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The School. Part Four.

"Six males and six females learn of sex in all forms."

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The School. Part Four.

“Now this happens with every intake of students, so that is why the bar is open early for you to discuss this between you. You all filled out the questionnaire and signed it. One line read that if you had any problems of any interaction because of class, colour or creed or with members of the same sex, do not bother to fill out the form etc. Interaction with members of the same sex! Now I’m not saying this in a nasty way, but it is very difficult to put it any other way. You were accepted to the course because of this sentence, and if you no longer accept this, the school cannot accept you any longer either. The other rider to this is that monies are not refunded. Now go and have your showers and meet in two groups, male and female and make your decision whether to leave or stay.!

“Well what do you make of that?” asked one voice.

“I didn’t really pay much attention to that line,” said another.

“Wow!” From yet another person.

These were just passing bits that I caught as we all trooped up the stairs and I turned at the touch of a hand on my arm.

“Will?” It was Ann who had spoken and now held my arm. “What are you going to do?” There was a catch in her voice and I could see tears in her eyes.

“I don’t know. I saw and read the line but didn’t really comprehend the full implication of it. What about you?” She cast her eyes down and I had to strain to catch her softly spoken words.

“I will do the same as you. Go and I go. Stay and I stay too. I will not think less of you whatever you decide.” The tears were now running down her face.

I had to turn away. I couldn’t bear to see those lovely eyes so full of tears, and she had really declared her love for me. It had been a very difficult week for me, seeing Ann with another man though not actually seeing the physical contact. I had imagined every thrust of a cock into her, from each and every one of the male members there at the school. It had tortured me so that the only way I could cast it from my mind was to throw myself wholeheartedly into the depths of the other women. Now it was my turn! Could I do it! I could accept Ann having sex with another woman as being different, but could she accept me with another man? That was the question! But as I went under the shower I realised that she had already told me. “I will not think less of you.”So I made my decision there in the shower.

Peter and Penny were behind the bar, serving out drinks as the girls gathered round in a group, sitting down and sipping at their drinks. I joined the men at the bar.

It was a heated discussion within our group and noisier than that of the girls. Ralph made it quite clear at the outset that he was staying.

“I’m bi-sexual already, so I know what it’s all about, so I am staying.” Some tried to talk him down, but he waved them quiet so that he could finish. “There are always detractors and I can see their point too, but if you were to feel what a woman feels, you can believe me that you would treat them a bit more gently. You had anal sex with them didn’t you? Would you accept it if they could do the same to you?”

Nobody answered that one.

“I’m staying too,” I suddenly found myself saying, a bit earlier than I had intended to, because I had wanted to hear what the others had to say first. But on reflection, I had already acquired a reputation as a cock’s man with all the girls following me down to the gym etc. So I think they would have argued all night until I had spoken. With my position made quite clear, I went and stood next to Ralph. I looked over at the group of girls to see how they were getting on. Ann was watching me and I saw the question framed on her lips, and I smiled at her and mouthed the word, stay. She smiled and nodded and then joined in the talk with the girls.

I will not put down all that was said because we were there for an hour, but the upshot was that Martin and Chris came over to our side to stay whilst Zac and David absolutely refused to take any further part. When Peter was told of the male decision he said that after dinner, he would take them to the station in his car.

Zac wouldn’t have that. He wanted to leave there and then, and poor David, standing beside him had to agree. Peter then asked the rest of us who were staying to go into dinner. Penny had been talking to the girls and they all had agreed to stay. So we went into dinner and I sat down with Carol at our candle lit table and watched Debbie sit down on her own and looked as if she wanted to cry. Penny stepped in by taking Leslie to Debbie’s table as they were the two now ex partners of Zac and David.

I found out later that Peter went upstairs with them while they dressed and packed, and then gave them their possessions from the safe. He waved away their bar bills and drove them to the station. They didn’t get a refund.

It was a quiet dinner all round but it didn’t stop Carol from talking her head off about how exciting it had been.

“Kathy had been the first to say that she was staying and then Ann joined her and before you knew it, we were all looking forward to us doing it to each other. How about you men? I know now that Zac and David are not here. Oh! You’re not really gay are you?” she asked with her hand up to her mouth.

“No,” I laughed at the look on her face, “but Ralph came out with a very important truth. We came here to learn about sex and he said that if you didn’t know how a woman felt when being penetrated by a man, we would never really know how to treat a woman properly in this respect, and I think he was right. He killed the argument by saying that we’d had anal sex with the girls with pleasure, how about if they could do it to us?”

