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What best friends are for

"You'd be surprised what best friends are good for. For Chelsea, a little slut of mine."

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When Chelsea heard that her parents were going on holiday for a week, she was delighted. She would have the spacious house all to herself, no one to bother her. She could walk around naked, at least if she kept the blinds shut from overly curious neighbours. She could have her best friend over, sunbathing in the garden, gossiping, it would be paradise. Until…

“Chelsea, your brother and his girlfriend are going to stay here during our holiday, to keep an eye on… the house.”

“Mom, you have got to be kidding me. Why does David have to baby sit me? I’m not a child anymore. Mom, I’m fucking eighteen.”

“Hey, watch your language young lady. That is exactly why your brother is coming over, to keep you in check. I don’t want to come back from our holiday with my house in ruins.”

“Mom, you cannot do this!”

“It’s already done. They are coming tomorrow morning before we leave.”

“Fine!” Chelsea sneered as she stormed up the stairs into her room, slamming the door behind her.

Chelsea didn’t really mind her brother, he was an okay guy. David was twenty five years old and living with his girlfriend, Brenda, in a city close to their town. Having David and Brenda in the house would spoil a lot of the fun she had been planning. Especially because of Brenda; there was no fun to be had with her. She always seemed to know things better. She was so well mannered and decent it made Chelsea sick. She never talked about having been to parties or going to parties, in fact Chelsea had never seen her drink alcohol. She was as dull as it could get and of course mother loved her. Well as long as she kept her brother happy, although Chelsea couldn’t imagine how.

But with them, Tom would probably also appear around the house. He was her brother’s best friend. He seemed like a nice guy, but somehow he always managed to get himself and David in trouble. At twenty eight he still had the playfulness of someone ten years younger. But his constant teasing and bad jokes could get on Chelsea’s nerves. It was no wonder Brenda didn’t like Tom and tried her best to keep him as far from her boyfriend as possible. As far as Brenda was concerned, Tom was a troublemaker.


The following evening Chelsea was lying in her bed together with her best friend Jenna. Jenna was staying over the whole weekend, but as they had expected to have the house for themselves, their mood wasn’t the happiest.

“Well this just sucks,” Chelsea said, lying on her back, her hands behind her head.

“I know right, and I thought I’d be getting drunk tonight,” Jenna replied, lying on top of Chelsea’s naked body, kissing her neck softly.

“Not a chance with those two ‘parents’,” Chelsea replied, rolling her eyes in the direction of her parents’ bedroom where her brother and his girlfriend were sleeping.

“And no guys over either. I could have used a nice dick in me.”

“You’re such a slut,” Chelsea laughed, putting her hand on Jenna’s head and pushing her lower, towards her perky breasts.

“You’re one to talk, miss ‘I give a blowjob in the locker room’,” Jenna recoiled, flicking Chelsea’s pointy nipple with her tongue.

“Heeey, that was just one time. It’s not like I make a habit out of it.” Chelsea ran her hand through Jenna’s blond hair.

“And what is that supposed to mean?” Jenna sank her teeth in Chelsea’s erect nipple and then started to suck it into her mouth.

“Ooooh, nothing, nothing,” Chelsea moaned. “But anyway, I’m done with boys and their clumsiness. I want men. I want a real man to push his big hard cock in me. Fuck me long and hard.”

“And where’re you going to find that?” Jenna asked, kissing her way over Chelsea’s soft flat stomach.

“I don’t know. I… I’ll find one,” Chelsea gasped as Jenna’s tongue had found her way to Chelsea’s pussy and was poking at the entrance. Chelsea closed her eyes, feeling the warm tongue slip inside her. She imagined that a big cock was forcing its way into her pussy and whispered, “I’ll find one.”


Having her brother and Brenda around the house was still better than her parents and shaking off the initial disappointment, Chelsea was enjoying the freedom she didn’t have when her parents were home. The weekend was over in a heartbeat and the following days Jenna would come over to sunbathe in the backyard or watch movies with a big bag of popcorn sitting in front of the television.

