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The Weekend Part Three - Sunday

"An eventful trip concludes"

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Author's Notes

"Thus concludes the series. Thank you for your patience. And special thanks to my co-author and creative muse innocentgirl29. <p> [ADVERT] </p> Your friendship and inspiration mean more than you will ever know."

Fiona awoke, groggy and exhausted, her mouth parched, her sense of place blurred by a strange disorientation. Hazy erotic dreams had haunted her sleep, and she was aware of a tingling in her most intimate regions. A distinct odor lingered in the air. She struggled to recognize it, and slowly it came to her. Sex. A man’s spunk, mingled with a woman’s musky secretions. Gradually, her surroundings came into focus, and she began to recall the events of the previous evening. She was lying on the bed, which was disheveled almost to the point of being destroyed.

Angela – yes, that was her name. Fiona remembered cumming violently as her husband emptied himself into his mistress. Shame and regret mixed with arousal, and as she replayed the scene in her head, she was aware of a presence behind her. A naked body pressed up against hers and a hand swept the hair from her neck as a tender kiss was planted on it.

“Here, why don’t you sit up. I brought you some orange juice.” Angela’s voice was soothing, kind. Fiona pulled herself up into a seated position as Angela adjusted herself to sit directly behind her, her arm reaching around and her hand offering the glass to her. Fiona accepted the glass gratefully, and took a long drink of the cold, refreshing juice. Angela’s fingers stroked her hair as she drained the glass, set it on the bedside table, and without thinking sank back into Angela’s embrace. She could feel the heat of Angela’s body as she pressed into it. Angela spread her legs wide and pulled Fiona back, so that her pussy was pressed firmly against Fiona’s ass. She continued to stroke Fiona’s hair, planting kisses on her shoulders and neck.

Fiona was confused. Shouldn’t she be angry and revolted? And yet, she found herself relaxing and surrendering as Angela’s hands reached around her and began to caress her breasts, fingertips brushing across her sensitive nipples. The sensation was pleasant, and Fiona closed her eyes and exhaled deeply. Without warning, Angela pinched each nipple between her thumb and forefinger, firmly at first and then hard. A searing pain shot through Fiona and her sharp intake of breath confirmed that the pinching had its intended effect. Angela twisted the nipples and Fiona let out a sharp cry as a trickle of fluid escaped from between her legs, traveling down the region between her pussy and ass and dripping onto the sheet. Fiona’s back arched involuntarily, and she threw her head back as Angela’s fingers found her clit. Jolts of electricity shot through her as the fingers strummed. Quite unexpectedly, she felt a sharp slap across her pussy, and then two fingers violated her roughly. Fiona was gasping now, and she felt her orgasm building.

Just when she was at the precipice, Angela withdrew, slid out from behind her, and pushed her down on the bed. Angela stood over Fiona, straddling her face. Fiona looked up to see a gorgeous set of lips and, unmistakably, sticky white fluid ready to drip down onto her.

Fiona did not need to be told what to do. She opened her mouth wide to accept the first drops as they dribbled out. The saltiness of Ian’s cum mixed with Angela’s fluid was both revolting and terribly exciting. Angela ground down on Fiona’s face, her pussy pressing strongly against her mouth. Instinctively, Fiona flicked her tongue out, tasting more of the mingled juices of her husband and his lover’s recent union.

“You like that, don’t you?”

“Mmmmmmmm” was all Fiona could manage in reply, her mouth busy and her face smeared.

“It’s fresh. Just a few minutes ago. You were still sleeping. He left the biggest load inside me, and I couldn’t wait to share it with you.”

Fiona responded by attacking Angela’s pussy even more fiercely.

“Good girl. You are quite the little cum slut, aren’t you? Who would think you’re such a dirty whore?”

The words were degrading. The words were exciting. Intoxicating. Fiona was ready to explode. All she wanted was to drink in every drop of fluid inside Angela’s cavity. The taste, the smell, the sensation, the knowledge of what she was taking into her mouth, made her dizzy with lust. Her desire so overwhelmed her that she didn’t notice that Angela was nearing her peak.

