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“I Can’t Help Myself! Please Fuck Me!“ – Part 3

"Charlie introduces Carol to Jaden, who shows her how to let her inner slut run free – and she does!"

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Author's Notes

"This is the third part of a series about an involuntary exhibitionist whose body forces her to behave like a complete slut. <p> [ADVERT] </p>Now she finds out how much fun that can be…"


I thought of being spit-roasted and roughly fucked by two guys at the same time, and my pussy started leaking again. Through the front window, I could see Charlie chattering away with a Black kid who was taller than he was but thinner. They weren’t looking at me, but talking excitedly to each other.

And Charlie was right. Jaden was gorgeous!

I still didn’t know what I wanted to do – but my body did. Feeling like there was someone else in control, I felt the robe slide off my shoulders. Then, naked, I moved forward and unlocked the door…


Charlie burst through the door, “See? What did I tell you? She’s absolutely gagging for it!” He grabbed the hand nearest to him and pulled me forward, stepping behind me, then grabbing my other hand, spreading my arms wide, as if showing off a piece of meat.

“Charlie, stop it!” I tried to pull my hands out of his grasp to no avail.

The Black kid stepped forward and took my right hand from Charlie’s grasp, who willingly let me go. “Yes, Charles, knock it off.” He grimaced at Charlie, then took my right hand in both of his, looking me in my eyes, not down at my naked body. “Forgive my impetuous friend, Miss. He doesn’t know fuck about women. I, on the other hand, do – and you are a beautiful woman.” His soft, soothing voice had a trace of an accent, although not as heavy as it seemed in his earlier phone call.

And then, honest to God, he leaned forward and kissed my hand!

I sighed and relaxed. “You must be Jaden. It’s a pleasure to meet you.” And I don’t quite believe this either, but I curtsied – which reminded me I was naked when my pussy lips momentarily split, and I realized how wet and slick they were!

Jaden straightened up, then, holding my hand, walked closer and put his left arm around my shoulder, walking me out of the foyer. “Why don’t we get to know one another? Tell me all about yourself, please, darlin’…”

I turned to look at Charlie and giggled because he was standing there, gobsmacked, his mouth hanging open. “It would be my pleasure,” and led him towards the living room.

He moved us towards the sofa, then seated himself, and pulled me down so I was sitting on his lap. I suppose I should have questioned it, but it seemed the most natural thing in the world, to be sitting naked on the lap of a stranger two-thirds my age.

I was sitting crosswise, my right shoulder touching his left. He had his arm around my back and put his right hand on my knee. “Now, then, Charles tells me you met on a bus, and that you were, um, unusually attired, shall we say?” He smiled warmly, engaging my eyes rather than ogling my naked body.

I giggled. The way he said it made it seem like an adventure – which is what I had intended it to be. I wriggled myself more comfortably in his lap – and felt his very noticeable erection pushing up through his athletic shorts. Inhaling, I could tell he hadn’t showered recently. It seemed as if the two boys had come straight from practice, without bothering to wash or change.

My mouth went dry. Part of me wished they had had the courtesy to shower. The rest of me was turned on further by Jaden’s strong male aroma. “How is it that Charlie is so brash and all rough corners, and you’re so smooth and sound like you’ve been seducing women for years, Jaden?”

His face split into a big grin, showing white teeth inside his glossy, beautiful ebony skin. His dark skin almost didn’t look real it was so perfect. Not quite real – but absolutely delicious!

“Well, to be honest, Miss Carol, I have been seducing women for years, women of all ages, from as young as sixteen to much older than you, darlin’. But much of what I learned, I learned from my older brother, Cletus, who is widely known as The Smooth Man.”

His smile widened. “You might say I had a head start because Cletus taught me that you could do almost anything you wanted to a lady, as long as you treated her with respect, and understood what she wanted. And that’s what I’d like to know, Miss Carol. What do you want?”

He started gently stroking my back with his left hand, which sent chills up my spine and made my pussy clench. I started to fear that I’d start to dribble honey on his shorts – then realized they were already dirty from practice, so forgot my concern.

