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The Poker Game

"The French Maid does the poker players."

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It was a Friday night in late October and Melanie and I were preparing snacks for that night's poker game. Jake and I had been playing poker regularly with three of our closest buddies since we were all in college together. We were all married now, but we would still meet once or twice a month on a Friday or Saturday night to play cards and drink beer while catching up and ragging on each other. For some reason, our house had become the regular venue, probably simply because Mel and I had been the first to get married and buy our own place. It was traditionally strictly a boys night, with no ladies allowed to distract us from our poker. Melanie would usually go over the road to spend the evening with Jake's wife Sue, leaving when the first of the guys arrived.

However, tonight Melanie had other ideas.

“Can I play tonight?” she asked as we were preparing the finger foods for consumption during the mid-game break.

You want to play poker?” I exclaimed in amazement. Melanie's only usual interest in poker was the strip variety!

“No, silly,” she replied, giving me her most dazzling smile. “I want to play with the poker players!”

“Oh,” I said, getting it now. “Well, as long as you confine your playing to the mid-game break and after the game, sure.”

“Thank you, darling,” she purred, throwing her arms around my neck and giving me a long, delicious, passionate kiss as she draped her soft and curvy body down my entire length.

“Why do I get the impression that you have something wicked in mind?” I asked with a grin.

“Because you know me so well,” she answered with a delightfully provocative wriggle of her hips.

“Are the boys going to have a particularly entertaining night, by any chance?” I enquired, fishing.

“I certainly hope so,” she said, turning back to the food preparation.

“What do you have in mind?” I probed again.

“Wait and see,” she replied. I could get nothing more from her on the subject after that.

The guys began to arrive around seven o'clock. First to arrive was Pete, a tall blond, shaggy-haired, good-looking guy I had known since high school. He had known Melanie almost as long as I had, and she greeted him at the door with a hug and a peck on the cheek, asking after his wife, Sylvie.

Jake arrived next, coming in through the back door as he usually did. Jake and Sue were in and out of our house all the time, coming and going as they pleased. Melanie greeted him by sticking her tongue down his throat as she usually did, causing Pete to ask why he didn't get the same treatment, so she Frenched him too, which brought a smile to his face.

Tom and Phil arrived together in the same car. Tom is a shortish, dark-haired guy, extremely fit, a swimmer and snowboarder, who was the last of our group to marry, having wed the lovely Amanda in May of this year.

Phil is of average height and build with mid-brown hair worn longish and a neatly trimmed moustache. He married his high-school sweetheart Dawn while we were still in college.

Mel greeted them with hugs, asked after the two girls, then disappeared into the bedroom, leaving us to get ourselves organized for the game.

I got everybody settled around the dining table with beers and a good supply of nuts. We settled on Seven-card Stud as the game for tonight and Jake dealt.

We had played five or six hands before my wife put in another appearance – but this was not a Melanie I had ever seen before!

Her long, straight, dark-brown hair had disappeared under a long, wavy blond wig. She usually wore very little make-up because she simply did not need it; this girl wore powder, rouge, heavy eye make-up with blue lids and long false eyelashes, with bright scarlet lipstick. Very tarty! But the best part was her outfit!

She was dressed as a French Maid. She wore a tiny black, short-sleeved dress, with a frilly white apron tied over the front, that was so short that it barely covered her rear, a small black mob cap with white lace trim, seamed black stockings, the tops of which peeked out below her radically short dress, and black, pointed-toe stilettos with six-inch heels.

She swept into the room, her long strides swaying the flared skirt of her dress so that it revealed tantalizing flashes of soft white extreme upper thigh above black stocking tops and garters as she walked. Halting at the table she greeted us with, “ Bonsoir, messieurs, I am Francine. Madame Melanie 'ave 'ired me to be your server tonight. She tell me to make sure you 'ave a good time.” Huge, dazzling smile. “Can I get you gentlemens a drink?”

I heard a mumbled, “Holy shit!” from Pete on my right before everybody eagerly accepted Francine's offer. She took their orders then walked through to the kitchen with her hips rolling sexily, which had the effect of flipping the hem of her skirt up slightly to reveal just a hint of the lower edge of her buttocks.

“I do believe she is not wearing any underwear,” Tom breathed as he turned in his chair to watch her walk away.

“I wouldn't be a bit surprised,” Jake said with a short laugh.

