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The Island - Introducing Ourselves To The Island

"Swinging on the island, Melissa relates how it all began over 22 years ago."

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I often find myself wondering how we all became so open-minded with regards to sex on the island. I think that when we arrived, the majority of islanders already enjoyed each other and they were more or less gagging to get us involved too. It was some years ago that I got involved. I remember it well and it was when I did a favour for Tom. That led on to a wonderful New Year’s Eve party and we have never looked back after that.

Steve and I had decided at an early age that we would be different; we never wanted a life where we would be cooped up in an office or bank. The ‘rat race’ was therefore a non-entity for us. We wanted an outdoor life and a simple existence. To this end we saw a TV programme about life on the Scottish Islands and decided that it was exactly what we wanted.

We were both twenty two at the time, and have now been on the island for about two years. Steve and I were always open-minded and had attended the odd swinging party in college before we came to live here. We were very young at the time but we could never be described as naive. Nevertheless, it took us about two years to feel part of the community, be accepted by them and join in with the parties and Hogmanay. Looking back, I guess we introduced a certain level of uncertainty to the island when we arrived all those years ago.

Tom, who helped us a lot with our farmstead, was about forty years of age, maybe a little older. It was a few weeks before Hogmanay, which is New Year’s Eve in Scotland, when I was with Tom at the time that he mentioned that he would have to go away.

He had been so kind to us over the years and I felt it was my time to help him out. He had to leave for the mainland and I volunteered to keep watch over the animals and land when he was gone. It was a two week period that really stretched Steve and myself. Looking after both farmsteads was hard, though the time actually went quite quickly in hindsight.

On his return, I had decided to make him a home cooked feast as he set foot through the door. Tom arrived home at about seven in the evening, though he was on the island an hour earlier. I was informed by my husband that Tom would be late as he had decided to pop into the pub on his return, for a wee dram.

Tom walked into the cottage with a big smile on his face, the table was set and the meal ready to be put on his plate. I was waiting by his chair to seat him and serve him. We both ate and we chatted until it was time for me to leave.

It was something that Tom said to me that stopped me from walking out of the door. It instilled a sense of guilt or sorrow in me, in a good way though. He told me what a wonderful woman I was and that if he was only a wee bit younger. He stopped short of finishing the sentence off completely, but I knew what he was getting at.

I had my back to Tom at the time and a smirk crossed my face. I found myself biting my lip, closing my eyes and then opening them while looking around the room for tell-tale mirrors. There were none.

“Silly me,” I suddenly announced, “I prepared another course for you, you nearly made me forget,” I continued.

I placed the chair from the table facing the fireplace and told Tom to sit there, close his eyes until I told him he could look.

I quickly ran into the kitchen, rumbled through some cupboards until I found what I was looking for. I rummaged in the cutlery drawer for a spoon and finally I prepared me. I stripped completely naked picked up my accompaniments and started for the dining room.

“Are your eyes closed?”

“Yes,” came the reply, “why the secrecy?”

I opened the jar and spooned a very large dollop of honey between my breasts. I let it run down between them. The honey was just starting to warm up and run down between my cleavage when I scooped another dollop over my left and then right nipple. I put the honey jar and the spoon on the table behind Tom.

I stepped in front of Tom and with a little trepidation I announced, “You can look now…”

Tom opened his eyes and looked astonished. I stood there are jiggled my breasts from side to side.

“You have a choice,” I said, “You can either catch the honey on its way South,” I pointed to the trickle making its way towards my belly button, “or you take these before they hit the floor and makes a mess,” I pointed to the honey that started to fall over my nipples.

Tom stared at me. His mouth fell open in disbelief. It was an aching few moments before his arms finally extended to my waist and pulled me forwards. His mouth engulfed my right nipple and he sucked it dry.

”Couldn’t have it making a mess on the floor now could we,” he replied.

“You had better hurry then, because this one is getting close,” I said as I smiled at him. He did the same to my left nipple.

