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The School Part One

"Six males and six females learn of sex in all forms."

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Part One.

It was only a small advert in the “Daily Telegraph”, but it intrigued me enough to send off for details. It was the name that prompted it, “The School for Sexual Awareness”.

Now I’m a young man, healthy, work out in a gym and am as fit as a fiddle and think I know all that I need to know about the birds and the bees. But there have been times which made me wonder, like what did I do or say wrong the last time I was rebuffed by a pretty young thing at a party. Was it my manner, aftershave or was my technique past its sell by date?

I’ve had a good education, thanks to my parents, who are no longer around unfortunately. My mother died when I was still in my teens, my father a few months ago. His death was quite a shock as he wasn’t really that old, but I’ve since come to terms with it. The life insurance has just come through which paid off the mortgage and has given me enough to live comfortably without making the effort to look for work.

My name is Smyth, (pronounced Smith); some snob of an ancestor must have changed the spelling to what it is now, and the Christian name being Willoughby, though I never make full use of it. Will is what I say when asked, and usually follow that up with, if it’s a female, I will if you will. That’s the kind of pick up line I’ve got to change. My age is twenty four, male, British by birth, Caucasian etc., well you know the drill.

A plain brown envelope dropped on the mat two weeks later, having forgotten about replying to the ad, and inside was a lengthy questionnaire that I thought was quite amusing. Below the heading of the school’s name was a line, in heavy type, saying that all the answers would be in the strictest confidence and that you had to be eighteen years of age or older. Another line said that if I had any problems of any interaction because of class, colour or creed, or with members of the same sex, I needn’t bother filling out the said questionnaire. I didn’t pick up the full meaning of the word “interaction” till I was at the school, but you’ll see that as the story unfolds.

Then came the questions with little boxes to tick. I’m not going to put them all down here, there were three pages of the things; I’ll just let you know the ones that were funny or relevant to the tale.

Did I ever indulge in any kind of sex with a person of the same gender? A/ Before maturity or B/ After maturity. I ticked A. Had I ever had sex with an animal? The answer was definitely no to this one. Had I ever had sex with any member of my immediate family? Again no. There were lots more and I noticed a line that said if all the questions were not answered, there would be no further response from the school. Finally at the end, before the place for your signature and the date were the final lines. If the above form was acceptable, I would be hearing from them with regard to an interview, which if on passing, would be given a date for attendance at the school for three weeks. Living in with all meals etc. The fee was 1,500, which seemed quite high, but what the hell, I could afford it.

The questionnaire was duly sent off in the self addressed envelope provided, a stamp being needed to ensure the delivery and gave it no more thought. Until, that is, another brown envelope arrived two weeks later inviting me to an interview at an office in London.

I turned up at the address indicated and found that it was in an office block, but it seemed as though the office they used was rented purely for the day as the signs were of cardboard and taped to the doors. I entered into this small office that contained two desks with a chair in front of each, and six chairs lined round the walls. Behind one desk was a youngish man interviewing another young man, while a woman was conducting her interview of a female. I was waved to one of the empty chairs by the wall, so I sat down to wait my turn. I think I was early as there were two other people already waiting. I bid them both good morning and watched those behind the desks.

It appeared that the woman interviewed females and the man, the males. Soon it was my turn and I sat down and he introduced himself as Peter Taylor and the male instructor at the school and I would see him there the whole time if I was accepted. We ran through my questionnaire and in no time he shook my hand and said I was in. Then we sorted out the payment and I was given the address, date and time I was to present myself. I was also given an envelope with all the details and other pertinent instructions.

The school was in Hampshire and only one suitcase was allowed for toiletries and personal things, clothes not being needed as all would be supplied by the school. Special diets etc, would sorted out upon arrival. It went on about laundry and things like that, and the small print at the bottom said that if you left before the end of the course, no monies would be refunded.


I was one of the first off the train at the designated station and went out for a taxi. I saw some other young people come out after me and guessed that they were also bound for the same place as me. I had the taxi door open and called out if anyone wanted a lift for the school. But with being the first there, I sat in the front seat next to the driver. Four of them had surged forward so they had to cram themselves into the back and as only three suitcases could be fitted into the boot, they had to have the last one across their knees. I’d only brought a holdall which I carried on my lap. There wasn’t time for introductions so it was just a matter of looking and trying to assess the others by their clothes, hairstyles and speech.

It was several miles outside of town, off the main road and down a country lane. The entrance itself wasn’t that imposing, just an open, white painted five bar gate between two large oak trees. This gate was later changed to being an electric one and operated from the lodge just inside.

The drive was gravelled and we passed another lodge, though it looked more of a small house, and just past the trees alongside the drive, we could then see the school set out in the middle of what appeared to be about four acres of ground.

