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The Second School. Part Four


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The Second School. Part Four.

It was the following year that Ann went down with appendicitis. We had said our goodbyes to our class and also just finished our ritual fight on the mats, myself getting that now vicarious thrill at seeing Ann being fucked by Peter. His big cock sliding in and out her as he brought her to an orgasm before coming himself. We’d also progressed so far that after he’d come inside of Ann and me coming inside of Penny, we would swap partners and Peter and I would both suck on our respective cocks while the two girls sought to drink and eat each other to take out our sperm to savour before swallowing.

It was during breakfast that Ann then complained of a pain in her stomach, the first thought of all of us was that it might be something to do with pregnancy. But a quick examination by the doctor that we called diagnosed it for what it was and immediately fixed for an ambulance to call for her to go to hospital.

While we waited, we talked about what should we do about the next coming intake of pupils. Ann wasn’t really in that much pain that she couldn’t talk about it, and it was her who suggested that we take up Kathy’s offer of help.

Kathy, if you remember was the half Chinese girl that had fallen in love with me but lost out to Ann. We’d had her note at the wedding reception and this was to whom Ann was referring.

‘But you know what will happen if she comes back here?’ I said to her.

‘I know darling,’ Ann replied, giving a grimace as another pain stabbed her stomach, her hand tightening in mine. ‘Better a devil you know that one you don’t. Have sex with her, I know you need it all the time and I won’t be able to give you any for quite some weeks now. As long as you spend the night in bed to hold me, you can have her anytime during the day, but the night’s my time, understood?’ I did and got an erection of the thought of having Kathy again. Her breasts were much smaller than Ann’s, but she was still a good screw and gave good head too. ‘As I said, better the devil you know,’ Ann continued, ‘Besides, I think she will be good as a teacher as well as seeing to your needs,’ as her hand brushed my erection under my sarong. ‘Go give her a call. We’ve still a few more minutes before the ambulance arrives.’

So I scuttled off upstairs with a bit more haste than was seemly to find that note and ring the telephone number that she had written down. It took several minutes before she came on the line and positively gushed down the phone that I had called her. When I managed to get speaking and tell her of our problem, she said that she would be down the very next day, and I could tell by her voice that she was very excited at being offered the post, though temporarily, of teacher and that she knew she would get the chance of having her way with me.

It was settled and I got back downstairs just as the ambulance arrived. I then had to shoot back upstairs and quickly dress as they took Ann out on a stretcher and was just in time to go with her to the hospital. I thought that she would have been operated on there and then, but they didn’t. They would see to all other little things first and they would do the removal the next day, so I stayed with her for the rest of the day as she went through various tests before saying a tearful goodbye and the promise that I would be there first thing in the morning.

When I got back to the hospital the next morning, she’d already had the operation and was in the recovery room. I waited and fretted and it wasn’t till the afternoon that she was awake enough to be able to talk without falling asleep. We kissed and talked and she asked if Kathy had arrived, to which I said I didn’t know as I’d been there at the hospital all day.

‘You poor thing,’ she said slowly as she stroked my face. ‘You look positively worn out, that’s why I thought Kathy might have arrived.’ I couldn’t help but laugh at this and called her a silly thing for thinking such thoughts at a time like this.

It was late afternoon when they threw me out saying that I could return the following day to visit when she would be much better. So after a long loving kiss we said goodbye and she whispered that I was to give her love to Kathy if she was there at the school when I returned.


She was. She’d arrived sometime during the afternoon and she was remembered by Peter and Penny when she presented herself at the door. They had taken her upstairs and saw her into our spare bedroom and to their amusement, watched as she couldn’t wait to get out of her clothes and don a sarong to be dressed the same as they were.

When I entered the school, coming from the hospital, she was just coming down the stairs, and positively flew down the last few steps and flung herself into my arms. It was a gorgeous welcome to see her bounding down half naked with her arms wide open and a smile to beat all smiles as she jumped up at me, kissing me and talking so fast that I didn’t catch a word.

I swung her around in my arms, feeling her tight breasts against my covered chest and could wait to get upstairs to feel them properly.

I’d been without sex for two days and she, well probably longer, because she was tearing my clothes off as soon as we got into her room. I was still trying to get my shirt off as she had me in her mouth, sucking for all she was worth. The trouble was, she was still trying to talk at the same time. Eventually, all the clothes were off as well as her sarong and we were down on the carpet and I was up inside, fucking her like there was no tomorrow. Her eyes were alight with fire as we pounded into each other, moving over the carpet, her mouth kissing me as fast and as quick as she could as my cock tried to keep up with her body movements. I know she came twice before I was even near ready, and that wasn’t far off from the time I entered her hot little body. It was strange but yet nice to have the small firm tits against my chest instead of the big soft ones and I soon came in time with her third coming. Only then did she seem to quieten down and let us both savour of our coming together for, what, two years or so.

