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The Little Witch Comes To Town - Part Eight

"The three ladies do the nine guys any way they want!"

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Sunday Night

Dinner consisted of everyone lounging around the kitchen and dining tables, devouring a variety of Chinese and Thai take-out. We were all ravenous after our strenuous exercise! Large amounts of wine and beer were also consumed.

When we had all finished eating and were relaxing with our beverages, Melanie got back to business.

“Now, as I mentioned earlier today, this evening is going to be about us ladies satisfying you guys' wildest fantasies. To do that we obviously need to know what they are.” She waved a lined notepad and a pen in the air. “So I am going to question each of you and make notes of exactly what you want us to do, to make sure we get it right. The ladies, of course, will have the right to veto any request, without explanation. In other words, if you ask for anything sick, we ain't doing it! Clear?”

“What kind of things would you veto, Mel?” asked Pete. “You've already done pretty much everything!” That caused some laughter.

“Oh, I don't know,” mused Melanie. “I suppose if you wanted to do us in the front yard during rush hour, at leas two of us would object. I'm not sure about the Little Witch.”

All the guys thought that was hilarious, but Mel had to duck to avoid the cushion that Tina threw at her head.

“And I think necrophilia is pretty much out, unless Tina says otherwise,” offered Sue, deadpan.

“Hey!” screeched the Little Witch. “I'm a nice person!”

“And no S and M, unless, of course...” Mel never got to finish that sentence. Tina pounced on her, knocking Melanie's chair over, then both of them wrestled on the floor for a couple of minutes, tickling, giggling and swearing as they battled for supremacy. Melanie won, being both bigger and stronger, finally pinning Tina's shoulders to the floor with her knees. We all gave them a round of applause; nothing beats two beautiful naked women in a cat fight.

“Bully,” complained Tina, nibbling on Melanie's right nipple.

“Hey, you attacked me, remember?” Mel objected as she helped the Little Witch to her feet. “It was self defence.”

Tina smiled wickedly. “I enjoyed losing. You're very pneumatic and you smell wonderful. Can you bully me tomorrow too, please?”

Melanie giggled. “Alright, but I'll let you win tomorrow. I like it when you're on top.”

“Can you film that, please, Sue?” asked Phil. We all laughed. Sue promised to do just that.

“It will make good comic relief in the porn movie I will be making of this weekend. As usual, I will provide copies to all the participants, for personal viewing only,” she added.

“Back on topic,” Melanie resumed pointedly. “Nicky, my love, what fantasy would you like us ladies to act out for you tonight?”

“I would like Tina and Sue to do you any way they like until you come,” I said, grinning like an idiot.

“Ooh,” said my wife. “How very self-sacrificing.”

“Not at all,” I replied. “I get to watch three gorgeous ladies being sexy, all at the same time. A pure voyeuristic fantasy.”

“What do you say, girls?” she asked the other ladies.

“Sure,” said Sue. “I've told you before that when you're hot you make me wish I could fuck you. Now I'll have my chance.”

“Oh, I'm in,” said Tina. “I enjoy our little sessions.”

Melanie scribbled my name and some notes on her pad.


“I want to do Tina's ass while she eats out my Sue, and Suze is lying on top of Nick with his dick up her ass.”

“Thanks, buddy,” I said, grinning.

“Suze? Tina?” asked Mel.

They both gave it the nod.


“I would like Melanie to sit on my face while Phil does her ass, and Sue to ride my cock at the same time while Mike does her ass.”

Mel exchanged nods with Sue, and that was approved.

“Pete? Wadda ya want?”

“All three ladies on their knees in a row, so that I can work my way backwards and forwards along the line, ass, pussy, ass, pussy, ass, pussy, like that, until I come in the lottery winner,” he demanded.

The ladies all gave it the nod and he was in.

Melanie was scribbling furiously.


“I want the girls to take turns sitting on my face while the other two suck my cock, until I come.”


“I want to work my way round all of Tina's holes.”

Tina nodded. Mel made notes.


“Same thing, but with Melanie, and I want Sue to rub my balls while I am doing it.”

A quick glance between Sue and Mel, and it was a done deal.


“I want all three girls to be crawling all over me as I fuck Tina in the face, then Sue in the pussy, then Mel in the ass. I want to come up Mel's ass.”

Unanimously approved.


