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The Favor

"Covering for a friend at her job gets me more work than I expected"

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The Favor
 by Miss Anonna

JoAnn called me early one Friday and asked if I could do her a favor. Her boss was having a game party at his home office and all I had to do was dress business like but hot and sit at the secretary chair looking good and answering the phone. I had met her boss and he was a doll so being that I would see his house along with getting paid $500.00 I told her to count me in. I got out a nice black bra and semi see through black blouse, a tight leather mini and my arctic black boots with the 5 inch heels. I was definitely dressed to thrill and Jo’s boss was in the entertainment industry so I figured this outfit was absolutely appropriate. I knocked lightly on the door of 4 story 5 car garage mansion and seconds later the door creaks open and I’m gazing into the eyes of this 6 foot, handsome hunk. His smile ran away and his eyes popped open as he reached out to shake my hand and lead me in.

“Wow!” He quipped. “I..I’m sorry, I was expecting a lady that was not so stunning.” I could tell he was trying to word things very carefully and I smiled big, probably too big. “You must be Anna, please come in. It’s great to finally meet you. JoAnn speaks very highly of you and I can see why. Thank you so much for stepping in for her and you are just in time, too. I’m trying to seal this deal with these bozos coming here in a few minutes and I figured I would entertain them here at my home with the game, some snacks, drinks and a stunning secretary. I didn’t know they would get this lucky to have such a ravishing beauty here, too.” He finished.

“Oh my, you are good.” I smiled again and added. “No wonder you’re in sales. By the way, did you want me to bring those platters in during the game, seductively, sensually and spice things up a bit?” I pointed towards the food I saw in the kitchen that was already prepared and gave him a little wink.

“Oh my YOU are good! Honestly, I’m not asking you to act like a sex bunny, I just need you to answer the phone if it rings and act like a secretary.” He smiled sweetly, adjusted his collar and cleared his throat. “Although I certainly wouldn’t stop you and it certainly wouldn’t hurt this sale. These guys act like professionals but I can tell they’re just roughnecks under the collar. Do whatever you are comfortable doing, OK? I trust your judgment and I simply love your playful manner.”

“Honestly,” I said as I reached around his neck grabbing and readjusting his collar, “I would thoroughly enjoy the teasing.” I said slowly running my fingers down the edge of his taught shirt, giving him another wink and patting my hand on his chest. I spun around like a little girl and started heading for the little secretary booth he had created in his house and slightly under my breath but loud enough to for him to hear, I bellowed. “Someone’s been working out, I see.” I sat down in a very comfortable seat, crossed my silky, slender legs and put my hands on the desk in a formal manner. “Just call my name when you want the first platter and I will see to it you and your party, are taken care of.” I smiled, sucked my lips under my teeth, mashing them into my lipstick and releasing them to shine with a new glaze as he stared at me with astonishment. He took a deep breath and headed for the door where several shadows had appeared that I could see through the opaque glass blocks on either side of the door. I heard several knocks and some garbled chatter on the other side of the door and he grabbed the door knob, then he turned his head toward me, winked, turned to the door and opened it.

“Hey, hey, hey!” He blurted at the guests. “How are you guys? Come on in, let’s get this party started.” He greeted each one with a handshake and let them towards me but headed directly for the theater room after a quick introduction. “This is my secretary, Anna and she’ll be happy to get you guys anything you need!” Everyone waved as they passed by and headed down the hall. I could hear several words through the clamber but had no idea what they were talking about while I looked around the little booth where I was sitting and noticed there was practically nothing there save a phone, pen and a little pad of paper .

“How boring this must be for Jo,” I thought to myself and began opening drawers and looking at the detail of my new area. It was actually pretty secluded from the rest of the house like it jutted out into the foyer and I actually had to step down out of the booth to see the kitchen. There was a bookshelf that was set off of the wall behind me and a single small picture hanging directly under it. I flicked the picture with my finger and it went to the side but there was something behind it. I moved the picture over and there was a hole there in the wall. I peeked into the hole but I could see much of anything except what looked like a sink and cabinet. I thought maybe it was a laundry room or mud room or something but was startled out my curiosity.

“Anna?” He bellowed. “Could you grab the appetizers?” I stepped out of the booth and headed for the kitchen. I grabbed the first tray and headed towards the clamber. Slowly entering the room I noticed the lighting was dull and the TV was huge and on the wall. There were comfy chairs arranged almost in movie theater style, semicircle and a beautiful glass table directly in front of them. I slowly lowered the platter to the table pushing my chest out into view of everyone, kept my legs perfectly straight and together showing the guests the perfect arch in my back and pulled my hand from under it, letting it slide onto the table. All eyes were upon me for one moment until they all noticed they looked like a group of hungry, horny, hounds. I then heard the faint sounds of words like excellent, thank you, wonderful from various lips while I whipped around and headed for the kitchen.