Swallowing, I glanced up at Charlie, who was standing, awkwardly, watching us, hunger written on his face. What he plainly wanted was to start fucking, fast and furiously. I shivered.


“Call me Jade, please, Miss Carol.” His hand stroked lazy circles further down my back towards my bum, making me shiver.

“Jade, then…I’m not entirely sure what I want, to be honest. All I know is that sometimes, like today, my, uh, pussy makes me do things. Embarrassing, humiliating things. Like leaving the house completely naked except for an old raincoat from which I’d removed all the buttons, so I had to hold it closed the entire time. It scared me, but it also made me so fuckin’ horny!

“Then, later, when Charlie walked me home, I found having him use me hard as a…well, as his fucktoy caused me to have the biggest orgasm I’d ever experienced, even as I felt angry and ashamed.

“I have these crazy, mixed emotions…”

My voice trailed off. I sounded foolish, even to me.

Yet, Jade was smiling and nodding, as if he understood completely.

“Yes, sometimes our subconscious wants us to do things that in our right minds we would never do. Is that what you believe is happening, Miss Carol?”

“Yes! It was like I was at war with myself. Part of me was saying, No, don’t do this! While another part was saying, More! I want more!

Jade’s smile broadened slightly, and he nodded again. “That’s precisely what’s happening, Miss Carol. When my brother Celtus was at uni, he took some courses in psychology. He told me that the mind is divided into parts. One of those parts wants us to behave and obey the rules. But another part, called the id, controls our urges.

“So, what you think of as your normal self, the everyday Miss Carol that the world sees and thinks it knows, is the rule-obeying part, working to maintain that prim, proper, well-behaved, and ever-so-cautious persona. Meanwhile, the id, the primitive, greedy part of you, is demanding raw, sweaty sex, and doesn’t care how it gets it.

“What Cletus found was that if you could reassure the rule-obeying part of a woman’s mind that it would be protected, then you set the greedy part free.”

By now, Jade was stroking my bum, drawing his fingers lightly across my right bum cheek, then up my leg towards the crease between my leg and mound. I felt goosebumps and swallowed, hypnotized both by his words and his actions.

“What would you say if I told you that you could have both? That you can show the safe, sane, proper lady on the outside while allowing the primitive animal underneath to behave like the dirty, fucking slut you want to be? Would that feel good?”

Next, he began to draw his fingers lightly up the inside of my thigh from the hip crease, down the crease near to, but not touching, my pussy, then down along where my legs were pressed together, on the inside of both thighs, then repeated.

I found myself opening my legs, spreading them to give him access to my inner thighs. My breathing began to get shallower and quicker.

“Is…is that possible,” I swallowed, “Jade? It sounds contradictory.”

Jade’s smile broadened further. “Oh, yes. You can have it all, Miss Carol, I promise.”

Now he spread his hand, his hand perpendicular to my legs, fingers spread so his index finger ran up inside my left thigh, and his pinkie stroked up inside my right thigh. I shifted position to open my legs further. It felt so good

“What we will do – what I will do – is to promise you that you will be absolutely safe, that neither Charlie nor I will do you any harm. We will also protect you, both physically and socially, so you are not exposed in any way. Meanwhile, we will fuck you hard and use your body as our fucktoy, and make you cum, and cum, and cum again until you are exhausted, and beg us to stop – which we might or might not do.

“But you will be free to let your inner slut out and let her play without any inhibitions. You can be both a complete slut, and a safe, protected lady at the same time.

“Like this…”

His hand was stroking up my thighs, then one finger moved to my pussy lips, splitting them and slowly pushing inside until it was buried to the top knuckle.

“Ohhhhh…” I heard myself moan. “That feels so good…” My head dropped onto his shoulder.

The finger moved slowly out from my pussy, and was shortly joined by a second, both of them pushing gently inside, stretching me. Once completely buried inside me, they started to trace warm, liquid circles around my G-spot and the surrounding walls of my cunt.

