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Youngsville Part 5

"Eric enjoys the night in Youngsville..."

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I was laying on my bed listening to music when I looked out the window. Darkness had fallen over the ranch and I looked at the note Sybil had given me earlier. On it was an address she had written down for me. I remember her words: “Come to this address after dark.” I had been wondering what was waiting for me at this place. While I was examining the note I noticed a small marking on the bottom. It looked like a small scribble, it was a word: Ménage.

I got out of bed and put my jacket on. I looked out through my window and made sure nobody was out there. It felt best. I slipped out the door and walked down towards the town and made my way to the mystery address. I walked through silent streets until I reached the address written down on the note. Nothing interesting was in sight. I could see the post office, the train station, and a flower shop. The shop had its lights on and door open. What flower shop is open at 23:00?

I walked to the shop and in through the door. The place was full of flowers and at the buyout counter was a young woman watching a TV which sat on the counter. She was a hot brunette with big breasts but a remarkable slim figure. I had a new target. I was feeling bolder and bolder every day now with the amount of pussy I was getting from the Day-Sea’s. What was with this small town and hot girls?

“Hello?” I said as her cute face looked up at me.

“I’m sorry we’re closed,” was her cold reply as she looked back at the TV.

“Ummm, Sybil sent me,” I said as I placed the note on the counter. “She told me to come after dark.”

The girl’s eyes shot up from the TV screen and looked up at me. I had obviously caught her attention. She stood up and stepped closer to the counter. She looked at the note and back to me, then down again at the note. Her eyes examined it closely.

“Did Sybil write this?” she suddenly asked me.

“Yes, miss,” I answered and locked my eyes back on her.

“My name is Jeannine, please follow me,” she said and headed for the front door.

Jeannine locked it before returning back behind the counter. I walked around the counter and watched her kneel down on the floor by a carpet. Her hands lifted it and rolled it up. With the carpet removed, a large rectangular metal hatch was revealed to us. She opened the hatch and sounds of club music began to fill the flower shop. I looked down the hatch and found a staircase leading down.

We followed the music down into the basement and entered a small room decorated with a dark red wallpaper and candles which lit the room. Roses were hung along the walls and I looked at Jeannine who was standing by a curtain that I had missed.

“Wait here,” she commanded before disappearing through the curtains.

I waited for a minute or two until Jeannine returned with Sybil and another older woman, who was in her early forties I think. Jeannine and this woman looked very much alike. Both sexy hot brunettes with big tits. It must be Jeannine’s mother. However that was not the only thing that I noticed. Sybil and Jeannine’s mother were half-naked and only dressed in super sexy lingerie! Sybil in red and the mother in a blue negligee.

“Eric! How wonderful that you’re here,” Sybil said excited and gave me a hug. “I’ve been waiting to show you to the girls.” She continued as Jeannine began walking up the stairs, leaving me alone with the other women.

“Who?” I asked confused. “What girls?”

“Welcome sir,” the mother said. “I am Coco Bassett.”

“Glad to be here,” I looked around the room and back at them trying to understand where I was. “Glad to be under a flower shop.”

“Sybil believes you are worthy enough to enter our ranks,” Coco said and began to walk around me, examining me. “But first, you must convince me, now please, strip!”

I looked at Sybil who nodded. Encouraging me to do as I’m told. I pulled my pants off and my shirt. Exposing my body to the two ladies. I stood naked before them and Coco was examining me junk as closely as Jeannine had examined my note. After a moments inspection Coco gave me a smile.

“The size of your phallus is above average, which is good but does not impress me much,” I was disappointed to hear her say. ”But, but these orbs hanging near. They mesmerize me more than anything I have seen before! You will be most excellent here.” Coco said happily as she cupped my testicles in both her hands.

“I told you that he was special, Coco,” Sybil said proudly, as if she had found a treasure. “May I show him around?”

“Yes, that would be best,” Coco said and headed for the curtains. “Make sure not to get him too excited, I bet he can repaint the walls with those balls of his.”

Coco disappeared through the curtains, leaving me and Sybil alone in the small room underneath the flower shop. We kissed before Sybil asked me if I wanted to see what Ménage was. I answered yes and Sybil took my hand. She led me through the curtains and we came into a bar packed with people and electronic music. They were only women sitting at the tables and the bar was filled with only women. Then I spotted Jessie behind the bar counter! She was serving drinks!

“Is this a lesbian club?” I asked Sybil and pointed out all the girls for her.

“Haha, oh no, far from it,” she giggled as we walked to a door located next to the stage. “Come on, I’ll give you a tour.”

