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The School- Part Five

"Six males and six females learn of sex in all forms."

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The School. Part Five.

“Today, some of you may be pleased to know, is to be a day off as it were,” Penny announced in the classroom where we had gathered. “What we do at this stage, is to talk to you individually for an informal chat. Me with the girls and the boys with Peter, and we have the chat in the bar. So get yourselves into the lounge and we will see you alphabetically so that you can know when it’s your turn to come through to the bar. The dining room is only open during lunch and dinner as per normal, as is the gym. The dormitory is closed for the next three hours for the cleaners to do their work and this classroom is closed all day. The bar will be open just before lunch and at five for drinks till nine thirty. Now I don’t expect any questions here, so off you go to the lounge and will Ann and Chris come to the bar in five minutes time.”

With that, we all filed out and settled ourselves in the lounge. Somebody put a video in the machine, and we half-heartedly watched it. Ann and Chris then left to have their chat.

It was about thirty minutes before Ann reappeared and told Carol to go. Chris was five minutes behind her and Martin then left the lounge. Being a ‘W’, I would be the last of the boys to go, so it would be over an hour before my turn.

“Well?” I asked of Ann as she came and sat beside me on the sofa, her breasts, those that constantly fascinate me, did their little bouncing trick, and she smoothed out the front of her sarong.

“Well all we did was talk.”

“Yes, yes,” I said impatiently, waiting to hear what went on. She took my hand in hers and stroked it as she spoke.

“She said first off that she and Peter knew that we were an item! She wanted me to know that they knew, because she wanted me to give a frank appraisal of the other students here, confidentially of course. So the first thing I want to know, she asked me with a smile, was what were my thoughts on you first of all. As a fellow student, boy and school partner.”

“Well?” I said again. She rolled her eyes at me and smilingly said, “I said you were wonderful in all and everything that you do,” and she fluttered her eyelashes at me, and joined in my laughter at her actions.

“Be serious,” I said when we stopped laughing.

“I am!” she said indignantly, her breasts going all of a quiver. “I said that as a student I think that you had learned a lot here. As a boy, well I said he’s a man in all things and that I was sure that I was in love with you.”

“Is that why your choice of futon is always the furthest away from his?” she asked. I couldn’t answer that. Then, “You know that you have interacted with the others, and that he has too. Did you see him in the act of making love to any of the others?”

“I had to say no to this. Then she asked me if you had seen me with any of the five other men. I had to say that I didn’t know if you had or not. It was not something that we’d talked about. That’s a pity, she said, because they had stressed from the beginning that we should all talk to each other, like we were doing there. Then she asked if I had a hang up about seeing you have sex with another woman or you seeing me have sex with another man. I couldn’t really give her an answer to that, but I know now what she was getting at and she is right!” Her hand was now really squeezing mine hard.

“Oh Will, she was right! I’ve been avoiding you in the classroom, not wanting to see you with another girl or for you to see me with another man. Have you been doing the same?” and I could see the tears in her eyes, but there was nothing I could do but nod in agreement. “She said that I’ve got to understand that love comes from the heart and not the body. You have shared your body with all the others but not your heart. That’s the real meaning of love.”

“Peter said almost the same words to me the other day,” I said. “It’s giving us a hang up. It’s causing us to not be really free in ourselves when we are with the others.”

“Oh, then she said that I should talk to you about this, and that we have somehow got to face up to this hang up and see each other interacting. In other words, each should watch the other have…having …sex with somebody else. Only then would we find with our hearts what our eyes see but do not see. Do you understand that?”

“Not really,” I replied.

“Neither do I, somehow I think she’s right.”

“What else did she say?”

“Oh it was about the others in turn. Then the school itself, the food etc. You know, general questions like that. I did ask her why wasn’t she taking down my answers, but she just smiled and said that she didn’t have to.”

And I knew why she didn’t have to! There must be microphones as well as cameras I thought. Ann carried on telling me what she had said about the others, but I wasn’t really listening because Ralph was due back any moment and then it would be my turn.

It wasn’t long before I was sitting down at a table in the bar with Peter. Coffee was poured out and then he went into similar questions that Ann had been asked. How did I find the others, both sexually and socially? I answered as fair as I could.

“I’m not going into everything, because we did a lot of talking at the bar and I got most of my answers there. I talked over with Penny about what we discussed and she’s very interested, so we will talk about that later shall we?”

“Fine, whatever you say,” I replied.

“Now to get down to brass tacks, and it’s you and Ann we are worried about. I think you will have already spoken to Ann of what I’m about to talk of.” I nodded, and he continued, “If you had a choice, which partner would be the least uncomfortable to see Ann with?”

“If it were possible, and I hope I don’t offend you with this, but I would be more comfortable if it was you. But that would mean I would be asking for Penny’s favour, and that I cannot do.”

