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Jus Primae Noctis

"Marion protects her lover by humiliating sacrifice"

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They had almost made it. Almost. Now, though, Marion was tied spread-eagle in a frame, naked; facing Willum, her new husband, who was similarly bound.

Her troubles were manifold, not the least of which was that whilst she was newly married to him, she did not love him. She barely cared for him. Her heart was Sean’s, but he was a pig farmer, not of her class. Not that the difference in class made any difference to her, but her father would have nothing of it since the merchet charged by Lord Joffre, twenty pounds, was too steep for Sean to pay; and her father certainly had no intention of footing that particular bill. He also forbid her to see Sean any more. It broke his heart, and hers.

After Marion went “unclaimed” beyond the age when other women were married and had children, her father offered her to Willum, a tradesman of some repute, as long as he could pay the fee. Willum had agreed upon her father’s assurance that Marion still possessed her virtue. Unbeknownst to Marion’s father, however, was that Willum was broke and intended to keep secret their nuptials so as to steal away with Marion without paying the fee. And, that Marion and Sean had been with each other in a biblical way.

Now, Marion did not care a wit that Willum would discover the prior loss of her maidenhead on their wedding night, because his plan to cheat Lord Joffre out of the merchet was an intentional double-cross; whereas her father’s ignorance of the state of her virginity was not her father’s fault. Besides, her time with Sean was just the once, so maybe Willum would not notice. Although Marion thought, Sean certainly wielded a rather stout weapon, and there had been lots of pain and blood.

Marion’s mistake, it seemed, was in confiding Willum’s plan with her cousin Rose, who happened to be bedding Lord Joffre as well as her husband. Rose let the plan slip during some post-coital pillow talk but then didn’t have the courtesy to warn Marion. Thus, Lord Joffre and his men were waiting in ambush as the couple attempted to cross to the next county after bribing a dishonest clergyman to marry them without posting the bans, and had been brought back to the castle.

She was now in the basement of his castle, the punishment room, stretched upright and naked as the day she was born before a man that she really never wanted to be naked before; and he was to her. They had been left alone, during which he had become aroused several times at the sight of Marion’s womanly charms; her small but firm breasts, slim waist, and Venus-mound covered in hair the same deep red as that on her head. Marion had ample view of his manly “charms” as well, and learned that she would have been disappointed had they managed to consummate their wedding. To say that Willum was half the man that Sean was would have been a disservice to Sean. If Willum were a knight, he’d have a hard time justifying a codpiece.

She was contemplating that fact when she heard the footfalls of men coming down the stairs. The first was Lord Joffre, followed by an angry looking sheriff carrying several leather implements. The ensemble stopped before Willum, who quickly lost the most recent tumescence that he had achieved whilst viewing the captive Marion. As he was restrained, he could only bow his head. “M ‘Lord.”

“Are you sure Willum? Are you sure that I am your Lord?”

“M ‘Lord?”

“Willum, if I am your Lord, how is it that I was not told of your marriage? How is it that I have not been advised that you have paid the fee beforehand?”

“M ‘Lord, it must have been an oversight.”

Now whilst Lord Joffre and Willum had been speaking, the sheriff had unfolded one of his leather implements, a heavy flogger. As soon as the lie had escaped his lips, Willum felt its full force sear across his back. SWISH! Once. SWISH! Twice. SWISH! Thrice. He screamed.

“Willum, it is not wise to deceive me.”

“No, M ‘Lord,” he whimpered, fearing a fourth.

“Good, Willum, good. Now, tell me the truth.”

“I am broke, M ‘Lord. I could not afford the fee.” Lord Joffre nodded, and three more lashes whipped across Willum’s back.


Marion smiled; the worthless cur was getting his deserts. A smile that quickly faded when Lord Joffre’s attention turned to her. As he took in her beauty; her smooth pale skin, her tight backside, her inviting legs, he spoke to Willum. “Do you know what the fee represents? What it replaced?”

“M ‘Lord?”

“Years ago, in my grandfather’s time, the Lord had the right of “jus primae noctis”; the right to take the virginity of any bride on her wedding night. It seems that my mother abhorred the idea, and forced my father to impose a fee for wedlock rather than invoke his right.” He ran his fingers along Marion’s neck, across her chest. He cupped her usually supple breast, now pulled tight by her bondage, before pinching the dark pink nipple atop. She shivered.

“As it stands, both are still on the books; the right and the fee. Tell me Willum, do you have the twenty pounds?”

Willum hung his head. “No, M ‘Lord.”