On Thursday Tom came to visit and brought a girl along with him. They had lunch with the five of them and as it was another sunny summer day, Chelsea decided to go sunbathing in the garden until Jenna would show up. While the two young women were doing the dishes and Brenda had sent her boyfriend on some grocery errand for that evening’s dinner, Tom walked into the garden and sat himself on a garden chair. He pulled a pack of cigarettes out of his shorts and lit one.

“So what’s with you and the girl?” Chelsea asked, pushing herself up, leaning on her elbows.

“Just a friend.”

“Just a friend? That explains her hand so far up your shorts during lunch, that she could almost juggle your balls with her fingers.”

“Someone’s jealous.”

“Nooooo,” Chelsea hurriedly replied, feeling her cheeks starting to glow at the thought of massaging two balls in her hand.

“Besides you just like her because of her big tits,” Chelsea added.

“I hadn’t noticed.”

“Right, just like my brother. I was surprised his hand could find the way to his mouth while eating, the way he was staring at her tits.”

Tom grinned and looked at her, pausing for a second as if scanning Chelsea’s body, and then said, “There’s nothing wrong with appreciating a girl’s assets.”

Chelsea felt her pussy clench, the way he looked at her and said those words had an effect on her she hadn’t expected. Even though she knew he was just teasing her, like he always did. She rolled over, avoiding his gaze, lying flat on her stomach, her head resting on her hands.

“Why haven’t you been around earlier anyway? Being my brother’s best friend and all,” Chelsea asked, changing the subject.

“Because, my young padawan, sometimes in life friends drift apart. And I get the slightest vibe from Brenda that she isn’t my biggest fan.”

“Maybe you should tone down that sarcasm of yours a little. That would help.”

“If only it was the sarcasm, my young padawan, if only.” Tom said, standing up and flicking the cigarette butt over the hedge into the neighbours’ garden.

“Cut the padawan crap, it’s not funny.”

“As you desire, my young padawan,” Tom laughed, walking back towards the house.

“Dork,” Chelsea mumbled, remembering why she couldn’t stand him sometimes.


A few hours later Jenna still hadn’t shown up and deciding that she had taken in enough sunlight for the day, Chelsea got up. Maybe Jenna had sent her a text. She had thrown her cell phone on her bed when she changed into her bikini and it was still lying there somewhere between her pillows. She walked up the stairs to her room and was just about to open her bedroom door, when she heard muffled moans coming from the bathroom.

Tiptoeing towards the bathroom door, she could make out the voice of the big breasted girl.

“Stop teasing me, fuck me, please,” Chelsea heard her beg.

The door was slightly ajar and standing close to it, with her back pressed against the wall Chelsea could just see through the crack. She could see the girl bent over the sink, her skirt pushed up, resting on her hips. But she could only see the hands that were gripping the flesh of her ass tight.

“And why would I do that?” Tom’s unmistakable voice spoke.

“Because I’m your slut. You can do anything with me, anything, as long as you pound that cock hard and deep in my waiting pussy,” the girl pleaded.

Chelsea saw one hand reaching for the girl’s hair and twisting it around in his hand to grip it firm, then pulling it hard, making her head jerk backwards. At the same time her body was pushed forward as the girl moaned, biting her lower lip to prevent her from screaming out loud.

The intensity of the scene that was playing before Chelsea’s young eyes made her weak in the knees, leaning against the wall for support as she just realised her hand had slipped down into her bikini bottoms and her fingers were circling small circles over her button of pleasure. The force and speed of the pounding that the girl received and obviously enjoyed, made Chelsea dizzy with longing to have that force propelled into her own, now soaking wet, pussy. She wanted to storm into the bathroom and bend over the sink next to the girl, sticking her ass out. Offering her pussy to be taken by the pestle that was crushing that girl’s pussy into one slimy goo of flesh and juices.

The speed of Chelsea’s circling fingers increased, rubbing urgently over her clit, until she felt her orgasm hitting her, her legs giving way as she sank down to the ground, producing a high pitched squeal in the process, before putting her hand on her mouth, muffling any further sounds that could give her away. Coming down from her orgasm, Chelsea still heard the sound of flesh slapping against one another, accompanied by grunts and moans. She was pretty sure neither of them had heard her and on wobbly legs she snuck back to her room. Closing the door behind her, she collapsed on her bed. Her fingers making their way back inside her drenched bikini bottoms. She had gotten so horny, she needed to cum again. Once was barely enough to satisfy her desire to be fucked, to have a cock plunge into her wet, wanting pussy.


