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You Bet! - Part 2

"The final showdown between Thomas, Michalis and Sophie against the evil Tax Collector."

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At the restaurant, Thomas and Sophie waited impatiently for Michalis to arrive and give Sophie the license. The time neared five thirty.


“Where is that guy?” Michalis fretted. “TC is about to arrive!”


Half past five. The door opened. And in came—


“Oh no,” Thomas panicked, “too late!”




Thomas exhaled in relief. “Hey! What took you so long?”


“Ehh...” Michalis' eyes rolled down and right as he recalled his experience with Sarah.


Thomas realized that Michalis switched to Homo Neandertalis mode again. Puckering up his face and tightening up his lips, he inhaled a deep breath and his eyes formed perfect circles. For a moment he looked as if he would unleash hell towards Michalis,  but, there was no time to quarrel.


“Did you get the license?” he hissed as he slowly exhaled.


“Yeah, sure,” Michalis said and by reaching the inside of his jacket, he presented an envelope and gave it to Sophie.


Sophie snatched the envelope, opened it and noticed the ID card inside. “Is this what I think it is?”


“Yes,” Michalis confirmed. “Did you bring the passport photos?”


Sophie nodded, “Yes, I brought some old ID photos that I had. That way the license will appear more weathered and thus more convincing.”


“Good thinking, Sophie,” Michalis praised.


He then poked his index finger nervously on a small rectangle located at the upper right corner of the licence.


The finger remained unbending and stiff like a pen as Michalis instructed her, “now, glue them carefully on the blank ID square.”


Sophie did so thoroughly and carefully. After that, she took the paper of the ID and meticulously crinkled and scratched it on various places along its surface, in order to enhance the weathering effect. She went to the dressing room to prepare for her appearance as a prostitute.


Michalis and Thomas waited for TC to arrive. The time was nearly twenty to six.


“Think he won’t come?” Thomas bit his lip.


“Nah,” Michalis replied, “tax agents always com—”


“Gling – gling!” the doorbell rang.


Taking a deep breath and closing his eyes, Thomas mentally prepared for the final confrontation. ‘The time has come,’ he realized. He exhaled and announced, “We’re open!”


Opening the door and making a sudden and belligerent step forward, TC got in. “Well, if it isn’t the two cowboys!” he grinned sardonically. “So what’s on the menu today?”


“Fresh meat!” Michalis replied.


In the position where TC stood, between the opened door and the wall, the lighting of the shop was mixed with the shade cast from the door and made his facial expression look abnormal, vile and diabolical.


“Fine then,” he shrugged, “so, until the main course arrives, meaning the girl that you claim is a prostitute, I’d like to eat here for one last time, before this shop closes forever. Ha – ha – ha!”


“Are you sure you want that?” Thomas asked. “How do you know that we won’t poison you?”


TC walked into the restaurant and grabbed the table in front of him from the side edges. He leaned forward and held his position. Glaze-eyed and with frowning eyebrows, he threatened, “Don’t worry, I’ve taken measures. I have informed a buddy of mine in the agency what you’re doing here. If something happens to me, you’ll be accused of a murder attempt.”


“Okay then,” Thomas maintained the sarcasm in his voice, “so what would you have then, monsieur?”


“One kilo of cocorechi.”


“Coming right up!” Thomas said cheerily and went to the kitchen, prepared the dish and brought it to the table where TC sat.


Grabbing the fork, TC gobbled the cocorechi with an insatiable appetite. Adopting an almost theatrical gesture as a finishing signal, he elegantly took the handkerchief accompanied with his meal and with a dexterous and soft swipe, he removed the oil from his greasy lips.


“I’m done,” he solemnly announced, “now show me your little slut.”


“Of course,” Thomas said. “Tina! Come in dear!”


