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The Little Witch Comes To Town - Part Two

"Sue and Jake meet the Little Witch for the first time and everybody does everybody else."

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Friday night

We were woken by the trill of the house phone. Melanie grabbed it, scanning the display as she did so, and greeted the caller with, “Hi, Suze.”

“Yes, they're here.”

“Yes, we have had a great time over the last twenty-four hours.”

“Uh-huh, it was just as good as I remembered and I was not exaggerating.”

“Well, I don't know, but Nick is looking pretty pleased with himself, so I guess she must have been satisfactory.”

Tina blew a loud raspberry at this. I heard Sue's giggle quite clearly over the phone.

“I'm not telling her that. You haven't even met her. You can't say that.”

“Oh, alright, on your own head be it.”

Mel covered the mouthpiece with her hand and said over her shoulder to Tina, “Sue says to tell you that she is hotter than you.”

Tina giggled. “Tell her she can re-evaluate her opinion after she has met me, and that I am scorchin'.”

Melanie dutifully relayed this response to Sue, then added, “Let's make this a corset night. All the boys like that and I know Tina has one. She modelled it last night.”

“More than one,” Tina yelled loud enough for it to be heard over the phone.

Melanie laughed at something Sue said, then told Tina, “Sue said to tell you that she is really looking forward to meeting your husband.”

“What about me?” the little witch wailed.

“Did you hear that?” Melanie asked Sue. “Yeah, she is play-acting, as usual.” Then over her shoulder to Tina, “She says, 'Oh, alright, I suppose she can come too'.”

Tina pouted sorrowfully and made huge, hurt eyes at Mel, who laughed aloud.

“Yeah, more acting,” down the phone. “Yes, seven is good. Look stunning, that will really piss her off.”

Melanie put down the phone.

“As if,” Tina sneered. “I am gonna make her husband's eyes pop out!”

“Oh, I am going to enjoy this,” Melanie replied with a throaty giggle.

“Just how hot is she?” Tina enquired curiously.

“On her worst day she is absolutely gorgeous,” Melanie said generously of her best friend. “True, Nick?”

“True,” I responded without hesitation.

“Oh shit,” Tina grumbled.

“But so are you, Little Witch,” Melanie continued. “This could be the battle of the Titans.”

“No, I'm just gonna make her love me like you do,” Tina asserted confidently, the sun suddenly coming out with her smile.

“Me? You think I love you? I hate you, you're too goddamned beautiful to have around,” my wife teased her.

“Sure you do,” Tina cried, flinging herself across the bed onto Melanie and holding her down as she kissed her passionately and fondled her breasts. Mel relaxed and enjoyed the kiss, returning it in kind. When Tina finally sat back Melanie sighed appreciatively and murmured, “Well, you sure are a great kisser, I will give you that.”

Tina licked her lips suggestively and asked, “Just a great kisser?”

Melanie sighed again. “No, you are great at that, too. But we don't have time right now. We have to get dinner ready and get gussied up. Maybe later.”

“Promise?' Tina wheedled.

“Promise, if you still want it,” Melanie conceded. “But, by the time the boys are done with you, I doubt you will have anything left for me.”

“Ooh, sounds promising, but no matter how much I get, I always want more,” Tina assured her.

“Huh. You're going to fit right in, then. You just described Sue and me perfectly.”

“This could be a wild night, then.”

“That's what I'm thinking.”

“Are they as wild as she says?” Jim asked me.

“Wilder,” I replied.

“Great,” Jim enthused with a huge grin.



Jake and Sue arrived promptly at seven o'clock that evening, Sue letting them in with her own key and calling “Hi guys!” from the front door to let us know of their arrival.

“Living room,” Melanie called back, and I went to greet them.

They only had to cross the road from their house to ours, a distance of about sixty feet, but it was a chilly Fall night and they were both wearing coats. Jake was just hanging his in the closet when I reached them, but Sue was still wearing hers, an ankle-length, deep green, billowing, stylishly cut, wool greatcoat affair that looked like a million dollars, that she had paired with black, knee-length, high-heeled boots with buckled straps at ankle and knee. I helped her off with her coat, hung it for her, then turned back to give her a welcoming hug. As per Melanie's instructions, she looked stunning. She was wearing a short, gold, silk dress styled to look like a man's shirt, with buttons down the front, open almost to her waist, cutaways over the hips and a drop back that just barely covered her ass and upper thighs, with a six-inch-wide belt at her waist clasped by an enamelled crescent moon and shooting stars buckle. Black and white seamed hose covered her legs from hemline to boot tops. These were revealed to be stockings as she stepped into my embrace and the cutaways at the sides of her shirt-dress swished apart to briefly flash stocking-tops and garter buckles. When I say black and white I mean that her right leg was encased in a black seamed stocking and her left leg was encased in a white seamed stocking, a very interesting and original choice. She hugged me to her hard enough to let me feel every curve of her lovely body and kissed me deeply.

“Hello, lover,” she purred quietly.

“Hi, Suze,” I replied. “That gorgeous dress looks classically simple, so I assume it was outrageously expensive. Am I wrong?”

“No, you're not wrong,” she answered with a smile. “You like?”

“I like.”

“So you should,” muttered Jake. “I could have bought a set of winter tires for what that cost.”