Two days later the image of the big breasted girl receiving a hard pounding was still clearly visible in Chelsea’s mind. And although Chelsea had tried to occupy her mind with other things, she even had gone to a party with Jenna the previous night; it hadn’t put her mind off the thing she wanted, the thing her pussy yearned for. If anything, it had made it worse. At the party she realised none of the boys present could probably give her what she wanted, what she had seen with her own eyes, an uninhibited, relentless fuck.

“Chelsea, are you going to a party tonight or maybe to Jenna’s?” Her brother had asked her that afternoon.

“No, why?”

“Just because Brenda is already going back to our apartment tonight and I’m having friends over to play some poker.”

“Oh, well I don’t have any plans for tonight, sorry.”

“Can’t you make any plans?” her brother tried.

“No, besides I’m the one actually living in this house, so if I want to stay home, I stay home,” said Chelsea, raising her voice. Although having her brother and Brenda over hadn’t been as bad as she thought it would be, she still blamed David for not having the house to herself and she wasn’t going to let him have his fun if she could help it.

“Alright, alright. Just so you know that you have to put up with four noisy guys tonight.”

“I’m pretty sure I can handle that,” Chelsea replied cocky, walking up the stairs to her room.

Chelsea couldn’t believe her brother. She couldn’t have the house to herself, and now he was asking her to have the house to himself. She was fuming. What was he thinking?

Around dinner time Chelsea got hungry and went downstairs to see if there were some leftovers of the previous days she could heat up. She wasn’t going to cook, that was for sure. She stormed passed her brother, who was watching TV in the living room, without a word and into the kitchen.

“Ho, easy there, young padawan,” Tom said. He instinctively held his hand forward in a stopping sign, trying to keep the incoming danger at distance, holding a slice of pizza in the other hand. His hand pushed into Chelsea’s left breast, stopping her to a halt.

“Ooh, sorry, sorry,” Chelsea shouted, but at the same time a strange tingle trickled through her body as she realised her breast was being squeezed by Tom’s hand. Not on purpose, but he wasn’t in a hurry to pull his hand off her either.

“Apologies accepted.” He smiled, releasing his hand from her breast as if nothing had happened. Nothing had happened; it was an accident, although Tom didn’t seem to be taken aback by it. He hadn’t even apologized despite having touched such a private part of her body. And for some reason Chelsea could still feel the touch of his hand lingering on her breast, and the tingle that had trickled through her body had somehow come together at one central point between her legs.

Just when her mind had been distracted by her brother’s stupidity, it was all flowing back to her, and the guy in front of her was the cause of it all, every dirty thought that had been in her head for the last two days. Chelsea could feel that those thoughts weren’t the only things that were flowing again.

“But you might want to put on some more clothes, I’m pretty sure I won’t be the only one being very appreciative of what you’re wearing,” Tom said, snapping her out of her thoughts.

Chelsea hadn’t realised she had walked out of her room wearing only black boy shorts and a halter top, and suddenly feeling more naked than she actually was, she walked around the table to at least have the table keep a part of her body out of view.

“Yes, Master Jedi,” she replied. Realising what she just said, her cheeks went a deep shade of red and she looked quickly down at the table.

“Is that for me?” she asked, pointing at the open pizza box with half a pepperoni pizza in it. Tom had raised his eyebrow looking at her for a moment.

“Yes go ahead,” he finally said. “We figured we order something, with the tension between you two and all.”

“Well isn’t that nice,” she said scooting into a chair. Ever since she had witnessed that hard fuck in the bathroom, she had wanted exactly that. But it wasn’t until that moment in the kitchen with Tom’s hand on her breast that she realised who she wanted it from, who she wanted to be pounding into her until she had no more breath left.

“Are you gonna eat with me?” Chelsea asked in an almost begging tone as she pouted her lips. “I could use some company and you have all evening to talk to my brother.”

“Ehm… yeah sure,” Tom said, seating himself onto a chair opposite of Chelsea.