“Nah, she's probably wearing a thong,” Phil hazarded.

Francine/Melanie returned bearing a tray laden with drinks in her right hand and carrying a white bar towel over her left arm, sashaying in with that exaggerated hip roll, tray held high as if negotiating a crowded bar, stocking tops and garters flashing on her extremely long legs. She had worked as a waitress during our college years, so she had the requisite skills to look professional as she delivered our drinks with a flourish. She worked her way around the table, making a real performance of it, always placing the drink to someone on the far side of the table as she bent right over a man on her own side of the table. She would lean low so that the scooped neck of her dress would fall wide open as she did so, allowing the men on the far side of the table a clear view of her breasts swinging free, nipples brushing the fabric of the dress, hard and erect. Her position would simultaneously give the men on the same side of the table as herself a delightful view of her bare ass, with stocking tops held just below by silver-buckled garters, as the hem of her dress rose as she bent over. When everybody had been served, just to make sure that nobody had missed the view, she 'accidentally' let the bar towel fall from her arm as she walked towards the kitchen then bent from the waist to retrieve it, which caused the skirt to ride right up to her waist, flashing a full view of legs, unequivocally bare ass and bare pussy. She was, indeed, not wearing any underwear!

“Fuck me,” Phil whispered in awe from where he sat opposite me.

“No, fuck her,” Pete breathed back, then, remembering that this was my wife he was talking about, added, “Sorry, Nick.”

“Why are you apologizing to me?” I asked with a grin. “I have never seen Francine before in my life.”

That gave everybody a good laugh.

Francine re-emerged from the kitchen and walked through to the living room, shaking out her long, wavy, blonde hair and saying over her shoulder, “When you want more drinks, messieurs, just call for Francine.”

“Oh, you bet we will,” Pete told her.

Francine selected the sofa that faced the dining area as her seat, sitting and crossing her legs, making sure that the tiny dress rose right up as she did so, so that those of us fortunate enough to be facing in that direction would be constantly distracted by the sight of those long, black stocking-clad legs as we played poker.

The effect of all that exposed feminine flesh seemed to be to make all the guys very thirsty, as that round of beers disappeared almost immediately, and Francine was summoned to provide replacements within five minutes.

When she had returned with the new round of drinks and finished her sexy delivery performance, Francine paused and said, “Ah, je m'excuse, I forget, Madame Melanie ask me to give you somesing,” then produced a stack of tiny envelopes from a concealed pocket in her tiny uniform dress.

Reading the first envelope she asked, “ 'oo eez Pete?”

Pete held out his hand for the envelope.

Francine then went through her stack until each one of us held a tiny envelope.

“What is this?” Pete asked her.

“I not know, Madame Melanie, she not tell me,” Francine replied.

So we all tore our envelopes open. In each one was a Monopoly 'Get out of jail free' card. Each card had a hand-written message on the back from the man's wife. We each read our message aloud to the group.

Mine said simply 'Be very nice to Francine' in Mel's tiny, neat handwriting, with the 'very' heavily underlined.

Pete's said, 'Get a Queen-high flush. No penalties. Sylvie.'

Jake's said, 'A pair of Jacks should do it. Sue.'

Tom's said, 'You have a free hand tonight. Amanda.'

Phil's said, 'Have a good poke 'er night! Dawn.'

“What does it all mean?” Tom asked me.

“I think it means that Melanie has told your wives that she was bringing in Francine as the entertainment tonight and that they want you to enjoy yourselves,” I told him.

“You mean...” he queried with a nod of his head towards Francine.

“Yes. Whatever is on offer, pre-approved by our wives,” I confirmed.

“Jesus,” murmured Phil. “I can't believe that Dawn went for this, but I'm in.”

“Hopefully, we all will be,” Jake quipped.

“You think, er, Francine, is gonna do us all?” Pete asked in disbelief.

“Who knows?” I answered. “We will just have to wait and see. But she did say that Melanie told her to make sure that we all have a good time.”

“I'm up for it then,” Pete asserted. “I can't see me getting a free pass like this from Sylvie again, so I am going to make the most of it!”

“What, you mean drink lots of beer?” I teased him.

“Sure, Nick, of course that's what I meant,” he replied sarcastically.

“Let's get her to bring us another round then, lads,” Tom suggested. “I need something to calm my racing heart!”