‘Thank you for asking me to come,’ she said in her lilting voice.

‘You’ve come more than once,’ I smiled at her, giving my cock another twitch up inside her as I lay on top.

‘How is Ann? It being very remiss of me for not asking that question first,’ she said giving her vaginal muscles a little exercise along the length of my still erect cock.

‘Well and happy that you agreed to come and help us out in our moment of trouble.’

‘I’m glad I came,’ giving me another internal squeeze, ‘and that Ann doesn’t mind me looking after you while she cannot.’

‘I’m glad too that you came, and I think I’m about to come again myself if you don’t mind,’ I said.

‘Oh Will. I still do love you,’ she said as her arms held me tight, and I could see tears in her eyes. ‘Make me a happy woman and come again.’

This I did, but took it slow this time and gave her another orgasm before coming myself. I bent my head and kissed her slow and with as much passion as I could muster to let her know that in spite of being married to Ann, I still loved this little Eurasian girl beneath me.

She loved our showering together and she saw to the washing of my genitals with the utmost care and afterwards when we were dressed in clean sarongs, went downstairs and had dinner with Peter and Penny.

She positively bubbled throughout the whole meal and it was very pleasant and I think that it amused Peter and Penny. They knew the score having had to, I won’t say intervene, but they knew of the problem of Kathy’s infatuation and love of me when we were students in their class.

‘Was it wise of Ann to suggest Kathy?’ Penny asked me in an aside.

‘Ann is wiser than you think,’ I replied. ‘She knows that Kathy would jump hoops for me, but she knows that Kathy is being given another chance of a little happiness without losing me. It sounds smug, but that’s the truth, and Ann knew this or knows that she’ll always have my heart, even if it does stray a little bit at times,’ giving her hand a squeeze. ‘That is what you taught her, wasn’t it?’ I asked with a raised eyebrow.

‘I think that somehow, I’ve been hoisted on my own petard,’ Penny answered with a laugh. ‘You are a devil Will Smythe and that’s no lie, and I also love you, for what it’s worth.’ I took her hand and gave it a squeeze and then we joined in the table’s talk.

For once, Kathy was quiet and subdued as we said goodnight outside of the dining room as she solemnly shook hands with Penny and Peter, and my heart went out to this diminutive person next to me that was holding my hand.

‘I hope that I can be as good a teacher as you two are and I will have you to thank if can be.’ It was such a contrast for this demure creature by my side to say this with such a straight face. They wished us goodnight as they went off to their rooms and I took Kathy along to mine.

It was too late to turn back when I realised that I had unconsciously led her through to what was Ann’s and my room where the big double bed was, but once we’d gone through the door I knew I couldn’t turn back towards her room. So it was in our bed that I again coupled with Kathy and brought her to two orgasms to my one before she went down and sucked out my residue before coming up to kiss me and again profess her love for me.

It took all night for me to tell her that though I loved her, Ann would still be first. I think the clincher was when I told her that it was Ann who said that I should phone her to come and help out.

‘Ann loves you as much as I do, and it almost broke her heart that she had to break yours when she agreed to marry me. That is how much she loves you. When she knew of this what is happening now, you were the first and only person she thought of to take her place as it were.’

I had Kathy really crying before I finished, and in spite of the tears, she took me round the world in a sexual bout that lasted till dawn.


‘Kathy’s arrived,’ was the greeting I got from Ann when I turned up at the hospital the next morning. ‘I can see when you’ve been fucked out of your mind.’

‘Ann, my darling. You’re right as always, but you have my heart, you know that,’ I said with a little laugh as I kissed her. ‘You see right through me every time, but my heart you will always have.’

‘Was she as good as she was before?’ Ann asked.

‘I must admit that the teaching that she received at the school was of such a quality, that, yes, she’s better. But! But, she’ll never outdo you in that particular field,’ I said as I kissed her. We then went on to talk about herself and how she felt and all that. It turned out they were going to keep her in for a few more days which meant that she would be coming out just a day before our new lot of students were due to arrive.

So I had another four days, well really nights with Kathy because I spent most of my day time with Ann. Peter and Penny did our interviews so that I could stay with Ann, but Kathy had my nights while she was in hospital.

We fucked and frolicked and I then had to call a halt to tell her the true facts that when Ann came home, I would be in her bed at night.

‘But I can have you during the day?’ she begged. To this I said yes, for the next six weeks at least. ‘Then let’s make the next six weeks be a lifetime,’ she said as she mounted me again.

I was pooped out before we’d even begun the next class intake. I must say that Kathy took to being on the teaching side like a duck to water. She had no inhibitions when it came to stripping off for the first time in front of our new class and even insisted, with a little hand help, to raise me up to demonstrate a point in the opening talk about the erogenous zones. The class collectively gasped when she went down and gave me a suck to prove it. It embarrassed me at the time, but it enhanced both of our standings with them, as all the girls wanted to do the same to me over the next three weeks.


