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Mustang Sally, Chapter 2

"Their walk on the beach proved to be more than just a walk!"

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I learned quite a lot about my new roomie while walking on the beach that day. I learned that her father was in the military and they moved around a lot when she was younger. Then one day they got word that he had been killed in an accident overseas. Sally was just getting ready to start high school at the time. 

I learned that despite a lot of hardships on both her and her mother, Sally managed to finish high school. But unfortunately, her plans and dreams of college were killed when her father was. There was no way that her mother could afford even one year of college much less the four her degree would have required.

So with her high school diploma, she managed to find a job and then another and finally the job that she, up until a few days ago, had worked at. It was a decent job and paid the bills. She enjoyed working there and was good friends with the boutique owner/manager.

I told Sally a bit about my past as well. How I was on the high school football team and I, too, graduated high school. I went to a small college to get my Associates Degree in Business Management and the go the job I currently have.

I told her how I had found Buster as a lost and muddy pup on the side of the road one day coming home from work. I put an ad in the local paper but no one ever replied. I had spent so much time with the little pup that I had developed a sweet spot for him so when no one answered the ad, I just kept him and he had been with me ever since.

About then we passed a huge driftwood log with the roots holding up on end and the other buried in the sand. I hefted her up to sit on the log which put her about a head height taller than me. She was at the right height, in fact, to give me a perfect view of her amazing tits. 

Sally had been blessed with a very admirable set of tits, 34DD she told me, and her small size made them seem all the bigger. Now with them staring me straight in the face, I commented without realizing it. 

"Damn, Sally you sure have a great set of..." I caught myself before I said tits which would have been the next word out of my mouth!

But Sally knew what I meant and finished the sentence for me."Tits. That's what you were about to say. It's okay, I know I am busty. It's been both a blessing and a curse since I was a teenager. I developed early like my mother. By the time I was sixteen, I had a set of tits most grown women would like to have had!"

"Well, they look really great on you. Big, but not so big that you look like a mutant or something. I've seen pics on the Internet that are just so outlandish! Yours, though, look... wow!"

Sally looked around and when she saw we were alone, she leaned forward a bit. "Want a better look?" 

I looked up at her. She was biting the corner of her bottom lip and looking at me with a coquettish expression on her face. Like she wanted to play but wasn't sure if she should ask or not.

"Go ahead, take them out," she told me. She was wearing a white short sleeve crop top that tied in front just below her amazing tits. I reached up and began to untie the knot in front and when I got it untied, the front fell open and her magnificent tits burst out in all their glory.

I stood there and stared at these two wonders of human anatomy, feeling very much like that cartoon wolf who, when you hear the old-fashioned ahooga sound, his eyes pop out of his head!

Sally's twin mountains stood high on her chest like they were proud to be there, firm and full and capped with hard, erect, rose-colored nipples that you just had to chew on. There wasn't a hint of sag or droop in them, despite their enormous size.

"It's okay to touch them... if you want."

As if her words magically cast a spell, my hands rose up and I cupped the wondrous globes, hefting them up a bit to feel the weight that this poor girl had to bear every day. I'll tell you–it's a wonder she didn't have major back issues carrying these things around all day!

The position my hands were in conveniently put my thumbs within easy reach of those hard nubs and I took advantage of that and began to rub her hard nips, toying with them and stroking the surrounding areolas. 

"Oh, God John! Oh, that feels so good!" 

Sally closed her beautiful green eyes and laid her head back as she reveled in the sensations coming from her nipples. Her long brown hair cascaded down her back nearly to her ass and brushed her back as she slowly shook her head back and forth.

Then she sat up and put her hands on the back of my head, pulling me forward. "Please John, please lick my nipples! Please, I want to feel your mouth on my tits!" 

Looking at the tasty looking morsels, who was I to refuse such an ardent request! I fastened my mouth around one aching nipple and began swirling my tongue around the sensitive button. 

