The trio were all completely blazed and laughing their asses off.

"So what movie now?" Leigh asked, looking at both Beth and Michelle.

She then went through the stack of movies sitting next to her reading the titles very, very slowly. "The Final Girls, Suspiria, Freddy vs. Jason, Motel Hell, Final Exam, Ginger Snaps, Terror Train, Prom Night... Road Games... "

"You just named three in a row with Jamie Lee Curtis," Michelle said with a smirk. “I think you have a Jamie Lee lesbi-gay crush."

"No, she just happened to be in a lot of great horror movies, and I didn't even bring The Fog or Halloween, so lay off."

"You're in a fog alright,” Michelle yelped before jumping up, dancing on the couch, chanting, "Leigh and Jamie Lee sitting in a tree, L-I-C-K-I-N-G... "

"What is Road Games? " Beth asked innocently, ignoring such grownup behavior.

Leigh smirked at the still chanting Michelle. "See, Beth asks good questions."

"Oh, fuck. The only question you want to hear from her is 'was it good for you,'" Michelle giggled, her eyes as red as an Italian-Giallo demon.

Leigh's inhibitions now gone with the weed allowed her to place her hand on Beth's toned swimmer's leg and explain, “Road Games is a highly underrated, mostly overlooked Australian road horror. It came out in 1981 and only more recently got a Blu-ray release, which I, of course, quickly snapped up. It’s better than Joy Ride and it's better than Duel," clearly trying to sell them on the idea of watching it.

'Devious' could now be added to Leigh's resume.

"Let's watch Final Exam," Michelle said. She picked up the dusty VHS copy and looked at Leigh. "So, retro, you have Road Games on Blu-ray and you have this on VHS? You are such a hipster. You’re lucky I still have a VCR. It’s a nice clamshell copy though."

She opened the thick plastic case and began to slide it into her probably starving VCR.

“Wait, hold up though. Don’t press play just yet. Our snacks are gone and I was thinking... pizza?" Beth said.

"Fuck, yesssssss. Pizza. I can't believe we haven't ordered one already to be honest. Nothing goes better with horror films and potent weed than pizza," Leigh clamored.

"What kind?" Beth asked as she began to pick up her phone to call.

"Supreme," Michelle said.

"No, cheese and pineapple."

"Leigh, pineapple doesn't go on pizza," Michelle said.

They both looked at Beth. "Cheese with extra cheese?" she offered.

"Perfect," they said in unison. When all else fails cheese with more cheese is always the answer.

After pressing play they returned to their places on the couch, except Leigh for some reason. She sat on the floor leaning back against the couch her head against Beth's legs. There might have been the sound of purring but that was speculation at that point.

The movie started with a grainy film texture. It was nostalgic and brought back memories of Blockbuster and a thousand sleepless nights filled with chainsaws, summer camps, and girls with big tits running from masked men in the night.

But as soon as the credits and cheesy music began it was apparent that this was the wrong film; Christy Canyon, Vanessa Del Rio, Nina Hartley and a slew of other names bounced across the screen in big pink bubble letters.

"What the fuck is this shit. I don't remember the Spanish fly ever being in any horror film," Michelle said, clearly referring to Vanessa Del Rio.

Beth sat perfectly still but was leaning in a little, clearly and surprisingly intrigued.

Leigh's face was turning several shades of red, with a lump in her throat forming. She had forgotten that in high school she had stolen one of her dad's films and had swapped it out for Final Exam.

Apparently she hadn't even noticed when she took it out of the case but she was now curious how Michelle knew who Vanessa Del Rio was. She figured she was the only one of the three who knew her retro porn. She hadn't even shown them her stack of well-thumbed Hustlers hidden neatly away under her bed.

"Uh, sorry guys. Let me just eject this... and we can watch something else," she murmured.

"Oh, hell no," both Beth and Michelle chorused together.

"You, um, want to watch this?" she said a bit surprised especially by Beth.

