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Viva Las Vegas

"Group outing ends up in his room for a wild threesome."

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He is lying on his bed, coloured lights playing games on the ceiling. He wonders if the city ever sleeps; according to the ads, it never does. Las Vegas baby. He looks at the cheap digital clock that is standard equipment in every hotel room he has occupied in the last 40 years. He set it when he arrived. He had to; his OCD compelled him. It was flashing 12:00 as he entered the room. While he invariably checks his phone or watch for the time, it feels weird being in a room with a clock showing the wrong time.

The TV is on, playing a generic action flick from Netflix. It is just noise, but he feels more comfortable in strange surroundings with the background of comforting movie dialogue. He knows he isn't following the plot; it just adds noise to the room. However, he is reluctant to turn it off as he would have to admit he was in the room alone and not out partying with his co-workers. They are all out celebrating the end of a successful trade show.

The group started the evening with a dinner he arranged and paid for. He wanted to ensure everyone was satisfied before leaving them to wander on their separate journeys. His evening continued with a lovely aged scotch at the hotel bar. Many team members had wandered by, one at a time or in small groups, to thank him and comment on the show's success. Several groups had graciously invited him to party, which he declined. He knew partying with the boss was a hit-and-miss venture at the best of times, so he made a big show of declining the invitation.

He now relaxed on the bed, clad in only a pair of jeans, zipper partially undone. He feels comfortable for the first time in several days. Suits and ties are not his thing. While he usually gets away with black jeans and a sports coat at these events, true relaxation calls for old ripped jeans and a T-shirt.

He glances down at his stomach and tenses his muscles.

"Not too bad for a fifty-five-year-old!" he thinks to himself.

He knows the single, and married, if he is honest, marketing ladies talk about him when they are chatting together at the office. He is fit, single, and successful. He has a couple of long-time associates, "spies", in marketing who keep him up to speed on comments, gossip, and general morale. He finds it flattering, if nothing else. As much as the dating scene is complicated, he is wary of dipping his toes into company waters. He does like to think about Sonja when he needs to relieve his sexual tensions during these trips. She is tall and slender, with a firm body sporting breasts topped with hard nipples that she did little to conceal. She was Mexican, graced with light brown skin and long dark hair. A perma-tan, as she liked to refer to it.

She was usually restrained at the office, but when they travelled, and she was "on", the bra and panties went by the wayside, and the form-fitting dresses came out. Her best work bud is Tina, slightly shorter and a bit curvier. Tina is Italian, so she also sported a somewhat lighter perma-tan. Where Sonja is fit and hard, Tina is round and soft in all the right places. Favouring outfits that show off her large breasts, she loves to bend over to show off her cleavage. He knows Sonja and Tina are partying with one of the groups tonight. He wondered if they also party privately, picturing Sonja sitting on Tina's face and wiggling.

"Maybe I need to rub one out to help me sleep?" he thinks as images of Sonja in the throes of an orgasm cause his cock to stir.

Reaching down to shift things around to relieve the pressure of his growing erection, he is startled by a knock on the door. As he approaches the door, he hears quiet giggles from the other side.

"What the hell?" he thinks.

Looking through the peephole, he spies none other than Sonja and Tina standing in the hall. Opening the door, he is greeted by the two beautiful, smiling women.

"Why don't you ever come and party with us?" Sonja whines, "We came up to convince you to come for a nightcap with us."

"Yes, come, please come have a drink with us," Tina shouts, obviously still deaf from the loud music in the bar.

"Jesus, you will wake the entire floor. Come in, both of you. We can continue this conversation in my room," he says, stepping aside to usher the girls into his suite.

They glide by, both brushing against his chest very suggestively. Sonja looks down at his partially done-up pants and raises an eyebrow.

"Nice room, boss-man!" Tina giggles as she wanders to the window to gawk at the Las Vegas strips's incessant blinking lights.

His eyes follow her to the window. He notices appreciatedly that Tina's dress is quite sheer, unlike her everyday, more conservative attire. He sees a lovely silhouette between her legs, showing off prominent pussy lips. Sonja stands beside him, noticing his gaze.