Tom stood up, spun me around and put my bum firmly on the table. I placed my hands on the table behind me and instinctively opened my legs. I pushed my breasts out in front of me and watched as Tom contemplated his next move.

“More honey…” I suggested, looking at the jar to my left.

Tom was staring at the honey trail between my breasts. He started at the top and sucked it into his mouth. He then followed the trail down my stomach and over my belly button. I could feel the end of the honey trail snaking over my clit on its way to my pussy.

“I‘m going to make a mess on your tablecloth if you don‘t do something quickly,” I announced.

With that, Tom headed straight for my pussy and rescued the honey droplet extending over the edge of my clit. His tongue followed it upwards and then he returned to my pussy and proceeded to lick it clean.

I was panting and loving the feelings that Tom’s tongue stirred in me. He was doing wonderful things to my body and I desperately hoped the situation would not be awkward when we both came to our senses. It was such an erotic sight watching the honey being gathered up onto his waiting tongue. I nearly came on the spot when he pushed his tongue inside me.

I was breathing heavily when Tom thrust his tongue into my pussy, and shuddered with pleasure when he brought it out and flicked at my clit. He was, I was convinced, quite an accomplished lover.

I panted and watched as his tongue flicked my clit, I murmured some encouraging words and then it hit me. My orgasm started to take over and pumped endorphins throughout my body. I arched my back and raised my bum off the table. Tom’s hands immediately cradled my arse as he pulled my pussy towards his mouth. Finally he sucked at my clitoris and I exploded, pushing my pussy forwards onto his lips and tongue. I was shouting obscene words of encouragement as Tom brought me to my first orgasm.

After I caught my breath, I brought my body up from its reclined position on the table. Tom was forced to raise himself from my pussy and we finally kissed each other. It was a brief kiss, more loving than passionate.

I slid off the table and turned Tom around. I quickly undid his belt buckle and unbuttoned his trousers. I pushed them to the floor. His pants followed quickly and his cock sprung free. I sighed as I looked upon its length. It was still semi-hard but it was wonderful. I swallowed as I pushed him onto the table. His legs opened slightly and I sat on the chair that was so conveniently placed behind me.

I looked at his cock with intent. My hand circled it and I started to stroke it. It grew and it grew fast.

It needed a little lubrication so I dribbled some honey over the head of his cock as I held it upright. I watched as the honey slowly made its way down the length. Tom’s cock was as stiff as it was ever going to get, which was rock hard by the time my mouth engulfed him. I eventually let my tongue explore his shaft and started to lick it all up. I followed the trail of honey until his cock was clean. I sucked hard on it, savouring the sweet taste; though I had decided that Tom was going to fuck my pussy with his gorgeous cock before I would leave.

Without much notice, and to my surprise, Tom erupted in my mouth. His spunk shot to the back of my throat and I found myself swallowing frantically in order to take it all. After all, it would have been stupid and unthoughtful of me to mess up the tablecloth. I reluctantly released his cock as I found myself gasping for air. I swallowed hard but was soon back down on his cock head for the next installment of spunk. Tom didn’t disappoint. A lot more spunk seeped from his cock as I licked and swallowed.

With every last drop safely down my throat, I released my mouth and licked his shaft before looking him in the eye. Tom was shaking his head from side to side.

“I‘m sorry,” he said, “took me by surprise that did.”

I smiled at him as I stood up. “Is that game over then?” I asked.

Tom nodded, reluctantly. He looked at me and smiled, “you‘re a dark horse, Melissa.”

With that I walked slowly to the kitchen, giving him plenty of time to appreciate my posterior. I smiled to him over my shoulder and wondered what his cock would feel like inside me. I dressed in the kitchen, walked over to Tom and placed a kiss on his cheek just as he had finished pulling his trousers up. I left to go home and to tell Steve all about Tom’s homecoming.

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We met Tom a couple of times before Hogmanay but we never ended up in bed. On the night of Hogmanay we had been invited by Karyn and John’s pub to stay over, we only lived a couple of miles from it, but it was nice not to have to stay sober or drive. Not that there were any police on our island anyway.

