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The Devil’s Harem: Sex, Drugs And Debauchery

"An aspiring rockstar enjoys a raucous celebration party after signing a recording contract."

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The crowd roared as the band took the stage. As the bass began to thump out a rhythm, the drummer soon joined in. The decibel level shot through the roof, and that was just the noise of the fans in the audience. 

The band knew these weren’t their fans. No, these fans were there to see Linkin Park. This band was just there as the opening act in their first ever major gig. Nonetheless, they were sky high on adrenaline as well as the heroin they’d earlier shot into their veins. Ten songs later and the huge coliseum was gripped in a frenzy.

To the band it felt like stardom had arrived. Five years they had played dingy bars that smelled like piss, music halls with plaster falling from the ceiling and puke in the hallways, teeny bopper high school proms, and now this — rock and roll glory!

Exiting the stage, the band members saw them, the rock gods themselves. The band was elated to see the guys in Linkin Park nodding their approval. Walker, the lead guitarist, was so awe struck that he felt numb as Brad Delson held his hand out. “Great show, man, you hit some amazing rifs.”

Walker could barely utter the words, “Thanks. Thanks so much.” 

Security guards and wooden partitions held back a crowd of girls. Scantily clad, painted in whorish make-up, they screamed at the guys. Just as Walker glanced their way, one of the girls lifted her shirt, flashing her tits at him.

Security pushed the door to the dressing room open to a waiting entourage. Walker dashed through a thick cloud of marijuana smoke toward a large cushioned chair. Someone tossed him a small white towel which he used to wipe his face just before a blunt was passed to him. Walker took a long deep toke then handed the joint off to someone walking by.

Suddenly the door opened again, the outside noise rushed in along with the band’s new benefactor, Lou Natas. There was an eerie glow about Natas as he stood before Walker, who had sunk as deep into that large chair as was possible. Wondering if that glow was just his imagination continually perplexed Walker, but he dared not mention it to anyone for fear of seeming foolish.

Grinning slyly, Natas extended his hand. Walker reached upward and clasped the outstretched hand, feeling its firm grip. 

“Congratulations, Walker.”

“Thanks, Mr. Natas. This feels awesome.”

“I’m sure it does, son.”

Walker thought it felt strange being called son by Mr. Natas. The man didn’t look to be older than forty, yet he had so much knowledge and confidence, as if he had been around forever.

Natas pulled a trifold contract from the jacket of his gray tailored silk suit. “Walker, you sign first, you’re the songwriter and frontman.”

Walker took the contract and unfolded it. Mr. Natas handed him a diamond jeweled Cross pen. 

“Pay special attention to that last clause.” Natas’s large grin exposed his perfectly aligned and brilliantly white teeth.

Walker glanced over the last clause of the contract and cracked up laughing.

“You have such a great sense of humor, Mr. Natas. Sure, the devil can have my soul — my soul to be a superstar any day.” Still chuckling Walker added, “It’s funny, looking at the clause. I noticed that your name, sir, spelled backward is Satan. Now, that’s kind of funny.”

Natas laughed loudly. “Yes, it is funny.”

Walker signed his name and handed it back to him. 

“Stardom beyond your wildest dreams, my son.”

He looked up at Mr. Natas. Walker had always felt there was something strange about Natas’s translucent steel blue eyes that almost seemed to shine. They gave him a supernatural aura, and no matter the circumstance, his blonde hair was always perfect. The man’s face was masculine but exuded an almost feminine beauty that Walker found slightly unnerving.

Mr. Natas, without taking his eyes off Walker’s, handed the contract to his assistant. “Mr. Mammon,” Natas’s voice was smooth, “Have the other boys sign.”

“Walker,” Natas added, “the crowd loved you all tonight.” 

“Yes, sir.” Walker grinned, “They sure did.”

“Your album is now going out on iTunes. The CDs and even the vinyls are being released as we speak.”

“Man, that is awesome news, Mr. Natas.” Walker sat up in the chair.

“Mr. Mammon has arranged the rest of your tour. You will play two more nights here in LA before doing all the major stops on the West Coast, then sweep East until you finish up in New York City – Madison Square Garden, in four months.”

