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The Little Witch Comes To Town - Part Five

"Four guys, three women, and a sexy Saturday night"

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Saturday Evening

Supper had been consumed and everybody was sitting back, replete, enjoying a postprandial liqueur.

The little witch's three-way had gone very well. We started off with her on her knees, mounted on Pete in the cowgirl position, with me up her ass and Jake in her mouth, but we rotated slots every few minutes because we all wanted a turn in every available orifice. My favourite view was when I was in the ass position. From there I could watch Pete's cock driving up into Tina's pussy, with its mass of golden curls, as mine drove in and out of her ass, with her white stocking-clad thighs spread over Pete's hips and her garters framing her ass, and still be able to glance up to see her pouty, lipsticked lips gliding up and down the shaft of Jake's dick as he fucked her face hard. When I was down in the pussy position, she rode me reverse cowgirl so I could watch Jake's cock hammering her ass from an ultra close-up position but I did not have a great view of Pete doing her face, although I could tell from Tina's sound effects that he was driving deep into her throat and she was loving it. With me pounding my cock down her throat, Pete doing her ass and Jake up her pussy, with her still going reverse cowgirl, I had a great view of Tina's wildly gyrating tits and her ass being reamed by Pete's cock but missed most of the pussy action. But hey, you can't always have everything, eh?

With the evening meal out of the way and everybody feeling replete and a little fatigued, Melanie suggested that we all take a breather and watch a movie. We all agreed, then Sue suggested, “How about we teach the guests the art of the movie micro-fuck?”

Melanie giggled. “Great idea,” she approved.

“What the hell is a 'movie micro-fuck?'” Tina asked.

“It's a sexy, but restful, way of watching a movie,” Sue explained. “The girls get down on their knees facing the television, with their upper bodies resting on giant cushions, ready to be done doggy-style. The guys mount up, but they're not allowed to give you a good fucking. They are only allowed to make tiny in and out micro-movements, just enough to keep them erect for the duration of the movie. Gently stirring the pot, sort of thing. Then, when the movie is over, we take them to bed and fuck their brains out.”

“Sounds great,” the little witch enthused. “I'm in.”

“I thought you might be,” Melanie observed dryly.

“Thing is,” added Sue, “We usually have the same number of men as women, namely Mel and me, and Nick and Jake. Tonight we've got more men than women, so we don't have a one-to-one ratio.”

“How about this,” Mel suggested. “We'll make it a shift system. It's a two hour movie we are going to watch, so we will divide it into four half-hour shifts. Each guy will have to sit out for one half-hour shift. At the end of each half-hour the guys will switch ladies, moving over to their right. The one who is sitting out will commence boning the woman on the left, the guy who was doing the lady on the right moves to the rest position. What do you think?”

Everybody approved enthusiastically, so Mel retrieved three giant cushions from the party pit and spread them in a line across the viewing area in front of the ninety-inch flat screen, while Sue brought beers and snacks from the kitchen. I volunteered to take the first rest slot.

The three girls settled themselves onto the cushions, and I took a seat on the sofa best positioned to watch both the television and the girls. When the ladies were all down with their tits resting on the cushions, knees spread wide, asses up, it was a magical sight! Melanie was on the left, Tina in the middle, Sue on the right, so it went: world's best ass, garters, gorgeous long legs in black seamed stockings and black pumps with seven-inch gold heels, and huge pussy with silky, dark-brown almost black bush; then, beautiful bare ass, garters, white seamed stockings, silver sandals with six-inch heels, and enormous pussy surrounded by a dense bush of golden curls; and finally, gorgeous bare ass, garters, seamed green stockings, knee-length high-heeled boots with buckled straps at ankle and knee, small, tight pussy and curly dark-brown bush. I rubbed my mouth with the back of my hand to make sure I wasn't drooling.