“Would anyone like drinks?” I asked with wide, battering eyes then pressed my lips together, smiled and raised my eyebrows slightly.

“That would be great!” Jo’s boss spoke up. “There are some beers in the fridge.” He looked at his guests. “You guys ok with beer?” They began to look at each other and nod, nodding back at him finally and he gazed into my soul with his big blue eyes, smirked and nodded to me. I sauntered out of the theater room and back into the kitchen to the refrigerator and pulled the door open, revealing two 12 packs of Amstel light. Plucking 4 bottles from the box with my fingers, I spun around and set them on the island, opened the pull out drawer just beneath me I found a bottle opener just where I had expected it. Either this guy was gay and had his place set up perfectly or I was just one lucky girl. Everything fell right into place for me as if I had worked there for years. I popped each top with a rhythm, put them between my fingers and headed back to the theater. While each of the gentlemen gazed at the screen I snuck into the room and dropped a bottle in front of each one leaning over in front of the three that were there for Jo’s boss and I can see them all admiring my slender little body directly in their view, in fact they weren’t even trying to be discrete about it. The man on the end chair even leaned towards my butt to get a better look and I caught him, smiled and pulled myself back to position but then I knelt down slowly, put my hand on his knee and whispered.

“Is everyone all right?” I glanced at each one of them until I received a nod from each. Jo’s boss and the man right next to him were fixated on my thighs and I knew damn well they could see the thick black lace of my stockings and given the angle they had, could probably see all the way up to the panties that I should have had on but opted today to go without. I was a little tingly down there and wondered if they were catching any glimpses of shiny moist lips that I had to have been bearing. “Great! Just call me if anyone needs anything,” I finished, bringing myself back to an upright position and slowly removing my hand from the knee of the gentleman next to me. He looked a bit uncomfortable as I could see the bulge in his jeans was awfully tight and he began to shift his position, trying not to be too obvious. I whipped around and headed back through the kitchen to my little secretary booth with a proud and hopeful feeling that I may have helped Jo’s boss close a deal.

I sat down and kicked a leg over the other, pulled a file from my purse and began to file my nails. I remember thinking how there was a theater room not far from me with four men all well built and not ugly just begging to be entertained and I thought about how bad things could get for my reputation but then I remembered that I knew none of these people and if Jo got wind of this I’d be the envy of her and have to disclose every detail. My thoughts were soon interrupted by the clicking sound of a door closing somewhere behind me. I looked around a bit and saw no one but heard a few banging noises on the other side of the wall. I looked at the wall and then realized I was looking at this little hanging picture I had found earlier. “The bathroom is on the other side of this wall?” I asked myself. “That’s not right,” I thought and poked at the little picture , then moved it aside and put my eye to it.

All lit up, I could now see this little hole in the wall had a great view into the bathroom. “That is so wrong,” I thought again but kept my eye fixated on the sink across the room. Darkness fell upon the hole and as soon as it appeared it was gone and I was looking again at the sink. I shifted my view to the left and I could see one of the men standing at the toilet. I was giggling to myself until I noticed he had quite a large cock in his hand and it looked as if he were trying to get it to go away. He stepped to the side of the toilet and I got a bit spooked, let the picture drop back into place and backed away from the hole in embarrassment. “What was I doing,” I thought, got up and peeked out from the booth only to hear that all the other guys were way back in the theater, talking and clanking bottles. I sat back in the chair, my heart was pounding. I was hoping that guy didn’t see me peering through the hole but it was dark under this bookcase above me and there was no way he could have seen through. Still I was a bit worried but curiosity was eating away at me. What was he doing now? Did I give him that erection? I hoped so.

My own thoughts were getting me excited. I couldn’t take it anymore and pushed the picture aside again and peeked. He still had his shaft in his hand only this time it was right in front of me and he was squeezing it. I could see a little clear drop of friendliness appear right at the tip of his head. “Wow,” I thought to myself again. “This is hot!” His cock was creeping closer to the hole and I froze a moment in panic. I quickly covered the hole with my hand praying this man did not see me. After all, what was I doing? Frozen momentarily I wondered how I could get out of this situation, took a deep breath and began to ease up. I steadied my hand on the picture frame and envisioned a quick transfer from hand over hole to picture over hole but I felt a warm bump on the back of my index finger and the head of a hard cock forging its way through my finger and thumb. “Now what,” I thought. “What have you got yourself into?” I backed up a little but the slick warm feeling through my fingers instantly drew the rest of my hand onto his tool to engage the full length of this protruding erection and it instantly gave me a rush of blood through my clitoris.

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With my hand still against the wall there stood at least 3 inches of fat, pulsating cock pointing directly at my face giving me no choice at this point but to admit my guilt of curiosity and I laid my sweet lips to it.