“The Garden?” A grin spread across Walker’s face. “How fucking awesome!”

“After you boys get showered and changed, I’ve got a limo and treats waiting for you downstairs.”

“A limo and treats?”

“Yes, go get showered. The limo will take you all back to the hotel.”

“You said treats, Mr. Natas?”

“They’re waiting in the limo.” Natas smiled mischievously. 


Bursting through the downstairs back exit, the rowdy band members immediately saw a long white stretch limo protected by a few bodyguards wearing suits and ties. The limo doors were opened, and a man Walker had often seen accompanying Mr. Natas stepped out. 

He was a tall, muscular man with long black hair, deep black eyes, very tan and a Mediterranean look. Walker had wondered why Natas had never introduced the man. Wearing a very expensive silk suit similar to the one Natas was wearing earlier, one could easily see the tattoos that peeked above his starched white shirt collar and extended beyond the cuff of his shirt sleeve.

The dark man smiled and greeted the band. “Gentleman, these ladies will escort you to the hotel and provide your entertainment for the evening.”

As the guys scrambled into the limo, they were greeted by legs and cleavage. The girls were sporting the tiniest club dresses, but what astonished the guys most was how beautiful the girls were.

The man with long black hair grabbed Walker by the elbow, stopping him. He gestured to the door closer to the front. Walker climbed in and sat next to a stunning young blonde who immediately handed him a flute of Cristal. 

Extending her hand, she introduced herself, “Hi Walker, I’m Karla.” 

“Great to meet you, Karla.”

She leaned to him and whispered in his ear, “We’re gonna have some mind blowing fun tonight.” She laid her hand on his thigh and gently rubbed it.

“Well, uh, ummm, Karla,” stammered Walker, “I got a fiancée.”

“She ain’t here is she?”

“No, but –“

“Shhh,” she placed her forefinger against his lips. “Trust me, you won’t think about her anymore tonight.”

Feeling his heart beat faster, Walker couldn’t seem to muster a response. Just then, Karla’s fingers tickled his inner thigh, as her hand moved even closer to his crotch. His cock had already begun to swell.

Walker couldn’t pull his gaze away from the gorgeous deep blue eyes that stared into his, as if they could steal his very soul. Her face moved even closer, her eyes still locked on his until her full red, shiny lips barely touched his.

As she pulled her lips away, he pressed forward attempting to kiss her full on, but Karla pulled away and smiled. Stunned, he just stared as she ran her wet glistening tongue along her upper lip. 

Again Walker leaned into her in an attempt to catch a full kiss. He had completely forgotten about his fiancée.

Quickly turning her back to him, Karla leaned toward the door and reached for something. As she turned back to him, she extended her fingertip caked in white powder.

“Wanna taste some candy?”

“Sure.” Walker grinned.

Taking her hand, he led her fingertip to his nose, Walker engulfed the white cocaine. She then slid her finger into his mouth, feeding him any left over residue. 

“We got all night, rockstar.” Karla’s big blue eyes stared into his as if possessing him. She then leaned slowly to him until her lips pressed hard against his. The kiss made him breathless.

She reached her arm around his neck, slowly caressing his ear before running her fingers along his jaw line. Her tongue pushed into his mouth, drawing his tongue back into her mouth. Passionately they kissed, their tongues intertwined in a long lustful dance. 

Street lights and bright signs flickered by, as the limo sped along from one road to the next. Just when Walker slid his hand between Karla’s exposed cleavage, the limo pulled up to the main entrance of the hotel. 

Bodyguards quickly opened the limo doors, and the band poured out along with their bevy of beauties in tow. Walker couldn’t help but notice the long shapely legs as Karla stood to her feet. Her tight, red, club dress seemed obscenely short. Her firm tits, though only average in size, were barely held within the thin straps that plunged well past her navel. 

Just then, he noticed the tall muscled man with the long black hair, who had just gotten out of the passenger side front door of the limo. As the man grinned at him, Walker saw a gold tooth that shined as it caught the light. The man nodded as Walker looked at him and noticed an art design on the man’s gold tooth.