Melanie set the game-timer for half an hour then the guys mounted up. Jim slowly slid the enormous length of the Beast up my wife's pussy from behind. Mel's pussy was stretched into a huge circle to encompass that enormous girth. Jake nuzzled his cock into Tina's nest of golden curls then drove it home smoothly all the way. Tina murmured appreciatively and wriggled her ass back into his groin. Pete first gave Sue three fingers, then slipped his cock smoothly into my mistress. Sue wriggled her beautiful ass prettily as he slid home. I cued the movie via remote and we were off, or more accurately, everyone but me was off.

I must admit I spent more time watching the three couples coupling than I did watching the movie. The women all looked like they might start purring at any moment; they all wore variations on the same expression – peaceful, with a slight smirk. They were obviously enjoying the sensations of those small movements inside them as they watched the movie. After about fifteen minutes, Mel suddenly slapped Jim's thigh hard, and Jim laughed. It appeared that he had been trying to move from micro-fuck to full fuck! He desisted.

Right after that, the movie was interrupted by the persistent, distinctive ringtone of Melanie's cell phone. Mel glanced around, looking for the source, then pointed at where her handbag rested on one of the sofas and asked me to fetch her phone for her. I paused the movie and complied with her request.

“Hi, Sylv,” said Melanie as she answered her phone, then said nothing more for a long time as Sylvie talked.

“Yeah, about that. We need to renegotiate. I wasn't thinking when I told you that you could have as many men as you wanted. On reflection I realized that you would be here all day, getting airtight after airtight. So I am bringing the offer down to one man you procure equals one fuck for you. So, you say you have five more men for us, that means that you get either five straight rides or, for example, one airtight and one double-header.”

“Okay, we're agreed then. I will tell the boys. See you tomorrow.”

“Your wife sends her love and says to save some for her,” she told Pete upon terminating the call. Then, to all present, “Sylvie says she has five more guys for us tomorrow – the other three from our Play Group plus Steve's brother Brad and his friend Mike. Wendy's done them both multiple times and says they are a good ride, Sylvie tells me. There is a price tag though. The Play Group girls all demanded that they get reciprocal rights. That is, Nick, Jake and Pete have to go and spend an evening with them sometime soon, separately or together, they don't mind which. I knew none of you would mind that.” She paused to look around at each of the males, so we leered back at her appreciatively. “Yeah, that's what I thought. The other part is a bit more problematic. Wendy put Sylvie in touch with Brad, who is real eager and will bring his buddy, Mike. But their wives' price is that Nick and I, Sue and Jake, and Pete and Sylvie all go round to Brad's place for supper one night, then our men spend the night servicing Margot and Shirley, the wives. We ladies can do what we like, including fucking their husbands if we are so inclined, but that is up to us, it's not part of the deal. I agreed, but if anybody objects I'll call Sylvie back and cancel Brad and Mike.”

“What are the women like?” I asked.

“Wendy told Sylv that Steve has done them both and rates them as, and I quote, 'acceptable'. He gives them a six and a seven respectively on looks and an eight for both on performance.”

“Alright then, I'm in,” I said. “Guys?”

Jake and Pete both agreed.

Melanie grinned hugely at our acceptance. “Alright then, ladies, we have nine men to play with tomorrow. Nine!”

“Oohee!” yelled Sue.

“Yummy,” chirped Tina.

I resumed the movie and the girls went back down on their forearms to recommence their micro-fucking.

When the timer went off at the end of the first half-hour, I paused the movie, Pete pulled out of Sue and took my place on the sofa, Jake dismounted from Tina and plugged into his own wife, Jim pulled out of my wife and mounted his own, and I slotted into Mel, who was deliciously warm and wet. “Hello, darling,” my wife murmured as I penetrated her from behind, then ground her pussy back into me hard, just to show her appreciation. I slapped her ass playfully. “Later,” she promised.

The next half-hour was wonderful. Much as I love the other ladies, there is no one like my wife. Her pussy is like a silken sheath and she makes these incredibly erotic micro-movements that keep you as rigid as an iron bar, in spite of the fact that you are barely allowed to move. By the end of our time, I would have given anything to just ravish the hell out of her!

