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Wet by the pool

"Emily and I meet our new neighbors, it's going to be a VERY fun summer."

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Hi, I’m Robyn and there’s a story I want, no - NEED to tell because it’s just too good to keep to myself. I’m thirty-one, single by choice and just moved into a new apartment with my best friend Emily. She’s twenty-eight and is adventurous as I am. It’s one of the reasons we get along so well. That and, well, she’s ridiculously sexy. More on that later.

Emily and I have been friends for about six years and have been inseparable since we met at a mutual friend’s birthday party. It was a backyard event and we both arrived on our own and found ourselves talking to each other because most of the people at the party were couples. It’s the story of my life really, being the single woman among a sea of happy couples. It’s not that I’m opposed to being part of a couple, but I’m definitely not monogamous by nature.

It wasn’t terribly fun, though, with everyone talking about their jobs and discussing the mundane details of having young families. I walked over to the make-shift bar on the picnic table to make another cocktail. Day drinking would make this little soirée just a tad more interesting.  

“If I have to listen to ONE more story about how fucking cute little Jack is and how he stuffed peas up his nose, I’m going to leave!” blurted a young woman next to me.

“Huh?” I responded.

“Hi, I’m Emily,” she said, extending her hand. She was gorgeous with short black hair and she was wearing a pale yellow sundress with a pair of white strappy sandals. She must have caught me looking at her lovely breasts, her nipples just the tiniest bit hard and visible through the thin material. “Aaaand you are?” she asked.

“Oh, sorry. It’s just that, ummm, your dress is stunning,” I muttered, feeling my cheeks flush a bit. “I’m Robyn, one of Darren and Katy’s single friends.”

“Well,” she said, and paused to look me up and down, “I like your cute little shorts! WAY better than most of the boring things the rest of the women are wearing. It’s like they all gave up or something. I’m never going to be like that.” 

We both shared how we knew the birthday boy and both laughed about the peas-up-the-nose incident. Little Jack’s parents had repeated the same story to both of us at different times and to everyone else who was unlucky enough to stop and listen to their drivel.

We joked about the various couples that were there pretending to be ‘perfect’ and oh-so-put-together in spite of their conservativeness. Then Emily started making up stories about them as they walked by.

“See that couple over there? They haven’t had sex for months. You can tell by the permanent frown on his face and the way he’s been checking out every woman here!”

“Oh yeah? Well that couple over there by the garden hose, she fucks him with a strap-on!” I added, wanting to up the game.

“ROBYN!” she gasped, pretending to be shocked. “You’re a naughty one!”

“Em, you have NO idea,” I replied with a grin. 

Emily looked at me, nodding. I swear I could see the gears in her brain turning. She was curious and I loved every minute of our innocent flirting. 

For the rest of the party, we continued our narratives about everyone there and I knew we would be best friends and, if I was lucky, even more. At the end of the evening, we exchanged numbers and promised to get in touch soon.

As we parted, she gave me a long hug and pressed her near-perfect tits against mine. I think I forgot to mention that I’m attracted to both men and women. I’ve been bi as long as I can remember and that embrace with Emily stirred something in me. I felt a familiar throb between my legs and I walked back to my car with a slightly dizzy feeling, smiling the whole way.

So, here were are, six years later and as predicted, we are the best of friends. We just moved into a brand new apartment together and can’t wait to continue our adventures. 

My apologies for the detour through our origin story. Allow me to get back to the story I promised to tell you. 

Last Saturday was moving day and while moving all my stuff is about my least favorite thing to do on this planet, it was a relatively easy experience and I was excited to move to a better part of town. I was just happy to be living with the super-fun Emily. In the past few years, we’ve done some crazy things together, but I’ll save those other adventures for another day. 

Our new place is in a modern, 10-story building. We’re on the 8th floor with a small balcony with a great view of the city. The best feature of our new home, however, is on the roof. Up on the 11th floor, there’s an amazing outdoor area with a pool, a small garden, gas grills, lounge chairs, and even an outdoor movie screen! After the move, we were both way too tired to do anything other than make our beds and crash. I fell asleep in about 2 minutes.