“That’s very true,” she answered, “I never thought of it in that way. But how do you really feel about doing it with another man?” It took some time, but I managed to finish up evading the question because I didn’t know the answer myself. Anyway, we had a boisterous night in her bed and I was thankful that it wasn’t as noisy as that that I’d had in Connie’s bed the night before.

I staggered to my bed at about one o’clock in the morning to spend the first night in my own bed since I’d arrived at the school. God, it seemed as if I’d been there for a lifetime, and I gratefully subsided down and was surprised but secretly delighted when I heard the softly whispered words. “Goodnight darling,” come from the bed alongside mine.


I was up at my normal time and, naked as usual, went down to the gym. I just walked about, touching the machines, thinking and hoping that I had done the right thing by Ann in opting to stay at the school. I’d never seen any of the boys down there in the gym and didn’t expect any of the girls either as I’d now been with all of them. Therefore I was surprised when I heard the door open behind me, and I turned and my heart leapt up into my mouth.

“Ann,” I cried,

“Will!” She cried and ran into my arms, her breasts bouncing like I first saw them and I swept her up of her feet and twirled her about. I was kissing her wherever I could plant my lips, her face shining as she laughed and tried to catch my lips with hers. I had whirled her so high I was able to catch her under the knees and so I carried her over to the bench and sat down with her on my lap. Though she was squashing my erection which had leapt up at the sight of her, I didn’t notice it as we sat down. I was just so happy to be holding her in my arms, kissing that adorable mouth and look into those loving eyes smiling up at me.

Our sarongs had come off in our movements and when she twisted round on my lap, without meaning or intention, my shaft slipped up into her as she moved on my lap, her legs astride of mine. She gave a shudder as she felt my length enter to its deepest inside her. We didn’t dare move a muscle of our lower regions as my penis throbbed inside her, but just sat there, looking into each other’s eyes. They were speaking volumes to each other before we leaned closer, her breasts brushing my chest as our lips met and we kissed.

“I’m so proud of you,” she whispered in my ear, “all the girls adore you, and I think that some of the men admire you too!”

“But what about you? I’ve tried hard not to think of you with….”

“Shush! We’ve been through this before. Every time was with you. Understand that! You were the one in my thoughts the whole time darling. But last night I heard that Ralph is bisexual and that you were the first person to speak and stand up beside him. How proud I felt when they told me.”

We stayed there for the half hour that I had allotted to myself, kissing, stroking and just generally being two people in love, even with my erection firmly embedded deep inside her. When she got up and released me, she still went down and licked off the juices so that I was clean. We then went upstairs and was not ashamed to walk with her, arm in arm through the dorm with my cock stuck out in front, still stiff as a ram-rod.

So it was only ten of us for breakfast and in the classroom to hear what was in store for us this bright morning.

“We’ve had to revise the pairing schedules because you know that we are now two people short on the men’s side of the course. Now because this is always a sensitive part of the course, the futons are numbered and the pairings for these alternate between females and males. So for number one futon, that is the one at the back we have Ann and Carol. Futon two is Ralph and Chris. Number three is Connie and Kathy. Four is Martin and Will and five for that of Debbie and Leslie. Now we’ve already gone through all the sexual positions, so it is for you to decide which you will adopt with your partner. Again the first named is the leader, and because this can be sensitive, the lights will be lowered as far as they can without it being completely dark. So enjoy but above all, learn and be aware of how your partner will be feeling.”

With that, we all got up and went to our respective futons as the lights went down so low that you could only just see the dim shapes of the two persons occupying the adjacent futon.

“Another fine mess you’ve got me into Stanley,” I joked to break the ice with Martin. As I sat down next to him I could just see Connie and Kathy lay back on their futon facing each other, their arms going around each other as I presumed that they were kissing.

I lay down and Martin also slid down until we were on our sides facing each other. We both looked at each other’s eyes, searching out, but for what, we had no idea. Then suddenly we were laughing and were still in the same position when the laughing stopped.

“Should we kiss each other first?” Martin asked.

“I don’t know. I don’t really fancying kissing you after kissing the girls.”

“I was thinking the same,” he replied.

“But I think we should at least kiss once. Then if asked, we can say we did.”

“I suppose so,” was the response from Martin. So we had a kiss. It was just a peck on the lips but we did a couple more. Not passionate, but at least we were kissing. He was supposed to be the boss, but I felt that I had to take charge as it looked as if we were not going to get anywhere.