Sophie got out of the dressing room and into the dining area. She wore a very short mini skirt that made her skinny but well – formed legs visible. That piece of clothing was so short that it could barely hide her red string. On the upper part of her body, her leather jacket remained unbuttoned and left her crimson bra and soft pale skin in plain sight. She had kept her brown curly hair wild and chewed gum.


Michalis and Thomas completely lost it. Was that the same girl they talked to before?


The Tax Collector, however, was unaffected by her charm. “And you’re supposed to be a virgin?” he said as he sceptically stroked his beard and burst into laughter.


“Yes, I am!” Sophie confronted TC, face to face. “Why, you got a problem, old man?”


“No, I don’t,” TC replied perplexed by her sudden aggression, “so, you claim that you are both a virgin and a prostitute?”


Sophie smiled and her eyes gleamed. “Yup – yup, those two I am!”


“Fine, fine,” TC nodded and shut his eyes in concession, “prove it to me then that you are a virgin. For the prostitute part, I’ve made up my mind.”


“And what’s your price, mister?” Sophie demanded to everybody’s surprise.


‘A real model of self – control!’ Michalis thought excited. ‘Other girls, even those with great acting skills would have panicked by now. I’m impressed!’


“Eh, how much do you want?” TC languidly worded while he recomposed himself from the blow.


Sophie continued her amazing acting, “That’ll be fifty euros, honey.”


TC lost his temper momentarily and the blood in his veins painted his face ruddy. Yet, just before lashing out, he managed to dominate his impulses again.


“It’s okay, I’ll pay,” he shrugged, “either way, I’ll take them back on the double later. And to be honest, it’s not a bad idea to shove in a dick every now and then.”


Obviously, the Tax Collector thought that he would fuck Sophie. However, she had other plans in mind.


Forming a half sided smile on her lips, Sophie sneered, “And who told you that I’m gonna let you fuck me? I don’t want to lose my virginity. You’ll only see my pussy! Got it, you fail of a pirate?”


TC’s temper recrudesced and he brusquely snapped, “Fifty euros just to see your cunt, you little... cunt? I think I’ll toss a rock at your empty head. You’ll see then how it feels to be fucked for the first time!”


“Was that how they fucked you on your first time too, you dingle – ass baboon?” she laughed at him.


TC glowered indignantly and his voice lowered in pitch, “You really got some nerve you little brat!”


Suddenly, his eyes sparkled with a shine of madness. He reached into his pocket and everybody thought that he would indeed grab a rock and throw it at Sophie’s face. But that didn’t happen. Extending out his hand towards Sophie, the Tax Collector opened his palm and a fresh printed fifty euro bill presented itself.


“Take it!” he groaned and slammed the bill into her already stretched out to receive palm. “And now show me your virginity.”


Sophie complied and began to undress. She first removed her leather jacket, then her bra and finally her mini skirt. She let her red string caress her thighs, knees and ankles as it gently fell to the ground. Her nudity was completely revealed. Her pubic hair, even though trimmed, retained a brownish texture. Her ass was cute and extremely tight.


Needless to say that every living organism became horny with that sight, including bacteria, viruses and other little fellows that always accompany us on our environment. But let’s stick with the humans in the room.


Due to his average sized cock, Michalis could hide his embarrassment, and TC, sitting at the table, didn’t have any problems either. Thomas, on the other hand, found it impossible to cover his huge bulging club from his pants. Yes, Thomas had a very big cock, a lot longer and thicker than the average person. If Michalis had an Uzi gun, Thomas had a Bazooka; he was only loaded with a few shots, but he was very destructive in damage.


Sophie sat on top of the table, opened her legs and spread her pussy for TC to see. “Come,” she mocked him, “take a closer look at me!”


Leaning forward and frowning his eyebrows to improve the clarity of his vision, TC began to inspect Sophie’s pubic area.


Michalis and Thomas leaned sideways to get a sneak peek.


“Is there anything more palatable than to have something like this on your plate?” Michalis whispered to Thomas.


