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The Doctor Is In: Chapter III – Joining the Doctor’s Family

"A young couple continues their therapy and is inducted into the Doctor's family"

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Call the Doctor

“Since our three-way session last week my husband has been a man possessed,” I explained to Dr. Clark over the phone. “He wants to get into my pants, feel me up, and fuck me every day, Doctor.”

Dr. Don Clark chuckled, “Isn’t that why you came to see me, Molly, to get more sex back into your marriage?”

“Well, yes,” I responded, “but I didn’t imagine that his inner teen-age beast would be unleashed.”

The doctor laughed at my description, before he replied, “Don’t worry, Molly. Rodney is just overcompensating a bit. After all, we did show him how much he wanted and enjoyed receiving anal sex at our last session. He’ll calm down in a few days.”

“Meanwhile,” the doctor continued, “you should give him as much sex as he wants so he will build confidence in his male side, at the same time that he is coming to grips with his occasional need to be dominated by a man. It’s a balance that you and I must help him establish.”

“You’re right, doctor. I will be encouraging and let him enjoy me as often as he wants,” I said, “even if it means that I sometimes get too much of a good thing.”

“Perhaps, I can help out, Molly. Instead of having our next appointment at the office, would you and Rodney like to come over to my place Tuesday evening about seven? You can meet my wife, Carol. It will just be the four of us. We can have a glass of wine and take a dip in the pool while we talk.”

“That would be wonderful,” I responded. “I do want to get Rodney to socialize more.”

“Oh, and you won’t need to bring bathing suits,” Don explained, “Carol and I prefer to be nude in the pool – no wet clothes to deal with. We’ll be happy to have you and Rodney that way too.”

“Why, Don! I think you are having naughty thoughts,” I replied as coyly as I could.

“Well,” said Don before he hung up the phone, “I did make you a promise at the end of last session, and I intend to keep it. It sounds like your husband is pretty well primed to do his part as well.”

Meeting the Doctor’s Wife

The door opened before sound of the doorbell ended. “Hi, I’m Carol. You must be Molly and Rodney. Don has told me so much about the two of you,” said the thin, attractive dishwater blond with a wide smile. She showed us into the living room where Doctor Clark was seated on a straight back chair.

“I’m so glad to see you, Rodney and Molly,” he said as he rose to greet us with handshakes. “This is my wife, Carol. She is my assistant and she will be sitting in with us for this session, and perhaps in future sessions as well. Molly, Rodney, please sit together on the couch.”

Dr. Don Clark continued as we took our seats, “We will break this week’s session into two parts. First we will address some discipline training. Then we will take a break, have a glass of wine and a dip in the pool, then we will conclude the session, if that is okay with the two of you.”

We had no reason to disagree, so Rodney and I concurred. The session was starting quickly with nothing being said about what had occurred during our two previous visits to the doctor’s office. ‘How much does Carol know about the intimate relations we had had with her husband?’ I wondered.

Before I could dwell on the thought, the doctor continued, “Fine. Rodney, do you recall spanking your wife last week?”

My husband had the look of a deer caught in the headlights. He looked at me, then to Carol who was sitting in a straight back chair just to the doctor’s right, then to Dr. Clark, to whom he answered, ‘y… yes,’ in the guiltiest tone.

“Well, Rodney,” the doctor continued, “it’s a good thing that she was fully clothed, because your technique was awful. You might have injured her otherwise.”

“Carol and I are going to show each of you how to properly give a spanking with just the right amount of pain, but no permanent injuries,” he explained. “The administration of light corporal punishment is essential, if you are going to provide forgiveness for your partner’s infractions of marital rules.”

“Molly, please come stand to my right, facing my lap," said the doctor. “Rodney, please come stand in front of Carol and watch how I give a good spanking. Molly, please bend over my lap and let my legs support you at your midriff.”

“Now, Molly,” the doctor asked, “what did you do last week to deserve a spanking?”

“I, um,” I hesitated knowing that Carol was listening, “I tried to do something without asking permission.”

“Tell us what you did,” said the doctor. “Be specific so you can be punished and forgiven.”

I was flushed and flustered. “I tried to suck your cock without asking permission!” was my shamefaced admission.

“Well, you do indeed deserve to be spanked for that,” said the doctor as he lifted the hem of my sundress and neatly lay the bottom half of the garment over my back.

I felt shame and humiliation. I knew that Don’s wife and my husband had listened to my confession and they were now staring at my pantie clad backside. Then the first blow struck like a thunderclap and stung like a thousand bees.

“Bad Girl!” said the doctor. Then, Whack! again. “Naughty Girl!” Whack! “Bad Girl!” Whack! “Naughty Girl!”

“Rodney,” said the doctor, “did you see how I used the flat of my hand on each of Molly’s well-rounded ass cheeks? And did you observe the limited amount of force I used? Rodney, come pull your wife’s panties down so we can see the results.”

As my husband slid my panties to my knees, I knew that he and Don’s wife had a perfect view of my punished private parts.

“Do you see the redness and the faint hand-prints?” Also note that there are no welts or bruises. Okay, just a couple more to show what happens when you spank bare flesh.”

Whack! Whack!

“More redness and better defined hand-prints,” Rodney gloated.

Carol Saves me

Carol said, “I forgive you, Molly.”

Tears welled in my eyes. I began to understand the true nature of punishment. It was more mental than physical. I knew the pain would subside quickly, but I would remember how embarrassed I felt forever.

Carol came to my aid. She pulled my panties up, lowered my skirt, helped me up off Don’s lap, and said, “We’re going to get ready for the pool.” As we passed my husband, she noted the lump in his pants, “Looks like you got a bit excited watching your wife get spanked, Rodney.”