“I would like the three ladies kneeling and stacked in a pile, so that I can move around and plug into their ass, pussy or mouth, as I wish.”

“You'd have to be on top for that, Mel, you've got the longest legs,” suggested Sue.

“And Titsy would have to be on the bottom, because she's the smallest,” Melanie followed up. “What do you say, Titsy? Are you strong enough to be on the bottom?”

“I am if Suze takes her weight on her knees and arms,” said the Little Witch. “I can probably support either one of you, not both, though.”

“Are we on then?” Mel asked.

“Sure, let's do it,” Sue agreed.

“Yeah, I know you two will make sure I don't get broken, 'cause you love me really,” said Tina teasingly.

“Yuk!” responded Sue.

“Okay, I do believe we are done,” said Melanie. “So that will be tonight's agenda. I'll pull names out of the hat to determine the running order. With one exception; we will grant my husband's wish first, because it is a performance by all of us ladies and it should put you all in the right mood for the rest of the evening. Okay, guys?”

There was a general murmur of assent.



I was amused by the array of props that the girls had assembled on the coffee table above the Party Pit: three empty beer bottles, three empty one-and-a-half-litre wine bottles, Melanie's stainless steel vibrator, my baseball bat, an aerosol can of whipped cream, a Mars bar, a broom handle, a jar of Vaseline and a full bottle of champagne.

“This,” said Tina, holding aloft the bottle of champagne, “Is just for refreshment.” She took a swig from the bottle, then passed it to Melanie, who did the same and passed it along to Sue for her to take a swig,

Placing the bottle in a waiting ice bucket, Tina continued, “Okay, Mel, here's a command I bet you've heard a thousand times, and obeyed every time. On your back!”

Melanie laughed and gave her a hefty swipe on her bare ass before lying down on her back, propped on a giant cushion, and spreading her legs to opposite points of the compass, knees up, boots flat on the floor.

“See that, boys? D' you think she might have done this before?” Tina called to her audience. We were all gathered in the Party Pit now, some leaning on the walls, some sitting on cushions. “Are you comfortable down there, honey?” Tina heckled Mel. “Is that your accustomed position?” Melanie laughed as she gave the Little Witch the finger.

“What do you say, boys? Do those thigh-length boots show off her pussy to perfection, or what?” A chorus of agreement went up.

“Yeah, me too. I'm just gonna dive right in,” Tina concluded, then did just as she said. She got down on her knees and buried her face in Melanie's dark-brown muff. Her own ass was in the air, showing us all her golden pussy between her widespread knees, her black-stockinged thighs framing it beautifully.

Sue said, “Well, that looks like fun,” as she stepped astride Melanie's head, lowered herself to her knees and spread her own black-stockinged thighs over my wife's face. Melanie's tongue immediately swept along the line of Sue's pussy. Sue settled herself lower.

So Tina ate Mel and Mel ate Sue for the next few minutes, while Sue fondled Melanie's breasts and tweaked her nipples.

Tina eventually sat back on her heels and asked, “You warmed up yet, girl?”

“A little,” answered Mel.

“Okay, phase two,” said the Little Witch. “On your knees.”

Melanie complied. Tina picked up the three beer bottles and handed two of them to Sue. She then knelt to Mel's left side and eased the bottle into Melanie's pussy, the lips of which were now fully everted thanks to Tina's ministrations. Tina started working the neck of the bottle in and out, twisting it at the same time. Sue knelt on Melanie's other side and worked the neck of one beer bottle deep into my wife's anus, also with a twist. She then insisted that Melanie wrap her lips around the third bottle and worked that in and out of Mel's mouth with her right hand.

“See how redundant you all are, boys?” Tina teased her audience. “Three beer bottles and she's as happy as with three of you!”

That elicited the expected response – barracking, cat calls and whistles.

Tina pushed her bottle all the way in to my wife's pussy until just the base was showing. Sue did the same thing with the one in Melanie's ass.

“Hey, Jim,” Tina called to her husband. “Come and stick your dick in her mouth, she doesn't look too happy with that bottle.”

Jim, like the rest of us, had a massive erection as the result of this erotic performance, so he was only too happy to oblige. Sue removed the bottle from Mel's mouth and Jim popped his Beast right in there, with Mel swallowing it easily now she had become used to its gigantic proportions. Mel sucked him off in grand style, that massive length of dick ramming all the way home with each stroke until it poured its contents down her throat. Mel licked her lips as he pulled out, then yelled, “Anybody else? You're all welcome!”