We woke up on Sunday with a plan to start unpacking. I was in my room, sorting through boxes and putting my clothes away. That, of course, is the easy part. I found all my summer stuff and was looking at my swimwear when I heard Em from the other room.

“Hey Ro! Come here and look at this view!”

She was out on the balcony and the light was streaming into the living room. A beautiful day like this was going to make it impossible to stay inside and unpack all day. I joined her on the balcony with a bikini in my left hand and a one-piece in the other, taking in the view.

“You know, let’s unpack tomorrow. It’s way too nice out!” she said, looking at the suits in my hand. “Go put one of those on and let’s head up to the roof.”

“You’re right Em, this can wait. Let’s have some fun! I need to take a shower first. I want to get ready and see what kind of adventures we can have. I’m kind of in a mood,” I replied.

Emily gave me one of her sly looks and said, “Yes, my friend, let’s make a good impression on our new neighbors!”

We went into our separate rooms and I quickly stripped down to hop in the shower. My mind raced while I checked out my body in the mirror. Before getting into the steaming shower, I already decided that I was going to go full-on sexy. Yeah, I was in one of those moods. I pulled my hair back, stepped into the streams of hot water to soap myself up. 

Running my hands over my slippery skin felt really good and I could feel the building tingle of arousal. I squished my boobs together and lightly massaged my nipples, feeling them grow hard between my fingers. My medium-sized, natural tits fit perfectly in my hands and I spent a lot of time caressing them. Then, with my legs further apart, I moved my left hand down over my flat belly to the little strip of hair. I was thankful I decided on laser treatments a few years ago so I wouldn’t have to spend any time shaving for that little bikini. 

All of the time saved on shaving had turned to one of my favorite morning rituals - shower masturbation. Did I have enough time? Maybe not for a full orgasm, but I could enjoy the sensations anyway.

Moving my hand lower still, I opened myself up, spreading my puffy labia apart and lightly teased my clit. Uh-huh, just like that. I savored the feeling of electricity surging through my body. With on hand on my pussy and the other teasing my nipples, this was my favorite combination and for several minutes I let myself drift in a hot, liquid of erotic sensation. I do love that feeling of deep arousal and I was going to do my best to keep myself there all day.

Out of the shower, I dried off and grabbed the light blue bikini I was holding earlier. I slipped on the bottoms first and tugged them up a little. The material stretched tight over the mound of my pussy. It looked and felt great. I turned around to see how my ass looked and was startled to see Emily being me. She wasn’t wearing anything.

“Oh, hell yes girl!” Emily exclaimed.

She moved behind me and put her arms under mine to cup my breasts, ever so slightly squeezing my nipples in the process. My knees were instantly weak. She knows that drives me crazy.

She whispered softly in my ear, “Are you thinking what I’m thinking?”

I turned around and looked her in the eye. “Yes Em, we’ve been so busy with packing and moving, it’s been a really long time since we had some sexy fun. Let’s have one of our adventures today.”

Emily grinned as she reached down to my bikini, tugging up on it a little and admiring how the material creased between my full lips. The slightest pressure on my pussy felt really good. Then, she scampered off to finish getting ready.

I put my top on and found a thin, summer dress to wear over everything. I slipped on a pair of flip-flops and went into the main room to find a few things that were undoubtedly buried in separate boxes. 

The first box I opened was full of kitchen stuff, I wanted to find a couple big tumblers. Having a few drinks by the pool and getting slightly day drunk sounded really good and would pave the way for fun. By the third box labeled kitchen, I finally found what I was looking for. That’s when I heard a soft moan coming from Emily’s room. 

Her door was slightly open and I peeked in to see her on the bed next to a large open box filled with her toys. She had quite a collection. I stood in the doorway watching silently while she moved a small purple vibrator between her open legs. With the light coming in from the window I could see she was already wet. I loved watching her like this and wanted to linger, but also wanted to head up to the roof.

“Em. C’mon, let’s get going!” I said, opening up her door all the way.

“What? Oh, I… Just… I’m only getting ready. You KNOW I like to prepare for an adventure this way. Besides, Ro, I could tell you were doing the same thing before I walked in on you a few minutes ago. Remember, I know how you think!” 