It was on our second day of the new class that I took time off to go to the hospital to bring Ann home. I got her upstairs and saw that she was comfortable in bed before I went back downstairs to tell Kathy that Ann was now home. She knew then that she would no longer have me at night, but she was determined to have me before I did finally retire for the night to be with Ann.

As soon as the class finished for the day, Kathy shot upstairs to see Ann. I wasn’t present, but Ann told me later in bed what transpired.

‘That girl is besotted with you, you sex hungry fiend,’ Ann said as I settled down with her. I had her in my arms as she told me of Kathy’s visit. ‘She really loves you you know,’ she said.

‘I know,’ I said. ‘But I made it quite clear that you had my heart and that was it. She might have, at times, my body, but my heart was with you.’

‘You’ve repeated yourself, but I believe you, otherwise I would never had suggested her to come and help out,’ she said as she snuggled in my arms. ‘In fact. If I hadn’t believed you, she would have been the last person I would have named.’

‘You little darling,’ I said as I kissed her, taking care of her stomach. Then our talk went on to about her operation and how long it would be before I could put my body across it again for us to join together again as man and wife.

So Kathy became my surrogate wife during the day, while Ann was the true wife at night upstairs in our quarters. Unbeknown to me, Kathy also became a surrogate husband to Ann as she became better. When I was down seeing to the bar in the evening, Kathy took my place in my bed and gave Ann sexual pleasure in the way that it placed no strain on her stomach and the stitches which had since been removed. A woman giving her love in the way that they can only give to another female.

We were into our second class when this took place. Kathy was there with me on the podium, rousing me up yet again to demonstrate a point in the erogenous zones lecture, much to the amusement of the class and the wishes of the females present that they could also have a taste or touch of me.

With us having a full complement of students each time, we had time to have each other over that six weeks to both of our mutual satisfaction. It was the extra attention that Kathy gave to Ann that I missed out on.

It was a massive subterfuge that she had embarked on, and to give her credit, it worked. She wanted me, but the only way she could do this, apart from murder, was to at least share me with Ann. So she set out to seduce Ann and in this she succeeded that I finished up with a fait accompli.


But I’ve transgressed a bit further than I should, because we still had our usual combat exercise at the end of the students course. Though we were awoken again by Peter and Penny coming into our bedroom, it was accepted that Ann still wasn’t fit enough to take part. So Ann told us to get Kathy out of bed and see how she would cope with taking on her ex-teachers in unarmed combat.

She was a bit bewildered when she was dragged out of bed and Ann told her the rules and what would happen. Then she was all for it. So the five of us went down to the classroom and Ann sat on the side to watch as we squared off. Kathy spent more of her time on her back in that first thirty minutes than she ever had with me. Then it was almost the same when she had to try and tackle Peter, though I think he took it rather easy with her. The result was still the same, but with the difference of me seeing Kathy being fucked by Peter as I fucked Penny.

She thoroughly enjoyed it and said that she would like some more training to take them both on again next month. This was mentioned as we had breakfast and I raised my eyes to Ann, but was unable to catch her eye on this remark. We were halfway through the next course of students before I found out.

Now we knew that Ann was now fit to take over her usual duties as teacher and wife, though I was now beginning to feel that it was going to hurt losing Kathy as a surrogate, but, such is life. I saw to the bar for the after dinner drinks and when I closed down, I went upstairs and entered our bedroom.


The surprise waiting for me was to find that both Kathy and Ann were in the bed waiting for me. My body betrayed the fact that I didn’t know what to say seeing the two people I loved in bed together. This was noticed by the pair of them, my erection quite evident in spite of the sarong, and they both nudged each other at the same time and giggled.

Two big white breasts on one side of the bed and two small, but firm, tanned breasts on the other was enough to raise my old todger and lift the sarong into an obscene attitude.

‘He likes what he sees,’ said Ann, nudging Kathy again. She, following her Chinese upbringing, covered her mouth as she giggled again.

‘Is there some joke that I’m not seeing the point of,’ I asked.

‘I can see the point,’ Kathy burst out, pointing to my erection, and this set Ann off into laughter too.

‘You’ve both seen it before,’ I said, taking it off so that it stuck out well before me, so what’s different now?’

‘It’s that we both want it at the same time,’ Ann gurgled off into laughter again, being joined by Kathy as they hugged each other. I stood there like a fool as they laughed and giggled before Ann finally threw back the bed sheet and beckoned to get in. The fact that the space was between the two women didn’t register at the time, and so I got onto the bed and slid down between the two women of my life.