"Ohhh yes! Oh God, John your mouth...feels wonderful... on my tits!" she moaned. She parted her legs to pull me in closer to her and began running her fingers through my hair. I feasted on one nipple for a bit and then switched to give her sister some loving as well.

Sally was delirious and her moans soon began babble as her passion fire roared to life. Her legs went around my waist to hold me tight against her and my hands went around to her ass to cup her tight firm cheeks. 

I don't know what drove her to be so turned on by my licking and sucking her tits but she got incredibly hot and aroused. She moaned and whimpered and cried out as I licked and sucked on her tender nipples until suddenly she pushed me back. 

"Help me down!" 

I didn't know why she suddenly wanted down but I helped her jump down. Her feet no more hit the sand than she dropped straight to her knees pulling me to her by my jeans. 

She unbuttoned them and jerked them down faster than a hooker could and the next instant she was wolfing down my cock like she was starving for it. I didn't even have time to protest–not that I would have!

Sally was a very good cocksucker too. Since I was already semi-hard from the kissing and tit licking, she was easily able to firm me up until I was hard and a steel pipe.

With her head bobbing up and down and her mouth sucking on me like a vacuum cleaner, her hand followed her mouth up and down adding a twisting motion to it like I've seen on some porn videos. The effect was unbelievable and it was all I could do to keep standing upright as my legs began to get weak.

I knew that I wasn't going to last long; it had been some time since I had any female adoration and this girl was going at it like she'd done without too long as well. As I felt the cum in my nuts begin to boil, I took a quick look around. Good, we were still alone–I hadn't seen anyone on the beach the whole time we had been there. I looked to see the dogs still having fun playing and chasing each other. All was well.

"Get up, Sally, I have got to fuck you, baby!" 

She rose promptly and I spun her around to face the same log she had been sitting on. I reached around and unfastened her jean cut-offs and pulled them down along with her panties. Kneeling I parted her asscheeks and found she was very wet and very warm... she wanted this as much as I did! She kicked one leg free of her shorts and spread her legs, pushing her ass out to me. 

"Fuck me, John! Please fuck me right now!"

Funny I had the same thought! I took cock in hand and pushed into her as she moaned aloud–her moan growing in pitch and volume the deeper I sank into her. I pulled out for a second knowing that if she got much louder we would have company! I took her panties from her wadded them up and stuffed them in her mouth.

"This will keep you quiet!" I said. Then I entered her again with the same resulting noise only now it was muffled to an acceptable degree by her panties. 

The panty gag seemed to be an added turn on for her because as I fucked her she took full advantage of its muffling her. She screamed into her gag for all she was worth as I plowed her wet warm pussy. It felt amazing too, she felt like a warm velvet vise. 

I have had my share of pussy in my day–from the perky bubbleheaded cheerleaders in school to the more levelheaded (sometimes) college girls to adult women that I had met and bedded over the years. But nothing compared to the tight hot cunt that Sally had between her legs!

She had this way of squeezing down on me that I had never felt before. And whatever she was doing was working very well! Between her blowjob and her pussy, I knew this party would be over very soon!

"I'm gonna cum baby," I announced a short time later. "I'm gonna cum! Where do you want it?"

I make it a policy to ask the first time since I've had women who didn't like me to cum in their mouths and didn't swallow. For them, I would usually cum on their tits or belly or sometimes their face so long as none got it their mouths. So I ask to be sure there will be a second date!

She took the gag from her mouth momentarily. "Cum in me John! Please cum in my pussy! I want to feel you cum inside me, please!"

I didn't have a problem with that. I kept pumping into her on my way to fulfilling her wishes. But as I got closer I wanted her to enjoy the ride too so I reached around with one hand and began fingering her clit so I could get her off as well. The extra stimulation did the trick and she stuffed the wet panties back in her mouth to scream some more.

Then it happened. I felt her whole body tense and she clamped down on my cock like she was trying to strangle it. I had to increase the force I used just to keep it moving! It was like I was churning butter then suddenly it turned to tar! 