“Thanks. Mmmmmm that looks… delicious,” Chelsea moaned. But the moan wasn’t because of the pizza. Unbeknown to Tom, her other hand that was under the table, had slipped into her boy shorts.

“It’s just a pizza Chelsea,” Tom said, taking a bite of his own slice.

“Yeah, but I was… I am very hungry.” A barely noticeable quiver could be heard in her voice as she stroked her pussy lips with the tip of her fingers. Chelsea slid lower down onto her chair, concealing the fact that her fingers were busy stroking her pussy, spreading her pussy lips. Then as she took a bite, she slipped a finger inside the wet folds.

“Mmmmmmmmmmm,” she moaned, “That’s good.”

Tom swallowed hard. He recognised that moan and he knew it wasn’t because of the food. He felt something swell in his pants in reaction to that sound. Could it be that Chelsea was teasing him? He always thought she was pretty, but as she was his best friend’s sister, he had always dismissed sexual thoughts about her as soon as they popped up. But now, now he couldn’t help it. That hungry look in her eyes, hungry for something other than food, made Tom want to pull her onto the table and take her there and then.

They were eating their slices in silence, exchanged glances, the sexual tension between them increasing with every glance. Chelsea was sliding her finger in and out slowly, resisting the urge to moan, to speed up the movement, to make herself cum. Her breathing became shorter, heavier. She swallowed the last piece of her slice looking at Tom. He was already done with his and now was staring at her, a naughty grin on his face. He knew, Chelsea thought to herself, he knew what she wanted. She wondered if he also knew where her other hand was.

Not breaking eye contact, she started cleaning her fingers of sauce that was left behind. Tom’s eyes widened at the sight as her tongue circled around every finger before wrapping her lips around it and sucking on it, pulling the finger slowly out. After she had seductively cleaned all five fingers, there was only one finger left that needed to be cleaned. She closed her eyes as she slipped it out of her and brought it slowly to her mouth. She opened her eyes and looked straight into Tom’s stunned face, his mouth slightly open in surprise. She could see her finger glistening with her own juices as she held it in front of her face. Slowly she wrapped her lips around it and tasted her own juices, she let out a moan.

Suddenly the kitchen door swung open and David’s head appeared in the opening.

“Tom, let’s go get some alcohol at the store. The guys will be here soon.” As sudden as he had appeared, he disappeared again.

“Yeah, I’m coming,” Tom said as he stood up. The warm, sexual blanket that they had wrapped themselves in, had been pulled off. Disappointed, Chelsea saw Tom making his way to the kitchen door, but she couldn’t help grinning as she saw him readjusting the bulge in his jeans before he stepped through the door.


After she had eaten another slice of pizza, Chelsea went upstairs to her room.

She wondered what Tom would have done if they had been alone in the house, no one to interrupt them. Would he have reacted to her teasing? Would he have fucked her right there and then in the kitchen? Images of Tom fucking her from behind as she was bent over the table flashed through her head. Her hand went down again and she rubbed herself over her boy shorts. They were drenched. She slid them down and stepped out of them. She didn’t bother replacing them with fresh panties; they would also be decorated with a wet patch sooner rather than later.

“But what now?” Chelsea was thinking. How would she get Tom alone with her brother in the house? And with the other guys arriving soon there would be no chance at all. Frustrated, she took off her top and threw it across the room. Maybe she should have gone out, at least to see Jenna. It wasn’t like the guys would have less fun with her in the house. And now she had made herself crave that hard thing she knew Tom had in his pants. And he knew how to use it, she had witnessed it herself.

She put on a loose oversized shirt. Maybe a movie would distract her mind from the thing she was obviously not getting. She grabbed a blanket went downstairs and put a movie in the DVD player. Snuggling into the couch, she put the blanket over her naked legs.

As she was watching the movie Tom and David came back, shortly followed by the arrival of Daniel and Philip.

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They didn’t pay much attention to her and only a few words were spoken in her direction. The four gathered around the kitchen table and started their poker game, the sound of clinking beer bottles accompanying their talk.