When they both began to kiss me and I had two hands reaching down to handle what they both wanted, was when the penny started to drop. I still wasn’t sure until the sheet was pushed back and both of them went down and started to kiss and nibble at my erection that I was just about to become the piggy in the middle of a ménage a trois.

It was only after me having serviced Ann, her first time since the operation and then coaxed into taking Kathy on the other side, giving them both the satisfaction of having orgasms with me only coming the once, and that into Kathy, did they deign to tell me of their plans.

It was difficult for Ann to start when she did, to speak what she wanted to say, but it eventually poured out, with much interjections from Kathy as the story was told.

Ann, as we knew loved me as a man, but she had also come to love Kathy as a woman. Kathy came out with exactly the same. They both loved me and yet had come to love each other as well, but rather than cause any problems, Ann stated that she wished that Kathy stayed and lived with us as my second wife after the Chinese fashion. The rider being that if and when they wanted to take pleasure from each other, I was to accept that.

I wasn’t sure how I felt at this revelation that my Ann would accept the love of another woman who had made it quite clear that she loved me, and would be willing to share me, but then, I was being put in the same position by having to share her. The only saving grace that came to mind was that I would be the only one with a cock to satisfy both and I wouldn’t be competing with another man.

I couldn’t but help feel the tension between the two of them as they nestled either side of me, their heads resting on both of my shoulders. I could feel the palpitations that was emanating from them as I pondered over this strange turn of events. Then I smiled and decided to let them sweat as I snuggled a bit further down the bed between the two women I loved. I kissed them both in turn before I spoke.

‘Ann. You are my wife. Would you accept me taking Kathy as wife number two?’

‘Yes,’ she said in a low voice, giving my arm a squeeze

‘Kathy. Would you accept the position without clergy of being my second wife which I think is acceptable in China. To treat me as a husband and obey the wishes of the first wife as she so commands?’ I made it sound high flying, but that’s how I felt at the time with these two gorgeous woman either side of me.

‘Yes,’ Kathy said. ‘Your wishes as of this moment are to be obeyed as befitting your place as the head of our family.’ My prick rose up at these words and I can’t really describe how I felt at that moment and wasn’t sure what to say as my heart was so full of love for one, that she was willing to share me with another, and for the other, willing to take second place purely because she loved me. All I could do was take a hand of each and place it against my hard standing erection. It didn’t need words for them to know what to do. Both went down and between them, sucked me dry that night.

We left it till the end of the course to announce that Kathy would be staying with us, permanently. This caused some consternation, but I could see that Peter wasn’t that averse to the idea having had her on the mat the previous month. The way round this, I saw, was to have our usual fight but with me and Peter together at the end so that Penny could have and taste what Kathy had to offer.

She didn’t know till we began to square off that she would be fighting me first and then saw that Kathy was going to go up against Peter. That was no contest as we all could see, Ann sitting on the side lines to watch, and I think that Penny got the message then. By God she fought me in the knowledge that there was now to be another woman in my life that she had to compete against. She had me down on the mat twice before I was able to reason the whys and wherefores that had brought upon this savagery and then I was able to cope and put her down for the next three throws.

‘Why, you bastard why? Aren’t Ann and I enough for you that you’ve got to bring another into the fold,’ she choked out in our final hold on the mats.

‘It wasn’t my choice,’ I said through gritted teeth. ‘Ann set this match up for you to get a taste as well.’

‘I don’t want a taste of her! It’s either you or Ann!’

‘Well you tell Peter then, because I’m damn well not going to.’

We changed partners and then again I lost out to Peter because I spent too much time watching Penny try to get the better of Kathy. That she did was because of experience, but I saw that Kathy put up a good fight to only lose out by one throw.

This time they watched as Peter and I fucked and sucked until we’d finished before Kathy went down on Penny and I saw then that Penny lost her argument as she writhed and thrashed about under the ministrations that she was given, and so Kathy became accepted as a third party to the second school.

So now instead of Kathy in her own room, she was now in ours and it was three in a bed at night. By God it was exhausting, and when I was all fucked out, them two finished off the evening by having each other. Some nights I insisted that they did it first so that I could enjoy the thrill of seeing them together and then taking them in turn to work off the excitement that they had generated within me.

Ann was the titular head in the classroom and it was she they had to listen to, but if the occasion occurred for a female to take over on the floor, Kathy stepped in.

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Though there was one occasion when Ann stepped in with the boy in question as he was quite well built. As much as I seethed to see this boy fuck my wife, it still turned me on enough to pull Kathy into the showers and fuck her till she screamed out enough.

Other than that, we seemed to get on very well as a trio. When I didn’t perform in the classroom, which was becoming a rarity, I had enough in me to satisfy both of these two women of mine. With her operation now well behind her, Kathy was only too pleased to forgo the wrestling matches we had at the end of a class, preferring to watch as she knew she was no match for either Peter or Penny. Though she was a bit biased when a good throw was made by our side by making her presence known at this point by clapping her hands.