Thomas responded excited and with a relatively loud voice, “Yes, Sophie’s pussy with a one-kilo cocorechi!”


Momentarily becoming disrupted from her task at hand, that was, to keep her legs spread out, Sophie glanced curiously at Thomas, raised her eyebrows puzzledly and then returned to her previous activity.


“Shush!” Michalis said crisply as he became embarrassed.


After a minute or so, TC leaned backwards to the back of his chair. Oh, wait. His chair had no back and he fell flat to the ground, making a stomping sound. Thump! He stood up and sat again, a bit dizzy and ready to make his verdict, even though his sad expression said it all.


“She is indeed a virgin!” he admitted, unable to grasp it. “But how is this possible?”


“Well, she is!” boasted Thomas and then added, “Which simply means that we’ve won. Now get your mangy butt out of my restaurant!”




Butt my ass!” Thomas laughed. “You made your bet and lost. Time to honor that agreement!”


TC smiled sinisterly. “The hell if I do,” he hissed and laughed scornfully, “I’ll report you still.”


Thomas returned the smile. “I expected you would do something so low—”


‘I knew it,’ Michalis thought astonished, ‘Thomas must have finally overcome his naivety!’


“—that’s why I prepared for you a surprise!” Thomas finished his sentence.


“What kind of surprise?” the Tax Collector inquired curiously.


Thomas pointed the corner of the wall with his slightly crooked finger. “Look up there!”


A camera was placed at the far corner of the concrete wall, aiming at the table where TC. At that moment, Sophie had left the table and was already dressing.


“This entire interaction between us today has been recorded!” Thomas jabbed. “I call this recipe, ‘finely chopped taxed tripe.’ If you don’t honor our agreement, then this delightful dish is going to become very popular in the Greek cookbook. Going international is also a good idea, who knows?”


The Tax Collector laughed, “You got me you maggots!” and then admitted, still astonished, “There really exists a virgin prostitute!”


“Exactly,” Thomas said triumphantly, “if it weren’t for our Sophie!”


Michalis tried to stare indifferently towards the ceiling. He couldn’t help but think ‘Oh, shoot, he got sloppy.’


“How did you call her?” TC demanded to know.


Thomas made a futile attempt to correct his mistake, “Eh… Tina!”


“Don’t give me that,” TC spat, “you called her Sophie, I’m not deaf!” He stared at Sophie and derided, “Why don’t you come over here again... Tina?”


Sophie approached unaffected by TC’s scorn. “What is it again, daddy?”


“I want to see your sexual worker license,” TC requested.


Reaching her license out of an inner pocket of her jacket, Sophie gave it to him.


TC grabbed the license and scanned it thoroughly.


“Haha!” he laughed. “You messed up. I don’t know how you managed to find a license ID, but the stamp doesn’t go over to the photo area. So, it’s obvious that it’s a fake! Nobody would ever place a stamp in a license with no photo in the ID. I know the people of that department, they are not that irresponsible!”


‘Fuck,’ Michalis thought, ‘in all my haste, that was the only thing I overlooked. Dammit.’


“Anyway,” TC concluded, “you lost the bet! Now, this business is going to close.”


“I don’t think so!” Sophie intervened, having passively observed their conversation all that time.


“And why is that?” TC asked irritated.


“When I met with Michalis earlier, he told me what the definition of a prostitute is. A prostitute is a woman, willing to give sexual services in exchange for something non-sexual, material or not.”


“I don’t know where you’re getting at,” TC said.


“Yes,” Michalis agreed, “why do you bring that up, Sophie?”


Sophie explained calmly, “I am willing to have sex with you TC, and in exchange, I’m asking that you oversee Thomas’ debt and go. And by saying that, by definition, I am a prostitute.”


“Hmm, you have a point,” Thomas acknowledged.


“Additionally,” she continued, “on your bet with Thomas, you asked him to find a prostitute near the red light district area, isn’t that so?”