By the time we got to the bedroom hallway, I heard Don say, “Take off your pants, Rodney, and lay across my lap.”

Getting to Know Her

In the bedroom, Carol and I sat on the bed. My ass was warm and glowing, and there was an unexpected wetness between my legs.

Carol put her arms around my shoulders and gave me a hug. “I’m so sorry that Don humiliated you like that, Molly. I think he did it to bring home a point for you and Rodney. And, don’t worry, I am well aware of the sex he has with some of his patients. We have been open about the demands of his job for many years. You two are very fortunate. He only brings people home to meet me when he wants to establish long-term relationships with them.”

I hugged her back and said, “I’m so relieved to hear you say that, Carol. Because I do love my husband, and I don’t want to hurt you. But, Don makes me feel that it’s okay to explore sexual desires I didn’t even know I had.”

“I know,” Carol responded, “isn’t it amazing? He does that to me too. But don’t you worry about my feelings, Molly. I am happy to share Don. In fact, I would not want to be the only outlet for his insatiable desires.”

I felt an instant bond with Carol. We had so much in common. I felt we were fast becoming friends.

“Here,” she said, “let me help you get ready for the pool.” I turned my back toward her and she unbuttoned the back of my sundress. When I faced her again she pulled the top of the dress forward and down to my waist. Then she helped me remove my bra.

“My, you do have beautiful breasts. May I?” she asked as she reached out and touched them. My tits have always been proportionally long. Some of my girlfriends even nicknamed me ‘Molly Long Boobs’. Carol enjoyed fondling my tits and eventually cupped one and drew it to her lips. Carol had a large, wide mouth. Once she latched onto my tit, she sucked a large portion of it in; and then maintained the suction while she pulled it out and up prior to tonguing my nipple.

Carol’s wide mouth housed a very long, pointed tongue. I later learned that she could extend it out and curl it up to touch the tip of her nose. It was also rumored that she had once held a long, empty Alka-Seltzer tablet bottle to her lips and then inserted her long, slick appendage far enough into it to touch its bottom.

The sensation of Carol’s lashing tongue was delicious. My nipples hardened and extended immediately. I couldn’t resist touching Carol’s face in a brief caress. When I did, she looked up and we locked eyes in instant understanding: she wanted me, and I didn’t want her to stop.

Girl Talk

But, Carol had other ideas. “We had better finish getting ready and check on the boys,” she said as she undressed. I followed suit, slipping my dress the rest of the way off, and removing my shoes and panties. I looked in the full length dressing mirror and saw that my ass cheeks were still a glowing pink.

Carol led me by the hand back into the living room. Rodney was naked. His ass fiery red as he knelt in front of Don who was bare from the waist down, sitting back in an arm chair. Don caressed Rodney’s head and shoulders as he moved his trainee’s willing mouth up and down over his erect penis. Rodney was hard too, stroking himself in response to Don’s attention.

“Don’t come yet, boys,” Carol said to them, “you know you want to save it for later. Molly and I are going to get in the pool. Clean yourselves up and join us.”

The way she spoke made me wonder ‘who is actually in charge here?’ as she continued to lead me by the hand out onto the pool deck in their very private yard.

Carol and I entered the pool from the steps at the shallow end and walked to the poolside in waist deep water for some girl talk.

“Molly,” Carol started, “as I said before, I know what goes on at my husband’s office. I am okay with that – especially with submissives like your Rodney. But you are different. You are a strong, highly sexed, beautiful young woman. I don’t want to have to compete with you. I need to know that you and I can work together as family members, fully sharing our husbands, before I can give my permission for you and Don to consummate your obvious desires.”

“Oh, Carol,” I responded, “thank you for your honesty. I do understand, and I do want us to have a good relationship. I love my husband and I will always stay with him. But. I also need your Don as a manly sex partner. I will gladly join your family and bring Rodney along with me. I will do anything you need me to.”

“Will you participate in a marriage ceremony with us later tonight?” she asked.

“Yes, Carol. I will,” I replied without hesitation.

“Good,” said Carol, “I need a small tribute from you - now before the boys come out. And, I need you to keep this aspect of our relationship just between you and me.” With that, Carol lifted herself out of the pool, sat on the tiled edge, and spread her legs.

I quickly moved between Carol’s thighs and kissed her smooth shaved, still closed nether lips. I used my own lips to brush away the droplets of pool water that bejeweled them. Then I parted her labia with the pointed tip of my tongue and pressed it forward until it contacted her clit. I increased the pressure of the tip against her button until I felt Carol give a slight shudder. Carol caressed my head and held my face tight against her sex for a few moments.

Pool Time

Don and Rodney emerged from the house and walked to the pool. Don’s arm was around Rodney’s waist and they were both semi-erect. I got out of the pool and sat beside Carol. They entered the pool and waded over to us, Rodney in front of Carol, and Don in front of me. As if on a silent signal, Carol and I opened our legs. Don and Rodney looked at each other and grinned as they moved forward.

Don lifted my thighs over his shoulders and pressed his face against my recently shaved vulva. His slippery tongue slid between my lips and found my already hot, wet vagina. He continued to press his face forward until his curled, searching appendage was inserted up as far as it would go. His immediate, aggressive assault told my body all it needed to know. ‘Don wants me! And, “Oh God!”, I am so ready for him.’

I would have progressed rapidly to an orgasm, if I had not heard Carol say, “Whoa, Rodney, slow down! You aren’t chewing on a piece of roast beef down there. Molly, haven’t you taught your husband how to treat a lady?”

I replied, “Sorry, Carol, he hasn’t been willing try it.”

“Well,” said Carol in a stern tone, “that is going to change starting right now. Rodney ‘you are’ going to learn how to please me, aren’t you?”