“And would your winter tires have looked this good?” his wife asked, running her hands down the outline of the dress.

That made both Jake and I smile.

“Not even close,” Jake admitted.

“So...” Sue responded, “Why don't you two boys follow me up?”

With that she turned to climb the three steps up to the living room, flipping the back of her shirt-dress up as she climbed, to give her husband and I a delightful glimpse of her lovely ass, black silk thong, black garters and contrasting black and white stocking-tops above the boots.

I don't know about Jake, but I drooled.

Our guests rose to greet the new arrivals as we entered the living room and there was one of those strange moments when time seems to freeze for an instant. Sue's exquisite emerald eyes locked with Tina's sparkling sapphire eyes and the air seemed to crackle with electricity. Sue breathed an almost inaudible “Oh my” and Tina shivered and dazzled us with an enormous smile. Then the tableau cracked and normal time resumed with Tina exclaiming loudly in her most theatrical manner, “Oh no, Jim, I don't believe it, now there are two them! What am I going to do?”

Jim, recognizing his cue as her straight man, dutifully responded, “Two of what, hon? What's the problem?”

“Two pagan goddesses! Who is going to take any notice of poor, little me with Melanie and her in the same room? Nobody, I tell you, nobody!” Her lower lip pouted and trembled and her eyes became enormous as she did her best to look like a petulant five-year-old on the verge of tears. Something of a challenge, given that she was wearing six-inch heels, a tiny black leather mini-skirt that barely covered the tops of her sheer black stockings and a shimmering silver silk blouse undone almost to her waist to reveal a massive amount of cleavage barely tucked into a silver corset trimmed with black lace. What she actually succeeded in looking was breathtakingly sexy and utterly adorable.

Melanie burst out laughing.

Sue shook herself slightly, as if coming out of a trance, tore her gaze from Tina, glanced over at Melanie and said, “I take it that this angelic, golden-haired, blue-eyed vision is your Little Witch?”

Tina bounced up and down on her toes like a little girl and mouthed at her husband, “Angelic! Golden-haired! Vision!” Sue continued, looking at Mel, “I knew I was going to hate her because she is younger than me and has bigger tits, but you didn't prepare me for the fact that she is absolutely drop-dead bloody gorgeous!”

Tina was really bouncing now.

“But I did warn you that she is a little minx and a total drama queen, and about the acting,” Melanie replied.

Tina stopped bouncing and once more pretended to pout. Glaring at Mel she accused, “She got that Little Witch thing from you, too!”

“Guilty,” Mel acknowledged readily, grinning wickedly.

Then the sun came out again as Tina gave Sue her most dazzling smile and advanced to meet her.

“Hi, I'm Tina,” she introduced herself in the throatiest, most sultry voice she could muster. “And I am not a minx, I'm just adorable and you are going to love me.”

Before Sue could contradict her the Little Witch slipped her hands slowly under the hem of Sue's shirt-dress to grasp her by her bare hips and tilted her head back, sapphire eyes once more locked on emerald, clearly demanding a kiss. As if mesmerized Sue bent her head and softly kissed Tina's mouth, which immediately opened to her kiss. The two beautiful women then twined tongues and kissed passionately for a long time until Sue finally broke away gasping.

“Jesus!” she breathed. “Did someone distill the essence of sex and pour it all into this one teensy, tiny package?”

Melanie giggled. “Good kisser, isn't she?” she asked her breathless best friend.

“That doesn't even begin to cover it,” Sue replied. “She might even be as good as you!”

“Huh!” Mel sniffed, pretending to feel slighted.

The Little Witch wrapped her arms tighter around Sue, snuggled her face into her cleavage and murmured, “See? I told you that you were going to like me.”

Sue giggled and asked, “I'm a goddess, am I?”

“The pagan goddess of wet dreams,” Tina elaborated with a giggle.

Sue bent and whispered in her ear, plenty loud enough for the rest of us to hear, “This pagan goddess of wet dreams is going to seduce your husband and make him forget who you are, Titsy.”

“Titsy? What, did she tell you everything?” Tina exclaimed with another accusing look at Melanie.

“Oh yes, we share everything,” Sue stage-whispered back.

Another flick of the mood switch and Tina shot back, “Oh, goody, does that mean I get to share your husband too?”

Sue laughed outright and looked over to Mel, saying “She is incorrigible, isn't she?”

“Told you,” Melanie replied. “Now put the little horror down and let me introduce you to her husband, who is much better behaved. Jim, meet Sue. And Jake, this little freak show is Tina, otherwise known as Titsy or the Little Witch.”

“Ooh, you're yummy,” the little monster cooed, then pulled Jake down for another hot and heavy kiss. Jake actually blushed when he came up for air.

Sue draped the entire length of her body against Jim as she gave him a warm welcoming kiss.

“I wasn't kidding about seducing you,” she affirmed, still resting against him.

“Your wish is my command, goddess,” Jim replied with a smile. “You won't find it too difficult.”

“Melanie tells me you are a man of mighty stature,” Sue purred as she ran her hands lightly over his chest then over the front of his pants. With a giggle she added, “Responsive too, I see.”

Jim seemed to be lost for words. Melanie rescued him by saying, “Come on then, folks, let's eat. We'll play later.”

“I'm available for dessert,” Tina announced hopefully.