Leaning close, she whispers, "I have been catching glimpses of that all night myself! It's not like Tina to show off, but I am delighted she is doing it."

He slides his gaze over Sonja. She is sporting a skin-tight, low-cut black dress, showing off her delicious cleavage. The dress is extremely short, and there are no discernable panty lines. As they watch Tina at the window, he can see Sonja's nipples hardening. This abundance of visual stimulation does nothing to reduce the swelling in his pants. He catches Sonja's eye as she peeks again at his unzipped jeans.

He smiles and says, "I was just thinking of crawling into the sack, but I guess I can be convinced to have a drink with you two."

Sonja gets a twinkle in her eyes and says loudly, "Do you have anything here? We could share a quick, intimate celebration before we call it an evening?"

He smiles, "Sure, I have some Tequila in the fridge if you want. It is sipping Tequila, though, not for shots!"

"Perfect!" squeals Sonja, "Tina, come over here. We can grab shots here instead of dealing with another sweaty bar and groping slime balls."

"No, not shots, sipping Tequila," he emphasizes, knowing the difference is already lost on the ladies.

Tina turns around with a smile as she reaches up to pull her hair into a ponytail. Her large breasts are pulled up by her actions to reveal mouthwatering tan lines. He can see them also leaking out the side of her dress. They look absolutely delicious. She surveys the room before walking over to the couch to settle in.

"Pour away, sister!" she says.

Sonja quickly pours three glasses from the $300 bottle of Tequila and passes them around.

Raising her glass in a toast, she says, "To us, we fucking work hard and we get shit done!"

"Cheers, cheers!" he and Tina repeat, each taking a heavy slug of the bitter alcohol.

Sonja sits down heavily on the couch beside Tina. He sits in the chair opposite.

Glancing at his naked chest, he remarks, "I guess I should grab a shirt. I don't want to offend you ladies."

They both speak in unison, "Don't be silly. We are among friends here."

They all sit laughing, talking, and reliving a busy couple of days. He notices the two ladies are sitting close together with their legs touching. After a few minutes, Sonja lowers her hand to Tina's thigh and begins rubbing it slowly. Tina never flinches, and the conversation continues without interruption. He finds it hard to take his eyes away from Sonja's hand. It seems, to him anyway, to be working its way up Tina's thigh.

The laughter and stories flow effortlessly. A second round of drinks is poured, and more toasts are made. It has been a very successful trade show. They made a large number of contacts and finalized several significant deals. Sonja continues to tell stories from the day, with Tina chirping in with details and anecdotes as needed. They are both very animated. Looking back at Tina's legs, he realizes Sonja has been slowly sliding Tina's dress up. He catches the occasional flash of her inner thigh, and then to his glee, he notices Tina's pussy is visible as she shifts around on the couch during the conversation. Sonja smiles broadly and holds his gaze each time he looks at Tina's legs and back up. Sonja's breathing has become deeper, and her nipples are as hard as little diamonds.

She glances at the bathroom and very subtly indicates that he should head over there.

He carefully places his drink on the table and announces, "Need to visit the little boy's room. Be right back, ladies."

He stands up and pads on his bare feet to the bathroom. Closing the door, he makes a show of washing his hands and face. He leans against the counter for a couple minutes to kill more time. Eventually, he opens the door to quietly return to the couch.

All the lights in the room are now off, only the bright flashing lights from the window illuminating the room. Glancing over, he can see Sonja has moved to face Tina, kissing her lips and neck slowly. One hand plays with Tina's hair. The other has removed one of Tina's large breasts from her dress. Sonja squeezes and rubs it softly as she explores Tina's mouth, neck, and ears with her tongue. Tina's eyes are closed as she relaxes back on the couch. Soft moans signal her enjoyment of Sonja's attention.

Sonja's fingers pinch the large nipple, eliciting a gasp from Tina, "Lick it."

"Are you sure, baby," Sonja whispers.

"Fuck yes, suck it, lick it, bite it," Tina moans.

Sonja lowers her head to take the large, now hard and wet, nipple in her mouth. Licking around in circles, she alternates kissing, biting, and sucking as Tina gasps and moans. Realizing he is standing and staring, he returns quietly to his chair. Grabbing his drink, he settles in for a front-row seat to the show.

