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You think you know someone - Tammy and Barry: Their story. Chapter 4 of 4.

"How the group started."

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Tammy Johnson drove into the long drive way of the well kept large house in the better suburb of Belle Vue. There was a pickup truck parked at the top of the drive. 'Johnston Constructions' read the sign painted along the tray of the rig. Her husband's Cadillac was parked next to it.



"What is that silly old bastard doing to the house now?" she questioned under her breath.


Tammy had been a trophy wife to Duke Johnson for twenty five years. She was now forty four and had married a man nearly thirty years her senior. It wasn't supposed to last this long. She had her looks and blond hair back then. She thought that she'd use this older man as a stepping stone. Use his connections into the elite social world of the city then dump him, get half of his money and be set up for life.


It hadn't worked out like that though. She had been lazy and greedy. It was too easy to just put up with Duke. She'd screw him when he could get his old cock to harden but meanwhile spend his money on just about anything and everything. And now twenty five years had passed and she was living with an old man who apart from allowing her to spend a seemingly endless allowance didn't really acknowledge her any more. Their indifference for each other was a two way street.


Tammy parked her Porsche in front of the house and gathered her shopping. More clothes and lingerie that no one would probably ever see. As she crossed the veranda to the front door she stopped as if she was frozen to the tiles under her well shod feet.


The red cedar door had swung open and a man like no other she had seen in her hallway stood before her.


"Okay boss. We should be able to start that tomorrow. It shouldn't take more than ten days or so," his deep voice boomed back into the house.


He was tall, at least six foot six. His shoulders were so wide he barely made it through the doorway with out touching both sides. His waist narrow. He wore a shirt that was stretched skin tight over his huge upper arms and jeans that hugged his thighs and butt. Lace up work boots that were mid calf high completed the ensemble.


Tammy had no idea who he was.


"Ooh, sorry miss," he said as the door clicked closed behind him, "Didn't see you there."


"Th that's alright," stammered Tammy.


She quickly established in her mind that he was young, maybe twenty five at most. He towered over her small five three frame. She couldn't take her eyes off his bulging biceps and the golden brown skin that covered his powerful looking forearms.


"What renovations are we having done this month?" she asked sarcastically.


"Duke wants to take a wall out and turn the lounge into a bar room. My crew are a bit light on for work so he wants to keep us busy," he replied in a surprisingly pleasant voice, "We start work first thing in the morning."


"So you will be working here?" Tammy asked as she felt little butterflies in her stomach moving towards her pussy.


"Yes ma'am, my name is Barry Stevens," he said with a slight smile on his face.


Tammy felt her legs go to jelly a little as his smile brightened her day.


"I haven't seen you before Barry, I know most of my husband's foremen. How long have you been with the company?" Tammy asked.


"About a month I suppose. He poached me from Clayton's. Made me an offer I couldn't refuse," he said and flashed that magic smile again.


Clayton's Maintenance and Constructions were Dukes biggest competitors. She knew if Duke had asked this young man to switch companies he would have to be good at his trade and that it would disrupt his arch enemies work program, giving him an advantage.


"May name is Tammy, pleased to meet you Barry," she said as she offered her hand for him to shake.


And that was their first meeting. Over the next two weeks Tammy would make any excuse she could to talk to the foreman of the five man crew that removed the dividing wall, patched plaster, replaced flooring and transformed her day room and lounge into a bar room.


By the time the work was completed she was doing some serious flirting with Barry. She had been fantasizing since the first moment she had layed eyes on him. His narrow hips, wide shoulders and that smile. She imagined what it would be like to have him on top of her and that smile on his face as he screwed her. He was all she could think about.


No longer did she despise her husband expanding the house. As if it wasn't big enough for the two of them. But he was obsessed with this house and it was becoming a sickness that he couldn't control as it grew in its dimensions.


From that first meeting with Barry she insisted that his crew did any more work on the house. Barry for his part resisted her advances placing his job and all the privelidges that came with it above his primal urges. He knew she was maybe twenty years older than himself but she was still an attractive woman. Well proportioned, her seemingly gravity defying breasts, a narrow waist and slender legs all topped by naturally platinum blond hair. But a roll with her in the king size bed in the master bed room wasn't worth losing his job over he had decided. Duke paid him and indeed all his workers over the award. And anyway he got all the girls he wanted with the physique that he sculptured with endless hours in the gym after work. She was tempting but out of bounds.