“I did that,” TC unwillingly admitted.


“I live just two blocks away and my apartment is near the red light district,” Sophie stated, “you never mentioned if that prostitute had to be a legal one or not.”


“That’s right!” Michalis gushed energized by that realization. “Sophie is indeed the virgin-prostitute Thomas. We’ve won!”


TC said nothing. Everything seemed as if he had lost. But suddenly, his eyes sparkled and he grinned with renewed maliciousness. “Why don’t you tell me, Sophie,” he addressed her, “you said you were willing to have sex with me, didn’t you?”


“Well, I—” Sophie lost her words.


“Aha!” TC shouted. “So you’re not really willing to give your body to me! Therefore, you’re not a real prostitute, so I win the bet!”


“No!” Sophie snapped back decisively. “I’ll do it. For Thomas.”


“Sophie, I’d rather you didn’t sacrifice your purity for me!” Thomas intervened. “Virginity is something sacred for a girl. I wouldn’t want for you to have such a memory for your first time.”


“But I do,” Sophie insisted, “it’s an honor my first time to have such an altruistic impact, to save a friend.”


“Alright then!” TC licked his lips and rubbed his hands. “So get naked you slut – that – is – not – really – a – slut. If you dare.”


Getting herself naked for the second time, Sophie’s tight and tender pussy appeared ready to get fucked for the first time. Everything around her got horny, even non–living objects; spoons, forks, knives, everything started to float in the air. The only thing that followed the opposite direction, was the Tax Collector's pants that made a blunt thumping sound as they hit the ground.


Sophie sat on the table and spread her legs open. TC approached, however, he seemed hesitant, almost as if he was the virgin.


“What’s wrong?” Sophie taunted him. “Scared of a little pussy?”


TC indeed felt scared. If he didn’t fuck her, he would lose the bet, and he hated to lose. If on the other hand, if he stuck his dick inside, it would mean that Sophie was true to her word, so she would have been the real virgin prostitute. Therefore, he would lose the bet again. The only way he could win was to scare Sophie off and make her quit.


“I’m going to tear your vagina to shreds you little sl... virgin!”


She lay on the table and spoke assertively, “Come on asshole, I’m waiting. Let’s see what you’ve got.”


“Have you got any idea how painful the first time can be? I’m gonna hurt you so much that you’ll beg me to stop!”


“Only words and no deeds old man,” Sophie huffed in disapproval, “was that why you became an authority figure? To compensate?”


Getting closer to Sophie, the Tax Collector took his offended cock out of his zipper and began to run his edge against her clit. His hands shivered from nervousness.


Sophie became excited initially but TC took a long time to progress so she got bored. “Are you going to put it in already?” she huffed again. “You’ve impregnated me with all your gabbling!”


“When I’m through with you, you cum dumpster, you will have lost a bucket of blood and will need twenty stitches up your vagina. You’ll never be able to get a child ever!”


“Quit talking and get into action, dickwad.”


TC began to insert his cock millimetre by millimetre to Sophie’s pussy to make her retreat. However, instead of running away, she pushed her waist closer to TC’s prick. At that time, TC realized that in no way could he make her fear him and he tried to get it out as fast as he could. But, it was too late; before he could finish his action, Sophie grabbed him with her legs from the waist tautly and pulled him close to her. His dick slid inside her wet vagina and she shouted a moan of pleasure.

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“You lost!” she giggled aroused.


“No!” TC shouted. “Fuck!”


“Yeah, you’re fucking my pussy now you jerk, fancy it?” Sophie asked TC.


At that point, the Tax Collector began to move back and forth against his will, “Nooo!”


“Hey, but you guys can’t wait to fuck, and now that you get fresh pussy, you don’t want it? What are you, gay?”


“Noooo!” TC yelled as he shoved himself deeper into her vagina and to defeat.


“Some people are slackers and others are fuckers. Now, I’m a slacker, but you’re a sucker!”


