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Truth or Dare; post-graduate

"College friends reunite to play a game"

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The four of us, two girls, two guys, have been friends from our college days.  We dated each other once or twice, but nothing serious developed.  So we remained friends, just not lovers.  But even with friends, flirtations and sexual tension has a way of seeping into a relationship.  I especially liked one of the girls, Amy, a tall beauty, 5’8”, with auburn hair, an athletic build and lovely breasts.  She was just my type and I always hoped to get a privileged view of her beauty.  The other girl, Joanne, was not bad either:  blonde and blue eyed, with a shapely figure.  An opportunity arose when we met a year after our graduation, for the wedding of a mutual friend.  That night, after the wedding, we gathered in a hotel room for drinks.  After we were all light headed, I suggested a game. 

“We’ve all played Truth or Dare with other people.  Who don’t we do it ourselves?  It’s fun, and you always learn something about people that you didn’t know before.”

Joanne and Amy were agreeable, but they wanted to establish ground rules.  Dares could get pretty out of hand.  Among hormone-infused high schoolers, a typical dare is “Take off all your clothes and have sex with everyone in the room.”  We were college graduates, and more sophisticated.  They liked a leisurely paced game, with creative dares and questions that let the tension build.

“Sure,” I said.  “We’ll make it simple.  Dares cannot be dangerous or harmful and anything involving sex can’t be too gross.  But if you refuse a reasonable dare, or are unable to do it, or if you refuse or are unable to answer a reasonable truth question, you have to remove an article of clothes.  And you can only choose Truth twice in a row.” 

The last rule was because dares are where the most fun is.  The hard part of the game is to ask questions or pose challenges that lead the game along, to its end point.  Whatever you want that end point to be.

We decided that shoes and socks don’t count; each guy has 3 items of clothes, a shirt, slacks and underpants.  The girls insisted that women have four items, a blouse, a bra, slacks and panties.  Not unreasonable; they do have some more body parts that call for covering than men.

Bill and I (my name is Kevin) were agreeable.  So the game began. 

Joanne turned to me.  “What’s your choice? “

“Dare,” I said. 

She said, “Drink a large glass of water.”

“What?  That’s my dare?”  Did she not understand the game?

“Yes.  It’s a very simple request.  Do you refuse to do it?”  she said.

“Sure I’ll do it.  I just thought you’d have something more adventurous.”

“Just be patient,” she said, ominously.

So I drank the water.  It was a big glass.

It was my turn.  I asked Amy to choose.  


Truth:  “What’s your favorite sexual position?”

She smiled.  “I guess doggy style, when I’m on all fours, being entered from behind.”

We all chuckled, imagining the scene.  Maybe in a later dare?

Amy’s turn.  She queried Joanne. 


“Without removing your clothes, simulate how you masturbate, for 3 minutes.”

“I’m not ready for that folks.  Maybe with a few more drinks.  For now, I pass.”

“No problem, but you have to remove your blouse,” said Amy.

“I rather do that,” she said with a smile.  She removed the blouse, and revealed an attractive push up blue bra.

Bill turned to Amy.  She said truth.

“What is your best body part?”

She smiled. “I guess my breasts.  They are firm, round and, modesty aside, spectacular.”

We all looked of course, and at least with clothes on, she spoke the truth.  I wondered if I could suggest she was lying, and prove it.  But I hadn’t made that part of the rules.  Maybe next time. 

Joanne’s turn:  She asked Bill.

“Truth,” he said.

“Would you consider having sex with a man?”

He hesitated.   He didn’t want to sound homophobic, but still…

“Sorry, no.  The idea is pretty weird.  I mean, I really prefer women.”

I asked Amy to choose.


“What do you like best about me – if anything?”

She smiled.  I think she didn’t want to say something obvious like body parts, so she said “You can be devious – in a charming way.”  

So true, as we’d later confirm.  Amy turned to me.

“Dare.”  I said. 

“Drink another glass of water.”

What?  Were the girls plotting something?  I was starting to suspect what was going on, as my bladder was already pretty full.  But I guess it could have been worse.  I drank.

It was Bill’s turn.  He turned to Joanne to choose.


“Swap bras with Amy, in front of us.”

Amy was okay with that, and she slipped off her bra from beneath her clothes.  We didn’t get to see much.  Joanne, who had already lost her blouse, hurriedly removed her bra and took Amy’s.  We got a glimpse of her breasts as she hooked it. 

The game went on.  I was getting mighty uncomfortable.  I really needed to pee.  I started to get up to go to the bathroom when Joanne stopped me.

“You can’t leave the game in the middle.  Just be patient.”