I laughed and went back to finish gathering up what we would need for the rooftop. I found another tumbler and filled them both with ice, adding some whiskey and mixing up some lemonade we had in the freezer. The concoction we like to call “Frisky Whiskey” was perfect for today. I also found some sun cream and a book (as if I were actually going to read today).

Emily came out of her room and looked stunning. She had a thin cover-up over her yellow bikini and a lovely ‘glow’ about her. 

“You didn’t get yourself off yet, did you?” I asked.

“No, of course not. But I was really close and with any luck, we’ll both find other ways to get there today,” she replied.

She slapped my ass as she walked by, picked up one of the tumblers of “Frisky Whiskey” and we headed toward the elevators to go up to the roof.

By the time we arrived upstairs, it was already close to noon and there were quite a few people lounging about. The crowd was mixed with quite a few people and I was happy to see several really attractive bodies, even an older couple in their late forties who clearly took care of themselves. You know the type, fit and slightly edgy with a great sense of style. There were plenty of eyes on both of us as we moved toward a pair of open chairs near the pool where we set down our tumblers.

I watched a couple guys with great arms, standing waist deep in the pool, completely stop what they were doing to watch Em take off her cover-up. The nudged each other with wide eyes when she bent down to pick up her drink. Emily has a perfect ass that everyone loves, including me.  

We sipped on our drinks and enjoyed the sun on our bodies for a while. I opened the sun cream and massaged it into my skin. While it looked like I was simply applying sun protection, I was discretely massaging just under my bikini top, grazing my nipples to keep my arousal going. I put some more cream on my legs, rubbing the inside of my thighs and pushing my wrist against my bikini covered pussy. It felt really good to be outside, teasing myself a bit.

We didn’t talk to each other much and wanted to simply take in the scene on the roof. Before long, our drinks were empty and I offered to go back downstairs to get more. 

“Don’t be gone long,” Emily said. “Those guys in the pool are waving us over.”

“Okay, go talk to them and tell them I’ll be back!” I waved to them, pointing at the tumblers and walked off toward the elevators. I hadn’t even bothered to put my summer dress back on.

In the elevators on the way down, I ran into that older couple. They too were holding empty glasses. He was handsome at about 6’2” with a slight beard and I could see tattoos under his t-shirt. She had short bleached hair and was wearing a bikini with a tight little athletic body complete with a great ass like Em’s. 

“Oh hi,” I said. “I’m Robyn. My friend Emily and I just moved into the building.”

“I’m Sue,” she said, “and this is Alejandro. Welcome to the building! We have a lot of fun here and I think you’re going to like it.”

Alejandro flashed a great smile and said, “We’re just going to mix more drinks and head back up.”

“Same,” I replied. He was definitely checking me out and so was she! I thought to myself, ‘this could be very interesting’.

I got off the elevator first and while I was walking out I heard, “Find us on the roof! We’ll fill you in on the vibe around here.”

Back in the apartment, I mixed up a couple more ‘Frisky Whiskies” and set them on the counter. I walked into Emily’s room and saw her toy box laying there. Remembering what she was doing earlier, I dug around and found her Hitachi Magic Wand, my go-to.

Without even taking off my bikini bottoms, I pressed it against my mound and switched it on. The hum was low and rumbly. I closed my eyes and let my mind wander to Sue and Alejandro. I imagined him sitting on a chair while she straddled him.

Various scenes flashed through my brain, I watched his thick cock sliding inside her. Next, he was on the bed with Sue grinding herself on his face while she squeezed her breasts.

My fantasy-fueled brain was all over the place. The next scene had me in the room, with them. Alejandro was fucking me deep from behind while my fingers slide easily into Sue’s wet little hole. Our eyes were locked and that swirling sexual energy was bringing me closer to the edge. 

I made myself stop. I only wanted to tease myself a little. But even in that brief moment of having the vibrations on my clit and the fantasy of the two of them, a wet spot had appeared. I switched off the wand on put it back in the box. I slipped my hand down into my bikini. The slippery wetness coating my fingers.

Wow, I thought to myself, I haven’t been this turned on in a while. I licked my fingers. I was definitely going to need to get myself off later. Either by myself, with Em or (maybe?) with Alejandro and Sue. A girl can hope!