Everybody was on their feet immediately, all yelling to be first. A spontaneous gangbang of my wife's face ensued. Tina and Sue worked the beer bottles in and out of Melanie's pussy and asshole respectively as one guy after another rammed his cock into my wife's mouth and pounded away furiously until he came in her mouth, then moved aside for the next guy. We all came in her mouth in just under a half-hour – and yes, I took a turn on my own wife, I wasn't going to miss the fun.

“Well, that wasn't part of the plan,” said Tina when all the guys were sitting down again. “We need to get back on track now, but thanks for the assist. She's a lot wetter now.”

Tina then extracted the beer bottles and distributed the large wine bottles, with Sue and herself inserting them into the various orifices in place of the beer bottles. Tina demonstrated for Sue what she wanted, easing the huge bottle into Melanie's pussy until it was entirely inside, leaving the wide base staring at the audience. Sue did the same thing with the one in Mel's ass, expanding her rectum to an enormous size, but when she tried to do the same with the one in Mel's mouth Mel refused, shaking her head vigorously. Sue pulled the bottle out of her mouth and enquired, “Why not? It's only about the same size as Jim's dick and you can swallow that.”

“Yes,” my wife replied, “But his cock is much more pliable than a glass bottle.” She then contented herself with pretending to blow the bottle.

Tina got down between Melanie's spread thighs and began licking and sucking her clitoris, beneath Mel's hugely distended pussy filled with green glass.

After several minutes of this, the bottles were removed and Sue went to work with Melanie's vibrator. She positioned Melanie spreadeagled over one of the giant cushions, face down, then alternated the vibrator between her pussy and her ass. Melanie finally began to moan.

Taking this as a positive sign, Sue flipped her onto her back, sprayed Mel's pussy full of whipped cream then went down to eat the cream, slowly and sensuously. Meanwhile, Tina kissed Mel passionately and played with her nipples, occasionally breaking from the kiss to suckle on them.

When Sue had finished the cream, Tina inserted the Mars bar into Melanie's vagina until it was half in and half out, then began eating it from the exposed end. When it was flush with Mel's pussy she consumed the remainder by sucking and licking. Sitting up, she said, “Yummy. You've never tasted so sweet, Mel.” We all laughed.

Tina move back to sit astride Melanie's face and Sue settled herself between Mel's legs. She picked up the baseball bat and worked the thick end into my wife's now saturated pussy, running it in deep, leaving just the grip sticking out between Mel's legs.

“How does that feel, Mel?” Sue asked.

“Pretty much like Jim fucking me,” replied Melanie, which made everyone laugh.

“In that case...” said Sue, and she began sliding the length of the bat in and out of Mel's gaping twat.”

“Mmm,” my horny wife sighed appreciatively.

Tina rolled Mel on to her left side, with Sue continuing to work the bat as she did so, then ran the vibrator all the way up my wife's ass. Mel swung her right leg over Sue's left shoulder to allow Sue unobstructed use of the bat. Sue lengthened the thrusts of the bat and sped them up. Tina switched the vibrator to its highest setting.

“Agh, agh, agh,” Melanie gasped. “I'm going to come. Someone jam a cock in my mouth!”

Steve was there immediately, slamming his cock between her lips. Mel sucked on it as if it was an aqualung as she went into orgasm, relinquishing it only when the waves ceased.

“Thank you everybody. That was great,” she murmured, lying supine on the floor, gasping.

Everybody gave her a cheer.



“Alright, I can breathe now,” Melanie affirmed ten minutes later. “Titsy, pull a name out of the hat.”

“Mike,” announced Tina.

Melanie consulted her notes.

“Let's see – Mike. Ooh, he wants to do all your holes, Titsy.”

Tina made a show of eyeing Mike's cock. “Well, that thing is not going to fit in my ears,” she said.

Everybody laughed.

“That's a relief,” Mike deadpanned. More laughter.

“So how do you want me?” Tina enquired.

“Face down over a cushion for starters,” Mike replied.

The Little Witch made a performance of draping herself over one of the giant cushions, ass at the peak, black-stockinged legs spread in a wide vee, to display the golden curls surrounding her lower lips.

