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The School Part Six

"Six males and six females learn of sex in all forms."

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It was a good and happy crowd at the bar, and a couple of sarongs were whipped off in fun, and it was nice to see so many tits bouncing about with the laughter. I saw Carol talking to Penny before she came bouncing into the bar, well Carol’s tits were actually doing the bouncing as she went and sat down next to Ann and start whispering to her. I saw Ann shake her head and then Carol took hold of her hand and whispered with more urgency to her it seemed.

Being offered another drink distracted me, and when I next turned round, Carol had gone and sat down with Ralph. I excused myself from those at the bar and went and sat down with Ann.

“What was that all about? Or was it just girlie talk?” I asked.

“It was girlie talk as you say. She…well, it was about Carol who asked Penny for a threesome tonight, but there’s only been one man to offer his services so far.”

“And that person, judging by where she is sitting is, er, Ralph? And that she is possibly touting for the other male?”

“You beast,” she said, slapping my thigh with a little laugh, “you guessed!”

“Well? What did she say specifically? And what did you say, specifically?” I said with a hint of a smile in my voice.

“Damn you! She asked if I would ask you to see if you would be willing, and she stressed the word willing, to make up the number from two to three. I said that I would ask if you were UP to it.” The last part of the sentence being stressed by Ann, and I took her hand in mine and looked into her eyes. “Damn you again!” she whispered fiercely, “all the girls want you,” but I could see that her eyes belied the tone of her voice.

“And you said that I would love to,” giving her hand a little squeeze as I spoke in a soft whisper.

“Yes, damn you! But you will come back to me?” her hand holding mine tight.

“Darling, nothing will hold me back.”

“Then go and tell Penny.”

This I did, and then went into dinner with Ann and Connie, and I had these two lovely sets of breasts to feast my eyes upon as we ate and drank our meal. When we had finished, I rose and kissed the hands of them both, telling them that I would see them in a little while in the bar, after…I left it at that for Ann to tell Connie if she wished to, and went out of the dining room.

Penny was waiting for me, and led me into the classroom where the lights had been dimmed, but not that low that I couldn’t see Carol and Ralph waiting for me.

“I’ll be here in the background if you need me, now go and help,” she said to me as she let go of my hand.

I joined the two of them on the large futon and dropped my sarong to be as naked as they were, and sat down.

“As,” Carol gave a little cough and brought her voice down a couple of octaves, “as I asked for this,” she stammered, “I wonder if you two could, oh, I didn’t realise that this would be so embarrassing.”

“What do you want us to do?” I asked as softly as I could, trying to put her at ease while taking and caressing her hand. She blushed and her tits gave a lovely tremble as she lowered her head.

“I want to…to feel what it would be like to…to be taken from…the er, front and rear at the same time.”

“Do you know darling,” Ralph was speaking, taking her other hand, “that you are doing us a great honour by asking us to be with you tonight.” Full marks to Ralph for saying the right thing at the right time. He then turned aside to me, “If you don’t object Will, and I promise you that you’ll appreciate it during and afterwards, that you do it anally and I from the front. Being as I am, and having done this before, I know that you will benefit from this experience.”

So I agreed, and we settled down on the futon, the three of us and we both caressed, kissed and played with the breast nearest to us. From there, I went up and started to kiss the lips of her mouth while Ralph went and kissed the lips down below. I let him do the arousing downstairs while I played with the furniture upstairs until she was ready, and then I donned the condom and creamed it.

Ralph pulled her up onto her knees and waited till I was flat on my back behind her. Then with me holding my erection upright, Ralph helped her to sit back until my cock was nuzzling her ass and she was ready and relaxed, and then with a deep breath, eased her muscle and suddenly let me slip inside her rear end. It was quick and she was then suddenly sitting on my thighs with my cock firmly stuck up inside her ass. She let out a squeal as the girth of me widened her as she hadn’t been stretched before.

She was tight around my cock as she settled down, her hoarse breathing quite audible as Ralph helped to slowly let her lie back till she was fully stretched out backwards on top of me. I could feel her sphincter muscle keep responding to the throbbing pulse from the flesh inside her. Then Ralph, who I could see over Carol’s shoulder, was getting down between her thighs. I saw his erection bounce as he went onto his knees and then I lost sight of it.