It was a fairly new building but built in the style of the early Victorian period, with a portico at the top of about three steps which was where the taxi pulled up for us to get out. We piled out and I let the others sort out their cases from the boot while I only had my holdall.

With three of us being males, we each chipped in a pound, not asking the girls, to pay the driver for the fare having arrived at our destination.

We all seemed self-conscious as we trooped up these steps. Peter met us at the door and told us to leave our bags in the hall and led us through another door that had a number punch lock to open it. We followed him into a lounge where there were six other people present and we were invited to sit down somewhere. I recognized two people from the interview and the woman who entered after us as the one behind the other desk to Peter, who said a few words to him before taking her place beside him, facing us.

‘Well, we thank you for being on time, though I’m afraid one of your number is going to be late. She missed the train and is to be expected to be here on the next one. My name is Peter as you men already know, and this is my wife Penny, as you girls also already know.

Now after going through the questionnaires and then the interview, you have been selected for this course which involves sex and nudity to which you all have accepted. But how many of you have been to a nudist beach or colony?’ Three hands went up. ‘Well you shouldn’t have any problem about the naked body then. So let’s make the introductions, but before we begin, it’s Christian names only here. No surnames are used at all. Now let’s go round the room in turn. Please stand up and give your name, age, if you want to, and anything you might want to say. Please?’ he indicated to the girl in the first chair by the door. She stood up, going slightly red in the face at being the first one of the group having to speak.

‘My name is Connie Des…’

‘No surnames please, Connie,’ Penny admonished.

‘Sorry. My name is Connie and I’m twenty one years of age.’ She blushed as she sat down. The next girl along stood up.

‘I’m Deborah, though I like to be called Debbie,’ she said with a smile, ‘and I’m twenty four.’

‘My name is Martin. You can call me what you like,’ he said with a smirk, ‘and I’m also twenty four.’

‘I was christened Katherine, but I prefer to be called Kathy. I’m half Chinese and half English and I’m twenty two years of age.’ It was my turn now so I stood up.

‘My name is Will. Take your pick what it is short for, but most would get it wrong. Oh, and I’m twenty four.’

‘Zac is what I’m known as, but you’ve probably guessed that it’s short for Zachariah. No I don’t have twenty five siblings named alphabetically, but I am twenty five years old.’

‘Ann. Twenty one.’

‘David, but not Welsh and I’m twenty two.’

‘Christopher, budding gynaecologist and twenty three years of age.’

‘Then I must be a proctologist,’ some of us laughed at this. ‘I’ll explain to the rest of you later. My name is Ralph and I’m twenty four.’

‘Oh, I’m the last one. I’m Leslie and I’m twenty three.’

‘Thank you all for that,’ said Peter standing up, ‘the last one to come is…’ he looked toward Penny.

‘Carol, and she is twenty three years old and should be with us very shortly. Now before we start getting together, let me say this. Don’t make any attachments at the beginning, because we will be mixing you all up over the next three weeks. You will be sleeping in a dormitory while you are here. For tonight, there will be curtains between the beds. For tonight only! Then they will be drawn back because you have to integrate. There’s no such thing as privacy here. The toilets do not have doors and there are six shower roses along one wall without divisions. You will soon get used to nudity and also not to be embarrassed to be seen having a crap. You sleep together, shower together and eat together. Also you will be having sex together.

Now the beds are numbered and the girls will take the odd numbers and the boys the even ones. So let’s go and unpack into the bedside cupboards, suitcases to be placed under the bed, and we’ll meet down here in ten minutes and have a drink before lunch. Oh, and one more thing,’ Penny called out as we started to move. ‘We have a safe in the office for personal things such as money, credit cards, watches and the like. A bottle of wine between two at lunch and dinner is already paid for in the cost of the course, but any other drinks can be got at the bar and signed for. No cash is used and we settle up the bar bill every Monday morning. Okay, now follow me.’

We all trooped out of the lounge and picked up our bags which had been brought in through the locked door, and followed Penny up the stairs. They were thickly carpeted as was the lounge and hall and the temperature seemed quite high, and I started to feel uncomfortable with the warmth of the place. At the top of the stairs and off to the left were some swing doors, and on going through was like stepping into a hospital ward except that the floor was also carpeted. You could see two beds from the doorway, and then it was curtains screening the rest. At the far end, I could see what appeared to be the showers and I presumed, the toilets.

Bed number one was on the left as we went in and number twelve on the right. So it was to be girl boy girl on both sides of the dorm. The others started to break away and stop at a bedside and I picked the fourth on the right, number eight. This way I would have a girl on both sides of me.