Then about six months after there initial meeting everything changed. Duke Johnson had a massive heart attack in his office at the construction yard. He died before the ambulance arrived. Tammy played the grieving widow to perfection although deep down it was a relief to her to now be free of the old ma. All the employees came to his funeral and wake including Barry. For appearances sake Tammy held her facade together in front of Duke's friends and colleagues. But in her head she was secretly cheering that now at a still relatively young age she was rid of him.


In the office of Duke's lawyer a week later she was informed she was the sole beneficiary of his will. With no other living family Duke had left her over twenty million dollars, the house and the company to do with what she wanted.


Tammy waited a month or six weeks before she played her trump card. She knew nothing of the building industry so as the work dried up for the employees she called a meeting with Barry for his opinion on what to do in regards to the business.


In Duke's old office Barry was bemused that she would want his opinion. He didn't know how to run a large company. He was a carpenter and only twenty four years of age. He was still a little nervous in Tammy's company, after all she was his bosses widow.


Tammy to her credit dropped the guise that she needed guidance and admitted her infatuation with him. She told him he was all she could think about. She knew there was a big age difference but that she felt there was a spark between them and that she would regret it for the rest of her life is she didn't at least try to get something going between the two of them.


Barry wasn't stupid and knew that she had flirted with him. He had thought that it was maybe to get his late boss jealous or something. But now as she sat behind the huge desk opposite him she looked very vulnerable and emotional.


"Can we just go out for dinner together? Call it a business meeting if you like," she pleaded softly with him.


In that moment Barrie's heart melted. He agreed to accompany her out to a restaurant he knew he couldn't afford. Hell he didn't even own a suit to wear to the place she had suggested. And a suit to fit his huge frame didn't come off the rack. He voiced his concerns at his lack of proper attire.


"Well we could go somewhere else of your choosing then," Tammy conceded.


Around six thirty Barry drove up the drive way of the mansion in his pickup. He wore jeans and a white shirt with his cowboy boots. Tammy had been watching nervously for him. He had told her, when she had asked him, to wear anything she liked but to keep it low key.


She anxiously stepped through the front door onto the porch as Barry climbed out of the work truck.


"I don't care where we eat or what we do but I'm not going on my first date with you in that," she said as she tossed him the keys to the black Porsche.


Barry took her to his favorite cowboy bar. They ate steak, drank beer and tequila. Then he tried to teach her how to play pool while he dropped a roll of quarters into the jukebox to play his favorite country and western songs. They danced and they laughed together. Tammy had not had this much fun in a great many years. He was the perfect gentleman all evening and if she didn't have a school girl crush on him before she was besotted now.


Around midnight they left the bar and Barry drove her back to Belle Vue. As they crossed the kerb and started up the drive way Barry felt her hand brush his thigh and settle near his groin.


"Barry, stay with me tonight please," she asked softly as he pulled on the park brake and turned off the engine.


Barry turned his head toward her and again saw the vulnerable look that she had in the office that day.


He leaned his massive torso towards her and their lips met for the first time.


After Barry had opened the front door for her he picked her up and effortlessly carried her to the master suite. He knew the house intimately as he had worked here for months. He gently placed her on the bed and peeled his shirt off. Tammy watched as his muscled chest and stomach were revealed to her.


She wanted this young man so badly. She reached for the top button of her own jeans and lowered the zipper. Kicking them down she reached over and undid the buttons on Barry's pants. Grabbing the belt loops on each side of his trousers she pulled them to his knees and then as her face drew level with his crotch she pulled down his boxers to reveal his cock.


He was easily ten inches and not even fully hard yet. He was circumcised and he was nearly as thick as her wrist. She kissed the skin of its head and then opened her mouth and engulfed as much of it as she could.


Oh how wonderful it felt to finally after all these months of lusting and wondering to have this man to herself.


Barry brushed her hair with his hand as she took him in her mouth. He was aware his cock was abnormally large. He'd even had girls balk at having sex with him when they were confronted by his size. Sometimes it was just plain embarrassing to have a penis this large. He looked down and Tammy was not daunted at all. Her mouth felt wonderful as she tried to devour him. She was now pulling her blouse off revealing a black lace bra holding up those magnificent thirty two c breasts. Her lips never left his dick as she did this. He reached down to touch her soft pliant skin. His hand reached lower and her small nipples hardened between his fingers as he ran them over the lace of her bra.


Tammy slurped as she let his cock slip from her mouth and stood up on the bed in front of him. She deftly unhooked her bra and threw it on to the floor. Her left nipple disappeared into Barry's willing mouth as her hand tried to encircle his penis as she stroked him to full hardness. His cock felt like a baseball bat in her hand.


