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The Modeling Session

"Photo Shoot For Clothing Turns Into Fun"

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I responded to an advert for mature, larger sized models. It said no experience necessary, and the photo shoot was local, so I thought what the hell, I could do with a bit more cash.

I e-mailed a photo to the agency, and within a couple of hours got an appointment, Saturday at 1100.

On the morning, I went to the address I had been given and found it was a large country house. I signed in at the reception and told to wait for my photographer Sue.

Well within a couple of minutes Sue is walked down the corridor to collect me and I couldn't believe my eyes. She was about 5'7" and pale skinned, with shoulder length dark hair, aged about 40, she was slim and wearing wedge style sandals, but what really stood out were her breasts and the yellow summer dress she was wearing. It was a halter neck dress, but the straps were so long that her creamy white, slightly saggy, boobs were barely covered or contained by the dress and they bounced and wobbled as she walked and her nipples were clearly very hard.

"Come with me then Pete" Sue said.

As I stood up I was conscious that my cock was a little swollen in my pants, and this was compounded as Sue turned, and lead me back up the corridor with her curvy arse swaying from side to side in that cotton dress.

In the office we sat either side of a desk and Sue told me what was going to happen. A mail order catalogue, specializing in larger sized clothing, had sent ten pairs of outfits which I would be modeling with Fran, who was already in the studio doing her make-up.

Sue then explains that Fran had modeled for her many times before, and that the clothing varied from formal evening wear to sexy play wear. "Are you happy with that Pete? If so please sign here." Said Sue. As she leant forward her tits touched the table top and the little bit of yellow material barely covering her areolas gapes open and her creamy flesh molded itself to the wooden top.

I took a deep breath and tried to concentrate on the contract I was to sign, then we got up and sue lead the way to the studio. There were three sets in the studio, a lounge, an outdoor country scene and a bedroom. Fran was sat in the bedroom scene doing her make up wearing a dressing gown. As we entered she jumped up to meet us. She was a pretty looking woman, of larger proportions, medium length reddish brown hair. Like Sue she was in her early 40's and stood at about 5'6" and despite wearing her dressing gown, it is very clear she had a very large pair of boobs.

We shook hands, and then Sue explained the first outfit was to be formal evening wear and were to pose in the lounge set. With that we both turned and went to the clothes rail and picked our clothes package numbered one and looked for a changing room.

As I do, my eyes are met with Fran slipping out of the dressing gown, and laying it over a chair, and she stood in front of me in just her bra and knickers.

Fran's white body was well rounded and stretch mark free, her large breasts were creating a considerable cleavage in her bra, whilst her belly rolled slightly over her knickers, but her soft pubic mound was clearly visible underneath.

"Sorry Pete, I forgot you are new to this! We don't hide away to get changed here do we sue?"

Sue laughed, and her barely covered breasts shook gently in the flimsy yellow dress.

"Oh sorry Pete, I didn't warn you did me. Never mind you'll be seeing a lot of Fran today"

My cock twitched in my pants, as I gazed from Sue's breasts to Fran in her underwear. I stripped down to my pants and my cock was swollen but not hard. As I looked back to Fran she smiled and raised her eyebrows. She had noticed but said nothing as we put on the first set of clothing.

During the posing Sue made us put our arms around each other, and I could smell Fran’s perfume. In my head however, Fran was still wearing only her bra and knickers, so I tried to concentrate on Sue only to find myself staring at her boobs. As she moved from upright to bent forward, then from left lean to right lean, taking photos, her tits were almost falling free and seemed to be only held in her dress by her hard nipples.

The session moved on and we did a few more sets of clothing, and then right at the end of the fifth set, Fran put her arm around me, and a hand on the front of my belly. However she misplaced her hand on the front, and went low and it landed right on the end of my cock. I look down at her face and she looked back laughing, her large cleavage on show, wobbling in the top she was wearing.

"Sorry Pete, a bit low that one." Said Fran. Sue laughed as well and said "Did that feel nice Fran? You did that on purpose didn't you?"

With that my cock twitched and moved in my pants, and Fran eventually moved her hand, all the time she looked me in the eyes and smiled.

Sue called over and broke the spell. "Fran, set number six is a wrap around top, I think it will look better without the bra."

"ok" Said Fran "Pete will you come and undo it for me?"

I looked at both the ladies, and then going red in the face, stepped over and undid the bra clip. Fran turned to face me, and then very slowly and purposefully slid the lacy material down her arms and breasts before discarding it.

She then stood before me, hands on her hips, with her beautiful fleshy mounds raising and lowering as she breathed. Her boobs capped with the palest pink areolas I had seen and two semi erect nipples.

