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The Prediction

"She was to do something daring. But what?"

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It’s almost embarrassing to describe how it began, it’s so silly.  But it’s the truth, so here it is.  We were at a Chinese restaurant.  As always, my meal ended with a fortune cookie.  I cracked it open and the little slip of paper within read: “Get ready to do something daring.”

I shrugged and tossed the paper aside.  The ‘fortunes’ are just meant for a chuckle anyway.  My husband Brad picked it up, and with his usual wise-ass tone, asked if he’d be invited whenever this event happened.

“I don’t know,” I said.  “We’ve been together too long for me to shock you.  I may need to find a fresh audience.”

Now, this was just a flippant remark, a rejoinder to his cheeky comment.  I had no intention of actually doing anything.  But I began to think about it.  Why shouldn’t I break out of my routine?  Why not inject some excitement into a conventional life?

But what?  Take on a lover, or maybe arrange a threesome?  Go topless on a beach?  Maybe it didn’t have to be sexual.  Go sky diving?  In truth, I had no idea what daring thing I wanted to do – or if I wanted to do something daring in the first place. 

The next day, in clearing through all my usual junk emails, there was one that gave me pause.  It was from a dating service.  “No cost to look; search for your soul mate.”  I already had a husband – the aforementioned Brad -- but wouldn’t it be daring to look?  I clicked on the link.  I identified myself as a heterosexual female and entered my zip code.  A parade of smiling guys appeared.  This was fun, imagining what each guy was like beyond the headshot.  And then it happened.  One of the photos was very familiar.  I knew this guy, but from where?  The picture had only a first name and a barebones bio (you have to subscribe for full information.) 

“Bobby.  A professional originally from New York City, likes golf, walks in the rain, and uninhibited people.  Will try anything once.”

Bobby!  Of course.  My classmate from high school.  I always had a crush on him, and he and I had flirted off and on.  But we never dated.  I was going with a real jerk at the time, a bad boy (I was young), and Bobby Rappaport was decidedly too nice.  But here he was, looking at me with that beautiful smile of his.  And maturity had turned him from a boy into a very attractive man. 

I knew the best thing would be to do nothing.  I was a married woman.  But what would be the harm?  I found him on Facebook and sent him a message. 

“Hey Bobby, this is Robin from Grover Cleveland High School.  I saw your picture on  Would love to catch up.  Call me.”  And included my information.

It wasn’t three hours later when my cell phone rang.  We chatted happily for a while, filling in the blanks of our lives since high school. Then he asked, “So how is it that you were on”

I laughed and told him the silly story about my fortune being that I was about to do something daring.  That lingering prediction had lured me to the website. 

“Maybe I can help,” he said.  “I share a house on the Jersey shore with a group of pretty uninhibited people.  Join us for a weekend.  I guarantee you’ll fulfill the prophecy.  And have a great time doing it.”

“Did I mention that I’m married?” I asked.

“That’s fine,” he replied.  “We’re all couples.  Bring him, as long as he’s open-minded.”

“What do you mean by open-minded?” I asked.

“No one does anything they don’t want to,” he said.  “But we do everything we want.  It can get intense.  I won’t say more.  Come and find out.”

Oh my.  My courage was being put to the test.  Normally I would never join some vaguely hedonistic group.  Which meant it was exactly what I should do.

I told Brad the story of my chance connection with an old classmate, and the invitation for a “daring” weekend.  He immediately agreed.  Brad said he was bored and eager for an adventure. 

The next weekend, we drove to Cape May, New Jersey, with a suitcase full of clothes, and me filled with trepidation.  In hindsight, I hardly had cause for the latter, or much need for the former. 

The rented six-bedroom house was near the ocean, with its own pool.  There were five other couples.  Bobby was there with a mousy blonde named Ava.  I didn’t care for her.  Silly, I was already judging who “my” Bobby should be dating. 

The day began as many beach vacations go, us all lying around the pool, talking, drinking beverages.  Except that all the women were topless.  Except me. 

“Robin,” Brad whispered.  “You came here to do something daring, and you won’t even take off your top when all the other women have?”

“I’d feel self-conscious,” I pleaded, “I was raised to be modest.” 

