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Two’s Company, Six Is A Gangbang!

"There was an art to picking up men, and Seema had it down to a tee."

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Author's Notes

"Seema has appeared before, in ‘Necklacegate’, and ‘A Street Party Named Desire’, but this is her first full-length adventure! Followers of Nisha’s World of Interconnected Characters will know that all the women in the stories have their own sexual ‘quirks’, and Seema’s is that she frequently cheats on her husband, often with more than one man at a time. So expect fun and flirtatious, hardcore sex in what is probably my most full-on story to date! Thank you for reading. X"

Seema never had to wait long for someone to chat her up. Usually, within about ten minutes of her arrival at the bar, a guy was sitting on the stool next to her, offering to buy her a drink, confident that his evening was about to take a turn for the better. 

There was an art to picking up men, and Seema had it down to a tee. She always used the same local hotel bar when seeking casual sex; that way, if she liked the look of a guy, not only was he likely to be away from his wife or girlfriend on business, but he was also sure to have a room upstairs where they could go to enjoy an exciting no-strings fuck.

Taking a stool at the bar was important, maximising the opportunity for a prospective fuck to strike up a conversation as he waited to be served. It was remarkable how many men chose to order their drinks within a metre or two of the dusky MILF, even if the long bar was otherwise empty.

When a man started chatting to her, Seema would quickly get flirty, making it clear she was available and horny. And if, having conversed with him, she decided the guy was fuckworthy, she would usually have him balls-deep inside her within twenty minutes. She could do it in less but didn’t want to come across as easy.

Seema knew her behaviour was sleazy, but that was the appeal. It was exciting to sleep with men she didn’t know, giving them a night of unforgettable, kinky sex as a break from the vanilla lovemaking their wives gave them. And group sex wasn’t out of the question either. Having two or more men spit-roasting her or simultaneously fucking all her holes made her feel deliciously slutty, and she loved that multiple strangers could satisfy her in ways her husband alone could not.

Seema had always had an open marriage, and hers was more open than most. When she married, she had made it abundantly clear that monogamy was out of the question. However, even while accepting Seema’s need to stray, her husband was surprised at quite how frequently she availed herself of the attention of strangers and that, often, one at a time wasn’t enough.

But Seema ensured that although her husband was equally free to find satisfaction elsewhere, he was rarely inclined to do so. She was every bit as receptive to his sexual overtures as she was to those of other men, and there was little she wouldn’t do to satisfy his whims, even those that most women would find disgusting. It was a perfect, symbiotic relationship, with both prepared to accept the other’s many kinks and peccadilloes, providing their own were satisfied in return.

Seema knew that her husband would wait up for her until midnight, hoping she would return home. Of course, he would realise that the gusset of her panties was already soaked with the semen of at least one other man, but sloppy seconds was very much to his taste, which Seema found thrilling. She always told him how much she loved him, even as he first slipped his cock into the thick white deposits of other men, and feeling him add his load to those already flooding her cheating holes was the perfect way to end an enjoyable evening.

As Seema sat on her usual stool, the bar suddenly became busy. She knew the hotel was hosting a two-day conference, and it appeared that the first day’s session had just finished. The delegates were predominantly male, which was promising, although many seemed to be on the wrong side of sixty. She might consider fucking one of the older men if the situation became desperate, but she preferred men in their forties or younger. Strength and stamina were important.

Initially, none of the guys paid Seema much attention. Most were preoccupied with buying drinks or chatting with colleagues, but Seema knew that would soon change. It sometimes took one or two drinks before a guy established that Seema wasn’t waiting for her husband or boyfriend and worked up the courage to approach her, and it was good to use the time in between to rule some men out. Loud, coarse, and foul-mouthed guys would likely get worse the more they drank, so she could immediately discount them. Seema was a slut, but she had standards.

For a moment, she considered what she wanted from the evening: one guy? Two? Several at once? Much depended on the opportunities that presented themselves. However, Seema had long since acquired strategies to get any number of guys into bed should she be in the mood for a moresome. And that night, she decided, a moresome was precisely what she fancied. 