Lord Joffre had moved behind Marion and was stroking her buttocks. Despite the situation, Marion felt herself responding. “Well, then Willum, we have a dilemma; and you have a choice to make. I can have my sheriff beat the twenty pounds out of you. I’d say that a full hundred strokes should make us even.” Lord Joffre pushed himself against Marion’s back, forcing his clothed erection between her cheeks as he reached around and grabbed both breasts at once.

“Or,” he went on, “I can exercise my right and take her virginity here, now, whilst you watch.” He pinched her left nipple hard as his right hand found her pubic hair. He ran his fingers through it as if he were combing it. Marion was mortified that her body was responding; she could feel a wetness beginning to form at her juncture. At the same time, she desperately wanted his fingers to delve lower, not even thinking that he might discover the torn condition of her hymen.

Marion was disappointed in Willum, but not surprised when he opted to forgo the flogging in exchange for Lord Joffre stuffing his new bride. She was, however, disgusted when she saw his manhood begin to rise at the thought. Lord Joffre noticed his arousal as well. With a nod, the sheriff laid three more across his back, SWISH! SWISH! SWISH! and Willum quickly lost his altitude. In his limp condition, it was easy for the sheriff to then pack Willum’s offensive organ into a tight leather harness. Marion suspected that he would sustain a rupture before he could get his cock to rise in such a truss. She also suspected that the sheriff had enjoyed man-handling Willum’s penis.

Meanwhile, Lord Joffre’s hands were playing havoc with Marion’s senses. Every place that he touched became an erogenous zone; every way that he touched her, prodded her, squeezed her, pinched her, caused her fires to grow stronger. Her womanhood was now awash in her juices; they flowed freely down her legs. Lord Joffre scooped some up with his fingers and offered them to her. She opened her mouth and sucked willingly, tasting her own arousal. It was then, as she was distracted, that Lord Joffre thrust two fingers into her quivering quim.

“What ho!” he exclaimed. “Willum, I believe that we have both been shortchanged!”

“M ‘Lord?”

“Marion is no maiden. There’s been another cock in the henhouse unless you have yet again lied to me.” Marion barely heard the exchange, as she had focused on the feeling of having her pussy so wonderfully violated; only to have Lord Joffre quickly retreat. SWISH! A quick stroke of the sheriff’s flogger across her backside brought her back to the moment. “Tell me, Marion, is Willum a liar, or has he suffered a cuckhold?”

Marion’s face was flushed with embarrassment. “It appears that he lies about many things, M ‘Lord, but not about this.”

“Well, Willum, it seems that your bride’s indiscretion has saved you.” He laughed. “ I had planned to have the sheriff flog you as I fucked her since you were more than willing to sacrifice her virtue over a mere twenty pounds. But as you have the right to an immediate annulment, which would relieve you of your debt to me, I guess that we can forgo the beating, what?”

“Oh, thank you, M ‘Lord!”

“Don’t thank me yet, Willum. Sheriff, remove the cock gag.” The sheriff unfastened the leather harness that had encased Willum’s penis. “You still have to watch.” He saw Willum’s member start to rise. “But only watch”

Lord Joffre then turned to Marion. “Whilst I don’t care a wit about Willum here, nor you for that matter, I am out twenty pounds from whoever had you first.” Marion realized almost immediately that Lord Joffre wanted her to identify the man that had first taken her. She knew that Sean did not have twenty pounds, and she could not bear the idea of him receiving one hundred lashes for their one time. “So, unless you name the man, you leave me no choice but to exact payment from you.”

Now, Marion should have been afraid. She had seen lesser floggings in the square where men’s backs were lain raw after a mere fifty. But, curiously, the stroke across her arse, whilst quite painful, had the opposite effect that it had on Willum. The scum had lost his arousal at the pain, but Marion’s had only gotten stronger. And the thought of more pain being visited to her tender rear cheeks did nothing to quench it. Marion remained silent.

“Very well.” Lord Joffre took the flogger from the sheriff and removed his jacket. “Let’s see if ten will loosen your tongue.”


Marion screamed at the excruciating pain; her arse was on fire, but so were her loins. Her pussy continued to flood liquid desire down her spread thighs. She kept her secret.


Lord Joffre, beginning to work up a sweat, removed his shirt. Marion was immediately taken by his strong musculature. He grabbed the nipple of one of her breasts and twisted it cruelly. She whimpered, as the pain caused her pussy to throb even more. “Well, I see that we must up the ante. Let’s see if ten across the breasts will get your tongue moving.”


