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The Quickie

"It was meant to be a quickie . . ."

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Living in a small village, as Maggie and I do, has its advantages.

For a start, there are numerous people like ourselves – fortunate enough to have enough money to be able to survive most economic situations and still maintain a comfortable standard of living. Secondly, there is always a good and varied social life, both indoors, with drinks or dinner parties and outdoors, with a good mix of sporting events. And thirdly, with so many like-minded people having time on their hands, there are numerous possibilities for illicit liaisons.

Over the ten years we had been living here, we had both taken advantage of more than one of the opportunities that had come our way – with the full knowledge and consent of the other. Most of the time though, Maggie and I were more than happy with our own company, both in and out of bed and, if I ever had to limit myself to just one woman for the rest of my life, it would undoubtedly be Maggie – because, rather than despite, I knew her body inside out.

From my own particular point of view, her body was perfect. My ideal female form is tall and slim, with breasts that are small but full. Long legs and a high, nicely rounded ass, complete the picture and if the owner has a face anything better than plain, I consider it a bonus.

Maggie had it all. She could not, in all honesty, be described as anything more than pretty – but what she may have lacked in facial beauty, she more than made up for in sheer sexiness. And then there was her body. Her nipples were so sensitive she could cum by just having them nuzzled. Her clean-shaven pussy was always wet when I got there and tasted fantastic while her pert little ass seemed to have been specifically designed to be fucked – something she generously allowed me to do whenever I wanted to. One or two of her lovers had been afforded the same privilege, too.

When Trevor announced the date of his annual free-for-all we grinned in anticipation. Trevor and Rebecca owned the largest house in the village. It was known as The Hall and came with a huge garden that eventually found its way down to a small lake. Although the lake was more or less public property, about half of the shoreline was privately owned and there were a number of little boathouses dotted around its shore. Trevor, of course, had the best one, complete with a studio above the sheltered mooring of his shiny cabin cruiser.

Now whenever Maggie and I go to any sort of social event, we always make a point of trying to find somewhere to have a quickie. Knowing that we're both looking for somewhere to sneak off to for a fuck, adds a little frisson of excitement to the occasion and, apart from having quickies on trains, boats and planes, we've also managed them in theatres, stately homes and, of course, at parties. Having one in Trevor's boathouse became an ambition the moment we learned he had had the place re-roofed and refurbished.

The day started with promise but, by mid-afternoon had clouded over and was threatening to rain.

'All the better,' Maggie grinned wickedly, as she looked through her dresses. 'Everyone will be inside. We’ll be able to slip down there without anyone noticing.'

In anticipation of the quickie, she chose a light, summer dress that swirled around her calves and a pair of flat shoes. Her underwear stayed neatly folded in a drawer. I opted for a shirt, a loose pair of cotton trousers and a pair of loafers. Like Maggie, I didn't bother with underwear, or socks.

The light rain that was falling as we left our house, stopped just before we pulled into Trevor's drive, although from the look of the clouds, the respite was only temporary. Maggie squeezed my arm as we walked to the door.

'Let's give it an hour or so,' she murmured. 'We'll have a drink or two and then slip away.'

As ever, Trevor and Rebecca had spared little expense. The large entrance hall served as the bar and general meeting area, the party atmosphere enhanced by a largely unnecessary log fire blazing away in the huge fireplace. In another room, a constantly replenished buffet was available for whenever a guest felt hungry. Another room had been cleared for dancing and already the disco was thumping away. Yet more rooms were available for the guests to sit and converse. All in all, there appeared to be about a hundred of us. Many from the village, many more from further a-field.

I shook hands with Trevor and gave Rebecca a kiss on each cheek. Then, as she turned away, I gave her a quick pat on her ass. She threw a grin at me from over her shoulder.

'What is he like?' she laughed to Maggie, who was just emerging from Trevor's embrace. 'What are you feeding him on?'

'Whatever it is, I want some,' Trevor grinned, slipping his arm around Maggie's waist.

Rebecca rolled her eyes at me.

'You've already had some,' she told him sternly, leaving me unsure as to whether she meant he had had sex before the party or was referring to the occasion when he and Maggie had enjoyed their own little party. 'As for you,' she continued, looking up at me with a smile in her big brown eyes, 'one of these days I might just surprise you . . . '

With that she turned to greet two couples who had come in behind us. Trevor reluctantly released Maggie and we went to get ourselves a drink.

'When shall we slip away?' I asked her.

'It’s four o'clock now. Why don't we meet back here around five and then go see what the boathouse is like?'

I grinned and gave her a quick kiss of farewell. I spent the next hour drifting through the house, chatting to those I already knew and meeting one or two I'd like to get to know. There were some very attractive women present, not all of them guarded by a possessive partner so I indulged in a little light flirting while I waited for five o'clock to come around.