Walker’s attention was quickly drawn away from the tooth by Karla’s twisty ass and long legs, as he turned to follow her into the lobby. She turned her head back to him and smiled, her legs working their charms as her high heels clicked along the floor. Her backless dress revealed a lower back tattoo in fancy script letters. Walker didn’t understand what the words said; for all he knew they could be in Latin.

The noisy group with tussled hair, unzipped pants, and exposed tits, staggered through the main doors. Guests and hotel employees stared, as the band and girls made their way through the hotel lobby. Piling as many as they could into the elevator, they headed up to the penthouse suites Mr. Natas had reserved for them. 

Karla pushed Walker against the mirrored back elevator wall and pressed her body tightly against him.

“You’ll never forget this night,” she said. Then she kissed him. 

Still engrossed in the kiss, Walker opened his eyes and saw Justin, the bass player, backed against the elevator wall. A gorgeous redhead girl in the group had dropped to her knees and had Justin’s cock in her mouth. Her head bobbed back and forth.

The man with the long black hair stood by the elevator control grinning slyly. Just then the man looked toward Walker, catching him looking at him in the mirror. Walker looked away quickly, closed his eyes and concentrated on Karla’s kiss, as her tongue slid deeper into his mouth.

Once the elevator opened to the penthouse, they entered to see ice buckets of Cristal on every available table. A console against the wall was set up with dozens of neatly arranged lines of cocaine. Short thin straws were arranged in cups next to the powder.

Walker headed straight for the coke, grabbed a straw and snorted a line. Karla was right behind him. As she bent over to snort a line, he watched her dress straps drop and expose her tits. He pulled her to him and kissed her. 

With their hands all over each other, they stumbled toward a sofa and fell onto it. The penthouse party around them had begun escalating toward a sexual frenzy.

There were several more girls than guys in the band, so some of Walker’s band mates had laid claim to two, even three of the young ladies. Walker, though, was only interested in Karla. He could easily see that all the women were beautiful, but Karla was the most gorgeous of the bunch. And why not; he was the lead guitarist and wrote all the songs. He even did most of the lead vocals, so he should score the hottest chick there. He felt he deserved that much. More than that though, and he realized it, there was something mesmerizing about Karla that was more than he could understand.

Karla sat on his lap on the sofa and straddled him. She reached over to the end table and grabbed a bottle of Cristal from the ice bucket. Without even taking a glass, she turned the bottle up, gulped down nearly half of it and laughed.

“Open up,” she giggled.

Walker opened his mouth, and Karla held the bottle to his lips. He took a mouthful and swallowed it.

“No,” she ordered teasingly, “drink it all down.”

She held the bottle to his lips again. “Now open up, rockstar.”

He opened his mouth more, and Karla turned the bottle up. The obscenely expensive champagne poured down his throat. He couldn’t quite swallow it all, and it came out his mouth, dripping down his chin.

Without looking, Karla tossed the bottle hard behind her, sending it across the room and smashing onto a vase. The crash of glassware caused revelers around the room to cheer.

“Whoo!” screamed Karla. Triumphantly, she raised her arms. “Let’s get this party crunk!”

“Get crunk!” Several voices in the room yelled.

Karla grabbed the straps of her dress and pulled them apart, exposing her firm boobs and pushing them into Walker’s face. Without hesitation, Walker cupped her tits. He immediately noticed the little gold bars that adorned her pierced nipples.

Walker ran his thumbs around her nipples, feeling them harden to his touch. Eagerly, he buried his face into her breasts. Running his lips from one tit to the next, he began kissing, licking and sucking each erect nipple.

Karla’s head dropped backward, allowing her long blonde hair to hang down as he held her back firmly in his arms. Wrapped around his waist, Karla pressed her thighs hard against his sides and began to slowly grind on his lap.

Walker continued sucking her titties, feeling his cock growing erect in his jeans. Karla’s pussy was pressed against his crotch, as she slid back and forth on his lap. Even through the denim material, he could feel her twat pressing against his hardening pecker.

“Let’s get these damn bluejeans off,” Karla said as she leaned forward, pressing her mouth to his ear.

