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The Swinger Confessions: Room 515

"Robert and Coco turn fantasy into reality"

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“Sexy Coco, I have a fantasy.” Robert said as he rubbed my back seductively.

“Tell me about it baby.”

“I want to tie you up, blindfold over your eyes, and make you my sexual slave for hours on end. I will do with you all that I please.”

He elaborated on his fantasy as his hands drifted down to massage the crack of my ass.

“Well, that will have to remain a fantasy, baby, at least for now!” I moaned as his hands were replaced by his tongue.

Now I would be remiss if I didn’t tell you that I love a strong stiff tongue stroking along the crack of my ass. And my Robert, well, he possesses one helluva tongue!

Robert continued his molestation of my ass, his actions created moans and groans of satisfaction to escape my lips. He turned my body over and began an oral exploration of my womanhood.

His lips nipped at my labia, he ran his teeth down one side and up the other and his efforts resulted in a subtle sigh. Unable to resist my body’s desire for more, Robert nibbled his way to my core where he stuck his tongue into my pussy.

He fucked me with his tongue until I grabbed his head and screamed.

“More, baby, I need more!”

Robert looked at me, and said “My fantasy, you need to tell me that we can do it, or no more loving for you. Tell me!”

Unable to resist, I yelled at him. “You finish this shit, or you will get nothing!”

Robert knew that I was serious, and promptly sat up, mounted me and drove me over the edge.


I was thinking about the night before and I begin to laugh softly. This man gives me everything that I need, yet I still push the envelope. We both do. It is in our nature and somewhat out of our control.

And tonight, ahh tonight is to be a night of sexual mischief. Raven and Benny, our dates for the evening, are going to join us for some fun. Raven, is a friend of Trisha’s, she and Benny have been married for seven years and both are about four years older than Robert.

Trisha introduced Raven and I at a girls’ only night that she hosted some time ago. On that night, Raven spent hours ravaging my body. The three of us so, so, so gone with want, need, and greed for each other that Trisha encouraged the other guests to leave earlier than expected feigning a headache. And the three of us spent the rest of the night and the next day pleasing each other until we could no longer do so. A single girls’ night turned into a weekend of threesome fun!

Raven is a petite woman with girl next door looks and a sexual appetite so demented that she is impossible to resist. Her husband is an unassuming man that at first glance would appear a little dull in the bedroom. I’ve been told not to overlook his prowess and am surprisingly looking forward to our evening together.

When we met, Raven and I discovered that we have similar interests when it comes to sexual fantasies. And tonight we will satisfy one of her urges.



I enter the hotel bar dressed to the nines, black leather skirt, a tight red sweater, legs encased in thigh high hosiery, and five inch patent leather stilettos adorn my feet. I’m on a mission, and the glint in my eye reads as predatory. I scan the length of the bar and seeing just what I want; I sit down and order a long island iced tea. It doesn’t take long for a man to approach.

“May I buy you a drink?” An older gentleman offers.

“I have one, thank you. Are you looking for someone?” I ask but I know he is not here for me.

“Yes, I am looking for you.”

I startle at his response, I blink and state, “Surely you’re mistaken.”

“No darling, I am looking to take a beautiful woman to my room and fuck her into the stratosphere.”

A throaty laugh escapes me, and I say, “I am not that woman, but truly, I’m flattered. Thank you.” He leaves me with a sexy smile plastered on his lips.

A strong hand brandishes the back of my neck and squeezes. “Are you flirting? Are you distracted?” He sits next to me and shifts my barstool to face him.

I uncross my legs Basic Instinct style to show him just how distracted I am.

“Tell me, what you want from this evening.” I ask.

“We’ve discussed it, and you are well aware.” It is all the response I require.


I enter the hotel lobby with a little trepidation. This is off the normal track for me and I try to relax. Sensing that I need to settle down, I grab a magazine and have a seat in the lobby.

I feel fabulous in my black skirt, white men’s inspired blouse, and strappy sandals. I’ve always thought one must look good to truly feel sexy. And I feel sexy. Tonight is for me and I will revel in the upcoming adventures.

I see a man out of the corner of my eye and an instant arousal surfaces in my loins.

I remain in my seat as there is no hurry. All of this begins when I say it begins and for now, I must remain calm. Room 515 is where things will happen tonight and I will begin my ascent there soon.


I know that it is time, but what woman in the position that I am currently in, could get up and leave at this point?

“Do you mind moving your hand?”

In response to my Basic Instinct move, he placed his hand on my sex, taking liberties that I don’t recall giving him. I obviously did or I wouldn’t be having this debate in my head. I am wet and hungry for sex.

However, tonight is not about me. Well, in a way it is, but this is for Raven. We all have a role to play.

“I do mind, sweetheart, you knew exactly what you were doing with that move. And you’re not wearing underwear, shame on you, dirty girl.”

