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Lord Of The Manor

"Lord Thomas discovers a treasure on his estate."

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The spring harvest was going well, and as Lord Thomas sat astride his huge warhorse, he took in the panoramic view of his lands from his hilltop vantage point. His servant and aide, Reginald, sat next to him on a smaller steed.

"Yes, indeed, sire. Things are moving along. At this rate, the wheat shall be ready for milling in no time. This has been a year of abundance, praise the Lord."

Thomas smiled at the holy reference which coincided with his title. As Lord of the manor, he felt like God. He had power over the entire household, including a few of his numerous relatives who might wish his early demise so that they could move up in rank and power as well. He did not worry about it. He was blessed with excellent health and surrounded by faithful sons who would protect him to their dying breaths, or so they claimed.

His attention was diverted with movement by one of the nearby carts where a group of women had gathered and were giggling among themselves.

"Reggie, who might the lass in the green scarf be? She's a comely one. And she appears to have a bountiful harvest of her own. She has a shape to her, doesn't she?"

"That is young Marian, the butcher's daughter, m'lord. She is easy on the eyes, as you say. As is her mother, sire. They are a pair of ripe ewes, Sir. You have a good eye, m'lord."

"Perhaps a visit to their hut may be in order, hmmm, Reggie? Can you show me where they live and arrange it?"

"I can, indeed, sir. I will arrange it immediately."

Reginald knew the family well, and they were shocked when he appeared at their hut and announced they would receive a visit from the Lord of the manor, himself. The household was in a tizzy preparing for his arrival, shooing the chickens out of the house, and straightening things as best as possible in the short time they had.

And soon, they heard the clip-clop of a huge horse down the narrow path to their cottage. When they opened the door, there stood Reginald with his master beside him awaiting introductions.

Lord Thomas, I present Jacob the butcher, his wife Martha, and his daughter Marian.

The family was a bit awestruck by his presence. Lord Thomas was a large man with huge hands. He had a handsome face with a neatly trimmed beard and pearly white teeth, unusual for a man in his forties.

He was welcomed and shown the best chair in the house as the two women curtsied and their husband and father humbly kneeled.

Lord Thomas's eyes immediately fell upon the bosoms of both mother and daughter. Each showed a handsome bit of cleavage that promised possible future hidden delights. Young Marian shied and blushed when she realized where his eyes were focused. She also blushed when she realized that his codpiece seemed to be bulging in response.

Martha, her mother, also noticed the exchange between her daughter and their overseer. She pulled back her shoulders and smiled at him, a clever smile that seemed to indicate she knew what he was thinking. Her daughter's breasts were large but did not stack up when compared with her own. Martha's nipples hardened at the thought of possibly feeling Lord Thomas between her legs at some point. He appeared to be hiding a rather large asset himself.

Finally, Martha broke the awkward silence as her dimwitted husband just stood there with his hat in his hand.

"To what do we owe this pleasure, m'lord? We are honored by your presence."

Thomas paused and licked his lips.

"Our scullery needs help, and I hoped you two would be willing to work there for us. The position has benefits, including sharing meals with the rest of the staff. Occasionally, I also require personal attention from staff, and I'm sure they would welcome both of you to share their duties. What would you say to that?"

"We would be honored, sire! When would you need us?"

"Immediately, if possible. You can come to the manor as soon as you are able, and I will make sure you are taken care of. We have extra rooms if you need to spend the night there occasionally. Reggie here will see that you have everything you need."

"Thank you, m'lord. We shall arrive later today. You are so kind."

"My pleasure, Martha and Marian. You don't know how much I look forward to seeing you again."

The two men excused themselves, but not before Reginald made quick eye contact with Martha and winked at her discreetly.

When they returned to the large estate house, Thomas directed Reginald to alert the staff that the two women would join them.

"Perhaps I should give them a proper introduction, Reggie. What say you?"

"I believe I see your meaning, Sir Thomas. Would you like them both at once or separately?"

"I think for now I should start with the mother. She seems to have a free spirit from the looks she gave out. Tell my wife that I shall be unavailable tonight and will likely be sleeping in the guest room so as not to wake her. I will see her in the morning."

"As you wish, sire."

Sir Thomas had a wonderful dinner of veal and greens with pears for dessert. He was stuffed, and when he was stuffed, he was like a goat out in the pasture. Now all he needed was someone to satisfy his carnal cravings. And Martha would be in his bed soon enough. He retired to the guest bedroom that Reginald had prepared for the event. The fireplace blazed and candles flickered as he climbed into bed.