I moved over to Tina's cavernous pussy, which was dripping wet and welcoming. She moaned appreciatively as I hauled her hips back into me. Pete mounted Mel, who reached between her legs to give his balls an encouraging rub as he buried his dick in her. Jim shoved his telephone pole all the way home in Sue's tight snatch, which was stretched so taut it looked in danger of splitting, but Sue moaned happily and drove her ass back hard, looking for still more. Jake assumed the sofa perch.

Micro-fucking Tina was a unique, very rewarding experience. She has superb control of her vaginal muscles; as soon as I was inside her, she tightened the walls of her uterus down on my dick to the point where I felt like I was being gripped by a warm, wet hand. Then, at intervals while we watched the movie, she would alternately relax and tighten the muscles, which had a gentle masturbatory effect, keeping me hard without any effort at all on my part. I stuck my thumb up her ass and twirled it slowly and gently to stimulate her in return. She purred in the back of her throat. I was amazed that I managed to avoid coming before the half-hour was up.

I had to be very careful mounting Sue, in case the friction of her tight pussy finished what Tina had started, but I made it without mishap. “I am so going to fuck you stupid later,” my lovely mistress, Jake's wife, whispered as I achieved maximum penetration.

“I certainly hope so,” I whispered back. “I'm ready to go bang right now.”

“Don't you dare,” she warned. I laughed.

Jim was on the bench for this final half-hour. Jake was up Mel. Pete was up Tina.

“This is definitely the best way ever to watch a movie,” Pete said to me enthusiastically as he moved his hips a fraction of an inch to stir Tina's pussy. “I'm gonna show Sylvie this.”

“Well, when you've got her trained, invite us over for a movie night,” I suggested.

“What, I grind Mel and you grind Sylvie?” he asked.

“Uh-huh,” I answered.

“You've got it, brother,” he agreed happily.

Mmm, I mused, imagining doing Sylvie as I am micro-fucking Sue. I was brought out of my trance by a stinging back-handed slap to my right thigh. Sue's ability to read my mind could be really disconcerting at times.

“I'm right here,” she snapped quietly.

“Sorry,” I muttered. Denial was pointless. She knew.

Back on track, I ran my hands gently over her ass, then bent forward to reach around front and find her clitoris, which I began to rub gently.

“Better,” she murmured.

Her pussy was steaming hot and dripping wet after the prolonged micro-fucking from the other guys, and her small movements were enough to keep my straining cock erect in that steaming bath. In fact, I had to ask her to stop moving after a while, because I was in severe danger of popping my cork. She giggled prettily and renewed her promise to do me to within an inch of my life later. I knew from prior experience that she could do it, too. If she slipped up, at least I would die happy!

When the movie was finally over we were all so sexed up that we stampeded through to the master bedroom as a group and piled onto the huge bed in a tangle of limbs. Sue staked her claim by the simple expedient of flopping down on her back, spreading her legs wide, and hauling me in by my dick. I think I literally fell into her; I was embedded before my hand touched the bed. She brought her legs up over my hips and dug the heels of her boots into the cheeks of my ass.

“I wish I had spurs on these boots,” she mumbled into my chest.

I thrust into her hard, she thrust back with her pelvis and rotated her hips to give me a beautiful pussy grind – and I exploded like a cannon inside her. She rode it until my dick stopped throbbing inside her, then burst out laughing. I collapsed on top of her and hid my face in her mass of long, wavy, dark-brown hair, embarrassed.

“That's what you get for being so damned sexy in the micro-fuck,” I muttered in her hair. She laughed louder.

Then I heard Melanie laughing and Pete cursing. Mel called out, “You too, Sue?”

“Oh yeah!” Sue called.

Tina began giggling and Jake snarled, “Oh, fuck it!”

“It's unanimous then?” queried Mel.