Despite it having been years since she had watched this since getting out on her own and being given the gift of Pornhub by the great Canadian porn gods above, this video still had lots of memories. It had changed everything for her.

The plot was, of course, your dull yet overly done porn plot easily ignored, unlike Vanessa Del Rio's giant ass, and Nina Hartley's gorgeous tits, and the just over-all beautiful Christy Canyon. Whose biography she made sure to read several times.

"What's this called anyways?" Beth asked preparing to check her IMDB app.

Leigh smiled as she answered, "It's called Easy Cum, Easy Ho."

"I love the titles," Michelle giggled. "My favorite is Yank My Doodle, It's a Dandy. A very patriotic flick."

They watched intently as Nina Hartley told Vanessa Del Rio to get onto all fours on the bed, then looked at Christy Canyon and said: "Don't just stare at it, eat it." Christy Canyon looked shocked and a little nervous. You could tell she didn't really want to toss Vanessa Del Rio's salad, but Nina Hartley laughed and was like, "I meant her pussy. Eat her fucking pussy. And do a good job of it!" Soon all three of the women were moaning heads buried between each others' legs.

Michelle stood watching her friends out of the corner of her eye sniffing. Recognizing the smell of wet pussy. She had been to a community college so she felt worldly. Right now her prime directive was trying to work 'butt plug' into casual conversation.

Leigh couldn't help but notice that Beth's breathing had gotten a little louder. Leigh was tingling all over, not so much because of the movie itself but because she was actually watching it with her two seriously sexy and supposedly straight friends. Something about that was just fucking delicious.

Her panties had grown wet and were sticking to her. Her heart was pounding in her chest. She longed to reach between her legs and touch herself even if just for a minute.

Just then there was the shrill ringing of the doorbell interrupting Leigh's thoughts momentarily.

"PIZZA'S HERE," they shouted with excitement. Even horny they could still get excited about pizza.

"About fucking time," Michelle said. "By this point, it should be free."

They went to the door and opened it but to their surprise, there was no pizza guy. Just a box laying on the doorstep covered in marinara sauce.

"Gross," Leigh said.

"Yeah, that place is getting sloppier all the time," Michelle said.

Some marinara sauce had gotten on Leigh's hand so she reached over and wiped it on Michelle's face with a chuckle.

"Hey, what the fuck, Leigh!" Michelle exclaimed, her tone a little annoyed but she was still stoned enough not to start beating Leigh's ass.

"Oh calm down. Here, I'll get you cleaned up." But instead of getting paper towels like a normal adult Leigh looked at Beth. "I dare you to lick the marinara off Michelle's face," she said before giggling a little.

To her surprise, Beth shrugged then moved over to Michelle and ran her tongue seductively over her cheek until the sauce was completely gone. Leigh also noticed the wet spot spreading like the Blob on the crotch of Michelle's navy-blue yoga pants. Not to mention a distinctive aroma like a triple-X scratch and sniff.

"Gross. That really didn't taste good. I hope the pizza doesn't taste like that," Beth said before going to the refrigerator and grabbing a can of Coke which she then began chugging. "Nasty," she murmured.

Leigh looked at both of them, She could hear the moaning coming from the other room, the TV still going, which instantly caused a series of tingles to run through her already aroused body.

"Shall we go back and finish that movie?" she asked. To her disappointment, Beth and Michelle shook their heads.

"Better idea, let's take off our clothes and go swimming," Michelle said with an excited tone.

Leigh looked at Beth, who nodded. "Yeah, that sounds good. It was getting a little hot. But what about the pizza?" as she opened the box to take a slice.

"Let's eat it when we get back. Besides, pizza is better cold," Michelle said before grabbing the radio from the kitchen counter. "Let's make some noise," she said with a bit of a smirk.

"Better cold. Yeah, right bitch, you told me that about spaghetti," Leigh answered pretending to gag.