I grabbed the tumblers on the way out and went back up to the roof. I half hoped nobody would notice that I was wet and the other part of my brain was completely turned on by the fact that people would notice, if they were looking. I saw Emily chatting up the guys in the pool and walked over to hand her one of the tumblers.

“Join us!” said one of the guys.

I replied, “Actually, I met some people in the elevator and I promised I would talk to them first. I’ll be back in a little bit.”  

Emily shrugged and continued her conversation with the boys in the pool. Sure, they were super hot, but younger men never really did a lot for me. I guess I had a type and that included girls with great asses and slightly older men with an edge.

There was definitely something about Alejandro that was intriguing. I also loved the fact that Sue was totally into him checking me out - not bothered in the slightest. That kind of confidence is ultra-sexy. My ‘Bi-dar’ was working well and I was pretty sure she was similarly wired.

I found Alejandro and Sue at the far end of the rooftop deck. They were alone and I watched them as I approached, loving how affectionate they were with each other. Sue had her leg over the arm of her chair and the other across Alejandro’s lap. He was stroking her thigh with one hand while he held her hand with the other. His kind eyes sparkled as he spoke to her. Sweet and sexy. Damn. My instincts were telling me to pursue this and that throb between my legs started up again.

“Hey you two,” I said. “Emily is still in the pool flirting with some boys. I’m sure she’ll find us soon enough.”

Alejandro looked up and smiled. “That’s cool. This way we get to spend time getting to know you on your own. Pull up a chair and join us.”

Then Sue got up and plopped herself in his lap and said, “Just take mine.” I watched as she kissed him and then looked over at me as if to say, ‘you can have us if you want us.’ That look! More throbbing ensued.

We all sipped our replenished drinks and Sue said they liked this more secluded spot at the end of the roof. They said they knew quite a few people in the building, some better than others. I was already intrigued and wanted to know more. So much more.

We spent the next several minutes or so getting to know each other and they both admitted to checking me out earlier in the elevator. I’m sure it was the second drink, but I was feeling bold and figured it was my chance to do something a little more daring.

I put my leg up across their lap like Sue was doing earlier. I watched Alejandro’s gaze lower to my now open legs. Clearly, he could see the wetness as the light blue bikini bottoms were at least three shades darker. 

He tried to keep up with the conversation, but I could tell he was completely distracted and I watched him shift in his chair to accommodate that growing cock of his. Sue almost fell off his lap.

“Wow,” he said. “Okay, I’m just going to say it. Your bikini is driving me crazy. Robyn, you are making it REALLY hard for me to get comfortable in this chair.” His hand moved down to my thigh and gave me a slight squeeze. “Is this okay?” he asked. Consent is so fucking sexy. I nodded and smiled.

Then, I watched Sue stand up and she put her drink down on the concrete. She walked over to me and our eyes met for a brief second. She licked her lips. She was definitely bi. Next, she moved behind me. From where we're sitting nobody could really see what we were dong and it was now clear why they liked this end of the rooftop. I felt her hands on my shoulders.

“While Alejandro is totally turned on by that delicious wet pussy of yours covered in the sexiest of bikinis,” she explained. “I have been admiring your beautiful tits and I’ve been wanting to feel them since you first appeared earlier. May I?” she asked.

All I could do, again, was nod. So bold, Sue was. Alejandro continued lightly running his hands over my thigh and he watched her lean down and kiss my neck. Her lips sent electricity through me that I felt through my nipples and down to my clit.

Her hands moved over my shoulders and down my arms. I loved the combination of her touch and the way Alejandro was looking at me with those eyes and the slightest upturned grin. I leaned my head back a bit and Sue’s moved her hands to my chest. Warm on my skin, she put her hands inside my bikini top, squeezing my tits gently and circling my nipples with her fingers.

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I was being groped here on the roof of my new apartment and I was loving every second of it! Part of me was a little scared of being caught, but that only added to adrenaline coursing through my body.

Alejandro’s hand, meanwhile, was moving up my thigh ever so slowly. These two definitely knew what they were doing. Daring, but not too aggressive. My pussy was positively dripping at this point and I closed my eyes to enjoy everything that was happening. Sue continued to tease me with her hands and fingers, pinching my nipples a little harder pushing her own breasts into the back of my neck.