After the initial rush, the bar became quieter as the various groups of delegates settled down with their drinks or took them outside to the patio to enjoy the warm spring evening. Seema decided to go to the bathroom to fix her makeup. Once the guys finished their first drink and returned to the bar for another, one would be sure to chat her up. Besides, by walking across the bar, she could showcase the large, not-entirely-natural tits and firm, heart-shaped arse available to any guy or guys bold enough to make a move.

Seema had barely returned to her stool before a guy sidled up to the bar. He smiled at her as he waited to be served, and she smiled back before dropping her gaze coyly.

“Are you here for the conference?” the guy asked.

“No, just a work stopover,” Seema replied. “What’s your conference about?”

“Chemical engineering. It’s all rather dull, but it’s good to network and socialise with colleagues.”

Seema sized him up. He seemed intelligent, personable, fit, and good-looking and was probably a bit younger than her forty-four years. He easily met her minimum criteria.

“Yes, networking is usually the most enjoyable thing at these events,” Seema agreed. “That and getting pissed in the bar in the evening.”

The guy laughed. “A woman after my own heart! Well, we plan to have a couple more drinks, although I don’t think we’ll be getting pissed - we’re presenting tomorrow. But you’re welcome to join my colleagues and me if you like. It’s never pleasant drinking alone in hotel bars.”

Seema thanked him, accepting his invitation, and he asked what she would like to drink. “Another gin and tonic, please,” she replied, finishing what was left of her sparkling water. “Just a single. I’ve had a few already, but I don’t suppose one more can hurt.”

Seema knew that it was much easier to bed guys when they believed she had been drinking heavily. By the time she had finished her first G&T, she would be laughing and flirting outrageously, and after the second, her skirt would be riding up, revealing the tops of her hold-up stockings. By then, Seema would have the guys eating out the palm of her hand.

She helped the guy carry the round of drinks to his friends, and as he returned to the bar to pick up the final two beers, Seema introduced herself to the four men sitting around the table. One politely gave up his seat, and Seema listened as they reeled off their names in turn. When her friend from the bar returned, he introduced himself as Martin, a senior engineer at an oil refinery. He explained that they all worked for the same oil company and had known each other for years.

All the guys were younger than Seema, and there was a good mix: Sean was black, Charles was tall, and a couple of burly Scottish guys, Keith and Neil, worked aboard oil rigs. Seema was pleased by what she saw and decided she should make a play for them all. If she fucked one, it would make her evening worthwhile, but all five would make it memorable.

Charles asked Seema what line of work she was in. She could have been honest and replied that she was a journalist, but Seema decided that one of her tried and tested strategies would be more effective in luring all five guys into the bedroom. “I run my own business, selling personal pleasure products,” she replied.

“Oh, you mean sex toys?” Charles replied, intrigued. At the mention of sex toys, the other guys suspended their separate conversations, and all five gave Seema their complete attention.

“That’s right. This is our latest product,” Seema said, opening her oversized handbag. “The Vibrating Double Cimaxer,” she proudly announced as she discreetly produced a two-pronged dildo.

Seema immediately affected the enthusiastic pitch of a saleswoman. “The phallus has nine inches of insertable length and a five-inch circumference, and the four tapering beads have eight inches of insertable length and can be used for vaginal, anal, or clitoral stimulation.”

She giggled as she passed her dildo around the table, enjoying the look on the guys’ faces as they handled the well-used toy. “And the best thing about this product is that it can be controlled from your phone,” she said, pecking at her handset. The dildo began vibrating in Keith’s hand. “Each unit retails for £79.99, making it accessible, even to customers on a budget.”

Seema knew what the guys would say next and started the countdown in her head. ‘Three… two… one…’

“So, are you going to give us a demonstration then?” Sean said, to nervous laughs from the others. “I think the missus would like one of these, but at that price, I’d need to know it hits the spot.” He winked at Neil.

“Me, too,” Neil said, catching on. “When I’m offshore, I need to know the wife has something to keep her from straying, but I’d need to see it in action before buying one.”

The suggestion was as predictable as it was crude, but Seema was pleased the guys were playing ball.

“Well, I would need at least one more G&T before I even considered doing that,” Seema laughed, seemingly dismissing the suggestion with mock shock and humour. But Sean immediately rose, went to the bar, and ordered another round of drinks.