There isn’t a lot of tissue between the vagina and the anal tract, so with me being inside the anal part, I felt him as he entered the vagina. It was incredible to feel his prick sliding up into her and rubbing my cock at the same time as he entered. He kept as much weight up off me as he could as he started to shaft Carol.

I felt every movement his cock made inside her, the rim of the head that was pushing up the length of the underside of mine was so erotic that it made me swell even larger. My arms went round Carol and my hands grasped those breasts and gently squeezed them, her head tossing from side to side against my chin. Then Ralph began to move faster and with his cumming, I cummed too and by the feel of her body, Carol also cummed.

So I had learnt something else and as Ralph pulled out, I felt every inch of his withdrawal which made me whimper the same as Carol. Then I helped her to sit up on my lap and gave her a little bump up and down so that she would remember the big cock she had up her ass. Then I rolled her over and pulled myself out and used the tissues to remove the condom.

By the time I had cleaned myself, she was already lying down and sucking on Ralph. They didn’t need me now, so I wrapped on my sarong and with a glance at Ralph now with his head buried between Carol’s legs as she carried on with her ministrations, I quietly left the classroom.

Ann was talking to Debbie as they sat at a table in the bar. I stopped in the doorway just so that I could watch her without her knowing that I was doing so. A wisp of hair would fall forward and she would give a little shake of her head to clear her eye. Her breasts would also swing to the small movement and I just loved to see them shiver and settle and then move down and out as she reached forward for her glass. Debbie’s were just as pretty to watch, but she didn’t have the pert nose of Ann, nor did she crinkle up the corner of her eyes the way Ann did when she laughed and the smile was incomparable.

She finally glanced up and saw me and immediately got up and came towards me, her hips swaying provocatively as she walked and those lovely breasts swung in time to her step.

“Will,” she said with that smile that haunts me all day long. “I thought you were never coming out of there. Come and have a drink,” and took my hand and led me to the bar. I got my drink and a fresh one for Ann and we went and sat in a corner by ourselves. She wanted the ins and outs of what went on between Ralph, Carol and myself. I told her of my modest role in the threesome, and that all I had to do was lay on my back and let Ralph do all the work, and that they were still at it as we spoke.

The bell gave out its soft pinging, and so we finished our drinks and went up to the dormitory, hand in hand. We had a loving night and only falling asleep through exhaustion.


For the next seven days we were apart because we had reverted back to almost the first week’s pairings. To mix with each other again to compare what we had learnt since we’d last been together. To me, it was the start of the countdown to when we would be finished. I can’t say that it affected me sexually, but emotionally, I broke up with every passing day. Seeing Ann but not touching her. Seeing her wistful glance across a room tore at my heart as I could see that it was the same for her. Then it was our last full day and it was a very quiet breakfast time. Each and every one of us had bonded to such a degree that it sure was going to be a horrendous parting after the next day’s breakfast.


The pairing for this day was based on the observations of Peter and Penny of our behaviour and interaction over the past few weeks. It was known by everybody that Ann and I would be paired. Also that Ralph would be paired with Kathy as they seemed to have got quite close as well. Chris was with Leslie and Martin with Carol, Debbie had to settle for Connie.

We settled on our futon and just spent the whole morning just rubbing our naked bodies together, kissing and fondling. Even though I had an erection the whole time, we never used it. It was there, intrusive, but not a necessity, as also was her vagina, there, ready and open but not used.

The bar and lunch were a blur for both of us until we settled back on our futon. Then our passions flared and we coupled in a frenzy, ignoring the fact that we twice rolled off the flat mattress. It finished up with me deep inside Ann, my legs astride her, bent with my knees high up alongside her chest. Her legs tight together, trapping me inside as her arms also held me tight to her bosom as we kissed and licked each other’s lips.

The session finished early and the bar also was opened early. All freshly showered and wearing clean sarongs on, we gathered for our last night together. It was slow starting off, but after our last wonderful meal, it picked up in the bar and with the extended hour and a half, became a night to remember. As the drinking went on, sarongs came off and we had fashion parades but without clothes. The girl’s first paraded and then pranced before the men, and then we had to parade and pose for the ladies. It was fun, but glad that there wasn’t any direct voting because that would have spoilt the fun we were having.