Jade leaned forward and began to whisper in my ear. “It’s all right, Miss Carol. I’m here, and I’ve got you. Let your slut run free. Let her take over completely, OK? I’ll keep you safe, I promise…”

As he kept speaking, I felt a strange, prickling sensation travel along my body, starting at my pussy and radiating outward until my fingers, toes, and ears were all tingling. I relaxed and felt my cunt go completely liquid, my breathing quickened, and my nipples tightened even further. I felt like a dirty, fucking slut, and wanted it bad.

I lifted my head and stared into Jade’s eyes, “Fuck me, Jade. Fuck me hard. I want your cock inside my cunt, in my mouth. I want to jerk you off and make you cum in my face, on my tits. I want to suck you and have you eat me. Take me, Jade. Fuck me; please fuck me!”

I turned and looked at Charlie, “You too, Charlie. I want that enormous cock, I want you to shove it up my ass and make me scream. I want you both to fuck me, fuck me fast, and hard, and over and over again until I beg you to stop! Fuck me!”

Charlie jumped up from where he had been sitting, but Jaden put up his hand. “Slowly, Charlie. Beginnings are delicate things, right? Let’s help Carol enjoy being a slut. Trust me – it will pay off in the end.” He grinned, “In her end!”

He withdrew his fingers from my cunt, which made me whimper, then moved so his weight was over his knees and stood, cradling me in his arms, then set me on my feet. My mouth made a moue – until I saw him rip his shirt over his head, then slide his hands down his hips, shucking off his athletic shorts and jock strap, letting his cock bounce free as he stood, proud and naked, feet spread.

And now I was really impressed – and more than a little scared. It wasn’t as thick as Charlie’s, but it had to have been almost ten inches long!

“That’s right, princess – this whole cock is going to roger your cunt hard – and you’re going to love it and beg for more!”

Grabbing me by the waist, he flexed his knees slightly, then boosted me up into the air so my head was above his. I helped by springing upwards and putting my arms around his neck. He lifted me, and I found myself opening my legs so that I was coming down on his waist, legs around him.

“Now, slutty girl, guide my cock into your cunt, and we’ll let your weight push me hard inside you. This is a fuck you’re going to feel all the way up to your throat!”

Hungrily, I reached down, grasped his cock, and was astonished by how hard and hot it felt. Quickly aiming it toward my cunt, I pushed it so it split my cunt lips, then felt it slide home, forcing its way into me, lubricated by the hot honey that seemed to be flowing like a river from my cunt. “Ohhhh…”

I dropped my head back, felt Jaden shift his weight, bending his knees slightly, and wrap his arms around my back. Then he pushed up under my armpits, lifting me until his cock almost slipped out, then dropped me back down, hard.

I saw stars or, at least, flashing lights in my eyes and almost felt his cock in my throat. “Oh…my…fucking…GOD!” My body started shaking as I came – hard.

But Jaden was just starting. He shoved my body up, straightening his knees, then dropped me again – and again, I saw stars. My breath seemed to have vanished, almost as if the air had disappeared, and I started panting.

Again and again and again, his cock rammed its way into me, and my legs started urging him on, clasping his back each time he entered me, pulling him in.

My head was spinning, and I heard myself panting like a dog. I had lost control of my body which seemed to want to crush his cock deep inside me.

Then Jaden stopped, and I wondered what went wrong until I heard him say, “Now, Charlie!”

I felt Charlie’s hands on my shoulders, gently pulling me backward. I looked up – or rather back – at Charlie, who was standing, naked, behind me with that massive cock throbbing. I didn’t know what he wanted and didn’t care. I let go of Jaden’s neck and reached up toward Charlie. He caught my shoulder blades on his palms, and I leaned backward, still welded onto Jaden’s waist with his cock buried in my cunny, his arms now around my lower back.

Charlie lowered me until my body was almost horizontal, my head bending backward, and my hair falling towards the ground. “Open your mouth, slut, so I can fuck your pretty little mouth!” he growled.

My mouth dropped open without thinking, and I saw Charlie lift his meat and guide it in. My lips closed around his cock, tasting dried cum and sweat on his unwashed cock – and loved it, even though I had to stretch my jaw to open far enough.