By the time Seema had almost finished her second G&T, she could tell the guys were on tenterhooks to see if she would give them the demonstration they had requested. She guessed they would usually have taken her initial response as an implicit no; however, as her flirtatious ‘drunken’ behaviour had become even more risque and provocative, she could tell they sensed it might be their lucky night after all.

“So, will you give us that demonstration, Seema?” Martin asked as Seema drained her glass. “I’m sure it would help us decide whether to place an order.”

“Yes, go on,” the others urged, grinning.

“What, you all want to buy one for your wives?” Seema slurred innocently.

“Yes. Think about it; that’s nearly £400 in sales,” Charles added. “That’s got to be worth a demonstration.” The guys all nodded their agreement.

Seema pretended to need convincing. “I’m not sure. The sales would be great, but I’ve never demonstrated a product on myself before.”

Realising that Seema was open to persuasion, the guys pressed home their request, promising absolute discretion and further purchases from her fictitious website. Eventually, Seema relented. “Okay, but only if you’re serious about buying one,” she said. “And no cameras.”

Seema had never seen five guys finish their beers so quickly, and ten minutes later, she was upstairs in Martin’s room demonstrating how to control the dildo using the accompanying app.

“So, this slider controls the vibrations in the phallus, and this one is for the anal beads. You can also select different pulsing modes using these buttons. Try it.”

The guys were intrigued and impressed at the range of settings and the strength of the vibrations, but they were seemingly impatient to see the device in action.

“So, are you ready for a demo?” Seema asked, receiving eager nods all around. “Okay then, excuse me while I get changed.”

Seema took the complimentary towelling bathrobe from its hanger and disappeared into the en suite. She was excited by the thought of five horny guys watching her masturbate and knew that watching her play wouldn’t be enough. Before long, they would be stroking their dicks, desperate to get a bit of the action for themselves; a five-man gangbang was almost certainly on the cards!

The men made appreciative noises as Seema emerged into the bedroom wearing the bathrobe over the expensive red Cosabella bra and panties and the black stockings she had worn in anticipation of getting laid. She still wore her red stilettos, adding height to her petite 5’7” frame and giving her legs a firm, toned look as she sashayed across the room towards the bed. 

“So, boys,” she said, sitting on the bed with her feet tucked under her bottom, “I want you to put the Double Climaxer through its paces. Please don’t be shy, and notice how much pleasure it’s giving me, even on the lowest settings. Imagine how grateful your wives will be when the toy gives them the same incredible sensations as it’s about to give me.”

She flirtatiously untied her belt and pulled the robe over her shoulders, allowing it to fall to the bed. There were a few gasps and admiring murmurs as Seema revealed the enhanced cleavage between the twin cups of her red lace bra, and as she reclined, opening her knees to reveal her dark, trimmed mound through the diaphanous panties, the guys were all muttering excitedly to one another.

Seema gave the men a moment to enjoy her near-nakedness, tracing the inside of her thighs with one fingernail before doing the same to her breasts. She could already see that all five men were squirming uncomfortably as their dicks began to stiffen, and she decided to make a start on her unique style of foreplay before one of them became over-excited and prematurely came in his pants.

“Pass me the dildo and my handbag,” Seema demanded, and Neil quickly passed both items to her before retreating to the end of the bed to rejoin the other men, all gathered around Seema’s phone, eager to assume control of the toy.

Seema reached into her bag and pulled out a tube of lubricant. It was evident from her uncanny preparedness and sudden sobriety that the guys had been duped; however, Seema knew that they were incapable of thinking about anything other than sinking their cocks into whichever of her holes first became available, so she knew any suspicions would be quickly overlooked. As they stood gawping at her slender frame, Seema set down the ground rules, of which there were few.

“Okay, boys. Now, I know what you guys are like, always going at things like a bull at a gate. But let’s start with gentle pulses and build it up gradually. Save the strongest settings to push me over the edge as I reach my climax. I’ll talk you through how to use it most effectively so you can best pleasure your wives when their toys are delivered.”