As she heard the guys talk, Chelsea couldn’t really concentrate on the movie. Her mind slipped off to more images of Tom and her fucking in every way possible around the house. And when she heard Tom’s voice when he spoke, her pussy throbbed a little. Her mouth was dry and got up to get a bottle of water out of the fridge. She felt a little exposed with only a shirt on that was barely long enough to cover her ass, but that made it all the more exciting. Her hard nipples scraped over the fabric of the shirt as she walked into the kitchen. The guys went silent as she walked to the fridge and took out a small bottle of water. She tried to hide her excitement as she felt all eyes on her, roaming over her body. But when she walked back out, the guys continued their talk. She wondered if her appearance had made them hard, but no suggestive remarks had been made, even by Tom, surprisingly enough. Still, the idea of more than one hard cock excited her even more.

After the movie had finished, Chelsea made her way up to her room. She sat on her bed and pulled a cheap romance novel out of the night stand to keep her mind occupied. She could still hear the voices of her brother, Tom, Dan and Phil coming from the kitchen downstairs, sometimes shouting, sometimes laughing. It seemed that they were getting louder.

She had been staring at her book for a while, reading words but not really putting them together in sentences to actually absorb what she was reading. Her mind was only focused on one thing, that throbbing, burning feeling in her crotch. Her fingers were absentmindedly rubbing softly over it. She had been so lost in thoughts that she hadn’t heard the stumbling on the stairs and she screamed loud, jumping up when her door swung open.

“Hooooo, sorry, Chelsea, sorry,” Dan apologized.

“I told you it was the other door,” Phil said to Dan, but his eyes were still fixed on Chelsea.

Dan and Phil were holding Chelsea’s brother in between them. David’s eyes were closed and a small trail of saliva was hanging down out of his mouth.

“What the fuck?” Chelsea shouted, pointing at her brother, ignoring the staring Phil.

“I don’t know,” Dan said while they turned around, dragging David to her parents’ room. “I guess he can’t hold his liquor like he used to anymore.”

When the scare had worn off, adrenaline was still surging through Chelsea’s body and together with all the lustful, plain horny feelings she had felt the last few days, it took just a second to realise her brother was knocked out and Tom was alone downstairs. This was her chance. Determined at what she wanted she hurried down the stairs.

Tom was just cleaning the kitchen table with a cloth when Chelsea barged in.

“Hey, young padawan, what are you doing up thi…”

“I want you to fuck me,” Chelsea blurted out.

“Hey, hooo, what?” Tom replied, not entirely sure if she had really just said that.

“You heard me,” she said, walking in front of a confused looking Tom. “Fuck… me...”

“But Chelsea, I don’t think I…”

Chelsea didn’t hear what Tom was saying. Her mind was a whirlwind of thoughts and feelings and needs, but there was one predominant word hammering in her head, like a hammer hitting a nail over and over to put it firm in place, FUCK.

And she would get it; she wasn’t going to get refused. If she would have to get on her knees and beg to be fucked, her pretty hazel eyes looking up, then she would do just that. In fact she dropped to her knees, and started pulling at the zipper of Tom’s jeans. Gripping the waistband she pulled hard, pulling both his jeans and boxers down, his half hard cock dangling, freed of its constraints. Chelsea looked at it for a second like a starved predator would look at a limp gazelle, mouth watering. Then she attacked, gulping the semi-erected shaft into her mouth. Sucking on it to get it to what she wanted it to be, erect, hard, and ready to fuck.

Tom couldn’t possibly resist the sheer lust, the need to be fucked, that this girl was displaying. And when she was on her knees, her mouth engulfing his manhood; the resistance that was still lingering had melted away, the knowledge, that this was his best friend’s sister, was pushed far back into his mind. This girl needed to be fucked thoroughly and he wasn’t going to refuse her.

Chelsea was sucking greedily, feeling the shaft swell in her mouth. Her head was a buzz of excitement. Her pussy, no, her whole body was burning with lust. The taste of Tom’s cock only fuelled the fire. Tom grabbed her by the arm and pulled her up, his full erection slipping out of her mouth. He looked at her, hardly recognizing the eyes that were staring intently back at him. Tom’s hand slid up her leg, under the oversized shirt.

“I saw you,” Chelsea said, breathing short, her heart was beating faster by the minute.