“You’re hopeless,” he said.  “Why did you even come here?”

He was absolutely right.  I slowly reached behind and unclasped the bikini top.  It nested, unhooked, covering my breasts.  Then I removed it.

The cool ocean breeze wafted over my ample breasts, a lovely sensation of pleasure and freedom.  The thrill of the exposure of intimate skin, and my own daring. caused the nipples to become erect.  And no one gawked at me.  We all sat around as before, chatting, walking around, getting drinks.  It was normal.  It was exciting.  A few of the women even swam in the nude.  If I wanted daring, I had come to the right place.  But I soon found out that this was just chapter one.

After dinner and drinks, a lot of drinks, we settled into the family room of the house.  Bobby announced there would be a game. 

“We’re going to play blind man’s bluff, the adult version.  One man will be blindfolded.  All the women will stand around him in a circle.  We’ll name one of the ladies.  He’ll have three minutes to find her, using only his sense of touch.  If he’s correct, he gets a reward.  If he’s wrong, there’s a punishment.”

We gathered in a circle.  One of the guys was blindfolded.

“OK, Ted, you have to identify Rachel.  The clock starts now.”

Rachel was a pretty, 5’6” blonde with a voluptuous figure.  This should be easy for him, I thought.

Ted, blindfolded, reached out and snagged a woman.  He pulled her close, his hands moving onto her backside, assessing its shape.  He slid the hands up her sides, to her front.  He groped her breasts through the bikini top, gauging their size.

“Nope, not Rachel,” he said, accurately.  And moved to the next woman to his right.  That was me.  Now, I have nice-sized breasts, not Rachel- quality, but close.  Ted pulled me tightly to him and massaged my back, working his way up to the neck.  He gently felt the outline of my face.  Then he slid his hands down my front, massaging the breasts, calculating their shape.  Then he reached inside my top and fingered the nipples!  I was shocked.  Bad enough to grope me through clothes, but this?  Then he moved down the front, toward my shorts.  I froze as his hand moved across the pubic area.  I began to suspect he wasn’t just searching for Rachel.

“Nope, not Rachel either.”  He released me and groped for the next victim.  This one was in fact, Rachel.  He proceeded to explore her, fully appraising the shape and swell of the breasts.  We saw him smile; he knew. But he continued the exploration of her body, thrusting his hand inside her bikini bottom, pressing against the vagina.  She stiffened but didn’t stop him. 

“This is her,” he said, to applause from the crowd.  He removed the blindfold and he and Rachel embraced.

“So, what’s my prize?” he asked.

“The prize,” said Bobby, “is that you get to select any woman here to perform oral sex on you.”

I froze.  What the hell?  What if he chose me?  I in no way signed up for this.  Who the hell are these people?

“I choose Melissa,” Ted said.  People laughed, everyone smiled, and he and Melissa headed for one of the bedrooms.  Ted’s girlfriend joked with Melissa that if she needed any help, to give her a shout.

I was speechless.  My husband Brad was grinning broadly. 

“All right,” said Bobby.  “Next will be the ladies’ turn.  She’ll have to identify one of the guys.  We’ll blindfold Robin.  All guys gather in a circle. 

Oh my God. 

I was blindfolded.  I was told I had to find Bobby.  I grabbed the first man, pulled him close, and smelled his musk.  I have a good nose, and I love how men smell.  I didn’t think this was Bobby, but I ran my hands over the fellow’s chest.  And then down to his privates.  I felt the penis begin to stir as I assessed the size.  Now, in truth, I really had no idea what Bobby’s equipment would be like.  A man’s bathing suit doesn’t reveal that much.  But I was beginning to get into the swing of things.  Why not get a free squeeze?

“Nope, not Bobby,” I said and moved to the next man.  I groped over this one’s body, the chest, and down the stomach.  I groped inside the swim trunks and felt an uncircumcised penis.  I knew this was Brad.  His smell had told me at the beginning.

“No, not Bobby.”

I repeated the process with the next man.  This one had Bobby’s muscular chest and appeared to be about the right size.  I reached inside his trunks and massaged the testicles.  The penis swelled against my hand.  A solid feel.  This one would do nicely.