She didn’t seem to have any inhibitions to watch me fuck Penny at the final confrontation, but I never found out how she felt as she watched, like me, when Peter slid his erection into Ann and fucked her. Well I think Penny knew because she would have me inside her and feel my cock head swell larger as we saw Peter bring Ann to an orgasm and I think she enjoyed that extra bit of strength that I had as I fucked her in turn.

Penny had her turn with Kathy when Ann and Peter went up to London on their own to do the interviews leaving the other two girls with me for the day. I don’t think the taxi had left the grounds before I was dragged down to the classroom to fuck the pair of them and then watch them take each other on in to see who could suck the best out of each other. By the time they finished with each other, I was up and hard enough to be able to give of them an orgasm without coming myself. Then I had the pleasure of Penny and Kathy hold my erection up as they played with it and watch them try to catch the sperm with their open mouths that came out with some force. With neither of them being very successful in this, I had the pleasure of kissing their coated faces and that we all licked each other to clean ourselves off before we went for a shower. So Kathy became really accepted as part of the family.


It didn’t take long for our next class to pick up the vibes to realise that I had the two women in tow, and before I knew it, two of them were begging to join the menagerie. I was unaware of this at the beginning, but Kathy it seemed, took it upon herself to ‘vet’ these applicants, and then tell them that they hadn’t the expertise to be eligible.

The second and third class passed through our hands before Kathy found one that was to her liking and introduced her, again out of my notice, to Ann.

Again I was presented with another fait accompli in the fact that I went up to our bedroom on that particular night to find three women in my bed. This third girl having the name of Dawn, who it appeared to be acceptable to Ann as another bed-mate.

I was dumbstruck that the two women in my life were about to make it more confusing by introducing another. The excuse they were going to use was that she was the choice of Kathy and was to become her friend. It didn’t please either Penny or Peter, but it had happened, and there it was.

I stood in the doorway to the bedroom to see three pairs of tits in a row and above them were the smiles that took the smile off my face. My protestations were silenced by the simple expedience of Kathy first lifting one big breast on one side, and then my Ann lifting the other for me to see these two beautiful orbs being held up by my two ‘wives’ for my inspection.

The three women got out of bed and came upon me as if they were a horde and with my sarong whipped off to show the erection that Dawn had already seen in the classroom. To this phallic symbol she knelt down and took me in her mouth as the other two stood by the side of her as if they were two hand maidens at some sacrificial ceremony.

They stopped me from pushing the girl off as she sucked and handled my cock with some expertise and quickly brought forth what I then tried to hold back, to no avail. I came, copiously which she swallowed and seemed to be able to smile up at me as she did so.

Then Ann went down and gave me a quick suck and a kiss on the end of my knob, to be followed by Kathy, doing the same thing. Then ‘married’ me to wife number three, and the three of them then went giggling and laughing into the bed and waited for me to join them.

I would have looked a fool if I’d gone off to the spare bedroom, so I, as if in some daze which I really was, went to the bed and climbed on and in. There I had tits galore thrust into my mouth as the many hands roved over my body and soon brought me up to my true magnificent stature.

God, when it sank in, I felt like a king, with these hot mouths and tongues, let alone the hands bringing me pleasures that were once beyond belief. Then it seemed to come to a stop as Ann and Kathy then pulled me off the bed and then dragged the covers off completely so that there in the middle of the bed lay Dawn on her own. The only thing she wore was a smile as I was then pulled to the bed and helped to get up on it with the other two either side to help me as it were to consummate this so called marriage with my third wife.

Ann pulled her left leg and Kathy pulled her right leg away for me to see that sex there waiting for me. I’m sure I was still in a daze because I let them push me up onto the bed and between these open legs and was actually helped to cover her body with mine, but didn’t know which hand held my throbbing erection and guide it into the waiting orifice as Dawn’s arms came up to take hold of my shoulders and pull me down, and thereby, into her.

What a fuck she was too. She had more suction up there than the best of hoovers and it wasn’t long before I was bouncing up and down on her big breasts, coming, shooting what I had left in my balls deep within her.

By then, the other two were on the bed and I got lost in that paradise of hands and mouths ranging all over my body. Balls, cock, mouth, eyes, nipple even my toes were not left out of this orgy for me. They must have even worked out a rota system for the nights in bed, because I always had a different one on my right every night as they must have shuffled across to keep this going.

I learned and they came to accept it that I would service all three in one night but not come myself even though I gave all three an orgasm. I had to hold back otherwise I couldn’t have finished the job of seeing to all three. With them all having got their rocks off, they would vie with my rampant cock being worked till I came to see who could catch the most of my coming. It might have been fun for them but it was starting to make a wreck of me.