Her hands found his crotch, and she fumbled slightly at the zipper until she had it firmly clenched between her thumb and forefinger. Quickly, she slid it downward then slipped her hand inside his jeans, rubbing his throbbing cock. She then grabbed and unhooked his belt and jerked the jeans apart.

Walker lifted his ass off the sofa so that she could pull his jeans down to his knees. Laughing while she did it, Karla dropped to her knees on the floor in front of him and tugged his sneakers off. She tossed them to the side and forced his jeans down his legs. While she did that, Walker pulled his t-shirt off, leaving himself sitting on the sofa in only a pair of black boxer shorts. 

Without hesitation, Karla jumped back to her feet, bent over and grabbed his boxers. She yanked those down his legs and tossed them behind her. By this time, the cocaine and Cristal had Walker in a haze, and the thought of retrieving his clothes later did not even occur to him. 

The band’s own music played loudly over the sound system throughout the room. Having stripped Walker, Karla stood in front of him and began to gyrate to the rhythm while she giggled. The top of her dress was already pulled down, so she slid it down her legs, kicking the dress off her foot. 

Walker hungrily stared at her scantily clad body, as she danced in front of him. Jewelry hanging from her pierced navel swung from side to side. He leaned forward and took it in his hand to get a better look, revealing it to be a golden pentagram. He laughed.

“Mr. Natas didn’t put you up to this, did he?”

“Mr. Natas gave that to me,” Karla replied. “He wants me to wear it all the time.”

“Natas sure is a jokester,” Walker laughed. Reaching his hands around her firm round ass, he pulled her closer to him. 

Karla grabbed the back of his head and ran her fingers through his long hair, massaging his scalp. Walker pressed his face to her sheer panty covered crotch and buried his nose into her pussy. He enjoyed the intoxicating musky scent of her cunt.

Hooking his fingers around the edges of her panties, he slowly slid them down, as she continued dancing. Once he had them below her knees, Karla raised one leg so he could slide them off, then the other. Walker sat back on the sofa, his eyes locked on Karla’s as he held her panties to his nose.

“They smell like your pussy.” He grinned mischievously at her.

Karla pointed to the seat cushion next to Walker. “Lie down,” she ordered.

Walker eagerly obliged, lying back onto the sofa. Karla crawled up on him, nudging forward until her crotch hovered above his face. She then lowered her pussy down onto his face.

“Get a whiff of that,” she giggled. 

Walker gripped her ass cheeks and pulled her crotch tight against his mouth. As his tongue began to lick at her clit, she began a slow grind. He inhaled deeply, intoxicated by the scent of her cunt. Walker was oblivious to the activities happening around him in the room.

The scene around Walker and Karla was almost chaotic, but if someone had been watching they would see the structured order of rhythm amongst the naked sweaty bodies writhing about the penthouse. And someone was watching. Standing on the balcony was Mr. Natas, flanked on each side by his top two assistants, Asmodeus and Mammon, drinks in hand and smoking Cuban cigars.

“I’ve never seen a more gorgeous group of whores.” Mr. Natas spoke before taking a drag on his cigar. He blew a perfect smoke ring, “And damn they can all suck and fuck.”

“I trained each one personally.” Asmodeus’s voice was deep and gruff. 

“Our job here is done, gentlemen,” said Mr. Natas. “I guess you’ll have the jet ready to take us to Vegas in the morning, Asmo.”

Asmodeus pulled his iPhone from his jacket pocket and punched up his text messages. “Yes, sir. It’s been fueled and a crew is cleaning up from Mammon’s party earlier.” He grinned and cut his eyes toward Mammon.

“Some congressmen and some of Asmo’s ladies,” Mammon took a drink and chuckled. “The video is perfect.”

They all laughed.


Down on the street, a young preacher in a cheap brown suit was getting frustrated at his attempts to pass out salvation pamphlets.

“Sex, drugs and debauchery will send your soul to hell!” The repeated yelling was making his voice hoarse.

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To make matters worse, the few people he did get to take a pamphlet were tossing them in the culvert a few feet away.

“Salvation is a free gift!” He offered the pamphlets to a middle-aged couple. They picked up their pace and wouldn’t look at him. 

“Don’t damn your soul to hell!”

