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The Little Witch Comes To Town - Part Nine

"The couples swap wives for the night."

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I was woken up briefly around seven in the morning on Monday by the sound of the back door banging. Realizing that it was just Sue and Jake heading over to their own place on the other side of the street, to get ready for work, I turned over and went back to sleep. Melanie and I had taken the day off work to spend it with our guests; it was going to be their last full day with us. They were flying back to Calgary on Tuesday morning. After that, no one stirred until gone one in the afternoon. Sunday had been a long day!

The sound of the shower running in the guest bedroom was what awakened me. I patted Melanie on her lovely, bare rear end, received a grunt in response, then struggled from the perfumed warmth of our bed, pulled on track pants and a tee shirt, and headed for the kitchen to prepare a very late breakfast.

Jim was the first to appear. I asked him what he wanted, offering him several choices, and he went for a mushroom omelette with bacon and beans. I fired up the frying pan and Jim got the coffee going.

Mel was the next to join us, drawn by the smell of coffee. Her hair was tousled, her eyes were sleepy, and she was wearing a comfortable set of old sweats with, quite obviously, nothing underneath. She dropped into a seat at the kitchen and waited for me to pour her coffee, then nursed it like it was the elixir of life.

A few minutes later Tina joined us. She was bright eyed, bushy tailed, fresh from the shower, her golden curls still damp. And she was wearing just a tiny white lace thong and a matching miniscule white lace bra that was struggling to retain her enormous breasts. She jiggled her way into the seat next to Melanie.

“Oh for Christ's sake, Titsy, give it a rest,” muttered Melanie. “It's too damn early in the day for this shit.”

The Little Witch giggled. “Just playing to my strengths, sweetie,” she responded. “After all, if you're out of commission, there's more for me.”

“Bitch,” growled Melanie. Tina laughed delightedly.

“Alright, here's how it's going to be,” my grouchy wife averred. “We are going to have a nice peaceful, restful afternoon, watching movies and recuperating. Tonight we will have a nice dinner, which we will all dress for. Nobody is getting laid until after dinner. Sue and Jake will be joining us for dinner, so that they can say goodbye to you two. After that you get my husband for the night and I get yours. That is when you can do what the hell you like to Nick, as long as you don't break him. Okay?”

Did I mention that my lovely lawyer lady likes to lay down the law? I think I might have done.

“I suppose. But if your husband can't keep his hands off me, which is highly likely, I won't be able to fight him off, 'cos I'm only small,” the Little Witch replied, batting her eyelashes at Melanie and opening her large sapphire eyes wide in feigned innocence. She looked so angelic that I burst out laughing.

“Oh for Christ's sake,” Mel repeated with a resigned sigh. “You're bloody insufferable, Titsy.”

Tina giggled again, a melodic sound like the tinkling of small bells. “But you love me anyway don'cha, Legs?” she teased, pulling her chair in tight to Melanie's and sliding over to snuggle under Mel's arm and rest her head on Mel's breasts.

“Oh, for crying out loud,” Melanie muttered, with another heavy sigh of exasperation, but she cuddled the Little Witch in to her nevertheless.

I had thought that I was exhausted from yesterday's strenuous efforts, but found that the sight of Tina's voluptuous breasts overflowing that minute white lace bra as she snuggled with Mel had created an embarrassing tent pole effect in the front of my track pants, so I hastily turned back to the stove, hoping that Melanie had not noticed. I should have known better.

“Oh for Christ's sake,” she said for the third time. “I swear to God, Nicky my love, if you lay this little tramp before dinner you won't get laid for a week after she's gone.”

The Little Witch thought that was hilarious, giggling up a storm. “Go on, go for it, Nick,” she challenged me. “It'll be worth it, I promise.”

Melanie swatted her thonged ass. “After dinner, you little harlot,” she snapped.

“Ooh, harlot. I like that,” Tina cooed.

“Do you want a good spanking, slut?” Melanie demanded.

“Ooh, yes please,” the Little Witch gurgled happily.

Melanie was trying hard to suppress a smile as she looked across at me. “I give up,” she said. “You threaten her with punishment and she thinks it's a treat.”

I laughed. “I think she's got you pretty well figured out, Mel,” I answered. Melanie heaved another theatrical sigh, then gave Tina's lovely ass a really wicked whack.

“Ow! Ooh, yummy,” was the response. We all laughed.

With the two girls' double act out of the way, we all settled down to breakfast.



Well fed, with lots of coffee to wash it down, the four of us adjourned to the living area to watch a couple of movies. I settled on to one of the three four-seater, white leather sofas, all of which are arranged so that they have a good view of the ninety-inch flat-screen mounted on the wall, and Melanie snuggled in under my left arm. The Little Witch then crammed herself into the space on my right side, saying “Make room. I'm only little,” and cuddled in to me on that side, making sure that her enormous boobs were thrusting into my ribs. Mel immediately snorted in derision and moved over to join Jim on the sofa opposite, resting her head in his lap and muttering, “Your wife is an incorrigible little tramp.” Tina giggled and poked out her tongue. Jim just grinned and slid his hand up inside my wife's sweater to find her naked tits. Mel did not object. We watched one sappy romantic comedy, the ladies' choice, and one mindless action movie, the men's choice, during both of which I thoroughly groped Jim's wife and he thoroughly groped mine, but every time Tina tried to jump my bones or Jim tried to get Melanie's pants off my wife would reiterate that nobody was getting laid until after supper. Much to my surprise, Tina desisted upon command. I think she was afraid that if she persisted my wife might withdraw my services for the upcoming night. She needn't have worried – I knew Melanie wanted as much of Jim's gargantuan cock as she could get before their departure.