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I reached up, wrapped my arms around his back, then cupped his bum cheeks, pulling him closer.

Jaden shifted my legs, unwrapping them from around his waist, and guiding them up under his arms, one arm hooked under each knee. He wriggled and seated his cock back firmly into my cunt.

I was now horizontal between the two boys, face up, cock stuffed in my mouth, making a straight line down my throat, and another plugged into my cunt. I was completely helpless, and they could do whatever they wanted to me. If I had wanted to fight it, I would have fallen hard.

But instead, I felt a thrill like an electric shock that run from my cunt up to my throat, almost as if the two cocks were connected. I ran my tongue over the slit in Charlie’s cock, and he jumped, then took the hint, and started to work in and out of my throat. I had to work my tongue to get his cock wet, and as I did, he slid it further and further down my throat with each thrust.

“Be sure you let her breathe, Charlie lad. We’re going to get a lot of mileage out of this fucktoy, but we need to treat her right, ya get me, mon?”

Charlie shivered and said, “Oh, yes, I get you. Use her hard, but keep her whole. And speaking of holes…”

He started to work his hips back and forth, and I felt the air pistoning in and out of my lungs, feeling my cheeks alternately hollowing in and ballooning out as his cock worked in and out of my throat, air flowing in and out of my nose.

Meanwhile, Jaden started to move his hips in unison with Charlie, so that both cocks were moving towards each other and away from each other at the same time. I seemed to be floating, with a cock bottoming out in my cunt, and the other moving in and out of my mouth. I felt like my whole body was being fucked – and I loved it!

They were handling me like a rag doll, and something clicked inside me. I wanted this. I wanted it hard! I worked my tongue out over Charlie’s cock, and each time he filled my throat, I felt his balls tap against my nose.

I started to flex my knees, pulling myself harder onto the big, black cock that was drilling me, pounding my pussy and sending shock waves through my body.

My mouth and cunt were full, but I was cumming in one, long orgasm, making strangled urk sounds each time the cocks pushed towards my middle.

“Uh…uh…oh…I’m…I’m cumming, mon, I be cumming!” Jade rammed himself deep inside me as I felt his cock expand, then pulse again…and again…and again, flexing my cunt walls.

Charlie backed off enough that I could breathe more easily, and I opened my eyes to see his muscular legs covered in blonde fur. My whole body shook, and I moaned as loudly as I could with my mouth full.

Jade knelt down. “Oh, fuck, that was good, Charles, lad! I need to rest a minute.”

I expected Charlie to let me down as well, and slip his cock from my mouth. I was surprised instead to feel myself being lifted up, Charlie’s arms around my ass and up my legs, until I was upside-down, hair hanging down, legs over his shoulders, and my mouth still full of his cock.

Then I felt his tongue on my pussy lips.

“Mmmm, cream pie! My favorite!” I heard him chuckle and felt the roughness of his tongue gliding over my sensitive pussy and clit, lapping up cum.

I had thought I was done cumming, my head spinning, my body feeling disconnected and distant. Yet, as Charlie licked and sucked my cunt and clit, I shivered again and felt my tummy tingle. The tingle spread and soon exploded through my body. I started crying, tears running up my face and into my hair.

I put my hands on Charlie’s thighs and started to push back, then pull forward, working his cock in and out of my mouth as he worked on my cunt.

Then he shivered, and I felt him wrap one arm around my waist and place the other gently on the back of my head, encouraging me to take more and more of him into my throat.

I felt his cock knocking at the back of my throat with each thrust and gagged each time, but wanted more, as if I could eat him up. Tears were running down my face as I gagged and coughed, but kept going, watching as his balls swing away, then back and smack my nose.

Only a slut would want a ball sac to bump her nose, I thought dreamily, I guess that makes me a slut!

I smiled and pulled Charlie deeper and held him there, licking the top of his dick.

“Oh FUCK!” I heard him say – then felt his cock pulse and his warm, gooey cum spurt down my throat for the second time that afternoon.


I’m not quite sure what happened after that – I was gone, my head elsewhere – but when I opened my eyes, I was looking up at the ceiling of my front parlor, panting with exhaustion, my head muzzy and thoughts scattered.