“Oh, that's a bit restrictive, sweetie,” Sue observed. “Mel and I are always available!”

We were all laughing as we sat down to eat.


After an excellent meal, we all pushed our chairs back a little from the table and chatted while we drank our liqueurs. The ladies were all showing a tantalizing amount of leg. Melanie's black, pleated kilt was as short as Tina's leather mini-skirt and revealed an expanse of creamy thigh and garters above red, seamed stockings whenever she crossed or uncrossed her lovely long legs. But Sue was flashing the most, as the cutaways at the sides of the shirt-dress fell wide open when she was sitting, revealing the entire expanse of flesh from stocking-tops to hips

Feeling Jim's eyes upon her Sue glanced over at him and asked, with a smile, “Admiring the view?”

“Yes,” he replied, “and anticipating more.”

“Whatever you want,” Sue offered with an even bigger smile.

“I've been wondering,” Jim continued. “What's with the mismatched stockings?”

“They're not mismatched. They match my outfit perfectly,” Sue asserted. “I'll show you.”

Standing up, she unhooked her belt, dropped it next to the chair and began unbuttoning the shirt-dress, making a real striptease out of it.

“Oh, we're off,” my wife commented.

We guys all started a hand-clap.

Sue danced away from her chair, twirled and shrugged out of the dress, then whirled it around her head as she pirouetted. Coming to a standstill facing us she stepped into a showgirl stance, legs spread wide, arms flung out above her head. We all applauded.

She looked truly spectacular. Her Merry Widow corset was split vertically with white panels on the right and black panels on the left, the two halves laced together loosely up the front. In contrast, she wore a black seamed stocking on her right leg, below the white panel, and a white seamed stocking on her left leg below the black panel, to give an overall harlequin effect. The black panel was trimmed with white lace and the white panel was trimmed with black lace. The cups on the bodice were cut below her nipples, simply supporting her magnificent breasts and pushing them outwards while prominently displaying her nipples with their large, dark areolae. A tiny black thong and the black, knee-length buckled boots with five-inch heels completed the outrageously sexy outfit.

“Come on, Sue,” I called. “Don't tease us. Lose the thong!”

Sue laughed, turned her back to us, bent forward from the waist so that her cloud of long, wavy dark-brown hair fell in a cloud from the top of her head to the floor and, very slowly, eased the thong down over her lovely round ass, down her beautiful legs and stepped out of it to loud cheers from the guys and applause from the girls.

As she resumed her seat Mel said to her, “Great outfit, nice show. But Titsy and I would like you to put on another show for us now.”

“Oh yeah? What's that?”

“We want to see what you can do with the Beast.”

“What, Jim's monster dick?”

Jim coloured.

“Yes, that.”

Tina chimed in. “We would like you to blow him, then fuck him, then ass-fuck him, then, if you have anything left, face-fuck him.”

“Fine by me. I like a challenge,” agreed Sue with a lascivious grin. “How about you, Jim?”

“Can't wait,” Jim replied in his laconic cowboy drawl.

“Alrighty then, let's do it,” Sue said, standing. “Floor? Right here?”

“Yep. Let's go.”

“Mel, you're on cameras. I want a record of this,” Sue instructed my wife. Melanie did a quick tour of the living area turning on the various Webcams, grabbed the digital camera off the coffee table then resumed her seat.

“Hang on a minute, Sue,” Tina interjected. “I want you first.”

“And why should I accommodate you?” Sue teased, playing hard to get, as she had promised Melanie earlier.

Tina stood, unzipped her leather mini-skirt and stepped out of it, kicking it aside, then undid the few remaining buttons on her blouse and threw it after the skirt. Her silver corset was now fully revealed; it was trimmed around the edges with black lace, the bodice was cut extremely low emphasizing her enormous cleavage, and black garters attached to her sheer black stockings. She was not wearing panties, and she looked good enough to eat, which was, of course, what she had in mind.

“Let me see if I can persuade you,” the little witch positively cooed, stepping in close and sliding her arms around Sue's waist. Standing on tiptoe she locked her lips on Sue's and kissed her deeply. Sue's eyes closed, her lips parted and her arms slid around Tina. Tina's hands slid down to stroke Sue's buttocks then moved up and around to cup her breasts as her fingers got busy caressing her now erect nipples. Sue's hands moved to Tina's breasts in turn and the kiss went on and on and on.

Sue finally broke it off to murmur to the rest of us, “Just give me a few minutes,” and Tina gently pushed her down to the floor on her back then followed her down.

Melanie laughed and called to her friend, “I told you she would have you on your back in no time at all!”

Sue did not answer; she was too busy chowing down on Tina's golden pussy. Tina was astride her face with her own face ensconced in Sue's pussy, tongue delving deep between Sue's lower lips, occasionally sucking on her clit, while Sue was grasping the backs of Tina's thighs for leverage as she pulled her face deep into Tina's accommodating pussy. After a few minutes of mutual pleasure, Sue hooked her ankles behind Tina's neck and used her legs to force Tina's mouth even deeper into her pussy. Tina must have been able to breathe through her ears because her nose and mouth were both now well inside Sue! Eventually, Sue gasped and said, “Enough, Titsy. Let me up so I can fuck your husband. You have made me so horny I am probably going to kill the poor guy!”