“Yes, I will,” was my husband’s meek reply, as Carol began to guide him.

Making My Desires Obvious

“Trade places with me, Molly?” Don asked as he jumped up and sat beside me. When I hesitated, perhaps waiting for Carol’s okay, he put his arm around my shoulders, turned me toward him, and gave me a deep kiss. I tasted myself on his lips and tongue for the first time.

While he kissed me, he fondled my breasts, squeezed them, and gently tugged at my nipples. I flashed back to our first session when he suddenly started to torture my tits – leaving me sore and wanting. I decided that I liked this better, so I reached between his legs and found his erect penis. I gently jacked his cock and occasionally massaged his balls as our kiss continued. I knew we were in full view of his wife and my husband, but I didn’t care. I wanted Don tonight, and I wanted them to know it.

When our kiss ended, I slid forward into the pool, and moved between Don’s legs. There, I continued to make love to Don’s large, hot, smoothly erotic erection. I touched, tugged, jacked, kissed, licked, massaged, mouthed, and sucked. I thoroughly enjoyed every moment of my adulation. And, Don showed his appreciation by caressing my face, hair, head, neck, and shoulders with the softest of touches from his hands and fingers.

‘Tonight, you’re mine,’ I thought to myself.

Getting Ready

Twilight had turned to darkness and Carol told us it was time to leave the pool and get ready for the ceremony. Don escorted Rodney back into the house and led him down the hall to one of the bedrooms. Carol took my hand and led me back to the room where we left our clothes.

Once in the room she wrapped her arms around me and gave me a deep kiss. It was so passionate that I could not help but put my arms around her waist, part my lips, and respond to her probing tongue.

When we broke our lip lock, Carol continued to hold me in her embrace. “Molly,” she said, “I am so pleased with the way you handled Don in the pool. Your touch was loving. I could see how much you want him and care for him. And, I could see how much he needs to feel wanted by a beautiful young woman. I am happy beyond words that you are going to become a member of our family tonight.”

Carol poured us each a glass of white Zinfandel. After a few sips she led me into the shower stall where we helped each other wash off the chlorinated water from the pool. We touched, explored, and became familiar with our bodies in ways that were both nice, and arousing. After the shower, we patted each other dry with large, soft towels.

Carol said to me, “Our ceremony may seem a bit strange at first, but please know that I am with you. You can trust me. Don wants to possess you in every way possible, and I am going to do whatever I can to make it a wonderful experience for both of you.” Then she sent me off to the ‘Play Room’ downstairs to wait with Rodney as she and Don got themselves ready.

The Play Room

As I descended the stairs, I saw Rodney standing next to a white cube shaped object at the center of a warm, candlelit space. The cube was about 30 inches on each side. The floor was carpet-covered, and the dimly lit walls appeared to be soundproofed. I joined my also nude husband and took his hand. “Are you okay with Don and Carol?” I asked.

“Yes,” he replied. “But, Molly, I think Don wants to fuck me again. When we were alone Don gave me a glass of wine to drink while he fingered me and lubricated my anus. I got very hard and now my erection won’t go down. And, Carol seems to have taken an interest in me, too. She is teaching me a lot, and I think she wants to be with me tonight too.”

“Don’t worry, Honey,” I said, “I love you and I know that you love me. Please just relax and enjoy everything that happens tonight. I won’t be mad or jealous, in fact, I am getting excited just thinking about you being together with Don and Carol while I watch. Whatever you learn from them, we can practice at home.” Still, I wanted to know, ‘How much ED medication did Don put in my husband’s wine.’ That might be a handy fact for use at home.

I gave Rodney a hug and a kiss. I also gave his distended member a fond stroke just as the door at the top of the stairs opened. Don and Carol walked down side by side. They were dressed alike: naked except for black leather boots, and full erections. Yes, Carol was wearing a strap on.

I nudged Rodney. “Looks like we will not only be marrying into the family tonight, but we're going to get a good fucking as well,” I said to him. I felt his hand tremble in mine as I smiled up at our two Doms descending the stairs.

My Husband Commits

The heeled boots made Don and Carol larger than life figures. They walked directly to us, took Rodney’s hands, and led him to the white cube in the center of the room. They flanked Rodney as all three turned to face me. Rodney’s buttocks were backed against the cube. “Do you join in our marriage of your own free will,” Carol asked? “and, do you promise to love, honor, and obey Don and me?”

Rodney looked at me for affirmation. I nodded and smiled back at him. “I do,” said my husband.

“Good,” said Don, “now let me help you lie back on the alter so you can provide Carol, Molly, and me with symbols of your submission to our family group.”

I watched as Don helped Rodney lie on his back on top of the white cube. Rodney’s butt cheeks rested just on the forward edge of the alter, and shoulders on the opposite edge. His legs were unsupported, and his head hung back and down over the other edge. Once my husband was in position, Carol straddled his face, her small diameter, but lifelike strap on dildo laying on his chest. “Do it like I taught you to earlier!” she said.

Don stood beside Carol as my husband lifted his head between her legs until his face, lips, and tongue found her sex. Carol held my husband’s head and caressed his face as he licked, lapped, and penetrated her orifices. She expertly guided him to the right places at the right times, while maintaining a bright smile, and occasionally gasping. When she was satisfied with Rodney’s willingness, and her own state of arousal, Carol stepped back, handed Rodney’s head to her husband, walked around the alter, and raised his legs, pushing his knees to his chest.

Once the weight of his legs was no longer cantilevered, Rodney relaxed. Carol moved to his folded legs and placed the head of her small penis like anal probe against his well lubricated opening. She entered his ass with short sharp thrusts, each of which rubbed and excited his prostate. “Do you like having me fuck you?” Carol asked as she continued to pump my husband while she held his throbbing tool in her hand.