“Not me,” said Jim. “But that's only because I haven't managed to get near a woman yet!”

“Oh, well, come and stick your cock in my mouth then, Jim. Let's see what you've got,” my slutty wife offered.

We all watched as Jim crawled across the bed to where Mel lay on her back with Pete on top of her, still inside her. When Jim reached her head, he lay down beside her, she turned her head to the side and opened her mouth wide, and he shoved his humongous cock into my wife's mouth. Mel swallowed, swallowed and swallowed some more until the monster was completely consumed and Jim's nuts were up against her chin. Jim managed two long strokes before I saw Melanie's throat convulse as she began to drink down his semen. When Jim finally finished and withdrew his cock from her mouth, Melanie was smiling hugely.

“Now it's unanimous,” she declared. “You are all one-pump chumps!”

All three women dissolved into peals of mirth.

“Hey!” Jake objected.

“Not our fault,” Pete argued.

“Huh.” That was Jim.

“Listen, girls,” I remonstrated. “It's all your fault. If you weren't all so goddamn sexy, and such good screws, we wouldn't be having this problem. If you tease us for two hours, you've got to expect us to go off pop.”

“We didn't,” Sue pointed out.

“Different biology,” I responded.

“Alright, boys,” Melanie affirmed. “But you better give us a really good seeing-to once you've recovered or you are going to have three very frustrated females on your hands.”

“Heaven forbid,” I muttered, then bolted from the room to get some nice cold beers before the girls could get back at me.


“Alright, boys and girls,” Melanie began, as we all cuddled together in comfortable intimacy on the bed, men leaning on the headboard, women leaning on the men, drinking our beer. “It's sleepy-byes time now, and although we can all screw comfortably on this bed, we can't all sleep in it. So, given that we have the lucky number seven, and knowing that all we ladies would like to get well fucked before we sleep, I propose that we split into a foursome and a threesome. Agreed?” Nods all around. “Okay, so, you Titsy are the guest star here; which group do you want to be a part of?”

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“I'll take the threesome,” Tina answered immediately.

“No surprise there,” observed my wife. “So, choose your men.”

“Hmm. I'll take Pete and Jake. No disrespect to my lovely husband or Nick, but I've been promised Nick for the whole night on Monday, and I can do Jim any old time, so I'll take these two while I can.”

“Okay. Suze, that leaves you and me with Jim and Nick.”

“Ooh, yummy. I promised Nick that I was going to fuck him into oblivion tonight, so this works out perfectly,” my mistress informed my wife.

“Well, don't damage him, we are going to need him in top shape tomorrow,” Melanie reminded her.

“I'm not sure I'm up to it,” I demurred, hoping to wind them up.

“Ha,” my wife snorted. “Suze only has to look at you sideways to get you hard,” she jeered. “Show everyone your trick, Suze,” she ordered her best friend.

“Well, he has had a tiring day, so I'm not sure it will work,” Sue said. “But here goes, anyway.”

She reached over and cupped my scrotum in her hand, simultaneously running the middle finger of her other hand down my spine. My cock jerked upright as if it had been electrified. The little witch squealed in delight and clapped her little hands. Melanie gurgled.

“If she wasn't my best friend, I would be worried about that reaction,” my wife told the group.

“I would worry about that anyway, if I were you,” Tina commented. “Suzie obviously has power over your man.”

“It's magic,” Sue bragged, giggling. “It looks like I'm not going to have a problem, though, doesn't it?”

“We, kitten, we,” Mel asserted. “We are together in the foursome, remember? So I get to benefit from your magic touch, too.”

“Not until after I've fucked him blind,” Sue asserted.

“Agreed,” my wife concurred. She is a lovely wife! Very generous.

“Alright, Little Witch, get out of our bedroom,” Mel ordered with a smile.

“Taking my two men with me,” the little witch teased as she slid off the bed and sashayed across the hall to her bedroom. “I'll leave the door open so that the boys can admire my performance,” she threw over her shoulder,

“Pah!” Sue retorted. “They're going to be so busy with two grown women they will have no time for you, child.”