“Give it a rest, preacher.”

The preacher turned swiftly to see a Los Angeles cop leaning out the passenger side window of a cruiser.

“I’ve got a permit,” the preacher retorted.

“I’m sure you do, preacher, but your pamphlets are making a mess on the street.”

“But I didn’t…”

The cop was agitated. “Permit or not, move on or I’ll cite you for littering.”

The preacher stuffed his remaining pamphlets into his jacket pocket and started toward his rusty old van parked down the street. He looked up into the night sky and asked, “Can I have a little help down here?”

Just then he noticed three glowing figures on the top balcony of the hotel ahead. His chest heaved as if the air had been sucked out of him. He had always hated the gift of seeing people’s spirit, and at that moment, he had the worst feeling he’d ever experienced. Panicked by what he felt, the young preacher hustled to his van.


Karla, still sitting on Walker’s face, was moaning loudly and sliding slowly back and forth. His tongue and fingers worked furiously at her soaking wet cunt. She cried out loud as she slung her long blonde hair and pinched her own areolas.

Cunt juice oozed down Walker’s chin, making a wet mess out of his face. He slid one, then two fingers, inside Karla’s oozing cunt and began to finger-fuck her. She growled and purred.

Walker and Karla, though engrossed in their own passion, realized they were surrounded by fucking, sucking, licking and moaning. The cries of ecstasy echoed throughout the penthouse. But Walker and Karla couldn't care less at that moment about the rampant sex around them. They were both enthralled with one another.

Having had her wet cunt licked and worked over hard, Karla pulled off Walker’s face and slid down his body so she could grab his hard pecker. She smiled at the sight of his thick girth.

“Nice,” she said and slowly traced her fingers up and down his engorged shaft. 

Karla began kissing the smooth purple head of his dick, probing the tip with her warm wet tongue. Then, extending her tongue, she traced down the bottom side of his cock until she got to his balls. Her tongue softly teased his tight nutsack before she slid her tongue back up the length of his pecker.

Laid back on the sofa, Walker moaned, as he watched Karla’s beautiful face between his thighs. He reached down and softly stroked her hair. Karla continued her teasing and licking of his pulsating tool.

Soon, she locked her eyes on his but still worked her tongue on his cock with the expertise of an expensive French courtesan. Walker had no idea that just months before, the nineteen-year-old Karla had been plucked from obscurity in a tiny Nevada desert town.

Karla’s lips cupped the head of his dick. Then, to Walker’s astonishment, she pushed his cock down her mouth into her throat. Shockingly, she still had her eyes locked on his. Slowly she pulled her head back up, caught her breath and deep-throated his prick again, all while softly tickling his nuts with her fingers. 

He watched spell-bound as she finally pulled her mouth off his cock, making a sucking pop noise as her lips let go. She again slid her wet tongue up and down both sides of his shaft.

“I ain’t even got started good, rockstar.” She smiled at him and kissed his dick again.

Then Karla’s head dropped down, her tongue sliding down his cock, lapping his balls, before she licked across his scrotum and tongued his asshole. Walker was taken aback by that maneuver, as he had never experienced an ass licking before. Walker’s ass tensed and he groaned.

Having seen that in a porno before, he had once suggested to his fiancée that she do that to him. She had acted offended and called him a pervert. 

Karla’s tongue probed his asshole. He couldn’t believe how good it felt. She then slid her tongue up and down his butt crack, faster and faster, while gently stroking his erect dick with her hand. He strained his neck to see what all she was doing.

Karla pulled her head up and smiled at him. “Is this your first time getting a rusty trombone?”

“A what?” Walker’s eyebrows raised sharply.

“A rusty trombone.” Karla giggled and stuck her tongue back in his asshole while she stroked his cock.

“Yeah.” Walker grinned. “I guess so.”

Karla sat back and turned to the end table by the sofa. She licked her finger, scooped up a line of cocaine and crawled up Walker, holding her finger to his nose. “Have some more nose candy.”

“Okay,” Walker raised his head closer to her finger, and Karla pressed her cocaine covered finger into his nostril. Walker sniffed as hard as he could, taking it all in.