When the movies were finished I went through to the kitchen to begin preparing my specialty dish, steak au poivre, for our supper. Jim volunteered to help with the veggie side dishes, so we left the girls drinking wine in the living room while we worked.

“So what should I expect tonight?” Jim asked as he chopped garlic.

“From Mel, you mean?” He nodded. “Fireworks.”

“Sure, but in what form? What does she like? What will she be expecting from me?”

“Hmm. Well, she likes to play rough sometimes, so at some stage she might make you fight for it, and you have to fight back hard 'cos that's what she enjoys, but make sure you don't hurt her by accident, because if you do she will kick your ass for real. She knows kick boxing and Tae Kwon Do, so be careful. She likes being done from behind, doggy-style, or on her side or flat on her face, pussy and ass. She will undoubtedly suck you off at some point, because she loves what she calls 'semen cocktails' and she believes each man tastes different. What will she expect from you? Just be yourself, man, she hates phonies. Just give her more of what you have been giving her all weekend and she will be happy. She really likes you, so just do her hard as many times as you can manage and you will be a hero. What about Tina? What does she like?”

“In a word? Everything. The wilder, the better. She'll want you in every hole, in every position you can come up with, and when you are trying to take a break, she will be sucking on your dick and demanding more. She really likes you, too, so she is going to fuck you until your eyes cross and you are begging for mercy. But she won't give you any. Come tomorrow morning, you are going to be lucky if you can still walk. And she has already told me that you won't be getting any sleep tonight. Just do whatever she asks and you will have a great time. She particularly likes it in the ass, by the way, so spend some time on that.”

This was practically a speech, coming from the normally laconic cowboy.

“Sounds like we are both in for a good night,” I observed.

“Did you ever doubt it?” Jim inquired facetiously.

“Not for one second,” I answered.

“Mel's voice drifted through from the living area. “We can hear you!”

Followed by the Little Witch's, “And you're right, we are going to screw you both blind!”

A chorus of giggles ensued.

Jim and I clinked our beer bottles together in a toast.



Sue and Jake joined us for this farewell dinner, arriving around seven in the evening. Melanie had invited them, so that they could say goodbye to Tina and Jim, but on the understanding that they would depart shortly after eating so that the remaining four of us could make an early start on our planned debauch. Sue being Sue, I had some doubts as to whether that would go according to plan, and later events proved those doubts to be justified.

We had all dressed for dinner, the guys California casual, the women simply stunning. Sue was in a full-length, skin-tight, glittering red dress that was split up both sides to above her hips and had a square neckline with an oval cutout above her breasts that exposed an enormous amount of cleavage. Black stocking-tops flashed in the side splits as she moved, and there was no back above the waist. With her waist-length, wavy, dark-brown hair swirling around her in a cloud, she looked good enough to eat.

The Little Witch was wearing a miniscule, shimmering silver cocktail dress that changed colour to a turquoise sheen as the angle of the light shifted, with six-inch, spiked, silver sandals. The dress had spaghetti straps over her shoulders and a bodice that was simply two tiny silver triangles suspended over her nipples by those straps, exposing about ninety-five percent of her massive mammaries to the eye. It was so short that it barely came below her lovely ass when she was standing up; when she sat it rode up to reveal matching silver lace panties and the entire length of her beautiful bare legs. Her mass of golden curls tumbled over her shoulders and down her bare back, showing different shades of gold whenever she tossed her head.

Melanie was dressed in soft, black leather; a short skirt that was long enough to barely cover the tops of her seamed black stockings, topped by a short, bolero-style jacket left open to reveal a matching black leather bra and bare midriff. Her long, graceful legs were displayed to best advantage in black patent leather pumps with ankle straps and five-inch heels. Her waist-length, dark-brown hair was a gleaming curtain around her shoulders.

As my eyes roved over the women sitting around the dining table, I caught each one's eyes, moving from Sue's absorbing emeralds to Tina's sparkling sapphires then to Melanie's soft brown, and marvelled at how they were each so different to the others, but all absolutely entrancing. How did we three guys get so lucky?

As anticipated, when the meal was over and we were all sipping liqueurs, Sue began trying to wheedle her way into staying longer. Melanie was having none of it; she informed Sue bluntly that she was just leaving, like it or not. Sue pouted beautifully, catching her husband's eye to solicit support, but Jake just grinned back at her, which deepened the pout.

“Well, I have to say goodbye to Jim properly before we leave,” Sue tried hopefully.

“If by 'say goodbye properly' you mean give him a swift bang, that's not happening,” Melanie declared. Sue immediately put on an expression of such dolefulness that I burst out laughing.

“You've been taking lessons from the Little Witch,” I accused her.

“Maybe,” she admitted, giving me a sexy wink. “It seems to work for the little horror.”

“Hey!' protested Tina with an accompanying giggle.

“Do I get a say?” Jim interjected.

Melanie sighed theatrically. “I suppose so,” she conceded.

“What did you have in mind, Suzie?” he inquired.

“I thought you might like to do me over the table here, right now, just for a proper farewell, you know,” Sue murmured in her huskiest voice, watching Mel out of the corner of her eye and trying very hard not to smile.