“You do me a great honour, believe me, and,” he said with a chuckle, “Penny would be flattered that a woman of thirty should be chosen from all those nubile young things out there. Well, let’s leave it at that for the time being. Go back into the lounge and when Penny has finished with the last girl, the bar will be opened five minutes later.”

Leslie, the last girl had already come into the bar for her talk so it wouldn’t be long before we could have a drink. I went into the lounge to see Ann sitting there expectantly, and my heart thrilled just to see the way her eyes lit up as I came into the room. She quickly grasped my hands and wanted to know every word that was spoken, but I could only think of what I had left up in the air back there in the bar.

“Listen Ann. I think I’ve put the cat among the pigeons. But before I say what cat, tell me what you would have said to a question I was asked. It was, if I had a choice of whom to see you making love to, whom would I choose?”

“Oh, it’s come down to that has it,” Ann said in a low voice, “but I suppose we would have to see one another in somebody else’s arms sometime while we’re here. The only other man, apart from you that I have any respect for here is…, but he can’t, and that’s Peter himself, even though he is the only one I haven’t had sex with.”

“You know by saying that, you would have to see me with Penny,” I answered

“Oh, don’t you like her?” I gave out a laugh at this.

“Of course I like her, but they are the teachers.”

“I know,” she said with a frown, grasping my hand again, “that’s the problem. But what about the cat in with the pigeons?”

“I said the same as you to Peter!”

“Oh!” Ann gasped, and it took a few moments for the implications to sink in. “Oh,” she said again.

Leslie came into the lounge and we all knew that the bar would be open in five minutes time, and there was a general rush for the door when this time had elapsed. Ann and I were last out and consequently the last to be served our drinks at the bar, where we elected to sit.

“I’m glad that you two stopped here,” Peter said, putting a glass to an optic and topping it up for himself. “I’ve had a few words with Penny, and, due to our commitment to do our best by you all, have,” he took a sip from his glass, “decided that if you agree, we would help you two out this afternoon in the classroom. Now talk it over and give me your answer before we go into lunch.” He then moved away to leave us to talk this over. I took a large slug of my beer. Ann sipped hers and leaned on the bar, her breasts brushing the padded edge.

“I’m frightened,” Ann whispered, her voice trembling as well as, well you know where my eyes went, and they were too!

“Why?” I asked, putting my hand on top of hers.

“Well…well it’s like putting us to the test, isn’t it? I’m afraid that if you see me with another man, you’ll stop loving me.” As she turned her face away from me, I could see the tears in her eyes.

“Darling, darling, darling. That’s what’s been holding me back too. If I can stand…no that’s wrong because I trust him. If I know that you love me, I’ll go ahead with it. But what about how you will feel when you see me with…with Penny?”

“I don’t care how many women you have, you’ve come back to me so far. It’s me! I’m afraid you’ll think less of me.”

“Nonsense! If I can take it, so can you, now what’s the answer? I’m for saying yes.”

“Then I’ll say yes too,” Ann replied, giving my hand a squeeze and smiled up at me through her tears.

When Peter returned behind the bar, he raised a quizzical eyebrow and I nodded.

“When you’ve finished lunch, go and have a shower and then make your way down to the classroom and wait for us. Okay?”

“Got it,” I said, and Ann took a large gulp of her drink and ordered another.

We only picked at our lunch but drank two bottles of wine instead of the normal one. Then went upstairs and had our shower and duly went down to the classroom.

It was empty when we arrived and we sat down together on the edge of the small platform to await Peter and Penny. They arrived a few minutes later, and I had to look carefully at Penny. She was several inches shorter than I was, with mousy brown hair which I knew, matched the colour down below. Her breasts were nearly as big as Ann’s but looked slightly fuller. I hadn’t really taken much notice of her before, with her being the teacher and mentor as it were. Peter was just below my height too and just not quite as big as I was in the lower department.

The lights had been dimmed by Peter as they had walked in except for one light that shone down on two futons that had been placed about a foot apart. Peter went and stood on one and Penny took Ann’s hand and led her over to stand by him. To me, she just beckoned and I joined her on the other futon.

“Now this is something that we rarely do, and I think the last time was just about a year ago,” Penny said. “Firstly Ann, I want to say that it takes courage to do what you are doing now and rest assured that neither Peter or myself would do anything to hurt you, but to point out to you both that the act we are about to put on is just that. An act! It is not an attempt to break you apart, but more to put you together. Now remember that this is a classroom, and keep thinking that because we will be talking as we go along. There will be three stages. Will and I will start with fellatio, not the whole way of course, which you Ann will follow with Peter. Then we’ll do arousal and penetration up to and including ejaculation which will be immediately followed by the sixty nine position. You and Peter will be following as we go along, okay?”