With a final pull of her waist, Sophie reached a climax and made TC orgasm in despair. He completely lost with his completion.




TC got his softened cock out. It was covered with his own cum and with the blood from the loss of Sophie’s virginity. Both he and his dick looked pathetic.


“What’s wrong?” Michalis didn’t even try to hide his evil grin. “Was that very taxing for you?”


The Tax Collector started to cry like a baby. “Boo – hoo – hoo,” he sobbed, “that was the worst fuck of my life! Boo – hoo – hoo.”


Thomas pointed the camera and stared at the Tax Collector menacingly, “And there’s more to come if you don’t leave now. Beat it! Get lost! Skedaddle!”


TC stumbled to the door of the shop, utterly trounced. His pants were still down and his dick hung loose, similar to a rubber band. “Boo – hoo – hoo! I’ll do you for that, you’ll see!”


But, Michalis had the last word, “Yeah, don’t forget to take a tax – i on your way home!”


“Boo – hoo – h—” the door slammed and TC disappeared.


They’ve finally made it. Making the impossible possible, Thomas, Michalis and Sophie managed to prevent the restaurant of Thomas from closing. Now, Thomas could finally relax.


“All's well that ends well,” Michalis concluded.


“From what it seems...” Thomas agreed. “But surely, the award tonight goes to Sophie! Seriously girl, how could you stay so calm during the storm?”


“Yes,” Michalis exclaimed, “please do tell us! We are really keen to know!”


Sophie kept wiping off her pubic area with diligent, sharp and precise moves, similar to those of a violin player. “It’s very simple guys, I’ve had sex before.”


“Whaat?” yelled Michalis and Thomas in unison, being more perplexed than ever.


“Yes, I really have!” she giggled and added, “You see, I have a secret that few men know.”


“And that is?” Michalis asked.


“My hymen is extremely elastic and doesn’t break during intercourse.”


“Can that really happen?” Michalis wondered.


“Not so often,” Sophie replied, “but it’s the reality for some of us...”


“And what about the blood?” Thomas requested. “How can you explain that?”


“That was tomato sauce, also known as ketchup, my innocent friend!” she told him smiling and then put on her regular clothes, a full body white dress with black stripes.


“And I thought that you hadn’t been with a man before.” Michalis murmured. “I wonder what else we should expect from you.”


Sophie hung her purse on her shoulder and prepared to leave. Then, just before she opened the door, a small piece of paper slipped from the top of the purse and fell on the ground.


Michalis made an attempt to pick it up and give it to her, but she hastily reached and snatched it first, hiding it from their sight.


“What’s that paper, Sophie?” Thomas asked suspiciously.


“It’s nothing,” Sophie blushed, “mind your own business!”


Michalis held a penetrating authoritative gaze, “Are you sure it’s nothing?”


She bent her head downwards shyly, “Alright, I admit it. The paper on the ground was my license.”


“Your license for what?” Thomas asked.


“I work as a sex worker in one of the brothels over there. I also do visits.”


“You do whaaat?” both of them shouted and their jaws dropped.


An irresolute silence covered the restaurant. Eventually, Thomas spoke first. “How long have you been doing this?”


“The last year or so. But don’t tell anyone, okay?”


“Well, of course not...” Thomas agreed and said, “why should we even consider to expose you, after all you’ve done for us?”


A few moments passed in silence, and then, suddenly, as if she changed her mind about something, Sophie smiled, closed the door and turned the key. ‘I’ve held back for far too long with those two,’ she thought, ‘it’s now or never!’ She walked towards the two guys, approaching with feline movements.


“What are you doing Sophie?” Michalis asked and tried to hide his bewilderment.


“You know, guys,” Sophie said, “every time we went out with our friends in the past, I did notice how you looked at me. So eager to have a piece of me!”


Thomas felt pinned in place.