It only took a few minutes to empty my holdall and shove it under the bed. I kept back my wallet and watch and moved out into the middle of the dorm and met Zac and Ralph as they came out from the showers.

‘She was right! No doors and just a bank of shower heads. God help a timid person,’ Zac said.

‘Okay everyone,’ Peter called out from the doorway, clapping his hands to get our attention. ‘Just one thing Penny forgot to mention. Soap! Please all use the soap that is provided. It’s clinical and non-perfumed. All okay with that?’ and at the lack of reply said, ‘Fine, now follow me and we’ll go down to the bar for a quick one before lunch.’

Peter was talking as we went downstairs saying that we wouldn’t see any members of the staff. All the rooms that we would be using were strictly off limits to them. Meals were all buffet style, laid out before our appearance, and cleared up after we had left. The same applied to the dormitory, and all doors had locks that could only be opened by punching in the right sequence of numbers. We would be given these after lunch.

From the staircase, we turned right and entered the bar. A small comfortable room that wouldn’t have been out of place in any London club. There were four low tables, each with four chairs to one side, and four stools before a well stocked bar off to the left. Peter went behind the counter and said, ‘Right, the first drink is on the house, but if you want more, you sign a chit. Now who’s first?’

When I came to be served I asked for a cold beer as I was quite hot. I remarked on the heat to Peter as he pulled up a pint, and he apologized for that and said that I would understand at the meeting after lunch. I sat down at one of the tables with Kathy, the half Chinese girl, and Ann. Martin joined us and we chatted about nothing, all being wary of saying the wrong thing until we got to know each other a little better. We had just about finished our drinks when Penny came into the bar with a girl following behind her.

‘This is Carol everyone and she says she’s sorry to be late,’ turning to her, Penny added, ‘If you want a drink, you’ll have to take it into lunch with you. You’ll get to meet the others during lunch and in the classroom later.’

Lunch was announced, and we all trooped into the dining room where two long tables, either side of the room were laid out, one with six places, the other for eight, and another placed cross ways at the far end which displayed a large buffet. We all sorted ourselves out with regard to the seating and Penny called out that it was a buffet and that we had to serve ourselves. It was quite a spread, so I’m not going to describe all that was there, but just to say that it looked delicious and there was plenty for all. I had sat down at the six table with Kathy, Ann, Martin and our two hosts, Peter and Penny.

I’m not normally a lunch time eater, just generally pick at something light and have a decent dinner in the evening. But the buffet looked so good that I found myself filling my plate and polishing the lot off. I shared a bottle of red Chianti with Ann and thoroughly enjoyed the meal. I had just finished my wine when Peter rose from his chair and tapped on his wine glass to get everybody’s attention.

‘Did you enjoy the meal?’ There was a chorus of yes from all present. ‘Well now it’s time for the classroom.’ He was poked in the ribs by Penny who whispered something to him. ‘Sorry. First it’s to the office for any valuables you want to be locked up safe.’

We queued in turn and got a receipt for what we handed over, and then we were escorted to the classroom. It was quite large, about the size of the dining room and bar together, and I could see that there were eight large futons spread around the room, and a small pile of towels and some pots by each one. Near the door was a small stage like structure, I say small because it was only about eight inches higher than the surrounding floor, and only projected into the room by about five feet. We were asked to all sit down in front of this podium and Peter and Penny stood up on it before us.

‘Now after that lovely lunch, please don’t fall asleep on us but pay attention.’ She then undid the buttons of her shirt and took it off, revealing a large heavy pair of well rounded breasts. Everyone sat up much straighter at this sight. ‘Thought that would get your attention,’ she laughed. Then she undid the clip at the side of her waist and pulled off her skirt. She was wearing panties and we could all see quite clearly the triangle of hair between her upper thighs as these were taken off. She then held up a small sarong which she put round her waist and tucked in the ends.

‘Now you’ve all seen what I’ve got and what I am now wearing. You’ve nearly all commented on the heat in the building, and this is why. This is all I will be wearing for the next three weeks and you will be doing the same.’

As she was speaking, Peter had taken off his shirt and then peeled off his shorts, letting everyone see his penis and balls before donning a similar sarong.

‘During this course you will be naked for most of the time, but we are isolated within these walls, so there’s no danger of outsiders looking in at you. The only time I recommend the wearing of the sarong is at meal times. You don’t want hot soup or coffee spilt in your lap, do you? Especially the fellas!’

We all laughed at this and it seemed to break the ice. She turned to the wall behind her and pulled down a large chart of the female form, the other chart she pulled down was of the male.