“That sounds like a proper goodbye to me,” Jim agreed, standing up eagerly.

“Poacher,” Melanie hissed at her best friend. Sue stuck out her tongue.

“If she gets to say goodbye to my husband like that I'm gonna have to do something nice by way of farewell to Jake, just in the interest of fairness, like,” Tina suggested.

“I knew it!” Melanie exclaimed. “Just couldn't let it go, could ya, Titsy?”

Tina giggled. “Of course not, Legs. I've been learning your moves all weekend.” Mel stuck a finger in her ribs and she squealed happily.

With no further ado, Sue stood, pushed her chair well away from the table, bent from the waist supporting herself on her straight arms on the edge of the table, reached behind her with her right hand to flip the split back of her dress up above her waist and straddled her legs wide, revealing a lovely view of bare ass, garter belt, seamed black stockings and black, ankle strapped, five-inch heels. “Do me in the ass first, then switch to my pussy,” she instructed Jim. Jim was out of his clothes in about five seconds flat.

The Beast was already rearing up, so there was no need for it, but my wife walked around the table, dropped to her haunches in front of Jim, and sucked on his mighty cock for a couple of minutes on the pretext of getting him hard for Sue. In reality she was staking her claim and aggravating Sue, just for the hell of it.

After a couple of minutes Sue demanded, “Come on, Mel, hand him over.”

At that moment my wife had the whole enormous length of the Beast engulfed in her mouth and throat, so she slid her lips languorously back along the shaft before releasing it and saying teasingly, “The things I do for my friends!”

Sue laughed and responded with, “Slut.”

Jim stepped up behind Sue, nuzzled the head of the Beast up to her rectum, then eased the entire length into her back passage. Sue ground her ass back into Jim's groin and began rotating her hips, bending first one leg then the other to get a backward and downward motion going simultaneously with the hip swivel. Jim groaned pleasurably.

“I taught her that,” Melanie informed the Little Witch.

“She did,” agreed Sue. “Of course, I'm better at it now than she is,” she added provocatively.

“Are not!” Mel objected.

“Am too!” Sue countered.

“Nick?” my wife demanded my support.

Sensing the closing jaws of a bear trap, being asked to adjudicate between my wife and my mistress, I tried to weasel out, saying “You are both absolute perfection, darlin', and you both screw like nymphos, so there is nothing to choose between you.”

Melanie punched me so hard in the bicep that my right arm went numb.

“Jake?” she snarled.

Jake grinned at his mistress, my wife. “What he said,” he answered.

“Traitors, both of you. There will be consequences,” Melanie threatened, trying not to smile.

“But there will also be rewards,” Sue gasped from her new position with her upper body flat on the table, as Jim pounded his cock exceptionally hard up her ass.

“Yeah, give it to her,” the Little Witch encouraged her husband.

“Trust me, he is,” Sue sighed in response.

“Pussy time yet?” Jim asked Sue.

“Just a few more really hard thrusts in the ass please, then yes.”

Jim complied, giving her the full sixteen inches up the ass at full power for six more strokes – yes, I counted – then hauling it out and jamming it hard into her dripping pussy.

“Ah, yes, that's it, now give it to me hard,” Sue ordered between gasps.

Jim pulled her hips back into him and began plunging in and out like a prize stallion. Jake and I sat back and admired Sue's performance. How could we not? She was all stocking-clad legs, bare ass and flying tits; the straps of her dress had slid down and her magnificent breasts had flopped out over the square neck and were bouncing around wildly as Jim slammed in and out of her pussy. She was now moaning loudly and, between moans, demanding that Jim do her “harder, harder, harder!”

After fifteen minutes of this Sue's legs began juddering as she went into orgasm with Jim's cock bucking deep inside her as he released a flood of semen into her inner chamber.

When Jim pulled out of her she turned to him, slid her arms around his neck, kissed him long and deeply, then murmured, “Thank you. That was a very nice farewell.”

Jim squeezed her buttocks with both hands and replied, “No, thank you, it was my pleasure.”

“My turn now,” the Little Witch proclaimed as she bounced from her seat. “What would you like, Jake?”

“I'd like to give your ass a really good workout,” Jake replied immediately.

“Ooh, there's a surprise,” his wife observed with heavy sarcasm.

“Yes, we never could have predicted that, could we?” my wife joined in snarkily.

I laughed. “You girls don't call him the Ass Bandit for nothing,” I remarked.

Jake grinned happily. “Don't knock it girls,” he said. “You both love it when I do your asses.”

“You know the most annoying thing about that remark?” my wife asked his wife.

“What?” Sue responded.

“He's bloody well right,” Melanie said. They both laughed.

“Well, let's see if he can make me as appreciative as you two,” Tina challenged.

Jake stood up, ready to take the bait.

“Where do you want me?” the Little Witch asked.

“Oh, I thought the same way the others did it would be good,” Jake suggested.

“Why don't we start off like that, then you can have me on my knees, then on my face, then we can roll over and I can ride you, then you can stand up, holding me up in front of you, 'cause I'm only little, and you can finish me off holding me up in the air like that? If you think you're strong enough, that is,” was her counter offer.

“I'm up for all that,” Jake assured her, “But I want to finish you off on your knees, because that's where I have the best leverage.”