Without waiting for an answer, Penny dropped her sarong and pulled mine off to reveal my erection. She then went down on her knees before me and with her left hand, the one on the far side of Peter and Ann, started to fondle my balls and kissed and licked the head of my erection before taking as much as she could into her mouth. Her head moved back and forth on it for a few minutes before releasing me from her mouth and with a firm hand, gave it a few vigorous rubs up and down. Then she slowly sucked the fiery head, slowly moving it in and out of her mouth so that it was clearly visible to those watching.

I had cast a sidelong glance across at Ann when Penny was down on me, but her eyes were fixed on the action taking place. Then Penny released me and while still kneeling, pulled me down onto the futon beside her.

“Now Ann, your turn. Use your right hand to fondle the balls and let all that you do be seen.” Ann blushed and then turned round to face Peter. She dropped her sarong and pulled off Peter’s. His erection sprang out as mine had done, and Ann slowly went down onto her knees. Her right hand trembled as she lifted it up and cupped his balls and moving them about with her fingers. Then with a lick of her lips, bent forward and kissed the tip and then licked the head of his cock. Her eyes flicked across towards me as she took a deep breath, her breasts heaving, took his erection into her mouth.

“Only as much as you can without choking,” Penny said softly, glancing at me to see that I was watching. Which I was of course, and the blood was pounding down and around my throbbing erection.

I watched those lips that I kiss, compressed around that other shaft, moving up and down on it, her eyes closed. Then she pulled her head back slowly, letting me see it emerge till only the head was held between her lips. Then she released him and the blood engorged head came out and she licked it before sitting back onto her heels and looked up at Peter.

“Very good Ann,” he said, giving her hair a stroke. “Now we’ll settle down,” and he sat down and stretched himself out on the futon. He was lying on his left hand side and made Ann lay the same way facing us so that he was behind her. I was lying on my right side with Penny on her back between us.

“We’ll take the kissing of lips as done and now you can kiss, suck and do whatever with my breasts and then move your hand down to start fingering me Will.”

I did as I was told, and kissed and fondled her heavy breasts and enjoyed doing it. My hand then fluttered down her stomach and I inserted two fingers into her and started to manipulate her insides. I felt her hand on my head, giving it a slight push from her breast.

“Now down to lick and suck,” she commanded. “Are you watching Ann?” I gave a quick glance across the short space between us and saw that she was. Then my head was between Penny’s thighs and I used what I’d learnt and really licked, tongued and sucked. Her fingers tugged at my hair and I lifted my head so that my ears were free to hear her say that it was time to put it in.

My cock swung heavily between her legs before I lowered myself and slowly pushed myself up into her till our lower bodies met.

“Now fuck me Will,” she said in a low voice. So I did, and a bloody good fuck she was too. “Look over at Ann,” Penny said while I was pushing in and out of her. I looked over and saw Peter’s hand fondling and squeezing Ann’s breast, before moving down, and I heard him tell her to lift her right leg and saw it rise and then watched as his fingers disappeared up into her. I faltered at seeing this, stopping mid thrust into Penny, who held my arm and told me to be steady and carry on with what I was doing. I did as I was told and kept on moving, but still kept watching Peter’s fingers moving inside Ann’s body. Then my own body took over my mind as I started to build up to my climax.

“Now Will! Now! Cum inside me! Fuck me! Fuck me! Fuck me harder! Harder! Make me cum too,” Penny cried out loud, writhing beneath me. I had a red haze in my eyes as her voice pushed me on. “Do it! Do it now! Aaaaagh,” she screamed as she cummed at the same time as I did. My thighs up tight against her as I shuddered my load into her, also crying out. I finally came to a halt, panting, my cock throbbing crazily inside her heat.

“Now out and we turn into the sixty nine, you underneath. Quickly now,” she said, her voice quite normal. I did as I was told, my cock making a sucking noise as it withdrew and rolled over onto my back. She then straddled me and took my still steaming cock into her mouth and sucked on me till I was fairly clean. The fact that I could barely reach up to suck on her didn’t seem to matter, because it was being seen that I could do it.

Then she rolled off and it was all over. I looked up at Ann with a guilty smile on my face and she gave me a wan smile back.

“Your turn now Ann, and you,” looking at me, “will watch and observe.” I was positioned so that we were in the same pose that Peter had adopted with Ann.

Ann, white faced, laid down flat and looked at Peter as he gazed into her face and gave her a smile before lowering his head and start to kiss and fondle her breasts. His hand then slowly moved down her body and soon his fingers were pushing themselves inside her.

“Ann! Look this way,” Penny commanded, and Ann’s head turned towards us, “and smile at Will. That is Will touching you,” she pulled my hand down to her pubic region and pushed at my fingers, so that I got the message and inserted them into Penny’s crack.

“That’s Will’s fingers that you can feel. You can see them moving inside, can’t you?” Ann gave a nod and a smile which heartened me. “Now you’re going to open your legs and let Will inside.”