“Yes, I do. It’s wonderful. Please don’t stop,” Rodney pleaded.

Don silenced Rodney by placing his own hard penis against my husband’s face and lips. Don took his time wiping Rodney’s face with the underside of his manhood again and again. Rodney used his tongue to lick at whatever part was available. Don then placed the tip of his penis in my husband’s open mouth and started easing it in without thrusting. It became obvious that Don wanted to go deep and have Rodney take his entire length.

“Remember our training, Rodney, and trust me,” Don instructed as he slid all the way into my husband’s throat. Rodney relaxed and submitted to full penetration at both ends.

Carol and Don sensed my husband’s complete acceptance of their domination.

Don’s Requirements

Don helped Rodney up and then the three of them turned to me and said, “Okay, Molly, your turn.”

“Do you join in our marriage of your own free will, and do you promise to love, honor, and obey Don and me?” Carol asked.

“I Do!” was my enthusiastic response.

Don then said he wanted to make sure Rodney and I understood the meaning and importance of joining the family. “We have all come a long way in the past two weeks. But, until now, I have not penetrated Molly with my manhood nor have I released my seed into her.”

“Rodney, as Molly’s legal husband do you willingly give your permission for Carol and I have to have sex with Molly, in the most intimate of ways, now and in the future? And, will you watch and participate in these sexual acts as we request?”

“I give my permission, and I will watch and participate as requested,” said my husband.

“Oh, Honey! I am so proud of you. Thank you for understanding what I need,” I said as I hugged him. “We are going to have a wonderful, long marriage.”

“Good,” said Don again, “now, Molly, let me help you lie back on the alter so you can provide Carol, Rodney, and me with symbols of your submission to our family group.”

“Wonderful,” Don continued as I settled onto my back, “Carol and Rodney, I will need your help in order to make Molly’s initiation memorable for her and for me. You will take turns supporting Molly’s cantilevered legs and head when needed, and you will provide us with added stimulation and lubrication at times so I can give her a fucking she and I will never forget.”

I was tingling and trembling with anticipation after hearing Don’s blunt, crude description of what was yet to come.

On the Alter

Don gently held my head up and started issuing instructions, “Okay, let’s start slowly. It is going to take a team effort, and more than a little time, to get us both off simultaneously. Carol, kneel under Molly’s legs, place them on your shoulders, move your face forward, and start warming her up with your mouth.”

I felt Carol lift my lower legs while bending my knees and taking the weight of my lower extremities on her shoulders. She then moved her face into my shaved and fully exposed sex. Her long, tapered tongue snaked out and contacted my already moist slit. Her supple hands cupped and caressed my ass cheeks. Soon, they moved in to part the folds so she could slip, slide, and explore.

Carol opened her jaw to its fullest extent, and used her lips to establish a seal around my labia from my Mons to my perineum. She applied suction and the seal held. I could feel the tissues in all of the surrounded parts begin to swell as their capillaries expanded and blood flowed into them. She used her snake like appendage to slide up my slit to tease my clit, then down to deeply penetrate my vagina. Her tongue seemed endless as she slid the extreme length of it in and up as far as it would go. Once her appendage was thoroughly encased, with suction still being applied all around, she curled it back and stroked my G-spot. Carol was an expert tongue fucker and cunt licker. My pussy was putty in her mouth.

I sensed the tip of Don’s penis near my mouth, then it moved back and forth, painting my lips with pre come fluid. Don flexed his hips and the tip slid between my lips. Because my head was laid back, when I opened my eyes, I could watch Don’s balls sway as he began a rocking motion that moved his cock in and out. As more and more of Don’s erection entered my mouth, my husband’s hand provided guidance. Soon, Rodney’s hand was stationary in contact with my lips. Don was fucking my face through my husband’s hand. The strokes were long enough that Rodney could feel Don’s helmeted head glide over his fingers on each entry and exit. What a thrill it was to be hand fed hot cock by my husband.


“Carol, use Molly’s slickness to lubricate her anus. Take your time and use your fingers to open her up,” Don commanded.

Carol pressed her shoulders forward, pinning my knees to my chest. She held them there with her arms as she lowered her head to lick from my clit to my asshole. She licked down then up again. Her long tongue entered my open vagina again like miniature cock. It penetrated deep, curled and brought out the slick, sticky mixture it sought, then deposited it at my anal pore. Her soft, slender fingers pressed in and out, insistent, but never forceful. First, one finger, then two slipped in. Carol smiled at me as she lovingly finger-fucked my ass. And I loved her for taking me so gently.

Don removed my husband’s hand from his slow trusting cock. He held my face in both hands and started going deeper. He positioned my head to get a perfect alignment and slid his large member all the way in. Because I was upside-down, I experienced no gag reflex. Don continued the slow deep throat action. When he was all the way in, his tightened scrotum and balls bumped my nose and upper lip. I could see past them to his asshole and butt crack. It was obvious that Don was enjoying taking my throat for the first time. He bent his knees and slid his smooth, warm penis into my throat again and again. I was enjoying the feel of his cockhead enter and leave my throat, and I loved the sense that I was pleasing Don. But, he was not ready to get off yet, so he just maintained a steady rhythm.

“Carol, use your strap on to get Molly ready for anal penetration with a real cock,” Don said.

Carol removed her fingers from my ass, stood up straight, and started sliding her appendage up and down my crack.

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First she teased my clit with it. Then extended it down so it rubbed across my anus again and again. I felt her raise the tip up to the entrance of my vagina and gently press in, easily penetrating the dripping opening. She took her time exciting the sensitive tissues of my vagina walls in preparation for Don’s much larger penis.