Sally let out a gut-wrenching scream that would surely have brought the cops had it not been for her panty gag in her mouth. Then a warm rush of fluid met my cock. I knew she had cum and the shudder that raced through her was further proof of it. I kept pumping into her until she had gone through the last of her spasms then I let go.

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I blasted the first hot jet of my load into her and it coated her walls with steaming sticky cum. Another blast followed it and then a third. All in all, I gave her five good blasts, and then the remaining dribbled out. 

But as the first couple jets hit her pussy walls, it triggered a second orgasm in her hypersensitive pussy.

"MMPH! MMMPPPH!" she screamed from behind the gag again. And once more I felt the warmth of her passion on my now softening cock.

Sally laid her head on the log as she tried to regain her composure as well as her breath. I pinned her against the log to help support her, although I wasn't sure how much help I could be since my legs were shaky as well.

After a couple of moments to gather ourselves we figured we should probably get dressed again before we were spotted. We rested there for a few more minutes before we walked with the dogs, back to the car.

Once I had seated her and got in the driver's seat, she turned to me. "We are going to have to come back here again soon." 

She laid her hand on my thigh and stroked my cock through my jeans playfully. Damn, right we are! I thought.

It was all I could do to get us back home before I had to pull over for another roadside romp. Normally I don't act like some horny lovestruck bull in a field of cows, but this girl took away any self-control and dignity I might have had!

I'm not sure if it was her youthfulness (she was about eight years younger than me), or just her amazing looks and body, but she had me in a battle that I could not fight. I may as well been her voodoo doll, I was so completely under her spell.

I managed to get us back home safely without crashing into a light pole or anything, a major feat considering my condition, trust me! Once I got my little Jezebel inside she said, "I'll sure be glad to take a shower and wash all this sand off!" 

"Not just yet, baby. No need to get cleaned up... you are just gonna get dirty again!"

"Oh? Did you have something in particular in mind, good sir?" she smiled wide as a Cheshire cat.

"Indeed I do!" I scooped her up in my arms and carried her to the back bedroom–my bedroom. She was no problem to carry around; Sally only weighed about eighty-five pounds–I'd carried bags of dog food for Buster that weighed more than she did.

When we got to the bedroom, I kicked the door closed and listened for the click before I carried Sally over to the bed. I tossed her bodily onto the bed and she laughed as she flew through the air and bounced on the mattress. 

Sally quickly undressed as she watched me get similarly disrobed. When she tossed the last of her clothes onto the floor, she lay back in the middle of the bed with her legs wide apart, an obvious invitation to play in her playground.

I got into bed and moved alongside her, pulling her to me. "Now my tasty little morsel, tell me what you like to do in bed. I mean it's pretty apparent that you enjoy your tits licked and sucked, considering what happened earlier. And there's no question you are a great little cocksucker, but what other tricks do you have in store for me?

"What do you like to have done to you in return–you know I'm all about the give and take. I want you to have fun here too. I want to hear you squeal, moan, whimper, and scream! And there's no need for that panty-gag here, you just scream out as you see fit. No one can hear you here but me and the dogs!"

"Well as you found out today I tend to get pretty vocal. I like to make noise so it's a good thing that your house is not too close to the neighbors. That panty-gag thing was pretty hot too, I really liked it.

"As for what I like to do in bed, I like all the regular things–you know, sucking, fucking, anal sex, that sort of thing. I also like being tied down or held down, I like to be spanked as long as you don't get too carried away with it. I like a little erotic pain but not serious hardcore pain. I'm not a masochist–I don't get off on pain, but a little spice is okay."

"Interesting. Anything else?"

"Well, since you asked. I don't want you to think I'm some sort of freak but I do like a few other, more unusual, things. But maybe we should save those for when we are more comfortable with each other."

"Aww c'mon, Sally... you can't say something like that and just walk away! Now 'fess up–what gets that motor of yours running?"

"Okay, but you have to promise not to get grossed out or think I am some kind of sick pervert or anything. Promise?"