Martin was the first to take control of the toy, moving the slider controlling the phallus to the ‘Number One’ position. Seema felt the toy vibrate gently in her hand and lay back on the pillow, closing her eyes as she bent her knees, spreading her legs wide.

She began by gently rubbing the toy up and down the inside of her thighs, enjoying the tingle in her spine as it reached her panties, and she had to resist the urge to press it to her aching clit. “This feels so good,” she told the guys, who she knew would be watching avidly. “Even the gentlest settings can get a girl wet.” Occasionally, she allowed the toy to brush her gusset, taking a sharp intake of breath and smiling provocatively as it lightly stimulated her swollen labia.

Next, Seema moved the toy to her breasts, pressing the tip of the phallus to each nipple, feeling them stiffen in the soft lace of her bra. “And this toy isn’t only for a lady’s ‘down below’; it gives her a whole-body experience,” she purred.

Seema was desperate to open her eyes and see the guys’ reaction to her slutty demonstration, but she kept them closed, delighting in the way her nipples responded to the fluctuating oscillations as Martin began to try out different vibration modes using the phone.

Eventually, Seema moved the toy to her pussy, pressing it against the damp fabric of her panties. “Move the slider to the ‘Number Two’,” she said, briefly opening her eyes to see the five men switch their attention from her to the screen, then back again.

Martin reluctantly handed the phone to Keith, and Seema closed her eyes once more, enjoying the increased intensity of the vibrations. “Oh, yes! That’s good,” Seema said as she rubbed the tip of the phallus the length of her slit. “I can feel my wetness building and soaking into my panties. Some vibes don’t pulse harder than this, but the Double Climaxer has three stronger settings!” 

Again, Seema opened her eyes for a moment. Neil already had his dick in his hand, gently stroking himself with a twisting motion, and she could tell the others were wondering whether to follow suit. Seema helped them make up their minds, quickly pulling her damp panties over her legs and throwing them to Charles, who immediately put them to his nose and sniffed hard.

“Turn it up to ‘Three’, Keith, and use the third vibe function.” 

Again, the guys briefly glanced at the screen. When they looked up, Seema was sliding the toy deeper into her soft, downy folds, coating the tip in her silky juices and moaning as the phallus pulsed out a repeating two-second pattern of increasing intensity.

“Oh, fuck, that’s so good,” she whispered as her body began to writhe, and she moved her free hand to her breasts.

Immediately, Seema heard belt buckles and zips as the guys unfastened their trousers and took out their cocks, and the bed moved when Sean perched on the end, removing his shoes so he could discard his pants entirely. 

Having drawn back her knees, Seema slipped the phallus down to her anus, using its now-lubricated tip to stimulate her hole in a series of circular movements as Charles snatched the phone from Keith, offering him the panties in return.

“Shit, see how my arsehole responds to that,” Seema said, momentarily removing the toy to show them her gently winking anus. “It’s desperate for the beads, but I want to show you something else first. Charles, start up the beads, and move both sliders to the ‘Number Four’ position.”

As Charles carried out Seema’s wishes, the noise of the vibrator became much more noticeable, its persistent buzz increasing as both the phallus and beads became active.

“I’m sure that not all of your wives are as enthusiastic about anal stimulation as I am,” Seema began, “so let me show you how they can use the beads to pleasure themselves in other ways.”

Seema opened her legs wide, arched her back, and guided the buzzing phallus into her soaking depths as the four thick beads pressed on her clitoris and pubis. She began gently moving the toy inside her, softly moaning as it stimulated her inside and out.

Charles tried out various modes, watching how Seema reacted to each.

“Oh, fuck!” she eventually cried as both prongs of the dildo delivered slow, firm vibrations onto her clitoris and G-spot. Satisfied that he had elicited Seema’s strongest reaction yet, Charles passed the phone to Neil and quickly pumped himself back to full turgidity.

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Seema was eager to know how the guys were responding to her lurid display, so she partially opened her eyes. All now had their dicks in their hands, gently stroking themselves in anticipation of what they hoped would follow, and Sean had her panties at his nose, sniffing in her musky scent.

“Turn it up to ‘Five’, Neil,” Seema ordered. “I’m going to cum soon. God, your wives are going to love this toy! Watch how quickly and strongly it brings me off.”