I don’t have time for this, I really don’t. Get up Coco, remove yourself from this spot and get to the room.

Room 515 is arranged for our fun this evening. I want things to go smoothly, so I gather the strength to resist this man, stand, pay for my drink and leave the bar.

He follows me.


I see Coco as she leaves the bar. There is a man moving at a fast pace behind her. I can’t tell who the man is, he’s moving too quickly. I know that it is nearing the time for me to move.

Yet, I am transfixed in this seat. Is this what I truly want? My mind reels in anticipation, the thought has my juices flowing like Niagara Falls. Yeah, hell yeah! I want this.

I sit up and pull myself together; I toss the magazine on the table beside the chair and I stand. I look around the room for something or someone, I don’t know what the hell for, these people have no idea what’s going through my mind.

I make my way towards the elevators, I stop to adjust my skirt, and then I continue my way to the elevator when I feel a presence.

I press the elevator button.

I take in a sharp breath and I realize that this is about to happen. Smiling to myself, I await the ding, signaling the arrival of the lift.


We both step into the elevator at the same time. Noticing his mistake, the man apologizes and allows me to enter ahead of him. There is something about this dark gentleman, he is stunning. A thought of familiarity rings in my head and I think of my friend’s fiancé. This man is built like Robert, but it can’t be. Robert does not have facial hair, nor does he have graying hair at his temples. I wish this man would look at me again. Coco’s Robert has a very distinctive eye color, if he would just turn my way, I could take a look at his eyes.

I press the button for the fifth floor and he leans over and presses the seventh floor button. I relax and lean back into the wall of the lift.

The ascent to the fifth floor is swift, and the ding releases me to my fate. The door opens and I exit the lift. I begin walking the hall towards Room 515.

At that point I notice two things, first the slowness of the door closing on the elevator and two, I am no longer alone in the hallway.

The man is swiftly approaching me. I quicken my pace but before I can open the door to the room, the man grabs me from behind.

An arm is around my upper torso and a hand is covering my mouth. I scream and at the same time, I am forced into the room.


I enter into the room with the man. He studies me for a moment then lunges for me. Capturing me in his embrace, he pushes me forward and into the wall. Again I feel his meaty hand at my sex and violently he forces two fingers into my warmth.

“Stop it, fucking stop this shit! This is not about you, you agreed to a role and you must play it. You have to see this through!”

“I want you.” It is stated simply and it calms me.

“You will have your chance, now slow down and think.” I am intrigued by him.

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He settles and relaxes himself. He turns to look around the room for a place to hide. Finding a closet large enough for him to hide, he enters it and waits.

I sit in a chair to wait. I didn’t have to wait for long.


I scream and bite into this stranger’s hand. I am terrified, but adrenaline is flowing through my system. I am not a big girl, I stand at a mere 5 ft 3” and on any given day, I weigh about 105 pounds. This man is well over 6 feet and has me completely at his mercy. I fight against him as he lifts me and tosses me onto a bed; a breath leaves my body in a whoosh. I am frightened.

I feel his hands at the base of my skirt; which is forcibly removed from my body. Torn, I scream again, only to be silenced by his harsh kiss. My scream is nothing as he inhales it into his mouth.

His hands continue to assault my body, my shirt is ripped exposing my bra and I can feel his breath on my neck. I scrape at his face and realize that his facial hair is not real and I shake my head in confusion.

His hands grasp at my bra, ripping it from me. I am so aroused by his actions…wait. I must slow down. I wasn’t expecting this, and yet, this is exactly what I envisioned when I told Coco and Trisha of my fantasy.

I continue to get abused by this man. I halt my struggle realizing that there is no need to fight.

He continues to roughly manhandle me and then… Oh my God, he enters me with such force, such disregard for my person that I find myself screaming again.

He fucks me. Hard. Primal need and want fuels through me. He fucks me with animalistic force, each penetration making an imprint into my pelvis.

There is nothing gentle about this man…


I am watching in the corner, she cannot see me. No light has been turned on in this room; all of us are but shadows of movement.

Robert is manhandling her from the instant he forced her into the room. It is a magnificent showing of controlled aggression. I am in awe of his acumen. One of the very things that make me love this man is his sense of control. I am witnessing it now. He knows when to push, just as he knows when to be a student in patience.

He is fucking our date. He is fucking her extremely well and at this very moment, I wish I was her.

No, I am not jealous. It is a huge turn on to me and the evidence of such is pooling between my thighs.

I watch as she climaxes onto my man’s dick.

Raven’s fantasy is to be taken violently by a couple. I have a role to play here as well, but I have been delaying taking part.

I should have entered the scene much earlier to put her at ease.

She knew about a man meeting us in the room, but I took control of the plan and flipped the script a bit.

You see, the man was to be a random man, a person chosen by me. But there was no way I could allow some idiot to take advantage of the two of us.

And so I had Robert disguise himself as someone she would not know. And I assumed that she would notice him in the elevator.