She picked up a pointer and handed it to Peter. Turning back to the class, she continued, ‘Now this first lesson is to familiarize you with the human body and the various names.’ Penny touched her breasts and Peter pointed to them on both of the charts. ‘These are called the mammary glands for both sexes. Now we call them by a variety of names. Please anyone?’

Hands went up, ‘Breasts,’ called out Debbie. Penny nodded. ‘Tits,’ from Zac. Another nod, ‘Boobs,’ said Connie. ‘Right,’ agreed Penny, ‘and there are a lot more. I’m not going to go through them all because you probably know more than I do.’ She then pulled off her sarong and put her finger on her pubic hair. ‘Below this hair is the pudendum, the female genitals. This, and lots of bits inside go by so many different names as I think even Kathy there would know, yin for the female and yang for the male for example. The only word we don’t like is cunt, because this has been used many times to mean something different. In fact, if we can dispense with all the derogatory words, we’ll all get along without any problems. If, when you are with a partner and object to a particular word being used, say so, and the other should respect that wish. Now to continue…..’

Penny then went on to describe all the names of the insides of a woman’s cu…sorry, I’m not to use that word. Well you know what I mean as she went onto the erogenous zones of a woman and as she described them, Peter was pointing them out on the chart. She then turned to Peter who took off his sarong and she pointed out those places on a man’s body.

‘Now ladies, please be careful with these,’ she said as she cupped her hand under his balls. ‘These are the testes. The testicles, balls but not bollocks. They are like the inner part of an egg, the yolk and the white. They’re soft and delicate, but you can handle them, rub them, suck them and gently fondle them and that is about all. Please don’t squeeze unless you intend to disable him for a very long time. One of the worse things for a man down there is testicular cancer. All men should often feel them to check for any lumps.’

‘Is that what men are doing in public? I thought they were just scratching themselves,’ shouted out Carol, causing much laughter from the girls.

‘Terrible habit isn’t it. Like when they scratch their arse as well,’ laughed Penny. ‘But seriously, this also applies to a woman’s breast. Always check for lumps. Breast cancer is a real danger.’

She had gone on without the slightest sign of embarrassment at her lengthy discourse whilst being completely naked, the same for Peter standing alongside her, but now she put her sarong back on as did Peter.

‘Let’s now get down to the nitty gritty and the start of your education. You are going to be paired off to explore each other’s erogenous zones as I have pointed out. As this is the first lesson, the pairing will be the same for tomorrow. Then we change it for the following day, and every day after that so that you will all interact with each other, that’s why we asked you not to make any attachments at the start.

The first name called of a pair will be the leader. In other words, they are to instigate and handle the proceedings. If at any time during the course something crops up…’ Penny was interrupted by the laughter from the men, ‘apart from that!’ she smiled, ‘If you want to stop and ask a question, call out for Peter or myself. We’ll be here, around you all the time, but above all, talk to your partner. Say what you feel. If it’s good, say so. You are to learn from each other what the other likes and what they feel. What’s good for one is not always the same for another. If he’s tickling your clit but you want it scratched, say so. Try it here, try it there; talk and say it.

Now here are this afternoon and tomorrow’s pairings. The first name called is the leader, remember. You will be given two sarongs and a copy of the charts naming the zones. Carol and Martin.’ Little cheers came out from us as the two of them got up from the floor and collected a sarong each and a chart. ‘Go and find a futon and start. By start, I mean take your clothes off.’ They both moved away from the podium, Martin with a silly grin on his face while Carol’s face was bright red.

‘Next is Debbie and David.’ Then it was Kathy and Chris, Ralph and Leslie, Zac and Connie. I looked across at Ann, because we were the only two left sitting at the front. I got up and held out my hand for her to rise. She took it and we went forward for our sarongs and chart. Ann’s name had been called first, so she was the boss. Still holding her hand, we went to one of the two vacant futons left and sat down facing each other, the chart and sarongs by our sides.

‘Well you’re the boss today, it’s for you to start,’ I said.

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She went a nice pinky colour, but putting on a brave front, unbuttoned her blouse and pulled it off. I was taking off my shirt when she unclipped her bra and shrugged it off her shoulders. Her breasts were not big, or small either, but firm and perfectly round with a lovely light brown aureole around the nipples which had hardened under my gaze. She then knelt up and pulled off her skirt and half pulled her panties down before sitting and pulling them off completely.

Her legs were closed but I could still see the patch of hair at the top of her thighs. My socks and shoes were off, but I had to stand up to pull down my trousers and pants. I had got a steaming erection from the sight of those breasts only a foot away, and had trouble getting my lower clothes off. Suddenly they were down and my cock sprang out like a flag pole.

‘Sorry,’ I mumbled, ‘couldn’t help it. One look at them er, breasts, just turned me on.’