We all laughed, but Jake waved Francine over and she served us again, but this time, when she bent over next to him to serve me my drink across the table, Tom slid his arm around her waist and pulled her on to his lap.

Francine squirmed prettily, grinding her ass over his rigid dick, and mock protested, “Oh, naughty m'sieur,” as Tom slid his hand up her skirt, She opened her legs just enough to let him get his hand between them, then stood abruptly before he could take it any further. Bending over, exposing that world-class ass again, she wagged an admonishing finger in his face and cautioned him, “Madame Melanie, she say Francine no distract les hommes vile zey play cartes. I 'ave everybody at break!”

With that she flounced back over to her sofa, sat down hard in a flurry of skirt and kicked her right leg high in the air as she crossed her legs, lifting the hem of her dress and giving all of the watching men an eyeful of bare, hairy blonde pussy.

“What do you think she meant by that?” Tom asked.

I shrugged. “Who knows?”

Our poker playing was very distracted from that point until around nine-thirty when we took our break!

We all adjourned to the living room and Francine fetched the snacks and beer from the kitchen as we all watched her flashing legs. She placed the snacks on the coffee table then moved around the group handing out beers. I noticed that every single one of my friends slid his hand under her skirt as she stood next to them, fondling her ass and slipping her some finger. There were no objections from Francine, who poured herself a large glass of white wine when she had finished serving the men.

Sitting down on the central sofa of the grouping of three white leather sofas, where she could be the centre of attention for the men scattered around the others, she quite deliberately hiked her dress above her waist, exposing about three miles of black stockinged leg and her delectable pussy surrounded by a dense thatch of silky, blonde pubic hair. I burst out laughing as I realized that my beautiful slut wife had used a comb-in dye to change her normal very dark pubic hair to blonde, just to make her impersonation complete. Although she had flashed her blonde pubes earlier she had been so in character that I had just accepted it without thinking about it. Now it amused the hell out of me!

“Francine entertain you now,” she told us. “Like zees,” she added, sliding the middle finger of her right hand deep into her mouth, sucking on it and moving it in and out for a few seconds. “ 'oo eez first?” she added in her deplorable French accent.

Pete bobbed off the sofa like a jack-in-the-box before anybody else could speak and strode over to stand in front of her, undoing his belt and unzipping his fly as he did so.

Staring up at him with her huge brown eyes, Francine slid her hand into his shorts and fished out his cock, before reaching over to the coffee table for a game timer that I had not noticed her bring in. She quickly set it for five minutes, then picked up Pete's average sized cock, which was now quite rigid, and popped it into her mouth. Again fixing him with that sexy brown-eyed stare she began gobbling his dick down, her cheeks hollowing out as she sucked, her hand pulling on the shaft and her lips sliding down to meet it.

I heard at least three men groan in excitement and anticipation as Francine removed her hand from Pete's cock and slowly, oh so slowly, slid her lips down the shaft of his cock until the entire length was engulfed in her mouth. Her head then started bobbing rhythmically in and out as she sucked hard on the way in and licked on the way out, soft lips, wet mouth and warm throat swallowing him whole.

“Christ, I am so horny my pants are strangling me,” Tom muttered.

We all watched entranced as Pete's cock started to throb in Francine's mouth after just four minutes of this treatment. She swallowed his whole load and was just tucking his dick back in his pants when the game timer alarm went off with its raucous clatter, making us all jump. Francine laughed at our startlement.

“ 'oo's next?” she asked.

I badly wanted it to be me, but I restrained myself to let my friends go ahead. Jake obviously had the same thought as he did not move.

Tom said, “I guess I am,” and walked over. He had his dick flopped out before he reached Francine, so all she had to do was open her mouth for him to slide it in.

I must admit that the sight of my wife's alter-ego behaving like a complete tart had me so turned on that I was having difficulty with my breathing.

Francine had already reset the timer, so she was ready to go. For Tom she went straight into full face-fuck mode, swallowing his cock right down immediately, then grabbing his buttocks with both hands and hauling his hips forward to drive his cock deep into her throat. Tom's dick was somewhat larger than average, probably a ten-incher, but Francine had no difficulty accommodating it as she sucked, slurped and gobbled on it for the full five minutes until the timer went off, at which point she let it fall from her mouth and immediately demanded, “Next,” as she reset the timer.