Mike plugged straight in to her pussy with his legs spread outside hers, supporting his weight on his arms, then pounded in and out for maybe five minutes before moving to her ass. He changed position for that, crouching over her hips and jacking her ferociously from above and behind. Tina was muttering “Oh yes, oh yes, oh yes,” when he abruptly pulled out of her ass and moved around in front of her.

“Get on your knees now,” he ordered.

Tina did so, sitting on her heels. She took his cock in her left hand and settled her lips around it, then placed both hands on her thighs. Mike grabbed the back of her head and fucked her face hard for several minutes until he came in her mouth. Tina swallowed it all then licked his cock clean.

“Nice ride. Thanks,” said Mike, resuming his seat. I think he thought he was being polite, but it came across as rude, and Tina looked mildly pissed off.



Pete's name was next out of the hat. Melanie consulted her notes.

“Alright girls, he wants us all in a row on our knees,” she instructed, striding to the central space between the sofas and dropping to her knees, then onto her forearms. Tina and Sue dropped into the same pose on either side of her. We, the audience, spread ourselves around the three enormous sofas.

We had one hell of a view. Three beautiful asses and pussies all in a row: from left to right - blonde pussy, black stockings and garters – brunette pussy and thigh-length leather boots – brunette pussy, seamed black stockings and garters.

Pete knelt first in front of Melanie, getting her to suck his dick to maximum hardness, then moved around to kneel behind Tina and drill into her ass. Leaning forward to hold her by her gigantic tits, he humped her ass for two or three minutes, then switched his dick to her pussy and did that for another few minutes. He then moved over to my wife, settling between her black leather boots and slamming his cock into her back passage. Mel obligingly ground her ass back into him, and he took her by the hips to pound away at her ass for several minutes before switching to her pussy for another few minutes of severe pounding. When he pulled out to move on to Sue, my horny wife muttered, “Shit! I was just starting to enjoy that.”

With Sue's stocking-clad thighs spread over his own, Pete jacked right into her ass and went to town, hauling Sue's hips into each hammer-stroke up her ass. Sue pushed herself down low, so that her nipples were brushing the carpet, and shoved her ass back hard to get Pete's cock as deep inside her as possible. Just as she began to moan a little, he pulled out and switched to her pussy. Sue pushed herself up on to straight arms and ground her pussy back into Pete's groin. He gave her a few more minutes, then moved back to Tina's ass.

“You're right, Mel,” murmured Sue. “This is damn frustrating!”

“Oh yeah, oh yeah, oh yeah,” mumble Tina in counterpoint, her face buried in the carpet as Pete reamed her ass.

“Oh man!” exclaimed Pete as he came up there.

“Oh hell,” muttered my randy wife when she realized that she was not going to get another turn.



Jim was the next lucky guy, which improved Melanie's mood, because it meant that she was going to get eaten by Jim while Phil screwed her ass. There had to be the possibility of an orgasm in there somewhere!

“Okay,” said Mel, reading from her notes. “We are going to need Phil, Mike, Sue, me, and of course Jim, for this. Suze, you are going to be riding Jim's cock. Jim, do you want her cowgirl or reverse cowgirl?”

“Cowgirl, so I can play with her tits.”

“Okay. Mike, you are going to be doing Sue's ass while she rides Jim. Phil, you are going to be doing my ass while I sit on Jim's face. Make sure you do a superb job.” This last was said with a wicked grin.

“Hey, with an ass like yours, how could I not?” Phil replied gallantly.

“Flattery will get you everywhere,” my wife rejoined. “In this case, up my ass.”

We all laughed.

“Did I mention that you look exceptionally radiant and sexy tonight, Mel?” Jim asked with a grin.

More laughter.

“Christ, Jim,” my wife observed, “You've been practically living up there this weekend!”

That reply caused the loudest laughter yet. “I was thinking of moving in, if it's okay with Nick,” Jim suggested dryly.

“Yeah, there's plenty of room,” I responded.

This time everybody broke up, except Mel, who gave us an aggrieved “Hey!”

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With the trash talk out of the way, the five players got down to it, in the Party Pit this time. Jim lay on his back, Melanie got astride his face then spread her knees wide until her pussy was lowered to his lips. Sue slurped Jim's cock into rigidity, then mounted him in the cowgirl position and placed his hands on her breasts. Mike stuck his cock into Sue's mouth and Phil stuck his into my wife's mouth, to get fluffed back to life, then Phil drilled into Melanie's ass and Mike plugged in to Sue's. Then everybody got down to it.