Thankfully, these girlish antics calmed down over the month and it then became the norm for me at least to fuck one during the day and one at night, again taking it in turns. For this I was grateful as at least it did give some time to recuperate between ‘wives’.

Dawn threw herself wholeheartedly into our monthly fight in the classroom at the end of a class. She proved to be a worthy opponent to Peter who had a hard time to keep the upper hand. But typical of a woman, that as the end of the session approached, she would give way to succumb and be the vanquished so that she could savour the spoils as it were of the victor.

It didn’t always work that she got Peter, but he didn’t mind as he was now getting a choice of three whereas before he was only getting one. Penny came round when she found out just how far Kathy had progressed in cunnilingus, so these other two women came to be accepted into our little school.


Ann put her foot down six months later, and so did I when it was suggested that I might like to have a fourth wife. Which of the other two suggested it, Ann didn’t say, but I went along with her refusal. One, two, three but not four. I knew that I was being stretched to the utmost of my capabilities as it was now without adding another girl to the harem. I still took Penny once a month to which they didn’t know, so any more was out of the question.

What took the most out of me was when a male member of a class dropped out and I had to step in. Then I had not my hands full, but my cocks worth full. Not only was I serving the girl or boy during the day, but had to satisfy three women at night. It was becoming a nightmare. When I begged off I got petulance from those rebuffed, so I had to make it a blanket decision that if one didn’t get it, none of them got it.

It was hard on me also, because I knew I could see to one, maybe two, but not three, so I had to go without too, and so therefore I suffered at the same time.

All in all, I suppose I got the better of the deal. Ann knew I liked to dip my wick and she accepted this fact knowing where it was being dipped. She was getting her rocks off more than I could give her having wives two and three to see to her needs after they’d seen to mine. The wives two and three were happy if my wick was dipped in their receptacles once a day, and getting it off with one of the students now and again.

We still managed to have our winter holiday in the sun, all four of us, though we had to travel economy class now, but the three girls did enjoy the three weeks in the sun, getting tanned all over and having me at least once a day. How many times they had each other, I don’t know. They didn’t tell me everything they got up to, but I assume their fanny’s were not unoccupied for very long be it fingers or tongue.


It was about eighteen months after my ‘second’ marriage to Kathy that Ann dropped the little bombshell on us that she was pregnant. I tried to lay the blame on the other two girls but I was outvoted on this score. There was no doubt that I was the father because she hadn’t been with Peter in the previous couple of months at our wrestling matches. She had stopped taking the pill for this very reason, so that she could experience being a mother. Well, the other two girls tried to stop me having sex with Ann immediately, but she wouldn’t have that. Up till six months and then she would acquiesce to their demands. They fussed round her like mother hens and it quite put my nose out of joint for a short while as they argued about me having sex with Ann in her condition. Ann won, and so I was still able to put myself inside her and have the joy of her smile as she had an orgasm in the process of our coupling.

She then, as time progressed, looked on lovingly as she saw the pleasure which she shared second hand, of seeing the pleasure I gave to my two other wives. Though I was no longer allowed to stick my dick up inside her, it didn’t stop her from allowing these other two from using their tongues to give her pleasure while I watched. Sometimes of which, I took them from behind as they were doing this so all were getting their satisfaction somehow.


Now whether there was a conspiracy between them, I never found out, but two months later, Kathy announced that she too was pregnant. Now I tried to put the blame on Peter, but she proved that she hadn’t been in the last two fights with him, so it was down to me. The icing on the cake was a month later when Dawn said that she too was now expecting a child and that I was going to be the father that I threw in the towel. I didn’t even bother trying to pin this one on Peter or any of the class that she might have been with, which I knew she hadn’t.

So here I was, trying to run a school for sexual awareness with three pregnant women on my hands, says a lot for the title of our classes doesn’t it. Now I had the problem of how to get out of this mess that I had caused for myself. I waited till the present classes finished and it was during our monthly fight that when I had finally wrestled Penny to the mat, though after my poor showing I think the onlookers, Ann and Kathy, gave their applause to the fight that Dawn had put against Peter.

‘To the victor goes the spoils,’ were the words chanted by these two spectators. So while Peter saw to getting his erection into Dawn, I fucked Penny but told her during our sexual bout, that I had to speak to her later. I think she was intrigued enough to give me a good fucking as we lay coupled on the mats. It was now known that Ann was pregnant and was fussed over by Penny as well as the other two girls. So we had breakfast, but I somehow made the excuse that it was about time that Kathy went up to London with Peter to see exactly what went on at the interviews. Penny agreed and so that’s what happened. Dawn was upstairs with Ann when they departed and I soon was able to scuttle off into the other apartment where Penny lived.