“Look. Let’s pretend that I am a girl and lying down,” I said as I lay flat on my back, “and you are with, say, Kathy. Close your eyes and think of me as Kathy and kiss me as you would her, okay?”

“Okay, I’ll try that.” He gave a little snigger as he put his hand on my chest. “There’s no tit here to feel.”

I felt his breath first as he leaned in close and kissed me. It wasn’t bad as kisses go, but just like a brother kissing his little sister.

“Not bad,” I said. “Try again, but think of me as Kathy and not your sister or aunt.” It was better this time and I actually responded to it. “That was good. Much better.”

“You really think so?”

“Yes. Here, you roll over and let me try.” So we rolled about and I leaned over him and thought of Ann as I kissed him.

“Wow,” Martin exclaimed when our lips parted. “I’m glad I can’t see you properly because that was good.” So with a losing of our shyness and obscure distaste of having to kiss another man, we didn’t do too badly at the effort. This was demonstrated by us both getting an erection and they were constantly touching each other as we moved. “What now?” he asked.

“Have you ever sucked a cock before?”


“Neither have I, but let’s give it a go.” So we moved about till we were top and tail to each other. I could see his prick leaning out sideways to his body as I imagined mine looked the same to him. I looked over his thigh and could see that the two girls were in the reverse position and an arm was over a leg, the head being obscured. I turned my attention to the erect cock swaying slightly before my eyes. Oh what the fuck, I thought, he isn’t going to make the first move so I might just as well.

I took his cock into my hand and stuck it into my mouth and gave it a gentle suck. I felt his body quiver as I did this, but then I felt his hot mouth cover the head of my erection and he gave me a suck. So I thought that was going to be a game of follow my leader, so I gave his a squeeze and a suck, and got the same response back from him.

Holding the head of his cock firmly in my mouth and with a firm grasp around his shaft, I slowly rubbed my hand up and down. The skin of his penis was soft and silky, and though it didn’t move in my hand, it moved over the hard flesh beneath.

I then gently teased the head with my teeth and thought of it as a large rubbery bone that you give a dog to chew on, hard, yet soft and pliant. His head came off my cock and I felt a sharp chill of air swirl round the head.

“Steady on with the teeth,” he said before taking it back into his mouth.

“Sorry,” I mumbled, and stopped using them and used my tongue instead, running it round and round the hot head whilst still moving my hand up and down. I could feel his heart beat through that rod of flesh as the blood was pushed up and round the engorged head. Martin was following me in all the same actions, and sucked and tongued at the same time.

“You’re not going to cum are you? I wouldn’t know what to do,” he asked in a whisper, waiting for a reply before going back down on me.

“No. I’m saving that for later,” I whispered back, sticking him back in my mouth. We rubbed and sucked each other for a little while longer before I stopped, and when he let me go of me, I turned round so that we were once again facing each other.

“That wasn’t so bad was it?” I asked of him.

“No, but I don’t know what I would have done if you had cum. What do we do now?” he was still whispering, his face a few inches from mine, but our cocks were not; they were gently bobbing against each other like old friends.

“I think we should do a bit more kissing before the fucking starts.”

“Oh,” was his only reply to that statement as I pushed him onto his back and lay on top of him. I gave him a long hard kiss and he actually started to respond to it. His hands came up to my back and held my shoulders as I crushed our pricks between our bodies.

“Now kiss me,” I said, rolling onto my back, and this time he didn’t hesitate but half rolled onto me and kissed. I could feel that his body was tense as he moved slightly against me, his cock rubbing mine. We were panting a little when we stopped, and I looked up at his face and into his eyes, but was unable to read what was in them. Summoning up my courage, I took a deep breath.

“Now let’s fuck. You can do it to me first, and then I’ll do it to you.” He moved off me and I rolled over onto my stomach. “Put a condom on and use plenty of cream.”

As he was moving about, I watched the two girls on the next futon. I knew it was Debbie and Leslie, but I couldn’t make out which was which. One was on her back and the other astride her face, obviously being licked out in that position. I felt Martin’s hand on my back.

“I’m ready,” he whispered, and I raised myself up onto my knees and bent forward, resting my head on my forearms, my bum in the air.

“Use the cream on me and go gently,” I said as I prepared myself to have someone fuck me for the first time in my life. I gave a jolt as the cold cream touched my ring piece, and then his hand was on my hip and I felt the head of his cock nuzzle my rear. I took a deep breath and forced myself to relax as he gently pushed against me. My muscle was keeping him out, but with the pressure against, I was able to relax it and suddenly the head of his cock slid into me.