Carol then moved the head of her dripping probe to the center of my anal opening. I began to tremble and shake. I had never been penetrated by an object in my ass before. She was patient and gently eased the tip of her small, thin phallus up against my sphincter. Her previous fingering activity had loosened me up and the head started to slip in without any force on her part. There was a delicious sliding and filling sensation, and then I felt her thighs press against my butt cheeks. She was in – all the way in.

Carol paused, allowing me to become accustomed to the feeling of having my rectum filled. After a minute or so, she started rocking her hips back and forth, causing the dildo to fuck in and out. It felt so much better than I expected it would. My knees were weak and they spread apart of their own accord. “Do you like having me fuck your ass with my little friend?” she asked me.

I wanted to yell, ‘YES!’, but Don’s cock was still moving in and out of my throat.

“You don’t have to answer now,” Carol said with a smile, “we’ll be doing this a lot in the future. You can tell me how much you love it then.”

Carol Helps My Husband with Anal

 “Rodney, go stand beside Carol and do what she tells you,” Don told him.

As Rodney walked to Carol, Don removed his cock from my now puffy lips. “Are you okay, Baby?” he asked. I nodded ‘yes’.

Don continued, “I can’t wait to really fuck you. And, I know you want that too. But first, I am going to have your husband take your ass.” I tried to object, but he put his fingers to my lips. “I know you would rather it be me, but it will do Rodney a world of good. He will feel like a real man when he thinks about how he took this last vestige of your virginity. Carol and I are going to fuck you a lot from now on and we want your husband to be okay with it. Just think of his small dick as a tool that will make it easier on you when it’s my turn. Trust me, Molly.”

Don held my head up and caressed my face as Carol removed her sex toy from my ass. She had Rodney move in front of her as she continued to hold my legs up. She then used a little of my abundant pussy juice to lubricate my husband’s still swollen pecker, then she positioned it properly at my back door and helped him mount my ass for the first time. Rodney was visibly shaking - partly from nervousness about being assisted in a first-time sex act with his wife by another woman, partly from the over excitement from so much sexual arousal during the past few hours.

Carol remained behind Rodney. She had him push my legs forward until they folded back against my chest. She placed one hand on his hip while the other jacked his penis and held the tip in place. I heard her begin whispering encouragement to my husband as she peered over his shoulder, “Don’t worry, Honey. Molly wants you to fuck her in the ass. I’m here to help you every step of the way. That’s it, Honey. Push and wait. Push and wait,” she said as she fondled his shaft and squeezed his balls during his first anal penetration.

Carol had prepared my passage so well that it was an easy slide as Rodney’s small, hard dick slipped into the smooth snugness of my ass. It was a painless insertion and I enjoyed the warm feel of a real, living appendage in my rectum.

My husband was all the way in and shuddering with excitement. I knew he was on the verge, and so did Carol. But, she was a master at controlling a man in need. She held Rodney back saying, “Wait, Wait, you have to let her adjust. Don’t Move!” while she quietly shifted her position and placed the wet tip of her dildo at the entrance to Rodney’s asshole.

“Okay,” Carol commanded in a loud voice, “Fuck her now. Fuck her hard!” as she grabbed his hips and pulled herself forward.

Meanwhile, Rodney could not trust forward because he was already thigh to thigh with me. So, he started a quick out stroke as Carol forced her strap on forward. The consequence of both Carol and Rodney’s motions was to drive her dildo right up my husband’s ass, striking his prostate with great force. The prostate thump triggered an immediate start to Rodney’s orgasm. His ejaculation was accompanied by bunny rabbit like rapid humping into my ass. It was a thrilling, if short lived, experience for me as my husband humped his small dick into me, while it jerked, throbbed, and pumped out his pent-up semen.

Carol enjoyed it too. “Come, Rodney Come!” she yelled in his ear as she wrapped her arms around my husband’s chest, mounted him from behind, and hung on like a cowgirl riding her favorite bucking horse. She didn’t have spurs. Instead, she used her anal probe to prod his prostate and make him buck. It was: Hump, hump, anal probe thrust, buck… Hump, hump, thrust, buck… Hump, hump, thrust, buck… Hump… hump… thrust… buck.

The thrill and excitement of the ride put Carol over the top. She was gasping and coming too. She prodded her steed mercilessly as she maintained her mounted position on his back while she fucked him in the ass with her strap on dildo.

Carol continued to fuck Rodney’s ass with her strap on even after he stopped coming in me and they both fell to their hands and knees in exhaustion.

Once Carol recovered her senses and realized the ride was over, she quickly pulled my husband up into a passionate kiss then held his hand in the air, as if he were the one who had maintained his mount until the eight second buzzer.

Carol was gracious. She shouted, “That was terrific, Rodney. You fucked your wife in the ass. You did a great job. And I think we’re all going to want to ride the bronco next time you mount her that way.”

Rodney accepted her glowing praise with a renewed sense of pride. “Can’t wait!” he said.

I was happy for my husband. He got to participate in his first sexual rodeo. And that Carol was able take him. But she was still thoughtful enough to compliment him on his performance so he could maintain his dignity.

Molly’s Turn

After a short rest, Don whispered in my ear, “Okay, Baby. It’s Time. You and I are now going to get the fuck we have been waiting for.“

I squeezed Don’s hand and replied, “Thank you, Don. I want you so badly right now. Please, don’t go easy on me. I can take anything you need to do.” Don squeezed my hand back.

“Carol, please come hold Molly’s head and coach her while I have Rodney assist me,” said Don. He gave me an encouraging kiss as he handed me off to Carol.