‘You can call them tits if you would prefer that word, I don’t mind. I use that description myself sometimes, and put your clothes down, you look silly standing there holding them.’

I had been holding them in front of me but I now had to relinquish the protection they were affording me, so she couldn’t help but see my cock standing out in front of me as I put them down as I sank to the futon.

‘There’s nothing to be ashamed of there. It’s big, straight and,’ she suddenly grinned, ‘looks good enough to eat.’

I should have been shocked, but I wasn’t and suddenly felt very proud of what I’ve got. I grinned back at her. Well that’s what we here for, to talk and be told what was and what wasn’t good in the partner you had.

‘You have lovely br…er, tits Ann,’ I stuttered, cursing myself at the way it came out. I had a quick glance across the room and saw many naked breasts and at least two other erections which didn’t make feel so self conscious.

‘Would you like to feel them?’ Well she was the boss and the one who had to start the whole thing off. I leaned forward and ran my hand over one and then the other.

‘Come closer,’ Ann said, and she lay down on her back and I then stretched out alongside her and started to caress them. My erection got squashed against her thigh as I leaned into her. I followed her directions as to what to touch, squeeze and stroke. She worked my hand down to her stomach and then directed me in the use of my fingers inside her thighs.

‘Hold on a minute,’ she said, sitting up and taking hold of my cock and held it up. ‘See that?’ Her finger was pointing at my love juice that was welling out from the swollen head beneath the foreskin. She then ran her finger across the top, taking quite a bit of juice up and popped it into her mouth. ‘Mmmm, that’s sweet,’ she said, licking her lips, ‘have you ever tried it?’ I shook my head, so she gave my cock a nice squeeze and more juice oozed out which she scooped up with her finger and pushed it into my mouth. I was surprised at the sweetness of my own fluid, it was incredible and I said so, trying to do it to myself, but there wasn’t any left.

‘Your body will make some more later. What did you think of it?’

‘Fantastic! I didn’t know it tasted like that, sweet and almost honey like.’

‘Well you’ve learnt something already, haven’t you? Now where were we? Oh yes. Finger me again,’ she said in a sweet little voice, ‘it was just getting interesting.’

‘What about me?’

‘To quote Scarlet O’Hara, tomorrow’s another day. You find my erogenous zones first, and then we’ll find yours.’ So my fingers went back inside her and my throbbing aching cock got squashed again.

‘There, there, left a bit, no up, up, yes there. Oooooh.’

She began to croon and pant, her breasts started heaving and her body began to twitch. ‘Keep going, keep going, I’m going to come in a minute. I’m, I’m….Now! Quick! Put it in! Fuck me! Now!’ Pulling at my arm, her grip was like iron. I quickly rolled up and over her. Her legs went wide as she frantically pulled at my shoulders, and I fell in between her legs and was virtually sucked into her.

I went into her like a hot knife through butter she was so horny and sopping wet. Her legs became a vice around my hips as she bucked more than I could thrust. With my cock being so close to bursting for some time now, it was only a few seconds before I was sending out jets of sperm into her, keeping up the rhythm of her fucking. She was really doing all the work, and I was just like a bronco buster at a rodeo, hanging on like grim death as she came in great shuddering heaves. That’s some fucking orgasm I thought, panting for breath and then suddenly realizing where I was, in the middle of a classroom with other people probably watching us as we fucked. But I was surprised to see that nearly every man was fucking the woman beneath him. One pair had just finished and were lying on their backs, their chests heaving as mine was.

Ann opened her eyes and smiled up at me as her breathing came down to normal. ‘That was some fuck! Thanks Will,’ and she pulled my head down and kissed me for the first time full on the lips. I liked the position I was in, most of my weight being on my elbows, but nice to have my still erect cock buried deep inside her body. Her tits were just brushing my chest and I liked that sleepy smile she gave that was for me alone. We lay kissing like that for quite some time, her internal muscles giving me a squeeze every now and then.

‘Attention ladies and gentlemen,’ Penny’s voice slowly penetrated into my brain. ‘When you’ve quite finished, you’ll find some towels beside you for the purpose of cleaning yourselves up. Ladies clean the men and the men to clean the ladies. This is also an important part of a sexual encounter, and that is that you can gently clean up your partner after having had some fun.’

I disengaged myself slowly, feeling the vaginal muscles of Ann trying to hold onto my slippery shaft, a grin on her face that turned to a whimper as I came out. I could see that her vagina was still stretched wide, making me disbelieve that my prick was thick enough to make it as wide as that. I groped for a towel, not taking my eyes off the vagina that was slowly contracting before my gaze.