Ann’s legs opened and Peter moved in between them and he paused, giving me a twist to the guts as I watched his red headed cock slowly disappear into Ann. Penny’s hand grasped my wrist in an iron grip and paralysed my fingers.

“It’s you she’s with,” she whispered, “believe it.” I watched Ann’s eyes close as Peter went into his rhythm moving in and out, and then I imagined it was me, and started to get a hard on again. It got harder as I watched her breasts move to the pushing motion of Peter.

Penny’s hand relaxed its grip and she pulled it up so that it cupped her breast, which I automatically started to squeeze in time to Peter’s thrusts. He began moving faster, his back arching as his cock started to swell inside Ann.

“Say it!” he said to her, “say it, say it. Say fuck me! Say fuck me harder!”

Ann’s mouth opened and she croaked out, “Fuck me. Fuck me harder Will, fuck me harder.” Penny’s hand tightened on mine that held her breast.

Peter went rigid as he came inside Ann and her legs held him tight as she orgasmed at the same time. With a few more jerks, he was done and then he slowly let me see him withdraw his wet erection from her with that small sucking noise.

He whispered into her ear and rolled onto his back and Ann sat up and reversed her position to straddle him. Her hand raised his cock upright and then took it into her mouth and bobbed her head up and down on his shaft. The head of his cock was a fiery knob when she finished sucking and licking it clean.

“That’s enough now,” Penny said, rising up and went and helped Ann to roll off of Peter. He got up and then gestured for me to occupy the place on the futon that he had just vacated. His erection was still large and bobbed about as he moved. But then so did mine as I moved over and lay down next to Ann.

“Now we will observe and watch as other people will watch you later, so go on Will, get to it.”

I kissed Ann and started to caress a breast.

“Oh Will, I do love you. Take me now and show that you love me too,” she said in a whisper to my ear. That was enough for me. I climbed on top of her and quickly pushed myself into her warm depths. That Peter had just vacated the premises didn’t come into my mind at all. It was Ann underneath me and to whom I was just starting to fuck. Her arms went up around my shoulders and her legs moved up and I slid in just that little bit more, and we made music together. It was my second cumming within thirty minutes, and it was a heavy one. As I finished and laid my head down next to hers, she nibbled my ear and whispered that she loved me a thousand times over.

When I finally rolled off, it was to see that Penny and Peter had put on their sarongs and were sitting there and watching us.

“Well now you two, have we helped? What did you feel to see your partner with somebody else? The truth now. Ann?” Penny had asked the question.

“My…I felt confused inside, but, I think that with Peter’s arm round me helped, if you know what I mean. I started to get wet when you began to scream out. I wanted to do the same. Well it wasn’t as bad as I thought it would be.”

“Did you know that when Peter told you to say it, to say fuck me, you called out Will’s name?”

“Did I? Oh,” her hand went to her mouth and she looked at Peter, “Oh I’m sorry.” He laughed and said that was what he had wanted to hear, not his name but Will’s.

“Will?” Peter asked.

“I…I’m sorry Ann, but I got an erection watching you. As you started to move about, I got excited.”

“I can vouch for that!” interjected Penny, rubbing her crotch and giving out a laugh.

“It was like a dream. You know the kind of dream when you are somewhere and looking down at yourself. That’s what it was like, er, as if I was doing it and yet being able to see myself doing it, if you know what I mean?” I finished lamely.

“That’s it exactly!” Peter exclaimed, slapping his thigh. “Now you are nearly there. What I’m about to say now is not really the done thing, but this will only be for tomorrow. For this day only, you can pick the opposite partner for each other. The one that you will not feel threatened by, and then the day after you’ll find that you can accept the fact that you can still watch but know that you are not forgotten. So Ann, who would you pick for Will?”

Ann looked at me for a moment before replying. “There’s one girl who also loves Will, but knows that, while she can have his body, she will never have his heart, and that is Kathy.”

Penny shot a triumphant look towards Peter who grinned back at her.

“And you Will, who will you select for Ann? Remember, you will be on adjacent futons.”

“Well the only one I can think of who would treat Ann in a similar way to me would be Ralph.”

Peter then grinned at Penny and they both raised up a hand and slapped them together.

“Bingo!” Penny said, “they were the two that we said we thought you would choose.” They got up to their feet, so Ann and I did too and wrapped our sarongs around our waists.

“It’s just about time to open the bar,” Peter said, and offered his arm to Ann who took it and slipped her arm through his.

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I held out mine and Penny accepted and we followed them towards the door.

“I’ve not had the temerity to say this before, but you do have such magnificent breasts Penny,” and she laughed.

“You do have a nice line Will.”

“Do you always scream and shout out like that?” I had to ask that question. Again she laughed as she replied, “That’s strictly for the tourists! It always gets them going, but I’ll tell you a secret that’s for your ears only. You promise you won’t tell?”

“Promise,” I said.