“Okay, Molly,” Carol said, “I am going to help you get the most out of Don and his desire for you. Have you noticed how excited he is, and how engorged his manhood has become? It is the thought of finally having you – all of you - that is driving him at this point. Are you ready for him, Baby?”

I watched Don walk around the cube with his engorged, fully erect, and slightly discolored penis leading the way. “Carol, I want Don so badly. Thank you for sharing him with me.”

The Real First Time

“Rodney, you did a great job fucking your wife’s ass a few minutes ago. Did you enjoy it?” Don asked.

“Yes, I did,” Rodney answered with a hint of swagger in his voice.

Don lifted my legs over his shoulders, exposing both openings. “Molly’s asshole is still wet and open. Do you mind if I stretch it out a little more?” Don asked politely. My husband’s face showed mixed emotions, but considering his recent promise, he was in no position to deny such a request from the senior member of his new family. Don took his lack of response as a yes.

Don leaned forward and said, “I think you could easily take a second cock in your ass today, Molly. What do you think?”

By way of reply I raised my hips and said, “Yes, I want to feel y our cock there.”

Don began to prepare me for his penetration. First, he used his middle finger and his index finger to open me up. When the knuckles were just inside he twisted his fingers back and forth, stretching me evenly in all directions while two fingers of his left hand toyed mercilessly with my clitoris. I was beside myself now, low noises coming from the back of my throat. Just when it seemed that I might start to come from this thrilling new sensation Don withdrew his fingers and laid the fat tip of his penis across the entrance to my glistening anus.

“Rodney, let go of your prick and hold mine. No, a little further up. Feel the thickness. Now, move the tip of it over and all around her anal entrance, tease her with it. Yes, that’s good.” I was whimpering now and willing Rodney on. “Now increase the pressure and press against her wetness until it surrenders and takes me in.”

“Ooh! yes, that’s the special moment of complete possession,” said Don as the tapered tip of his penis slid through my anal ring for the first time. My already open sphincter relaxed for my new love. I took a sharp inward breath followed by a long, slow exhalation of complete surrender. I was letting myself go limp to allow Don to take what he wanted and needed.

Don continued the slow insertion of his hot, hard cock up the smooth bore of my rectum. I had a stretchy feeling as the walls expanded to accommodate his length and girth. But there was no pain. My anal canal was well lubricated with the remains of my husband’s recent come. Don was taking maximum advantage of Rodney’s ‘foreplay’. My husband may have come in my ass, but it was my lover who was actually taking my anal virginity.

I was in a lust filled fog, definitely reaching a higher plateau of arousal. “Molly,” I heard Carol say from somewhere in the haze, “Don is all the way in. How do you feel?”

My legs were shuddering, I was gasping for breath, but managed to say, “It’s wonderful… So wonderful.”

“Good girl,” Carol said as she stroked my brow, “Don is going to give you a little time to adjust, then he is going to fuck your ass really hard to get himself charged up to do your cunt next.”

I couldn’t stop shaking.

When he was ready, Don withdrew his penis. I was bereft. I did not want to lose the feeling of him being so far up inside of me. But then he started to put it back, and happiness returned.

“Rodney,” Don said, “look at my helmet disappearing inside your wife and keep this image in your mind. You can describe it to Molly later to heighten her excitement and you can recall it when you’re masturbating. Okay, take your hand away, I want to plunge deep and cover my shaft with those juices.”

To my gasping delight he gave me the full length and withdrew almost all the way, paused, hovered and took me again. He got my husband to close his hand around his prick again and slide it up close to my asshole so that he was fucking me through Rodney’s hand. He withdrew until the end of his cock was resting on my husband’s thumb and told him to feel every contour as he pushed through his fingers.

“When you feel only the smoothness of the shaft you’ll know that I’m entering her and that she’ll be feeling the ridge of my helmet against her opening. Now, remove your hand so I can give her what she wants.”

I used my hands to hold my wide spread knees back to the alter. I wanted Don to have complete access, and all the freedom of movement that he needed.

Don put his hands on my hips and began to really give it to me, not fast, but deep and hard. I squirmed on his rampant tool and bent back my head and thrust chest out so that Carol could pull my nipples.

“Come on, Molly, really give me your ass, Rodney wants to see you come with my big cock in your ass, don’t you Rodney?” Don commanded as he started to speed up and hump harder, faster, and deeper.

“Yes, I do,” said Rodney. “Come for him, Molly. Come on Don’s big cock!”

Carol spoke in my ear, “Do it, Baby! Come for me! Come for Don! Come for Rodney! Come for your new husband!”

“Oh God! Oh God!” I gasped out as the convulsions of my first ever anal orgasm over took me.

Don was relentless. He fucked me hard. He kept fucking my ass right through my orgasm. As I recovered my senses and calmed down a bit, Don was still there, the strong muscles of my sphincter ring spasming around his rampant member as he continued to thrust into me. He was getting himself ready for a big orgasm later, and he was using my ass now to get as much stimulation as possible. I loved being used this way by him.

Don, eventually, reluctantly, withdrew his now swollen, distended, and discolored cock from my ass.

Clean up

Don turned to his right. I let go of my legs and let them extend and rest upright against the side of his chest. He put one hand on my husband’s shoulder and pushed him to his knees. “Rodney,” Don instructed, “to prevent any possible bacterial transfer when I fuck your wife for the first time, you need to give my cock and balls a thorough cleaning before I enter her vagina.”

My husband responded by enthusiastically licking and sucking all of Don’s genitalia. Don used one hand to touch my husband’s shoulder and caress his face while Rodney was busy with the task he was instructed to perform.

Rodney lifted Don’s heavy member to his lips and opened as Don slid it in and began to fuck it in and out in final preparation. Then, my husband began to masturbate as Don used his face.