I could feel the heat of it melting the cream that helped him slowly slide right into me. It was an incredible feeling and almost indescribable. The pulsing throb of him beating me all over inside was sending little shock waves of pleasure deep into my body. I let out a small gasp and gave myself up to these rippling waves of heat. His other hand now held my hip too as he began to fuck me.

I just lay crouched over as he rode me, his thighs gently banging into me and his balls slapping the lower cheeks of my bum. I closed my eyes as he moved in and out of me and I enjoyed the feel of his muscle setting alight every nerve that my canal had. If this is what girls’ experience, no wonder they can’t get enough of it.

Martin’s hands took a tighter grip as he started to move faster and his tool was becoming a heavy throb in me as his pressure built up until he held me tight against him and his cock made several short sharp stabs into me as he shot his load into the condom. My own body was crying out for release at the same time, it swinging heavily under me, my balls throbbing too, and then he pulled out and the air felt cold against my ring.

I dropped forward onto my stomach, holding back the urge to rub my erection against the futon and cum myself, such was the ache in both cock and balls. My ears, which had somehow seemed blocked, now cleared and I could hear Martin breathing heavily as I felt him moving about as I presumed he was removing the condom. Then I felt a cold damp flannel wiping the cheeks of my arse, thinking that at least he did that without being told. My ring was tingling a bit from the unusual stretching that it had had, but not too painful. He would have more pain than I, because I knew that the size of my prick was bigger than his when erect. But he would find that out for himself later because it was my turn now.

“Be gentle with me too,” he whispered as he assumed the position that I had adopted. It was with trembling fingers that I donned the condom and smeared it with cream and then put another smear at the crack of Martin’s arse and got between his legs. With a hand on his hip, I used the other to guide the other to the cream that shone white in the near darkness. I pushed gently at the centre of it and felt the resistance of his sphincter, and tried gently several times.

“Relax,” I whispered fiercely to him.

“I’m trying to,” came his muffled reply. I tried again but still couldn’t gain entry, and then I thought of Peter and his answer to this. So with my two hands down to Martin’s groin and keeping up the pressure of my erection against his rear, pressed my fingers and suddenly the head slipped in. I heard him give out a gasp, but I was now sliding right into him till my thighs stopped me from going any further. I could feel his body trembling under mine as I held and proceeded to fuck him. With my head up and back arched, I moved at a steady pace of moving in and out. The tightness was just the same as that of Kathy, so there wasn’t any difference between a man’s arse and a woman’s. Such was the pressure that had built up with me underneath, I couldn’t hold out very long, but began to move faster until I reached my peak. Then I held him tight up against my thighs as just my hips bucked, coming inside him. He whimpered as I pulled out, and he too fell forward as I had done. I used some tissues to pull of the used condom and with a cloth, wiped myself before attending to him, cleaning away the cream and drying him. Casting these aside, I lay down next to him.

“Christ, that hurt,” he said, “I’m burning down there.”

“Do you want me to put some cream on it?” I asked.

“Yes please,” he said. So I got a smear of cream on my finger and sitting up, opened the cheeks of his bum and gently rubbed the cream into his anus.

“Aaaah, that’s nice and cool,” he sighed.

“They say it always hurts the first time. Mine did with you,” I told him.

“This was your first time too?” he asked.

“Yes, so I know how you feel. It’ll wear off in a little while. Mine has.” I lay beside him with my arm across his back, gently rubbing it, and to my surprise, I think we both dozed off to sleep in that dim light.

I suddenly blinked awake as the lights came on to full brightness, and everyone in the room started to stir. I had to nudge Martin next to me. Penny called out that it was time for the showers. So with sarongs put on, we all went up and washed ourselves and with clean sarongs, repaired to the bar. I had a brandy with a beer chaser this time and saw Martin wince as he sat on the bar stool.

“I hope you’re right about the soreness wearing off soon,” he whispered to me. I gave him a pat on the back and a quick hug of the shoulder.

“You’ll be alright,” I replied.

We dined in our allotted pairs, and were soon back in the classroom for the afternoon session. As before, the lights went down to almost nothing and Martin and I lay down together. We weren’t as squeamish about kissing as we had been at our first encounter. This time we managed to make them more languorous and sexy and soon our erections were saying hello to each other again.

We had spoken over lunch about how we had to convince ourselves that we were laying with a woman and that we should try to kiss with that thought in mind. It seemed to work as there was more passion and sensuality about the way we did kiss.

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Well the erections proved it really.