“That was a bloody good fuck!” she whispered, “the best I’ve ever had from a student and I wouldn’t mind a rematch anytime. Now I know why all the girls visit you in the gym, but I don’t dare let Peter know that I got what I wanted all along.” I couldn’t help but laugh with her all the way to the bar.

The dinner that night was as good, if not even better than the second night there. The dim light, the candles, the food and the wine were perfect, and so was the company. She outshone everything around. She glowed and radiated this into an aura that enveloped us both. Her eyes sparkled and I had the bad thought that a stranger should fuck her more often, a thought which I wished hadn’t sprung into my mind. But then, if I could keep that artesian well of love flowing out from those eyes for me, I was prepared to sacrifice everything.

We ate as best we could with the one hand, the other being held in a tender twining of our fingers. It’s a shame that our toes weren’t any longer, because they constantly touched and moved over each other’s legs.

The bar was full after dinner, but we didn’t hear a word of what anyone said. Penny and Peter were mixing among the others, but we didn’t see them. We couldn’t see anybody but each other, and were not ashamed for them to know it. When the bar closed, we drifted up the stairs, not feeling the carpet beneath our feet, and the bed that we fell upon was made of fairies gossamer wings.

The sheet disappeared as we moved about, first kissing every zone in the book, then licking our way around and sucking whatever came to our lips and into our mouths.

Then I finished inside her, the warmth completely surrounding me and feeling the very essence of me being sucked out and filling her to overflowing. We were just drifting off to sleep when I heard the creaking of a bed across the dorm and I had to chuckle.

“Hear that?” I asked sleepily to Ann.

“Yes,” she answered just as sleepily as me, “it’s Connie’s bed.”

“How do you know?” I asked.

“I’ve been in it myself,” she giggled and promptly fell asleep.


I was seriously thinking of giving up going down to the gym when I awoke next morning. It wasn’t tiredness, for I was wide awake and feeling on top of the world. It was a question of who I might encounter this time. But I got up, and with my sarong as usual, slung round my neck and went downstairs.

It was with great surprise that I walked in and found Ralph on one of the rowing machines. I said good morning to him and got into the seat of the other one.

“How’s it going so far,” he asked between strokes.

“Couldn’t be better,” I panted in time to the oars.

“I wonder what’s on the agenda for today now that we’ve had our day off?” He’d rowed thirty yards on the clock to get that sentence out.

“I’ll tell you if you promise not to tell, because I’ve had a little bird whisper in my ear, and I’m not supposed to say anything.” I’d gone a bloody long way getting this out. He paused, panting and resting on the oars.

“Tell,” he gasped. “I won’t say anything, promise.”

“You’ve got to treat her gently, because it’s my Ann.”

“Bloody hell,” he answered.

“And I’ll be watching, because I’ll be on the futon right beside you.”

“How do you know this?” he asked. I had stopped rowing, but before I could reply, the door opened and Kathy came in, followed by Connie and Debbie.

“Hi girls,” said Ralph, waving a limp arm. I could only wave, as Connie and Debbie got onto the running tracks and Kathy got astride a cycle. The machines started to run and so did the girls with Kathy pedalling. As usual, I rose up to the sight of the bouncing breasts, and I heard a curse from Ralph beside me. I turned and saw him struggling to get his sarong off, and then to fling it to one side. His erection was bouncing up and down like the tits before us.

“Now I know why you always come down here naked and return to the dormitory with a fucking great hard on. Sorry girls,” he said.

“That’s alright,” laughed Debbie, “we like to be appreciated, and that is one sure way of knowing it.’

“I had a dream last night,” said Kathy unexpectedly going off at a tangent from what could have been a funny dialogue.

“We all have dreams,” said Connie, “tell us something different.”

“No, no. You don’t understand. Dreams are very important if you can see what they are trying to tell you.”

“So what was in your dream?” asked Ralph.

“I was in China. I could tell that because there was a small temple in the distance, and I was on a farm. I was trying to feed the chickens, but they wouldn’t come to the grain in my hand, but kept going past me to scratch at the bare ground. Then a rooster finally came by and stopped and looked at me, and then spoke. ‘If you were to sit down and scatter the seed between your legs, you will find many a rooster or chicken will come to feed’. Now what do you make of that for a dream then?”

“Buggered if I know,” said Debbie, but I saw instantly the implication of what she had said.

“Funny you should have that kind of dream,” I said, thinking furiously, “because I too had a dream last night, but it wasn’t in China. I was out in the country somewhere and there were these two hills in the distance with sharp little peaks. They immediately made me think of a woman’s breasts, being rounded with these little cones on top. I made my way towards them, passing by some undulating hills that struck me as being like the legs of a woman. As I progressed down into the valley, I went through fields of corn until I came up against a small cliff covered in gorse. But through a gap there was a small cave and I looked in, and there laid before me was a table covered in food and drink. Then I woke up!”