“Two days ago,” She continued, feeling his fingers reach her shaven centre of uncontrollable lust.

“That girl… you fucked… hard…” Chelsea gasped as she felt the fingers slide up and down over her slit, she spread her legs wider to give him better access.

“Make me your slut,” she moaned as she felt two fingers slip inside of her.

Tom was still looking into her eyes. His fingers inside her pussy, feeling how incredibly wet she was, the other hand was moving towards her face, brushing her cheek as it made its way to the back of her neck. With a jerk he pulled her to him, pressing his lips on hers, devouring her mouth in a passionate kiss.

Chelsea kissed him back greedily, probed her tongue inside his mouth. She felt the hand being removed from her head and sliding down her arm until it gripped her wrist. The fingers that were probing her pussy disappeared. Suddenly her arm was twisted on her back as he forced her to spin around, breaking the kiss. She let out a surprised shriek; her heart was racing. For a moment, doubt crept into her mind, not sure if this was such a good idea after all. She was pushed forward and bent over the table. But it was too late to think things over; there was no turning back as she felt the pressure on her pussy. Something was searching for the source of her radiating heat. And when it found it, doubt was forced out of her as Tom drove his rigid cock inside of her dripping wet pussy.

“Aaaaaaaaaaah,” Chelsea let out a long loud moan as she felt the intruder speeding towards the back of her pussy.

“Fuck, oooooh fuck,” she moaned as her pussy expanded to accommodate the large cock that was forced inside. Her head was lying sideways on the table, her erect nipples pressed against the cool surface of the table. Tom retreated slowly, just leaving the head of his cock in.

“That day,” he grunted, slamming his cock back into her depth.

“I thought I heard someone,” he continued, pulling his cock back out.

Not long after slamming it all the way in again. Again the kitchen was filled with another loud moan as Chelsea felt his cock push in deeper every thrust. No longer able to control himself, his first slowly outward pull became faster and soon they were fucking hard, just as she wanted. She moaned in pleasure. This felt better than she had imagined. Suddenly the kitchen door swung open.

“Not again,” Chelsea thought, thinking this would be the end of it. “Not now.” How could she have overlooked the fact that Dan and Phil wouldn't stay up with David all night?

But to her surprise, Tom didn’t stop fucking her, he kept his pace as Chelsea looked up. She saw Phil in the door opening, dropping his jaw so far open she was surprised it didn’t fall to the floor. He stood there for a while, just looking at Tom driving his cock into her. And for some reason it made Chelsea even hornier, it felt so dirty, and she liked it. She looked straight at him, her eyes half open, moaning loud as she was pounded from behind.

“Don’t just stand there, do something,” she heard Tom say. “I could use some help showing this slut how it feels to play with the big boys.”

“Fuck, did he just say that?” Chelsea wasn’t sure if she wanted that. She hadn’t thought about being fucked by more than one guy at a time, let alone actually doing it. But it seemed like she didn’t have a lot of choice. Tom pulled out of her and grabbed her hair, pulling her off the table and onto her knees. She saw Phil walking towards her, taking off his clothes. Tom was taking off her shirt and now fully naked he pushed her forward onto her hands.

Phil had reached her and was standing in front of her, his hard prick in his hand, stroking it slowly. She hesitated, unsure of what to do, her mind still indecisive. But as she felt a hard smack on her ass, Tom had made up her mind for her.

“Suck it,” he said, as he smacked her again, now her other ass cheek. She opened her mouth and stuck her tongue out, licking the cock that was offered to her. Twirling her tongue around the cock head, before wrapping her lips around it, she felt a hand on her head, fingers going through her hair. She heard Tom take off his clothes and as she was taking in more and more of Phil’s cock, she felt Tom behind her, ready to pick up where he left off.

“Mmmmmmm,” she moaned on Phil’s cock as Tom pushed back into her pussy. Chelsea felt ecstatic. She couldn’t believe she was actually sucking on one cock and having another being slammed into her pussy. She was feeling so dirty and she was loving it.

“Oooh fuck me, fuck me,” she said pulling her mouth off Phil’s dick for a moment, jerking him off while encouraging Tom by slamming her ass backwards matching his rhythm.