As Neil moved the slider to its maximum setting, Seema began fucking herself harder and faster, feeling her orgasm get closer with each deep thrust. Eventually, she pulled out the dildo, threw it onto the bed, arched her back, and groaned as her pussy released an arc of clear ejaculate onto Martin’s bed.

“Jesus Christ,” Neil whispered as he switched off the vibrator.

Seema remained on the bed, writhing in the throes of her orgasm, her fingertips roughly flicking her clitoris as she sought to prolong her climax as long as she could. Sometimes, she clamped her hand between her legs as the sensations became too intense, only to resume finger-lashing her bead as her orgasm temporarily ebbed. Finally, she stopped, panting, her fingers dripping with her warm ejaculate.

When Seema opened her eyes, all five men stared at her, slack-jawed.

“Fuck me!” Martin eventually gasped.

“See what I mean?” Seema said. “I bet you’ve never made your wives squirt like that, but with the Vibrating Double Climaxer, you’ll be wiping the bedroom walls dry every night. And wait until you see what else it can do!”

Seema reached for the lubricant and smeared it over the anal beads. “For those of you whose wives like both holes plugged, the beads on the Double Climaxer are sure to give them all the anal pleasure they could wish for. The smallest bead has a diameter of three-quarters of an inch, the largest two and a quarter inches, enough to satisfy even the most cock-hungry hole.”

Seema eased the tip of the phallus into her pussy once more, this time lining up the anal beads on her twitching sphincter. She closed her eyes and drew breath as she felt the gentle stretch of the smallest bead and gasped as she felt herself close around it. “Pass the phone to Sean,” she told Neil. “He’s not had a go yet.”

Neil did as Seema asked, and Sean moved both sliders to the ‘Number One’ position. “That’s right,” Seema said, “start it nice and gentle. God, even with just one bead inserted and the vibrations set to ‘One’, I could still make myself cum using this toy. But I like both my holes filled and drilled. As each bead goes in, turn it up a notch, Sean.”

Sean watched carefully as each of the beads disappeared up Seema’s arse, each time moving the sliders, and soon, Seema was squirming on the bed as the twin shafts worked their way deeper inside her body.

The largest of the four beads stretched even Seema, and she wished she’d spent longer preparing before leaving the house, but eventually, she felt her anus close around the bead, gripping it tightly as Sean moved the slider to ‘Four’.

Seema was already squirming as Sean began playing with the different functions. “Oh, fuck! I can’t work out which pulse is stimulating which hole! It’s like being fucked by two porn stars!”

The guys watched agog as Seema splayed her knees wide, licked her fingers, and began to massage her clitoris with her fingertips, moaning loudly as her left hand clutched at her breast. Sometimes, she reached between her legs, pulling the largest bead out of her anus before forcing it back inside and resuming her urgent self-pleasuring. “Yes, Sean. Turn it up to ‘Five’! Make me cum!”

Sean had no sooner moved both sliders to their maximum setting than Seema’s body began to twitch and jackknife as her second climax came upon her. When her juices once more began to flow, she carried on flicking her pulsing jewel, scattering large, clear droplets left and right as her muscles tightened around the throbbing toy, and her fingers drew out familiar yet exquisite sensations from her aching pussy.

Eventually, when the stimulation became too much, she reached out her hand, indicating that Sean should switch off the toy. When the buzzing stopped, the room went silent, but for the sound of Seema’s heavy breathing as she enjoyed the final waves of her self-induced pleasure.

“Wow!” Neil finally said. “That’s what I call a fucking demonstration!” 

But Seema wasn’t finished. Having recovered sufficiently from her orgasm, she turned and pushed herself onto her hands and knees, arching her back with her bum facing her audience. All five men watched, awe-struck, as the largest bead gradually emerged from her stretched anus, closely followed by the three smaller ones as Seema slowly squeezed the toy out of her holes. As it finally dropped onto the bed, she knew the sight of her gaping anus and dripping pussy would be too much for the guys to resist.