Not to be outdone Michelle replied, "Your gag reflex gets a real workout these days. At least that's the word at the truck stops," still guffawing like the Joker at a Dave Chappell show.

Leigh let out a deep sigh. "Sometimes, I honestly feel like we haven't changed much since high school."

Michelle tilted her head a little and stared at her. "And that's a bad thing, why?" Leigh and Beth could tell it was more of a statement than a question.

Not waiting for Leigh's reply, which was probably about to get all philosophical, Michelle led the way outside throwing her clothes all over, at the same time looking back over the shoulder and screaming, "Last one in is a rotten egg!"

Luckily she remembered to set the radio down before diving in.

Leigh flipped it on and heard the distinct voice of the horribly annoying newscaster, Troy McClure.

"An Emergency Alert has been issued for the areas of Haddonfield and the nearby Potter's
Bluff. The homicidal maniac, Jason Warden, who was also known as the Blood Ripper, has escaped
the asylum, where he has been for more than ten years after having murdered more than twelve
women... "

"Boo, fucking boring. I hate Troy McClure and his over-hyped news stories," Leigh said before quickly changing it and smiling when she heard the familiar lyrics of Cruel Summer by Bananarama. "Much better."

She quickly stripped her clothes off and jumped in joining Michelle. Beth came out holding the pizza. "So maybe we can have a slice as we swim."

"Oh, hell no, girlfriend. We aren't about to go eating pizza in my pool. That's nasty," Michelle said.

"I saw you eating hot wings in your pool just last week," Leigh countered.

Beth wasn't even listening though. She was now placing the pizza on the deck and proceeding to slowly strip as the other two argued and laughed while splashing around like maniacs.

Beth looked at them and said, "Tell me when to stop." That quickly got their attention and both Leigh and Michelle began swimming over to the side of the pool watching Beth in awe like a couple of fat chicks watching the timer on the microwave as their pizza rolls cooked.

"Wow... " Leigh finally said breaking the sexy silence that had formed around them.

"Just, wow... is right," Michelle murmured in an unmistakable lust-filled tone.

"So, are you going to get your sexy body in here or not?" Michelle asked her eyes not once leaving Beth's naked body.

The Moon was bright out and they could easily see every inch of each other's skin.

Beth ran to the diving board and quickly did a cannonball, water shooting up all around her.

Leigh realized that Michelle must be just as turned on as she currently was because usually, she would have quickly jumped at the chance to make a fat joke.

Surprisingly, though, Beth was the next one to talk as she swam over to them. "I dare you guys to kiss."

Without even hesitating Michelle quickly grabbed Leigh, pulling her closer before kissing her hard and deep. Leigh's mouth opened first, in surprise, but then quickly turned to eager passion as Michelle's tongue quickly pushed inside and began to dance with hers.

"Oh fuck," Beth practically moaned out. "That's so hot."

Michelle's had slowly moved a hand downwards until she was cupping Leigh's breast in her hand. Their kissing continued and grew into a hot, wet, open mouth kiss. Tongues flicking hungrily together, giving Beth a good show.

Leigh broke their kiss and looked at Beth. "Aren't you going to join us?" she asked in her most flirtatious voice.

Beth looked a bit surprised and began stuttering a little. "What do you mean?"

Michelle looked at her and said, "Oh, come on, you know what I mean."

With that Beth smiled at them both and said, "Okay, then both of you jump up on the deck," Beth said now acting like some director of a porno movie or something. "Now start kissing again."

With their legs dangling in the pool Beth swam over to them and slowly ran her hands down the other girls' legs. Beth could feel the heat coming from them both.

She then moved her hands slowly upwards until her fingers were between their legs, first caressing their glistening swollen lips teasingly before placing her fingers on each one of their clits. Both of them were soaking wet and it wasn't from the pool.

Leigh and Michelle were fully engrossed in their lust-filled kissing, their moans only muffled by each other's mouths. They felt Beth's fingers rubbing against their needy clits.