I let my hand drop and found Charlie lying next to me, panting as hard as I was. I looked the other way, and there was Jade’s naked, ebony body.

“Oh my…” was all I could say.

“Ditto,” breathed Charlie.

“Ditto! Ditto? You provincial putz!” laughed Jaden.

After a moment, Charlie chuckled once, then again, and then both of them started laughing, and I found myself helpless to do otherwise.

Eventually, we wound down and lay there, exhausted, panting, our hands lightly brushing each other’s naked bodies, with me the ham in the sandwich.

Finally, Jaden pushed himself up onto an armchair. “Ooof,” was all he managed, collapsing.

After a moment, I heard Jaden say, “Why don’t you go make us all a cup of tea, Charlie?”

“Tea?” came the incredulous reply.

Jaden looked down at him; his mouth quirked in a smile. “Yes, Charles, my boy. Tea. For all three of us.”

Turning to me, “How do you take your tea, Lady Carol?”

I looked up at him, sniffing. “Um, just a little milk, please.”

Turning towards a naked Charlie, “The tea is in the cupboard to the left of the sink. Cups are to the right of the stove.” Charlie paused, looked blankly at us, then shrugged and left.

I shifted and realized that I felt sore. I feel used, and I loved it. I took a couple of deep breaths, wiped my nose, and turned back to Jaden – then noticed that his cock was starting to throb upwards again. “Jade, how can you still be horny after all of that?”

His face split in a grin. “You noticed! Thank you, Lady Carol.” He leaned forward, lifted my hand, and kissed it again. He pulled on my arm, and I slithered up into one of his knees, head resting on his shoulder, watching his cock pump upwards for me again!

He stroked my hair, then continued the move down past my shoulders and down the centerline of my back, making me shiver. He started making circles on my back, and I felt my monster rising up again, overcoming my exhaustion. The slut was back.

Pushing slightly, I slid off his lap and onto my knees on the floor, looking up. He smiled at me with those dazzlingly white teeth and red gums showing. My gaze traveled down to his cock, which was gently throbbing up and back in his lap. I watched my hand move to circle his manhood of its own accord, my whiteness contrasting with his veiny ebony.

“I’ve never sucked an uncut man before…,” I said, my eyes fastened on his cock.

I gently slid his slick foreskin down, uncovering the slit at the top of his prick. There was cum – his and mine – covering his cock, inside and out of his foreskin. I moved my hand up, letting the slippery skin cover his tip, then slowly moved it down again.

My hand slowly worked his foreskin up, then down…up, down…and I found myself fascinated, like a rabbit in front of a snake…up, down, up…

Kneeling up, I leaned forward…down, licking cum off the tip, backing off, pulling up…then down, forward, lick, up…down, lick, up, down…but this time I put my lips around his tip, just the tip, and licked up and down the slit, tasting our cum with my tongue.

Moving slightly back, foreskin up, then down, rocking forward, lips encircling his cockhead, laving it, circling it, then rocking back, foreskin up.

Down, pulling further this time, opening my mouth, taking his cockhead, then feeling his hand on the back of my hair, gently pushing.

I hesitated, swallowed, then moved down his shaft, tasting the salt of his cum, and the creaminess of mine co-mingled. The pressure stopped. I waited, closing my lips around him, feeling the bumpy veins throbbing on his length, and began moving my tongue around, then moved up and down him.

Swallowing spit, I moved back up. His hand met the back of my head, keeping me from removing his cock from my mouth. I waited at the top, panting, breathing around his cock, feeling my pussy start to leak and my tummy tingle again, waiting…

Then it came – the gentle push down again. Letting him guide me, I wet my tongue and let drool lubricate my movement down his shaft, deeper this time, feeling it move then stop when it reached the back of my throat, then held me there. I waited as long as I could, then retched against his cock, mouth open, gagging again.

He exhaled noisily through his nose, then slowly stood, straightening his legs, breathing hard. He moved his hand to let me move back a bit, but only a bit, then stopped, imprisoning me with his cock, almost gagging me, but not quite.