“This is Bobby,” I said.  I pulled off my blindfold.  But it was Kevin!  Uh oh.

Everyone laughed.  Bobby came over and said it was a good try, but unfortunately, I had to be punished for the error. 

“Robin needs to be spanked for her carelessness.  Kevin, you get to do the honors.”

A chair was brought in, and I was pulled across Kevin’s lap.  My shorts and panties were lowered.  My rear end and the lips of the vagina were exposed to the crowd.  Kevin administered ten swats on my bottom.  Then I was released, to everyone’s merriment.  Even Brad was laughing.  I was mortified. 

I pulled my clothes back on and asked for another drink.  Clearly, a lot of alcohol would be needed if I was going to survive the weekend. 

When Brad and I went to bed that night, the sex was frenzied.  In truth, I had been excited by the casual sex and nudity.  Maybe I wasn’t as conventional as I thought.  I wondered what the next day would bring.

The night-before antics had loosened up the crowd (as if they needed much loosening), and most people swam in the pool in the nude and sunbathed nude.  I was just topless, not quite ready to remove those few inches of fabric that preserved a little modesty.  There were plenty of fine bodies to look at, male and female, and I found myself to be a happy voyeur.  I got a more detailed look at the men’s equipment, and I studied Bobby in particular.  I’d know his body next time if we repeated the blind man’s game.  But in fact, there was a new game for that evening’s entertainment.

“Gather round, everyone,” said Bobby, our ring leader.  “I’ve given each woman a slip of paper with a number on it, from 1 to 6.  In this glass bowl likewise are slips of paper, also numbered 1 to 6.  Each guy will draw one slip.  Whoever matches your number will be your partner for the evening.” 

“What if I draw my wife’s number?” asked Eddie.  “I mean, what’s the fun in that?”

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There was laughter, including from Eddie’s wife.

“If such a calamity befalls you,” said Bobby, “you can always work out a swap with someone else – if they are willing.  But the second part of this challenge may make even your current squeeze appealing.  Each individual has to engage in a sex act he or she doesn’t normally do.  You’ll know what it is – a secret desire:  maybe oral sex; anal if that’s always been forbidden; maybe it’s sex with the partner tied up.  Or you tied up!  But the object is to explore something new.  Later you’ll tell the crowd what it was, and how it went.  There will be a vote for who had the best story.  There’s a prize for the winner.  We’ll meet back here in an hour.” 

Oh my God.  I hadn’t considered the idea that I might be having sex with someone other than Brad – or that Brad could be screwing another woman.  And what deranged desire might my partner have in mind?  I looked at Brad to see if he was having the same dread as I, but he was grinning from ear to ear.  Yikes.

Bobby had said we never had to do something we didn’t want to.  So, I could always opt-out.  But there was peer pressure not to be such a wimp.  And I’d leave one of the guys horny and frustrated, without a partner that night, if I fled.

Several men drew lots and paired up with a female.  Brad pulled Ava’s number.  Bobby pulled mine.  I guess I had no right to be jealous of Brad’s impending time with Ava, when my heart was pounding with excitement at the prospect of being with Bobby.  Anyway, I was comforted by the thought that Brad was going to be disappointed. Ava was small-breasted and I know what Brad likes.  (At least, I thought I knew.)

We all headed to the bedrooms.  I felt like a teenager on a first date with the team quarterback.  Would this be a dream night, or a nightmare?  Either was possible.

Bobby grabbed me tightly as soon as the door closed.  “I’ve wanted to get your clothes off since high school.  It’s been a long time waiting,” he said.

“I feel the same way,” I said.  “You were always such a hunk, but I was dating that stupid guy back then, and I couldn’t be ‘unfaithful.’  Amazing how innocent we were, when we felt so grown up.”

Bobby pulled my skimpy shorts off, and I yanked down his trunks.  We fell onto the bed, and his mouth swallowed my breast.  His hand reached down the stomach, finding its way below.  His hands gently pulled on my pubic hair, and a finger circled the lips of the vagina.  I was moist quickly, and he began to stroke the clitoris.  I moaned with pleasure, and his finger entered the vagina.  The sensitive spot inside was soon being stroked, and I dug my fingers into his back.  I was so excited that I could have climaxed then, but I held back, wanting it to build and build.  And Bobby obliged.  He pulled on a condom and entered me.  He slowly thrust and retreated, thrust and retreated, watching my face to see the pleasure I experienced.  Then he withdrew before we both climaxed.