Soon we had changed positions and were sucking on each other, nibbling and generally learning more about handling an erect prick than we had known before. We broke off before reaching our peaks and Martin whispered that as we would be doing it again, he would be the ‘lady’ first this time. So he bent over and I fucked him for the second time that day, and when finished, he was still sore. Then I knelt over and he entered into me, and I enjoyed the same sensations that I’d had before.

With us doing this in about half the time as in the morning, we both fell asleep till the end of the session. With our showers over, we were all in the bar back into one large group again, minus two of course. I was glad really that Zac had opted out because I hadn’t really taken to him at all, and my original animosity towards the others that had made love to my Ann had now dissipated.

“Now with today’s first experience out of the way, I hope that you’ll enjoy the rest. Now there is a slight difference to the rules in this respect, and it really only applies to the males here.” This was Peter talking to us. “That male intercourse does not take place up in the dormitory at night. Condoms and towels etc. are not provided for up there. If you do wish to further your relationship with your partner, please use the classroom up until it’s time for lights out. That’s all and I hope you will enjoy your dinner.”

Even though I now liked Martin, I would rather have a bare breasted girl sitting opposite me at the candle lit table. It was too different looking at a male chest while I ate my dinner. After another wonderful meal, I sat at the bar and had a long talk with Peter. He readily answered all my questions about how he and Penny had first started the school and how they ran it.

He had first met Penny at a party that they had both gone to with their then, respective partners. Penny’s boyfriend had suggested that Peter and his girl went back to his place for more drinks when that particular party had turned out to be a bore. Well it eventually finished up with a swapping of partners, and Peter found that he preferred Penny to the other girl he’d arrived with and Penny had felt the same way about Peter. So they later split up with their respective mates and started to go out together.

They had talked of their experiences with the opposite sex and of how inept most of them were, and wouldn’t it be good if there was a school where people could learn how to make love properly and all that. Well the upshot was that they found this house and had it converted into what it was now. They ran ten courses a year, giving the staff a clear month off in the late summer as well as five days off at the end of each course.

They, the staff, lived in the large house at the other end of the grounds. The cleaners and cooks as well as the two who did duty as day and night time watchmen. I’d not seen any of these people and remarked on the fact, and he said that I wouldn’t either. When we were in the classroom, they cleaned the dormitory, stairs, halls and gym. Then the buffet was laid out just before classes ended, and while we were at lunch and dinner, the classroom was cleaned and reset out as required. The dining room being cleared away after we had left.

By now it was nine thirty and time for the bar to close, so I let him shut down and I sat down to finish my drink before the pinging bell announced that it was almost lights out time. Peter had left and I was there alone when Ann came in. She never looked lovelier standing there in the doorway, her sarong tied in a fashion that was long down one side that covered her leg and the other leg bare up to the tied knot at her waist. Her breasts seemed to glow in the dimmed bar lights and they shimmered as she swayed her way to my beckoning hand. I quickly finished my drink and took her into my arms as she slid down onto my lap.

We kissed slow and deep, our tongues touching and talking to each other. I had one hand round her shoulder and the other on a breast. She had an arm round my neck and the other stroked my face. Our kisses melted our mouths into one as little drops of saliva passed from one to the other. My erection she was sitting on began to hurt as my hand pressed and squeezed her breast as my passion started to mount.

We broke free from the kisses and both breathed heavily as we looked into each other’s eyes. Her chest was heaving under my hand and my heart was pounding the blood through my veins as she got up from my lap and held my hand as I stood up too.

The small bell had already sounded and the lights were getting dimmer as we left the bar and slowly went up the stairs together, the lights being out by the time we reached the dorm. It was another night that I didn’t get to sleep in my own bed. We dropped our sarongs at the side of hers and got in it together, and there started to kiss again, our thighs slowly moving against each other.

Then she rolled over onto her back, pulling me on top and I felt her legs open for me to move in between, and without our breaking our kiss, I slowly slid into her already wet love canyon. We were really learning how to love and please our partner. How to ease the penis out of the hot vagina and let the head of the cock burn and rasp the clitoris before sliding back once more inside. How to tease the rigid flesh of the penis with the different muscles of the vagina, holding it tight in one place and then in another.

It was nearly two hours before I finally came, holding back to meet her third time of coming. Words of love poured out of her at the same time as her juices, mingling with mine, slowly seeping out and trickling down her thighs and onto the sheet.


I left Ann sleeping as I got out of her bed in the morning and went down to the gym. I’d been on the rowing machine for ten minutes before the door opened and Carol came in, breasts first of course.