Jim's tongue started slurping along Melanie's cleft, and flicking her clitoris. His hands were busy with Sue's nipples. Phil took Mel by the hips and began running his cock in and out of her ass with long, slow strokes.

Sue commenced a long, slow, cork-screwing motion up and down on Jim's humongous cock, her tight pussy expanded to several times its usual dimensions by the Beast. Mike had to match her hip motions as he thrust his dick feverishly in and out of her ass

At the ten minute mark, Jim's face was so far inside my wife's pussy that I could not figure out how he was managing to breathe. Mel was grinding her hips down onto his face, trying to force him even deeper, obviously enjoying the sensation of his tongue lapping inside her, and moaning loudly as Phil drove his cock ferociously up her back passage. Sue was moaning even louder than Mel as she rode Jim's totem pole with her pussy and Mike's fence post with her ass. Jim was now bucking his hips up into her as she rode, lifting her on his cock a few inches each time she came down.

Another ten minutes at this pace and Melanie gasped loudly as she orgasmed, with Jim's face still buried in her pussy and Phil simultaneously coming up her ass. Phil pulled out and stepped away, but my wife remained seated on Jim's face, pushing down with her hips as he continued to eat.

Mike ejaculated up Sue's rear entry a couple of minutes later. Sue was moaning constantly now, nearing orgasm, but not there yet, so she kept riding the Beast energetically even as Mike dismounted to flop on the floor, exhausted. Without the restriction of a second dick up her ass Sue's hip-swivel pussy grind became still more enthusiastic; her mane of wavy, dark-brown hair swirling around her upper body as she slammed her pelvis up and down on Jim's gigantic member repeatedly. She uttered a loud “Aaaaah!” as she shuddered into her climax, freezing in place, impaled on the Beast, gasping, until the waves of pleasure were over, then resuming her ride when she recognized that Jim still had not come. It took her another ten minutes before she felt that mighty cock throb inside her and enjoyed her second orgasm as Jim finally erupted, collapsing onto his chest as he did so.

“Oh my god,” she gasped. “Can you just leave him here with us please, Titsy?”

The Little Witch sniggered. “Not a chance, tramp,” she told Sue. “In fact, I was thinking of taking Jake home with me. He is so good in my ass, I thought I might keep him in the closet and bring him out for double-headers.”

Sue giggled. “He'd certainly enjoy that. So, I guess it's just wishful thinking for both of us, huh?”

“I guess,” sighed the Little Witch. “But Jim and I have talked about it and we are gonna make a lot more trips here from now on, so long as you guys want us. And if you all could take some flights out to Calgary, we could be doin' this a lot in future.”

“Oh, you can come anytime, sweetie,” Sue offered. “There will always be a bed for you at our place or here at Mel and Nick's. Eh, Mel?”

“Sure,” agreed Mel. “Then we can spank the little witch regularly. Just don't forget to bring your husband, Titsy. He needs to have a real woman now and again.”

“Huh. I knew you two playing nice couldn't last,” the Little Witch retorted. “But the spanking sounds like fun.”

All three women dissolved into giggles.



“Brad,” said Tina, reading the name she had pulled from the hat.

“Two of us sucking him off while one sits on his face, all taking turns,” Mel read from her notes.

“Ah, a rest period,” the Little Witch said with a titter.

“Okay, Brad, lie down on the floor,” Melanie ordered.

As soon as Brad was down the Little Witch stepped over his face, getting down on her knees and spreading them wide until her pussy met Brad's lips. Melanie and Sue lay down on either side of him, Sue taking his cock into her mouth and my wife sucking on his testicles. Brad started lapping Tina's gigantic pussy, holding her by her thighs as he did so.

Sue worked his cock with hand and mouth for a few minutes, with Mel sucking on his balls and licking his scrotum, then Sue stuck Brad's dick into Melanie's mouth and took over ministering to his balls. Mel worked his cock with just her mouth, no hands, swallowing the whole thing down with each bob of her head, running her tongue round the head on the upstroke, and occasionally licking the entire rigid length. Meanwhile, Tina was grinding her hips, forcing the lips of her pussy farther and farther down over Brad's face as his tongue delved deep insider her and her juices ran down his chin and cheeks.