“I’m saving up,” he said, “this is just the beginning.”

“This is as wonderful as I hoped it would be,” I said.  “What can I do for you?  What’s your secret desire?”

“There is something Ava isn’t comfortable doing,” he said.  “69 oral sex; with you on me while I satisfy you.” 

“I can do that,” I said.  So, we positioned ourselves, laying head to toe, my mouth on his penis, one hand slowly massaging the testicles.  He went to work on my parts, his tongue where his finger had been.  Bobby had been close to climax before, so it wasn’t long before I felt the twitching of his penis.

“Are you ready?  I mouthed when I was able to get a breath out.

“God, yes,” he said. 

I clamped onto him again, and this time sucked him to release.  His semen washed over me, but I didn’t care.

He had to pause his work on me while he went limp with relaxation but resumed quickly enough.  I didn’t restrain myself and soon I had my climax too.

We lay back on the bed, holding each other.

“What good luck,” I said, “that you picked my number out of the bowl.”

“Luck had nothing to do with it,” he said. “I palmed your number before I put the bowl out.  Nobody was getting you tonight but me.”

The sweetness of that remark entered my heart.  Dear, dear Bobby.  Who knows where life would have led us if I had been smarter in my youth?  But I was married to Brad.  This was an interlude.  But a wonderful interlude.

“And what about you?” Bobby asked.  “What’s your secret desire?”

I had been dreading that question.  I knew what I absolutely wanted but was embarrassed to say.  Should I lie, and suggest something bland or tell the truth?

“I don’t know.  I’m happy just lying here with you,” I said.  Stalling.

“I don’t believe that for a second.  Everyone has something,” he said.

Oh my God.  “I’m not comfortable talking about it,” I said. 

“You came here to do something daring,” Bobby replied.  “Don’t chicken out.”

“My God, isn’t this weekend daring enough? I’ve been topless, I’ve been spanked on my bare bottom in front of a group, I’ve groped men’s privates, I’ve had sex with someone other than my husband.”  I pleaded my case.

“All true,” he said.  “But what is it you won’t do?  What are you most afraid of revealing?  That’s true daring.”

Oh my.  Why won’t this man leave me alone?  How many daring things do I have to do?

“I want to be taken against my will,” I spit out, finally.

“Not really,” I clarified.  “No woman ever wants to actually be raped.  But role play, pretend, where in a fantasy some man, maybe a burglar, finds me in bed and takes me.  Gently, but against my will.  I’m powerless to stop him.  And I love it.”

I didn’t have a mirror, but I was sure I was blushing.  Yikes, I’ve never even told Brad this.  And now I’m revealing my soul to a man I hadn’t seen in years, after a day together?

Bobby was smiling.  “Get under the covers and wait.”

He grabbed some clothes, turned off the lights, and went into the bathroom.  I wrapped the sheets around me.  I closed my eyes.

In a few minutes, I felt a firm hand on my chest.  I opened my eyes.  Towering over me was a ‘burglar’, with a small towel covering his face like a mask.

“Who are you?” I ‘cried.’  “What do you want?”

“I’m here for your jewels, my lovely,” he said. 

“You can have my rings.  They’re on the dresser,” I said.

“Those are not the jewels I seek,” he said.  “These jewels are more precious.”  And he yanked back the covers, exposing my naked body.

“I’m a virgin,” I said.  “Surely you would not defile me.”

“On the contrary.  I’m here to teach you lessons that a woman needs to know.”

With that, he pulled off his shirt and shorts and climbed on top of me.  His hands gripped my wrists, holding them splayed apart, above my head. 

“Never known a man before?” he said.

I didn’t speak as I felt his penis poke me, feeling for the entrance.

“You’re very wet, my lady, for a woman who doesn’t know what sex is,” he said.