It was Joanne’s turn.   She challenged Amy.


“Find a penis.  Without removing all clothes, if it is soft, make it hard.  If it is hard, make it soft.”

We laughed.  Amy smiled and looked at both of us guys and our groins. 

“You,” she said to me.  “Stand up and lower your pants.”

I stood.  She began to massage the groin through my underwear.  My penis rose in an instant.

“That’s not fair,” said Joanne.  “That was the easiest dare ever.”

Everyone agreed; I was too easy.  Not my fault, though.  I wondered (hoped) if that dare would be repeated.  For now, I stood there with a bulge in my clothes, and very unfulfilled.

My turn.  I challenged Amy.


“Choose someone’s lap, and have your bare bottom spanked for 30 seconds.”

Amy gulped.  To whom would she expose her bottom for some pain?

She crossed over to Joanne, and lay over her lap.  Joanne slid down the pants and undies, and, rather gently to our minds, spanked the firm, curved bottom.  I’d seen Amy in a bathing suit before, but the beauty of the backside fully exposed was very exciting.

It was Amy’s turn.   She asked me to choose.


“Pee into a bottle.”

I was surprised and immediately knew I had been set up.  My penis was still hard.  I definitely had to pee, but I couldn’t do it while erect.  I rose and tried to see if the penis would cooperate, but the act of doing this only made it harder.  I know I could not do the challenge.  I had to lose an article of clothes. 

She was kind to me.   “Lose the shirt.”

I rearranged my trousers and removed the shirt.

Bill turned to Amy.  “Choose”


“Telephone your mother and say that you want to have a ‘birds and the bees’ talk with her.”

“NO WAY!”  she exclaimed.  “That ‘s horrible.  She once tried to talk to me about that and we both ended up embarrassed.”

“No problem,”  Bill said.  “Just remove your blouse.”

Amy removed the blouse and exposed a lace bra that mostly covered her ample breasts.

It was Joanne’s turn to ask someone.  She chose Bill.

“Dare,” he said.

“Do whatever is necessary to ease Kevin’s erection so he can pee.”

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Pretty sly on her part.  She had learned from the earlier Truth question that he would be loath to touch another male. 

“Sorry,” said Bill.  “That’s a bridge too far.  Unless you’re gay, man to man stuff is pretty forbidden.”

 Joanne laughed.  “I thought that would be the case.  Lose the pants.”

Bill removed his slacks and revealed Speedo underwear.  His equipment was fully outlined in those tight fitting briefs. 

It was my turn to ask.  I targeted Amy, sitting there in her bra.  If I could find something she didn’t want to do, another item of clothes would be gone.  Amy chose Dare

I smiled as I said: “In my backpack is a Jerky stick, made of pork.  Eat it.” 

“That’s terrible!  You know I keep kosher.  I’m not allowed to eat pork!”

“Yes,” I said, “I know.  But a dare is supposed to be about things you don’t normally do.  Should I challenge you to eat a bagel with lox and cream cheese?”

She was trapped.  “I can’t eat pork,” she said glumly.

At my direction, she removed her skirt.  She now was only dressed in her panties and bra.  That figure that I always lusted after was as lovely as I anticipated. 

It was Amy’s turn.  I knew I was going to be the target after my not-very-nice kosher trick.

In the spirit of the game, I chose Dare.

“Send a naked selfie to your boss.”

Gulp.  “You know I can’t do that.  I’ll get fired.”

Amy smiled.  “And you know I can’t eat pork.  Get rid of those slacks.”

I removed the slacks.  I was dressed only in my briefs now.  And I still had most of the erection from before.  The briefs bulged outward.

My turn.  I directed it to Amy, who chose Truth.

“Tell us if your breasts are bigger than Joanne’s.”

Amy paused. 

“I’ve seen Joanne naked in the gym shower, but I never really paid that much attention.  I’m not sure; I guess I just don’t know.”

I had her.  While candor about not knowing something is admirable in most life situations, it was not under the rules of our Truth or Dare. 

“Sorry Amy, but that is a failure to answer the question.  You’ll need to lose an article of clothes.”

“Wait a minute,” Amy protested.  “ I answered truthfully.  I’

mjust not sure of the answer.”

Joanne backed me up.  “The rules are that if you are unable to answer a reasonable question, you lose.”  Joanne knew the consequence of that failure, and I think she was curious to find out herself about Amy’s breast size.

“Does that mean the bra?” Amy asked.

“Yes, Amy, lose the bra.”

She hesitated, and with a pout on her face, she took off the bra.  Her spectacular breasts were on display, and they deserved the accolade.  Now we could judge for ourselves the question of size.