All the girl’s were kissed very heartily by the boys with much touching of the breasts and fondling of the balls as the bar closed and we finished up our drinks. Vows were made to catch up with each other some time in the future etc. Then we all, in our own time, made our way up to the dorm for the last night at the school.

We snuggled down in her bed and as we kissed, Ann remarked that we had never made love in my bed. Had I ever had another woman in there she asked? When I said no, she made us get up and get into mine for the first time since we had been there. It was just pure magic that night as we did what all lovers do, and a lot more besides.

We lay together, spent and sated with love, holding each other tight. It was then that I told her of my dreams and plans for the future, and, the hardest part, why I wouldn’t be leaving in the morning with the rest. She cried with me as we kept kissing each other till we finally fell asleep.


I was down in the gym, rowing as if my life depended on it, working up one hell of a sweat, glad to stop when the door opened and the girls trooped in, one after the other. Ann was leading them and said that she couldn’t stop them from coming down to say goodbye.

“I’ve told them that you wouldn’t be leaving with the rest of us, so they all opted to come down here and say goodbye personally.” I could hear the tears in her voice and my throat closed up with emotion. I got up from the machine and faced the whole class of females, the breasts making me rise up to a full and solid erection. The girls laughed and then each in turn came up to me and gave me a hug and a deep kiss. They all pressed up close, crushing their tits against my chest and at the same time, felt my erection pressed hard up against their stomachs. There were tears in each pair of eyes that looked at me before we kissed and wished the best for each in the future. Then they departed, and Ann said that there was more to come, and I was even more surprised when the other three fellows came into the gym.

Each in turn hugged, and what was most unexpected was the fact that they all kissed me full on the lips as we hugged. Ann mouthed a kiss at me as she followed the men out to leave me on my own there in the gym. Then I dropped down onto the bench and burst into tears, and I’ve never cried so hard like that in all my life. I was glad that Ann had left with them so that she couldn’t see how much that crowd had affected me with their goodbyes and that the showing of their own feelings had meant to me.

That morning was the only one that I walked to the showers without an erection leading the way and no man or woman following me.

Breakfast was a dismal affair, some nursing hangovers and some nursing hang-ups, like myself. I looked around at each in turn, Ralph the bisexual man who knew the best of both worlds. Martin, a moderate lover as was Chris.

Then to gaze upon the beautiful display of breasts that I would probably never see again. Kathy with her karma and lovely pert breasts and her almost almond shaped eyes. Debbie, who I think was a latent lesbian but hadn’t found it out yet with breasts that would please any man or woman. Then Connie of the bouncing boobs, always saying what she wanted and getting it. Leslie who liked cock in any shape or form or in any position and Carol who just liked being loved. Now I looked at my Ann. My beautiful Ann to whom it would be the hardest to say goodbye to. To see those breasts covered from my sight, the triangle of hair between her thighs hidden from view and my touch. Those eyes, mouth and lips, tongue and…oh it was too much and I silently began to weep again. Ann saw the tears slowly course their way down my cheeks and silently passed across a napkin which I used very quickly to wipe them away.

I sat on the end of my bed and watched as they all took off their sarongs and saw them naked for the last time as they put on clothing that I guessed felt strange to them after three weeks practically nude. We all waited until the last one was ready, and then with suitcases in hand, all went downstairs for the last time, with Ann and myself bringing up the rear.

Peter was waiting, him fully dressed too, gave them what had been residing in the safe on their behalf. I stood alongside Penny and we both kissed each one as they left. With Ann, I kissed and held her tight and promised to see her in London in a week’s time, and with her face contorted by her crying, quickly ran out and into the waiting taxi.

Penny, I saw was crying as much as I was and we clung to each other for comfort. I think it was the only time I ever held a bare breasted woman in my arms without getting an erection. When the last taxi with my Ann inside, disappeared from view, we turned away from the door and went into the bar and had a stiff brandy each.

We sat there and talked over the past three weeks until Peter returned from the station where he had seen them all off. Without finesse, he stripped off his clothes and fixed himself a drink.

“Is it always like this,” I asked, having recovered myself by this time.