"Sally, honey, we are both adults here. And I don't know about you, but I've been around the block more than a couple times. I have seen some pretty strange things done in the name of sex. I seriously doubt you could tell me anything that would shock me very much... and certainly not enough to think you were a sick pervert!"

"All right. I have tried a few unusual things that I found out I liked. Things like being whored out to other men and women, public exhibition especially if it's degrading and humiliating, gangbangs and blowbangs, and watersports. There are others, but that's enough kinky for one night, I think!"

"What do you mean 'watersports', Sally?"

"Well, things like pee play and enemas. I like being made to hold my pee or pee in public. I like to get pissed on and made to drink it or lick it up. And I like to be made to have 'accidents' too. And as for enemas, I like when they are used as part of a punishment, such as getting filled up and made to hold it while being spanked or something. "

"Well, that's very enlightening, Sally. I am starting to see another side of my new roomie!"

"Uh-oh, I was afraid of that. You think I am some sort of twisted sex pervert, don't you?"

"Relax, Sally, nothing you have told me has changed my opinion of you. We all have a little wrinkle in our sexual palate. You aren't a pervert and you don't need to seek professional help–not for what you've told me so far. In fact, some of the things you mention sound like a lot of fun! 

"Really? You haven't changed your mind about me living here... after what I've told you?"

I had to laugh. "No darlin' you are gonna have to do a whole lot better than that if you are looking to get kicked out of here!"

"I'm glad. I know some of the guys who have asked what I was into sexually were sorry they did!"

"Not me. I like to know what makes you purr so I can accommodate you if I can. I mean if I wanted something special or out of the ordinary, you would want to know so you can try to give it or do it for me right?"

"That's true."

"If I can show you a good time and satisfy you, you will be more agreeable to a second and maybe a third date... I mean if we were dating. Now, one more question, Sally. You said something about degradation and humiliation. You mean like being called names such as whore and slut and things like that?"

"Partially. I do like being called names and I do like being talked to like I am street trash. But I also like being made to admit I'm street trash. Make me admit I'm a whore and made me admit I'm nothing but a cockhole. Make me tell you what I want you to do to me... make me beg for your cock.

"That's the stuff I like. I also like it when I am fucked in front of others or when you make me fuck them so you can watch. I like being made to finger or fuck myself as a show for you and your friends. Damn John, I'm getting turned on just talking about it!"

"I guess I will have to take care of that then!" I rolled over on top of her and gave her one more kiss before I moved down to her tits. At eye level to the "girls" once more, I couldn't believe that this woman had been living right across the street from me all this time!

"I still can't get over the fact that you have been right across the street, Sally. And what's even more puzzling is that you have been watching me all this time! I wish I'd known before now–we have wasted a lot of time we could have been enjoying each other!"

"Well, I'm here now. Let's not waste any more time. I'm all yours baby, enjoy!"

There was no more need for talk after that. I fastened my mouth over her hard eager nipple and began sucking and chewing on the tender bud. Sally's response was predictable and immediate.

"Oh God, John! Oh, I love how your tongue feels across my nipples! Yes, Oh fuck just like that!"

I gave her both her nipples a good tongue caressing before I started heading lower. Sally whimpered her disappointment at first, but when she realized where I was heading her whimpers turned to gasps and moans of excitement and anticipation. I think she understood that if I could make her nipples feel this good, she was really going to enjoy herself when I got to the next little nub!

It didn't take me long to make the trip either. I kissed my way down her diminutive but very sexy frame, crossing her flat quivering belly until I got down to her mound.

Sally had a small fur patch in the shape of an upside-down triangle starting just above her clit and small enough so that a bikini bottom would cover it. The remaining brown hair (yes the curtains matched the drapes!) was cut short and was soft. I appreciated the care she took to make dining a pleasant experience for us both.

I kissed the fur patch to show my recognition and admiration of her efforts and looked up. I will never forget the look in her face–a mixture of eagerness, excitement, and hopefulness–she looked like a young girl about to go on her first-ever school dance. Her eyes shone and she was biting her fingernail nervously.


Written by Master_Jonathan
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