I gently wiped inside the cleft and inner lips and then the tops of her thigh where my wet cock had left a trail of dribbling sperm. Then she sat up and pushed me back and picked up another towel. Then to my surprise, she gave a quick glance round and suddenly bent down and gave me a quick suck. Her head was back up in a blink of an eye, and she gave me a wicked smile and licked her lips before slowly wiping me clean, almost giving me a wank as she did so.

‘That should be enough till you get upstairs,’ Penny called out. ‘Now get dressed and go and have a shower. Not your outside clothes Chris,’ she admonished, ‘The sarong you have been given. You’ll find clean ones on your beds, so it’s sarongs or nothing from now on. Understood? Okay, so have your shower and then come down to the bar. You have only an hour before dinner.’

I looked down at my wrist to check the time and realized that I’d had put my watch into the safe.

‘Is it that time already?’ I said to Ann.

‘It must be,’ she replied, fixing her sarong around her hips, her breasts left bare. Looking round, everybody was putting on their sarongs and I’ve never seen so many bare tits in one place at the same time. I took Ann’s hand in mine and we followed the others out of the classroom and up the stairs to the dormitory.

I was quick to grab a towel and head into the showers and made room for Ann when she came in. She let me soap her down and then she did the same for me. We’d dropped our sarongs into the laundry basket before we’d gone in, so we walked back naked to our beds. As it happened, she had the next bed down to mine from the showers.

‘See you when you’re dressed,’ I grinned as I stopped by my bed and watched her cute bum go round the curtain dividing us. I finished drying myself and then combed my hair before donning my clean sarong. I then went round and sat on the end of Ann’s bed and watched her brushing her hair as she looked into the mirror there. She had her sarong on, and I like the play of her shoulder and back muscles that moved as she used the hairbrush, and the way her breasts tautened with every upward movement of her arm. She finally put the brush down and announced that she was ready, so off we went down to the bar.

We were the first ones down and Peter had just opened the bar. We sat down on two of the stools and waited for him to turn round.

‘Good evening madam and sir!’ he chuckled, ‘what can I get you?’

‘A pint of beer please, and for you Ann?’

‘Could I have a daiquiri please?’

‘Certainly,’ Peter said, mixing her drink and pulling my pint. I signed the proffered chit just as Kathy and Connie entered the bar, breasts as bare as Ann’s, followed by Chris and Zac, all wearing their sarongs. The two girls had sat down at a table and Zac asked them what they wanted to drink. He gave the order to Peter as well as for himself and Chris.

‘What did you think Will? It is Will isn’t it?’ Zac asked.

‘Yes Zac. I have thoroughly enjoyed it so far, and you?’

‘Terrific old boy,’ he said, giving me a slap on the back and moving in closer, his voice dropping a couple of octaves, ‘that Connie knows quite a bit. I can’t wait for tomorrow’s session with her,’ he leered. ‘How’s your bint?’

‘Bint? I don’t und…Oh, Ann you mean. She’s a very nice girl in fact.’ We were interrupted by the other three fellows coming up to the bar and Debbie, bare breasted and looking pert and saucy, gave me a smile and turned to Ann.

‘You’re Ann aren’t you? Come and join us girls.’ Ann smiled an apology to me and I nodded, so she slipped off the stool and with her drink in hand, went and sat with the other girls.

Soon there were lots of giggles coming from this group of six, and it was nice to sit and watch so many breasts bounce about in such close proximity. I started to get a hard on but got drawn into the conversations of the boys at the bar, which turned out to be the usual smut.

‘I heard you say about being a budding gynaecologist,’ David said to Chris who laughed and replied, ‘I was just joking, lust joking.’

‘But,’ David turning to Ralph, ‘I didn’t quite get what you said about you being a prog…proto…whatever. What did you mean?’ We laughed as Ralph explained. ‘Proctologist! Chris looks up their vagina while I look up their arse!’

Penny then entered the bar, bare breasted as the girls, and clapped her hands together for attention.

‘Now then, I trust you all had an enjoyable afternoon?’ There was a lot of hand clapping and some cheers, especially from the boys at the bar. ‘That is why the first pairings go into the second day, because you have followed the normal pattern of every class by getting your rocks off at the first opportunity. Tomorrow you start in earnest, and remember that too much sex is a bad as not having enough, and after watching you lot today tells me it was the latter! Now for a few more rules. You have already been told not to make attachments to your pairings because you will be moving around. What you do during the period of your pairing is up to you within the time frame allowed. Now you are still paired until breakfast time the day after tomorrow. Use that time to learn from each other. If you wish to copulate, you can, but, and I stress the but, only in the designated places. That is the classroom and the dormitory, and only in the dorm after lights out which is at ten o’clock. The bar, by the way, closes at nine thirty.’ Groans this time from the boys at the bar.