I went over to her and cupped her breast in my hand.  “Let’s see what the answer to that question is.”   Then I went to Joanne and did the same, although she still had her bra on.  I pretended to be perplexed. 

“Brad, I think I need a second opinion.”

The girls looked at each other.  Our ploy was pretty obvious, but they went along.

Brad did the same measures, taking plenty of time to examine the issue carefully.  Then said, diplomatically, that it was a tie.

The game continued.  Amy only wore her panties.  Joanne had lost the blouse.  I was in my briefs.  Bill was missing his slacks. 

I asked Joanne to choose.  She chose Truth, perhaps suspecting that my tricky dare questions were causing a too quick reduction of garments.

“What most about love making with a man excites you sexually.”

“I love men who are sexually aggressive, and dominate me, without being cruel.”

I certainly made a mental note of that.

The game continued.

Bill was dared to masturbate through his shorts in front of everyone.  He declined and lost his shirt.  I think the presence of me, a male, and the whole gay thing, had something to do with his modesty.  If it had only been women…

I was still thinking about Joanne’s comment about being dominated.  I asked her to choose and she foolishly chose Dare.

“Allow Bill to bind your hands behind your back while I grope your breasts.”

Her eyes grew wide.  I suspected she would love being bound like that.

“OK,” she said, a little timidly but excitedly.

Bill went behind her and held her hands.  He leaned her back, while I stood in front.  I ran my hands up her stomach to her bra and massaged the breasts through the bra.  She breathed heavily and moaned as I circled the nipples then ran my hands around the outside of the breasts.  She stood helpless as I did what I wished to her.  She did not seem distressed about it. 

 Amy asked me to choose.  I chose Dare.

“Text your last girlfriend and tell her you loaned the nude photos you took of her to someone, and you think they’re going to be published.”

Gulp.  She had me.  She knew I could never do that to my former girlfriend.  And how did she know I had those photos?

“I can’t do that,”  I said

Amy smiled.  “Hand me those shorts.”

I was the first one naked.  This is not how I had planned the evening, but it was very stimulating.  If my erection was ever going to go away, it wasn’t now with everyone staring at me.  And I still needed to pee.  A lot. 

I was laser focused on Amy, who was only wearing panties.  What could I devise to cause her to lose another item of clothes?

She choose Truth, certainly understanding that one more horrible dare stood between her and nudity.

I asked, “Tell me how many people you’ve had sex with in your life.”

Amy paused.  I could see her counting in her mind.  “Four.”

I can count too.  That was her second Truth question in a row.  She’d have to choose Dare the next time.  And I’d be waiting.

We were getting into the swing of the game.  Joanne dared Bill to lick whipped cream off of her stomach, which he gladly did. 

Bill queried Joanne, who choose Truth. 

“Have you ever had group sex?” he asked.

Her answer:  “I’ve never had the opportunity… so far.”

That was an intriguing answer. 

It was my turn.  I turned to Amy.  “Choose”

“Truth,” she said.

“Sorry, actually you had two Truths in a row.  This has to be a dare.”

Her eyes got wide.  She was only dressed in her panties, and she knew I’d have some diabolical dare for her.  I did.

“Telephone your grandmother and tell her you think you’re pregnant.”

Her eyes got wide and she shrieked.  “My God, she’d have a heart attack.  I could never look her in the eye again.”

“I’m sure you’re right.  That’s going to cost you the panties.”

Finally.  With a glance of defiance toward me, she stood up, pulled down the panties and tossed them in my direction.


I admired the lovely tuft of hair covering her pubic area.  Now she and I were naked.  Bill was dressed only in his underwear.  Joanne was practically overdressed, having lost only her blouse.  Bill took care of that with his next dare, directed to her.

“Do a strip tease for us down to your panties.”

Joanne smiled.  The game was turning all of us on, and she agreed.  We put some music on, and she danced for us, slowly shedding the skirt, the bra and then, as a bonus, the panties.  Three of us were naked.  Bill couldn’t resist and he pulled off his shorts.  I went to Amy, he went to Joanne.  We fell upon each other, kissing, groping, laughing.  We made love, slowly, joyfully.  Then each couple lay huddled together naked under a blanket, feeling the warmth of our bodies pressed together. 

Mission accomplished.  Isn’t that the goal behind Truth or Dare?

After Amy and I finished, I was finally able to pee.  That was almost as much satisfaction as the act that freed me to do it. 

We have another friend getting married next February.  I know it will be great to get together again.  I’m already thinking about new dares for Amy.  She’s warned me that she’s got some doozies for me.  OK -- game on.

© Calem Geyser, 2020.

Written by NotHemingway
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