We let our hair down that night and Steve drank far too many whiskeys. The air was full of innuendoes and sexy chat from just about everybody and with Steve rapidly heading for the proverbial brick wall I tried to catch Tom’s eye. It didn’t take long and he politely excused himself from talking to Karyn and came to entertain me. As he did so the chimes struck for New Year.

I immediately kissed Tom before he was pulled from me by Karyn. I swear I saw his hand come up onto her breast as he kissed her. At the same time Steve planted a kiss on me and so we moved around the whole room, taking liberties with each other. I was a little surprised when Sandra also planted a kiss on my lips but by then I didn’t really care. Soon after, Steve decided to retire to the bedroom as he was feeling rather inebriated. I was left in a room full of what looked like horny people. I was soon to find out what this island was all about.

Everyone was wishing everyone else a Happy New Year and singing. I looked around for Tom but he had disappeared. Sandra was practically making out with her husband Pete near the bar as another couple, who I had not seen before, looked on in amusement; or was it intent.

I felt a little left out and decided to retire upstairs. I decided to visit the bathroom before I sneaking off to my bedroom. I stopped in my tracks as I heard sounds coming from an open door. I pushed the door slightly to look around it, I could see Tom. I craned my neck to try and see more but recoiled when I heard Karyn’s voice.

“Come on Tom, pull on those nipples and suck them for me.”

I heard her encourage him, but from what little I saw, Tom didn’t need any encouragement. His head swooped down and he lifted her breasts into his mouth and sucked on her nipples. I finally leant around the door and watched them both. Tom devoured her tits, sucking and licking and even squashing them with his hands. Karyn, meanwhile was rapidly undressing him. His trousers fell to the floor, followed by his pants and then Karyn pushed him backwards. She stooped down and took his cock into her mouth. I watched as she sucked on it until it got as hard as she needed it to be.

“You know where this is going don‘t you,” she said to Tom, giggling like a schoolgirl.

“Up your arse probably,” he replied.

I was stunned. At that time anal sex was alien to me. It wasn’t alien to Karyn. I watched as they finally parted and Karyn and Tom undressed fully. I pulled back behind the door so that I could not be seen until I heard Karyn encourage Tom once more to stick his cock somewhere nice.

I leant around the door and watched as Karyn poured some oil over her back while she rested on all fours. It dribbled down between the crack of her arse and Tom slid his cock along her bum cleavage and covered his cock liberally in oil.

“Why don‘t you come in Melissa?” suggested Karyn, suddenly. “Perhaps you would like to join in,” she continued.

I was dumbfounded. I thought I was being so secretive and cautious. I had two options: leave and pretend I was not there; walk in and be bold. I walked around the door and looked Karyn in the eye. Tom was behind her and Karyn was about to hold onto the bedposts in readiness for Tom’s cock.

“It‘s going up my arse,” she said, matter-of-factly, “I love it up there,” she continued, as she closed her eyes with the impending penetration. I watched as Tom slid his cock into her. I knew that my pussy was more than wet, even without me touching it.

Karyn was a voluptuous thirty two year old at the time, and I remember wondering, when I first arrived on the island, what it would have been like to suck on her very large tits.

I unzipped my dress and let it fall to the floor, I slipped my shoes off, then my knickers and then my bra joined the rest of my clothes; unceremoniously piled on the floor. I kept my stockings and suspender belt on. Karyn watched as I walked slowly towards her. I could see that Tom was lusting after me as his cock was just about to penetrate Karyn. I stopped alongside her and cupped her right breast with my hand. I squeezed it and moulded it to my hand. I looked down on her.

“Move back a little Tom,” I told him.

He moved back and I held Karyn’s arms as I slid my body between her and the end of the bed. I opened my legs.

“It‘s all yours…” I said with a smile, my eyes pleading with hers.

Karyn placed her hands on the bed and under my hips to balance herself while her tongue extended to lick my pussy. I watched her slip her tongue all over my shaved pussy and up my cunt. My hand found itself on the nape of her neck and I stroked her tenderly. I humped my pussy into her face, while all the time, Tom gently fucked her arse.