Tina sat up, laughing. “Oh, he's tougher than that, sweetie,” she assured Sue.

The two women stood, Tina returning to her seat, Sue looking pointedly at Jim.

“She really got my motor running,” Sue told Melanie in an aside.

“I told you she was irresistible,” Mel reminded her.

“She's like bloody catnip,” Sue affirmed.

Tina clapped her hands with glee. “Catnip!”

“Come on then,” Tina urged her husband. “Give the big-titted wench what she wants.”

“Talk about the pot calling the kettle black,” Sue muttered.

“Yours are big, but mine are enormous,” Tina taunted.

“I've gotta give you that one,” Sue conceded. “But I'm sexier!”

Tina stuck her tongue out and left it at that.

“If you ladies are quite finished...” Jim said and walked over to Sue, who immediately began unbuttoning his shirt, sliding her hands inside and raking his chest gently with her nails.

“Ready to play, Marlboro Man?” she purred in her throatiest voice.

“Always,” Jim responded.

Sue stepped in so close that her nipples were brushing his hairy chest and began unbuckling his belt as she stood on tiptoe with her head tilted back, waiting to be kissed. Jim bent down to oblige her and she explored his mouth thoroughly with her tongue until he was breathing hard then stepped back and whipped his trousers and shorts down together in one swift motion. Jim quickly stepped out of his clothes and kicked them aside.

“Good God,” Sue whispered breathlessly as she caught her first sighting of Jim's enormous member. Glancing over to Tina she added, “I can see why you call it the Beast.”

Tina giggled. Melanie observed, “Magnificent, isn't it?”

“Awesome,” Sue breathed.

Dropping to her knees in front of Jim she grasped the already stiffening giant phallus in her right hand, lifted it up against his belly and gently sucked first one testicle, then the other, into her mouth, caressing them with her tongue. She then licked her way up the entire length of his cock, bottom to top, several times before taking the head into her mouth. As she slid her lips slowly down the shaft her mouth was forced to its maximum gape. She crammed about eight inches into her mouth before her head began bobbing in and out as she blew him, but try as she might she could get no farther down. Jim closed his eyes and his face assumed an expression of quiet ecstasy.

Sue sucked hard for a couple of minutes, with Melanie snapping away with the camera throughout, until the great beast was as rigid as an iron bar, at which point she surfaced and said to Melanie, “I thought you said you swallowed this whole thing?”

“I did,” replied Melanie. “I have, several times now.” This last with a taunting, superior smile.

“I don't believe you, it's not possible,” her friend demurred. “I can't get more than half of it in my mouth!”

“She can do it,” Tina chimed in. “And I can swallow more than you, but not all of it like Legs.”

“Show me,” Sue challenged the other two girls, disbelievingly.

Tina immediately bounced out of her chair and dropped to her knees in front of her husband. Accepting the Beast from Sue's hand she popped it into her mouth and slid her lips smoothly down the enormous shaft until she had swallowed about twelve inches. She then slurped up and down a few times to demonstrate how easy it was then called Melanie over.

“Show her how the big girls do it, Legs” Tina urged Melanie.

As Melanie knelt in front of Jim she said to Sue, “I never thought I would be saying these words to you, twink, but maybe your mouth is just not big enough.”

“ Ha, ha, clever clogs. It's not my mouth that's the problem,” Sue replied, “It's my throat. I just can't swallow it!”

“Watch and learn, amateur,” Melanie jibed as she lifted the Beast into her mouth, gaping wide to receive it. Again I watched in disbelief as that entire monster cock disappeared down my wife's throat. Pausing when her lips reached Jim's scrotum to cut her eyes at her friend, Melanie then proceeded to bob her head in and out along the entire length of that mighty cock as she sucked on it like a vampire bat. She kept her huge brown eyes fixed on Jim's face until she saw that she had his undivided attention, then abruptly stopped, handing the monster back to Sue. Sue looked awestruck.

“I didn't believe you,” she said. “I'm sorry.”

“So, get back on the job,” Mel told her with a smile, then returned to her seat to resume her role as photographer.

Tina slapped Sue playfully on the ass and said, “Now show us what you can do, girl,” before she also returned to her seat.

Sue slid the Beast back into her mouth and worked the first eight inches assiduously with her lips, tongue and teeth for about five minutes, using all her delightful tongue tricks for Jim's pleasure. His eyes were closed and he clearly did not have any problem with her inability to swallow the whole thing, as he looked ecstatic.

When Sue was satisfied that she had the monster cock as solid as concrete, she rolled onto her back, pussy towards her audience, spread her legs wide, high-heels flat on the floor, knees up, and said to Jim, “Now do me, hard.”

Jim got between her legs and lowered the huge head of the Beast to her pussy, easing it between her fully everted pussy lips then easing it in.

“Ready?” he asked.

“Yep,” Sue replied.

Jim then propped himself over Sue on straight arms and used his hips to ram the entire length of the Beast up Sue's virginal, tight pussy. Sue gasped as it slid home and muttered, “Jesus Christ all-fucking mighty!” Then, “Ah, aah, argh!” as Jim began to move in and out. As she got used to the sensation of riding a battering ram her feet came up to tuck themselves behind Jim's shoulders then shortly thereafter her fingernails began raking his back.

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“Oh god, now this is being fucked!” she exclaimed as she began really getting into it.