“Switch,” demanded Sue. Tina moved from Brad's face to suck on his balls and Sue mounted his face. Mel continued swallowing his dick until Tina demanded her turn, at which point they switched and Tina began gargling with Brad's dick, also no hands, also the complete swallow. After ten minutes or so more, Melanie demanded her turn at riding Brad's face, Sue took over the blowjob and Tina went back to sucking his balls. Almost immediately Brad blew his wad down Sue's throat. Sue swallowed it delightedly and Melanie complained that she had been ripped off because she had only just begun to ride Brad's face and Sue had reaped the benefits of Melanie's and Tina's hard work.

“Yeah, life sucks doesn't it, Mel,” Sue observed with a wide, happy smile, then licked her lips salaciously. Melanie stuck out her tongue in reply.



“Steve's next,” said Tina as she read the next drawn name.

“Ooh,” said Mel with relish as she read her notes. “He wants to do me in all my holes while Sue rubs his balls. Think you can manage that, Suze?”

“Yeah. I'll try to remember not to squeeze.”

“Eek. Now I'm having second thoughts,” Steve said, crossing his ankles. He was sitting on a sofa at the time.

Sue knelt in front of him, swallowed his cock and began sucking industriously. When his cock was as stiff as a Sunday-school teacher she broke off momentarily to ask, “Still having second thoughts?”

“Oh God, no,” mumbled Steve. Sue sucked for a while longer until Mel demanded, “Hey, stop poaching and hand him over, slut.”

Sue giggled and replied, “Alright, on your knees, tramp.”

Melanie complied. Sue led Steve over to her by his dick, settled him down behind her, then loaded his cock into Melanie's ass.

Mel said, “Ooh, starting with the good stuff, are we?” then ground her ass back hard into Steve's groin. Steve took her by the hips and started jacking her up energetically. Sue slid her right hand between his legs, cupped his testicles and began massaging them gently as he did Mel's ass.

When Melanie reached the point where she was starting to moan, Sue plucked Steve's cock from her ass and led him by it around to Mel's mouth. As Steve began fucking my wife's face Sue resumed rubbing his balls. Steve got his hand behind Mel's head and pulled her in to his strokes, so that his dick was reaching the depths of her throat at the end of each thrust. Mel was sucking like a kid with a lollipop.

Sue allowed Steve five minutes of the face fuck before moving him to Melanie's pussy so that he could do her doggy style. Mel went down on her forearms and began her celebrated ass-grind, rotating her hips with a circular backward shunt. Sue continued her ball massage. I relished the sight of my wife's long legs in their black leather, thigh-length boots, with Steve between them doing her from behind, and that perfect ass grinding his dick deep into her pussy as she thrust back onto it.

“So, where do you want to come?” Sue asked Steve.

“In her ass,” he answered.

“Okay, whenever you're ready,” Sue agreed.

Steve did my wife hard for ten more minutes before he said, “Now!” and Sue whipped his dick out of Mel's pussy and shoved it up her ass. Mel went “Mmm,” as the meat arrived through the back door, then rode it hard as Steve hauled her on to each thrust by her hips as he rode her ass hard with Sue massaging his testicles right through to his gushing climax.

When he dismounted Melanie cried out, “Oh, for Christ's sake, I was just about to come! Would somebody else please get stuck in there?”

Pete was there before anybody else could move, sliding his already erect cock into Mel's distended rectum then banging her hard for a couple of minutes, with Mel moaning loudly, until she finally shuddered into orgasm.

“Oh, that's better,” my horny wife gasped as she came for the umpteenth time that day.

“Somebody better give me a good fucking soon,” muttered Sue. “That's made me as horny as hell all over again.”

“You're perpetually horny,” Melanie pointed out.

“Uh huh, that's why your husband enjoys fucking me so much,” Sue teased.

“Huh. I thought it was your big tits,” Melanie shot back.

Both women found that very funny.



“Phil,” mused Mel as she consulted her notes once more. “Oh, yes, this is the fun one, girls. He wants us all stacked in a pile, like Tupperware containers, remember?”

“He better do a good job on me, I'm running hot on all cylinders and I don't want to get lost 'cause I'm in the middle of the pile,” Sue grumbled.

“I'll make you my first plug point,” Phil promised.

“And last?” Sue wheedled.