“There you have it,” Seema said as she rolled onto her back again, “the Vibrating Double Climaxer. And if it has the same effect on your wives as it has on me, it will leave them so fucking horny that they’ll be desperate for a real cock afterwards. So, come on, don’t leave me unsatisfied! Which one of you boys is going to fuck me first, or are you all going to fuck me together?”

It was all the invitation the men needed. After briefly looking at one another in momentary disbelief at how slutty Seema’s behaviour had become, they began frantically removing their clothes. Sean, who had already removed his shoes and pants, whipped his T-shirt over his head and climbed onto the bed in only his socks, rubbing his cock as he moved between Seema’s legs.

Seema had been with enough black guys to know the stereotypes were largely a myth, but Sean was packing more than enough for starters. His slender tip thickened nicely further down the shaft before tapering at the root, and his length, while not hugely impressive, was certainly sufficient. She shuffled down the bed and prepared to take her first cock of the evening.

Sean gripped Seema’s thighs and dragged her towards him, kneeling upright between her open legs and resting her ankles on his shoulders before rubbing spit on his circumcised tip. Then, after slapping her clitoris with his weighty member, he dragged his leaking head to Seema’s opening and thrust into her.

“Oh, fuck! That’s what I’m talking about!” Seema cried as Sean gripped the front of her thighs and began quickening his strokes. “There’s nothing like the feeling of a big, black cock slamming on my cervix!”

Keith was next to the bed. Throwing the pillows on the floor, he manoeuvred himself into a kneeling position behind Seema’s head, and as she tipped her head backwards and opened her mouth, he pushed his tip between her expectant lips, groaning as she pulled back his foreskin and sucked eagerly on his throbbing glans, wanking his shaft all the while.

Seema moaned her appreciation as both men took their pleasure from her as they would from a common whore. With no affection, kissing, or mutual respect on display, she could enjoy the stripped-back, animalistic, debauched sex that turned her on more than anything else.

Sometimes, she took Keith’s cock out of her mouth, instead sucking on his balls as he gasped and cursed above her. Other times, Seema just wanked his shaft in her hand, looking him in the eye as she pleaded with him to cum in her mouth or over her face as her body jerked in response to Sean’s repeated thrusts.

Eventually, Keith couldn’t hold back any longer. Taking over from Seema, he urgently began wanking himself to completion, closing his eyes and heavily panting until his orgasm built and his strokes slowed. Finally, he pointed his tip at Seema’s wide-open mouth, and she felt the first long rope of his thick, salty jism land on her chest, chin, lips, and nose. But as Keith readjusted his aim, ready for his second blast, Seema prepared to get a mouthful.

“Urgh!” Keith cried as his second spurt landed on Seema’s extended tongue before dripping into the back of her throat. “Fuck, fuck, fuck!” he repeated as he shot two more bolts into Seema’s mouth before working out his final few drops over her cheeks and forehead.

Eventually, with only a final drop hanging from Keith’s foreskin, Seema licked it from his tip. He withdrew, spent, to an armchair as Seema scooped his semen up with her fingers and took it into her mouth, swallowing greedily.

Realising that three of the guys hadn’t seen any action yet, Seema called them over. “Come on, boys! I have an empty mouth, an empty arsehole, and two empty hands. Don’t be shy! Choose a hole and make me fucking airtight!”

Pushing Sean onto his back, she quickly straddled him in the Cowgirl position, easing his cock back inside her before pausing to remove her bra. Opening her legs wide and leaning forward, she pulled apart her cheeks, inviting one of the waiting men to plug her arsehole. 

“Come on! One at the back and two at the front. Stretch me like I’ve never been stretched before, you dirty bastards!”

Charles was the first to respond. He moved to the bed, pushing Sean’s legs together before kneeling astride them. Picking up the lube from the bed, he squeezed a liberal amount onto his tip before working it down his shaft. Neil and Martin watched as Charles wiped his fingers on Seema’s dark arsehole, then worked one finger inside.

“Don’t fuck about!” Seema cried. “A finger isn’t going to do it for me! Give me your cock, deep in my fucking arsehole, now!”

Chastened, Charles placed his tip on Seema’s anus, and in one swift movement, he thrust his long, thin pole into Seema’s waiting depths, making her gasp in a juxtaposition of pain and pleasure. Within seconds, he and Sean had found a steady, alternating rhythm, ensuring that at any one time, one or other of Seema’s holes was rammed full of throbbing cock.