“Ask your husband how much he enjoyed doing my ass,” the little witch shot back.

Sue raised a quizzical eyebrow to Jake, who was now standing next to Tina with his arm around her waist.

“I could drill that ass morning, noon and night,” he told his wife with a leering grin.

Blond, I thought.

“Hmm. So how are you going to manage when she's back in Calgary?” Sue enquired. “There 'll be no more ass from Mel and I now.”

Jake looked as if she had hit him with a brick.

“Aw, come on, Suze,” he pleaded. “Now you're just being mean.”

“You better believe it,” his wife snarled.

Unfortunately, Sue ruined the effect by giggling at his woebegone expression. Realizing he was being teased, Jake's face lit up with relief. Sue and Mel rolled on the bed giggling. Jake and Tina swarmed onto the bed in the bedroom opposite, leaving the door open as promised.

“He's not exactly hard to read, is he?” Melanie gurgled.

“Clear glass,” Sue concurred when she recovered her breath.

Melanie sat up, her breasts swinging delightfully.

“Now that the four of us are alone together,” she began oxymoronically, “Let's talk division of labour. I suggest that, rather than you each doing us one at a time, you boys do us in turn, giving us each a double-header. Does that sound good to everybody?”

“Fine by me,” I agreed.

Jim nodded.

Sue said, “I'm in, but I am still gonna fuck Nick to sleep when we are done with them both.”

“Knock yourself out,” my wife told her. “I'm going to sleep with Jim's dick up my ass.”

Jim raised his eyebrows at me, then wiggled them suggestively. I laughed.


The ladies were as good as their words.

Melanie offered to let Sue go first; Sue accepted.

“Do you want a spit-roast or a sandwich?” I asked.

“How about a short spit-roast to start, then a nice long sandwich?” Sue suggested

“Great,” I agreed.

“Would that be a foot-long sandwich?” Jim joked.

“No, in your case it would be a sixteen-incher,” Sue quipped back.

We started off with me taking her face and Jim doing her doggy-style. I watched as he snaked his gigantic member between her green-stockinged thighs from behind and into her delectably tight pussy. Sue watched over her shoulder, then turned back to me and opened her mouth hopefully. I obliged by filling it with eleven inches of prime tube steak, her favourite meal. Then Jim and I went at her respective ends hard, me slamming my cock into her mouth, Jim ramming his monster up her pussy from behind. Mel lay back, spread her legs wide with her feet flat on the bed, picked up an empty beer bottle from the nightstand and slipped it into her pussy, watching us bang her friend as she did so. She began working the neck of the bottle in and out of her pussy in the same rhythm that I was doing Sue's face.

Sue's lips were as soft as butterfly wings and her tongue fluttered along the shaft of my cock in her own distinctive style, then laved the head of my cock for the brief moments it was in her mouth before I plunged it back deep into her throat. Her huge emerald-green eyes were fixed on my face the whole time, which I found very stimulating. Whenever and however I was fucking her, this woman could always make me feel that, at that moment, I was the centre of her universe. An interesting trick, given that she loves her husband and I love my wife. Nonetheless, it always made me feel good, and she knew it.