Barry tugged at the sides of her black thong to lower the last item of clothing she was wearing. He was also trying to kick off his boots and jeans at the same time. He inadvertently bit her nipple a little harder than he liked. This simple and accidental action caused Tammy to ignite into a steaming ball of passion. She threw her arms over his massive shoulders and locked them behind his neck. Her legs wrapped around his waist and her pussy with its bush of not so blond hair pushed against his mighty cock. She lifted herself up, trying to position him so his cock was at the entrance to her dripping labia. She wanted him inside her cunt. She wanted to be stretched and fucked like she had never had a cock before.


Barry reached around under her round ass cheek with his right hand. He held his cock steady and could feel Tammy humping onto him. He parted her pussy lips with the head and slipped it along her slit a couple of times to gather her lubricating fluid. From past experience he knew she'd need every bit of lubricant she and he could produce. He placed the tip at the entrance to her vagina as she slowed her motions in anticipation of him entering her.


Tammy felt him at her door. Her nipples pressed into the muscles of his chest.


'His breasts are nearly as big and a lot firmer than mine,' she thought as she looked down between their bodies to see if she could get a glimpse of this magnificent cock sliding into her pussy.


Slowly she lowered herself onto the head of Barry's dick. He lifted her by her ass cheeks a little and then let her settle again. The head of his cock was in, she could feel it stretching her. She allowed herself to slip down further and the fullness increased as her cunt took in half the length of his shaft. Slowly he lifted her again to spread her slippery fluid on his dick. She pushed down on him again and felt the massive cock hit her cervix. She had as much of him inside her that she could physically take.


Tammy sat there a moment and let her muscles relax to accommodate the organ within her. Slowly, gradually she started to move on him. The feeling of fullness was incredible. It was impossible for his cock not to rub her g spot with every stroke. She was going to cum. A culmination of weeks of anticipation and now this huge cock pushing in and out of her tight cunt was going to have her cumming like a school girl after just moments. Barry lowered her onto himself again and this time he pulled her close and kissed her lips. His tongue stroked hers as his cock stretched her pussy muscles and lips.


It was as sudden as she knew it would be. A tightening of her vagina on his cock the spasm that followed the feeling of euphoria. She orgasmed from deep within. She bore her self down upon him and her fluids dripped from his swinging ball sack. Her finger nails dug into his back as she continued to ride the cock that was the fuck of her lifetime.


Barry had been with enough women to know this was a full blown orgasm. She was not holding any thing back. The contractions of her pussy around his cock and the moans emanating from Tammy were enough stimulation to bring his ejaculation on.

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His balls retracted upwards and his cock pulsed as he filled the tight pussy with his semen. Barry couldn't believe he had taken such a short time to cum. He prided himself that usually he had enough control to fuck for an age. What was it about his older woman that made him so horny?


Slowly, leaving his softening cock hidden inside of her, he lowered her back onto the bed until his huge body covered her completely. He blew gently into her ear as his slick dick fell away from her. She was exhausted from her orgasm and the emotion of finally having this young man after months of wanton lust.


Barry rolled off her and collapsed onto the bed beside her. One of his huge biceps acted as a hard pillow under her head. Tammy traced small circles around one of his small nipples.


Tammy decided then and there that she would try and keep Barry as her own. She had the money and she thought the looks to make her self appealing to this younger man.


Barry lay back looking at the ceiling. He'd finally done it with her. Temptation had nearly convinced him to fuck her when old Duke was alive. And she was a good fuck. Her pussy was tight but she could still use it to stimulate him. A lot of younger women were just too tight for him to fuck properly. They just took the head of his cock in and told him not to move as it hurt them. He wanted to fuck Tammy some more but was wondering if she could take any more tonight.


That was eight years ago. Barry eventually shifted into the Belle Vue home. The company was sold off and that added to Tammy's wealth. Barry worked occasionally as a carpenter when his friends needed him to. Mostly he had been spending time in the four car garage where he had a workshop and made specialist furniture.


One night five tears ago they had been invited to a party at the home of an old friend of Duke's. Tammy knew the hosts quite well and had been to their palatial house quite a few times for dinner. She knew a few of the other guests but there was not a lot of the familiar faces that were the normal social scene of Belle Vue.


The drinks flowed and the music played. As the evening wore on Tammy noticed that the room contained less and less people. It was still quite early and surely the party couldn't be winding up just yet. Then she noticed that the guests were leaving the room in pairs and not one was leaving the room with their spouse. Sometimes a single person would return, sometimes they returned as different couples. What was going on?


She asked Barry to obtain a drink for her while she visited the powder room. And discreetly, on here own left the main room by the door the other guests had been entering and exiting by.