“Okay,” she said, “I’m gonna do some now.” She scooted her ass over him across the sofa and scooped up more cocaine. Then Karla spit on Walker’s erect penis. She rubbed the coke onto it. She then reached back to the table and scooped up some powdered ecstasy onto a very small piece of chewing gum wrapper left on the table for that purpose. She poured the powder onto Walker’s dick, letting it mix with the cocaine.

Walker watched in amazement, having no idea what she was up to. He had never had drugs poured onto his cock before. 

Karla then straddled him and lowered her wet snatch onto his very hard, drug covered pecker. Walker watched as her swollen pink pussy lips engulfed his penis. The white cocaine and ecstasy disappeared into her drippy snatch.

She pushed her torso downward, until her twat was balls deep onto him. Karla leaned over and gave Walker a deep swirling tongue kiss.

She kept kissing him, as she slowly began to grind. Walker could feel the gold pentagram belly button ring push into his stomach. She soon picked up her pace, sat up on him and started grinding as hard as she could. Furiously, she pushed and pulled her juicy beaver back and forth. Her lean stomach muscles were clenched tight as she kept grinding. 

Reaching up and grabbing her tits, Walker began squeezing them and pinching her nipples. Karla bent down slightly and dug her long fingernails into his chest. As she kept grinding away hard on him, he could feel her nails digging deeper into his skin.

Karla continued to ride him cowgirl-style for several minutes. Her body began perspiring, and she was soon covered in a shiny sheen of sweat. Perspiration droplets fell onto Walker’s chest.

Karla moaned and screamed. “Give me that fucking cock! C’mon Walker, push that thing into my pussy.”

Walker worked his buttocks, shoving his torso back at her to meet her grinding thrusts. As Karla’s cunt engulfed his cock up and down, her cunt juice oozed down his balls. She was so wet that his inner thighs were drenched, and a large wet spot had soaked into the leather sofa.

Karla leaned down toward his chest again. “Lick your finger.”

“Lick my finger?”

“Yes, lick it and get it good and wet.”

Walker licked his finger, making it very juicy.

“Now put it in my ass.”

Walker raised an eyebrow. “Your ass?”

“Yes, slide that finger into my asshole.”

He reached around her, pushing his hand into her crack, and pressed his finger into her sphincter.

“Oh, yes!” Karla squealed. “I love it! Finger fuck my ass good!”

Walker started pushing his finger in and out of Karla’s asshole. “Like that?”

“Oh, yeah, rockstar. Even faster and work it around.”

Walker did just as she said. He savagely plugged away in her asshole with his finger, as she was still grinding hard on him. Their skin was screeching against the leather of the sofa, as the springs under the cushions squeaked in unison. Along with the panting, moans and squeals, the sounds performed the rhythm of their fucking.

Walker, thinking of the many times he’d unsuccessfully tried to talk his fiancée into anal sex, asked Karla, “Do you take it in the butt?”

“You got your finger in there right now.”

“How ‘bout my cock?”

“Yeah, rockstar,” she squealed, “How ‘bout you put that bad boy in my ass, I love it!”

Karla practically leaped off him and rolled over. Walker’s sweaty ass was almost stuck to the leather. He pried it off and pulled up on his knees onto the seat cushion. Karla sat down and spat on his penis, which was already slimy from her twat juice. She crawled onto her hands and knees on the sofa and pointed her ass toward Walker.

Having already fucked hard for several minutes, Walker noticed her dripping pussy lips were splayed apart. Reaching around her waist, he pressed one finger against her wet clit hood, as he pushed his cock against her starburst asshole. 

Her sphincter, though it had been thoroughly fucked by his forefinger, didn’t take his thick cock easily. Slowly, it relented, and his smooth cockhead slid in. Then he was able to push his shaft in a little at a time.

Karla moaned and gasped for air, as his girth entered her rectum. But once he was balls deep, he found he could begin pushing back and forth. As he pulled outward, he spat down on his cock to add just a little more lubrication.

Within seconds, Walker began to thrust away. Karla shrieked. He felt her sphincter tighten around his throbbing pecker, and it felt amazing to him.