At once, Angela lifted off Fiona slightly, began to rub her clit, and a shower of fluid rained down on Fiona’s face. She thrilled at the realization that she, Fiona, had caused Angela to erupt so violently. Fiona wanted to touch herself – the merest contact would no doubt make her explode as well - but remembered her instruction from Friday night and so summoned all her discipline to fight the feeling.

Angela slid down so that her body was pressing against Fiona and kissed her deeply. Fiona returned the affection, her tongue probing her dominant partner’s mouth. Angela’s fingers found their home again, and the pressure in Fiona quickly built to an almost unbearable peak.

“God, I need to cum. Please let me cum!”

“No,” came the gentle but firm response. “Not yet. Trust me.”

It took everything Fiona could muster to hold off her climax. Angela continued to edge her for a small eternity. Each time Fiona was close, Angela would back off. Fiona concentrated on her breathing as the peaks and valleys rolled on in increasingly intense waves. It was as if Angela knew her body better than she did.

It was torture. It was agony. It was ecstasy.

Suddenly, when Fiona thought she couldn’t endure any longer, she heard a low buzz. The familiar sound of a vibrator. Fiona surrendered as Angela stroked her body, face, and hair.

“You’re so beautiful like this. So raw, so naked, so vulnerable. Such a pretty, needy little slut”

With that, she pressed the wand against Fiona’s clit, causing her to explode in climax, screaming into the fresh morning as her body shook and she thrashed about the bed. Convulsion followed convulsion as her entire body, her entire being, was torn asunder by the ferocity of her orgasm. She had never, ever, experienced anything remotely like this.

“That’s it pet. Just let go. Let it all out.”

Fiona screamed again, a stream of obscenities issuing forth from her mouth. Angela held her tight as her convulsions continued and gradually subsided.

Finally, Angela released her, and Fiona collapsed gasping in a heap. Only then did she realize she was lying in a puddle of her own making. Angela lay next to her, pressing gently against her, skin on skin, as she ran her hand lovingly across Fiona’s body.

“Good girl”, she repeated over and over.

Fiona was semi-delirious, still breathing heavily, her brain in a fog.

“Did I….?”

“Yes, you squirted. A lot. You soaked the bed.” Angela let out a little giggle.

“I’ve never…”

“Well then, this new chapter in your life just got a little more interesting. We’re going to have to leave a big tip for housekeeping.”

Fiona rolled onto her side, facing Angela, and instinctively threw an arm and a leg around her new lover. She felt so vulnerable and so in need of affirmation and care, and Angela’s embrace was comforting and warm.

“Where’s Ian?” she asked, realizing with a start that she had utterly ignored the fact that he was nowhere in sight.

“Off for a little morning run. It’s important that he keep in shape.”

As if on cue, there was a click at the door, and it opened to admit Ian. He paused a few steps into the room and took in the view of the two women laying on the bed. A devilish grin spread across his face.

“Looks like someone’s awake. Did you get fed?” he asked Fiona.

Angela answered quickly, “Of course.” She spread her legs to reveal a small trickle of Ian’s cum still dribbling out of her slit. “She liked the taste of her breakfast snack quite a bit. Didn’t you, Fiona?” scooping the cum with her finger and feeding it to Fiona.

Fiona found herself eagerly taking Angela’s finger into her mouth, clamping her lips around it and licking it clean with her tongue, relishing the taste and the intimacy of the moment. “Mmmmmmm” was all she could manage.

Ian was over to the bed in a flash. His running shorts were dropped to his ankles and his cock jutted out proudly in Fiona’s direction. Angela was pushing her up into a seated position and guiding her to the edge of the bed.

“Looks like hubby needs some attention, don’t you, darling,” cooed Angela as she placed her hands on the back of Fiona’s head and pushed her toward his raging manhood.