“Yes, and it does sometimes get to you, but you get used to it in time, but then there are times when it is very difficult like today for example,” he said, his hand covering Penny’s who nodded her agreement. We had another couple of drinks and Penny said that it was time for lunch. I hadn’t realised how the time had flown and we went into the dining room where a table had been set out for three and we sat down and ate.

We stayed there the whole afternoon going over the plans we had started to develop since my first week there. When at the beginning of the story I had said that with my father’s life insurance, I was left with enough to live comfortably on. What I omitted to mention was that there was also an inheritance, which was quite considerable. The letters that I had sent out on the second week was to my bank and solicitor’s to arrange with Penny and Peter’s, to buy into the school on an equal basis. Putting up as much money as the present property, grounds etc was worth.

What I had outlined was that we would extend the school. No not really in that sense, but to build on the other side of the school an exact duplicate but both sharing the same kitchen. Making it a second school but utilising the existing staff, with a higher rate of pay, to serve both schools. It made financial sense because we would double the income but with only a fractional increase in wages, heating, food etc, apart from the initial building and equipping costs which I was paying for in our merger.

It was estimated that the construction and furnishing would take between twelve to eighteen months. During this time, I would be staying with them, in a spare room that they had but at the moment was just being used as a junk room.

I would be like a trainee teacher for them, and step in when Peter got involved with the building and construction of the new annexe. Peter had already lined up the original builder who had converted it for them, though retired, still controlled his business with his son as the day to day working boss. They were already primed to start work the very next day.

It would be the same layout as the one we were in but with more refinements that Peter knew were amiss from the original. That was why he was in charge of the new building and ensuring that all would be the same. The connection between the two would be through the monitor room and the kitchen, the latter would see that the buffet service was identical on either side. Penny and Peter’s private quarters adjoined the monitor room so that meant that mine would do the same.

This going over the plans for the future had taken all afternoon and it was now getting late, so we had a few drinks in the bar and then had dinner. Work was due to start in the morning, so it was suggested that we turn in early.

As we wouldn’t be able to clear their spare room out till the next day, I was to spend the night in the dormitory, so we said our goodnights in the hall. They went off to their quarters and I made my way up to the dorm. The lights were already down and it was into a darkened dormitory that I went on my own.

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I walked slowly through it, stopping at each bed to remember who had slept there, and which of those I had spent some of the nights in. I did this to every bed, scuffing my bare feet on the carpet just to make some sound in that loud silence. I lingered longest at the foot of what had been Ann’s bed. There I conjured up the fun we’d had, the kisses that we’d shared and of the love we had felt for each other that brought us close together.

I felt a chill sweep over me to break me out of my reverie and so I went to my bed and lay down with just a sheet for cover. I lay there for some time, wide awake hearing the sounds of the past, of that creaking bed and the giggles that it caused. The half silent screams as someone was brought to an orgasm. The whispering of feet as they flitted past occupied beds to find their own. The loud fart that caused stifled laughter throughout the dorm and the groans and sighs of comings and withdrawals.


I heard all these sounds, including the soft foot falls and the whisper of a sarong, but suddenly realised that these last were real, for Penny had stopped by my bed. How long I lay there looking up at her while she looked down at me, I do not know, but she broke the spell by undoing her sarong and letting it drop to the floor. Even though the light was dim, I could see the triangle of hair between her thighs and the sheen of her breasts that made them glow. She lifted aside the sheet and got into bed alongside me.

“Penny! You can’t,” I whispered, though why I whispered I can’t say. There wasn’t anybody else in the dorm to hear me. “What would Peter say?” She tucked herself into my body.

“Nothing. He told me to come.”

“What!” I exclaimed, coming up onto an elbow so that I could look down into her eyes.

“Peter knows how you must be feeling tonight of all nights. You are here alone with all the ghosts of the others and he thought that for this night only, you should not be alone but have some company.” I laid myself back down, feeling the warmth of her body and that mine was already starting to respond.

“What about you?” I asked in a slightly strangled voice.

“It’s only for one night. Peter asked me if I would comfort you this night and I said yes. Remember what we tried to teach you. To love is to give and to give is to love. Also that it is only a body you get, not the heart. Peter has more heart than anyone I have ever known. He also loves you and that he knows what you are feeling tonight, so he asked me to give you some comfort which I am only too pleased to do. Do you understand?”