That she did, Sybil was a good friend of Coco’s daughter Jeannine so we were allowed everywhere. During Sybil’s tour of the club she explained what was going on. I had just been brought to a secret ladies club called Ménage. Which was a privilege for a young lad. Women of all ages visit this club. From the early teenagers to women in their old days. Although few old ones are here. Mothers introduce their daughters to this place and sisters show each other a good time here. Backstage was a dressing room for the guys and Coco’s office. We moved on to a hallway with three larger doors adjacent to each other as Sybil’s continued with Ménage’s history.

The club was started by a French woman named Coco Bassett, the older woman I met in the lobby. She had moved to Youngsville twenty years ago. Coco found it difficult to find hot men with good cocks in town. So she opened this club and hired young boys from out of town, usually from the closest city, Evansville. Their pay is good, considering they strip and fuck several women each day. Usually twenty to thirty women come in to the club during the week days, and on weekends it may reach up to sixty or seventy people! Which is why most women book a performer for their visit via phone or email.

“This place is huge! How could Coco build this place?”

“She did not. It was already here,” Sybil explained as stopped by one of the doors. “This used to be the towns bomb shelter during the cold war. When it was over they were looking for anyone who was willing to buy it. Few people want an old bomb shelter in the middle of the country so Miss Bassett got it rather cheap.”

“She has done a great job renovating it,” I said as I looked around the hallway looking for anything sign of a shelter. “I had no clue it was a shelter.”

“I believe her father or uncle worked as some building man or so,” Sybil replied with a bit uncertainty in her voice. “I’m not sure though. You would have to ask Coco or Jeannine.”

“What are these three doors for?” I asked as I examined the doors. “What do you know about them?”

“These doors lead into three separate party rooms. Where a group of ladies can hire a performer to spend his time with them. Anybody can join the party. Come on, let’s continue!”

We left the hallway through a forth door and walked down a new staircase. It led us down to a new hallway with up to twenty doors! Sybil’s story continued.

Coco noticed that her business was going well after a few years. She put an ads for Ménage in the city. It turned out to be a complete success! Many women came out to Youngsville just for her club Ménage. Most of them were unsatisfied housewives with husbands who had lost interest. But many of the wives just wanted a fat cock to stretch their cunt. Obviously men saw the signs too and showed up. That’s where the flower shop comes in. Jeannine is the gatekeeper and let’s all women pass. But if a man shows up, without a password or anything indicating he has been sent by a woman, Jeannine just denies the existence of Ménage and turns him away.

One of Ménage’s ideas is that this is a women’s club and only women are welcome. I started to wonder why I was allowed here. Sybil went on and explained to me that only a handful of men know about this place. Those men are for the ladies entertainment. I assumed that my balls and large semen count qualified me. Turns out I was right. Sybil told me that the ones with big cocks, balls, and good fucking techniques are brought down here and sworn to keep this place a secret. The men are not allow to speak about the club to other men.

“What happens if they do?” I asked as we stopped by one of the many doors. It looked fancier compared to the others.

“Upon their next visit they will be detained for an unspecified period of time,” Sybil explained and gave me a cold look. “I’m certain you are not foolish enough to do that.”

“Oh no, of course not,” I reassured her, being a bit frighten by the way she said that. “What happens to someone who is detained?”

“Only the ones who are detained know that,” Sybil said and opened the door we were standing by. “Come on now.” She continued and switched back to her happy voice.

We walk into a dark room with dimmed lights and found a stereo, a couch, and a bed. I sat down on the bed and examined the room which was decorated with a dark red romantic atmosphere. I got the feel of being in a mediaeval castle. Roses, candles, and paintings with naked women hung on the walls.

“Wait here while I get my friends,” Sybil announced and gave me a mask. “Put this mask on too, from now on you are called, hmm…Maximus! Now do everything I tell you to when I come back.”

Friends and a mask? I had really hit the jackpot here I thought for myself and started untying my shoes. The mask was like an ancient roman helmet but had a special cover which gave cover around the eyes. It was a made of a shiny light weight metal and had red fabric sticking up on top of the head like the romans had. I undressed and managed to get my mask on just as I saw Sybil come through the door with four other half-naked women dressed in lingerie. I noticed Sandra was one of them!

Two of them were in their teens. Sandra and another girl. The third one I recognized, it was the girl who had sucked me off at the train station when I first arrived to Youngsville, Becky. The forth was a woman in her thirties. She was a bit chubby, but I like her. They shut the door behind them and spread out through the room.

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I sat on the edge of the bed in silence as Sybil approached me. I looked at the women and I could see they were examining my body and my equipment.