Fiona needed no further encouragement. She reached out and began to stroke Ian before placing him in her mouth. The taste was funky – a mix of sweat and dried cum – both his and Angela’s. She proceeded somewhat tentatively. She took Ian halfway and began to alternate sucking, licking, and stroking her husband, tenderly and romantically. After all the events of the past two days, this was bliss.

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But Angela was having none of it. She pulled Fiona’s hands away and pinned her arms behind her, grabbing Fiona’s wrists with one hand while the other hand returned to her head and pushed her down on Ian. Fiona could feel Angela’s breath in her ear.

“Suck his cock like you mean it, you fucking slut. Show us what a starving little whore you are.” She shoved Fiona violently down on Ian, forcing his engorged cock down his wife’s throat. Fiona began to gag and her eyes watered. “That’s it, take it all the way down. You like that, don’t you?” Fiona issued a muffled reply, struggling to keep from gagging more and feeling suffocated. Angela pushed harder, Ian’s cock penetrating deeper into her throat. She was slobbering profusely, and when Angela relented to give Fiona a chance to gasp for air, saliva ran down her chin and poured onto her tits. Her face was covered in tears as she hyperventilated. Angela turned Fiona’s head toward her roughly and spat directly on her face. Completely at Angela’s and Ian’s mercy, she submitted as her mouth was forced down on Ian again, and again. She was being degraded, used like a sex doll, and yet her pussy was on fire, liquid spilling out onto the sheet below her.

Suddenly Ian pulled out. “Oh no, I’m not ready to cum yet.” He bent down and kissed Angela erotically, then motioned to the bed. Angela released Fiona and positioned herself on all fours, ass facing Ian. In no time he was inside her, thrusting furiously. Fiona was unsure what to do when Angela barked out an order.

“Get beneath me, slut.”

Fiona complied, sliding her head under Angela’s midsection. From this vantage, she was just inches away from her husband’s cock sliding in and out of his lover. His balls, full of another load of cum for Angela, hung down, so close Fiona could almost stick her tongue out and touch. With each near-total withdrawal, Ian’s cock glistened with his concubine’s love juices. A swirl of emotions surged within Fiona – heartbreak, jealousy, arousal, hunger. Her heart beat wildly and every cell in her body was ablaze.

Angela was screaming now, pushing back against Ian’s thrusts. The sight before Fiona’s eyes was mesmerizing and breathtakingly beautiful. She needed release, desperately, but dared not touch herself. As if he were reading her, Ian leaned to his right to find her pussy and his fingers abruptly thrust into her. She spread her legs wider to accept them, and he began to fuck her hard with them, matching his cadence with that of his cock hammering Angela. She cried out “I’m cumming!” and he continued to savagely finger her. She saw his balls contract as he slammed into Angela one last time, emitting a “FUCCCKKKK” as he emptied himself into her vessel. Fiona needed nothing more. Her orgasm tore through her, and she cried out in release as a fountain of fluid erupted from her, all over Ian’s hand, his arm, her legs, and the bed. Convulsions once again consumed her, but her attention remained riveted on Ian’s cock, pulsating as he shot his load inside Angela.

Ian buried himself into Angela with one last violent thrust, withdrew, and moved to the side of the bed. Cum poured out of Angela, and Fiona opened her mouth wide to accept it. As his seed dropped into her eager mouth, Ian slammed his still-throbbing cock into her pussy. Fiona let out a gasp as her husband’s cheating cock, coated with his mistress's cum mixed with his own, violated her most sacred space. Almost immediately another orgasm began to overtake her, and she pleaded for permission to cum. Ian’s only response was to pinch her nipples roughly and fuck her even more aggressively. Permission tacitly granted she gasped, cried out, and surrendered to the sensation.