She was putting on a magnificent show for the spectators. She looked very small under Jim's six-four, lanky, well-muscled length. Her lovely legs were wrapped around his body, one encased in a black stocking, the other in a white stocking, the black leather boots adding a touch of spice, their stiletto heels like spurs on his back. We had a grandstand view of Jim's monster cock plunging in and out of her distended pussy with its mass of dark-brown, almost black, pubic hair, with the action beautifully framed by her pale thighs, one white stocking top, one black stocking top and black garters. That massive length of cock would bore into her then magically reappear on the backstroke like a giant snake emerging from its cave. Sue's tits were pointing straight up in the air, supported by the corset, and her nipples were about an inch long.

After about fifteen minutes Sue was so into it that she was jabbing the heels of her boots into Jim's shoulder-blades and raking his buttocks with her nails to urge him to greater efforts for deeper penetration as if seventeen inches were still not enough! She was wailing like a banshee and intermittently screaming, “Fuck me, fuck me, fuck me!”

I tell you, it is just as arousing to watch your mistress fucking another man as it is to watch your wife doing it!

When Jim's thumping great cock began to throb as he ejaculated, it triggered Sue's multiple orgasm and she actually screamed as she came, and came, and came. She then bit down hard on Jim's shoulder to stifle her scream, causing Jim to yell “Ow!” and Tina to exclaim, “Hey! Don't break him!”

Sue's legs fell back to the floor, spread wide, and Jim collapsed on top of her, gasping for air.

“Holy crap, that was wonderful,” Sue murmured breathlessly.

“Sure was,” Jim muttered into her hair.

We spectators gave them a well-deserved round of applause.

“I got lots of great pics,” Melanie told her friend.

“Can't wait to edit the videos,” Sue gasped.

“Can we have a copy?” Tina asked.

“Of course you can,” Melanie replied. “After all, you are going to be the star turn.”

“Really?” Tina squeaked happily.

“Co-star,” Sue mumbled from the floor.

“I'm gonna be a porn queen,” Tina told her husband happily as he at last disentangled himself from Sue.

“How appropriate,” Jim murmured back.

“Come here and say that,” his wife challenged playfully.

“I haven't got the energy,” he replied.

“I hope you recover fast,” Sue interjected, “Because you are still expected to do my ass and my face.”

Jim mock-groaned and Sue pinched his ass in retaliation.

“Ah, you can always blow Jim back to life,” his wife explained. “One touch of a woman's lips and the Beast springs up like a weed.”

“Right then,” Melanie jumped in. “I'll fix some drinks, we'll take a break, then Jim can have a blowjob from the lady of his choice to get him back in business.”

“This is starting to sound like work,” Jim muttered laconically, which earned him a gentle swat around the ear from Sue, who was still within arm's length.



It was only a short break. Fifteen or twenty minutes, more Bloody Mary's, chat, admire the female flesh on display, which to this point still did not include my wife, who was being amazingly restrained so far, letting Sue have all the fun, then back to the games.

Jim opted to have Melanie blow his dick back to life, much to her pleasure. She once again demonstrated her ability to gobble the whole thing, to Sue's continued, and noisy, amazement. Tina proved to be correct; it took less than five minutes before Melanie had a mouth full of iron. She was reluctant to stop but eventually handed him off to Sue.

Sue dropped to her knees on the carpet, ass towards us, then went down on her forearms, head down, ass up, knees spread wide, giving us another fantastic sight – gorgeous ass framed by garters, gaping pussy over black stocking on right leg and white stocking on left, black high-heeled boots spread wide and her hands reaching around to separate her buttocks and show off her ass-hole. She is almost as big an exhibitionist as Melanie!

Mel was back on camera duty and taking pictures of her friend's great assets.

Jim settled down behind Sue and nuzzled the head of his gigantic cock up to her anus.

“Are you sure you are ready for this?” he asked.

“No, but I'm gonna do it anyway,” Sue assured him with a smile over her shoulder.

“Here we go then,” he said and shoved the head hard into her rectum.

“Ah, bugger!” Sue exclaimed.

“Yep, that's what I'm doing,” Jim observed dryly, which made us all laugh.

Jim eased the first few inches up her back passage.

“Jesus H. Christ on a crutch!” Sue almost squealed.

“Want me to stop?” Jim asked.

“Don't you dare!” Sue snarled. “We are doin' this!”

“Good.” With which Jim slipped her another few inches.

“Ah, that feels a bit better,” Sue commented.

“You can do it, slut bunny,” Tina encouraged and insulted all in one shot.

“If you can, I can, Titsy” Sue answered through gritted teeth. Tina just laughed.

Jim slid up another six inches at one shot.

“Oh god, that is starting to feel good,” Sue said in a mildly surprised tone. “Alright, Jimbo, give it all to me.”

Jim needed no further encouragement, ramming that log right home in her ass, holding her butt cheeks apart to get all the way up.

“Now do me nice and slow and I will tell you when to give it to me hard,” Sue instructed.

Jim obliged, doing her ass with long slow strokes. Tina walked over and knelt in front of Sue, bending from the waist to kiss her softly on the lips. Sue kissed her back and their tongues twined sensuously as Tina's husband drove his enormous member slowly in and out of Sue's ass. Tina started playing with Sue's magnificent tits again and Sue moaned in her throat as they kissed.