“Good boy!” Don told him as he withdrew his throbbing, well-prepared penis. “You do that, and watch as Carol and I bring your wife into our world.”


I was still on a high plateau, waiting and hoping to ascend to the heavens again. Carol kissed me and said, “Don’t worry, Baby. You are going to come again, soon, and much, much more intensely.”

“Don is ready for you, and I am ready for you. Once we start to take you, we will not be able to stop. Are you prepared to be possessed by Don and me? To be our wife in every sense of the word?”

The sweet smell of sweat and sex filled the air as I replied, “Yes! Yes!” Please take me. Make me yours, and teach me how to please both of you.”

Carol kissed me again. This time her long, narrow tongue slid easily between my lips and into the hollow confines of my mouth. Without even thinking, I started sucking it like a small penis. In response, Carol fucked it in and out. She knew I was ready.

Don had Rodney stand and hold my legs up while he came around the cubic alter to stand beside Carol. When I turned my head in his direction, I was at eye level with his rampant member. He reached down, took his cock in his hand and stroked it gently beside my face while I watched in awe.

Don’s cock was as hard and as hot as any one I had ever seen. His penis shaft was so extended that it had developed a slight upward curve. There was no foreskin left to cover any part of the head. His scrotum was pulled up tight and slightly blue-purplish in color. The head of Don’s cock was light crimson, stretched taunt, and pointed like the tip of a spear. He was definitely ready to penetrate me. Pre-cum oozed continuously from the slit in the tight, cone shaped head.

“Are you ready, Baby,” he asked. “I have wanted to fuck you since the first day you came into my office. I want you to make you mine.”

“I’ve wanted you that long too,” I responded.

I looked down at Rodney holding my now relaxed legs and said to him, “You know that I love you, but I need Don right now. Please help him have sex with me, and I will continue to help you with your needs.”

“I understand,” Rodney replied with a brief smile. “I will do all I can to help you and Don. We are family now.”

With that I turned my face back to Don’s waiting cock. He rubbed my cheek with it, then my lips. I opened my mouth and he slipped it in. I enjoyed the taste of his pre-come, and I lovingly wet as much of the shaft as I could. Then Don moved back toward Rodney and took my legs from him.

Don had me bend my knees as he pushed them back. He leaned forward, placing his hands on the alter beside my body at tit level. “Rodney,” he ordered, “Hold the shaft of my cock and rub the wet tip up and down Molly’s open slit.”

It felt wonderful to have my husband slide Don’s member repeatedly along the inner lips and over my clit. I rapidly regained my high state of arousal.

“Okay, Rodney, now place the tip at her opening and hold it there. I want Molly to enjoy every possible sensation. The touch of your fingers on her pussy lips will let Molly know that you are really okay with my fucking her.”

When Rodney placed the warm, wet tip of Don’s cock against my inner lips, I felt his finger tips and I almost fainted. This is what I had wanted for so long. And, the fact that Don and my husband were working together to give it to me was astonishing.

Don moved up between my splayed-out legs and began to mount me. The aperture of my vagina. was open, wet, and waiting for him. He stood up straight, grasped my hips and pulled himself forward, slowly forcing more of his member into my tight hole. There was no lack of lubrication. I was gushing viscous coital fluids.

My vaginal walls stretched open a little at a time as they yielded to Don’s swollen member. There was no sudden relaxation, Don had to take me - every bit of me – inch by inch.

He was big. He was long and hard. I was in lust. I was irrational. I wanted it so bad. It hurt. I didn’t care. He was kind. He took his time. Carol helped. She kissed me, tongue fucked me, and tortured my tits to keep me distracted.

Soon, Don’s cock was tightly enclosed by the taut walls of my vagina. They were stretched to their new maximum diameter by his thick member. As he pressed himself into me, my free-flowing fluids lubricated his rampant cock, finally allowing it to begin sliding in and out at will along the smooth barrel of my vagina.

Carol encouraged me to take him, “Take all of him, Baby. You were just a girl until tonight. Now you are losing the last of your virginity to a real man.”

I was in a state of erotic bliss. One that I had never experienced before. Carol held my head up and my husband held my hand as he stroked his own cock beside my face. Don took his time. Fucking me with long slow strokes. The three of us watched as he stood between my upraised legs used his older, larger, more experienced cock to fuck me gently in front of my new family members. I felt free to let myself go and experience the full range of emotions produced by uninhibited sex. My arousal suddenly peaked and I began to orgasm. In the process, I momentarily blacked out. When I came to, I was astounded to find that everyone was still there, watching. And, Don was still moving within me. The sensation of really being loved was overwhelming. I began streaming tears of joy.

I rapidly ascended the steps from the elevated plateau toward the highest peaks again when Don became agitated and impatient. He started hunching in and out in an urgent, but controlled manner.

“It’s okay, Baby,” Carol cooed, “Don is getting close, but he wants to be all the way in when he comes in you for the first time.”

As Don humped his way deeper and deeper, Carol continued, “We have a little surprise for you, Baby. I put a bit of special drug in the wine we had earlier. Your cervix is relaxed and partially dilated now. Don is fully inserted into your vagina, and he is moving his cockhead around, seeking your internal opening.”

Suddenly Don’s hard tip located my partially open cervix. I felt it begin to penetrate. I was yielding to the insertion, pushing back against it to help its progress. But then Don paused. He slowly withdrew the entire length of his penis from me.

“Don has located your opening and is now going to prepare himself for maximum penetration,” Carol told me. “Watch and learn. Baby. He is going to want to fuck you like this often.”