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The rough leather thongs tore, back and forth, across her breasts; grabbing at her tender nipples as they left behind angry red welts. The pain left her in a sexually charged daze. She thrust her chest out, waiting for more. But she did not give up her first-time lover.

Lord Joffre surveyed his work. The flogger has certainly done its work on the soft flesh of Marion’s butt and tits. Yet she remained silent. He began to doubt that she would give up the name, as it was obvious that she was enjoying the pain that he had inflicted on two of her most private parts. Which left just the one remaining. “Marion, I am running out of options. These next ten will be far more painful than anything that you can imagine. Surely the man isn’t worth it.” Marion said nothing. She had a good idea where the lashes would go next. She was counting on the pain to be excruciating.

Lord Joffre shook his head. “Sheriff, arrange her.”

Marion saw the sheriff as he went behind her, then felt a table pushed against her abused behind. He shoved it forward, causing her pelvis to be thrust upward and her tethered legs spread even wider than before. Her pussy was now totally vulnerable to the whipping that she was about to receive. She must be a sight, as there was a bulge in Lord Joffre’s trousers that surpassed Sean’s. Even Willum’s equipment seemed to have grown bigger.

SWISH! The first stroke was from left to right across her mound, pulling at the hairs that covered her pudenda. SWISH! The second stroke went right to left across the same spot. Her mons was already swollen with lust, but it got even fuller as the pain caused even more blood to flow to the area.

SWISH! SWISH! SWISH! SWISH! The next four continued the back and forth pattern. Marion’s clitoris was now so engorged that vibrations from the blows had her on the brink.

SWISH! SWISH! One straight down between her legs, followed by one straight up, pulling at her lips and sweeping over her pea. SWISH! SWISH! Another agonizing direct frontal assault on her pussy. She screamed; not in pain, but in frustration. She was so close to release. She said nothing.

“Sheriff, bring the table around front.” The sheriff complied, this time pushing it up against her hips so that her ass was now jutting back, her legs still spread wide. But, in this position, her cheeks were now also stretched open, exposing her puckered rear orifice in addition to her vaginal opening.

SWISH! SWISH! SWISH! SWISH! SWISH! The first five went back and forth across her previously beaten buttocks; but also lower, across the tops of her thighs as the leather brushed across her labia.

SWISH! Number six was delivered top to bottom. Several of the thin leather straps seared across her arsehole, whilst several more tore between her inner lips. SWISH! Number seven went from low to high, sparing her brown opening but making contact on the hood surrounding her clitty.

SWISH! SWISH! Eight and none repeated the pattern. Everything between her legs, from her rear entrance to her clit, was throbbing with pain, and with need. She was so wet now that she had to imagine that the flogger was, too.

SWISH! This one was the hardest, top to bottom, managing to make contact with every part of her; the tips of the leather straps penetrating her arse and pussy before scraping across her clit. She came, screaming incoherently as she thrashed against the table, writhing against the restraints that held her.

Lord Joffre stood before her, his erection tenting the front of his pants. “Marion, that was fifty. There are fifty more in store. That’s worth ten pounds toward the debt that the lover you are protecting owes. Surely he would be willing to pay the balance. Who is he?”

Marion looked at Willum, who had been more than happy for her to watch as she was deflowered in the most humiliating way. She would not betray Sean like that. But, she also realized that for all of the pleasure that she had experienced, the pain would start to become more than she could handle. She was afraid that she would eventually break.

“M ‘Lord, if it is my virginity that you wish, I offer it.”

“Come, girl. I’ve already confirmed that you are no longer innocent.”

“But it was just the once, M ‘Lord, I swear. Surely a man with your …” she glanced again at his bulge, “… prowess … would not notice.”

“Marion, dear, one cannot unring the bell. A used twat, even just the once, is no longer the same. You are no longer a virgin, and that is the principle. You have no virginity to trade.”

She had accepted earlier that she would have to make a humiliating sacrifice for Willum, whom she now despised. Bent over the table, with her arse involuntarily offered to Lord Joffre for his abuse, she decided that Sean deserved the same, and more.

“Yes, M ‘Lord, in my cunny.” She screwed up her courage. “But not in my other place.”

Lord Joffre could scarce believe his ears. She was offering her bunghole to protect a lover with whom she had coupled just once. He wasn’t sure if she knew what that would entail, so he kicked off his shoes and dropped his breeches.

Marion gasped at the sight. Sean was large. Lord Joffre was a monster. He looked to be as long as a forearm, and as thick as a table leg. Marion could remember every inch of Sean’s penetration in her hole made to be penetrated. She had no idea how she would accommodate Lord Joffre in one that was not, but she had to try.