Melanie walked over to kneel beside Jim, slipped her right hand between his thighs from behind and began massaging his balls as he did her friend's ass.

I picked up Mel's camera and began taking photos.

Ten minutes or so in, Sue broke off her kiss for long enough to say, “Okay, Jimbo, do me hard now,” then went back to smooching Tina as he complied.

Jim took her by the hips and began absolutely hammering that seventeen-inch monster up her ass so hard that he was moving her entire body with each thrust. Sue gave up on the kissing as she began moaning in earnest and grinding her ass back into Jim to try and get him even farther up her ass. She started to climax well before Jim, wailing continuously as he drilled her ass like a jackhammer. As she orgasmed in a series of waves Jim finally exploded up her ass.

It felt like a volcano erupting,” Sue told Mel and I later.

Sue fell on her face and Jim followed her down to keep his dick up her ass as he came.

“Have I died and gone to heaven?” Sue murmured to the carpet. We all laughed.

Mel was still rubbing Jim's balls.

“You better have something left for me later,” she told him.

“Just give me a bit of a rest and I will do you until you have semen dripping from your ears,” Jim replied with a grin.

“You know you can have whatever you want, all weekend, right?” my slutty wife offered.

“I'm banking on it,” Jim affirmed.

Mel gave him her best megawatt smile and a final rub on his balls as she said, “Make sure you take full advantage of it.” She then rose and came to sit beside me.

“You're being very restrained tonight,” I observed.

“It's bloody killing me!” she exclaimed. “I am so horny right now I would fuck a horse! But I am saving myself to demonstrate the airtight for Tina later.”

“Ah, I knew you had to have a plan,” I remarked.

“Yes, but it's time for me to at least show some skin,” Melanie replied, rising from her seat.

“Gentlemen, your attention please!” she cried.

Having satisfactorily made herself the centre of attention she strolled to the middle of the room and began to dance to the rock music playing on the hi-fi. Pirouetting in a circle with her arms out to the sides, her short, black, pleated kilt flared out to the horizontal, revealing a black garter belt, seamed red silk stockings and no underwear. Perched on the toes of her red, pointed-toe dress pumps with five-inch heels she still managed about six revolutions to show off her long lovely legs, world-class ass and dense, dark pubic bush, before coming back onto her heels and gyrating her hips lasciviously as she unbuttoned her black silk blouse, twirled it around her head and threw it over Jim's head. Underneath she was wearing a scarlet corset trimmed in gold, with gold garter buckles and a bodice cut so low that her large pinkish-brown areolae were exposed on the inner side. Spinning so that her back was towards us she unzipped her kilt-skirt and slowly drifted it down over her ass, down her lovely long legs and stepped out of it, then draped it over Jake's shoulder. Finally, she bent forward from the waist, her long, straight, dark-brown hair trailing to the floor, reached between her legs with her right hand and slid first one, then two, then three fingers into her pussy and worked it for a few moments, culminating by running her middle finger up her ass.

Standing and turning to face us, she announced, “Now, if it is acceptable to you boys, I would like you all to gather in front of me so that I can suck briefly on each of your dicks before we take our break. I am as horny as a cat in heat!”

We men all quickly moved to stand in a semi-circle in front of her and Mel dropped to her haunches to service our cocks, legs spread wide so that we could all admire her pussy as she worked. She started from the left of the line swallowing cocks, Jake first, then me, then Jim, a couple of minutes each, then back to the start and round again, four cycles. She swallowed each dick to the root, used her lips, tongue and teeth to great effect, and finished off by sucking each guy's balls.

As she stood up Jake remonstrated, “Oh, come on, Mel, this is cruel, you've made me as hard as a rock and left me hanging!”

“Pointing actually,” my wife joked. “What do you expect me to do about it? You're on a promise to Titsy after the break.”

“Just give me a quick ride on your ass,” he pleaded. Mel and I smiled at each other; Mel's ass was Jake's addiction.

“Two minutes, over the table, that's it,” my wife offered.

“Deal,” Jake agreed eagerly.

Melanie went to the end of the dining table, spread those beautiful long legs wide, and laid her upper body down on the table, presenting the room with a vision of the world's greatest ass, juicy pussy and acres of leg in red silk stockings. Jake got behind her and took his cock in hand, but before he could enter her Mel said, “Uh-uh, get your clothes off,” so he quickly stripped. Back in position, he peeled her buttocks back and slid quickly and easily up her ass, the result of lots of practise. He went right into overdrive, knowing he only had two minutes.

“Time him, Nick,” my wife instructed.

Jake went at her ass like a man possessed, pounding in and out with maximum speed and force. Mel started pumping her legs to give him her patented ass-grind, which increased our viewing pleasure. I monitored my watch, cheating a bit to help my buddy out,, but I had to call time at the three minute mark because I knew that Mel would notice if I left it longer.

“Time's up!”

“No, no, no, I'm not done yet,” Jake pleaded, hanging on to Mel by the hips.

Mel laughed, stood up and just walked off his cock. Jake wailed.

“Oh, come here, sweetie. Let Tina help you out,” the little witch offered, taking a seat at the table.

Jake walked over to her and she popped his dick straight into her mouth and swallowed it down as he stood in front of her. After a couple of minutes, she pulled off and said, “You can fuck my face if you like, sweet man.”