Thomas loved to sleep naked and with the warm temperatures of late summer, he needed no extra blankets. As he sat there propped up by big pillows and with a goblet of wine in his hand, a knock on the heavy oak door grabbed his attention. His large cock immediately responded in anticipation and stood erect.

"Enter," he commanded.

The door swung open and in walked Martha.


When Reggie first approached Martha about providing an evening of entertainment for Lord Thomas, she was naturally excited. Who wouldn't be? The opportunity to be alone with the Lord of the Manor for whatever reason might never occur again. But besides that, Sir Thomas was a handsome man and a welcome diversion from her husband Jacob's constant pawing her at home. So when she entered Sir Thomas' bedroom and saw him lying there naked, his huge cock angrily reaching for the ceiling, her heart leaped. She couldn't wait to try him on for size.

Reggie had enlisted the maids of the house to outfit Martha in a loosely fitting gown with nary a scrap underneath. Her huge breasts jiggled and bounced sexily with each step, and she threw her shoulders back to exaggerate them even more. She briefly made eye contact with Thomas, but her gaze was riveted on his thick prick.

Thomas greedily eyed her as she stood there waiting for further instructions. Martha's long raven locks glistened with auburn highlights from her work outdoors before being hired to help in the manor. Her rosy complexion and tanned face were a departure from most ladies of that era who prided themselves in lily white skin powdered to look even paler as a show of their wealth. His wife, despite her obvious beauty, was as pale as a statue in comparison, and Thomas found Martha's dark lusty coloring sensuous and exciting. Her voluptuous shape only added to his excitement. He couldn't wait to lift those skirts and reveal the pleasures hidden by them. Martha's reputation preceded her, and the anticipation of experiencing them firsthand caused his large cock to swell even more.

"Come here, lass. You are a thing of beauty, but I'd like a closer look. And you may be excused for the evening, Reginald."

Reggie, who had been standing just outside the door awaiting his dismissal, quietly closed the door, but stayed there, his ear to the door, grinning. He knew what would be happening soon.

Martha approached the bed, smiling seductively. Thomas patted the place beside him and beckoned Martha to be seated.

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She licked her lips at the sight of his thick phallus close-up, causing Thomas to break out in a toothy grin.

"Aye, he's a big one, isn't he? Most of the maidens around here have felt a wincing joy from him. Would ye like a taste first, Martha? A good lick makes the medicine go down easier. Put your hand on him and give him a stroke or two as well."

Martha reached over and placed her small hand around Sir Thomas's girth. She giggled when she realized her fingers could not encompass him, and she looked at him questioningly.

"Go ahead, lass. Put those ruby lips around him and see what he says. Sometimes he kisses back a wee bit when a lady puts her lips to him. Give it a try."

Martha was no stranger to blow jobs, but never with someone as distinguished as Sir Thomas. She loved the feeling of a cock in her mouth, especially when a lusty young lad from the village was on the other end of it. But Sir Thomas was different, not to mention larger than the cocks she was used to.

She first kissed the bell-shaped head, and then she opened wide and slipped her moist lips over the crown. She felt his cock stiffen like an iron spike in her grip when her lips slid down the shaft an inch or two. As she tried to take in more of him, she had to concentrate to keep from gagging. Nevertheless, his cock felt wonderful in her mouth. She knew that soon he would be between her legs and inserted into her moist cunt.

"Mmmm, yes. That's it, Martha–just like that. My boy loves a pair of lips, and your mouth is perfect–full and soft. Your ruby lips look wonderful wrapped around my cock. But let's get you out of those skirts, hmmm? There, let me see that fertile delta and those big mounds of glory. Let me suck on those pink buds. They need a good sucking, don't they?"

Martha quickly removed her clothing, and Thomas noted her pale skin contrasted with her tanned hands and face. Her huge breasts jutted from her rib cage like large curved squash capped with large thumb-sized buds resting on bright pink areola.

"Aye, you've got a set of tits on you, haven't you? I think I need a taste."

He pulled Martha to him and pressed his lips to her fat melons. Martha reached down and stroked his rigid cock as she watched her lord mangle and suck on her big tits.

"M'lord is making me feel so good. Mmmm, do you like my milky tits, lord?"

And they were milky. Sir Thomas's face took on a look of surprise and then smiled as the first drops of milk entered his mouth. Soon they were squirting in a fine spray inside his mouth.