He senses Sonja is showing off for him, but he can also tell she is very much enjoying herself. She removes Tina's other breast from her dress and alternates between the swollen nipples. Tina's breasts are huge, with deep cleavage. Both nipples stand erect, soaked in Sonja's spit.

He sees Tina's legs are partially spread. Her dress has ridden up and is bunched around her waist. He can tell Tina wants Sonja to touch her pussy. Her hips rock slowly. He can see her pussy lips gradually parting and her swollen clit becoming more visible. Her puffy pussy lips are wet with excitement. He desperately wants to dip his head down to suck and lick them. One of Tina's hands is playing with Sonja's ass through her thin dress. She slowly raises Sonja's dress, exposing her shapely butt cheeks. Her fingers slide into the dark cleft between Sonja's now exposed cheeks. The sight of Sonja's naked legs and ass is spectacular.

Sonja continues to suck and bite Tina's nipples as she slowly slides her hand down her belly towards Tina's pussy. He can see Tina strain her hips up to meet Sonja's hand; there is definitely no resistance. As Sonja's hand skips over her pussy to begin stroking Tina's inner thigh, he hears small sounds of frustration amongst the gasps and moans. Tina's knees spread further, drawing her pink pussy open. He can see wetness leaking slowly down onto her ass. Everything is perfectly bare and smooth. Sonja's fingers tease the entire area, lightly brushing the sensitive skin of Tina's pussy. Tina's hips rock faster now, desperate for contact. Her clit swells as her arousal increases. She seems oblivious to the fact he is watching.

Tina's eyes open slightly, locking onto his eyes. She smiles broadly as her knees draw apart. She obviously knows he is watching and is enjoying it.

She pulls Sonja's head tight into her breasts. "Suck them, baby, suck them hard."

Her hand works away between Sonja's ass cheeks. She pulls it away quickly to place her fingers in her mouth. Moistening her fingers, she returns them to Sonja's ass. They now glide effortlessly between her thighs. Sonja's back arches towards the fingers, and her knee swings over Tina's leg. He now sees that Tina has her fingers deep in Sonja's pussy. She reaches both hands around to spread Sonja's ass, exposing everything to his view.

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He can't look away as Tina pulls and squeezes Sonja's ass cheeks. Sliding between the wet folds of her pussy, pulling the lips apart, revealing a hot pink tunnel that begs to be licked. He can see Sonya's clit swelling, seeking more direct stimulation. Her tight little asshole contracts whenever Tina's ministrations hit a sensitive spot. His cock is fully erect and uncomfortable in his pants as he reaches down to adjust it, trying to decide his next steps.

Finally, Tina speaks up, "Let's move onto the bed, baby; I want to taste you."

Both ladies smile as they reluctantly disengage their lips and rise to walk over to the bed. He swivels his head slowly to follow their journey. They quickly pull their dresses over their heads before jumping on the king-size bed. Tina lies on her back and motions Sonja over. He watches as she crawls slowly to the head of the bed, exposing her soaking pussy to his admiring gaze. With the expertise of a shapely cowboy, Sonja swings her leg over and around to position herself directly over Tina's mouth. Tina's hands move to Sonja's thighs to pull her ass and pussy closer to her mouth. He can hear Sonja sigh as Tina's hot tongue begins to probe her sensitive parts. She leans down to draw Tina's knees up before lowering her head between Tina's thighs. This brings Tina's gaping pussy and puckered pink asshole into view. As her tongue and lips explore, everything glistens with spit and Tina's arousal.

Suddenly, Sonja's head rises, her face contorted, eyes half closed in pleasure. She looks directly into his eyes.

"Oh my god, baby, you are going to make me come, suck my clit, hard, please, fuck!" she cries.

She holds his gaze as her body starts to convulse, small grunts escaping from her mouth, "Jesus, fuck, keep going, lick my wet pussy, baby. That's it, keep going, fuck that feels good."

As the girls lick and suck each other, he makes a decision, finally, and he pulls his hard cock from his pants. He swings the chair around to face the bed, his cock visible to Sonja as she works attentively on Tina's pussy and ass. He starts to stroke himself slowly. Sonja's eyes are glued to his cock as her fingers probe Tina's wet holes.