Beth then moved her head until her face was completely buried between Michelle's legs, Her tongue began sliding up and down, dancing against Michelle's glistening swollen lips. Slowly she began sliding her tongue inside, tasting the delicious honey that quickly flooded her mouth, urging her on.

As she did this her fingers began to slide in one at a time into Leigh's tight wet cunt. She curled them inside her as she began to fuck them in and out. Her tongue and her fingers were going harder and faster as she fucked them both. Her most secret fantasy finally coming to life. It was almost enough to drive her over the edge without even touching herself. Despite the cold water her cunt still felt like it was on fire.

Leigh and Michelle had finally stopped kissing and were watching her, their bodies feeling electric and flooding with new heightened sensations.

There was a stirring sound in the bushes, momentarily interrupting them for a minute.

"Did you hear that?" Leigh asked nervously.

Michelle looked at her with a bit of annoyance. "I didn't hear shit, now shut up!"

Leigh's body had tensed up some. "Seriously, there was a noise."

Michelle shook her head. "It was probably just the neighbors' cat or a possum or something."

Leigh shrugged and forced herself to relax again. Besides, she could feel herself teetering on the edge.

"Oh my god...," they moaned loudly together.

"I can't believe how good this feels," Leigh gasped out.

They were moaning loudly, so loud that Michelle's neighbors would probably have heard had they not been around eighty and deaf.

Beth, unable to wait a moment longer, and knowing her friends were about to cum all over her mouth and fingers, moved one hand down between her legs and began rubbing herself.

They were all moaning louder now, bodies trembling. Michelle could feel Beth's tongue slithering inside her as she moaned into her cunt.

Leigh's cunt had tightened around Beth's fingers as they rubbed against her g-spot. Then, with one final loud screaming lust-filled moan, she began cumming hard completely coating Beth's fingers in her hot wet girl cum. Michelle was cumming at the same time, moan after moan escaping her lips, as she exploded all over Beth's face in a hot wet torrent. Which set Beth off. They were all three cumming together, bodies trembling and tingling, filled completely with pleasure.

Beth had finally moved away from Michelle's pussy and was catching her breath a moment before finally lifting herself up onto the pool ledge with them.

The bushes rustled again and this time they all turned to look with their mouths frozen in terror as a man leaped out, a giant, already blood-covered knife in hand. He was silent a moment before letting out a banshee wail and running towards them.

"HOLY FUCK, IT'S JASON WARDEN," Leigh shouted. "I fucking told you so," Leigh said before scrambling to get her legs in working order.

"Don't give me that I told you so shit. Fucking run," Michelle said standing up as he moved closer. They all three ran, scrambling as he began to chase them, laughing hysterically as he did.

"Mother fucker thinks this is funny," Michelle said looking more pissed than scared.

They began running towards the house. Leigh tripped on something along the way and fell to her face before giving a loud startled scream. It was the pizza boy. His mouth was hanging open and bloody. Leigh quickly realized that his tongue had been cut out and, upon a quick glance over, also noticed that both of his eyes were gone.

They were all three gathered around the pizza boy's grotesque corpse in stunned silence.

Jason Warden cackled behind them clearly proud to have them viewing his handiwork.

"We should probably get running right?" Leigh asked them.

"I don't know. I mean, that's what they do in the movies," Michelle answered.

Beth looked at them. "But running never works. They always get killed or only one girl lives."

"Look at the big brain on Beth," Michelle said smirking a bit despite the seriousness of the situation.

"Why is he just standing there?" Leigh asked.

"Because, bitch, he wants us to run around scared, screaming and hollering at the top of our lungs like those big titted babes in all those slasher movies you love so much," Michelle replied.

"Better idea," Beth said with a nod.

"What's that?" Michelle and Leigh chanted at once.

"Let's fuck this dude up," Beth said suddenly becoming the brave crazy one of their group.