With a lump in my throat and tears in my eyes, I said that I understood it all now, and I did understand. That just the presence of her in the bed with me taught me more of love than what I had learnt in the past three weeks. She wiped the tears from my cheek and gently kissed me on the mouth, and the pressure of her breast against my chest aroused a passion of love deep within me that made me want to give my all for her.

So it was with a controlled passion that I kissed Penny, though I don’t think she quite controlled hers that night. As we kissed, our bodies pressed against each other as I moved on top, her mound scratching the base of my erection that was pressed against her stomach. She was soon urging me to move my body down, which I did till my erection fell between her legs which opened. They opened just enough for the head of my cock to feel her wetness which was just like a flare path that seared it as it slid along her juices and penetrated her. With entry gained, her legs widened further to let me move in completely between them and push my erection right in.

Then we wrestled in a lovely fuck fest. I held back as long as I could and gave Penny two orgasms before I let go of mine. I felt a great pleasure and a feeling of relief as I jerked my rock hard cock to her groin, my sperm spitting out in short sharp shots. She gave little gasps at every jerk, but I didn’t know if it was the twitching of my cock or that she could actually feel the sperm as it hit her insides.

Then she was round on the bed and sucking on me, drawing out all that was left in my tubes. I reciprocated by going down and giving her head. She surprised me by being the first to actually tongue my arsehole and it was so erotic that I even did it to her in return. We did everything I’d been taught that night except the having or giving of anal intercourse.

We talked a lot that night between bouts and I eventually elicited from her that her heart was with Peter, but her body, if I wanted it, would be there for me to use whenever I wanted it. Oh God! The old joke jumped into mind as she offered her honour and I honoured her offer, and all night long I was on her and off her. I was flattered but kept quiet because I respected Peter, but still kept it in the back of my mind. I found out at a later date that she had meant what she said.

I think it was past four in the morning when we finally kissed every part of each other’s body before she slipped out of bed and appeared to walk a little bow legged to the door, tugging her sarong around her waist.


I, for the first time in three weeks, didn’t go down to the gym. I just had a leisurely shower and went down to breakfast. I was on my own for half of it before Penny and Peter came in for theirs. We said our good mornings as they collected their breakfast from the miniscule buffet set up.

“Did you have a good night?” Peter asked pleasantly.

“Thank you for what you…er, gave me last night.”

“Think nothing of it, we’re a partnership, remember?”

“I didn’t think it went that far,” I said somewhat dubiously.

“Last night was special. I knew just how you would be feeling. Low and very dejected. All I did was ask if Penny wouldn’t mind helping you over that first night without the others. Did it help?”

“You don’t know how much,” I replied, and dropped the subject by asking of his plans for the day. Seeing the builders in regard to the start of the building programme was the reply. Penny later gave me my first lesson in karate and kicked the shit out of me. So much for her protestations of love the night before. We later cleared out the spare room for me to sleep in.


The three of us went down to London the next day. It was very strange to put clothes on again after nearly four weeks being most of the time naked in a heated environment. It seemed cold outside even though I was dressed, and it was also as if I were an alien on a different planet. But I soon overcame the strangeness and enjoyed the day’s outing.

We went to the same set of offices that I had visited before. The signs were duly stuck up, which I mentally noted that I would have them changed to look more professional than these present cardboard ones. Then I sat at the back as the two of them conducted their interviews. They had, over the past couple of weeks, set this interview in motion, the timing and planning I would get to know at a later date, but as an observer at this session, I had the opportunity to see what might be future sex meat. This batch of interviewee’s were for a month hence as the next week’s intake had already been selected. Though I played no part in the selection process, and wouldn’t for some time to come, it was instructive as to their methods. All I did for this first of many was just to observe. My criteria, wrong as it was, was just to pick the girls with the biggest tits, the face being next and finally their personality. They interviewed twenty people, though these young people didn’t know that the intake quota was only twelve.

That evening, back in their quarters, we sat down after dinner and I watched as they talked over the day’s interviews, making notes as they went through them all. With the decisions as to whom to accept were made, the letters were duly done for posting the following day. My input into this was nil at this stage, though I was pleased to note that the one that I wouldn’t mind being on the outside of my dick was one of those selected.