Phil was over there immediately, dick in hand, and he slid it expertly into Francine's waiting mouth without a pause. Another average size dick. Francine grabbed this one in her left hand, then proceeded to lick it from balls to helmet several times before sucking the whole thing down and resuming face-fuck mode. Phil pumped away hard and fast, driving deep into her throat each time, rapidly building speed until his pace was frantic, obviously intent on coming before the timer went off. He just made it, squirting down her throat just as the alarm sounded. As his cock slid from her mouth, Phil bent over and kissed Francine long and deep, then thanked her gratefully.

“You're up,” I said to Jake, giving him the nod.

“Thanks, buddy,” he replied as he walked over to Francine and slid his rigid member between her lips.

Francine nibbled gently on this one initially, staring up at Jake with an enigmatic smile on her face. Then she slid her mouth down and sucked his testicles into her mouth, sucking and licking for maybe fifteen seconds, before scooping his cock into her mouth and sucking hard. Jake grabbed the back of her blonde head and jacked his cock into her face until his balls were against her chin, then started pumping hard. Francine took the whole thing down her throat with each thrust, rubbing his balls as she did so. Jake didn't make it; he was just on the cusp when the timer went off. Francine gave him an evil grin as he pulled his cock from her mouth and Jake burst out laughing in spite of his severe case of blue balls.

“You now, m'sieur,” Francine told me with a nod.

I assumed the position but let her undo my belt and unzip me.

“Ah, m'sieur, zis eez 'uge,” she commented as she freed my cock. “C'est bon, I 'ave big appetite,” she added with a smile.

I let her do all the work, interested to see what Francine might come up with. What I got was a silky soft, slow, sensuous blowjob, with her slowly swallowing my entire cock each time like a sword-swallower, then sucking hard as she slid her tongue along the underside of my cock with each withdrawal. It was incredibly erotic, but time ran out on me, too.

Licking her lips lasciviously, Francine got to her feet and asked, “You all 'ave good time, no?”

There was a chorus of assent, which made her smile contentedly, and she said, “Good, Madame Melanie vill be 'appy viz me.

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I get you more drinks now.”

We played poker for two more hours after this sexy interlude, with Francine regularly supplying us with drinks and the guys all groping her thoroughly each time. At the end of the game Pete and I were up a few bucks and the others were down a few.

Francine appeared at the table as we were clearing the cards and chips away, saying, “Now I am zee entertainment again, messieurs.”

“What, more blowjobs?” Phil enquired eagerly.

“Better, m'sieur,” Francine replied. “Now you all 'ave Francine.” Slapping her beautiful ass to make sure that there was no misunderstanding.

“Yes!” exclaimed Pete, punching his fist into the air. “Who's first?”

“Vee see,” Francine answered, picking up the deck of cards. She dealt one card face up in front of each of us.

“ 'igh carte, 'e go first, next second, and so,” she told us.

I was highly amused to see that I had been dealt a two. I was going to be last again!

Jake had an ace; he was to be first up, literally.

Phil had a five, Pete and Tom both had tens. Francine dealt Pete and Tom another card each; Pete got a Jack, Tom a nine.

“ 'ow you want Francine, m'sieur?” she asked Jake.

“Bent over the table, I think,” Jake said immediately.

“Oui,” Francine responded happily, moving to the dining table, bracing herself with her hands on the edge, bending from the waist and spreading her legs wide.

Jake reached over and flipped her skirt up above her waist, saying, “Look at that, gentlemen. Isn't that the perfect ass?”

There was a murmur of agreement as we all admired the aforesaid perfect ass, long, long legs, black stockings, garters, high heels and succulent blonde pussy. Francine wriggled her ass provocatively for our benefit, enjoying the attention.

“Well, it's a dirty job, but someone's gotta do it,” Jake said as he stepped up behind her.

“Your clothes, messieurs. You take zem off, please,” Francine instructed.

Obediently, we all stripped. Jake then stepped up behind Francine again, slid first one, then two, then three fingers into her pussy and worked it for a couple of minutes to get her wet, then slid his cock home.

“Ah, c'est bon,” Francine murmured as Jake started to bang her. The rest of us took seats around the table to watch the action, all pulling our chairs to the same side so that we were seated behind Jake and Francine, allowing us to get a close-up view of his cock pounding in and out of that now-dripping blonde vagina. Francine wiggled her ass from time to time but otherwise maintained a stationary position as Jake went at her harder and faster.