I raised my head towards the counter to make sure I could still hear everyone else in the theater. The coast was clear and my lips made contact, sliding slowly across the underneath as I turned his cock up towards the wall and my tongue made it’s way down the shaft to the palm of my hand. I wrapped my fingers around it as my lips worked their way to the top, then opened my mouth and began to stuff the sausage into my mouth until it pushed my cheek out as if I were a chipmunk in the fall. I tightened my lips and worked the full length of his cock into the back of my throat, gliding the shaft deep down into the well. My eyes began to water along with my pussy as I pulled my mouth back out to the top, twisting me head to feel every inch of this thick headed cock. I could feel the lip of his head right at the tip of tongue and popped my lips over the top, keeping my tongue flickering right at the bottom. I could hear him breathing heavy behind the wall and his cock just got harder and harder in my hand. With my left hand, I removed the picture completely from the wall and set it beside me, then put it over the top of his cock while kissing and sucking on the little spot right under the bottom of his head. I felt his cock jerk back a little and then a warm flow trickling down my cheek and I quickly submerged his whole member into my mouth where my tongue was quickly coated in a thick cream. I held on tight as I could feel the flow of liquid throughout my groin. I could feel him pushing and pulling as I brought my lips to the tip once again and released his tool from my mouth. I eased my grip and in an instant his cock came thrusting towards me in one last gesture of giving and another thick load shot past my mouth and streaked across my cheek just under my eye. The withering monster quickly ducked back into the hole and I heard some shuffling and a quick zip, then the flushing of the toilet.

“Wow,” I thought. “What did I just do? I hope I didn’t screw up the deal. He wouldn't dare tell anyone, would he? I never talked to Jo’s boss about this. I mean, it seemed OK for me to shake my ass and show my tits but I never asked him if it was ok to blow the lights out of his party members, either. I sat back for a minute and swiped a finger across my cheek. A thick, white blob was making its way down my finger so I puckered my lips to it and sucked it in. I reached into my purse and pulled out a wet nap from the bottom, tore off the corner and proceeded to wipe down my fingers and lips then tossed the folded nap into the trash can under the desk. I took a deep breath, pulled out my lipstick and put myself back together.

Just as I thought things were cool, I heard the click of the bathroom door once again and I’m shaken out of a daze. “Oh shit!” I said, under my breath. “The picture!” I quickly spun my chair around and reached for the picture on the floor but it was just out of reach and I had to get up out of the chair to bend and reach for it. I heard a light switch, then a shuffle, then the toilet seat, then another shuffle. I was in a panic and attempted to quietly put the picture back over the hole but it fell off the hook, fell to the floor and bounced under the chair. “Shit!” I thought. “I’m making too much noise and it’s all becoming obvious! Shit! Shit! Shit! I spun around to get the picture and saw that it had bounced off the chair and there it lay across my boot. I reached down to get it making sure I was covering the hole with my ass cheek hoping this other guy wouldn’t even notice. My eyes were jolted wide open when I could feel my labia separating and a slow, warm feeling crept into my tunnel of love. I should have jumped but I was entranced by the dance of the cobra entering my soul and it seemed to go on and on, widening my little vulva to a wonderfully comfortable stretch. I felt like he could lift me off my feet with this thing and he kept pushing his way through finally slowing down a bit and then stopped right at the wall of my freaking uterus. I gasped for air and a rush of heat came over me that started at the top of my head and worked its way down to the very core of me and then it felt like it pushed every bit of water I had in my body out the front door. I glanced between my legs and could see the base of a tan, thick cock sticking out of my muffin and drop after drop of sweet booty juice dripping from it. It slowly began to work its way out and when it stopped right near the end I pulled away from it and watched the head spread my lips apart. I reached behind me and grabbed the throbbing tip and twisted the juices all over it while thrusting myself back onto the spear of love. I don’t think I’ve ever arched my back like that and I stopped but the hard cock kept going and then pulled out and then back in. Like a train pulling from the station, he pulled out slow and then submerged himself again and then back out until we past that station and picked up the speed, all the way in and then back out again. Churn after churn after churn. I held my mouth as the walls of my tunnel began to swell with each thrust and I bit down on my finger, closed my eyes and muffled my scream of ecstasy. My cheeks clenched so tight that he stopped suddenly and I reached up from under myself and squeezed his throbbing tool. I held it there while I was twitching uncontrollably and watching the flow of liquid emerge from my lips. I felt a surge through his cock and then a quick push forward. I waited for a second and another one blasted through his cock.