Her hips moved rhythmically as Jim's enormous member pounded in and out of her pussy, with Jim's flat belly making a loud slap each time it hit her ass and her pussy squelching as the Beast compressed her juices. Somehow Suze managed to moan in her throat in spite of my cock constantly crowding down there. She was really enjoying herself, and so were Jim and I. I was starting to hope that she would just continue this spit-roast when she called a halt and instructed me to move to her ass and Jim to lie down so that she could mount him reverse cowgirl style. When I was up her ass and Jim was back in her pussy, she went down on her forearms, ass up in the air, stretched a long way forward, and began sucking the big toe on Jim's right foot. Jim jerked like he had been hit with a cattle prod, gasped “Jesus!” and bucked his cock into her so hard he lifted her six inches off the bed. Sue giggled around her mouthful of toe, pleased at the effect. I drove my cock hard up her ass, peeling back her buttocks so that I could get all the way home until my balls were up against her rectum. Jim and I then found a compatible rhythm, synchronizing our strokes so that we were hitting home at the exact same time. After ten minutes of being hammered hard in both orifices, Sue was wailing like a banshee and slamming her ass back into us both as hard as she could. I gave her a couple of good whacks on the cheeks of her ass, which she loves, causing her to accelerate her pace even faster until finally I came up her ass and Jim exploded in her pussy at the exact moment of her orgasm. Sue shook and shivered for a long time as consecutive waves hit her, before ultimately collapsing limply across Jim's legs. I pulled out of her ass, gasping from my efforts, and sprawled on my back beside her. Only then did I notice that Melanie was propped on pillows watching us, legs spread wide, working the entire length of the beer bottle frantically in and out of her pussy. Catching my eye, she smiled and came, shuddering, while holding the entire bottle deep inside.

“You were supposed to be saving that for our double-header,” I reminded her.

She smiled happily. “Oh no, the next orgasm that I will get from that will be much better,” she assured me. “You boys are going to do me properly, with lots of real dick, not inanimate glass. Much, much better.”

I laughed at her enthusiasm and marvelled at her sluttiness. I never tire of her excesses. I love her lust for life that is expressed through her insatiable sexual appetites.

“You're going to have to give us a rest first,” I said.

“Uh-huh,” she agreed. “More beer,” she demanded, waving the well-fucked bottle in the air demandingly.

“That adds a whole new meaning to the term 'screw-top', I observed as I headed to the refrigerator for another round.


Jim and I got a two-beer rest before Melanie demanded her turn at the double-header. Most of that time was spent in chit-chat while watching Jake and Pete taking turns on Tina's ass. She was sprawled face down on the bed, white-stocking-clad legs spread in a wide V, with Jake and Pete alternating in a push-up position over her, driving their cocks straight down into her back passage, slamming home like pile-drivers. The Little Witch was moaning loudly and periodically issuing instructions, such as “Harder,” “Really jack me up now,” “Come on, give it to me,” and so on. Everybody seemed to be enjoying themselves. Jim commented that his wife liked taking it in the ass better than anything else, although she liked everything else too. I told him that I had noticed. Everybody found that funny.

Melanie opened our session by grabbing a cock in each hand and saying, “I want Jim up my ass and you, hubby, in my face. I want to swallow your seed for my bedtime drink, okay?”

“Fine by me,” I agreed readily. My observant wife had noticed that I had wanted to come in Sue's mouth, so she was generously gratifying my impulse.

Mel rolled up on to all fours and watched over her shoulder as Jim eased his giant anaconda into her back door, wriggling her ass gently from side to side and pushing back as he did so, to assist his penetration. When he was in up to his balls, she turned her face towards me, scooped up my dick with her left hand and popped it into her mouth, then braced both arms for our first thrusts from both directions.

Jim and I went at her hard. The sight of Jim's enormous cock slamming in and out of my wife's world-class ass made me as horny as hell, so I was fucking Mel's face as hard as Jim was reaming her ass. Mel's cheeks were hollowed out as she sucked on my cock like a vampire and she was swallowing it right down to the root, my scrotum bouncing off her chin at the end of each stroke. Her huge brown eyes were smiling at me the whole time.

After about ten minutes of wild riding, she took her mouth from my cock long enough to tell Jim to move his cock to her pussy, then swallowed it back down greedily. Jim pulled out of her ass with an audible plop, fed the Beast into my wife's cavernous pussy and began drilling that enthusiastically. Mel was now grinding her ass back into Jim's groin and rotating her hips to give him her incredible ass-grind. It only took a few minutes of that to make Jim come, and his flood of hot semen triggered Melanie's own orgasm just as I came down her throat. My wife swallowed continuously as my dick throbbed in her mouth, while simultaneously riding the massive throbbing Beast inside her and shuddering from head to toe as her own orgasm shook her.