“That’s it, baby, see how wet she is?” Sue moaned. “I’m getting wet too, her tits feel so good in my hands.”

Then I felt Alejandro’s fingers press against my bikini feeling the slippery material and exploring my pussy. My legs instinctively opened further and I was breathing heavy. He didn’t even slip my bikini to the side, instead, he expertly applied just the right pressure and found my clit.

I felt like I could orgasm at any moment, but these two kept me right at the edge. I pushed my hips forward, trying to get him to give me more pressure, but he wouldn’t let me. 

“Please?” I asked. “Oh please, a little harder, I want it. Please, Alejandro?”

“Not yet, Robyn,” he firmly replied. “You’ll get to cum, we’ll promise you that. But not here, not yet.” 

How can explain how the cocktail of feelings? I was full of desire, desperate for release. My frustration countered only by a longing to hold on to this moment for as long as possible. 

Sue moved to my side and leaned over to kiss me deeply. Her hand still playing with my breasts, alternating between them, tweaking my nipples. Her lips were soft. They felt so good on mine and our tongues lightly danced. The perfect kissing style. My hand moved up between her legs and she wasn’t lying. I could feel her slick pussy through the thin material of her bikini and she gasped, her knees shaking slightly. 

For the next, I can’t remember how long, the hypnotic choreography of his fingers, her hands on me and mine between her legs continued as I lost track of all reality. We could have been there for a few seconds or for an hour, I couldn’t tell you, but I heard Emily’s voice as if it were far in the distance.

“Robyn? Are over here…” her voice trailed off. “Holy shit Ro, I don’t… Wow,” she said.  

The spell I was in was broken. The three of us kind of composed ourselves and looked up at Emily standing there, dripping wet and fresh out of the pool. 

She started in again, “Okay, first, hi, I’m Emily. Nice to meet you both. You are all CLEARLY having more fun then I am and, ummm, Robyn? Can I talk to you for just a second?”

I stood up, still slightly dizzy, and walked a few feet away to my friend. Emily explained that the guys from the pool were getting too drunk and were super annoying (surprise, surprise).

Evidently, some of their friends showed up and they all left because there was something going on downstairs. The rooftop was basically empty. She said she went down to the apartment and I wasn’t there so that’s when she started looking for me over here. 

“Em, just stay up here with us. Sue and Alejandro are really great and I know you want to have fun too. Please?” I begged. “Do it for me and if you aren’t having fun in an hour or so, just let me know and I promise we’ll leave, okay?”

“That little scene back there, Robyn? Yeah, that was pretty fucking hot,” she admitted. “Okay, let’s hang out at the pool, there’s nobody over there anyway and we’ll see how it feels. But promise me, whatever happens, you’ll let me do that thing to you I love to do.”

I knew exactly what she meant and it made my clit throb. I waved Alejandro and Sue over to us. When Alejandro stood up, the outline of his cock was clearly visible under his tight suit. It strained against the material and I could see a bit of a wet spot of his own. These two! I love it when a man produces a lot of pre-cum. 

“Having a little trouble walking, Alejandro?” I asked him, giggling. Sue was laughing as well. He did his best to hid his hard-on.

Proper introductions to Emily were made and we all went over to the pool and jumped in. The cool water was a bit of a shock but also felt really good on my sun and sex heated skin.

I watched Sue look around and she took off her top. “I don’t see anyone else up here, so we might as well get comfortable!” she challenged, looking at Emily and me.

I shrugged and slipped off my light blue top and looked at Em. She seemed a little more hesitant, but I knew that was just because she wasn’t quite sure yet. Alejandro went over to her and asked if she needed some help. I was surprised to see her so willingly turn around so he could unfasten her yellow bikini top.

Sue and I both watched as her beautiful breasts spilled out, jiggling ever so slightly in the best possible way. Not only did Emily have a great ass, but she had really big nipples and areola, a huge turn on for me (and I would find out later, for Sue as well).

“Now that we’re all topless,” I said. “I think Alejandro should take something off too!” I really wanted to see that dick of his.

