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The Clubhouse Ch.3

"Alyx gets named campsite Queen."

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Alyx bolted for her purse when she woke to the sound of a nearby gunshot, but relaxed when she heard hooting, hollering, and laughter.  Delilah was gone.  She crawled out of the tent and saw her sitting on one of the beach chairs, watching a distant bonfire.  She handed Alyx a cold beer.

“How come you’re not enjoying the party?”  Alyx asked her.

“You said you didn’t feel safe, so I wanted to make sure you were safe.”  Alyx thanked her and said that it meant a lot to her.  She decided to loosen up and drink.  

“There's a wet t-shirt contest later.  Got a white t-shirt?  I’m pretty sure you would win, no one here has tits like yours, and new girls always win anyway.”

“I do actually.  What do you win?”

“A thousand bucks and bragging rights as campsite Queen.  Of course, the girl with the best boobs is Queen right?”  Alyx thought she would enjoy it, and wanted to rub it in Scooters face that everyone had gotten a good look at her big tits while he left her alone.  After everything that had happened to her the last few days, a wet t-shirt contest seemed tame.  She put on her white v-neck tee and drank with Del while they waited for the festivities to begin.  

When it came time, there were probably about ten girls standing near the large fire with white t-shirts on.  The judges were in the front row, and one of the members had a super soaker squirt gun that he was having way too much fun with, soaking the ladies down.  There was loud music playing, and almost all the girls were dancing, and having a lot of fun.  

Delilah and Alyx were putting on quite the show, and getting a lot of applause from all of the well-inebriated bikers.  Something about dancing with all the girls and women, wearing nothing but a soaked white t-shirt and her black string bikini bottom, started to transform the bombshell into a primal goddess in her head.  She swayed and rolled, kissing Del, and also kissed a different young beautiful girl who seemed to be on the same wavelength.

Before she knew what was happening someone had placed a tiara on her head and congratulated her on winning.  Upon being crowned she was suddenly showered with affection from four or six other girls, she couldn’t even count.  They peeled her shirt off, and picked her up and carried her to a picnic table, where she was laid down and the women started fondling her and licking her breasts and her nipples, another girl had started kissing her.  

Suddenly she found herself lifted again, and placed, much to her surprise, on an old gyno chair.   As two members strapped her calves to the stirrups, she was handed a bottle of tequila and told to drink, which she did, not wanting to show any fear.  Girls continued to monopolize her body while men watched and cheered.  A chant started, “Long live the Queen!”.   Soon yet another young lady she hadn’t seen before was pulling her bottoms out of the way to service the new queens pussy with her pretty face, as Delilah and who knows who each tried to breastfeed on her.  

A tiny part of her wanted to be scared, but she wasn’t.  She remembered the campfire dream and just accepted her fate, surrendering to wherever the night would take her.  She drank another large gulp of the Mexican liquor and handed it off.  She placed her hands behind her head.  She arched her back and took in the sensations of being fed on.  After a few more minutes of intense stimulation, she had what had to be an out-of-body experience.  Suddenly she was looking down at herself from above, as men were surrounding her from every angle, some playing with the nymphs molesting her, some moving closer to get a piece of the queen for themselves.  

She could feel first one masculine hand paw at her, then several.  She just kept her eyes shut and held her hands behind her head, giving in to the dark night, the heat of the nearby flames.  People had quieted down while it was getting rather erotic, the idea of this nubile young princess getting fucked by dozens of people.  Almost everyone nearby was mesmerized by Alyx, wondering if they were about to witness one of the most blatant, deviant sexual acts ever.  Was the new, steaming hot girlfriend of one of the most well-liked members about to get gang-fucked by a whole party of bikers?

She could hear some voices nearby talking it through, as the first, very large man started to fuck her.  

“Scooter is gonna lose his shit man.”

“I doubt it.  Look at her, she looks like she's in heaven, he'll be happy for her.”

“Dude, there’s way too many fucking guys here.  This could get ugly, fast.  I’m gonna go find the boss, it’s his call.”

“Fucking pussy.  Can you believe him?”  Suddenly a third deep voice she recognized, she peeked to confirm it was Hammer.

He said, “Yeah, I can believe him.  He's absolutely correct.  There are at least forty guys here, half of them blitzed on meth or who knows what.  She's a sweetheart, and Scooter isn’t the only one who likes her.”

“C'mon bro, relax.  Look at her, she’s riding that shit, she loves it!”

Alyx was.  The first man had already come on her belly and split, and a second was now smashing into her, as she fucked him back with everything she had.  She didn’t know what the “boss” would conclude, but whatever it was, it was out of her hands.  She knew it wouldn’t be up to her.  She knew the bikers would decide what they wanted for her and she would accept it.  She wasn’t a slut in her eyes, not yet, but she didn’t want to show fear.  She knew they would feed on that, just like wild animals, as her dad had taught her.  She might be a  veritable slut in just a couple short hours if this ‘boss' guy decided it was time to turn her out.  

“Well fuck me, this is Scooters old lady?  She’s Queen?  Pretty.”  He wasn't a particularly scary looking man, like some of them, but he had a powerful presence.  He was clean-cut, very good looking, wearing a president patch from the other chapter.  “Scooters off running that shit right?  He should be back soonish?”

“Probably.  It's a tough call.  Depends how everything went down.”

“Hey fuckhead, get your fucking cock out of Scooters old lady before I cut it off.”

The guy fucking her pulled out immediately, and chose Delilah as the next recipient, since she was right there, bare-assed and sucking on Alyx’s amazing tits.  