“Fuck, yes!” Seema cried, enjoying the double-pounding she was receiving from Sean and Charles. “Now, give me some cock to suck!”

Neil and Martin walked around opposite sides of the bed, entranced by the sight of Charles’s cock repeatedly disappearing deep inside Seema’s dark arsehole. They climbed onto the bed, kneeling in front of her before proffering their rigid cocks.

“Mmm,” Seema said as she took Martin’s leaking cock in her mouth. “Lots of tasty precum.” She gripped it firmly at the root before drawing her hand towards the tip, prompting another thick, silvery drop to drip from his urethra onto her tongue. Having drained Martin of his pre-ejaculate, she turned her attention to Neil.

“Ooh! I think you’re packing more than the rest,” she said as she cupped his heavy balls in one hand, drawing his large, thick dick towards her face. “I can’t wait to feel this bad boy banging my arsehole.” She pulled back the stocky Scotsman’s foreskin and took him deep into her throat.

Seema loved the sensations emanating from the three dicks filling her holes simultaneously. As she took Martin’s firm length in her hand, slowly wanking him as he awaited his turn to fuck her, she felt sexy, slutty, and desirable, and Seema imagined what the judgemental old aunties at the temple would say if they knew this was how she got her kicks.

But she put such thoughts on hold as Charles began to show signs of reaching his climax. He was now crouched over Seema, gripping her hip with one hand and spanking her arse with the other as his deep thrusts gathered momentum.

“I’m going to cum,” he finally announced. “I’m going to fill your tight fucking arsehole with my spunk!” 

Seema felt him grip her hips tightly as he slammed his body against her bum cheeks, pausing momentarily and groaning as he released his first thick rope before withdrawing slightly and then driving a second spurt into her welcoming rectum. Soon, she felt his shaft throbbing inside her and the unmistakable warm sensation of his dick dribbling the remainder of his load into her colon.

Sean continued to pound her pussy from below, and Neil was still filling her mouth, so Seema was content for Charles to enjoy his final few moments of post-orgasmic bliss before she took another cock in her bum. With Sean sucking on her tits as he fucked her and her finger stroking Martin’s prostate, Seema had more than enough to keep her occupied. But as Charles withdrew, his cum dribbling onto Sean’s pistoning member, she immediately felt the need to be airtight once more. 

Seema withdrew her mouth from Neil’s cock. “You’ve waited long enough, Martin,” she said. “Come and get some pussy!”

She raised herself off Sean’s dick and swivelled her body around, straddling Sean in the Reverse Cowgirl position. Gripping his member in one hand, she eased Sean into her anus before lying back on his chest, welcoming his warm hands on her tits as she and Sean splayed their legs wide.

Martin quickly moved between Seema and Sean’s open legs, kneeling upright as he plunged his aching tip into Seema’s cum-spattered pussy. Gripping her thighs in the crook of his arm, he threw back his head in ecstasy as if he had been waiting for this moment all his life.

“How does it feel, Martin?” Seema asked earnestly. “Does my tight Indian cunt feel good wrapped around your cock, huh? Come on, fuck it hard! Fuck it and breed me with your thick, white cum!”

But even as Martin started fucking Seema, Sean was beginning to show the first signs of reaching his climax. Seema could hear his breathing becoming laboured, and his previously contented groans were becoming more pained as he ploughed her arsehole from below with even greater ferocity than he had her pussy. His hands were gripping her tits more tightly than before, and she wasn’t surprised when he whispered in her ear, “Shit! I’m going to cum!”

Sean moved his hands from Seema’s breasts to her thighs, pulling them towards him and splaying them wide as he sought maximum depth for his climax.

Martin temporarily withdrew, keen to watch as Sean finished himself off inside Seema.

“Yes, fill my arsehole with another load of thick, white cum!” Seema urged. “Don’t hold back! Give me a sackful deep in my filthy crack!”

Seema’s words pushed Sean over the edge, and within moments, he was violently shaking as he unloaded in a series of quick, shallow thrusts as Seema urged him on.