“What? Mm – me? Do that with y – you?” Michalis stuttered. “Well, of course, you are beautiful but—”


“Whenever our friends made jokes about sex, I couldn’t stop but think about my work,” Sophie confessed. “My greatest fantasy was to have an orgy with you guys. I’ve never had one before and I could only imagine how it would be like!” Then she thought, slightly terrified, ‘Oh my god! How will they respond to this? Have I really crossed the line of depravity?'


‘Oh, fuck,’ she brought herself together, ‘I’m thinking too much. Let’s do this!’


Grabbing the corner of the square table, Sophie pointed out her cute little butt towards their direction. She then pulled up her dress, displayed her ass and looked at the two guys with the corner of her eyes, strands of hair covering her face.


“Do you guys want to fuck me?”


“Fu - fuck y – you?” Michalis trembled and made efforts to stop shivering.


Thomas couldn’t believe his own ears. “Is that the real deal, Sophie?”


“No,” Sophie huffed, “the deal was one-kilo of cocorechi as well! Remember?”


It took him some time but Thomas finally made the connection. “Ohh, I see!” he said and laughed to cast his anxiety away. “However, there is no cocorechi left.”


Sophie smiled, “Are you content with the other part of the parcel then?”


“Well, yes!” Thomas gushed.


At the beginning of this, Michalis and Thomas felt nervous, however, after listening to the soft melodic voice of Sophie, they both got aroused.


‘I usually prefer not to share a sex partner,’ Michalis contemplated, ‘but maybe I could give it a try. And Thomas is a friend; we’ve done many things together, the only thing missing was to shag the same girl! And this is actually the first time I take part in an orgy. How exciting!’


‘Wow,’ Thomas thought, ‘this is really amazing! Being involved in a love trio! And Sophie is so cute, I only hope she can manage my ‘big’ issue...’


Michalis and Thomas undressed. Thomas’ dick was considerably larger than the one of Michalis, however, as it was mentioned before, Michalis had more stamina.


They both approached Sophie, Michalis from the left and Thomas from the right. Sophie turned left, kissed Michalis and grabbed his dick, while at the same time she clasped her palm firmly around Thomas’ cock and stroked it. ‘Yes, finally!’ she thought.


After becoming satisfied with kissing Michalis, she turned to Thomas, stuck her tongue inside his mouth and French kissed him. At the same time, Michalis groped her tight ass and caressed her whole pubic area.


“You’re driving me wild!” Sophie breathed heavily and halted for a second.


She walked a few steps away and dressed off hastily, not being able to hold herself from excitement. ‘I can’t believe I’m doing this, am I going crazy?’ she thought and then she replied to herself ‘No, I’m not. I’m just a slut who enjoys herself!’ She lay on the table and spread her legs. “Come Michalis, I can’t wait any longer. Put it in!”


Without hesitation, Michalis approached her and got inside her. She was very wet and his dick felt almost as if someone was giving him a handjob with lubrication. A good one. And the plumbing began. ‘Yes, I’m actually fucking Sophie’s love hole,’ he thought and smiled, ‘my dream comes true!’


Thomas, on the other hand, came closer from the side and pointed his big protruded object towards the mouth of Sophie, who breathed heavily. She widened her eyes when she saw the dick of Thomas next to her face.


“Oh my, guess there was one-kilo of cocorechi left. I want it in my mouth!” she said and stuck her tongue out.


Thomas put his giant in her upper slit slowly and her lips were stretched as he stuffed it all in. ‘It fitted in! Her mouth is as flexible as her hymen. Incredible!’ he thought and began to make palindromic motions with his pelvis. His dick muscles pumped up and stretched her mouth even further.


Sophie’s breath and coos of pleasure could only be heard. ‘Oh yeah, I’m treating two dicks!’ she thought. ‘It’s better than I imagined. Double the pleasure!’


Michalis began to move faster and he almost reached the finishing line. But he didn’t want to unload in her vagina, he preferred her sweet face more.