He just stared at me, obviously up to the challenge. I watched through the shimmering water as he untied his suit and pulled it off. He tossed it to the side as if to say, ‘Happy?’ I definitely was. Sue made her way over and I watched him give his dick a little squeeze. 

“Feel better baby?” she asked. 

“Much,” he replied.

I was still incredibly turned on from the scene at the far end of the deck and I wanted to continue where we left off. I also wanted to make Emily comfortable as I was not going to let her back out. So I suggested that Sue get to know her better.

Sue slid over to Emily and started talking to her, giving me my opening. I backed up to Alejandro and pushed my ass against his cock. I looked back over my shoulder and he kissed me while his hand grasped my hips and pulled me into him. The kiss was familiar and new at the same time. You can tell so much with a kiss.

I moved my hips, grinding slowly against him. We explored each other’s lips and I felt one of his hand move forward and down between my legs. This time he slid his long fingers into my bikini and I gasped as he found my clit. He continued kissing and lightly biting my neck while his other hand teased my hard nipples. There it was again, that hypnotic sexual energy swirling. My eyes, however, weren’t closed this time.

While he got to know my body, I looked over at Sue and Emily. They had wasted no time at all. Emily was arching her back, pushing her round tits toward Sue who was now low in the water. I watched Sue’s tongue exploring Em’s nipples. It was such a turn on to see my best friend being seduced like this.

Sue’s hands groped those beautiful boobs, playing with them and rubbing her face all over them. While they played, I let returned my attention to this man behind me.

I turned around and whispered, “Alejandro, you sexy, sexy man.” 

He held me close and I grasped the shaft of his cock. I stroked him slowly while looking directly into his dark brown eyes. The chemistry was intense. Something I hadn’t felt in far, far too long.

He put his hand down my bikini again, his fingers opening me up. Even in the water, I was slick and ready. I felt his fingers push inside me, slowly. All the while our eyes were locked and I bit my lip as he went deeper.

While he fucked me with his fingers, I kept stroking his beautiful cock in rhythm. We were in this zone and I couldn’t break our gaze. I felt my orgasm coming but wanted to hold off just a little bit longer. This felt too good and I didn’t want it to end. 

With great effort, I looked away and released him from my grip. I slid my bikini off while his fingers were still inside me. I could hear Sue and Emily’s erotic sounds and knew they were fully enjoying themselves. But now, I need Alejandro inside me.

He knew exactly what I needed and slowly slipped his fingers from my pussy. He lifted me up slightly and I wrapped my legs around his body. I felt the head of his cock pressing against me and with excruciating slowness I eased down the entire length of his thick shaft, accommodating his thickness. I felt every ridge and contour as he went deeper, all of the way inside me. He held me with his arms and ever so slowly moved with me in the water. 

“Turn me around so I can watch them,” I asked.

While he fucked me, I could see Sue and Emily just a few feet away. Sue was watching us fucking and she smiled at me with affirmation. She knew exactly what I was feeling. Her breathing was heavy and I could see Em’s hand was between her legs, working her magic. 

Then, not unlike when Emily interrupted us at the other end of the roof, we heard people approaching, laughing - clearly drunk. We all reacted the same way, quickly moving apart, and trying to find our suits. We were totally busted.

“Whoa! Hey! Skinny dippers!” said some random guy wearing a backward baseball hat.

Sue reacted first, “Ah well, yes, But we were just leaving. Sooo, y’all can carry on.”

We quickly dressed and this group of drunk idiots, who were returning from whatever they were doing downstairs, began jumping in the pool. We gathered up the rest of our stuff and headed toward the elevator laughing. It was pretty funny, but we were all still ready to keep things going. In the elevator, we just looked at each other and I pushed the #8 button. 

“To your place then!” Sue said. 

We all headed into our apartment and stepped over boxes while clumsily taking off our clothes. Emily led the way to her room and we followed. She plopped down on the bed as Sue looked into the toy box. 

“Fun!” Sue exclaimed. 

They both starting sorting through the box, examining and commenting on each item along the way. Meanwhile, Alejandro and I were back in each other’s arms. He took his time with me, bringing us back to that familiar zone.