Don stroked his cock from tip to base. Then he gripped his already tight round ball sack and pulled it forward until the skin of his scrotum stretched tight and forced his testicles up into his body cavity. He continued to pull the extra skin forward. That allowed more blood to fill his penis and extend it an extra inch or so. The result was that his cock became longer, thinner, and the head was less bulbous and more pointed. It was also extremely hot.

Don and Carol pulled my legs back to my chest and positioned my vagina nearly vertical. Don laid his chest up over the back of my thighs. Rodney reached between my legs, held Don’s now elongated cock, and guided the tip down into my open, and well lubricated, vaginal opening.

Don used one hand hold himself up, and the other to keep his scrotum flat and tight as he began to reinsert his now hot, longer, thinner penis. I felt the searing heat of it as soon as the tip touched my lips and pushed them open. It slid quickly down the already established path. Once his cock was most of the way in, he easily relocated the opening in my cervix and began to press into it. His pubis forced the upper part of my nether lips wide apart and his pubic area crushed my clitoris and pressed it against my pubic bone. The extra length, the thinner head and shaft, let him penetrate well into my uterus.

I was excited by the unusual things I was feeling for the first time. I was still completely aroused, but a little fear of the unknown was beginning to creep into my mind. My adrenalin began to flow, giving me the shakes.

I began to shudder and shake as I felt the wrinkled skin of his scrotum begin slipping into my vagina. As it entered, it expanded. Then Don used his free hand and pushed each of his testicles, one at a time, out of his body cavity through my narrow opening. Once his nuts were in me, they and his scrotal skin formed a seal at the opening and restricting any fluid flow out of my opening. I was knotted with the man I wanted so badly.

Now that his cock and balls were completely inside me, he began short slow thrusts. I was beside myself. My body was cooperating with Don and Carol to provide what they needed. I knew that when he came, all of his come would be deposited directly into my uterus, my womb. I wanted it. I wanted to feel that hot semen spurting as deep into me as possible.

Don started thrusting without any withdrawal, accentuating and advancing his penetration through my cervix into my womb.

Carol was kissing me again. This time she opened her mouth wide and completely covered my lips from my chin to just under my nostrils. She forced her snakelike tongue through my lips and teeth, and into my throat. Then she sucked. She sucked my face hard. The seal held and caused my lips to clamp down on her intruding member. I couldn’t resist. I sucked back.

Don’s agitated thrusting had the desired effect. I could feel the tight ring of my cervix grasping his extended probe around the shaft behind its pointy head. Don was in his final throes prior to ejaculation, simultaneously humping and jerking without really moving his cock. Carol whispered in my ear, “Don’s there, Baby. Your new husband is ready to come in you – to consummate your entry into our family. Ready to possess you, to make you ours. Welcome to our world, Baby!”


I was overwhelmed by sensations: all of the sights and sounds of the last few hours; the lingering feeling of Carol’s kisses, her lips, using her tongue to deep throat me; the anal entries and my first anal-centric orgasm; Don’s hard cock, entering my throat, my ass, and later increasing the size of my vaginal canal, its extended length pushing its way through the entrance to my womb; and the thought of his hot semen being deposited there. It was all too much.

I slipped deep into a haze of lust and lost it. I started to orgasm continuously and uncontrollably, something I had never before experienced. I was on fire. My entire body was quivering. All of my orifices were pulsing and spasming at the same time.

And then I felt it. The man I wanted more than anything started making his final thrusts. He knew just how to control himself as he started his massive ejaculation. His now long, narrowed penis started to swell, and slowly throb and pulse, as the ejaculate rose into the shaft. As the fluid neared the tip, the throbbing and pulsing increased in frequency and magnitude. Tremors began to radiate through the tight ring of my cervix and the walls of my vagina. From there, they were then transmitted throughout my body.

I started to melt as I felt my cervix respond by rhythmically milking the intruding penis. Then my vaginal walls started constricting around the shaft in concert with my cervix. Suddenly, I felt Don begin to shoot his hot, liquid, volcanic ejecta directly into my uterus, coating its walls with his semen. He lunged forward, then clutched and held my orgasm-wracked body to his chest as he continued to hump and pump shot after shot deep into me. I could feel his copious ejaculate, his scalding seed, flowing into me and beginning to gather in a molten pool in my deepest recesses.

I was no longer just being fucked – I was being inseminated – by a couple who knew exactly what they were doing.


I could not stop the continuous waves of orgasm that washed over me. My head was tossing from side to side. Carol held me tight as Don’s weight crushed my back into the alter. I was gasping and fighting for breath as he continued to pump his ejaculate into my womb. There was so much of it that the scalding fluid rapidly filled my small, young uterus and started to be expelled back through my cervix and into my vagina from below. It welled up in the little space left around Don’s cock and balls. But, it could not escape because his scrotal skin and testicles had sealed the mouth of my vagina shut. So, the pressure built up and stretched the walls of my flesh surrounding it.

The combination of the hot, slick liquid and the surrounding pressure suspended Don’s cock inside of me. The sensation was exquisite for Don, and for me. It gave Don the free movement of his cock within my womb that he so desired. He started fucking my slippery, flooded pussy, cervix, and womb with wild abandon. Each short, sharp stroke in the confined space pounded out hydrodynamic shockwaves that pulsed throughout my body and pushed my senses over the brink.

As my on-going orgasm intensified, my mind left my body. In my mind’s eye, I could see the scene from above. Don wildly humping my spread-leg body on the alter while Carol and Rodney held me close and watched. I clutched Don’s muscular ass cheeks – holding him into me with all my strength as my head tossed in climax.

I heard muffled screams coming through the fog, as if they were emanating at a distance. I recognized the voice, and I slowly came to the realize that those screams of cathartic release were mine.

I was being possessed. And, I knew that my life would never be the same after tonight.




Written by GatorRhythms
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