"If your cunt tastes half as good, I'll be in heaven, Martha. You're a saucy lass in more ways than one."

With a free hand, Thomas reached down and spread her legs before rubbing her moist pussy. Her cunt was covered by a thin layer of fine black downy hair. He spread her labia with two fingers and then inserted them into her honey pot.

"You're already as wet as a newly mopped kitchen. The easier it will be when I stuff my boy inside you. But first, you'd better give me a good sucking, Martha. Get my lad nice and wet so I can slide it in you without causing too much pain."

Martha repositioned herself to gain free access to Thomas's cock and began sucking and licking him first slowly and then gradually increased to a vigor he had not experienced before. As she worked him over with her mouth, she stroked him with both hands, gaining speed gradually until her hands were a blur and her mouth sucked with all she was worth on his bell.

Suddenly, he uttered a guttural groan as a huge load of cum shot out of his cock and into her waiting mouth. Martha greedily licked and sucked him, swallowing as much of it as possible before it started running out of the corners of her mouth and onto her hands and wrists.

When he was finally emptied, she slid up and kissed him, his cum still on her lips.

"You're an experienced tart, aren't you now? You've drained me for the now, but you won't be getting off so easily. There's more where that came from, I promise you. Give me a few breaths, and then I'll be putting my boy where he belongs, between your ivory thighs. You have a fine-looking cunt on you as well. I bet the butcher likes his meat nice and tender, don't he?"

Martha frowned at the mention of her dimwitted husband.

"My Jacob is lucky if he gets a smell of it, m'lord. He's no man compared to you. You have a real man's cock. I'll venture all the maidens who've stroked it would agree.

Martha had resumed pumping her hand on Thomas's cock as well as pumping up his ego, and in no time he was responding.

"You have a way with words as well as cocks, lass. Look! My boy is standing at attention already. I don't think he needs any more kisses. Let's just see if he can fit in that tight cunt of yours, hmmm?"

Thomas positioned himself between Martha's spread legs and worked his huge member back and forth until the head slipped in partway. Martha responded by bringing her knees up and back toward her shoulders, giving him free rein.

"Aye, your cunt is tighter than I expected, but I'm partway there now. The rest is easy. Just relax and enjoy the ride as my boy seeks new territory."

Thomas pushed and felt his cock slide into her vagina while Martha gripped his buttocks and pulled. Once he was buried, he smiled and held it there for a few seconds. He kissed her first, her tongue immediately finding his, and then began fucking her with his battering ram, slowly at first but then faster as his excitement rose.

In seconds Martha was moaning and occasionally grimacing as his cock stretched her pussy. She felt her fluids soaking her cunt and soon their union resulted in loud squishing and slapping sounds as Thomas pummeled her vigorously. Periodically he would adjust positions or turn her over and fuck her from behind. Martha's pleasure from his huge cock tempered the occasional pain she endured from their fucking.

After a lengthy period of thrusting this way, Thomas finally announced he was going to cum again. Martha had already had several orgasms, her cunt muscles contracting and squeezing her lord, her pussy now stretched and red with their fucking.

"Here it comes, lass. Another big one but this time I'm going to fill your cunt. Ungh! There it is. Can you feel my cum in your sweet pussy mingling with your own honey? You have a wonderful cunt, lass. That's it. Squeeze me and drain me!"

And she did. With a power that he had not experienced with his wife or the village maidens who had received his pummeling as well. Martha rolled him over and used her ass and cunt as a machine to get every last drop. Her large breasts dangled in his face and he greedily devoured them, sucking more milk from her rubbery nipples. Finally, when she felt his cock soften, she raised her ass and let him slip out of her. A thick stream of cum trailed his cock from her cunt.

"Jesus, Joseph, and Mary. Where did you learn to fuck like that," he cried. I thought your sucking was a prize, but you fuck like there will be no tomorrow.

Martha only smiled. She was proud of her skills in bed, but it was still not enough for Thomas's libido. He was ravenous when it came to sex, and even though he could use his authority to create more nights like this in the future, he was bound and determined to make full use of this wonderful woman before morning.

A bird in the hand, he thought to himself. And she has a lovely little nest to lay my eggs in.

Martha was happily fucked three more times that night. She limped back to her room just before sunrise. Her daughter appeared to be sleeping, but unbeknownst to Martha, Marian had discovered some excitement of her own. And this was only their first night in the manor house.


(To be continued)

Written by johndoe7
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