“Let’s swap,” he proposed to Thomas.


Thomas got the message and removed his cock from Sophie’s mouth. Saliva dripped on the table and all around her oral area. Michalis approached Sophie, ready to cum. He pointed at Sophie’s mouth, that was already open in anticipation to receive his full load. A huge stream of semen shot from his cock and got into Sophie’s cavity. Her mouth was filled up and semen overflowed and ran from her lips down to her neck. That was the first wave he shot, more would follow instants later.


Knowing that, Sophie instinctively and momentarily closed her eyes so she could enjoy the shower. However, just before the second tidal wave arrived, she opened her eyes in shock; Thomas had sneaked his monster cock inside her tight little snatch. The second wave fired and followed an upward trajectory. It covered her cheek, nose and still wide open eyes. The sensation of the rod of Thomas that touched the bottom of her vagina, caused her senses to overload and she blacked out.


The third wave of Michalis’ ejaculation covered her throat and tits, but she was unable to experience it due to her loss of consciousness. Michalis backed off for a break of a minute or so before he could go back into action. ‘I always wanted to do that on her pretty face,’ he thought.


Now all that could be heard was the sound of the balls of Thomas that slapped the exposed butthole of Sophie. She took it all to its base, non–responsive, still not having recovered from her fainting.


Slowly regaining her senses, Sophie gulped the remaining cum in her mouth and whispered with some pain in her voice, “I think my hymen broke for real this time.”


“Oh my,” Michalis interfered, “maybe you went too far, Thomas!”


“It’s fine!” Sophie disagreed. “I wanted to get rid of it for some time now. Don’t stop!”


Thomas continued to pummel her ruthlessly, groaning each time he reached her depths.


“I’m about to cum!” Sophie shouted and her eyes rolled up.


‘Hell, yeah!’ Thomas thought and started to move even quicker while his thick hot rod penetrated her burning from rapture insides, until finally, Sophie turned her head upwards.


“Cummiiiiing!” she screamed from pleasure and squirted. Her fluids covered her entire body and cleaned up some areas from the shot of Michalis.


Thomas gradually slowed down and removed his cock from her, in order to give her some time to recover.


Her legs were fully spread out and drew a horizontal line with the table. It made her pussy look like an opened up oyster. A pussy that now was enlarged to fit the girth of shafts like that of Thomas. Strangely, no bleeding occurred from the ripping of her hymen. Or maybe that wasn’t so strange; not all hymens break during intercourse, and not all of them bleed after being broken.


The sight of the scene made Michalis ready to go again. ‘I think I’ll have some more Sophie!’ he thought and came closer, being his turn to fuck her.


Rolling her to her side, he looked at her widened sex. ‘She seems to be satisfied from that hole, nothing that I can do for now.’ However, he observed that her tiny asshole was wet with her juices and also quite fresh. ‘I think I know what I’ll do,’ he decided and slowly slid his cock into her butt.


“Hey!” she complained. “Not there!”


“Why?” Michalis asked. “Are you a virgin from that door?”


“No, you dummy,” she smiled, “it hurts. But I’ve changed my mind. Keep doing what you’re doing!”


Thomas went near and offered his dick to Sophie. “I think it needs some cleaning,” he proposed, “it’s full of your vaginal fluids.”


“Sure baby,” Sophie said softly, and looked at him with her sweet eyes. Eyes that were still covered in cum and suppressed her vision slightly, “Give it to me!”


She held it with both of her hands and she kissed, licked and sucked the tip for a while. Then she went lower and kissed and licked Thomas’ thick pole.


Sophie’s anus became adjusted to the shape of the penis of Michalis, and he began to ram her with increased aggression. It wasn’t long until he couldn’t hold it any longer and he came for a second time, this time inside her ass. Her butthole twitched while that happened.