Jake took her at her word, sliding his left hand behind her head and jacking his cock energetically in and out of her mouth. Tina rested her hands on his thighs and gobbled his dick as if it was her favourite snack, which it may well have been. She was swallowing his cock to the balls on each thrust and I could see her jaw working as she flicked her tongue constantly over his cock as it slid between her lips. It took about five minutes before Jake came copiously in her mouth and Tina swallowed it all down.

Licking her lips as she sat back she said, “There, that should hold you until I do you properly after the break. You get the full Round The World Tour, just like your wife gave my husband, but better.”

“Hey!” Sue expostulated. Tina grinned wickedly.

“Just saying,” she said.

“Oh, I am so going to fuck your husband 'til his brains rattle,” Sue threatened.

“Suits me,” Tina volleyed back. “That leaves me free to screw your husband blind.”

The emerald eyes locked on to the sapphire eyes and both women burst out laughing.

“What are we, sex toys?” Jim objected in mock affront.

“Absolutely,” Sue replied.

“You better believe it,” Tina trilled.

All of the men grinned.

“Now be good boys and fetch us ladies some white wine, please,” my lovely wife requested haughtily. “I expect you are ready for some beers, too.”

“Let's go,” I said to the guys, heading for the fridge, knowing the girls wanted to compare notes and plot their moves.

In the kitchen, Jake murmured to Jim, “Man, your wife is incredibly beautiful and sexy. I'm really looking forward to the ride!”

Jim nodded. “Sue is stunning and she rides like a Rolls-Royce! And she's as tight as a virgin.”

Sue's voice sailed through from the living room, “I heard that!”

“Then don't tell my wife I said it,” Jim called back.

“Fat chance,” Sue returned.

Lowering his voice still further Jim said, “I hope you guys are around all weekend, Jake. I would like to ride your wife again.”

Jake looked to me.

“They will be staying with us all weekend,” I told Jim. Jake grinned like a Cheshire cat.

“Is Tina a good ride?” he asked Jim forthrightly, whispering.

“Screws like a rattlesnake,” Jim assured him in a whispered drawl. Jake looked to me for confirmation.

I nodded. “Grade A plus plus, plus plus,” I assured him.

Jake grinned again and rubbed his hands together this time. “Great! Three beautiful, randy women for an entire weekend. What more could we want?”

“Peanuts,” Jim said with a straight face and we all cracked up.

“Where are those drinks?” Sue called through.

“Coming,” I called back.

“You will be soon, promise,” Sue replied, and we laughed again.

We took the drinks through to the Party Pit, the large, sunken area of our living space furnished with giant cushions, where we liked to party.

Melanie promptly sprawled on a huge cushion, lying back with one leg straight out in front of her and the other pulled up to her chest, deliberately giving the guys a delightful view of her exposed snatch and long, red stocking-clad legs.

“If I don't get laid soon I am going to blow a gasket,” she said. She knows cars. “And why the hell are you still dressed, hubby. Get your damned clothes off and let the girls see the goods.”

“And that, ladies and gentlemen, is my lovely wife,” I said sarcastically, but I got my clothes off in record time and got a round of applause from the girls.

“So, here's the game plan,” Sue told us. “Tina is the star of her own blue movie for this next round. She will be doing my lovely husband in mouth, pussy and ass. After that Jim will be servicing Mel and I while you two,” nodding to Jake and I, “Will be double-teaming Tina.” A 'yay' from Tina. “Melanie will then do the three of you together to demonstrate the airtight for Tina. The three of you will then get Tina airtight.” Pause. “I'm envious. I want one, too. So, if you can all manage one more, you can get me airtight last. Any objections?”

“Is there any Viagra left?” Jake asked with a grin.

Melanie rose, went to the bathroom medicine cabinet and returned with a large container which she tossed into Jake's lap.

“Eat up, boys, the harder the better,” she said.

Jake promptly scoffed a couple and passed the container around so that we could help ourselves.

“You're on camera for this, Suze,” Melanie said. Sue retrieved the camera from the dining table.

Tina crawled on all fours over to Jake, which caused her 44 magnums to flop out of her bodice and swing enticingly. Tina giggled and paused long enough to slip out of her shoulder straps and make the display permanent. Resuming her crawl she pushed between Jake's legs and bent to take his cock into her mouth, sucking strenuously. In no time at all his cock was rigid.

“We will do the face-fuck last,” she told him. “I want you inside me now. Suze tells me that they call you the Ass Bandit, so you can have my ass first.”

“Yes!” Jake exclaimed. “I've been eyeing that beautiful ass all night. Let's go.”

Tina giggled and turned to present her ass to him, all rounded cheeks, black stocking-tops, garters, golden-furred pussy and tight, pink rectum. Jake move up behind her, gave his dick his habitual couple of strokes, then eased it up Tina's rear orifice.

“God, don't play with it, bang it hard,” Tina ordered.

Jake separated her buttocks and drove his cock hard up her ass until his balls were up against her rectum.

“Roomy,” he murmured in appreciation, making Tina giggle.

Jake then commenced pounding her ass hard and fast. Music was playing quite loud, but the sound of his abdomen slapping into her buttocks easily overpowered it. Tina pushed her ass back hard into each stroke and started rotating her hips as Jake slammed home. He tentatively slapped her ass gently to see if she liked it. She did!