I pulled myself off of him just so the head of his cock was nestled between my lips and my middle finger was rubbing just under the head. Another twitch and a blast of cream squirted my clitoris and shot through my fingers. I slowly push his head deeper into my lips but not entirely inside me. Semen drips freely from my fingers and I rub it lightly into my little button. I pushed my body towards him and forced his softening member back inside me, tightened my muscles and milked what was left from his still erect manhood. I hear him gather his things, wash his hands and quickly exit the bathroom. I looked down and realized I had a mess to clean up so once again I broke out the wet naps and cleaned up the floor, then placed the picture frame back on the wall. I was laughing on the inside and was wondering how badly I may have screwed this whole thing up.

Again I hear the door click behind me and instantly rolled my eyes up into my head. I had hoped the others hadn’t talked or I was in big trouble. I sat back in the chair and blew my hair out my eyes. I heard a sound come from behind me.

“Psssst,” beckons the sound. The picture behind begins to tap the wall and swing slightly. “Pssssst.” Again I hear and turned around quite puzzled. I slowly pushed the picture to the side and peek through the hole. “You are doing a fantastic job!” whispered Jo’s boss. “This deal is sealed and I owe you one hell of a dinner,” he whispered quite excitedly. I smiled, put my mouth up to the hole and said in a very sultry whisper.

“You are quite welcome. Anything for you, love.” He backed away from the hole and as sure as I thought I was about to play another flute, I hear the toilet flush and the opening of the door. His footsteps return to the theater.

“Did that just happen?” I thought to myself. “Did I just get praised for being a slut? What an awesome job. No wonder Jo likes it here.” I returned to my nail filing and pondering the actions I had just witnessed and had been a part of. I got up and headed to the bathroom to wash up.

Once again I felt clean and sat at the desk filing my nails knowing full well that there was one more guy out there that hadn’t experienced what the other two did and if anything was said, I just might be in for another ride before this day was through and just then I heard the door click again. I figured there was nothing to lose by at least giving him a show so I rolled the chair over to the back wall, removed the picture and remained seated, pointing my shaved little beaver right at the hole. It didn’t take long before I noticed an eyeball shadow the hole.

Like a worm on a hook, I had the fish nibbling. I moved the chair over and stood up, bent over the desk as if I was looking for something and hiked my skirt up baring my sweet little ass to the eye at the hole. I backed up a little moving closer and closer to the hole. I could hear some heavy breathing behind me and I was smiling like a little girl that just manipulated an ice cream cone out of her daddy. The breathing was getting heavier and heavier the closer I got. I turned to look and there was a tongue sticking through, waving in the air and tempting me closer. I put my luscious ass cheeks against the hole and felt the warm tongue darting up and down across my anus. I moved up a little and the tongue was able to reach both lips. Back and forth it went and then began to dart in and out, quick as lightning.

My breasts were getting warm with excitement and I moved my ass off the wall and knelt down in front of the waving tongue. I pressed my taught nipple into it and it seemed to move faster and faster and then I moved my other nipple to it and pushed my breast up into the flickering tongue. I little shock went through my body each time it was touched. I was again dripping wet and then the tongue went away and a finger came through searching for anything to touch. I stuck out my tongue and sucked the finger into my mouth and then it quickly disappeared. I peeked through the hole and the man was standing up, unzipping his trousers. His hand reached in and pulled out a hard, erect penis and pointed it at the hole. It had gotten closer so I put my lips up to the hole and waited for the warm mass to push its way through my taught lips and it did, slowly, and commanded my lips to part and spread my mouth open, sliding along the top of the back of my tongue. It was so hard and stopped right at the back of my tongue and then pulled back. I kept my lips taught and it pushed forward again and back again and forward again until the rhythm resembled a jack hammer it seemed and then it suddenly stops.

I felt a surge through his throbbing tool and the roof of my mouth was pelted with the longest burst of cream I have ever witnessed, forcing me to swallow it as it came and then he pushed his cock further into my mouth and it popped its way down into my throat. We were locked still for what seemed like an eternity as I felt surge after surge through his cock but felt nothing in my throat. I finally had to breathe and pulled his dripping member from my mouth. Long strands of semen stretched from my lips as I backed away, covering the tip of his cock with my entire hand and then I ran my tongue from the bottom of his shaft to the very tip sucking in any drops left behind. His cock disappeared quickly through the hole leaving me to lick my fingers clean and searching for another wet nap.

After a quick clean up, I returned the picture to its proper location and sat patiently at my seat. Not too long afterwards the crew was led out of the house and Jo’s boss was thanking them for their time. They each smiled really big as they passed my little booth and headed for the door. As the last one left, Jo’s boss closed the door and turned to me.

“That was fucking awesome!” He blurted. “You know you did NOT have to do that and I would have NEVER asked that of you, either. Also, I owe you one huge dinner!” He did take me to dinner and a movie a week later and that is another story I may never tell.

Written by MissAnonna
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