Sonja stares into his eye again, mouthing, "Watch."

With that, she pulls Tina's pussy wide open. He can see it clenching repeatedly as her orgasm approaches. Sonja's tongue works Tina's hard clit in circles, sucking and biting the swollen nub. Tina's moans become louder. Sonja has two fingers from each hand sliding into Tina's pussy, pulling it open.

Tina's hips move rapidly in time with her moans, "Fuck, yes, yes, uhhh, yes, fuck, uhhh."

Sonja latches onto her clit, sucking and biting constantly. "Come for me, baby, come now," she whispers.

Tina's head thrashes on the pillow, "Yes, fuck, yes, suck it bitch, make me come. Yes, coming, fuck, yes."

He can see Tina's pussy contract with her orgasm. Her orgasm pours forth in milky waves, coating her twitching ass. Sonja never stops her sucking. Tina's entire body is contracting in time with her orgasm.

"Okay, baby, okay, fuck, let me breathe, fuck you are good," Tina finally gasps.

Sonja raises her head in triumph. Her face is wet, covered with Tina's excitement. With one hand, she motions him over to the bed. He stands quickly to pull his jeans off. Sonja motions him between Tina's legs and takes his cock in her hand. She has started grinding on Tina's face once again. She begins to rub the head of his cock across Tina's wet slit and then down to circle her tight ass. Back up to her pussy she rubs it around her swollen clit again, more moans escaping from Tina. Up and down, around, repeat. Tina starts thrusting her hips towards his cock.

Muffled groans escape from between Sonja's thighs, "Put it in, please; I want to feel it inside me."

To his surprise, instead of positioning his cock to enter Tina's wet pussy Sonja takes it into her mouth, licking the shaft, staring into his eyes the entire time. Suddenly, she takes almost his full length into her mouth. His eyes widen in shock. She is soon taking his length down her throat over and over again. Her fingers have spread Tina's pussy open, and both thumbs work hard on her clit. Her hips rub on Tina's face. Sonja's entire body seems to be moving all at once.

He can feel his cock swelling, wondering if Sonja intends to take him to completion or if she has other plans.

Looking down, he says, "You will make me come if you keep that up."

Half of him is hoping she will allow him to burst down her throat, but he sees her smile and slowly remove his cock from her mouth. Sucking just

the tip and licking gently, she reduces the stimulation slightly. However, the sight before him guarantees that he still has to focus to maintain any degree of control.

Letting his cock slide from her mouth, he sinks back on his heels and watches. Sonja lowers her head to Tina's clit and renews her sucking.

Muffled gasps can be heard again as Tina moans out her pleasure, "Yes, oh god, yes, suck my pussy, yes, oh god, your fucking tongue is heaven."

Sonja's tongue is everywhere. Two fingers begin to explore Tina's ass, one from each hand. Pushing in, pulling out, stretching. He is mesmerized. She eventually motions him closer; grabbing the base of his cock she sucks it deep into her mouth again, making it wet all over. This time she positions his cock at Tina's tight ass, directing it as he leans in to provide force to push it through the tight opening.

"Fuuuuuck, yes, please put it in my ass," Tina groans.

He maintains the pressure, pushing slowly, with Sonja guiding and providing additional lubrication. First, the head pops in, and then he pushes his entire length into her in one slow, drawn-out motion. Once he is all the way in, buried to his balls, he stops before beginning to slowly stroke in and out.

Sonja smiles at him, lowering her mouth to Tina's pussy once again. She wraps her lips around her clit and begins to suck hard.

"Fuck, yes, I'm going to come, yes, fuck, don't stop. Come on, fuck my ass, fuck yes, fill me up," Tina yells.

He can feel her orgasm start as her ass contracts around his cock. He increases his thrusts, hoping he can hang on as Tina comes on his cock. Sonja is sucking and rubbing Tina's clit, and he is thrusting his swelling cock deep into her ass. Tina's mouth licks frantically at Sonja's pussy. Moans and gasps fill the room. The second dam breaks as Sonja loses control.