“Right, you're on,” Tina agreed readily. Standing, she did a delightful shimmy as she slid her extremely short silver/turquoise dress up over her hips to her waist, then hooked her thumbs in the silver lace panties and slid them down her legs, kicking them up into her hands with a flick of her pointy-toed pumps then tossing them into Jake's face. Jake laughed and sniffed them ostentatiously as he pulled them away left-handed and stuffed them into his pants pocket.

“Souvenir,” he said to Tina.

She giggled and advised him to never wash them, which made Jake grin appreciatively.

“Get your clothes off then,” ordered the Little Witch.

Jake did as he was told and Tina whipped her dress off over her head, before bracing herself against the table's edge and spreading her bare legs wide. Jake gave her lovely ass an affectionate swat as he stepped into place behind her, eliciting a pleased little 'Ooh!'

Spreading her buttocks, Jake entered her by the back door, reached around to grab a gigantic tit in each hand, and started jacking her up energetically. Tina spread her stance wider and shoved back with her ass.

Jake ploughed her in this position for five minutes or so, then ordered her to her knees. Sliding his dick back up her ass, he took her by the hips and started doing her hard, much more vigorously than he had when she was standing.

“Mmm, yummy,” the Little Witch murmured. “Now spank me.”

Jake gave her a swift backhand/forehand swipe across both buttocks without breaking stride.

“Don't tickle me, I want to feel it,” she complained.

Jake gave her three hard slaps on each butt cheek – left, right, left, right, left, right.

The Little Witch squealed and yelled, “That's more like it!” The nipples of her gigantic breasts were now dragging across the carpet as she rested on her forearms and gyrated her hips while Jake pounded in and out of her ass.

Jake had been doing her that way for five minutes or so when Tina suddenly shot her legs backwards in a wide vee and fell to her face, spread-eagled. Jake followed her down, supporting his weight over her prone body on straight arms, and continued reaming her ass, now with a serpentine motion, driving almost straight down into her expansive back tunnel.

The Little Witch was panting and moaning quietly now, while we in the audience teased her and made inappropriate humorous comments. Tina paid us no attention whatsoever; she was totally focused on the cock hammering away at her rear.

Another few minutes and she rolled Jake over on to his back, then crouched over his groin facing his feet while she manoeuvred his cock back into her anus, then assumed a crab-like pose with her arms straight down behind her, her feet flat on the floor and spread wide, and her body arched as she drove her ass up and down on Jake's dick. She was positioned in such a way that I was staring directly up her golden-haired pussy as she drove her hips up and down to ride Jake's cock.

It was a very uncomfortable position, so she only maintained it for a couple of minutes before standing up, pulling Jake to his feet and having him lift her up in front of him. Jake clutched her tight to his chest, the top of her head just below his chin, with his arms under her knees, his hands grasping the backs of her thighs. Tina then reached down and back to insert Jake's dick into her ass. Jake then lifted her up and down on his cock for a couple of minutes, but soon called time on that one. Even a tiny, ninety-pound woman is a heavy, awkward weight to lift in such a position, so Jake got his wish and returned the Little Witch to her knees to finish things up.

Tina immediately went down on her forearms, tits on the floor, and ground her ass back into Jake's groin as he delivered each thrust. Jake gave her a stinging slap on each buttock to gee her up and Tina responded by yelling, “Yes! More! Keep doing it!”

Jake came shortly thereafter, making a copious deposit in her rear entry. Tina sprawled onto her face gasping, then rolled over, grabbed Jake by the neck and pulled him down for a long, tongue-twining kiss.

“Goodbye, sweetie,” she murmured in his ear. “Dream about me.”

“Mm. Come back soon,” Jake muttered back.

“Right,” said Melanie. “Now that's over, you two can go home.”

“Ah, Mel, it's just over the road, we can stay later,” pleaded Jake.

“I know you can, but you're not. Out!” my wife replied.



Having ushered Sue and Jake out of the door, Melanie began stripping as she walked back to the table, saying “I guess we'll have another couple of drinks before bed then, eh guys? Give you two,” nodding to Jim and Tina, “a chance to catch your breath.” She tossed the bolero jacket onto a vacant chair, then unzipped the short, black leather miniskirt, stepped out of it and dumped it on top of the jacket, revealing the fact that she was not wearing panties. She made a pretense of adjusting the front garter on the top of her right stocking, presenting the rest of us with the opportunity to admire her as she posed in her tiny black leather bra, her black leather garter belt, the one with the tiny silver skulls on the buckles, seamed black stockings and five-inch heels. When she had milked that for all it was worth she took a seat on the same side of the table as Jim, with the chair angled towards him, and made another performance of crossing her legs, dropping her right knee out wide to display her pussy before kicking her foot high and crossing her legs in exaggerated slow motion. Jim's eyes were riveted to her legs and crotch the whole time, just as she intended.

Smiling prettily she said, “Oh good, I finally have your attention.” Jim's gaze jerked up to her beautiful face and he flushed bright crimson. That was something to behold; the lanky, self-contained, taciturn cowboy actually blushing!

“Er, sorry,” he jerked out.

“For what?” my wife enquired with dangerously deceptive mildness. “Admiring my lady parts? Or ignoring me in favour of my best friend?”

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“Ah, but, I, er...” Jim's voice trailed away. He clearly did not know which way to jump.

I laughed out loud at his discomfort and the Little Witch giggled.

Melanie relented, gracing Jim with a dazzling smile, a sincere one this time, and saying, “Forgive me. I'm just being bitchy because I was feeling neglected.”

After I recovered from my choking fit caused by my explosive laughter, I explained to Jim, “What she really means is that she is pissed off because Sue got laid and she didn't!”