Sophie finished cleaning Thomas’ dick and gave it a long and passionate kiss before she let it loose.


Thomas took control of his cock and started to slam Sophie’s cum covered face and tits.


Michalis then noticed that her pussy had started to tighten up again, like an oyster that wanted to hide its pearl inside. ‘No, I don’t think I’ll let that happen!’ he thought and stuck three of his fingers inside.


Thomas began to masturbate and Sophie licked the broad tip of his cock. Her eyes tilted upwards as she felt her pussy fucked by three bony sticks. Being ready to go again, Michalis pulled his cock out of her asshole and started to masturbate with his free hand. It wasn’t long before Sophie was brought to the point of climax once more.


“Oh my god, I’m about to cum again!” she yelled.


Michalis, almost ready to cum for the third time, lifted her from the waist and removed her from the table. He released her when her feet touched the ground. Sophie immediately squatted and began to squirt heavily from her front hole. From her back hole, cum dripped on the floor.


Then Michalis was ready to cum. He began to finish again on Sophie’s face from the side and covered her temples, her eye, her lips, and part of her hair. Sophie continued to squirt and to moan, and at that point, Thomas was ready to go. He thrust his cock inside Sophie’s mouth, so deeply that she couldn’t breathe.


Closing her cum stained eyes, Sophie moaned in shock as his load went directly to her stomach. She continued to orgasm.


But Thomas wasn’t through yet. He removed his cock from her mouth and spluttered his juice on her face. The white showering continued and Sophie began to cough as she swallowed semen that entered her mouth. Her body trembled as it had only just barely begun to cool down.


Thomas’ load was so huge, that all of Sophie’s face was eventually covered in white warm sauce. Michalis shot the rest of his load on her tits, tummy and pubic area and give it a few finishing touches, while at the same time the semen of Thomas began to drip all over her body.


Exhausted, she fell down and bathed in a pool of fluids. “You didn’t finish inside my vagina—” she gasped, giggled, coughed and spat out cream.


Thomas had not lost his erection yet. With his dick, he swiped some of the sperm that lay on the cute tits of Sophie. He then stuck his rod on her sore little cunt. Michalis sat on the floor next to her and put his dick in her mouth for one more time and started to make soft movements back and forth.


Thomas also moved gently so that she could cool out smoothly. At the same time, Sophie’s vagina made convulsions and she moaned softly.




After they had enough and Sophie cleaned up and they all dressed, they were about to say farewell to each other.


“That was great,” Sophie said satisfied but obviously exhausted. “We should do that again sometime!”


“Yes, of course, we should!” Thomas agreed and thought, ‘And I could explore your other hole!’


“Indeed!” Michalis admitted and thought, ‘And maybe I could titfuck you!’


“You both know where to find me!” she said and opened the door.


“Or we can just give you a call to meet us here!” Michalis winked.


Sophie left and Michalis and Thomas were left alone.


Michalis spoke first, “So, that was something, wasn’t it? We went from being on the brink of bankruptcy to fucking one of the hottest pussies on the block!”


“I think you’re right,” Thomas acknowledged, “and I have to say that this has given me new ideas, as to what I should do with my spare time.”


“Really?” Michalis asked. “And what could that experience inspire you to do with your spare time? What could you do to invest your time more productively?”


I, I mean we, could become pornstars!”


“Not a bad idea at all!” Michalis laughed.


And the camera on the wall kept recording, still turned on.





Cocorechi = A national Greek dish made from sticking lamb intestines, liver, spleen and lungs on a metal skewer, wrapping them up with lamb bowel and grilling them by rotating the skewer under fire. The dish is mostly served during Easter, and it is at those times that the famous movie, ‘The Silence of the Lambs,’ is played most frequently on the Greek TV.


Malaka = A very insulting Greek word that literally means ‘wanker’. However, between friends, it can be used as a form of endearment.


Gilf = Granny I'd Like to Fuck.











Written by Charkas
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