We stare at each other for a moment, and then again Sue broke the spell. "Pete do you want to take a five minute break to let that swelling go down?"

I went really red and the ladies laughed. "Don't worry Pete, it's nothing unusual for a male model to get turned on when the female models strip down to virtually nothing!" Said Sue

We took the five minute break while my cock softened and Fran got on her next costume. The wrap around top certainly made the most of her wonderful big breasts and we got back to the photos. The next couple of sets passed without incident with some casual summer wear and then we were down to the last two sets.

"Well you two, this is the least two sets today and it's the sexy playwear!" Said Sue. As she did she sort of bounced her boobs and, for the first time that day, from the brushed cotton dress, an areola and hard nipple popped out. My cock immediately twitched and started to swell in my pants.

Sue laughed and looked at my crotch. "You'll want that semi hard for these next photos Pete" and tucked her nipple back into her dress.

I opened costume number nine; it was a leather thong, dog collar and lead. At that point I realized that I was going to have to strip off completely, to get the costume on.

I looked over to Fran, she had a leather mini skirt, bra and knickers set, with thigh length boots and a whip.

She looked back to me and said. "Come on then Pete, lets drops these knickers off at the same time, ready?"

With that I gulped and dropped my pants and she slid her knickers off. My cock came to attention and I stood there looking at her reddy brown bush.

"Well we're both naked now, so I guess it's time to put on the costume." Said Fran and I dumbly nodded but continued to stare at her.

As she put the leather kit on, her big breasts squashed were into the bra, that was obviously at least a cup size too small, so the creamy white flesh overflowed in all directions from the black leather. Her belly partially flopped over her waistband and as she stood up in the boots the heels made her a good 5" taller. Finally the skirt barely covered her leather clad pussy and arse.

I stood there staring, my cock hard when Sue said. "Come on Pete, we haven't got all day"

With that I pulled up the leather thong but found I it a struggle to get my hard cock to stay in it and get the clips done up that held it together at the sides.

Sue marched over, her pale boobs swinging about in the yellow dress, and then one at a time they both popped out the sides of the boob cups and popped back in again.

She knelt before my hard cock and took it in hand, making it even harder, before somehow she managed to get it into the front of the thong. As she held the front of the thong in place with one hand, she expertly did the two clips with her spare hand.

As she stood up her right breast fell out again and stayed out. She reached down for the collar and lead, and then on the way up pressed her bare tit against my chest as she did the collar up around my neck.

with that she smiles and grabs my restrained cock in the thong, and kisses me on the lips, still with her creamy white saggy tit hanging out

"Well that's you all packed away for now, now lets take some photos?" With that she hooked her boob back into her dress and picked her camera up.

“Ok let’s have some sexy poses you two" Sue ordered. Fran grabbed my lead and rubbed her whip over the front of the thong, at the same time

She pressed her leather clad jugs against my chest.

She made me get on all fours and held my lead so I had to look up at her leather knickers and mini skirt. From where I knelt I could see some reddy brown pussy hair poking out the sides of the knickers. Then, with one leg put over my shoulder, and her stiletto heel in my back, my face was virtually rammed into the leather gusset, and so the photos took place. Finally we finished this shoot with her pulling my collar and lead tight, and my face forced into her hot sweaty cleavage.

"Ok then lets take another break before we get the last outfit out?" Said Sue.

With that she walked back over to me and quickly released the catches on the thong which let the front drop and my hard cock sprung out.

"I suggest you have five minutes sitting naked and let some air to him, what do you think Fran?"

I looked over and Fran was just removing her leather knickers and then she was naked too. "I would Pete; in fact I’m getting a bit warm around the pussy as well!"

I look back at Sue I agreed and leant back in my chair. I looked at my hard cock and watched it as it wobbled in the open air. As I glanced up at Sue's face I saw her staring at it and smiling. Then as she brushed her own nipples through her dress, she said "That's a nice little cock you've got there Pete!"

Finally we put on our last outfits of the modeling session, mine was minimal, a collar with dickey bow tie, cuffs with cuff links and a pair of gold pants with a sock type of extension to put my cock in. Even though my cock was still relatively swollen from the hard on, I’d just had, there was more sock than I could ever hope to fill with my 5" dick.

I looked over to Fran and she was just slipping on a pair of white knickers, pulling them up to another mini skirt. Her top was a German barmaid’s style, which was ridiculously low cut in the front, and tailored to push her enormous tits upwards. And together, to make a juicy fleshy valley of a cleavage.