My wife scowled at me. “What I said was much nicer,” she admonished.

“But only approximately the truth,” I retorted.

I was the recipient of the dazzling smile this time. “Well, I am a lawyer you know,” she shot back.

We all laughed.

“Now be a dear, hubby, and do the drinks would you, please?” Mel demanded regally.

“Oh, I don't think so,” I responded. “After all, that would deprive you of the opportunity to walk around showing us all your lovely legs and ass, wouldn't it?”

“I must be slipping,” she said, rising gracefully to her feet. “I can't believe that I didn't think of that.”

Her sashay away to the kitchen with hips swivelling and tits bouncing was pure pornography, all long legs encased in black stockings, their length further exaggerated by the insanely high heels, and perfect rounded ass swaying from side to side invitingly. Jim was still naked, so his interest in my wife's equipment was immediately obvious.

“Jesus,” Jim breathed appreciatively.

“Huh,” his wife huffed, and disappeared in the direction of the bedrooms.

She reappeared a few minutes later as Mel was dispensing drinks. She had changed her outfit completely, now wearing less but to much greater effect. The midnight-blue corset's black garters were hooked to black stockings with fancy lace tops, and the stockings were tucked into the black tooled cowboy boots with silver pointed toes that she had worn the previous day. No underwear. Humongous breasts spilling out of the corset. Golden pubic curls contrasting nicely with the blue and black. Gorgeous, well-rounded ass framed by black garters and stockingtops. Yowser!

She strolled languorously over to where I was seated and plonked herself down in my lap, grinding her ass vigorously as she settled herself and placed my right hand on her left breast.

“I'm just stimulating your husband's appetite,” she told Melanie.

“Slut it up, girl,” my wife encouraged her. “He's yours for the night.”

“I promise not to wreck him. Quite,” the Little Witch teased. “Of course, he is never going to look at you quite the same after this night, but you'll learn to live with that.”

“You're right.” Melanie responded, surprisingly. Then, “He is going to be looking at me and thinking, 'Thank god I have a real woman instead of that spoiled little brat' for ever more.”

Tina blew a raspberry, unzipped my fly and slid her tiny hand inside my pants. Melanie laughed and cuffed her gently around the back of the head.

“I think I'll settle for just the one drink,” the Little Witch purred, shoving her cleavage into my face and pulling my head down into the enormous central valley. “If that's alright with you, Nick? I'm hot to trot.”

“Sounds great,” I spluttered from between the giant mounds of womanliness.

“What about you, Jim?” Melanie enquired. “Have you recovered yet, or will you need another drink?”

“Recovered? Lady, your lovely friend was just an appetizer. No rest was needed. I'm rarin' to get in the saddle,” Jim replied, hamming up the cowboy accent a little.

“Mmm,” my wife murmured, stretching out a long leg to run her foot along Jim's inner thigh. “Wear your spurs.”

Lucky bastard is going to get the ride of his life, was my thought.

“Oh, by the way,” I said, “We've installed cameras in all the bedrooms, for everyone's later viewing pleasure. Do you want them on or off?”

“Ooh, yummy,” Tina squealed. “On, of course. Legs?”

“On, of course.”

Tina slugged her drink back in one long swallow. “Then let's get to it,” she husked.



Melanie and Jim took the master bedroom and Tina and I took the largest of the four guest rooms, the one in which Tina and Jim were lodged. I patted Mel's lovely bare ass as Jim led her into the bedroom, and Tina called to her, “Can we come and join you guys in the morning?”

“Sure. Just make sure we are awake first,” my wife called back.

“We will be,” Jim assured his wife. “We are not getting any sleep, remember? You promised,” he added for my wife's benefit. Melanie mock groaned, but gave me a huge smile over her shoulder.

Tina shooed me into our bedroom, banging the door behind her, then pushed me face first on to the bed, jumping onto my back as I face-planted, straddling me and rubbing her moist pussy up and down my back.

Leaning down to whisper in my ear, she hissed, “I am going to fuck you until you bleed from your ears, eyes and nose, you lovely man.”

“Lovely image,” I mumbled into the sheets. “But you're not going to manage it with me in this position.”

Giggling, she rolled off to lie beside me and pulled my head in for a long, sensuous, tongue-twining kiss. She then rolled me onto my back and went down on me, engulfing my cock in her mouth and swallowing it down in one swift movement. It was immediately fully erect. Tina went to work expertly with lips, tongue and a hint of teeth, swallowing me right down to the balls then slowly, ever so slowly, sliding her lips back up the shaft until only the head rested in her mouth, swirl of tongue around the helmet, light touch of teeth on the rim, then plunge down and repeat. Heaven!

When I was so hard that I felt my dick must explode, she rolled over on to her back and pulled me to sit astride her stomach.

“Now fuck my tits,” she ordered. “You know you want to.” She slid down the shoulder straps of her corset, wriggled her arms free, then cupped her massive breasts in both hands, jiggling them enticingly.

She was right; I had been wanting to do exactly that. I slid along her rib cage until my dick was ensconced in her chasm of cleavage, whereupon she pushed her breasts together from the sides so that they completely covered my cock, making a soft, warm tunnel of tit. I began moving my hips backwards and forwards, fucking this wonderful mountain of female flesh. Tina reached up with both hands to tweak my nipples painfully. It was surprisingly erotic. I started humping those soft, pink mounds in earnest.