“I knew you’d be down here. Your bed was empty, but come to think now, I’ve never seen you use it,” she laughed, getting onto the running machine and switching it on. It gave out a small hum as it worked, so you could still talk and be heard except for the patter of the bare feet on the rubber coated belt. Her breasts were doing their usual penile exciting motions of bobbing up and down, and I, as usual, reacted to this stimulation and obtained a hard erection by watching them. I had to stop rowing as it was now too difficult to continue in my condition.

“You’ve certainly got stamina,” she panted out between steps, “I saw you leave Ann’s bed and you can still get it up to greet me.” I grinned back at her.

“With beauty and a body like yours, if I were dead, it would still rise to please you,” I teased.

“I noticed that you didn’t go back into the classroom with Martin last night, and that you bedded down with Ann. Do you think she would share you some night? I’m already wet just looking at you.” I laughed.

“To that question you would have to ask her yourself.”

“We got on very well together yesterday, oh! You don’t mind me talking about it, do you? She was my partner you know.”

“No of course not.”

“Well she was terrific. She knows so much. You must have taught her well.” I didn’t disabuse her of the idea and let her continue. “She gave me three orgasms and I tried to copy her, but I didn’t match up to her at all I’m afraid. I really would like some more lessons with her, but my time has passed as you took over last night,” she finished off wistfully.

“I apologise for that and I’ll see what she says. I didn’t think about you, her partner, not having one myself for the night. I’m sorry. I guess I was just being greedy.”

“No,” again in that wistful voice, “that was love. You two are in love and are blind to all other things. I wish I could be in love like that.”

My cock was hurting from the pulsing blood that was being pushed there by my eyes transmitting to the brain of what they were seeing. The swinging breasts were really starting to give me problems and I rose up, the weight of my erection seeming to be much heavier as it swung up and down as I walked towards the door.

“Coming for a shower,” I asked as I paused at the door, my hand on the handle. She stopped her machine and said yes, as long as she didn’t have to get under the cold spray as she guessed that that was what I was going to do considering the state I was in. I laughed with her and we went upstairs together and I couldn’t stop from holding her hand as we walked the length of the dorm with my cock swinging about like a cheerleader’s baton. I was glad to see that Ann’s eyes were still closed as we passed the foot of her bed.

The pairings, or should I really say mating’s, for that day was Carol and Connie, Ralph and myself, Leslie and Debbie, my old partner Martin with Chris and then Kathy with Ann.

As I settled down with Ralph, the lights went down before I had time to smile at Ann.

“Let’s make ourselves comfortable,” he said, pulling off his sarong and stretching back. I did the same and lay alongside him. “Thanks for backing me up at the meeting the other night. I think the class would have collapsed if you hadn’t stood beside me,” Ralph said.

“Think nothing of it. I wanted the class to go on as well. Were you telling me the truth? About you being bisexual I mean.”

“Yes. Man or woman, makes no difference to me. I like giving as well as taking it.”

“Then why did you come on this course,” I asked, wondering.

“There’s always more to learn, from both sexes.”

Well I did with Ralph.

He was an expert kisser. I was tentative at first, but soon got lost in the power of his kisses. He really got me carried away, and it was only his erection poking mine aside as it pressed against my stomach that told me it was another man I was kissing.

Soon we were lying down in a reverse position and I was having a closer look at his erect penis and seeing that it was about the same size as that of Martin. I followed his lead, him being the more experienced in this, and took his cock into my mouth as I felt mine being engulfed. At this he was very good, his tongue soon had my cock pulsing with desire to be released. I left off sucking him to tell him that if he continued in that way, I would soon be shooting my load.

“Well let it go,” he whispered, letting go of me so that he could speak. “If you want to cum, do it. You’ve done it with a girl before, haven’t you?”

“Yes, but…”

“Well then,” he interrupted, “you can do the same with me.”

“You’ll swallow it?”


“If you cum in my mouth, have I got to swallow it too?” I asked.

“Not if you don’t want to. You can spit it out afterwards. Remember what Peter said? There’s less taste if you swallow. Why not try it and see for yourself.”

So I did. We resumed our positions and with his manipulations, my throbbing cock soon spewed out my sperm into his mouth which he swallowed without missing a suck. Then I felt his cock head start to swell in my mouth and I felt his sperm hit the roof of my mouth in several spurts as his cock throbbed in its spasms. I took a deep breath through my nose and swallowed, fighting down the slight nausea that I felt as it went down my throat. It was as if I had coughed and had a bit of phlegm in my throat, which we all have experienced in the past. The residue I did taste, the dribbles and that they were slightly salty as predicted, but overall, it wasn’t as bad as I thought it would be. So as he licked me clean, I licked him in the same fashion.