When both dicks had settled down and her own waves of pleasure had ceased, she released us both, pushing Jim onto his back and snuggling down with her head on his taut belly.

“I want to go to sleep with your dick up my ass, remember?” she reminded Jim.


“Good,” my slutty wife replied, then scooped the tip of the Beast into her mouth, from which my own cock had just emerged, and began sucking gently on it, hoping to revive it. I knew it would not take her long; she is very good with her mouth.

Sue moved in under my left arm, rolled me on to my side, then turned her back to me and pulled my arms around her, so that we were spooning, with her delectable, soft, round ass up against my groin.

“Take a nap now, honey,” she instructed. “I'll wake you in a little while to fuck your brains out, like I promised.”

I buried my face in her sweet-smelling hair and nodded off in moments.


I was awakened some time later by a soft mouth sucking on my joint and a gentle hand massaging my testicles.

Opening my eyes, I saw Sue's head resting on my stomach with her lips wrapped around my cock and her right hand cupping my balls. Glancing over towards my wife, I saw her sleeping soundly on her side with Jim on his side next to her. Jim's giant dick was deeply embedded in her ass, exactly as she had wanted.

“That looks good,” I murmured to Sue. “Can we start with that?”

Sue reached behind her and guided my cock unerringly into her exquisitely tight rear orifice, curling her right leg under herself and pushing back hard with her ass. I went right to work on that delightful rear end, supporting myself on my arms as I pounded away. After a short while, Sue started to moan, getting louder as time went on. Eventually, her noises awakened Melanie, who grinned sleepily at her friend, mumbled “Slut,” then began grinding her own ass up and down on Jim's dick, rousing him from sleep with a massive erection.

Sue muttered back “Tramp,” completing their ritual exchange of compliments without breaking the rhythm of her ass-grind at all. The two women then moaned in harmony as Jim and I porked their asses.

Sue decided on a change of position a few minutes later, rolling me off her back, then turning over and grabbing her own ankles, pulling them down next to her ears. I took the broad hint and mounted her in that position, plunging my cock into her already dripping pussy. After ten minutes of hard screwing, Sue was clawing the sides of my rib-cage with her fingernails and moaning louder than ever. She suddenly rolled me over onto my back and began riding me hard in the cowgirl position, slamming herself up and down on my cock, with her hands resting on my chest, pushing down. I responded by thrusting up with my hips each time she came down, tossing her a few inches into the air. Her magnificent thirty-eight-inch, double-D tits were bouncing and gyrating wildly as she rode, the nipples sticking out like bell-pushes, and her waist-length, wavy dark-brown hair was whipping wildly around her face and body.

After several hectic minutes of this, she held me down, pivoted on my dick, and assumed the reverse cowgirl position, leaning back so that I could reach her tits and fondle them as she resumed her wild ride, grinding her pussy ferociously down onto my cock at the end of each downward thrust of her pelvis. I was grasping her breasts with both hands and bucking up into her at the same time, gasping for air and sweating profusely from effort.

Just as she reached the point where I was sure she was approaching orgasm, she spun on my dick again, mashed those beautiful, pneumatic tits down into my chest, shot her legs out straight behind her in a wide V and commenced grinding her hips in urgent circles, back and down on my dick, wriggling her entire body against me. The sensation was akin to having a belly dancer performing against your body while impaled on your dick. It was incredible! I erupted inside her like a volcano just as she came too. The force of my ejaculation was a real tribute to her talents after such a long, sex filled day.

She lifted her head long enough to kiss me deeply and murmur, “Sleep now, lover,” then dropped it back on my chest and was instantly asleep with me still inside her.

As I, too, slowly faded into oblivion, I heard my lovely wife cry out in ecstasy as Jim came up her ass.


Written by stockingsandgarters
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