Tom was panting hard now, sweating and groaning as he pushed as hard and deep into her as he could. His eyes were blazing with lust. Chelsea could feel the urge of his fucking going through her whole body. Her mind was getting foggier by the minute.

“Cum in me, ooooh fill me, fill my tight pussy,” she screamed before taking Phil’s cock back into her mouth, feeling it hit her throat as she plunged her head on it. Tom’s movement became unsteady, his cock throbbing, swelling inside her. Then she felt it, a warm flood filling her pussy. She moaned loud at the knowledge of what was filling her, making Phil groan appreciative of her moaning. Phil thrust his hips forward and his cock slipped into her throat. She gagged in surprise, with Tom softening inside her; all her attention was at Phil’s cock now, lapping the underside with her tongue as it was fucking her throat, Phil’s hand at the back of her head.

As if they had signalled something inaudible to each other, Chelsea felt Tom’s arms around her waist, lifting her up, while Phil pulled his cock out of her mouth. She was laid on her back on the kitchen table. Phil grabbed her legs and put them over his shoulders then explored her pussy with his hard cock. Chelsea could feel the mix of cum and her juices drip out of her, down over her ass. Then Phil’s cock found the spot he was searching for and Chelsea felt her pussy being filled again.

“Ooooh this is wet,” Phil moaned as he slid his shaft all the way in. Chelsea was hanging with her head over the edge of the table. She closed her eyes and moaned as another cock started to fuck her. She want to be fucked hard and now she got it, more than she had bargained for as Phil didn’t take his time, but immediately started slamming into her hard. She felt hands cupping her breasts and as she opened her eyes, Tom was standing in front of her. His hands were squeezing her breasts, his fingers tweaking her nipples. She saw his cock covered in her own juices. She reached out, grabbing his ass and pulled him closer so she could lick it, suck it clean, as she had cleaned her fingers that same evening, licking all over it, then wrapping her lips around it and sucking it.

She was getting hotter and hotter as she felt Tom’s cock starting to fill with blood again in her mouth. Phil had started rubbing her clit with his thumb and together with his hard fucking, Tom’s tweaking of her nipples and the taste of her juices mixed with his cum, Chelsea was losing it quickly. The sensations were too many, too much and the orgasm that had slowly, almost quietly, been building up deep inside her, surprised her with its force and intensity, a tidal wave hitting land, destroying everything in its wake. She screamed loud, Tom’s cock slipping out of her mouth. Her body was shaking all over as Phil kept pounding into her through her orgasm. The feeling seemed to last forever as her vision got blurry, her lungs pushing out all the air. Out of breath she returned to reality, noticing Tom had disappeared in front of her. But someone else took his place.

Phil? No his cock was still pumping her pussy as if there was no tomorrow. Dan?! Jesus, where did he come from all of a sudden? But Chelsea didn’t have time to think as Dan pressed his cock into her mouth with a groan. Chelsea couldn’t do anything but just take it, her massive orgasm had drained the strength out of her. She felt his cock slide into her throat, her jaw was starting to hurt a little, but she kept sucking, moaning on his cock. What had started as a simple hard fuck had spiralled far out of her control. Phil pulled out of her and she felt a warm, wet fluid being sprayed over her stomach and breasts. Every time she thought she couldn’t feel any more dirty, they seemed to come up with something that made her feel dirtier.

She wanted to be a slut, well here she was, being treated like a slut by three guys and she actually loved it. Dan pulled his cock out of her mouth and she felt almost disappointed, thinking that it was over. But she should have known better. As if they had silently communicated again, or was it that she was too far gone to hear what they were saying, someone picked her up and put her down on the ground. She straddled someone else who was already lying on the cold tiles of the kitchen floor. Collapsing on top of him, her limited vision could see it was Dan. She felt his cock slide into her.

"Oh fuck," she panted, her voice weak, almost inaudible as he pushed his hips up, sliding deeper inside. He was fucking her slowly.

“Good,” she thought, her pussy had started to feel sore from all the pounding she had received and the slow fucking was a welcome change. Suddenly she felt a warm, wet fluid being poured over her ass. She managed to look over her shoulder and saw Tom with a bottle of olive oil in his hand. With his other hand he was caressing her ass, his fingers poking into her back hole. She felt two fingers stretching it, joined by a third finger.