“Fuck, yes!” she cried as Sean heaved his hips upward, desperate to expel every drop of his seed into her tight depths. “Oh, God! I can feel your dick pulsing as it squirts your cum into my belly! Fuck, that’s good!”

Martin watched Seema, wide-eyed, foul-mouthed, and wickedly grinning as she felt another spurt of hot sperm sully her colon. “Shit! You’re going to want to see this, Martin!” Seema said as she noted the shocked look on his face. “When he pulls out, there’s going to be one fuck of a mess!”

As Sean’s orgasm ebbed, he gripped Seema’s thighs tightly and dropped his hips, pulling her off his cock. Martin and the guys standing at the end of the bed marvelled at her gaping red anus as it coughed Sean’s load onto his softening cock.

“Fuck! That’s a well-used arsehole!” Keith said, impressed.

But as far as Seema was concerned, it wasn’t well-used enough. Rolling off Sean, she stood up, walking over the cum-soiled sheets until she was standing on the edge of the bed. “Come on, Martin, Neil. We still have some unfinished business.”

Martin shuffled to the edge of the bed and stood on the floor in front of Seema. After wrapping her arms around his neck, she hooked one leg around his waist, and when she felt Martin’s arms support her weight, she jumped off the bed, wrapping both legs around his midriff. As she felt his tip pressing on her pussy, she lowered herself gently onto Martin’s throbbing dick.

“And you, Neil,” she said, beckoning him over.

Quickly catching on, Neil moved behind Seema, stroking the remaining flaccidity from his tool before taking her arse in his hands and spreading her cheeks wide.

Two thick loads of cum were more than sufficient lubrication for Seema to take even Neil’s huge cock easily. “Oh, my God!” she cried as Neil eased his length into her arsehole. “I have never been so packed full of dick in my life!”

Between the two strong men, supporting the slender MILF’s weight was easy, and as they both began thrusting inside her, Seema became heady with the sensations flowing through her ravaged body.

Sometimes the pressure of one cock or the other - she couldn’t tell which - on her bladder made her want to pee. Other times, the constant stimulation of her G-spot left her trembling in what felt like one endless orgasm, but as the guys began to quicken their thrusts as they sought their climax, Seema sensed that her gangbang was about to draw to a close.

“Yes, Martin,” she whispered, looking beseechingly into his eyes, “breed my Indian pussy and send me home to my husband with my breath stinking of spunk and both of my cheating holes flooded with cum. Do it, Martin! Empty your balls into me! Breed my fertile Indian cunt!”

The pained look on Martin’s face betrayed the onset of his orgasm, and Seema could feel his legs beginning to give way as his climax neared. Neil was also showing signs of pre-orgasmic desperation, and as Seema relaxed her holes, allowing both men maximum depth, she awaited her fourth and fifth loads with relish.

“Yes! Come for me!” she cried, knowing her smutty talk would push them over the edge. “Don’t hold back! Squirt your babies into my belly, you dirty fucking bastards!”

Immediately, Seema became firmly sandwiched between Martin and Neil as both guys simultaneously slammed their hips against her, pinning her firmly in place as their balls released their built-up pent into both of Seema’s slackened holes.




For the three men watching, it was impossible to tell which profanity came from which mouth as all three bodies had long since become a tangle of writhing, quivering limbs and sweaty, trembling flesh. But as Martin and Neil withdrew, setting Seema’s trembling body down on the floor, there could be no doubt from whence the following profanity emanated.

“Fuuuck!” Seema cried as she squatted, her hands on her knees, and released two long streams of semen onto the bedroom floor.


“Hello, Darling. Did you have a good evening?” Seema’s husband rose to kiss her as she walked into the lounge. She took him in her arms and kissed him deeply. “Hmm, I can tell you have! How many this time?” he asked, grinning.

“Five,” Seema replied. “Does that make me a total slut?”

Her husband thought about it momentarily as he gripped his wife tightly. “No, five gets you a long way there, but I think you need a sixth to seal the deal.”

Seema smiled. “I do love you, you cunt,” she said, kissing him again before taking his hand and leading him to the bedroom.


Written by NishasWorld
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