It didn't take long before a stream of semen jetted up between her breasts onto Tina's upper chest. She giggled delightedly and began massaging it into her breasts as if it was body lotion. When she was satisfied that it had all been absorbed, she rolled me over on to my back, rested her head on my belly, popped my cock in to her mouth and began giving me the breath of life.

Her ministrations were effective much more quickly than I would have expected, and I was soon back in working order. Tina rolled onto her back, spread her legs wide, knees up, cowboy boots flat on the mattress, giving me a great show of black stocking-clad legs and gaping, golden-thatched pussy, and said, “Okay, now do me good and hard to get my motor running. We'll play more later.”

Well, I mean, you gotta give a lady what she wants, don't you?

I slid my cock home easily into her hot, wet, cavernous interior, and she hooked her cowboy boots up behind my shoulder-blades. I then gave her what she wanted – rigid cock, hard, fast and deep. Her legs clamped round me tightly, her hands were flat against the bed, pushing down hard, as her hips thrust up energetically, striving for maximum penetration. After the first five minutes her fingernails were clawing down my back, she was moaning constantly and her heels were drumming against my shoulders. After ten minutes her hands were locked on my buttocks, fingernails digging deep, her teeth were chomping on my right shoulder, her pussy was as hot as a furnace and as wet as a rainy day, and she was trying to use her boot heels like spurs. I was just glad she was not wearing actual spurs!

She came like a train after about twenty minutes, moaning loudly, holding on to the back of my head by the hair and almost pulling it out by the roots, flooding hot wetness across my genitals, and bucking and juddering like a rodeo pony.

When the orgasm passed her legs crashed down to the bed on either side of me and she pulled me down on top of her, smothering my chest with kisses.

“Ooh, I told you that you were a lovely man, didn't I? And I was right, you are, oh, you so are,” she crooned, her small hands fluttering like birds across my back. “Oh, just keep fucking me like that all night. Promise? Do you promise?”

“Whatever you want, angel,” I gasped, still struggling to get my breath.

“I want you in my mouth, my tits, my pussy, my ass – hell, you can fuck me in my ears if you want, but I think your dick might be a bit big for that. Backwards, forwards, missionary, doggy, over under, sideways, down – I want you every way possible,” she rhapsodized.

“I'm sensing that this might be a very long night,” I puffed.

A small hand yanked hard on my handle. “You're not complaining, are you?” the little blonde nympho enquired sweetly.

“Hell, no. But I might need resuscitating.”

That can be arranged,” she replied, rolling me onto my back and engulfing my manhood in her surprisingly accommodating mouth once more.



Tina was up on her knees and I was just sliding into her pussy from behind when there was an almighty thud from the master bedroom, followed by scrabbling and giggling.

“What on earth are they doing?” Tina asked.

“I think we have just got to the 'Melanie makes him fight for it' part of the agenda,” I answered. Subsequent crashes and thumps appeared to confirm my surmise.

“Oh well, so long as they are having fun,” the Little Witch conceded. “Now doggy me hard and squeeze my tits while you're at it, please. And a little bit of spanking would add some spice.”

“Anything else, duchess?” I enquired sarcastically.

“We'll get to the 'else' later, sweetie,” she purred, and jammed her pussy back into my belly, hard. I took the hint and started banging away, holding her by both huge tits as I did so and occasionally giving her ass a good swat. She wriggled her hips well and pushed back with her ass each time I drove home. Soon I was going like a train and she was muttering “Yes, yes, yes” at each impact. We came simultaneously, with me exploding like a fire-hose, then collapsing on to my back next to her. She crawled on top of me and snuggled into my chest, gasping for air.

“That was just what I needed,” she murmured. “I'm warmed up now.”

“Oh jeez, you mean that was just the warm-ups? Heaven help me when you really get going,” I complained playfully.

Tina's finger drilled into my lower ribs painfully. “Don't give me that, Nicky boy. You're forgetting – I now have extensive experience of what you can do. I know you've got the stamina.”

I laughed. “Just trying to get a bit of a rest,” I confessed.

She giggled, then stuck her tongue down my throat for what seemed like forever. It was delicious. I fondled those gorgeous tits and groped her lovely ass as she did so, enjoying all that soft, perfumed femininity pressing down on me. The marathon kiss was interrupted by a loud, rhythmic rattling, tinkling and thumping coming from the bedroom opposite.

“What the hell are they doing now?” the Little Witch asked.

“Mel's doing your husband on the dresser,” I explained. “Probably with one leg up on the wall and the other foot down on the floor. She'll be giving him a good ride.”

“Huh. Am I giving you a good ride?”

“Not right at this moment,” I replied. That got me another poke in the ribs. “Oh, alright, you are doing great.”

“I'm pleased to hear it,” she said. “Because you are going to fetch us a couple of drinks, then I am going to wind you up again.”

As I was walking along the passage, heading for the kitchen, there was a tremendous thump from the master bedroom and Tina shouted, “You're not breaking my husband are you, Legs?”

“Just a little bit, Titsy,” my wife called back.

“Oh well, that's alright then,” Tina replied.

When I returned to the bedroom with a couple of Bloody Mary's, the Little Witch was propped up against the headboard in a pile of pillows, her multi-hued golden curls spread around her head and shoulders like a shining aura, one black-stockinged leg pulled up to her chest, the other stretched out in front of her, the other set of golden curls between her legs at front and centre. All in all, a very artistically arranged display.