I also learned from Ralph how to butt fuck properly when he was inside me. I was the recipient first to experience the experienced practising his art, teaching me the art of manipulating the cock inside the anus. It was not only erotic but exciting as well. I then entered him and followed his directions of how to move my body as well as my dick, and got more enjoyment than I ever did with Kathy or Martin in doing so.

In the afternoon session, he showed me how, handling my erection, to hold back from ejaculation. Though we had been shown these pressure points by Penny earlier in the course, it’s much different when you’re getting hands on experience if you don’t mind the pun. One was the pressing of the tube that runs up the underside of the penis and he told me that you can buy rings at certain shops for this very purpose. But, he added, they can be very restrictive at times too. Then after a gratifying fuck each, we both fell asleep for the rest of the afternoon.

Ralph was an entertaining dinner companion, and we had many laughs over some of the amusing stories he told of his bisexuality.

Then, as the night before in the bar, I carried on quizzing Peter about the school. We talked about financing, the staff wages, the advertising and renting of offices for the interviews etc. Peter and Penny had got married when the house had been made ready, and opened the school on the return from their honeymoon. That had been nearly ten years ago and they had no regrets at all. Maybe a child would have made some difference Peter said somewhat wistfully, but as it hadn’t happened yet, maybe it would later. He went on to say that while the course was in progress, she was on the pill as all the girl students were whilst at the school. They also took pills to delay their menstrual cycle, as I no doubt gathered that that could cause problems.

I asked why did Penny take birth control pills if she was an instructor. Peter explained that they both had to be prepared to be a stand in if someone left the school during a course. You’d be prepared to let your wife take part in the sexual activities with other men and women, I asked incredulously? We are both liberally minded in the matter of sex he explained. If a man left and there was an odd number, he would step in. Penny likewise if a woman left. Sex is just a bodily function. “Love is a function of the heart. You of all people should have learnt that already,” he said in a very wise way. “You are in love with Ann, and yet you still didn’t stop her did you? You could have said that you would take her away at any time, and she would have followed you, like at that meeting the other night.”

I had to admit that it was true. “We’ve been aware of your love for Ann since the first day. Even when the pair of you broke the rules.”

“When was that?” I asked. In the lounge after dinner on the second day, he told me. “Seated in the armchair you were, er, shall we say enjoined, so to speak. The fact that er, copulation didn’t actually take place with this joining, Penny and I agreed that it didn’t actually break the rules, because sex, though loosely defined, didn’t occur.” My face must have showed some shock at this revelation, but he ignored it and went on.

“You behaved very well in the gym with the girls flaunting themselves before you, holding back in more ways than one. You also followed the rules in the dorm, though you did sit on Ann’s bed and kiss her hand, and then went off to your partner’s bed, Kathy I think.” I was dumbfounded at this.

“Then we all witnessed, though most of them missed the moment you broke away from the group and said a few words to Chris about the event with Carol in the classroom, and then returned to your seat. It was an inspired move, and his subsequent apology saved a lot of embarrassment all round. You also split up the hen party and forced the men to break up their clique. Then came the confrontation with Zac and David. You opted to stay when they didn’t and Penny spotted you passing on your decision to Ann and it was her that held the girls together. Lastly, you and Ann had a coming together in the gym, but as in the lounge, though enjoined, didn’t copulate there either, though she did give you a good licking. How do Penny and I know all this is what you are going to ask,” and as I nodded, he continued. “But this is for your ears only, well maybe Ann’s as well. Don’t pass it on to the others because it will cause inhibitions and that is what we don’t want. We trust you and know that you really are a very sensible chap. There are cameras all over the place and heat sensors, and the whole house is kept at a fixed temperature deliberately. Not only for our comfort as we move about almost naked, but, for example, in the gym, when anybody enters, their body heat triggers the camera and turns it on and then we can see what happens on our monitors up in our quarters.”

“Surely that opens up the prospect of future blackmail,” I protested. “I agree,” he replied, “but after we’ve made our notes, the tapes are wiped clean and reused. The only tapes that can be viewed are those of today. We see all that goes on. I have told you in confidence, so please do not tell anyone else of this. Both Penny and I have a great respect for integrity and the way you have so far handled your love affair with Ann, and we do not wish to bring it to an end.”

I gave my promise not to reveal what I had learned, but to myself I said that I must be a bit more careful in future. I then asked him how he handled any trouble if it broke out, like fights and such.