‘You do not fuck in the dining room, bar, lounge or any other place in the building except for the classroom and dorm. In the lounge you will find the television, but it is only set up for videos. These videos cover all aspects of what we are here for, and you are advised to watch and learn from them as well as what we teach you. Among the videos are some pornographic films,’ Smirks came from some of the boys at this. ‘But they have been heavily edited, deleting the appalling dialogue and shortened the actual sex scenes to only demonstrate the many positions of sexual intercourse as well as different aspects of fellatio and cunnilingus. There is also an extensive library of sex educational books that you may care to peruse. So just to summarize what I’ve been saying, take the dipping of the wick in moderation or you’ll burn yourselves out.’ This was directed towards us men at the bar. ‘Listening and talking are as much instructive as the actual physical contact. There is a small gym located through the door under the staircase for those who would like to do more exercising. It’s not very big, so there’s only a few machines in there. I’m afraid we do not have a swimming pool as the house is not big enough to accommodate that luxury. Now we are about to sound the fire alarm as required by law and then we will have dinner. Thank you.’

As Penny finished speaking, there was a strident ringing of bells throughout the building that lasted about five seconds, and then she pointed to the dining room. So it was a matter of up ending our glasses and each of us collecting our partner and going in to dinner.

The lights had been dimmed to be almost extinguished, except above the buffet table, and these were quite low in illumination. Instead of the two long tables as before, they had been split up to provide seven small tables, each with a lit candle and a single rose in a small vase and only had place settings for two.

‘Isn’t it romantic,’ Ann whispered, her hand tightening on mine as I led her to one of the tables and we sat down. We just sat there looking at each other, and getting food was the last thing on my mind then. I was mesmerized by the candle flickering its fleeting light across her breasts, casting shadows one second and the next, highlighting the sheer beauty of those two orbs across the table before me. I reached out and gently stroked one breast, feeling the smooth silken texture of her skin. I could have spent the rest of dinner just stroking her breasts, but the spell was broken by Peter placing an opened half bottle of red wine and one of white on our table. I looked up and returned his smile, wondering how he knew what wines to bring to us, but then remembered that preference of wine was asked for on the questionnaire.

We collected our collation from the buffet, but I cannot for the life of me remember what it was that we ate. With the empty plates before us, we just sat there holding hands, and if as if we were reading each other’s mind, rose as one from the table and left the dining room. I stopped at the bar and got two brandies to take into the lounge.

I sat down in an armchair near the television and Ann selected a video and started the machine and came and sat in my lap. It was a video about erogenous zones and I tried to follow them as she sat there, using her hand on the back of my neck whilst my hand stroked and played with a breast. She was finding more zones than I was I think, because with that luscious breast in my hand and a beautiful girl in my lap, I got a hard on. I tried to move to make myself more comfortable, but Ann smiled at me and gave me a kiss, wiggling her bum and aggravating my problem even more.

‘I’ve got a hard on,’ I whispered into her ear.

‘I know. Nice isn’t it?’ she whispered back, smiling at me as she wiggled a bit more.

‘Don’t,’ I groaned, ‘it’s killing me.’

‘What shall we do about it,’ she whispered, giving my ear a lick with her tongue, ‘whatever it is, we can’t do it here. You know what Penny said.’

‘Then let’s go to the classroom,’ I said, and I saw her glance over my shoulder. There must have been a clock somewhere in there that I hadn’t noticed before.

‘It’s a quarter to ten. We wouldn’t have time. Let’s go up to the dorm. It’s only fifteen minutes to lights out and then…..’ She left the rest of the sentence unspoken. I downed the last of my brandy and offered up her glass, but she shook her head, so I drained that glass too. She wouldn’t get up off my lap. So with a heroic struggle, I managed to get up off the chair with her clinging to me, virtually carrying her to the door of the lounge.

‘Okay Will, you can put me down now,’ giving me a kiss on the cheek, and she slid from my arms and stood meekly beside me till I opened the door. We went upstairs hand in hand and into the dormitory. We kissed at the foot of her bed and then I went round the curtain and lay down on mine and watched as others came past to go to the toilets and a couple of the others start getting into bed.

There came a light pinging of a bell that lasted for about ten seconds and then the overhead lights started to dim, slowly losing their brightness until they faded away into nothingness. Then there was a slight rustle of the curtain, and it was slowly pulled away from the wall end and Ann’s face appeared, hardly discernable in the faint light that came from the dormitory’s entrance. Her hand, ghostly white in the gloom, beckoned to me. I rose up from my bed, sarong already off, and naked, padded round the curtain to her bed. Her pale naked body gleamed at me as I climbed onto the bed and felt myself melt and mould our two bodies together. At first I was atop of her as we kissed, our tongues vying with each other as we wrestled for supremacy, but soon finished up underneath her. I think she wanted the sex as much, if not more than I did. She broke off the kisses and got astride of me, and then holding up my erection, inserted it into herself, sinking down till she had completely taken all of me inside her, and gave me the best fuck of my life.