Phil laughed. “Alright, Suze, and last,” he agreed.

“You've got that squeaky wheel thing down pat, haven't you, Suze?” said Melanie snarkily.

“Heh, heh,” sniggered Sue. “I just love getting the oil straight from the can.”

“Don't we all?” agreed Melanie.

Tina got down on all fours in the centre of the Party Pit, then Sue stepped over her, pushed Tina's head down so that she went down on her forearms, then straddled her and got down on her knees with her body resting along Tina's back and her legs outside Tina's. Melanie then stepped astride Sue and lowered herself to rest on Sue's back, kneeling over her hips, and supporting herself on straight arms with her palms resting on the floor. Now that is a sight you don't see too often – three beautiful female asses and pussies stacked vertically!

“Right then, Phil, get on with it. I'm not sure how long we can hold this pose,” Melanie ordered. Phil had to get down on his knees to keep his promise to Sue in the centre of the stack. He started with her mouth, sliding his cock between her lips and giving her the pleasure of sucking him upright. He then circled the stack on his knees to plug his now stiff dick into Sue's ass and gave it a good workout for a couple of minutes, before pulling out and transferring his dick to Tina's pretty little ass, driving hard up her rear entry and porking it vigorously for another couple of minutes. He then stood, crouched astride my wife's hips and slammed his cock up my wife's ass from above and behind, with his legs bent and holding her by the hips to stabilize the stack as he pounded in and out of her back passage.

After a few minutes of frantic ass reaming, he moved around to Mel's head and fucked first her face, then Sue's, then Tina's. All three women swallowed dick like it was their favourite treat. Phil then walked to the back of the stack and worked his way down from Mel's pussy at the top of the stack to Tina's at the bottom, giving each lady a vigorous three minute shagging.

“Nearly there,” he gasped as he dismounted from Tina's dripping pussy. “I'll go round your asses again to finish up.”

He started from the top again, once more crouching over my wife's ass on bent legs and drilling down into her already well-shagged asshole for a feverish few minutes. Kneeling to get up Sue's ass, he worked her equally hard before moving on to finish off up Tina's ass. He spent about five minutes boring that out before finally exploding up there with a satisfied gasp.

“Hah!” exclaimed Melanie. “The squeaky wheel bit didn't work Suze.”

“Bitch,” muttered Sue.

“Ha, ha, I win,” teased the Little Witch. Sue squashed her to the floor amid squeals of protest.

I hoped that the webcams had captured this action from every angle, so that Sue could edit them into a single complete scene, because the visuals were truly spectacular – all those beautiful asses and pussies all taking dick, Melanie's long legs in the thigh-length boots, Sue and Tina's lovely legs in their black stockings, and all three beautiful faces taking Phil's cock at full force, all the way down. I could hardly wait to see what Sue produced.



Tom was next up. He wanted all three women crawling all over him while he first fucked Tina's face, then Sue's pussy, then Mel's ass, which he intended to come in.

Tina knelt on a sofa, hanging over the arm, so that Tom would have a straight run through her mouth and into her throat. Mel knelt to Tom's left and massaged his balls as he humped Tina's face. Sue stood behind him with her arms around his waist, rubbing her tits backwards and forwards across his back. Tom held the back of Tina's head, his hand buried in her mass of golden curls, and crammed his cock to the balls in her mouth with every stroke. Tina kept her huge, sapphire eyes fixed on his face the whole time he was furiously jacking her mouth. Tom spent five minutes on her mouth before moving on to Sue's pussy.

Sue led him to the Party Pit and lay down on her back on one of the giant cushions, spreading her black stocking-clad legs wide in the classic “come and get it” invitation. Tom settled himself between her legs and buried his cock deep in her wide open, moist pussy. Melanie knelt over Sue's face, so that Sue could eat her pussy while being fucked by Tom, and leaned forward to kiss Tom and roll his nipples between her fingers and thumbs as she stuck her tongue down his throat. Tina knelt over Tom's hips, squashed her enormous tits down into his back and rode him as he rode Sue. As Tom began plunging in and out of her, Sue lifted her legs up to hook her feet behind his shoulder blades. Tom gave her a hearty ten minute fucking that had her moaning happily until he called time and transferred his attentions to my wife.