The circle complete, the trio began to prepare for the return home. Ian ordered room service and they packed while they waited. Ian threw on a robe when the food arrived, while the women discreetly tucked themselves into the bathroom. They ate as they had spent the morning, naked. Fiona surveyed the room. The bed covers were all over the place, a testament to the depravity that had occurred there over the course of the weekend. She looked at Angela. All this was so new, so unfamiliar, yet her feelings were of acceptance, embrace even. And finally, she looked at Ian. Darling Ian. The love of her life. Over three days, he had destroyed her and yet introduced her to something new, frightening, and dare she say exciting. As she struggled to make sense of it all, a pair of hands began to stroke her shoulders and arms tenderly. One belonged to Ian and the other to Angela. They leaned in and embraced Fiona, and the three lovers shared an intimate embrace, tongues dancing together.

The valet brought Ian’s and Angela’s cars to the front door. As they walked toward the vehicles, Angela held out her hand to Fiona. In it was the key to her car. “You take my car, Fiona. I’m riding with Ian. We’ll see you at home.”

Fiona’s heart sank as she accepted the key and walked to Angela’s car. The doorman placed her bag in the trunk, and she slid into the driver’s seat. She took a minute to familiarize herself with the controls and adjust the mirrors when her eye caught an envelope and a package on the passenger seat. She studied the envelope, which she saw bore her name. She opened it and took out the card. Inside it said, “We are so happy to embark on this new life together. Ian and Angela.”

She unwrapped the package. Inside was a black leather collar prominently bearing the word “Slut” in shiny silver. Another note accompanied it.

“Accepting this collar is your acknowledgment of your status and a symbol of my love. You are to place this on you now as a symbol of your submission to your new position. Do not remove it until permission is granted to do so. You are such a very special pet. Wear this with pride. I Love You.”

Fiona placed the collar around her neck and secured it. An unexpected calm descended upon her, and she let out a deep sigh as she drove away.

She replayed the events of the weekend in her mind. The shopping to prepare. The giddy anticipation. The lovely dinner. The unexpected companion over drinks. And of course, the shocking revelation of Friday evening. The moment when her entire world came perilously close to crashing down around her. And yet, as she continued to recall the events of the past three days, she felt that familiar tingling between her legs. It intensified as she recalled accepting Ian’s gift to Angela and the thrill of feeling her husband inside her, harder than she had ever felt him.

She began to feel a terrible urge to pee and pulled over into a rest area to relieve herself. She pulled into a parking spot and began to exit the car when she realized the collar was on. There were quite a few people coming and going, including families and children. She hesitated, and then with conviction strode toward the building. To hell with them, she thought, I am a slut. Yes, and proud of it.

She entered the stall and sat, emptying herself, and then felt an overwhelming need to cum. She spread her legs and began to move her fingers in circles across her clit. There was something naughty and exciting as she sat masturbating in a public bathroom, slut collar on her neck, visions of the weekend flashing through her imagination. How very much things had changed, she had changed, in just a few short but momentous days. Her breathing became ragged, her pussy dripped, her clit engorged and painfully sensitive. The pressure was building steadily, and her release was imminent.

With a shock, she stopped suddenly, opening her eyes, and sitting up straight. She remembered her instruction, the command that she was duty-bound to obey. And so, despite the pain and frustration, she rose, fixed herself, and left the bathroom unsatisfied.

Fiona opened the car door, lowered herself into the driver’s seat, and turned for home. The ache in her body and her heart was intense. What lay ahead was unknown, dangerous, a trifle frightening, and very exciting. All she knew for sure is that she would be challenged in ways heretofore unthinkable, and hopefully rewarded in ways she could not fully imagine. She was being asked to assume a new position in her relationship, to accept submission, not only to Ian but also to Angela. The thought hurt her, and yet in that hurt was a glimpse of renewal and fulfillment, sexual and emotional. She realized that she wanted to give of herself freely, out of love for Ian and a burning desire to make him happy, but also because she sensed that this was who she really had been all along. Still uncertain, she headed for home, wondering what the evening, and the days, weeks, and months ahead might bring.

Written by chris21235
Contributing Authors
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