After several days of having the shit kicked out of me by Penny in our karate lessons, I was thankful when the day came for the next batch of students to arrive.

I was excited when the first taxi pulled up and the new class stumbled out with their luggage. I kept in the background and just watched. When the whole intake was assembled in the lounge and introductions made by the class to each other, they were informed that I was one of the teachers.

It seemed strange to be up on the platform dressed as I now liked to be, in my sarong, and watch as Penny gave her speech and made the pairings. This was my first viewing of another array of beautiful nubile breasts sitting there before us, and I got a hard on just standing there, trying to hide behind Penny or Peter as a means of concealing my reactions. Then I saw all sorts of erections when the men took off their sarongs for the start of their first lesson.

It was strange to be up there, watching them make the preliminary moves. Watching to see who would take charge on each futon and who would do what to whom and how they would go about it. The pairings had been prepared well in advance so Penny had a better idea of what to look out for than I did. In time, I came to learn how to match people together as they did.

I told Penny that it was very difficult for me being there as I kept getting this raging hard on caused by all those naked breasts. She told me that this was quite normal, and in time, I would be able to control my physical reactions and at an even later date, would be able to make an erection at the drop of a sarong.

I watched them go through, or try I should say, the list of erogenous zones, the images it provoked was of my first day with Ann and promptly got another erection. Christ, this was going to be harder than I thought, trying to stifle my own sexual urges.

I relieved Peter of the bar duty and it began to be fun to watch this group trying to interact with each other, though my eyes couldn’t help but observe the naked breasts, thankful that the bar hid my rampant cock from their eyes. I hadn’t taken notes of their names when they first arrived, but got to know them as the days passed. I dined with Peter and Penny in the dining room and it also amused me to watch the pupils at their first candle lit dinner.

Peter would be out most of the day supervising along with the gaffer, the arrival of building materials and the digging out of footings of the new extension and the like, so I would spend most of my time in his place in the classroom. I had forgotten about demonstrating the sexual positions and as Peter wasn’t there, I had to do it with Penny. She ignored it but I couldn’t. When she dropped her sarong and lay back, I had to drop mine to assume the position. The erection I revealed brought out quite a few whistles and some of these came from the boys. Very self conscious, I went through the demonstration with Penny, almost poking it up her in the doggie display. I was actually glad to put the sarong back on.


After that, everything went smoothly until the beginning of the third week when one twit named Stephen fell down the staircase and broke his ankle. An ambulance was called and he was carted off to hospital and never seen again. Peter begged off saying that he had too much to do and that I would have to step in for the last few days.

I asked Penny what was I expected to do? She called me a bloody fool and said what did I think I was to do? I was to step in as if I were the same pupil and carry on from there. She brushed aside all my arguments and I later realised that she was perfectly right. But the point I wasn’t able to get across to her, was do I move back into the dormitory and, I didn’t know quite how to put it, but bluntly, did I get to fuck all of this intake? The answer was just as blunt. Yes! That’s what they come for! To fuck and be fucked! Then she relented and took hold of my hand and spoke to me in a softer tone.

“There are exceptions of course. You and Ann were prime examples of those exceptions. I appreciate that there are still people out there that deserve respect and you are one of them. Why do you think I came into your bed willingly? If you had been like most of the others, I wouldn’t have bothered. Now you get into the bar and enjoy yourself,” she gave me a smile and patted my cheek, “and don’t start getting all moral on me. I’ll announce you and introduce you to your partner for this afternoon, and night,” giving me a nudge and another smile.

So whilst serving behind the bar the pre-lunch drinks, I poured out for myself a large brandy and waited for Penny to utter the words that would throw me back into the classroom and dormitory.

“Ladies and gentlemen, your attention please. As you know, poor Stephen had an accident this morning and was taken off to hospital, leaving us one short of our number. But Will here, that’s him behind the bar, has agreed to step into his shoes till the end of the course.” There were cheers and a clapping of hands and I was pulled out from behind the bar and led to a nice young blonde thing. “This is Tina, Tina, this is Will.” I forced myself to look her straight in the eyes as I smiled at her, telling myself that I would be able to see her tits later at the table. She gave me a lovely smile back, so lovely that I just couldn’t stop my eyes from dropping down to see those bare breasts that would shortly be mine to suck and play with. Of course the old todger rose up and was clearly to be seen poking out of the front of my sarong and she couldn’t help but see it, and gave a little laugh as she took my hand and led me straight to a table in the dining room.