Oh my God, he wasn’t going to, was he? She didn’t have to wait too long to know the answer. She let her head rest on the floor next to Dan’s head as she was breathing hard. She felt the pressure of Tom’s cock on her ass hold, and then it slid in.

“Oh Jesus, oooh fuck, oooooh Jesus,” was the only thing she could blurt out as she felt Tom’s cock pushing its way inch by inch into her virgin ass. She felt so full, so unbelievably full, stuffed with cock. It hurt, but it felt, it felt… amazing. This was it; she couldn’t feel any dirtier than this as she felt two cocks starting to build up a rhythm inside her. Her mind was barely registering what was going on, her body a mix of pain and pure pleasure. Dan was starting to loose it under her as he thrust his hips wildly up. Tom was pushing his cock more forcefully into her ass now, stretching it farther then she knew was possible. And as Dan’s teeth sank into her neck, his cock halted its movement and was twitching inside her pussy, filling her with more fluids, more cum than her already full pussy could take as it ran out of her, over Dan’s cock.

The feeling of more cum being emptied into her pussy, Dan’s teeth in her neck and the unfamiliar but oh so good feeling of a cock in her ass sent Chelsea over the edge again. She could only produce a husky scream but it didn’t make her orgasm less than the one she already had experienced as she came hard with two cocks inside her. Her vision went completely white, and then filled with colours as if someone had set off a confetti bomb. The orgasm drained every bit of energy from her body that she had left and as she lost consciousness, she didn’t notice Tom was cumming inside her ass.


The next morning Chelsea woke up lying on the couch, a blanket wrapped around her. She felt as if a truck had hit her, she was confused as this didn’t feel like a normal hangover. But then she felt her sore pussy and she remembered. Had it really happened? Had she fucked three guys at the same time? Had she really fucked her brother’s friends? A shiver ran through her body. Oh it had really happened; the painful feeling in her ass was proof enough of that. She stood up, dizzy, sore. She wrapped the blanket tight around her as she walked into the kitchen, her shirt was lying on the ground, but no other trace was visible of what had happened the night before.

Chelsea stumbled upstairs into the bathroom. Looking in the mirror she saw herself, her hair all over the place as if she really had been hit by a truck. Traces of cum were visible on her face. She couldn’t remember that someone had cum on her face. Or did she? A vision of Phil with his dick hovering over her face while she was lying on the couch, lapping at his balls, was shooting through her mind. She had one leg on the ground the other over the back of the couch, and a cock, she couldn’t remember whose, was pushed into her pussy. Chelsea shrugged her shoulders, last night was all one big blur too her.

She stepped into the shower, letting the warm water run over her sore body as she pondered about the night before, trying to recall as much as possible. Had the guys done this before or was this just a spur of the moment thing? How much did her brother know about this, if he knew at all? Or Brenda for that matter? It didn't matter, she felt so dirty, but on the other hand, so satisfied. Although she thought she would never ever repeat fucking three guys, one time was enough. After an hour long shower she went to her room and crawled into her bed. Still sore, tired, but satisfied, she wrapped herself deep into the sheets and fell asleep again.

She woke up from the sound of a knock on her door, the knock was repeated.

“Yeah,” she moaned, unable to shout.

The door opened and her brother walked in.

“Hey, lazy, it’s already late in the afternoon and mom and dad are already a few hours back home from their holiday.”

“What do you want?” Chelsea replied.

“Well,” David said, looking out of the window, “I know you’re mad at me. So I talked to mom and dad. Brenda and I are going on holiday in two weeks and we thought you could watch our apartment for a week as long as you take Jenna with you.”

“Sounds good,” Chelsea mumbled. Her head still under the sheets.

“Mom and dad are fine with it as long as Tom comes to check on you two every other day to see if everything is fine. You know the big city and all. But you can handle Tom, right?”

A smile formed on her lips. “Yeah, he knows how to handle me,” Chelsea mumbled.


“Yeah, I know how to handle him,” Chelsea said louder, quickly correcting herself.

“Good, that’s a deal then.”

Written by TomTease
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