What she found amazed and excited her. As she walked down the corridor of the bedroom wing of the house she saw strangers and people she new in the bedrooms in various states of dress and performing various sexual acts on each other. Most of the bedroom doors were open. Couples shared some rooms, threesomes were fucking, licking and sucking. Two men one woman here, two women one man there. Bisexual acts by both men and women. It was a free for all. Tammy wasn't appalled, she could feel her pussy moisten as she stopped and looked in each doorway. She back tracked to the main party area. She had to find Barry, she wanted him to see this for himself.


"Barry come with me. I have something to show you," she said quietly in to his ear as he sat talking to another couple.


"What is it?" asked Barry in a slightly annoyed tone as he was telling the other couple about his hand made furniture.


Tammy whispered excitedly in to his ear that this was a sex party and that just through the doors there were maybe ten couples naked and screwing.


"No way," answered Barry loudly.


"She's right," said the woman from the other couple who had heard what Tammy had said.


"We've been to a couple of these parties now and it always ends up the same. We sit here and watch the other guests pair off and go and screw each other," the guy with her said.


"And you never do anything yourselves?" Tammy asked them.


"No, not yet. We go in and look sometimes but haven't taken the plunge," the wife said.


Barry stood up and Tammy took his hand.


"Come on, come and look for yourself," Tammy said to him.


Tammy led him through the door and then into a bed room. Two couples were naked and screwing . One in the missionary position and the other had the woman on her hands and knees being fucked from behind.


Tammy and Barry leaned against the wall. Tammy watched with fascination as the man in front of her rammed his cock into the kneeling woman. Her own pussy was becoming moist as the show progressed. Tammy looked at Barry. He was busy trying to stop the kneeling woman from opening his pants and pulling his cock out. Twice he pushed her hand away.


Tammy was becoming stimulated watching the live sex show in front of her. She was beginning to feel as if she wanted some attention herself. Could she possibly do something in such a public way. Barry removed the offending hand from the front of his trousers again.


'This woman is persistent as well as greedy as she already had a nice looking dick pumping into her cunt,' thought Tammy as she now noticed through the tenting material of his trousers that Barry's cock was beginning to swell.


'Should she? Could she?' She thought as she was tempted to pull Barrie's huge cock out of his pants and see what the expression on the other woman's face would be.


Barry fidgeted as he adjusted his constrained erect penis.


Tammy reached across and stroked him through his pants. Barry put an arm around her shoulder. She now undid his belt, the top button of his pants and lowered the zipper. Pushing down the waist band of his boxers she freed the long, thick cock and let it stand out from his body right in front of the other woman's face.


"My god," she heard her mutter as the strangers mouth then wrapped around the head of Barry's cock.


To see another woman sucking her partner of three years was a huge turn on for Tammy. As she watched the mouth try and take him in Tammy lifted her own skirt and her fingers found their way into her silk panties. Tammy began to masturbate her clitoris.


The other woman pulled off the man fucking her and rose up on her knees. She pulled Barrie's pants and boxers down to below his knees. His impressively muscled thighs were now on display and above them his now shiny with spit cock and balls. The woman gave him one final wet mouthing then turned around, bent over and presented her shaved, gaping vulva to Barry.


Tammy reached out for the shaft of her husband's cock and wrapped her fingers around him firmly. She guided him to the entrance of the vagina in front of them and rubbed the head of his cock in the copious fluids running from her. The man who had previously been fucking her grunted and started to masturbate. His eyes firmly fixed on the huge cock that was about to impale the cunt he was fucking just moments ago.


As the head of Barry's cock lined up with the open vagina Tammy held him still. Barry pushed against the unknown woman and in one movement sunk three quarters of his length into her. The woman squealed as he stretched her to her limits. The girth of his rigid cock forced the skin of her vulva to be turned inwards into her pussy. Tammy watched as Barry withdrew and the inner pink skin of her vagina was pulled out with his cock.


Tammy was transfixed as Barry settled into a rhythm and fucked the woman as if she was a rag doll.


The stranger moaned and thrashed about as she was violated by Barry. She made no attempt to stop him or move away, indeed she was backing on to him.


With a mighty shriek she orgasmed and sprayed her juices onto Barry's thighs. Now a long moan and her whole body seemed to shudder as the contractions rocked through her.


Barry reached out and held her naked buttocks with his hands. He firmly pulled the now gasping woman back on to himself and buried most of his cock into her vagina. With a loud grunt he came. His semen spraying deep inside the woman in three enormous spurts.


He withdrew his still erect cock and the woman collapsed onto her stomach still gasping for air. The man who had previously been fucking her dropped in front of Barry and licked the mixture of pussy juice and Barry's seed from the thick pulsing cock.