“This time, when I push forward, Lady Carol, wait for a moment while you get comfortable, then stick your tongue out as far as you can, tilt your head down a little, and slowly swallow my cock as you move further forward. Let’s teach you how to deep throat, shall we?”

Without waiting for my – gagged – reply, he slowly started to pull me forward again until he felt the back of my throat, then backed off marginally, waiting. I panted around the cock buried there, then swallowed, slowly stuck my tongue out, and found it helped. I paused, then crept forward, taking more of his cock past the gagging point in my throat, then stopped.

“Mmm-mmm,” he said, and I felt a very light pressure on the back of my head. I knew he wanted more, yet he was waiting, training me. I backed off again slightly, opened my mouth again to breathe around his cock, swallow spit, then moved even further down.

To my surprise, this was getting me even hornier! I felt like I was controlling him, taking his cock and doing what I wanted with it, making him eager and horny, turning him on.

And as if the thought jumped from my throat to his cock, I heard him whisper, “Oh, fuck!” He pushed down a little harder.

I could tell he was fighting himself. He desperately wanted to shove his cock all the way into my throat. Smiling to myself, I moved smoothly forward until I felt my nose push against his body, then his balls smacked lightly against my chin.

Holy fuck! I’d done it! I’d taken that enormous, long, big black snake down my throat. I owned it. It was mine!

I smiled around his cock, stuck my tongue out further, and licked his balls, which made him jump. His hands fluttered as if he was fighting himself. “Oh fuck…fuck fuckfuckfuckfuck!”

I knew what he wanted. I moved back a good distance, then moved more quickly forward. My cheeks puffed out, and air whistled out of my nose until my throat was completely blocked; then, I hit against his body and balls again, a little faster this time.

Back off, and in forward, almost smacking my nose against him and my chin against his sac, which twitched. I figured he was about due, and I wanted to force him to cum in my throat now! I backed off, took a lungful of air, then pushed quickly forward, smacking into him – and held there.

“Oh, fuck…ohhhh…I’m gonna cum, um, Carol, ohhh…gonna cum, gonna cum now!”

And he did. His cock throbbed, and I felt it against my tongue, then felt his cum, warm and thick, shooting down my throat. I held myself all the way down him and worked my lips, tongue, and throat around his cock, and was rewarded by it beating again, accompanied by a keening sound as he cried out and held my head against him.

I held on, holding his legs to keep him deep inside me, and waited.

He started stroking my hair, cooing. “Oh, Miss Carol, that was…fuckin’ amazin’!”

He moved back; my cheeks hollowed as air was drawn into my nose, and my airway came clear again. Abruptly, he started to move his cock back further, seeming to want to withdraw it.

I didn’t want that. I wanted that beautiful black cock right where it was, so grabbed his ass and held on hard, eyes looking up at him quizzically.

“Oh, my. You be somethin’ else, Miss Carol! But please…my cock is really sensitive, and yo’ mouth tickles!”

I smiled, then opened my lips, letting him bend his hips back and freeing his semi-hard cock, which dripped on my tits. He slumped down on the chair, flopping back and breathing hard. I settled back on my knees, looking up at him, smiling, and licked my lips.

His head back, he cocked one eye towards me, and said, in a plummy, Henry Higgins accent, “By George, I think she’s got it!” and smirked at me.

Still on my knees, I was caught by surprise and started to laugh – and he joined me. Soon I was rolling on the ground, holding my sides and fighting to breathe – this time because I was laughing so hard.

He started to chuckle, then laugh, then slid off the couch and held me in his arms, laughing as hard as I was.

Charlie chose that moment to walk in, naked, carrying a tray of tea things. Smiling broadly at the two of us, he said in a fruity, nasal voice, “Would anyone care for some tea?” Jade and I looked at him, then at each other, and started howling with laughter again.

But inside, I noticed. Charlie’s accent may have been veddy cultured, but it was the fat, hard cock that almost seemed to be supporting the tray on its own that caught my attention, and I found myself thinking …

I wonder if he really can force that thing up my ass…

Written by JamesLlewellyn
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