We made our way to the lounge set where sue was waiting for us. Fran tottered on a pair of 6" high heeled, ankle boots, to complete the bar maids outfit.

Sue, as before, directed us into the poses she wanted us to do, which like the last shots, included a lot of me with my face nigh on in Fran’s creamy white tits, or looking up her skirt at her white panties. Alternatively Fran pressed up against me, and her hands rested on, or around my cock, or man boobs.

Again, as the photos went on my cock started to harden. I had always liked the buxom wench look, and Fran certainly had the rounded body to make this outfit work. At the same time one of Sue's white, sexily saggy, boobs had slipped out of her dress again, and her smallish, dark pink areola and hard nipple was gently bobbing about as she took the photos.

“For me there is something wonderful about slightly saggy, mature, breasts that beats the young, pert, firm tit into second place every time. I guess a young firm tit can only really be groped, where as a saggy boob can be lifted, molded, and caressed in far more ways.”

Anyway, back to the story, we eventually finished the photo shoot and Fran's tits were barely in the bar maids outfit. As for Sue, she still had her right breast hanging free from her little yellow dress. My cock was semi-hard, and the sock part of the pants looked ridiculous as half of it was partially at attention, whilst the rest, a good 4" of it, just hung down looking very empty.

"Well Pete, did you enjoy that modeling?" asked sue. "Yes I did, will you want to use me again soon?" I replied.

Sue looked at Fran and asked "Do you think Pete would be up for the next session Fran?"

Fran laughed and replied "Oh I think so Sue, don't you?"

Confused I looked at the ladies and then watched sue walk over to a cupboard and take out a magazine. Passing it to me she said "Here, have a look at this for a while!" She then laughed and finally tucked her right tit back into her dress.

I looked at the cover, "Mama and Papa Bares" was the name of the magazine and it specialized in photos of mature, larger men and women. I flicked over a couple of pages and then came to a halt. Here is a photo with Fran looking back at me in a Basque, with her tits hooked over the top, legs wide apart, fingering her own reddy brown, hairy pussy, whilst sucking on the prick of a tubby guy in his 50's.

I looked up red faced, only to be greeted with smiles from Fran and Sue. "Carry on looking Pete, if you like what you see."

I looked through more pages of Fran in various sexual poses with this guy, then there was a shot of them with his dick inside her and in the background, sue coming through a door looking shocked.

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As I continued to browse through the next pages Sue became naked as well, and was having her pussy eaten by Fran, whilst Fran was being taken doggy style.

I closed the magazine. "Wow, you two have certainly surprised me, is this what you were wondering if I’m up for?"

Sue smiled and replied. "Yes, if you're interested it brings a bit more money than the clothing work, and we've seen by the way you've been looking at both of us you'd love to fuck us, wouldn't you Pete?"

I stammer and went red, I could hardly deny it, and they’d seen my cock go hard several times in the photo shoot just looking at their beautiful mature bodies.

"Ok I'm up for it, but how do you get in the photos Sue?"

"Oh that's easy, I set several cameras up on auto exposure when I want to join in, and they take photos every minute or so. When we finish I will just crop the shots that are best" Sue replied.

With that Fran stood up and said "Shall we continue in these clothes Sue?"

Sue nodded and picked up her camera, and Fran immediately stepped forward, pressing her body against me she opened her lips and kissed me open mouthed, whilst at the same time she placed one of my hands on her generous arse.

With her hand still free she slid it between us and gave my cock a good tug, whilst rubbing her pubic mound up my thigh.

I needed no encouragement; I lifted my free right hand and partially pushed Fran away so I could reach inside the top of the barmaid’s blouse. I pushed my hand in and hooked out her large fleshy left tit, and started to stroke the semi hard nipple.

In the distance I could see Sue. One of her tits had fallen out as she moved from position to position to get the best shots of Fran and I stood groping and kissing each other.

I pushed us a little further apart and with both hands started to slide the flimsy top upwards, uncovering Fran’s white, wobbly, belly and then as it rose, so her big, soft fleshy, jugs appeared from underneath. I marveled at her semi erect, pink nipples and her pale areolas as I lifted the top over her head, and reddy brown hair. As the top finally came off Fran shook her hair to get back into place, which made her entire body jiggle and wobble.

I knelt down before Fran and lifted my right hand up to her left boob and gently squeezed. Then pushing her breast up further I enjoyed the excess of creamy, white, flesh molding around my fingers. With the bulk of her tit now lying in my hand as I supported it from underneath I bent my head forward and sucked on Fran's pink nipple. It immediately started to harden so I sucked harder, before opening my mouth fully wide and taking in as much of Fran's floppy soft breast as I can get in, but all the time I continued to lick her erect nipple.