Melanie draped herself face down over one of the giant cushions, with her head resting on her arms on one side, her ass up in the air in the centre, and her knees spread wide on the other side. I love that pose – it says 'fuck me any way you want' loud and clear. Tom knelt on the cushion above and behind her, pulled her buttocks apart, and gave my wife's ass nine inches of rock hard meat. Sue knelt behind him and fondled his ass and his balls as Tom reamed Mel's ass hard and fast. Tina was on her knees to his right, jamming her tits into his face at every opportunity.

Tom banged Mel's ass like a drum for a good ten, maybe fifteen, minutes before depositing a copious amount of semen up there. Mel was looking very pleased with herself when he did. Tom gave her ass a good whack as he dismounted, saying, “I'd like to do that to you every day, Mel. You were terrific.”

Mel gave him her best megawatt smile over her shoulder and said, “Drop by any time, honey. Nick won't mind.”

Did I mention that she's a total slut?



“My Jakey boy is the last one up,” said Sue.

“Hmm,” murmured Melanie as she consulted her notes. “He wants to do Tina's ass while she eats you out, Suze, with you lying on top of my Nick with his dick up your ass. 'Cause he's never done that to you before, right?”

Both women laughed. I licked my lips.

“Okay, guys, this is today's final performance, so make it a good one,” Melanie instructed us.

Jake stood while Tina crouched on her haunches in front of him and blew him back to life. I lay on my back on the floor while Sue knelt alongside and performed the same service for me. When I was ready to go she stepped over me and lowered herself crablike until her anus engaged my cock, then wriggled herself down onto it until the back of her head was resting on my chest and she was reclining on my torso. She then spread her legs as wide as possible, knees up, high heels flat on the floor, black stocking tops and garters framing her well-fucked pussy. She had loosened the silver laces on her black corset so that her gorgeous tits were now permanently swinging free, so I took the opportunity to grasp one in each hand.

Tina dropped to her knees between Sue's spread thighs and went down on her. Jake used his foot to spread the Little Witch's knees wide then knelt behind her to slide his dick smoothly up her already well-reamed ass. He grasped her by the hips and immediately began riding that delightful ass hard, driving home ferociously up to his balls with each thrust of his hips. Tina leaned back into it but stayed focused on munching Sue's pussy, with her face burrowed deep between Sue's vaginal lips as she worked her tongue deep inside and lapped her sweet juices greedily. Sue had both hands tangled in Tina's blonde curls, alternately caressing the back of her head and exerting pressure to force the Little Witch's face farther into her snatch.

“Don't just lie there, Nicky. Fuck my ass,” Sue ordered after a few minutes.

“Oh. I was being good, I thought, trying not to disturb Tina, but if that's what you want I'm happy to oblige,” I answered. I started jacking her up from beneath, which as I had anticipated had the effect of bouncing her pussy away from Tina's mouth. Tina tried to compensate for the motion, but it did not work out well.

“Alright, smart-ass, you had a point,” Sue admitted. “You can stop now.”

I reverted to lying still. Tina stuffed her face back into Sue's muff and resumed slurping.

Jake just kept hammering his dick up the Little Witch's ass throughout. It took about another twenty minutes before he blew his wad up Tina's ass. She sighed happily. I immediately rolled Sue over face down on the carpet with her legs spread in a wide vee, then pounded away on her ass furiously for several minutes with Sue moaning loudly into the carpet, until I too erupted, hosing out her back passage and collapsing on to her back.

After a minute or so Sue murmured, “That was nice, Nicky, but can you get off please, you're crushing me.”

“Sorry,” I said, and rolled off to one side. Sue tucked herself under my arm and rested her head on my chest. Tina, who had been sprawled on the floor close by, crept under my other arm and curled into my left side.

“Okay, everyone, that's it for the sex games. One more round of drinks and then you can all get dressed and go home. Thank you all for a terrific day. I am sure I speak for all the ladies when I say you are welcome to do us again any time,” announced Melanie from her sofa.

“Hear, hear,” affirmed Sue.

“Yeah, what she said,” agreed the Little Witch. “But it's a long way to Calgary for a shag.”

Everybody laughed.

It was gone three in the morning by the time we had lounged around with our beers and chatted for a while, but eventually everyone departed, leaving just Sue and Jake, Jim and Tina, and Mel and myself. We all simply fell into bed with our regular partners and crashed straight into an exhausted sleep.


Written by stockingsandgarters
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