Walker snatched her long stylish blonde hair in his hand. His grip was tight. Jerking her head back, he asked, “How does it feel, Karla?”

“Great, Walker, it feels great!” She screamed. “I love it in the ass.”

Walker thrusting hard into her butt, still holding her hair tightly in one hand, had the other hand around her waist rubbing her clit. Quickly though, Karla had begun to finger her clit herself, mostly shoving Walker’s finger out of the way.

He decided that she knew how to finger herself better than he did, so he pulled his hand free and smacked Karla on the ass. He knew his fiancée didn’t allow ass smacking, but having seen it in porn many times, he had always wanted to do that. 

Karla squealed delightfully when his hand smacked her butt cheek. The slap resonated around the room that was already filled with the sounds of fucking. Karla’s squeal invited Walker to smack her ass again.

“Smack me harder!” She yelled. Walker popped her ass hard enough to leave a hand imprint.

On his knees pounding away in Karla’s ass, Walker finally began to take notice of the orgy around him. Just a few feet away on the floor to the right, his redheaded bandmate, Tripp, was having his face ridden by a gorgeous black girl with very large titties. She was on her knees squatted down on him. His long curly red hair was spread out underneath her. All Walker could see was of him was Tripp’s forehead and part of his nose as it was buried against her sweaty brown torso.

To his left, Graham, the keyboardist, had a chick with dirty blonde hair up against the wall, fucking her from behind. She was bent forward, her waist arched downward and her tits bouncing furiously, as he shoved his cock in and out of her cunt from behind. Her hands were braced against the wall, her dress in a little wad hanging around her stomach.

Walker could hear more of the fuckfest behind him, and he saw clothes strewn out all over the place. A tiny pair of thong panties were in the open doorway to the only bedroom he could see from his vantage point.

He continued thrusting away into Karla’s tight anus, but that tightness was getting the best of him. Before long, he felt an orgasm building. Under the influence of the cocaine, he wasn’t sure how long they’d been fucking, but he didn’t feel like holding back. At this point, Walker knew he just wanted to cum, so he let loose.

Walker squeezed his eyes closed and felt his orgasm shoot through his scrotum like an eruption. He shot hot cum deep into Karla’s asshole. She yelled out, “Are you cumming?”

“Uh huh, yeah —“ 

“Give it to me, baby!” Karla screamed. “Cum in my ass!”

Walker kept pumping his exploding pecker into her tight asshole, squeezing out every drop of cum before he finally pulled out. Still on her hands and knees, Karla’s gaped asshole oozed with the white sticky cum that dripped down her butt crack. 

Turning her head to him she asked, “How was that?”

Walker who’d collapsed into a sitting position next to her ass, laughed and answered, “Fucking awesome, it was fucking great!”

Karla jumped to her feet, “I’m gonna get some more champagne.”

“Yeah, go ahead,” he said, “I’ve got to go piss.”

Walker got up naked, having no recollection of where his clothes were. He walked across the room, weaving through gyrating bodies as he looked for the bathroom. Next to one of the bedrooms, he found a bathroom and stepped inside. Stoned from the cocaine and Cristal, he figured no one cared about such civilities, so he didn’t even close the door behind him before he started peeing.

After relieving himself, Walker found his way to a bottle of Cristal. No flutes were close by, so he turned the bottle up and gulped it down. As he sat the bottle down, he saw there were still lines of coke that hadn’t been snorted. Without any paper to roll up in sight, he scooped it onto his fingers, putting it to his nose and inhaled all he could.

Walker then wanted to find Karla for another round of sex, so he started looking around for her. As he made his way toward the kitchen area, he saw her. She was on her knees with one of his bandmate’s cocks in her mouth. Her head bobbed back and forth, as the guy lay sprawled out in a large easy chair.

A pain of jealousy quickly shot through him. He’d thought she would be his for the entire night. Just then, she turned her head slightly toward him. With his friend’s cock still in her mouth, her eyes locked on his. Without looking away, she ran her tongue up and down his shaft then got to her feet, crawled up into the guy’s lap and slid her wet twat down onto his cock. 

Karla was still looking Walker in the eyes, as she began grinding up and down on his bandmate’s erect penis. Walker was taken aback by the look in her eyes, which he took to be more animalistic than human. He found it very intimidating.