“Karma!” breathed out Kathy. The others had stopped running as I told of my ‘dream’. “Karma,” she said again. “Don’t you see it? I spread my legs out with corn between them, and Will dreams of going into a valley of corn that is surrounded by hills shaped like a woman’s body and the cave full for him to drink and eat from? Will is going to be my man for today! I know it!” she said with great excitement in her voice.

“Sure,” said Connie, her voice dripping with sarcasm.

Ralph gave me a strange look and I winked at him and he began to laugh, and I couldn’t help but laugh with him.

“It’s not funny,” Kathy shouted, “the dreams must be taken seriously,” and her tight little breasts quivered in her anger and she then stormed out. Ralph and I had stood up as she left and when the door closed, we fell upon each other laughing fit to bust.

The two girls couldn’t understand why we thought it so funny, but laughed with us. Then for the first time, two naked men went into the dorm with erections as they walked to the showers with two women following in their wake.

“What was that all about,” Ann asked me at breakfast, “Kathy came storming up into the dorm and just after that, you and Ralph came through, your cocks in the air with two chicks in tow.” I nearly choked on my coffee at the analogy she had made.

“I’ll tell you in bed tonight,” I said.

“No you won’t. You’ll be in Kathy’s bed tonight and Ralph will be in mine,” she said with that little wicked smile, “so tell me now.”

“Well it’s like this,” I said, and told her of the joke about the dreams.

“That’s cruel,” she said with a pout. “I’ll tell her what you’ve just said.” I suppose that’s one part of the female I’ll never understand, the way their brains work.

“No! Let her have her dreams and superstitions. This is one that will be coming true.”

“The operative word being ‘Will’ I suppose,” Ann replied. “Well don’t hurt her that’s all, or you’ll have me to contend with too!”

With everything out of the way, we were sitting round in the classroom as Penny came in and stood before us.

“Now over the past three days,” she said, “I hope you boys have now come to understand how a lady would like to be treated when it comes to making love in bed. Before I announce today’s pairing I have this to say. One of the student’s, who will be nameless at this stage, has asked if the curriculum goes into triples after pairs. Strictly speaking, the answer is no, but for those of you who can’t count, we only have four males to six women. So some of the pairings will be triples for awhile, and if any male still thinks he is capable in the evening and is willing on a volunteer basis to make up a threesome, see me later.”

“So it was a girl who asked the question,” came out, from Martin I think. We laughed at this and Penny joined in, giving her head a shake. “You caught me out on that one. Okay it was one of the girls, but that’s as far as I’m going on that one. Now back to today. Futon one will be Leslie, Connie and Martin.” This brought whispers from some of the girls. “On futon two is Ann and Ralph.” Ralph looked over at me and winked, and I mouthed back, ‘wait for this!’

“On number three is Will and Kathy.”

“Karma!” shouted Kathy, her voice all excited, “I told you it was karma.”

“Calm down Kathy, calm down. That leaves number four for Chris, Debbie and Carol. Now before I…Kathy! Sit down and stop being so excited. He’s not going anywhere just yet. So to continue, ah, what the hell. Get on with it,” she smiled. We all laughed and made our way to our futons. Kathy was absolutely bubbling over in her excitement, and dragged me down onto our numbered futon.

“I said to you in the gym didn’t I? Didn’t I read our dreams right?” She was a bundle of excitement and started to mix up her words as she clawed my sarong off, hers already discarded. The only way to shut her up was to kiss her, which I did, holding her tight as I kissed and bore her down onto her back.

“Oh Will I do love you,” she burst out when I released her lips. I guiltily glanced across at Ann on the next futon and saw that she was smiling back at me, then reached up to kiss Ralph and draw him down atop of her. This goaded me to put my lips back onto Kathy and be as passionate as I could. She responded with great vigour and had the strength to roll over so that she was then up on top. I had to wince as her knee caught me between the legs, and knowing what she had done, was down there in a flash, trying to kiss me better. The almond eyes smiled at me as she let me see her pink tongue slowly lick her lips before licking the head of my cock.

I gave a groan and laid my head back and rolled it to the side to look at futon number two. Ann was down between Ralph’s legs, his erection being held up by her hand, her eyes looking at me as she opened her mouth and took him in. Ann, don’t tease me like this I groaned to myself, closing my eyes as Kathy’s head bobbed up and down on me. I then opened them again to see Ann doing the same to Ralph.

She’s copying Kathy was the thought that flashed through my mind. So to see if that was the case, I pulled Kathy off of my cock and hauled her up onto my chest and kissed her. I squinted out of the corner of my eye and saw that Ann had just released Ralph and was stretching herself out over him. Her lips met his and I saw her breasts squash themselves as their chests met.

I then rolled Kathy over so that I was now on top and pushed my knee down to open her legs. She was panting and her tight breasts were heaving and I leaned down and kissed them, sucking hard on the nipples.