“God, your gorgeous,” I blurted as I handed her a drink.

“Ah, that's what I was hoping for,” she said, sapphire eyes dancing as she blasted me with a megawatt smile.

“You know, you look positively angelic when you do that,” I observed. “How do you manage that while being blatantly sexy at the same time? It shouldn't be possible.”

“Disconcerting, isn't it?” she replied impishly.

“Oh, so you know the effect it has.”

She snorted. “Of course I do, I'm a woman, silly.”

“Oh. I hadn't noticed.”

She hit me round the head with a pillow, making me splash my drink onto my chest.

“Ah, so sorry,” the Little Witch apologized, giving me the huge, soft, innocent eyes, then leaning over to lick the spillage from my body, slowly and sensuously. Next thing I knew, my cock was in her mouth again and she was sucking like a vacuum cleaner as she held her left hand out to one side to balance her drink. After a few moments of delicious suction she sat up, licked her lips, said “Nice snackies,” then took a hefty swig from her glass.

In the ensuing silence a rhythmic thumping started up close by.

“What now?” Tina enquired.

“She's doing him up against the wall next to the door.”

“You do know your wife's moves, don't you?” she commented.

“I should do, I've been married to her for ten years.”

Cupping her hands around her mouth as a megaphone, Tina shrieked in the general direction of the master bedroom, “Shut up, you noisy buggers!”

I heard Melanie's delighted giggles, counterpointed by Jim's deeper chuckles.

Moments later the banging resumed, much louder and closer.

“What the hell?” queried Tina.

I grinned at her. “She's doing him against our bedroom door.

The Little Witch plonked her drink down on the nightstand, shot off the bed and rushed over to the bedroom door, yanking it wide open.

Melanie and Jim fell through the doorway, crashing to the floor in a heap, with Melanie underneath, her legs wrapped around Jim's hips, Jim flat on top of her, his enormous cock still embedded in my wife. Mel was laughing so hard there were tears in her eyes. Jim propped himself up on straight arms, looking at me, and said, “Er, sorry. It was her idea.”

Mel spluttered between giggles. “Oh, that's right, my gallant hero. Throw me under the bus.”

“Er...” began Jim.

“Oh shut up,” said Mel. “Just do me here, let them watch.”

So he did, and we did, sipping our drinks and admiring the performance.

Melanie's pussy was stretched to about the size of a manhole cover as Jim's enormous Beast hammered in and out of it. She raised her feet higher, tucking them in behind his shoulder blades, showing those mile-long legs off to perfection in their seamed black stockings as she absorbed that massive amount of moving meat, moaning louder and louder as the pace of Jim's thrusts increased. I thought at first that she was doing it just to tease Tina and I, but then I noticed that her eyes were closed and she was breathing hard; I realized that she was not faking, she was thoroughly into this and enjoying every second of it. I should have known – she had two of her favourite things going – great sex and an audience. My wife is a real exhibitionist. The only thing she enjoys more than people watching her get laid is the getting laid itself!

When Jim's monster cock started throbbing inside her, she screamed as it triggered her orgasm, which went on and on.

I must admit that I was faintly unnerved by the awareness that another man could have such an extreme effect on my loving wife, but, with a little mental effort, I got over it.

Tina clapped.

I said “Bravo” to Jim.

Melanie stood, came over to the bed and kissed me long and deep, then did the same thing to Tina, before taking Jim by the hand and leading him off to the other bedroom. “You can do my ass next,” she said to him as they went through the door, closing it behind them. That I knew was aimed at me, just to rattle my chain a little.

“Sexy bitch,” muttered the Little Witch.

I laughed. “Jealous?”

“Envious,” she corrected. “Your wife is so goddamned stunningly beautiful!”

I slipped my arm around her shoulders and pulled her in for a hug. “So are you, Little Witch,” I reassured her.

“Not as beautiful as Mel,” she contradicted me. “She is, well, perfect. I wish I had those long, elegant legs and that perfect ass.”

“And she wishes she had your tits,” I told her. “You are a miniature goddess, honey. Yes, you two are different, but trust me, you are absolutely drop-dead gorgeous.”

She kissed me very softly on the lips, again on the neck, and once more on the chest, then breathed “Thank you for that” into my ear before settling down on my chest. She then remembered her drink, sat up, grabbed it from the nightstand and polished it off in a single long swallow.

“In the morning,” she said, “I would like you to do me while I eat your wife. Would you like that?”

“Love it,” I agreed.

“Good. Right now, though, I would like you to fuck my face. How do you feel about that?”


“Great.” She wriggled down the pillows until just her head and shoulders were supported on them and opened her mouth suggestively. I rose to my knees, stepped over her terrific tits, and slipped my cock into her mouth. She grabbed my butt with both hands and pulled me forward to drive my cock into her mouth, her cheeks hollowing out as she applied suction. She then dropped her hands to my thighs and lay passively as I began driving my eleven-inch dick deep into her throat. Unlike her husband's monster, she could swallow mine whole, right down to the balls, my scrotum bouncing off her chin at the end of each stroke. Her lips were soft on the shaft and her mouth was wet and warm, her breathing steady and her tongue busy. I really got into it, driving in deep and hard, gradually speeding up. Her sapphire eyes were fixed on my face the whole time, smiling up at me as she sucked. I don't know how long it lasted: I was in the zone, and it seemed to go on for an ecstatic age.