I held his soft cock in my hand, caressing him and feeling his smooth balls. While we kissed, he grew thick and hard once again. I love to feel how my touch turns a man on like that. He pushed me back onto the bed next to Emily.

Em and I exchanged looks as if to say, ‘Can you believe this is happening?’

Alejandro was over me and I felt his cock against my pussy once again. He didn’t enter me, however. Instead, he kept kissing me and sliding his shaft against my wet lips, grazing my clit - just so. This is why I enjoy older men who know what they’re doing. It was about the sexual energy and erotic connection. Teasing me and letting the intensity build in waves. I wanted him more now than ever and he knew it.

I took a deep breath, trying to calm my out of control desire. While Alejandro kissed my collar bone and then put his mouth over my sensitive nipples, I watched Emily and Sue next to us. Em was on her side, licking and sucking on Sue’s pink and protruding nipple. Sue was lost in pure ecstasy with her legs spread wide open. Emily had a smooth glass dildo in her hand. She teased Sue with the bulbous end, getting it wet and ready. Sue’s back arched and she gasped when Emily guided the glass into her lovely folds.

“Slow, slow… Yes, like that,” guided Sue.

Emily worked the glass inside Sue and continued sucking on her tits. I was captivated by the raw sexuality of my best friend and our new neighbor engaged in their erotic play. I was soon distracted by my own sensations as Alejandro continued his trail of oral stimulation down further. He kissed and licked and nibbled all around my dripping pussy. I tried to guide his head with my hands and moved my hips, but he wouldn’t have it. He stopped and look up at me and just grinned. Without breaking eye contact he kept teasing me, holding my legs apart with his hands. 

Finally, he gave me what I wanted. With the slightest flick of his tongue on my clit, I thought would explode. Instead, he took my slick lips into his mouth, sucking and gently tugging. He continued between swirling his tongue on my clit and sucking on my pussy, taking me to the very edge of the orgasm I desperately needed. The orgasm that had been building all fucking day. I needed to cum.

“Oh please let me cum,” I begged, reaching up to play with my hard nipples.

Alejandro focused on my engorged clit. He was clearly paying attention to my body and found that perfect rhythm and pressure. He slid two fingers inside me and put his whole mouth around my sopping wet pussy.

He moaned and the slight vibration of his voice started sending me over the edge. Between his fingers pressing firmly, just so, on the inside, his tongue swirling on the outside and me tugging on my own nipples, I came. Hard.

My body convulsed and I cried out loudly. He didn’t stop, even with my hips bucking off the bed. His fingers pushed deeper inside to just the right spot and brought me to another orgasm. This NEVER happens with me and I was shocked to cum a second time. I was in another world.

I heard Sue getting close and I looked over. Her eyes were closed and she was writhing beneath Emily who was working the glass dildo faster and deeper. Sue had a small vibrator pressed against her clit.

“Oh yes.. oh yes… Here I go,” she moaned.  “Fuck…” 

The sounds Sue made as Em brought her over the edge were incredible. Low and guttural while her body writhed. When her orgasm subsided, Emily slowly guided the glass toy from Sue’s swollen pussy. She held it up for us to see that it was, in fact, dripping. Sue had gushed all over Em’s hand and that glass dildo. 

We all paused for a moment to catch our breath. Em ran into the kitchen for a big glass of water and returned to find Sue and me next to each other in an embrace. We were more than content and blissed out after our incredible orgasms and it felt great to feel Sue caressing me softly.

Emily looked at Alejandro and without saying a word, put the water down and gave him the sexiest look. I know that look and I could tell that Emily was wanting to be very, very naughty. Sue and I watched as she climbed into bed and between Alejandro’s legs. He was still hard and while looking directly into his eyes, she licked the entire length of his shaft.

Emily licked her lips and said, “Watch this!”

Sue’s eyes were wide as she watched Em take all of his cock deep into her mouth in one gulp, until her lips settled at the base. Emily shook her head to go just a fraction of an inch deeper into her throat. Then, looking over at us, she gasped as she moved her mouth off of him, saliva stringing from her lips to his swollen cock head. It was an impressive talent of hers.

“Fuck!” was all Alejandro could say.