I found her in the bedroom and when she saw me, she came straight over with her arms open. Well, the sight of her lovely breasts moving so invitingly, I couldn’t resist but take her into my arms and kiss her as avidly as she did me. Those beautiful melons squashed up to my chest were enough to drive any man out of his mind. I swung her round and bore her down onto the bed where the sarongs came off and I was up and fucking her like there was no tomorrow, notwithstanding the fact that I was still doing the same thing to my other two women when I could get it up. But Penny was Penny, and if I was dead I still think that the sight of her and those lovely breasts would have lifted my coffin lid.

It was nearly an hour later, fucked out, the pair of us were as we lay on the bed before I could get round to speak of my problem.

‘All three?’ she sat up, her breasts shaking in a lovely way that belied what she was really thinking. ‘Have you gone mad?’ Her voice, I hoped, hadn’t carried as far as my rooms on the other side of the house. ‘Okay, we knew that Ann was pregnant, but the other two too?’ All I could do was nod dumbly as I caressed the breast closest to me. ‘You stupid sod!’ as she slapped my hand away.

‘Well it’s not completely my fault,’ I pleaded. ‘I can’t control them if they stop taking the pill and don’t tell me, can I? I mean you’re not pregnant, are you?’ If she had said yes, I think I would have committed suicide there and then.

‘I’m not that bloody stupid,’ she said indignantly.

‘Thank God for that,’ I said. ‘that would have been the last straw. So what do you suggest I do?’

‘Cut this bloody thing off is the first thought,’ as she grasped my tool and waved it about. ‘But on second thoughts, no, that’s too drastic. I still like it too much myself,’ she smiled. ‘But, we’ve still got to think of something.’ She was still holding my cock and moving it about and though it hadn’t long been used, it started to thicken and rise at her manipulations of it. ‘God look at it!’ and she gave it a waggle again. ‘The bloody thing’s got a mind of its own.’

‘I know. That’s part of my problem!’ I protested. ‘But the one I’m more concerned about at the moment is the fact that I’ve got three pregnant women on my hands. What do I do?’

‘Let me think,’ she said as she pushed me back on the bed and took the head of my erection into her mouth and began to suck on it.

‘Is doing that going to help?’ I asked as I watched her suck away on my cock.

‘No, but it needs seeing to before we can think straight,’ she said between sucks and hand movements. I sighed and let her get on with pulling more contents out from my balls, because maybe that was where I was getting my ideas from, so empty, I might then be able to think straight. I came and enjoyed her mouth and tongue taking it all in and then the stroking and cleaning up of it before she let it drop.

‘Well you’ve now had the solution to that problem,’ I laughed and suffered a slap for that, ‘but I’ve still got these others to contend with.’

‘Yes,’ she said, now stroking my half erect cock that lay across my thigh, dribbling out its excess, but I didn’t think she would appreciate my drawing her attention to it right at that moment.

‘Well,’ she drawled out after several minutes of thought. ‘I can only think of one thing to say.’

‘Yes, yes. What is it?’ I implored.

‘You’re fucked!’

‘Oh great. Thanks a lot,’ I said as she laughed to show that what she had said was meant as a joke.

‘I’m sorry,’ she hiccupped, ‘I just couldn’t resist it. But you must admit, you’ve dug a bloody great hole for yourself, and …and…you went…and stuck…your dick in it,’ and off she went into another paroxysm of laughter. I could only sit there next to her and fume at her, to me, unfunny jokes.

‘Are they all yours?’ she asked when she stopped laughing.

‘Well I’m pretty sure they are,’ I replied.

‘Well the proof of the… the proof of the … the …pudding … is in …the eating!’ she burst out with and again went off into another bout of hysterics. I started to steam then.

‘Have you…have you ever had an electric pudding. That’s the ones that have currents running through them,’ and off she went again and that’s when I walked out to leave her holding her stomach.

It wasn’t until I walked into my own rooms to see Ann and Dawn and they saw me naked, did I realise that I’d left my sarong behind.

‘Where’s your dress?’ queried Ann.

‘I don’t wear one. I’m not fucking queer,’ I said as I stormed on through to the bathroom to take a shower to cool down.

‘You three are enough to turn me queer,’ I said as I went back into the bedroom with a towel wrapped round me, my temper still not completely under control.

‘There’s only two of us here,’ Dawn protested.

‘Oh, let us have what is known as a pregnant pause while it sinks in what I first said,’ turning to our little mini bar and pouring myself a very large gin with a little tonic.

‘Oh. I see what you mean,’ Dawn said in a small voice.

‘Yes,’ I said taking a big gulp of my drink and sat down in the chair facing them. ‘But what the hell do I do?’ I wailed. Ann was quickly off the bed and waddled across and knelt down and began to stroke my hair.