“Ladies, this is Maximus,” she announced in an authorial voice and lay her hand on my shoulder. “He is a new member here at Coco Bassett’s fine establishment! As you can see Maximus has a special gift,” Sybil sat down beside me and held my balls. “These massive cum producers.” I giggled at her choice of words and leaned back. Sybil did not take too kindly to that.

“Silence!” Sybil shouted and pushed me down onto my back. “Speak when only when I commanded you to!”

The other women moved closer and sat down on the bed with us.

“This one is in need of training,” the oldest woman said. “Is he experienced sexually?”

“I have had the pleasure of mating with him myself, Linda,” Sybil said to the older woman, who was named was Linda. “He is a fine stud with good technics and filled me with a good and large load.”

“Very well Sybil,” the teen said and placed her hand on my scrotum. “I have a feeling Maximus will not disappoint.”

“Oh you will not be disappointed, Jennifer,” Sybil answered the teen who was called Jennifer. “He will make your problems disappear.”

“Well then ladies, let us have a good time with Maximus here.” Sandra said and pulled down her panties.

All of this attention from these five girls had made my cock grow incredibly hard. Jennifer began to stroke my cock as Linda licked my nipples. Sandra crawled around to my head and placed her holes right in my face. Limiting my sight to only her baby maker and her dirty asshole. I felt more soft hands playing with my cock and balls. My two hands were free for a minute until two bodies lay down beside them and I felt hands guide them to wet gates of pussy.

Moaning, spiting, and stroking occurred no-stop for several minutes as my face was being covered in teen pussy juice. I felt the bed shake a little when someone was moving and the next moment I felt a soft cunt tissue touch my glans. Two seconds later I felt two drenched lips run down along my shaft. This pussy was tight and hugged my hard dick very strongly. It must be one of the teens. I felt my lower body sink into the soft king sized bed with every bounce on top of me. Suddenly I felt my entire left hand get swallowed by a tight moist wall. I must be fisting somebody!

I felt a tongue running up and down from the top of my ball sack to my asshole. Sandra screamed in pleasure as a long stream of squirt shot out of her tiny teen fuck-hole. I opened my mouth wide so I would not get blinded by her juices. She watered my mouth for a long ten seconds until it finally ceased. She rolled over as I swallowed her squirts and looked around the room.

On my left side Sybil was sitting with my left hand buried in her cunt! I looked to my right and found Becky with three of my fingers up her bum-hole. I looked down and saw young Jennifer riding my cock. I enjoyed watching her big tits bounce up and down and her blonde hair whip back and forth. Behind her must have been Linda who was licking my ass and balls. I sure was enjoying the treatment given by her wet tongue.

“Alright girls, let’s switch,” Becky said and looked down at me. “And you don’t cum until all of us get a sample of that cock of yours!”

I did not object and the women all moved one clockwise. Becky sat down on my face and her holes block my view a new. The fucking continued like this and several switches were made during our hot group fuck. I lost count of the women’s cries of pleasure during their orgasms and my cock was pushed into many holes that needed exploring from my cock.

Several switches later my dick started sending signals to my brain and I felt the tingling feelings that my orgasm begin with. My balls boiled and I had no idea who’s ass I was licking and I was just as clueless to who was riding on my cock. Then a massive pleasure way surged through my body and I grunted hard!

“He’s cumming girls,” I heard Sybil yell and I pulled my hands free out of the pussies they were inside.

“Aaaaaah! Ooooh! Mmmm!” I moaned and grunted as I felt my cock throb inside of what I think was an asshole.

The girl on top of me crawled off and I saw that it had been Sandra. She moved away so I looked down and saw the oldest woman Linda riding my fat cock. I blasted my first shot and I understood it was a big one. I reached for her thighs and held onto her soft legs. My own legs twitched and jolted in the bed as Linda pushed herself down. Implanting my dick deep into her rectum. I watched her facial expression as my second blasted up her ass and I could tell she was loving it. She must have been an anal whore.

The other girls sat on the bed and watched as my balls twitched as they continued to pump fertile seed into their friend’s ass. Eight or nine blasts later I was spent and my head fell down onto the bed. I must have pumped a liter inside that woman’s butt. I felt her begin to rise so I looked up again. As my cock was removed from the anal cavity my shaft was covered in brown and white substances. The girls flocked around the center of attention and as my glans was ejected a flood of semen pour out of Linda’s ass! It was like she was peeing cum with her ass!

“Jesus!” yelled Becky as cum was pouring out all over my crotch, thighs, and lower stomach.

“This is unbelievable!”

“I have never seen anything like this!” Jennifer yelled as she began to lick off my stomach.

“Wait until you feel it inside your ass girls!” Linda cried out in pleasure as she pushed out more cum. “You must try this!”

“Squat above me Linda!” Sybil pleaded as she lay out on the bed. “I want to taste his seed!”