Her husband is in the closet watching and she thinks that he is away on business. Clever girl that I am, I spoke to her husband and discovered that he would love to be in on this.

One would think that hearing this fantasy, a husband would be angry, but he is not. He loves Raven and wants to allow her this fantasy.


I reach up towards this man’s face to remove the hair, I want to see the real him. I sit up and look into his eyes.

Coco’s Robert; it is him. His eyes have given him away. Where is she, I want her here with me now.

“Coco, please come here.” I state as my body is ravished by her man.

“Yes Raven?”

“You owe me doll, this is really good but you owe me.”

I jump onto the bed with her and kiss her thoroughly.

“Ray, I have a surprise for you.” I leave the bed and rush over to the closet where her husband is hiding.

I push the door all the way open and discover a naked Benny with his erect penis in hand.

“Go to her, go fuck your wife. She wants this; we have spoken about it extensively. Do what you wish with her and use her up.”


I watch as Benny joined in the sexing of his wife . He walked over to his wife kissed her softly on the forehead and placed his dick in her mouth. He pumped in and out of her mouth with enthusiasm and not long after his arrival to the action, both men pumped their loads into Raven.

I crept over to the bed watched as my man exited from her and I took him into my mouth.

Raven is not quite ready to end this play.

I slide underneath my man and Raven positions herself between my legs and began to taste of my goodness. I will definitely give this girl her due, she deserves it after me curtailing her fantasy and now pleasing me so well.

She works her fingers into my love nest and tongues my clit until I squirm beneath her. I choke on Robert’s dick as I climaxed into Raven’s lovely mouth.

We all fall onto the bed and sleep for a few hours.


Raven awakens and wakes everyone up. She wants to talk about the night. She looks scrumptious. Hair askew, mascara smeared and dried in teardrops, smile plastered to her face and gloriously naked.

“Benny, I love you. And I thank you for loving me enough to experience this. But since we are here and I know Coco & Robert love to play, there is something that I want. All of you hear me out.”

We sit and listen. And I think to myself, this Raven, she may be a friend, well a friend with benefits for life.

I move over to her, and take her breast into my mouth. I suckle and pull, I bite and nip, and loving the feel of her nipple in my mouth I moan my satisfaction and raise my head for a breath.

I linger and take my fingers and ease them into her pinkness. I enjoy the feel of a woman, the soft curves, the smoothness inside, and the wetness. The wetness, its texture and its aroma always seem to drive me wild.

I move and taste her. I place the pad of thumb onto her clit and apply a gentle pressure. Her little nub responds to my touch and her body quakes at my touch. I am preparing her for something. I slide my face down her body and allow my tongue to slither around her asshole.

Her juices slide from her and I rub them into her ass. I stroke with my tongue, determined to give her what she wants.

The men stand at the ready, watching this fine display of girl on girl sexiness unfold before them. Each of them stimulated to the point of heightened arousal.

Not wanting to feel left out, both men approach Raven’s face. She obliges them both by taking one in her mouth and the other in her hand.

I force my finger into her ass, probing and pleasing her body. I stroke to loosen her anus for anal sex. Raven often requests this of her husband, but until now he has refused. He will take her now. I lift up and smile.

She is ready; she moves herself into doggy position and sticks her ass out. Her husband gets behind her and presses his member at her hole.

This is for Raven and she wastes no time in enjoying the limelight. The girl sucks him into her and with only a small scream, and she pushes forcefully into her husband. Their pace is frantic and again I find myself watching.

I began to experience the need for my own primal fucking. Robert reaches for me and I move so that I can take his maleness into my pussy. I love to fuck this man. I love to love this man. He does things to me that no other can and right now, he is fucking me well. As I near my orgasm I look into Robert’s face and say “Please baby.”

He knows what I want and grants my wish.

He takes two fingers, places them into his mouth, removes them and shoves them up my ass. Pain so great quakes through my body and I shudder and groan in response. He fucks my ass with his fingers, slowing his pace inside my pussy. And as he grows accustomed to doing both at once, he regains his pace in my pussy and I meld into his strokes.

I look over to Raven and realizing that we are both about to climax, I grab her hair and pull. I want her to cum with me and express this loudly.

Her husband thrusts into her wildly and Robert pumps into me and with no regard for tenderness, Raven reaches around and pulls my nipple.

My orgasm rushed through me with such fullness that a single tear escapes my eyelid. Raven grunts around her climax and we both look at each other and laugh.

I clench down on Robert’s dick and he utters a curse in response before pulling out and emitting his release onto my body.

Not to be outdone, Benny receives a slight bounce from his wife and blows his load into her ass.

Raven and I look at each other and grin, laughter escaping our lips like schoolgirls.

For a planned role play, this has been some stellar fucking. I look toward the ceiling of Room 515 and mumble, “Yeah, I’d do this again!”

Written by Coco
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