Tammy came on her own hand at the sight of this. A man was actually sucking Barry's cock.


Barry backed away from the man's willing mouth. He pulled up his boxers then fastened his trousers.


Together Barry and Tammy went back to the main room finished their drinks then left the party.


Later at home after they both had showered they quietly and calmly talked about what had happened that evening.


They were both turned on by the experience


"Would you like to do it again?" Tammy asked him.


"Not like that. It was a bit sordid. Maybe if it was just with a woman or even a couple and the door was closed so it was a little more private," Barry replied.


"I loved watching you," Tammy admitted, " I just wish I could have had a cock in me while I was watching."


They decided that night that they would look for another couple to swap partners with. They'd advertise in a sex magazine and try to find some like minded people.


They were amazed at the response they got from just one advertisement. Twenty five people calling them and wanting to meet and see if there was any type of spark between them. They discounted maybe five of those responders as single men but still twenty was a large number of couples that wanted to play with other couples and not do it behind their partners backs.


Tammy and Barry did meet with a number of couples and had same room sex and swapping sessions with a few of those. Each time the sex was great and their relationship only got stronger as their bond was reinforced.


One Sunday night after a grueling weekend of sex Tammy and Barry lay in bed alone. They had meetings with a couple on Friday night and another on Saturday evening followed by an invitation for even more sex on Sunday afternoon.


"Why don't we contact all the couples we really like and invite them around here for a party? I mean lets form an exclusive swingers club," suggested Tammy.


Well there is plenty of spare bed rooms. Most of them aren't furnished though. We could get mattresses put them on the floors," Barry answered.


"No Barry, that would be a bit tacky. I mean do it properly so that people would want to come back. We have the money to buy beds and set the rooms up. We could extend the second bathroom out and make it into a huge room where lots of our guests could wash at once. The cloak room could have lockers or something in it for personal belongings and their street wear. And that huge bar room you built could be the central lounge area. Music and drinks. It could be a nice safe place for us to entertain," Tammy enthused.


"It seems like you have been thinking of this for a while," stated Barry.


"I have been. I get tired of sometimes going to other people's places and you know how it is, you don't click with the person but you feel obliged as the partners do click. Here you can say no thanks and move on to some one else, if you want that is."


"Do you think we would have enough people to warrant the cost of furniture and bathroom renovations?" Barry asked.


"Build it and they will come," quoted Tammy from an old movie, "If we got a core group together we could expand it by invitation until we had sufficient couples to make it worthwhile. I don't want to make money out of it. Keep the costs reasonable and run a clean house for folks and if they have a good time they will be back. Mark my words."


So the seeds for their swingers club were sown. Barry started work on the bathroom the next day. Tammy started shopping, some thing she was very good at, to furnish all seven of the spare bed rooms.


It was a month before everything was ready. Tammy rang six couples they knew and invited them over the next Saturday night. Some knew each other some didn't. They were read a couple of rules over the phone and were told that they must abide by them. No meant no. Even the women had to follow this rule. If a door was closed the people inside wanted privacy and even if your spouse was in there it was forbidden to enter. And everyone was to be treated with respect.


That Saturday night went so well that Tammy rang all the participants the next week and asked them if they knew of any suitable couples who they might like to invite along as trial members. The following month the club had expanded to eleven couples not including Tammy and Barry. From the feed back they received it was better than the initial gathering. Every couple that attended raved over the facilities and the openness of the other guests to swapping and sharing their partners for sex.


Over the coming months they had at least one party every month, sometimes two. Tammy advertised in an adult magazine available at sex shops and was again surprised with the number of replies from couples interested in swinging. She selectively chose a few of the applicants to add to her invitation list and capped the club at twenty couples. Forty people never actually showed up on any given night as some couldn't make it on a certain date or if they had been to the previous night they sometimes weren't invited. It was a matter of playing a numbers game. Tammy and Barry decided that if you didn't attend three months in arrow you wouldn't be invited back. They found that non attendance for that long a period usually signaled a reluctance by one of the people in the couple and it wasn't healthy to be forced to go swinging by your partner.


After a year of the lifestyle as Tammy called it they put a modest price of twenty dollars a couple and ten dollars for single females as an entry fee. No single males were ever invited. The money was to cover the cost of a commercial laundry service. The towels and bed sheets were required to be hygienically sterilized.


The secret Belle Vue sex club was in full swing now. Tammy and Barry enjoyed hosting their gatherings. They each had their favorite regular fucks. But always went to bed after the meetings together. They had the perfect open marriage.



Written by Bipeep
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