With that, he pushed inside me, all the time holding my wrists, rendering me powerless.  He rhythmically thrust into me.  I rippled with both the sexual sensation and the excitement of my fantasy.  I cried out, letting loose an explosion, a torrent of pleasure.  My middle bucked against his penis, and I felt his excitement grow as he ejaculated inside me again.

We were both spent and lay exhausted in bed.  I could have stayed in that sweet dream-like state but we heard the sounds of the other couples gathering in the main room.  The hour was up.

Oh my God.  Did I have to confess to wanting to be taken, in front of everyone?  In front of Brad?  Was this going to end up as my nightmare?

“Why don’t we just stay here?” I tried to sweet-talk Bobby.

“No way.  Half the fun of this challenge is hearing what everyone did.  And how their secret desire played out.  Get moving,” he said.

Everyone was back in the main room, with lots of smiling faces.  Everyone returned to the partner they originally came with.

“Who wants to go first?” our fearless leader asked.

Eddie spoke up.  “Joan and I had a great time.  At least I did.  Her secret desire was that she wants to control the sex, to dominate the male.  I went for it; I was putty in her hands.  I loved it.  She’s a tiger in bed.”

Joan lowered her eyes demurely.  Her regular partner, Kevin, was wide-eyed.

“What in the world?” he said.  “You’re not like that!”

Joan explained.  “I love you, and I love how you’re such a macho guy.  I never would try to dominate you because I know you’d hate it.  But with a stranger, I was free to let myself go.  Don’t be angry.”

“I’m not angry, but I’m disappointed you wouldn’t trust me to share your desire,” Kevin replied. “Choose me next time.”

The couple embraced, and everyone applauded.

One after another, people spoke.  The more people revealed, the more others felt free to reveal.  I kept silent, waiting for Brad to talk.

When Brad and Ava’s turn came, Ava did the talking.

“I’ve never been into bondage.  Actually, it never occurred to me to be bound during sex.  But when Brad said he wanted to tie me up, I said sure.  What I didn’t expect was how much it turned me on.  To be powerless, helpless, while someone had free rein over my body, was exquisite.  And Brad explored every inch of me.  I’ll always be grateful to Brad for opening up a new avenue of pleasure.  He’s the best.”

I sat there stunned.  Brad and I had never really talked about sex.  We did it, of course, but there was never a serious discussion of likes and dislikes.  I, who have a fantasy of being taken by force, had never said this to my man, who in turn had never told me he likes to bind people and have his way with them.  Did we even know each other?

After each couple had relayed their experience, Bobby said it was time for us to vote.  Whose tale of satisfying a secret desire was the best? 

Bobby and I won easily, with our story of the burglar ravishing me.  Everyone liked the role play.  They thought Bobby’s line about what jewels he was after was great.  

“So, what’s the reward for the winners?” someone asked. 

Bobby provided the answer.  “It’s a full body massage, performed by everyone, on the two winners.  That’s five sets of hands for each.  If you’ve never had a group massage before, it’s pretty amazing.”

Bobby brought out two massage tables.  (Naturally, he just happened to have some; maybe he’s done this before?)  He and I stripped and lay nude on a table.  No one batted an eye, including me, at our nudity; how far I’d come from that first day, when I was reluctant to go topless.

Warm massage oil was sprinkled on us. One set of hands circled my buttocks, another rubbed the feet.  Someone kneaded the shoulders and the back.  Exquisite sensations radiated from all parts of my body.  It was glorious, liberating.  I turned over, and the more sensitive parts were exposed.  Two hands manipulated my breasts and the nipples, while another rubbed the legs and thighs, teasing me.  Someone, I don’t know who, as I had my eyes closed, rubbed my groin and vagina.  And the clitoris.  Bobby was undergoing similar pleasure, and the moaning from the other table joined mine.  His excitement helped build my own.  I climaxed multiple times, and was like a limp rag when the massages finally stopped. 

It was the best weekend of my life – our lives; Brad loved it too.  It changed us and our lovemaking.  We became regulars in the Jersey shore house. 

We still patronize that same Chinese restaurant, but I take the fortunes a lot more seriously now.  Hard to argue that they don’t come true.

Written by NotHemingway
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