My left hand slipped across Fran’s cuddly, round, belly before stopping at her waistband to the skirt part of her outfit. I started to tug at it but realized I will need to let go of Fran's left boob. So I pushed my face right into it, I held it in place and continued to suck on her melons.

With both hands the skirt slid down easily, over Fran’s wide, comfortable, hips and arse, down her fleshy thighs, and then as it dropped around her ankles she stepped out of it, and kicked it to one side.

Still in a kneeling position I stopped working on Fran’s left breast and moved my attention to the right. At first I licked around her areola, then her nipple, flicking it with the end of my tongue, before I gently pulled it between my lips and lifted her entire boob at the same time.

Whilst I was doing this I had been fingering Fran through her white cotton knickers, and could feel the moisture which had soaked through. Again I took her waistband in both hands and slowly slipped the thin, white, material down over her arse and thighs to reveal her reddy, brown, hairy, pussy.

As the knickers dropped to the floor I lifted my right hand up and with two fingers slid them along Fran’s hairy labia until I reached her honey pot. I inserted two fingers whilst letting my thumb move back up to her pubic mound to tease her little hoodie and the clit inside it.

Fran had begun to gyrate her hips and pushed my face hard into her wobbly, saggy, flesh and I took in as much of it into my mouth as physically possible and sucked.

Fran rocked back and forth, her legs wide open as I pushed my fingers deep into her vagina, and simultaneously rubbed her clit with my thumb. As she swayed her sizable frame from side to side, I sucked even harder to remain connected to her gorgeous, soft, jugs.

Then my concentration was broken as I heard a slamming door. I looked up and just like the picture in the magazine, Sue was standing in front of us, frowning, and wagging her finger, as if she has just caught her husband and best friend shagging.

I motioned her over, and as I released my mouth from Fran's tits I pulled down on Sue's dress and released her lovely, saggy, puppies.

Sue immediately grabbed one of her tits in her hand and forced her hard nipple into my mouth Fran grabbed the back of my head and helped me to lock on to it.

I swapped hands working on Fran’s pussy and continued as before using my left. With my right I slid it up Sue's dress, and thighs, but when I came where my fingers should be on her knickers I felt soft, moist, pussy, lips.

I almost choked on Sue's breast in surprise and she lifted her hem line up, to reveal her naked, shaven, pussy. I pushed on and in no time I had two fingers fucking her honey pot whilst rubbing her clit as well Fran’s.

As I looked up I found sue and Fran were locked lips to lips.

As Sue held up the yellow dress I continued to stare at her shaven pussy, then, without warning, Sue pushed me back and I ended up laying flat on my back. My fingers slipped out of their pussys and Sue quickly hoisted up her skirt and swung her leg over me before forcing her wet moist labia onto my lips.

I could not see anything, as the dress covered my head, but I heard Sue say "Come on then Pete, eat my pussy."

With that I started to lick at her labia, and then her clit, as she pushed her self down onto my face. At the same time I felt tugging at the pants I was wearing, and very soon they had been slipped off to be replaced with Fran’s moist lips sliding up and down my hard cock, as she gave me head.

I could feel her tongue as it lapped around my bell end, before she took my entire 5" cock in her mouth, right down to my balls which she cupped in her hand.

Suddenly there was daylight, Sue had taken the hem of her dress and lifted it off over her head making her saggy 40C's wobble and bounce and then she thrusted her hips back and forth as she rubbed her pussy against my lips and chin. As she leant forward her creamy white hung just past my head, with her hard pale pink nipples and areolas hanging vertically. I moved my arms and hands to get one boob in each hand, and then pulled, almost like milking a cow.

Out of my sight, I felt Fran still sucking my cock, and felt her heavy jugs banging against my thigh with each movement.

Sue stopped thrusting and turned to Fran and said, "This is good Fran, but lets swap."

With that Sue lifted herself of me teasingly she stopped with her pussy inches from my eyes, and then in a whirl of pale white flesh Sue's clean shaven pussy had been replaced on my face with Fran’s reddy brown bush. Her round belly was hanging over my head, and her large pendulous tits hung within reach of my hands, so as before I started to pull and massage her jugs.

I felt Sue's lips gently touch the end of my cock, her tongue flicked across the top of my bell end lightly before circling around it and under the edge of my helmet. Her lips then enclosed my shaft and very slowly moved down it until the entire shaft was buried in her mouth, and then very slowly slid back up again.

Fran was rocking her clit across my tongue and lips, her pussy brushed my chin, cheeks and nose. As I massaged her big breasts, I pulled on her nipples which made her sway and swing them about she moaned in delight.