Just then, he felt a soft touch on his buttocks. A very pretty brunette had walked up behind him and softly stroked his ass. She pressed her mouth to his ear, “Can you handle me, rockstar?”

‘Rockstar?’ Walker thought, ‘That was how Karla had been referring to him earlier that night.’

Another hand brushed across his stomach and dropped softly to his crotch, gently taking hold of his cock. When Walker turned his head, he saw it was a girl with short blonde hair. He had noticed the two girls earlier in the evening. As they were pressing their sweaty nude bodies against his, he knew they must’ve already fucked some of his bandmates.

Walker’s cock quickly engorged to the blonde’s touch, helped along by the brunette sliding her finger between his ass cheeks and pressing into his asshole. The brunette again whispered in ear, “We’re gonna fuck you senseless.”

The two girls led him into one of the bedrooms. He didn’t really care at that point that the bedsheets they laid him down on were already soaked from someone else’s sex. 

It felt like a hazy dream to Walker, as they pushed him onto his back on the bed. The brunette, taking his cock in her hand, straddled him and engulfed his hard prick into her juicy snatch. The blonde then straddled his face. He was barely aware of the two girls kissing, as they both began to grind on him.


Walker was dreaming that he and his mates were on stage receiving a Grammy Award. The lights were very bright with studio cameras trained on them, as the audience stood in ovation and numerous flash bulbs went off.

“Walker! Walker!”

The crowd must’ve been chanting his name.


He felt something splash on his face. His eyes suddenly burned. Immediately he began to rub his eyes and bright light flashed in his eyes. He tried to open his eyes but everything was blurry.

“Walker!” The voice sounded very familiar.

“Walker! You son-of-a-bitch!” a female voice shouted angrily. “Wake up, you fucking asshole!”

He opened his eyes and pulled up onto his elbows. Something was stuck to his face. He grabbed a pair of damp panties off his face and tossed them away. Walker finally was awake, his eyes absorbing the scene around him. 

A naked girl was passed out at his feet, while another naked girl was lying right next to him. He could smell what he thought was vomit, and as he sat up in bed, he saw that he was laying in it. And worse, the entire place smelled like sex and stale marijuana.

“Walker, damn you!”

Walker looked up and saw his fiancée standing by the bed, her hands firmly on her hips. The scowl on her face, as well as the tone in her screams, displayed her anger.

“You cheating son-of-a-bitch!” 

“Wait! It’s not —“ Walker stopped. ‘It IS what it looks like,” he thought. 

His fiancée yanked the engagement ring off her finger and threw it at him. “Fuck you, you bastard!”

She turned and stormed out.

The naked brunette lying next to him turned, shading her eyes from the sunlight coming through the window. “Who the fuck was that?”

Jumping out of bed, Walker desperately streaked through the penthouse to catch his fiancée. As he turned the corner of the bedroom door, he saw the elevator doors to the penthouse starting to close. Dashing forward, Walker was unable to get to the doors before they pulled together.

Walker immediately reached to press the elevator button, but his arm was intercepted by someone. It was Karla. He turned toward her. Still clenching his wrist, she was standing there stark naked, her messy hair full of dried cum. 

“Forget it, rockstar,” Karla said. “She’s not one of us.”

“What do you mean, she’s not one of us?” Walker pulled his wrist away. 

“Me, you, everyone here, she’s not like us.”

“I don’t understand what you’re talking about.” Walker was visibly frustrated.

“Remember the contract you signed last night after the concert?”

“Yeah, sure, but what does that —“ Walker’s jaw dropped.

“Yes, that,” informed Karla. “That last clause.”

“But no, that doesn’t mean shit,” Walker shook his head. “No, that can’t be real.”

“Yes, it is.” Karla smiled, “Just think about it and you’ll know it’s true.” She reached down, grabbing his cock, and started to fondle it.

Walker closed his eyes as his cock began to harden.

“Let me take care of this for you.” Karla pressed her body up against his. “Then you can go write a broken heart song.” She laughed.

Look for more stories from The Devil's Harem to come...

Written by Buz
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