“Harder,” she ordered over her shoulder, so he gave her a somewhat harder swipe.

“Put some arm into it,” Tina complained. This time Jake gave her a stinging slap on each buttock.

“Ah, better,” the little witch murmured, pushing back harder and grinding her hips faster.

The pace picked up and Tina was soon moaning continuously. Jake was breathing hard, while his wife was moving around them taking lots of pictures from different angles as her husband reamed Tina's ass enthusiastically.

“We should do a time capsule of all these photos of our exploits,” Sue suggested. “Shock the socks off future generations.”

Everybody laughed except the two coupling, who were too deeply into it to care what we were saying. Jake looked as if he were in heaven as he screwed the beautiful little, golden, fallen angel's ass. Tina's entire body was flushed with pleasure and effort as she rode his cock. When Jake finally came up her ass she moaned loudly and fell on her face, pulling her ass off Jake's cock as she fell.

“Yummy,” she said, followed by, “Drinkies?” hopefully. Melanie topped up her glass and placed it on the floor next to her.

Tina struggled up on to a cushion, retrieved her glass and smiled at Sue.

“He's good,” she said happily.

Sue smiled back at her. “Two slots still to go,” she reminded Tina.

“More yummy,” Tina answered with a giggle.

“Beer,” Jake gasped out and I placed his bottle into his hand. He chugged half the bottle in one swig.

“More like a bunny rabbit than a rattlesnake,” he remarked quietly to Jim, who grinned.

“What?” asked Tina.

“Nothing, dear” replied her husband, and she let it go.

When Jake was halfway through his second beer Melanie crawled across to lie beside him, stuck her head in his lap and sucked in his cock. Jake ruffled her hair encouragingly as she sucked, licked and swallowed his cock greedily, teasing it back to life with her tongue until it was once more fully erect. Removing it from her mouth, she said to Tina, “It really burns my ass to turn him over to you when I am so horny, but here you go, he's all yours.”

“Thank you, Legs,” Tina responded graciously. “I will compensate you with an hour of my services at a time of your choosing.”

“I will hold you to that,” my horny wife replied. “But I know you will enjoy it as much as I will, so it's not exactly a hardship, is it?”

“Of course not,” Tina giggled. “That's the beauty of it.”

So saying, she rolled onto her back and spread her legs wide. “Mount up,” she told Jake. As he settled between her legs she put them up on to his shoulders and reached around to guide his dick into her cleft. Jake slid in easily and began doing her with long, slow thrusts. Tina grabbed him by the ears and pulled him down for a passionate kiss, then held him there by locking her legs behind his head. Jake laughed and started porking her harder.

“Now you're getting it,” she said and slapped his ass hard. Jake jerked upright, breaking the grip of her legs, grabbed her ankles and forced her feet down next to her ears. He then proceeded to pound on her pussy like a big bass drum. Tina was loving it, wriggling on the end of his cock like a hooked fish, moaning loudly and scratching like a cat. When Jake let go of her ankles she wrapped her legs around his waist and drove her hips up into his thrusts, pushing against the floor with her hands to get leverage.

“Fuck me harder!” she shouted.

From my vantage point, I could see her dripping pussy with Jake's cock hammering in and out of it, her lovely black stocking-clad legs hooked around his waist, the black stocking tops and garters leading to her milky white upper thighs spread wide to accommodate Jake and her ass grinding into the carpet. I so wanted to get stuck in there!

As she started to come, Tina rolled Jake over so that she was on top, crushed her pneumatic breasts into his chest, hooked her heels behind his thighs and ground her pussy down hard on his cock. Jake's cock spasmed at the exact instant that Tina groaned and flooded. When her orgasm had run its course her feet dropped from behind his thighs to the floor and her muscles loosened as she relaxed on Jake's chest.

“Mouth next,” she murmured into his chest hair.

“Stone me, another damned nympho!” Jake exclaimed.

Tina raised her head slightly to look up at him and fixed him with her sapphire gaze. “Are you complaining?”

“No, no, no, no, no! It's just that Nick is married to one and I'm married to another. What are the odds?”

Subsiding back to his chest, she purred, “Then you are very lucky men.”

“We know that,” Jake reassured her.

Sue had been listening to the entire exchange. “He gets laid whenever he wants by two beautiful women,” she asserted. “How could he not know?”

“Make that three,” Tina murmured from Jake's chest.

“Agreed, but it's a long drive to Calgary, honey,” Sue replied with a giggle.

“I'm worth it,” Tina replied with another giggle.

“Yes, you are,” Sue admitted.

Tina raised her head to catch Melanie's eye. “See? I told you she would love me.”

Sue shook her head, saying to Mel, “She really is incorrigible, isn't she?”

“Yes,” replied Melanie. “But she can neither say it nor spell it.”

Melanie and Sue had a giggle fit. Tina pouted from the comfort of Jake's chest. “Alright, Titsy, let my husband up,” Sue ordered. “We need to feed him food and drink to rebuild his strength so that he can have another go at you.”

“Oh well, as it's for a good cause...” the little witch agreed and climbed off Sue's husband, the sun coming out again as she dazzled Jake with her best smile.

Written by stockingsandgarters
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