"Fuck baby, suck my clit, let me coat your face with my wet pussy, fuck, I am coming too, fuck," Sonja yells.

Tina's orgasm is milking his cock, and her grunts are continuous. Sonja's hot breath is on his belly. Finally, he can hold back no longer.

"Oh fuck, I am coming," he yells, pounding his cock deep into her ass.

As the first sprays of come start to fill Tina's ass, he feels a hand on the shaft of his cock. Without warning, Sonja pulls his cock out of Tina's ass and sucks it into her mouth.

"Fuck my throat, baby, fill me with come," she moans.

The second blast of come hits Sonja in the face before she swallows his shaft. He grabs her head as he continues to come in her throat. After what seems like an hour, he slides, totally spent, out of her hot mouth. Sonja's eyes are watering, but she has swallowed all his come.

The three of them collapse into the bed to catch their breath. He pulls the sheets over their limp bodies. The girls giggle and whisper, still idly stroking each other as his eyes gradually close.

He wakes with a start. The room is dark and quiet. Looking at the clock, he realizes he has slept for 4 hours. Glancing to his left, he can see two shapely forms snuggled beside him. Sonja has her ass pressed firmly into his groin. He feels his cock hardening from the heat and proximity of her beautiful pussy. It rises slowly and glides effortlessly between Sonja's thighs. Moving his hand to her back, he kneads her muscles softly. Her breathing increases slightly, but she seems not to wake. Reaching around, he cups one of her gorgeous breasts, pinching her nipple lightly. He can feel her breathing deepen against his chest. Her breast is heavy in his hand as he squeezes and pinches the soft flesh. He feels Sonja's hips rock against him, causing his cock to grow rapidly.

Licking his fingers, he reaches down to better lubricate the head of his cock. Pushing back between her thighs, he glides the head of his cock repeatedly across her wet pussy lips, pressing into her clit each time.

He hears her low moan, "Put it in, lover, fuck me nice and slow."

Needing no encouragement, he positions his cock at her wet opening and pushes forward. Sonja is incredibly tight, her pussy gripping his cock as he slides in deeper.

"Tight isn't it," she whispers, "Go slow, fuck me nice and deep."

He wraps his other arm under her neck. He can now stimulate both breasts and nipples. His cock pushes deep into her hot, wet pussy as their hips move in unison. He pulls out entirely and then slides it back in, his thrust stopping as his thighs meet her firm ass. Sonja's knee raises as her hands go to her pussy. She is rubbing her clit with one hand while playing with his balls with the other.

"Fill me with come, baby, fuck me hard," she moans.

Looking through her messy hair, he notices that Tina is now awake. She is attentively watching him fuck Sonja; her own legs are spread, and she is teasing her fat clit with two fingers.

"Fuck her hard, yes, oh my god, that looks incredible," Tina gasps.

His thrusts increase in intensity as he feels his orgasm approach. Sonja starts bucking against his hips; Tina's fingers are a blur. Sonja and Tina seem to come simultaneously, gasping and moaning while staring at each other.

He feels his orgasm peak, "Fuck, I'm coming," he gasps.

With a start, he feels his cock pulled from Sonja's hot pussy. Looking down, he sees Tina between their legs, moving his cock quickly to her mouth. Sucking and licking his shaft as he empties himself into her mouth. She swallows repeatedly, losing just a bit down her chin.

Grinning up at him, she laughs, "It's only fair; she got the last load."

The girls are now wide awake and beginning to play once again. He lies beside them, softly stroking warm skin as their gasps and moans fill the room. They each have several more orgasms while he watches and slowly recovers. When he is finally hard again, he happily fucks Sonja's ass while Tina sits on her face. Emptying himself into Sonja's ass, he collapses back on the bed, gasping for breath, falling into a deep sleep.

Waking later in the morning with the sun streaming into the room, he notices they are both gone. He looks around and wonders if it was a dream; his sore balls remind him otherwise.

Grabbing his phone, he sees his camera app open and several pictures of the girls posing for him recorded there. There is even a video of Sonja coming on Tina's face. He wonders how he slept through it all but is happy he has proof that the night actually happened.

Written by MitziStephan
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