“By monitoring the cameras first to try and nip any problems in the bud before anything develops. Also Penny and I are karate experts. During the week between courses we turn the classroom into our own personal gym and practise for most of the week, except when we travel to town for the interviews. So we are quite prepared to handle anything that crops up. Now you haven’t noticed,” he said leaning towards me, “but there’s a certain young lady sitting by herself behind you that I think is waiting for some company,” he said with a smile.

I turned round and there sat Ann, looking very small and alone in a corner of the bar. I trembled as I always seemed to do now every time I set eyes upon her. Peter fixed me a fresh drink and one for Ann. Will I, I had asked, casting my eyes round the bar, be permitted to kiss her here without breaking the rules? He said that the rules say no sex, and he didn’t think that kissing came under that particular rule and gave me a wink as he started to close down the bar.

I took our drinks over and sat down next to her, nearly spilling mine as I was paying too much attention to the rise and fall of her breasts as she breathed instead of where I was putting my glass.

“Sorry darling, but I didn’t see you come in. Why didn’t you come over to the bar?”

“It looked such a serious discussion so I didn’t want to interrupt,” she said with her sweet voice. I leaned over to her.

“Give me a kiss,” and her eyes opened wide.

“But we can’t in here,” she said, looking about her.

“I’ve had permission to do so just now,” I said, taking her into my arms and kissing her. She melted like snow in my arms and went all loose and supple and moulded herself to my own body. We stayed there, touching, stroking and kissing each other till the bell pinged, and repeating the previous evening, went up and into her bed.

It was only when I was down between her thighs and bringing Ann to her second orgasm with my tongue that I remembered what Carol had said to me that very morning. Finishing the job that I’d started by licking every pore of that delightful crack, I surfaced to have my face covered in kisses and being held tight against those beautiful breasts.

“Hold it Ann,” I said speaking between her kisses, “did Carol speak to you today?”

“Oh Lord! I forgot. I was supposed to be with Kathy tonight, and yes she did, because I forgot her last night. Oh Will, my love, when I’m with you all thoughts of others fly out of the window and clear out of my mind. What will they think?”

“Well they all know you’re in love with me.”

“How? How do they know?”

“Believe me. I‘ve had it on good authority that they all do know.”

“Oh how dreadful,” she started to wail, but I managed to keep her noise down and kissed away her fears.


Things were becoming predictable and I was not surprised to see Carol and Kathy come into the gym a few minutes after me, except that I didn’t get an erection this time when those breasts came into view. It wasn’t till Ann joined us and explained that it was all her fault for not continuing the partnerships during the two previous evenings. It was masterly the way she explained that love is blind and that they should forgive her and had them eating out of her hand in no time. Then I got my erection when the trouble was averted.

I let her walk through the dormitory with me behind her, still sporting my erection and Carol and Kathy either side of me as we all went through to the showers.

This day it was Chris and myself and our, I cannot call it lovemaking because it was just pure sex and a couple of fucks each between us. It was good. Good because we had both been with Ralph and put what we’d learnt to good use. Ann had been paired with Leslie and during their mutual session, Ann had explained her position to her as she had to Carol and Kathy.

After dinner, Ann sat with Leslie in the bar while I had another long talk with Peter. This time I did all of the talking while he listened. I told him of my hopes, desires and dreams of the future, and when I had finished, answered his questions as best as I could.

When I sat down with the girls with my drink, Ann asked me what I had been talking about, I smiled and said the future. At the tinkling of the bell, Leslie gave Ann a kiss and stood up and to my surprise, kissed me on the lips too and smiled her goodnights to us both. We followed her upstairs a few minutes later.

It was well into the early hours of the morning before we fell asleep in each other’s arms after a long lovely period of lovemaking.

I was surprised in the morning when into the gym trooped the five girls followed by Ann. They all knew of our love Ann said to me as I sat naked on the bench. They then in turn kissed Ann and then kissed me as I sat there feeling foolish at this display by the girls and they could all see my appreciation because this was quite apparent by what was to be seen between my legs.

Then again Ann came to me and gave my cock a suck, and so did all five girls. I’ve never been so embarrassed in all my life, and worse was that Peter and Penny were seeing all of this.

Ralph, Chris and Martin sat on the ends of their beds and looked in puzzlement as I walked through to the showers with all the girls walking behind me. I just shrugged my shoulders as I passed them. I was still suffering this attention at breakfast and I deliberately sat down and in between the other men, and when asked, said that I didn’t know what the hell was going on with the girls.


Written by 1941aaa
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