At one point Jake withdrew his cock from her pussy and spread her buttocks preparatory to sodomizing her, but Francine reached around and slapped his hands, exclaiming, “Non, m'sieur. Francine does not do zees!” Jake was surprised, but he complied, driving his cock back into her now gaping pussy with maximum force.

Holding her by the hips, hauling her on to his cock hard with each stroke, Jake started giving her everything he had. We watched those lovely legs brace against the pounding and listened as Francine moaned louder and louder, occasionally mumbling, “Oui, m'sieur, oui, m'sieur, 'arder, 'arder!”

After about twenty minutes Jake erupted inside her and we all saw Francine quiver as her orgasm took her.

As Jake's cock slid from her she turned to face him, gripped his face in both hands and kissed him long and hard.

“Magnifique, m'sieur,” she complimented him.

She then took a brief bathroom break and brought us all, including herself, fresh drinks, before turning to Pete and asking, “You, m'sieur, 'ow you want Francine?”

“Doggy style, please,” he answered. “But first..”

He stepped in close and slid the shoulders of her dress down her arms. Francine obligingly slid her arms out of the sleeves, allowing the top to fall down to her waist. She then threw her shoulders back, thrusting her generous 36C breasts out for our admiration, and said, “Ah, now. I was sinking zat you men not like my, 'ow you say, tits?”

That caused us all to smile.

“We love your tits,” Tom assured her.

“Bon,” she replied, grinning like a Cheshire cat, then dropped to all fours, spreading her knees wide, then going down on her forearms to elevate her ass above her body. We all gazed raptly at that wide open pussy showing its inner pink and round, firm ass framed by the black garters and seamed stockings.

“God, that's a picture of heaven,” Pete breathed in awe.

“Then go to heaven,” Phil encouraged him, giving him a shove in Francine's direction.

Pete dropped to his knees behind her, gave his cock a couple of quick jerks to gain maximum stiffness, then slid it into Francine's hot, wet, pink interior. He then grasped a breast with either hand as he began to do her with slow, deep strokes. I saw Francine's large, dark nipples grow about another half-inch as he manipulated them gently. It was a little bizarre, but titillating, watching Pete's cock driving in and out of that intimately familiar pussy but surrounded by blonde pubic hair. I decided that I liked it.

As Pete sped up his attentions, Francine launched into a moaning iteration of “Oui, oui, oui, oui,” getting progressively louder as the pace picked up. Her pussy was now so wet that she was squelching with each thrust and loud slaps were resonating around the room as Pete's belly slammed into her ass. Francine actually reached orgasm before Pete, stiffening and shuddering as it rolled across her in waves. Her hot wash triggered Pete's ejaculation and Francine bucked a little as she rode it, before collapsing on her face with a gasp. Pete had barely stood up when Tom moved past him, knelt behind Francine and drove his rigid cock hard home in her just vacated pussy.

“You want Francine same way?” she murmured.

“You bet,” Tom replied eagerly.

Francine pushed her ass back into him hard, then thrust her whole body back with her straight arms.

“Okay, but you go 'ard now,” she instructed. Tom obeyed gladly.

Holding Francine by the hips he pulverized her pussy with maximum force and speed right from the outset, slamming into her like a battering ram. Five minutes into it he began spanking her ass as he rode, eliciting a “Ah, oui, more, 'arder,” from Francine. Ten minutes in he began tweaking her nipples and hauling her back on to his cock by her tits as he did so; this begat some loud, inarticulate moaning, rising and falling in pitch as Francine rode his cock on her knees supported by her tits.

When Tom finally came, so did she, screaming aloud as she did so and revelling in the sensation of his warm flood inside her.

Rising to her feet, she kissed the top of Tom's head and disappeared towards the bathroom again.

Upon her return she fetched drinks for everyone then sat at the dinner table sipping her white wine for a few minutes before rising to her feet once more, walking around the table to where Phil sat and sitting on his lap, wriggling her bare ass against his erect cock and placing his hand between her legs.

“It is your turn, m'sieur,” she crooned in her delightfully bad French accent. “ 'ow you want me?”

“Just like this,” Phil answered breathlessly, squirming his dick between the cheeks of her ass.