Lord Joffre pulled his foreskin back, exposing his angry purple glans. “Are you sure that your lover is worth this? I will give you the benefit of some lard, but I will not be gentle.”

Marion hadn’t even considered that her rectum would be dry. The thought of her back chute being filled with both cock and animal rendering sounded repulsive, yet oddly erotic. “Yes, M ‘Lord,” she said, her voice tinged with both fear and lust.

As the punishment room had seen much buggering over the years, there was always a bit of lard handy. Lord Joffre stood in front of Marion, making her watch as he slathered the stuff along and around the width and girth of his huge erection with both hands. He walked behind her, and she felt his greasy fingers prise her cheeks apart before forcing a fingertip glob of fat into her anus, then another, and then again. As he forced first just one, but eventually two of his thick fingers up her rear, she began to fear for the first time that his cock might injure her.

She didn’t have long to ponder the thought though, as Lord Joffre quickly withdrew his fingers and lodged the huge head of his prick just past her muscled ring, pulling back his foreskin as he did so. The pain Marion felt in her backside being flogged was nothing compared to this. It was as if a large tree branch had been shoved into her. Her sphincter pulsed, trying to force this anal invader out. But Lord Joffre held her hips tightly, keeping his pole in place as she shouted out.

“That is but the head, Marion. Who was he?”

She answered by shoving herself backwards as much as she could considering her bondage so that she was impaled on the top half of his monster cock. Her eyes clouded with the overwhelming pain as she felt him fill her bowel. She had no idea that he was only half in; but then he drew back, and lunged forward, to the hilt, and she knew. It felt as if there was nothing in her lower body but his cock. She had no idea where it all fit. But it was so large that it rubbed her vaginal tract from the opposite side hard enough that her pussy began to tremble.

True to his word, Lord Joffre was not gentle. He gave her but a moment’s respite before he started pumping her arse hard and deep. The lard helped, but Marion still felt every inch of both length and circumference, every vein, the ridge around his head as he ravaged her from behind. And despite the uncomfortable amount of friction across her anal opening, she felt the fire that had waned at her initial anal breeching stir again.

She began moaning, her lust overtaking her reason as he ravaged her dark hole. She started pushing back as best she could, increasing the depth of his thrusts, forcing his abdomen against the raw flesh of her buttocks. He took a well-beaten teat in each hand for leverage, squeezing doubly hard as his hands were still slick. He pinched her buds sharply. The pain in her arse and breasts travelled straight to her pussy, causing it to pulsate with arousal.

The lubricating effect of the lard was beginning to ebb for both of them, and Lord Joffre felt the contours of her insides across his massive member trigger a response in his groin. Just when Marion felt that he could not get any deeper, he slammed into her as hard as he could. It could have been his bollocks caroming off her clit; it could have been the pre-ejaculation swelling of his cock; it could have been the searing heat deep in her gut as his spunk filled her to capacity. All she knew for sure was that the orgasm that tore through her body as he came was more than she could have ever imagined.

Sated, Lord Joffre pulled his cock from her arse. To Marion it felt as if he had withdrawn her insides; she loathed the emptiness. His cum drained from her arse, mixing with the copious juices that had flowed from her pussy before puddling on the floor between her feet. As her vision came back into focus, she saw Lord Joffre cleaning the dregs of their anal coupling from his member. And then she saw Willum. And laughed.

The sight of Marion being flogged on every sexual part of her body, and then buggered to orgasm, was apparently more than he could take. He hung limp from his bindings, his cock half erect dripping semen into a puddle. He had cum just from the sight of it all. Lord Joffre looked at him with disgust.

“Untie them both,” he told the sheriff. “Give Marion her clothes, and see that she gets cleaned and to her home.” He thought for a moment, considering the look in the sheriff’s eye. “And make sure that she suffers no additional abuse. From anyone.”

“Marion, you may consider your lover’s debt to me paid. I would say that you are free to marry him, but doing so in this county would surely mean me learning his identity. If you still wish to, and if he will still take you after, well … I would suggest that you move away first.”

Then he turned to Willum. “As for you, it was only by luck that you escaped my punishment. It hardly seems fair. Still, I have no reason to hold you, and neither does the sheriff. So, you are free to leave.”

“Thank you, M ’Lord!”

Lord Joffre spied the two pools of cum on the floor. “Leave, that is after you’ve licked up every bit of this mess.”


Written by Boss01
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