“Bite them, bite them,” she said with a low growl, and I took one between my teeth and bit, but not too hard, as I didn’t want to chew it off. She gave out a big groan and her eyes opened wide. “Now the other,” she hissed, and I complied until she groaned again. The two nipples were standing out larger than I had ever seen them before and were looking very red and angry, but at least they weren’t bleeding. Her forehead was covered in sweat and her hips were starting to thrash under me.

“Fuck me Will, fuck me,” she begged, and with that, I pushed myself completely into her and slammed my groin hard up against hers. Her legs went up and her ankles dug into my kidneys as she bucked up to draw me in further.

I looked over at Ann again and saw that Ralph was inside her and moving his hips as he fucked her.

“I love you,” she mouthed to me. “It’s you Will, it’s you.” I could only nod back to her as my teeth were gritted with the pain to my kidneys. So gripping the back of Kathy’s arms just below the shoulders, I reared myself up on my knees, lifting her still impaled on my cock until she was perpendicular and I was sitting on my heels. Then I slammed her back down onto the futon, the shock jarring her ankles from my back and driving the breath from her body.

But by Christ did I come! I thought I was going to blow the top of her head off the way the salvo fired from my cannon. My whole body vibrated like a machine gun as I fired off a whole clip in a staccato burst up into that little inferno that held me tight inside her. She also blew her stack as she bucked beneath me as we hit the futon, and it was only when we came to a full stop and she got her breath that she screamed out the words that became synonymous in the history of the school.

“The man has come and he’s here!” she screamed out, bringing the whole classroom to a standstill. I was mortified. There I was, straddling this babbling creature and with the whole class looking at me, I had nowhere to hide my face which I was sure was as red as beetroot.

Ann, underneath Ralph was looking at me in bewilderment, as were most of the others. All I could do was lie down on Kathy and stop the noise as before, by kissing her for as long as I could. Her arms went round me as I first lifted one leg and moved it to the outside of hers, then did the same with the other and then squeezed my legs tight to close her thighs. She responded by also squeezing them thereby trapping my cock buried deep inside her.

I lay on top of her, kissing and nibbling her ear between whispers whilst I kept up a slow, slow rocking of my hips so that she could still feel me moving inside her. I assumed that the others had continued with what they were doing, but I didn’t dare look up in case they were still looking at me.

When I did raise my head, it was to look at Ann to see her smiling at me. She was in the same position as we were, Ralph being on top with both legs astride but with his face hidden on the other side of Ann’s. She reached her hand out across the floor and I put out mine till our fingertips touched. There must have been some static electricity in the room, because as our fingers touched, a tingle ran up my arm and down into my body and caused my cock to re-erect itself from its dwindling state. This caused Kathy to squirm and move her body which caused that fleeting touch with Ann to separate.

I managed to keep that slow rocking motion going till the end of the morning session and with some relief, disengaged myself from Kathy who whimpered at my withdrawal.

Penny had a few words with Kathy at the bar, but she wouldn’t tell me what was said between them at the time. Ann and Ralph had come up to the bar to get their drinks, and Ann stood beside me.

“What was that all about in there?” she whispered, obviously not having seen me lift Kathy up and slam her back down.

“I don’t know. I cummed, and then she cummed and started to shout. I stopped her as quick as I could, but…” I changed the subject. “How was it with Ralph?” I asked as casually as I could. She gave me our secret little smile and gently touched my arm.

“He’s not half the man you are,” she whispered. I couldn’t say or ask anymore to her because Ralph had just turned round with the drinks in his hand, so I spoke to him instead.

“You’re treating her right then I hope?”

“Just keeping her warm for you. That Kathy was something this morning when her name was called with yours. I nearly pissed myself with laughing. That thing in the gym really did get her going,” and we both laughed. Ann gave us both a dig in the ribs.

“I heard that! You men are acting like a pair of bloody schoolboys!”

“Well we are here, aren’t we Will?” he replied, giving me a poke in the ribs and we both laughed again. It didn’t seem funny to Ann who went and thumped herself down in a chair and I could swear that her tits had blushed as they settled down after that abrupt movement. Kathy joined us then and took the drink I had offered from my hand and went and sat down next to Ann.

“What happened in there?” Ann asked. Kathy looked down into her glass.

“I don’t really know. I came all over funny and just seemed…just seemed to…to explode. I’ve never had anything like that happen before. Penny said that I shouted out, but I don’t know that I did.”

“You did! You certainly did,” Ralph said.

“What did I say?” she asked.

“Nothing,” I cut in quickly. “We didn’t understand. I think it was in Chinese.” I gave a fierce look to the others and they took the hint because the subject was then dropped, but we all knew too clearly what she had yelled out.