“Ah, oui,” Francine replied, nodding her understanding. She then stood, turned slightly so that her back was towards him, spread her legs astride his thighs, reached through them to grasp his stiff cock and lowered herself onto it. The rest of us watched, mesmerized as Phil's cock slid between her black stocking-clad legs, parted the lips of her pussy and delved into its moist depths. As she settled into his lap and began using her shapely legs to propel herself up and down on his dick, Phil reached around to cup a tit in each hand and began teasing her already erect nipples between his thumbs and forefingers. We all watched those nipples grow as he continuously massaged them and Francine bounced harder and faster on his cock. Her mouth dropped open, she started to pant and Phil groaned as she slammed herself down using her full body weight to drive his cock as deep as possible inside her.

Phil didn't last long at that pace. He exploded inside Francine after only ten minutes or so and Francine did not get off that time. However, she gave him a tender kiss with lots of tongue and thanked him prettily before scooting out to the bathroom once more.

When she reappeared she served more drinks, then while sipping her white wine, asked me, “Et tu, m'sieur, 'ow you 'ave Francine?”

“On your back, please,” I responded with a smile.

She returned the smile, then lay down on the floor, spreading her legs wide, knees up, stiletto heels flat on the floor. Her pussy had been given such a thorough reaming by now that it looked like a gaping pink cavern as she lay there. Kneeling between her legs, I slid my cock deep inside her in one smooth, practised motion, enjoying the sight of it burying itself amongst her blonde pubic hair. Knowing what I wanted, she swung her long legs up and hooked them over my shoulders. I took her ankles in my hands and slowly eased her legs apart and back until the toes of her shoes touched the floor on either side of her head, splaying her wide open but fully penetrated for the viewing pleasure of my friends. She smiled with delight, this being just the kind of exhibitionism that she loves.

“Okay, Francine,” I challenged her. “Show me what you've got.”

Without a word she reached around with both hands and raked her long, scarlet fingernails down my back. Getting the message, I started giving it to her hard, fast and deep, my ass driving up and down between her splayed legs as I strove to get as deep inside her as I could. I marvelled at how hot and wet she was; the previous guys had got her juices flowing like an underground river and she was as warm as a hot shower. Never mind sloppy seconds, this was foaming fifths!

When I felt Francine's ankles pushing back into my hands I realized that she was looking for a change of position, so I rolled off, flipped her onto her face, pushed her legs wide, got between them and started humping her from behind with her lying prone on her face. As I drove home hard for the first time in this position, she moaned loudly and I knew I had hit the sweet spot, so I held myself up on straight arms and used my hips to drive my dick home repeatedly in that same spot. She was soon moaning loudly, like one of those old-fashioned whistling kettles.

When the pace reached fever pitch, I moved my knees to the outside of her thighs and nudged her legs together, then sat up straight, took her by the hips and nailed her hard with her legs together. We both came at the same time and I collapsed on top of her, gasping for air.

Recovering our breath, we rose and rejoined the others, sitting together on a sofa. Francine pushed her blonde hair back from her face, throwing her tits out, glanced around her audience, and demanded, “You like? You 'ave good time?”

Jake began clapping, we all joined in, then stood to give her a standing ovation.

Looking very pleased with herself Francine said, “Merci, messieurs.”

“Can Francine come to all our poker games from now on?” Pete asked hopefully.

“Francine does not know, she 'ope so, but you 'ave to ask Madame Melanie,” she replied, adding, “Francine go now, but you stay. Madame Melanie want to talk avec vous.”

With that she left the room heading towards the bedrooms.

“What a night!” Pete exclaimed with relish.

“What a woman!” Phil added.

“Amen to that,” Tom said with feeling.

Jake and I just smiled at each other, more accustomed to Mel's antics.

”More beer?” I asked, getting nods all round.

I had almost finished my beer when Melanie, stark naked except for silver high-heeled sandals but back to her normal hair colour, top and bottom, walked into the room.

“Did you have a good night, gentlemen?” she asked. “Was the hired help satisfactory?”

“Totally,” I responded on behalf of the poker group.

“Good. I just wanted to let you all know that you will be attending a dinner party here tomorrow night, with your wives. Your ladies will be dressed to kill, so come comfortable but smart. After dinner all this...” giving us a twirl of her nakedness, “...will be available. As will all of your wives.” Significant pause. “Your free pass tonight was your wives' way of letting you know that they will expect the same kind of latitude tomorrow night.” Another significant pause. “And on future occasions. You should discuss it with them when you get home. Until tomorrow night,” she concluded, “Dream on this!” slapping her delightful ass. Having dropped this bombshell she strode from the room.