"HELL, YEAH," they all said at once.

Beth looked down at the dead pizza guy and saw a knife stuck in him. She pulled it out of his body and ran like a maniac at the intruder.

Michelle and Leigh were right behind her the whole way, making do with what they could find in the yard. They grabbed improvised weapons and rushed bare-ass naked at the serial killer.

Michelle snagged an errant hockey stick which was leaning against the fence. Leigh looked around sizing up what she could use. She eyed the usual yard crap that suburbanites seemed to treat as decorations. 

Garden hose? No. Bubble mower? No. Basketball? No. Landscaping bricks? Maybe. Then her eyes met it, shining in all its glossy plastic glory. It’s sleek curvy body seductively terminating in a long steel peg that was shoved deep into the grassy yard.

Lawn flamingo? YES.

As Beth began slashing and hacking at a dumbfounded Jason Warden his senses seemed to return to him and he raised his brandished steak knife in defense. He made a glancing blow on Beth rending her soft supple flesh over her breast. The pain was like fire in her chest and it caught her off guard. Beth fell, fearing the worst, and dropped her knife. As she caught her breath and checked the wound she realized it was painful but not very serious.

She began scanning the ground for her weapon. As she did she sensed a presence and looked up right into the rotten tooth shit-eating grin of Jason Warden. Obviously he was relishing what he was about to do with that knife. He pulled his blade up, ready to make the kill when out of nowhere a massive crack across his face made him suddenly see stars. The resounding smack of the hockey stick on his skull broke the night air.

“Take that you ugly motherfucker," came Michelle’s voice as she placed herself between her injured friend and the attacker. To both of their surprises, Warden began a madman’s cackle. Slowly at first and growing into full psychotic mirth.

“I'm gonna do you gals real good," came the voice of the deranged killer.

In a flash, before either girl could react, Warden threw his knife through the night air finding purchase in Michelle’s thigh. With a blood-curdling scream, she dropped beside Beth. Almost as fast as she hit the ground Warden was on her. His grimy hands wrapped around her slight neck wringing the life out of her. Beth screamed in terror for her friend and began beating on the killer with her fists.

Michelle was terrified, he was so strong. She tried to fight but his grip on her neck was making the world slow down. She felt the strength leaving her arms. Her head began to pound and she felt a warm numbness creeping over her. Her vision began to dim. The last thing she saw was the grinning yellow teeth of the ghoul strangling her.

Just as she was about to lose all consciousness there came a sound something like the ringing of metal followed by a wet smack. Immediately, she felt the grip loosen and as her sight came back to her she saw Warden's coal-black eyes large with surprise. There was a long sharp spike sticking through his chest cavity firmly implanted in the ground below him. It was attached to a large goofy pink yard flamingo.

Leigh stood over the killer, a look of deranged triumph on her face. Beth and Michelle got to their feet picking up their weapons. Michelle daintily removing the knife from her thigh tearing up from the searing pain it caused her.

“We should call the cops,” came Beth’s voice hardly above a whisper.

"You kidding?” asked Leigh. “You know what always happens in the movies with these assholes. The second we take our eyes off him he will disappear and come after us for round two and at least one of us is going to die immediately."

“So what do you think we should do?” Michelle asked handing Warden's knife to Leigh.

“Kill this dickhead.” And that is exactly what our naked heroes did. Leigh and Beth stabbed and hacked repeatedly at him all the while Michelle finished what she started on his head with the hockey stick, finally busting his head like a ripe melon. When all was said and done there was little more than a bloody hunk of meat pinned beneath a doe-eyed blood-splattered flamingo.

“Now let’s call the cops,” Michelle said through ragged breaths.

“Okay,” said Leigh as she caught her breath, “but let’s put some clothes on first.” The three women then walked back to the house. As they did Beth had a sudden realization.

Gagging for a moment she said, “You know what I just realized. That wasn't marinara sauce." 

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Written by ScreamQueen
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