‘Darling. Finish that drink and listen to me.’ I knocked it back and listened. ‘Let’s take things one step at a time and put first things first. The first, to repeat myself is that you are going to be a father of the child that I bear. The second is that Kathy too is going to give you a child. Third. Dawn is also going to present you with yet another one. Now there’s not many father’s who can say that they’ve sired three children within six months, which you have done. We, and I say that proudly, are pleased to bear the fruits of your loins after having seen so much of it wasted in the past. We all love you and want you to be happy for us. I, that is Dawn and Kathy as well, know that you are thinking more at this moment of the school. We are thinking of it too. With me confined, there will still be Kathy and then Dawn to help to carry on what you are doing. Dawn! Get him another drink please.’ There was a pause as Dawn got me another gin and tonic which I was grateful for as Ann went on. ‘I never thought I could share you because I loved you so much. But I saw that you had more love that when Kathy came back I had to share it. Then as you loved us both, we talked and found that you still had more and so we invited Dawn to join us. You have given us all more love than we really deserve. We know you go with Penny and others, but that’s just a release for you.’ It hit me when she mentioned that she knew I went with Penny, but I couldn’t stop her from continuing. ‘We, that is the three of us love you. Love you enough to stop taking our pills so that we could all have a child from you. Now if that isn’t love, what is it? We know that the timing hasn’t quite been right, but it seems we’ll still be able to manage our side of the teaching in our turn to back you up. When I go into labour you’ll still have Kathy there, and then Dawn will take over. When it comes to her turn, I’ll be back, fit as a fiddle and can then also talk about what it’s like to have a child which we or Penny would have been able to talk about before. So in actual fact, we’ll be enhancing the knowledge about sexual awareness by being able to speak from experience. Don’t you see that?’

The true fact is I did see what she was saying and it made me feel small having only thought of myself for the past years.

At this point, Kathy came into our room from her London trip with Peter. She came in somewhat flushed but instantly felt the tension in the air, and then moved over towards us very slowly. I lifted up my arm and beckoned her to me and she came and knelt down between my legs and I kissed her.

‘Forgive me,’ I whispered.

‘For what?’ she replied, but at a sign from Ann she got up and went and sat down on the edge of the bed. I beckoned to Dawn and she came and knelt down as Kathy had done.

‘You must forgive me too,’ I said as I kissed her. She got up and Ann, somewhat awkwardly went down onto her knees so that I could kiss her.

‘Ann. I don’t think I have to say it because I can see in your eyes that you have already forgiven me for my crassness, bigotry and….’

‘Hush,’ said Ann putting her finger to my lips. ‘Enough has been said.’ She then got up and went and sat with the other two girls on the bed, where we’d had a lot of fun, and the three of them looked at me.

‘I am apologising for my behaviour over the past couple of weeks, or maybe even longer. But the fact is I love you all and would lay down my life if I needed to prove it. Ann has shown me that we still can keep our side of the school going which is what I think was my problem. Now you have shown me your love by doing what you have done, all I can ask that you let me show you my love in any way that you ask. Just ask, because I will try my best, and if I’m failing it that, put me right. I used to as Ann so rightly said, was putting myself first, but now you three will always be in front.’

‘Does that mean it’s doggie fashion from now on?’ Dawn asked. This made the other two laugh and it broke up the seriousness of the situation that I had created. I laughed with them and held out my arms and all three, Ann, Kathy and Dawn came in to be embraced and become one family.

That I fucked all three of them that night in spite of Ann being seven months pregnant has nothing to do with you. The other two were alarmed when I went to mount Ann, but she brushed aside their protest by saying that she wanted me inside her for the last time till the baby was born. I took care by taking her sideways so that I didn’t put pressure on her stomach, and I like to think that she enjoyed having it that way in her condition.

Dawn and Kathy had it in the usual missionary position and I think I gave my other two wives as good a seeing to as was to be expected from me. Our classes were carried on as usual, though it nearly killed me when one of our boys dropped out with the man to man sex. What with keeping my end up in the classroom and then doing the same at night to satisfy two sex hungry pregnant woman, Ann didn’t care one way or another by this time as she was so close to her time.

Ann had our child and as the three of them predicted, we were able to keep our end up in keeping our half of the school open. Kathy wanted to have her baby in the school for the benefit of the girl students, but we thought otherwise. So it was three months later that Kathy had hers with Dawn following another six weeks later.

With all the birthing out of the way, we were able to really talk about sex awareness from conception to birth, and we haven’t as yet run out of youngsters with the money to pay, to learn what sex is all about.

Oh? I didn’t quite hear the question, but if it is what I think you asked, the children were all boys, and judging by the size of their tackle, they are going to take after their father.

* * *

All comments good or bad are welcome. If you want me to reply, send them to >

I’m afraid that the third book of this trilogy, ‘Schoolboys’, cannot be put out due to the rules.

Written by 1941aaa
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