As it turned out, Kathy was told later by one of the other girls. She knew she’d had the biggest orgasm of her life and the fact that she had spoken those words were karma to her. She became a permanent (unpaid) advertising agent for the school for many years, because whenever she made new friends, she told them that they must go to the school for the experience, and many did, such were her powers of persuasion.

But at this present time, she didn’t know, which made it easier for me in the afternoon session. This was spent mostly in the sixty nine position with a final fuck before it finished.

Showered and wearing a clean sarong, I sat down in the bar with Ann, Ralph and Kathy, though they let Ann sit next to me so that we could hold hands whilst talking to each other. The words we used were those of love and you’ve read them too often in romance novels, though we were more explicit with ours and far too many to relate here.

The four of us broke up as a group as we went into dinner, Ann with Ralph and I with Kathy. The food, the wine and the atmosphere was as good as ever, and the almond eyes of Kathy sparkled the whole time. She bubbled over with talk, little jokes and sly innuendoes relating to our couplings. As we left the dining room, I made my apologies to Kathy and asked her if she didn’t mind her post dinner drink with the others as I wanted to have a talk with Peter.

I talked with him for a few minutes and then Penny joined us with some paper and a pen for me to write a couple of letters which I showed to Peter before signing them and sealing them in the envelopes. Penny took them away for posting, while Peter and I carried on talking till we shook hands and he went off after Penny. I carried my drink over and joined the others, again apologising for my absence. Soon it was time for bed and Kathy had me for the whole night.

I was rowing for all I was worth and had worked up quite a sweat when Ralph and Ann walked into the gym.

“Good morning Will,” Ann said in a low voice, as did Ralph. “Did you sleep well?”

“As well as can be expected with the company I had,” increasing my rowing pace, “and you?” I panted.

“You should know better than to ask that,” she chided me, and I stopped and rested on the oars.

“I apologise,” I said as Ralph mounted a cycle and Ann got onto a running machine and started to jog in front of me. Her breasts were starting to move in a most provocative way.

“Now what has this gym got that seems to draw the females here like moths to a candle.” I couldn’t help but laugh at the mischievous smile that she gave me and even if I had wished it otherwise, my body complied with her request and I had my erection. Ralph had to stop on his machine because he too came erect by watching Ann’s breasts bounce about as she ran on that treadmill.

So it was two pricks that lead the way upstairs with Ann between us and strode on through the dorm to the showers. Ann told us as we went that she had worked out which girl it was that wanted sex with two of the men at the same time and that they had done it in the classroom last evening.

“It was Leslie! I couldn’t find her anywhere, and Chris and Martin were missing too!” It didn’t surprise me.

At the pairings after breakfast, Penny said that another girl would like to be paired with two men that evening, so any names, please before dinner. Then my name was called with that of Connie and Ann. Martin was with Debbie, then Chris and Leslie, leaving Ralph with Carol and Kathy.

Ann had smiled at me when we were linked, albeit with Connie, and I smiled back at her and then at Connie. We made our way to our allocated futon as the others did to theirs.

I made a point of kissing Connie first as we settled down, and I saw that Ann approved of the move I had made before we kissed. Then I lay down on my back and had the pleasure of two beautiful creatures fuss over my body while offering theirs to me.

I then kissed and sucked on a pair of breasts while a mouth sucked on my tool and a hand fondled my balls. Then they changed positions so that I had a fresh pair of tits to play with and a different tongue to tease me down below. Then they switched again and it was Connie who sat on my upper chest and eased herself forward so that, I think the term now is “eat” her. While I did this, tonguing and sucking whatever juices came out, Ann played with my erection, teasing it with her mouth and tongue.

Then Ann lay back and opened her legs for Connie to get between and put what she had learnt to good use. It didn’t take Ann long to begin squirming under Connie’s ministrations, and it was time for me to get in on the act. Connie’s nice rear was in the air and I positioned myself between her legs and entered her from the rear. I pushed myself in slowly and with care until my length was fully in and my thighs were touching the cheeks of her bum. I had to plough the furrow slowly because I didn’t want to push Connie up where she was licking Ann.

I could see Ann’s face over Connie’s shoulder and she smiled at me, her breasts rolling with the slow motion that our two bodies above her were creating. As I started to increase my thrusting, Connie had to lift her head up and stop attending to Ann’s lovely orifice. Ann then moved under Connie and stopped the breasts from swinging back and forth by fondling and sucking of the nipples as I moved faster. A hand came up and started fondling my balls as I stiffened and jerked as I came inside Connie, Ann’s hand gently squeezing the drops out as I ground my hips up tight to the bare flesh under my hands.

It was a pleasant afternoon having these four tits brushing back and forth across my chest and thighs and then to watch my erection being held upright while the two of them kissed each side of it till their lips met and kissed at the top. Then they nibbled their way down and, alternately mouthing my balls or sucking my cock head. I was sorry when the session ended.


Written by 1941aaa
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