I felt a cool breeze blow over my moist cock as Sue took it out of her mouth, but I could only see Fran’s pussy, belly and tits. Then I felt sue slide her labia across the end of it, before she gently eased down and took it into her pussy. In doing so she wriggled which made my cock twitch inside her.

Slowly Sue began to ride my cock, as she massaged my chest. As she rode she squeezed and released my prick with her pussy muscles, whilst with one hand behind her she slowly groped my tight bollocks.

At the same time Fran had pressed her reddy brown mound into my face and I licked along her labia and up and around her clit. As she knelt upright I reached up with both hands, and lifted and molded her large, fleshy, tits and pulled and twisted her nipples, which made her gyrate her torso and sway her boobs from side to side.

Whilst Sue rode my cock, her hands caressed and massaged Fran’s upper body, over her back and shoulders.

I could begin to feel myself cumming, and let Sue know, but instead of slowing down she continued to ride me, forcing her shaven pussy hard over my cock, then it happened I shot my load, hard, fast and deep into Sue, but my grunts and groans were stifled as Fran grabbed the back of my head and forced it even deeper into her hairy pubic mound.

Sue shuddered to her climax and then leant forward onto Fran and said. "Right Fran, you cum loving slut, I’ve got a hot, sticky cock that needs cleaning up and you'll want to make it hard for yourself. I've also got a pussy full of the hot, white, nectar for you to lick out."

With that Sue rolled off me and laid back on the bed, and Fran worked her way down my body, kissing, licking and sucking as she went until she reached my cock. She then expertly took my cock and balls in her hands before bending forward and started to clean off the spunk with her eager tongue.

As I watched her do this, I started to get hard again.

I looked over at Sue who was just laying there, gently rubbing her clit with a finger, and rubbing and groping her own tits.

After about three minutes Fran had got me fully erect again and turned her attention to Sue's cum filled pussy. I watched as she parted Sue's legs, revealing her labia, with my cum still seeping out between them. Fran then peeled open Sue's labia to reveal the soft pink inner lips, and her honey pot, laden with more warm, white, spunk.

Fran leant forward and started to lap Sue's pussy, licking up the cum I had left there, whilst Sue is laid back, eyes closed, as she enjoyed every second.

I moved behind Fran and I was faced with her large arse cheeks, and her puffy, hair covered, pussy lips, slightly parted, and her moist, pink, honey pot in full view.

Faced with no alternative I positioned myself closer and slid my cock into Fran’s pussy and started to pump her, slowly at first, but then faster, which made her whole body wobble and shake as her fleshy belly and breasts hung down.

I reached under her and stroked her large belly as it rippled and then stretching I grabbed and roughly groped one of Fran’s heavy tits. As I pumped Fran moans were muffled in Sue's pussy, but I could hear them getting louder and louder, and I could feel her contracting her pussy muscles around my sliding cock.

Then as she arched her head back, Fran started to moan loudly and pushed her arse back on to me. I could feel a second lot of cum rising from my balls as I watched Sue knelt upright and forced Fran’s face into her creamy, white, breasts, as she wobbled them from side to side. Finally she offered her right boob on to Fran’s mouth and pulled her head to it at the same time.

With Fran locked onto Sue’s nipple she released her hand from her tit, but held Fran's head against it. Sue then put her free hand between her legs and started rubbing her own clit like fury.

The three of us were heading towards another climax, the girls were now panting and moaning, with every pump of my cock, or rub of a finger, and I was grunting like a pig.

Finally we all seemed to freeze together, and I pumped my load deep into Fran’s already wet pussy, and sue dropped backwards so we could see her wet and red pussy.

As I pulled back and slid my cock out Fran she rolled onto her back and sighed. "Your turn Sue, to be the cum slut."

With that Sue moved towards me, and took my semi hard cock in her lips, and proceeded to clean my bell end, and fore skin for me. She then turned her attention to Fran; she forced her legs as far apart as they would go, and opened up her pussy before dipping in her finger and pulling out a large globule of cum. She looked at me and smiled before she said. "Open wide you're going have some of your own spunk, you can't expect us to drink it and not you."

So I did as I was told and Sue wiped the white juice on my tongue, I closed my mouth and swallowed.

Sue then bent forward and proceeded to clean out Fran’s love tunnel.

Finally we all rolled onto our backs and sighed. Sue looked at me and said. "I have another clothing photo shoot in two weeks, plus a bondage special for "Mama and Papa Bares" are you interested Pete?"

I looked back at both of them and replied. "You try keeping me away.”

Written by anubis63
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