Emily continued deep-throating Alejandro while Sue and I watched. It was so hot to see my best friend so incredibly turned on and wild like this. Sue leaned over and started kissing Alejandro and I could tell he was loving the attention from all of us.

Emily paused for just a second. “Robyn, I’m feeling particularly nasty. I want you to lube up my ass and put my favorite metal plug inside.” She really was in one of those moods!

I went to the box and found the plug she was talking about and applied a generous amount of lube to the cold metal. I moved behind Em and slathered her little asshole with more slippery liquid. While she kept sucking on Alejandro’s cock, I slowly began easing the metal bulb into her, a little bit at a time.

Before long, she was relaxed and the plug kind of popped into place. I pushed and pulled on it, taking it out slowly and putting it back in. Each time, Emily vocalized her pleaser with Alejandro’s cock in her mouth. I kept moving the plug around just like I know she likes it. I also used my other hand to massage her clit while she was focused on Sue’s man.

Finally, she was ready. “Alejandro,” she commanded, “You are going to fuck my tight little ass.” There was no way he was going to deny her.

Sue moved down near me for a better view while Emily straddled Alejandro. Emily leaned forward to whisper something in his ear, but we couldn’t hear what it was. Alejandro just nodded in agreement to whatever those instructions were.

Sue and I watched Emily reach behind her and ever so slowly slide the plug out, her pink little hole open and ready. She leaned back, positioning Alejandro’s cock perfectly. As the head of his cock pressed against her, she moaned. Her hands were on his chest and she eased back to take him.

Sue and I could see his shaft slowly disappearing inside her. Alejandro’s hands were on her hips, guiding her down. Em would pause and breathe and then take a little more. When she fully opened up for him, she finally spoke.

“I want you to fuck my ass with slow, long strokes. Don’t go too fast, but you can go deep,” she instructed. “I can come like this without even touching my clit.”

Alejandro began moving his hips slowly, pushing his cock into her. Emily’s eyes were closed and she used her thighs to match Alejandro’s thrusts. Soon, she was taking his entire length, grunting with each stroke.

Sue was behind me again, kissing my neck and playing with my nipples (very lightly) as we watched, mesmerized. It was truly a sight to behold. Her lovely breasts bouncing with the motion of his fucking.

We could both see the pleasure they were both experiencing and it was apparent Alejandro was getting close, but somehow he held back while they kept fucking for what seemed like forever. I was getting turned on again and asked Sue to use a vibrator on my clit while we watched.

Emily was rising and falling on Alejandro and her moaning was getting louder. His hands were on her hips, pushing Em down further on his cock. Their fucking intensified and I could feel another orgasm building inside me.

“Oh god, oh god, yes… It’s happening. Keep going,” Emily commanded. “Harder now!”

Alejandro thrust harder, sinking deep into her tight hole. Emily made the smallest little squeak, opened her mouth and eyes wide. Her whole body shook with an explosive orgasm. Em cumming was all it took to push Alejandro over the edge.

“I’m close, Emily. I’m going to cum too,” he warned.

“Uh huh, yes… Do it.. Cum deep in my ass,” Em replied. Her tone wanting and full of desire. “Fill my ass with hot cum.”

Alejandro’s body spasmed, his hands gripping Em’s hips tightly. I could see his shaft twitching as he pumped her full. It was the hottest thing I had ever witnessed and I came with them while Sue held me tightly. Intense and enveloping.

I’m honestly not sure what happened next, but I kind of became aware of what was going on when Sue whispered in my ear, “Robyn, honey? Here have some water.”

It’s all blurry, but Emily was on her side looking at me with a silly grin and Alejandro was sitting on the edge of the bed, kissing Sue’s shoulder. I thanked Sue for the hydration and drifted off again. I have no idea how much time had passed, but I really had no desire to move from the bed. I barely remember Em, Sue, and Alejandro all kissing me and they went into the other room.

I was completely delirious when I woke up a couple hours later. I was a little sad that I didn’t get to say goodbye to our new friends but I also knew I would see them again soon. Emily helped me to my own room and tucked me in sweetly. She reached over and plucked a small white feather from my pillow and trailed it across my cheek and kissed me on the lips. 

“We’re going to love living here,” she said quite softly and turned out the lights.


Written by SaajKame
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