I raised one of my legs so that Karyn could get her tongue a little deeper. My eyes were rolling in their sockets as she pushed her tongue inside me. Without much warning, I came all over her face. As I did, my hand clamped on her neck and I pulled her into me.

I slowly moved from under her and I watched them both fuck, while I walked up behind Tom.

“Fuck her hard Tom, but don‘t you cum, it‘s going up me next…” I whispered seductively in his ear.

Tom fucked Karyn’s arse as fast as he could. Karyn was groaning and moaning, as thrust after thrust entered her, apparently in the exact way that she liked it. I was letting my finger wander up and down the crack of Tom’s arse encouraging him to make her cum before it accidently on purpose slipped up inside him. A low gutteral moan left Karyn’s lips as her orgasm erupted through her body.

As soon as Karyn’s orgasm subsided, I pulled Tom, and his cock, away from Karyn. It was my turn now. I pushed Karyn off to one side of the bed and knelt on it in the same position while opening my legs wide, ready for Tom’s cock.

My hands rested on the bed, my spine and torso formed a straight line from my hips to the flatness of the bed and my cunt was more than willing to take some cock. I felt Tom’s stiffness at the entrance to my cunt and I pushed backwards extending my arms forward at the same time. Tom’s cock went all the way in.

“You can cum anytime you want Tom,” I said, “It won‘t take me long…”

Tom fucked me as hard as he did Karyn, I loved every inch of it and every inward thrust pushed me to my orgasm. It wasn’t Tom’s cock that eventually pushed me over the edge it was Karyn’s words.

“Fuck the slut till she spurts, Tom,” were her initial words of encouragement. I looked at Karyn; sat on the side of the bed and masturbating as she said those dirty words.

With that, I screamed into the bedclothes as soon as my orgasm was released, and soon after that, Tom’s spunk shot all over my back and arse. I just lay there, in a submissive pose, while Tom wet my back with his cream. Karyn had a second orgasm fingering herself as she watched me get covered with Tom’s spunk. She finally got up and walked behind me. Slipping her finger up my cunt and caressing my pussy. She finished off our threesome by massaging Tom’s spunk into my skin with the occasional lick of her tongue.

“You‘re now part of the island,” she said to me. “Steve will join us shortly when he gets his cock in me,” she said as she smiled at me.

I left Tom’s bedroom and passed the first door on my right to sounds of copulation. I didn’t know who was inside, but I think I heard Sandra’s voice so I guessed it was the four friends that were together by the bar.

I reached my room, Tom and Karyn were close behind me. She was wagging her finger as if to say no, don’t go inside. I stopped outside the door with my hand on the doorknob. Tom took my hand when he reached me and led me away to Karyn’s bedroom. We entered the room to find Beverley sucking John’s cock as she nestled between his legs. Karyn left the two of us with John and Beverley.

From the room next door to mine, I could hear Karyn introduce Steve to island life. Words of encouragement to suck her big tits slowly filtered through Steve’s groggy mind. I knew that he had wanted to feel Karyn’s tits anyway, so I knew he would go through with it. I heard moans of appreciation come from Karyn as I nestled between John’s legs and joined Beverley. Together, we licked his cock, taking turns to suck on his knob while the other sucked his balls.

Beverley finally got up and joined Tom on the bed. I heard Karyn encouraging Steve to fuck her. I wondered whether he could even get a stiffy, knowing how drunk he was earlier. I heard movement on the bed next door and I had to leave to see what was happening. I pulled John along with me. As I entered the bedroom, Steve was kneeling behind Karyn as she held onto the bedstead. Words of encouragement were pouring out of her mouth. I sat John down on the chair opposite the bed. I straddled him sinking my cunt down on his long thin cock.

Karyn giggled once more, “ no, not there silly ,” she corrected Steve, “ I want that thick cock up my arse …”

A smile crept over my face. I just knew he was going love it.
Written by DarkSide
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