And arrive it did. I was already in the hall and once again was able to admire the sensual way Maggie moved. I had to half turn towards a wall to avoid advertising my growing erection. Maggie, of course, had noticed it immediately and grinned knowingly.

'Ready?' she murmured seductively. 'Because I'm looking forward to seeing the inside of that boathouse – especially the ceiling!'

Giggling like naughty school children, we slipped out of a side door and made our way down the garden towards the lake, before tip-toeing up the outside staircase of the boathouse as though the surrounding trees were full of people listening out for us.

'What if it's locked?' I whispered, my hand on the handle.

'If it is, we do it right here,' she whispered back. 'But why would Trevor lock it?'

As it happened, the door was unlocked and we stepped in and closed the door before realising another couple had beaten us to it. They were sitting on the wide, bench seat that ran under the full width window at the lake end of the room. Clearly though, they hadn't come to admire the view. They were kissing passionately, he with a hand under the woman's blouse, she with one of hers down the front of his trousers.

I looked at Maggie; she looked at me and then we turned to leave.

'Hey, don't go on our account,' the woman said, sounding more amused than embarrassed.

'I guess you had the same idea as us,' the man added.

'Sure they did,' she said, staring pointedly at the front of my trousers.

'Yeah, well, sorry about that. We'll, er, leave you to it,' I said, as casually as I could.

'Hey, don't go. You could do us a favour,' the woman said.

'We could?' Maggie blinked.

'Absolutely. The thing is, we brought our camera to take a few pictures. It's got one of those delayed shutter releases, only this little table's too low – all we're getting pictures of is our knees.'

'You want us to take some pictures while you, er . . . ?'

'Fuck? If you don't mind,' the woman said brightly. 'I mean, that's why you're here, right? Well, it'd be really fun to have some pictures to look back on.'

For a moment Maggie and I just stared at each other, not quite believing two complete strangers not only intended to continue having sex in front of us, but also wanted us to record the occasion on film (or memory-card). Maggie recovered first, her eyes shining with mischief.

'Sure. This could be fun. I've always wanted to shoot a porn movie.'

'There won't be enough memory for a movie,' the woman sighed regretfully. 'If we'd known you were available, we'd have brought a video camera.'

'Julie loves seeing herself on film,' the man explained. 'We've got any number of shots of her masturbating, sucking dick and fucking.'

'But always with the camera on a tripod. Finally we can get some close-ups and different angles,' Julie said excitedly.

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'Okay, you better show me how it works,' Maggie suggested.

The camera was basically point and shoot so needed little in the way of explanation. While I stood to one side, feeling as though I was intruding, Maggie took a few snaps of them kissing before suggesting that the unbuttoning of Julie's blouse to show hers breasts being fondled, would be more effective than if it remained fastened.

'Good idea.'

Julie quickly undid the buttons and opened her shirt. Her breasts were bigger than Maggie's, with large dark aureoles and big fat nipples. My erection, which had subsided considerably, started to build again.

'Hey, why don't you – I'm sorry, I don't know your name . . . ' Julie began.

'It's Nick. And I'm Maggie.'

'We're Julie and Dave. Nick, why don't you come and sit on the other side of me . . . Unless Maggie doesn't think it's a good idea, of course,' she added quickly, seeing Maggie's frown. 'Only the pictures would be more interesting if it looked as though I was having a threesome . . .'

'Oh, all right then,' Maggie shrugged.

I quickly moved to sit next to Julie and, almost before I'd settled, she turned to me, put her hand high on my thigh and leaned in for a kiss.

My reaction was automatic – I returned her kiss and cupped a breast. It felt wonderfully soft and heavy, although the nipple was far from soft. As I caressed her breast, the hand on my thigh moved upwards until she was stroking my dick.

Temporarily forgotten, Dave decided to have a look at some of the pictures Maggie had taken and moved to stand behind her, looking over her shoulder as she quickly showed him a succession of images.

'Excellent. Keep going,' he smiled and, as Maggie once more framed a shot, he reached around her and took a breast in each hand.

Maggie gave a gasp of surprise but otherwise continued to take pictures. Still kissing me, Julie somehow managed to open my trousers and deftly extracted my dick. Then, breaking the kiss and giving a wicked look at the camera, she bent her head and closed her mouth around it.

I groaned with pleasure – a groan that was echoed by Maggie. Opening my eyes I saw that Dave had lifted her dress and slipped a hand between her thighs.

'Dave . . . !' she said warningly, but her tone lacked any real conviction and he continued with what he was doing.

'Keep taking pictures,' he murmured. 'Make sure you get Julie sucking Nick's cock.'

She giggled.

'You don't mind that your wife is sucking my husband's dick?'

'Not at all,' he grinned.

Julie abruptly let go of me and stood up to kick off her skirt. Like Maggie, she wasn't wearing underwear and when she knelt along the seat and looked back over her shoulder at me, her intention was obvious.