I looked around at my friends' stunned expressions and burst out laughing.

“What exactly did she just say?” Tom asked, visibly puzzled.

“She has apparently been a busy girl,” I guessed. “It sounds like all your wives are going to get laid tomorrow night after dinner!”

“What the hell?” Pete expostulated.

“Smile,” I told him, “It's apparently going to be another good night tomorrow night. The ladies have decided.”

Seeing them all begin to nod, I continued, “I guess, given the amount we have drunk tonight, you are all spending the night here.”

The words were barely out of my mouth when the front doorbell rang. I stood behind the door to conceal my nakedness and cracked it open a few inches. Sylvie, Amanda and Dawn were stood on my doorstep.

Sylvie pushed the door wide against my unresisting hand, glanced at the group of naked men in the living room, giggled, ushered her friends in, closed the door and called, “Okay, guys, get your clothes on. We are here to drive you home.”

Amanda giggled as she watched the men getting dressed.

“At least we've got a peek at what we will be getting tomorrow night,” she observed saucily.

“I'll take it,” Dawn responded, chortling.

In no time at all they had scooped up their three men and were gone, leaving just Jake and I together. He only had to walk about sixty feet to get home.

“What a performance,” he remarked as I walked him to the door.

“Wasn't it, though?” I agreed. “Vertical and horizontal!”

“I wonder what she has in store for tomorrow night,” Jake mused.

“I think we better get some rest and build our strength up,” I suggested with a grin.

“Good idea,” he agreed as he departed.

When I joined my wife in bed she snuggled into my side, laid her head on my chest and murmured, “Ooh, that was fun! What a great night! I can't quite believe that I did five guys in one night!”

“You didn't,” I pointed out, “Francine did.” That earned me a wicked pinch on my bicep.

“Can she come out to play again sometime?” I enquired. “I enjoyed having a blonde for a change.”

That one got me a vicious yank on my penis.

“So how on earth did you set that up?” I asked.

“Okay,” she began, “You know Sue and I have coffee mornings with the girls quite often?”


“Well, at one of those Sue and I decided to let them in on our cozy little interchangeable domestic arrangements, just to see their reactions. They were absolutely fascinated, wanting to know all the intimate details, whether we swapped separately or as a group, if we ever did you both together, what it was like doing two guys at once, like that. Then, of course, blabbermouth Suzie had to tell them about getting airtight, didn't she? That just blew them away! They were practically drooling! Anyway, over the course of the next few coffee klatches they became more and more curious, so we suggested tentatively that they might like to become part of the group. They all jumped at the chance! They all want some variety in their sex lives, but didn't know how to tell their husbands that. So I volunteered to do it for them.”

“Just like that?”

“No. It was a lot more involved than that, but then I came up with this great plan, where I would bang all of their husbands with their full consent, thus putting their husbands in their debt sexually, so to speak. We thrashed out the details and here we are.”

“Okay, but how did the girls turn up on the doorstep so conveniently? I'm guessing you called them, but how did they get here so quickly, right on time?”

Melanie giggled. “Yes, I called them, but they were just across the street at Sue's. They had been there all night.”

“Oh. So Amanda, Dawn and Sylvie all plan to get laid tomorrow night, but not by their husbands?”

“Correct. Then they plan to become permanent members of our little playgroup, if all you men agree. Oh, I almost forgot, Steve and Wendy will be joining us tomorrow, too. Six dicks for me tomorrow night! Yummy!”

“Wow, Mel, you have to be the best wife ever! Three new women to bang!” I enthused.

“Uh-huh,” she agreed, “But I am ahead of the game. I fucked all five of you tonight!” This with a self-satisfied giggle.

“Queen of Sluts,” I observed, giving her her favourite title.

“You ain't seen nothing yet,” she bragged. “You watch me go tomorrow night!”

“I will, for sure,” I agreed willingly. “But in the meantime. How about you give me a preview tonight?”

She laughed, said, “Okay,” rolled onto her side with her back towards me and slid my dick into her still virginal ass, then ground it back into me hard.

“Go for it,” she ordered.

So I nailed her ass until I exploded up there with lights flashing in my head, then fell asleep with my head on her smooth back.

A great end to another wild night.


Written by stockingsandgarters
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