Her attitude to sex gave me a completely different outlook of the way men see women. We, men I mean, have always thought that we should be the dominant one. We should make the running, that is to chase, catch and then impose our will upon them, thinking that they only think of sex as a means of procreation, but I learnt otherwise that first day at the school.

I came in an upward surge, sending my sperm up and into her, but I think her orgasm was greater than mine. I could feel the result of our two emissions slowly trickling down around my balls and admitted defeat. I reared up, still inside her, and held her tight, kissing her breasts, nipping at her nipples and generally slobbering over her, and as we slowly fell back to the bed, I could feel her tears dropping onto my face.

We lay together for the rest of the night, waking and kissing before falling back to sleep, only to reawaken and kiss again. Nature called, and I slowly had to disentangle myself from her limbs before I could get off the bed. After using the toilet, I stopped at my own bed and looked at the small clock I had brought with me. I saw that it was just after six, so there was only an hour left till getting up time, so I took my sarong, not bothering to put it on but slinging it over my shoulder, went and made my way down to the little room that was called the gym.

This ‘gym’ contained two cycles, two jogging machines and two for rowing. I elected to work up a sweat on one of the latter and I’d rowed nearly three miles by the clock at the foot of the machine when the door opened and Connie came in.

‘Oh, sorry. I didn’t think anybody else would be up this early.’

She looked nice. Her hair tousled and her breasts were large and firm, the nipples large by comparison to the aureoles that surrounded them. ‘Do you mind if I do some jogging?’

‘Go ahead,’ I said, losing my rhythm at the sight of her and the way she moved and mounted the jogging machine. She turned it on, adjusting a dial and then started to trot as the belt beneath her feet began to move. I had to stop rowing as she jogged, because the machine was facing me and with her hands lightly on the side bars, didn’t stop her breasts from jumping up and down with every step she took.

My blood started to heat up, but again in the wrong place. My cock rose up fast and was soon rigid, standing up quite proud of my thighs, the head throbbing and seemed to be bouncing to the speed of those magnificent breasts before my eyes.

‘I see you’re pleased to see me,’ she said with laughter in her eyes, not losing her stride. ‘I hope it’s going to be like that all the time when we are partners.’

‘I hope so too,’ I laughed, trying to cover up my embarrassment as I tried to do some rowing again, but it was difficult with my cock bouncing about between my legs, so I gave it up. There was nothing I could do about my erection as I stood up and wiped my face and chest with my sarong, I just had to stand there in front of her. I tried to talk of anything but sex, but I didn’t make a good job of it.

‘Oh Will. Go and have a cold shower,’ she said, coming to a halt, her breasts heaving from the jogging, ‘you’re starting to get me all hot standing there like that.’

‘Good idea,’ I mumbled, and putting the sarong around my waist which did not hide what was jutting out, turned and left the gym. By taking it slow going up the stairs, I managed to get it down so that it was not that obvious by the time I got to Ann’s bed. She was still asleep, so I pulled down the sheet and gave her a light slap on the rounded bottom.

‘Come on sleepy head. Time for the showers.’

‘I hate you,’ she murmured sleepily with her eyes still shut but with a small smile on her face belaying the lie. ‘Keeping a girl awake all night and then not letting her get her beauty sleep.’

She rolled over and sat up and made her breasts go taut as she stretched her arms and opened her eyes as I took off my sarong.

‘Now that’s a sight to make a girl happy,’ as my prick had started to rise seeing her so sweet and lovable in that dishevelled state.

She jumped out of bed and grabbed her towel and I picked up mine as I passed my bed as we went into the showers, oblivious to the others who were also washing themselves. Donning our sarongs after drying ourselves and putting away toothbrushes etc, we went down to breakfast. The tables had reverted back to two long ones again, David and Debbie were already seated and eating, and we got our breakfast and sat down opposite them. It was nice to be sitting and eating your breakfast and see a nice pair of tit’s the other side of the table as well as the pair next to me.

The others came drifting in their pairings and there was a nice hubbub of noise as everyone made conversation. It wasn’t long before Penny came in, dressed, if that’s the right word with only a sarong on and announced that class would commence in fifteen minutes and to do what ablutions we needed, stressing that it was important that after all bodily functions, we were to make sure we were really clean afterwards.


Written by 1941aaa
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