'Dave . . . ' Maggie moaned, 'I can't manage this while you're . . . '

'Just get a couple of Nick sliding into her,' he pleaded.

I took my cue and, taking a firm grip of Julie hips, I pushed slowly into her soaking wet cunt and then glanced at the others.

'I think we can put this down now,' Dave said, letting go of Maggie and gently relieving her of the camera.

Although it was obvious what he was hoping would happen next, there was still some doubt – in my mind, at least – that Maggie would be prepared to abandon her roll of photographer and, instead, become an active participant.

But she showed she knew what was expected of her and she also showed – judging by the speed with which she slipped out of her dress – was more than willing to fulfil Dave's expectations. Dropping to her knees in front of him, she had his trousers around his ankles within seconds and eagerly began doing what she so enjoyed – giving head.

The situation was a novel one for both Maggie and me in that it was the first time we had had sex with someone else, in each other's presence. Not only was I slowly and steadily fucking a more or less total stranger, but her husband was about to fuck Maggie. Considering we had known this couple for less than half an hour, it was all rather surreal, but none the less – or maybe for that very reason – wildly exciting.

Certainly, judging from the groans of pleasure Dave was making, Maggie was doing her usual expert job. The fact that she had shed her dress was a clear indication that she wasn't expecting the action to stop there. Her next words confirmed it.

'I think you're about ready,' she smiled up at him. 'I know I am!'

Pausing only to remove the rest of his clothes, Dave sat on the bench, inches from his wife's head and pulled Maggie astride his thighs. Looking over Julie's back, as I was, I had a perfect view of his dick disappearing into Maggie's cunt as she impaled herself with a sigh of satisfaction.

It was a little after seven before we rejoined the party, the women heading straight for a bathroom to clean themselves up. The time spent in the boathouse had been memorable. After cumming deep inside Julie, something which gave her, her third climax within ten minutes, we watched Dave doing the same to Maggie. Then we reverted to our own partners for a second session before swapping again for the third session – in which we all enjoyed the pleasures of anal sex.

While Dave and I sipped a much needed drink he asked for my email address.

'I'll send you copies of the pictures,' he promised.

The photo shoot hadn't stopped when Maggie undressed and, at several points during the time that followed, whichever one of us happened to have a hand free, grabbed the camera and popped off a few shots.

'I have to say I'm looking forward to seeing them,' I grinned. 'This has been something of a first for both of us.'

'Really? I wouldn't have guessed.'

'So you and Julie . . . ?' I asked.

'We have a few friends we like to get together with once a month or so,' he smiled. 'Usual story, I guess – we felt we needed to spice our love lives up a little and, rather than doing things behind each other's backs, we'd be up front about it and see if we could find one or two other couples to have fun with.'

'More swapping than swinging?'

'For us, yes. We went to a swing club a few times but, although it was okay, we decided it was a bit too impersonal. We realised we liked doing it in front of each other – it felt safer and more cosy, somehow – so we tend to limit ourselves to small dinner parties where everyone can be totally relaxed and secure. I don't know if you've ever sat at a table, eating dinner with five other people, all of whom are stark naked – but I can tell you, it's great!'

'I can imagine.'

'What can you imagine?' Maggie asked, slipping her arm around my waist as she and Julie joined us. 'Whatever it is, I bet it's rude.'

'Dave was just saying how much fun it is to have a dinner party when everyone is naked,' I explained.

'At a nudist resort, or somewhere more private?' she wanted to know.

'Oh, definitely somewhere private,' Julie laughed. 'That way we can get up to all sorts of naughty stuff.'

'And we usually do,' Dave grinned.

We were interrupted at that point by another couple from the village and didn't really talk anymore to Dave and Julie. Around midnight , we said our goodbyes and head home.

'We never did have our quickie,' Maggie pointed out, as we got ready for bed.

'But we did have sex in Trevor's boathouse.'

'We certainly did that,' she grinned. 'Who would have thought something like that would happen?'

'Not me!' I admitted. 'But I have to say I thought it was fun – and you looked amazing doing all those things with Dave.'

'Wasn't it incredible, doing it with someone else in front of each other?'

'I'll say. Can't wait to see the photos. Dave said he'd email them to us.'

She gave a theatrical shiver.

'You know, if someone had asked me this afternoon, before the party, if I could ever foresee a situation in which I would swap partners with a couple of strangers I'd have had to have said, "No."'

'Me too. But I'm glad we did. It was fun.'

'I know.' She snuggled up next to me and threw a warm, firm thigh over mine. 'It's making me wet just thinking about it.'

I slid my hand between her thighs making her sigh, softly.

'Mmm. That's nice. Don't stop.'

'There's only one place I didn't cum this afternoon,' I said casually.

'A mouth?'

'That's right.'

'Tell you what,' she suggested, grinning wickedly. 'Let's have a nice leisurely fuck and then I'll suck you off.'

Written by vangelsdorp
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