When I eventually ejaculated in her mouth, Tina swallowed and swallowed again, sucking every last ounce of seed from my throbbing cock. When I ran dry, she pulled me down on top of her and snuggled in for a rest cuddle. I slid away into comfortable oblivion, briefly.

I was awakened by my cock stirring to life in Tina's soft, warm mouth.

“Ah, Sleeping Beauty awakes,” she murmured as she saw my eyes open. She went back to her ministrations until my cock was fully erect once more, then said, “I'd like a comprehensive workout on my ass now, please.”Walking over to a low chest of drawers, she laid her upper body across the top, head down, ass up in the air, and spread her legs wide. I moved round behind her, straddled her ass and eased into her back passage. It is almost as cavernous as her pussy; large entry points into a tiny body.

I did her ass in that position for several minutes, until she called a halt and moved back to the bed, lying on her back so that her ass was aligned with the end of the bed then swinging her legs up, over and back, grabbing her own ankles and pulling her feet down either side of her head, behind her ears. This brought her rectum into a position where it was pointing at me like a gun barrel, at a height at which I could address it from a standing position. Standing directly in front of her ass, I spread my legs gradually until my dick was level with her anus then slid it home in there with one smooth movement. I then used my hips to ream it with long, hard strokes. Tina began gasping almost immediately, interspersing the gasps with cries of “Harder!” “Faster!” and “More!” Quite what 'More' was, I couldn't fathom.

After ten minutes or so of steady banging on the back door Tina called for a change of position. She turned on to her stomach and spread her legs out to the sides, along the edge of the bed, in an almost perfect splits, then demonstrated what she wanted by flexing her knees and thigh muscles to raise and lower her ass about a foot.

“Get the idea?” she asked. I did.

I bent over the edge of the bed supporting my body on my straight arms, palms resting on the mattress either side of Tina, as if doing push-ups, then lowered my dick almost vertically until the tip penetrated Tina's anus. There I stopped. Tina then took over, her tits down on the bed, raising and lowering her ass by flexing her thighs, so that she was rhythmically pumping her ass up and down the length of my cock. So she was getting fucked in the ass, but she was doing all the work.

It was exquisite! The Little Witch stuck with this position until I erupted in her ass and she milked me dry again. Watching that stocking-framed ass rising and falling is an image that will stick with me for ever.

As we lay together recovering I said, “Mel can do the splits. Can you teach her to do that?”

“Sure,” the Little Witch answered. “But you have to promise to think of me every time you do her that way.”

“Deal,” I agreed eagerly.



I nodded off again. Tina let me sleep for a while this time, but once more woke me by sucking gently on my cock until my arousal brought me back to consciousness.

“Listen,” she whispered.

I didn't really need to be told; my wife's voice was coming through the walls loud and clear. “Ah, ah, ah, ah,ah, ah, ah...” was what I heard.

“Jim is doing her ass,” I said to Tina.

“How can you possibly know that?” she queried.

I grinned. “It's Mel's ass-fuck noise,” I replied. “When you're doing her pussy the noise she makes is more 'Ooh, ooh, ooh.' ”

The Little Witch giggled. “Observant, aren't cha?” she said. “Are you ready for another round?”

I mock groaned. She spun round, sat on my face and started sucking my dick in earnest. When she was satisfied with its rigidity she mounted me in the reverse cowgirl position and rode me hard. Her humongous hooters were bouncing and gyrating, as was she, and her mass of golden curls was flying in all directions with a whipping motion. Her gorgeous ass was slamming into my lower abdomen each time she dropped, and I was bucking her a foot into the air each time she landed. After an extended period of this energetic action that left us both panting, she suddenly dropped her upper body down on to my legs and began doing me with a sinuous wriggling, squirming motion, jamming her pussy in the direction of my head with my cock bent down parallel to the bed. It sounds awkward, but it was incredibly erotic, the more so because I could watch my dick penetrating her pussy between her stocking-clad thighs as she jacked her hips forward and back.

The Little Witch gave a long, deep sigh of contentment as she orgasmed. Her liquid warmth set off my ejaculation, which she rode happily until my cock ceased throbbing, at which point she turned herself around and snuggled into my side.

“I'd like to crawl into bed now for a short nap, followed by some soft, tender love making as you rock me to sleep,” she murmured.

“Holy crow, do you never stop?” I remonstrated.

That elicited another giggle. “Not unless I have to,” she admitted. “And I don't want to waste a minute with you, lovely man. Who knows when we will get the chance to do this again?”

“Not too long, would be my guess,” I averred. “Mel really enjoys doing your husband, so I'm betting that she will shortly be suggesting a trip to Calgary sometime around mid-Winter.”

“Ooh, I hope so,” the Little Witch replied eagerly, dragging her huge breasts tantalizingly across my chest. “I really like doing her husband, too. Just between you and me, I have fantasized about you a lot since our vacation in the park.”

“Me too, about you,” I admitted, then teasingly added, “I couldn't get those tits out of my head.”

She laughed and stuffed a large pink nipple into my mouth. I suckled happily.

“Oh, by the way,” she whispered as she moved the other nipple into my mouth, “Our flight isn't until three tomorrow afternoon, so I plan on spending the morning taking turns with Mel, having you and Jim give us double-headers.”

I sucked on the fresh nipple, using it to avoid making a smart-ass remark. Hey, sometimes even I know when to keep my mouth shut. Well, it was actually open, but it was full.

Written by stockingsandgarters
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