The girls were going crazy at the amounts of cum available to swallow. I watched them lick it out of Linda’s ass and off of my body. I had sure made an impression on the girls and I felt satisfied myself. I was feeling full as well. My stomach must have swallow an equal amount of juice from the ladies squirts. It took them fifteen minutes to lick up all of my cum but Linda was always leaking. We needed to insert a butt plug so she would not drip all over the place. I was exhausted and my cum reserves were spent.

I decided it would be best for me to rest. But I assured the ladies I would return. Linda was also leaving at the same time so I escorted Linda back upstairs to the flower shop and she offered me a ride home in her car. I found out that she lived out of town in a larger city called Evansville. I learned that Linda was thirty-five and that she was a housewife of an extremely wealthy husband who worked as an architect.

He was out of town often and she would get lonely. Even when her husband was in town he would spend time at a country club playing golf. Linda thought he was cheating on her and she had lost all love for him that she once had. She thought it was well worth the two hour drive to Youngsville to get the pleasures that Ménage had to offer.

I thought it was odd that a husband would leave such an attractive wife alone. I like Linda, her figure was curvy and thick. She had blue eyes and blonde hair which settled over her plump D sized breasts. Plus she knew how to give an amazing ride with her big kinky ass. Linda stopped her luxury sports car at the entrance of the Day-Sea ranch and I thanked her for the ride.

“No Maximus, I should be thanking you for the amazing time tonight. I can still feel your babies inside me,” Linda said and placed her hand on her belly.

“Am I still wearing the mask?” I realized and began to take it off.

“No,” Linda said and took hold of my wrist. “I like it, and your name, it gives you power.”

“Alright Linda,” I said and lowered my hands from the mask. “Whatever you like, I’m glad that I was able to satisfy you.”

“This was by far the best night I have had at Ménage,” Linda said and giggled. “If you are ever in Evansville,” she said, taking a pen and notebook from the glove compartment, "let me know via this number,” she said as she wrote down a phone number and gave it to me.

“I will,” I said and leaned in to kiss her. Our tongues played together until we parted again. “Thank you."

I stepped out of the car and watched as it rolled away into the night. I walked up the dirt road to the farmhouse and into my cottage. It had been a mind-blowing night and I laid down in my bed for sleep. I feel asleep easily but I woke up in the middle of the night when I heard somebody opening the farmhouse door. I looked out my window and saw Sandra and Jessie returning from the night out at Ménage. At the same time I felt that I needed to pee. I had not relieved myself since breakfast.

I did not want to use the outhouse as it always stank there. I just needed to pee so stepped outside in my underwear and walked to the nearest tree a few meters from the houses. It was chilly outside and the hairs on my arms stood straight up due to the night’s cold breeze. I released a river and thought about all of the pussy juice that the girls I had been with had squirted into my mouth. I looked around and saw that the TV was turned on inside the farmhouse. My mouth was dry too so I thought I would get a glass of water and check who was watching in the living room.

I opened the farmhouse door quietly and stepped inside for a drink. I was walking to the living room when I began to hear familiar noises that I had come to remember. Moans of pleasure were coming from the room and I stopped by the living room arch and took cover. I peaked my head around the corner for a look and I saw Mrs. Day-Sea furiously masturbating on the sofa as porn was on the television. I was honestly surprised by the sight but I was not at all disturbed. She was watching an anal video where a younger boy was fucking an older woman. Similar to my age and Gina’s.

The video was exciting and down my alley. Which made my cock begin to grow. I stroked it with my hands enjoyed watching Gina play with a long purple dildo. I only made if a few strokes before I heard steps in the stairs behind me. I looked up and saw Jill coming down. I placed my finger against my lips indicating to keep quiet. Thankfully she saw this and adjusted her steps which were made silent.

Jill approached me and I showed her what her mother was up to. She began to giggle and I silenced her by holding my hand on her mouth. To my delight she placed her hands on my fuck-stick and took over the work. It felt amazing to have Jill stroke my cock as her mother knew nothing that she was being watch by the both of us.

“Eric,” Jill whispered in my ear. “I’m ready for this meat.” I immediately became more aroused and Jill must have felt my cock pulse in her hands.

“Really?” I asked and turned to her. “Are you sure?”

“Positive,” she answered and gave me a kiss. “Let’s go to your house where we don’t have to worry about how much noise we make.” Jill suggested and pulled on my cock. As if it were a leash for me.

We went back outside and we barely made it to my door! My cock was grinding up against her butt as we bust down the door. We undressed each other and she threw herself in to my bed. She sure was eager to lose her virginity and I was eager to take it.

Written by drfleisch
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