“Thank you Tina,” I said when we had sat down.

“Well I don’t think you wanted the others to see what I saw,” she laughed and could see where my eyes had come to rest. “Do you like them?”

“I beg your pardon?”

“My tits! I could see where your eyes went. Well do you like them?” she asked as she squared her shoulders to make them stand out further.

“They’re magnificent,” I breathed, giving out a theatrical sigh.

“Well let’s eat our lunch, or would you rather eat me this afternoon?”

“I’ll do both,” I said with a laugh, “and then have them for supper as well.”

“So will I then. I can’t wait to get my hands on what’s under that sarong of yours.”

So after lunch, she led me to the futon that she had used that morning with Stephen and dropped her sarong and took off mine.

“This is what I’ve wanted since I first saw you on the platform,” she said pulling me down to the floor. She smothered me with kisses and put my hands on her tits, and then she reached down and took my erection in a tight grip. She was rubbing it furiously and I had to prise her off and roll her over onto her back, her legs swinging open wide for me. Tina was soaking wet and gave out a loud groan as I went inside her and I think she orgasmed straight away. I got carried away in her enthusiasm and came twice without pulling out. It was a great afternoon with it ending by her being between my legs crooning as she sucked on me.

I saw to the bar and then had dinner with her, but still had to look after the bar till nine thirty. Tina sat on a stool the whole time, her tits resting on the bar top, squashed together by her forearms. She laughed when I suddenly stuck a cocktail cherry between them.

With the bar closed, Tina led me up to the dormitory and over to her bed. When she stopped at the foot of it, I refused.

“No way! That’s the noisiest bed I’ve ever heard, so I’m not sleeping in that one. Where did Stephen sleep?” She started to walk across the dorm, and I suddenly knew where she was heading and I held her back. “Let me guess,” and I went to my old bed and stopped.

“You’re right!” she laughed, and immediately dropped her sarong and climbed in with me right behind her.

After we had fucked half the night away, I laid back and realised that Penny had been the only other woman apart from Ann that I’d had in that bed until then.

I dropped into my old routine and was down in the gym early and though there were only a couple of days left for this class, I still had some girls come down there by the last morning. The farewells didn’t affect me this time as I’d not really had time to get that close to them, and soon the school was empty again.

I checked the progress of the new building with Peter, and saw that they had done quite a bit in just three and a half weeks. The ground had been cleared and the footings were just going in and it looked as though they were well ahead of the schedule already.


It became a regular pattern of travelling down to London for the interviews, then seeing each new intake of pupils, being in the classroom to watch them have sex and occasionally give out advice and looking after the bar. I also paid more attention to the monitors to study each of them as they interacted with each other, learning all the time. Peter would go up to London occasionally, and on those nights Penny would come to my bed.

“Did Peter send you?” I asked that first time in this small room.

“No,” she had replied, getting in with me and snuggling up, “I just don’t like sleeping alone.” This question had been asked after she had been on top of me, riding me till we both came in a bucking climax, and she then squashed her breasts on my chest as she lay on top with me still inside her.

Many pupils went through the school during that year, and the other building was nearly ready, well ahead of schedule. It was estimated to be ready for opening in one month’s time. They really only had to put the finishing touches to the furnishings and it would be done. The joining of the kitchen worked marvellously and my quarters were perfect and ready for occupying. It was then that I married an ex-pupil of the school.

We spent our honeymoon in the Caribbean on an island where nudity was the norm so that we acquired an all over sun tan, and then had a week in our own quarters of the new school. We both went to London with Penny and Peter for the following month’s interviews, our first intake having been selected by them whilst we had been away. She had sat with Penny and I with Peter. Then back at the school, we sorted them out into two halves and the letters duly sent out.

Our first day, with everything ready, I greeted the pupils with Peter on the steps and led my lot round to our half of the school. We gathered them in the lounge and I spoke to them.

“Welcome to our school. For you boys and girls, my name is Will and this is my wife, Ann!”

* * *

All comments good or bad are welcome.

This is the first of a trilogy. Look out for ‘The Second School’.

Written by 1941aaa
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