The president had someone shut off the music, and with a loud voice, declared, “Listen up, since her man ain’t here ‘cause he’s doing something for the club, and therefore can’t give anyone permission,  no one fucks the Queen till he’s back.  Anyone breaks this rule, you’re going on the throne, and there will be a different sort of rule put in place.  Get it?  Now get that fucking music back on!”  He leaned down to Alyx, and said, “Pleasure meeting you gorgeous, sorry about that.”  

Alyx was relieved, but also hornier than she had ever been in her entire life.  She reached down to unbuckle the straps on her shins, and pulled her bottoms off, and just started dancing.  She twirled, swayed, sashayed and danced in a circle around the fire.  She had been freed, emancipated, yet also thwarted.  Torn from a dangerous and outrageous fantasy that had been germinating inside her.  

It started in her subconscious with the knowledge of the gold wings but was quickly surfacing after tonight’s close call, and being named queen.   At least half of the party just watched her dance.  The oh-so-beautiful one that had escaped a freight train full of lust, as she spun gracefully with her arms over her head.  She looked part ballerina, part native princess.  Not a single tattoo.  Not a single imperfection.  Not a single care.  Most were happy just to watch her.  

Then she heard it.  A rumbling getting louder.  Louder still, until four bikes like knights returning from battle, rode right up to her.  Scooter smiled as he unbuckled his helmet and took off his gloves.   He walked up to his Queen, “Well don’t you look nice!”  He picked her up, and she wrapped her legs around him, as he carried her back to her throne, and made love to her like he needed her, and she needed him.  The audience melted from both of their minds as they kissed madly, and fucked even harder.  “I love you, my Queen.”

“I think I love you too.”  She almost screamed, and applause erupted, as she came all over him, finally able to release in the safety of her man’s arms, in the safety of the president’s protection.  In the safety of more freedom and surrender then she ever thought was possible.  People started to couple all around them, wanting to be a part of this event.  It may as well have been a promise party, as both Alyx and Scooter were making promises silently to themselves to become engaged to their gorgeous lover someday soon.  Neither had felt this way about someone yet in their lives.  

The mechanically savvy bikers had rigged the throne years before with some lockable wheels, so he wheeled her right over to the makeshift bar, where he proceeded to consume an enormous amount of alcohol, to make up for lost time after riding hard for a good five hours or so.  She slipped her bikini bottoms back on and was delighted when Scooter gave her his leather vest to cover herself.  She knew this was no small gesture in their world.  They would severely punish almost anyone else for wearing it if they weren’t in the club.  

“Where did you go?”

“Club business.  If I answer ‘club business’, no questions.  Just the way it is.”

“I get it.  Why didn’t you tell me you were leaving?”  She gave him puppy-dog eyes.

“I was ashamed and angry I had to leave you here, for starters.  Also, it was unexpected and we had to leave immediately.  It happens sometimes.  Just like a fireman or your dad.  I apologize, but it will happen again just so you are aware.  Maybe not for a week, maybe in an hour, we just never know.”
“Well, isn’t that convenient for you.  Maybe I need to become a surgeon or something so I can have some fun too.”  She mocked him and punched his shoulder, as he finally started to relax after his mission.  

“Was everyone civil to you while I was gone?  Do I want to know?”  He actually looked sincere and slightly concerned.

“For the most part yes.  Delilah, in particular, was extremely ‘civil’.  I think maybe we should sleep in her tent tonight unless you have your own somewhere where you’ve actually been this whole time.”

“Not a bad idea, I’ll remember that one.  Your wish is my command.  Maybe Delilah needs a spanking after doing what I know she most likely did to my sweetheart.”

She tried to follow his lead drinking wise but having a head start, it just wasn’t gonna happen.  She noticed he had some swollen and scraped knuckles, but thought it better to not ask about that.  When she got up to find a spot to pee, she realized she was actually quite drunk, and he followed her to make sure she and his patch remained in sight.  Eventually, they made their way to Delilah’s tent to lay down, and Delilah was already there with one of the better-looking young ladies from the contest, the runner-up as a matter of fact.  

“Oh sorry.”  The polite Alyx said as she noticed Scooter scoot right between them on the double sized air mattress.  

“Honey I have something for you!”  Delilah said, reaching into her fanny pack and handing her one thousand dollars in cash.  “Congrats, you were amazing out there.”

She noticed the other girl had already started sucking on Scooters cock, while he just laid back with his hands behind his head with a shit-eating grin on his face.  Her first instinct was to stop her but decided not to make a fuss.  She let her do it.  She spanked her and called her a bad girl, but then just laughed and started kissing Delilah again.  Scooter counted his blessings for how well the night had ended up, despite getting in a fight, shot at, chased by police, and having to leave his eighteen-year-old princess at a biker party in the woods.  Things had definitely taken a turn for the better, he said to himself, as now two beautiful girls shared his meat puppet with their mouths as a third cradled his head between her huge tits.  

Wearing the patch had her feeling exceptionally badass, and she showed it to all three of the others, doing whatever she could to each of them to get them in as frenzied a state as she had been most of the night.  This, in turn, led them to focus on her shortly after that, when she eventually fell flat on her back.  Scooter wanted to see his colors fucked by the two ladies, while she was wearing them, this really seemed to make him wild.  He went down on her while the other two ground her into the mattress with their undulating hips.  She came again, and fell asleep, a sated puddle of campsite queen.

The following morning after waking to breakfast in bed provided by Scooter, the two bathed each other in the lake and decided they would take a ride in the mountains together.  They found another couple, as it was club policy to not ride alone while away from home, and went for an utterly thrilling ride through the windy mountain roads.  She couldn’t believe how fast he could maneuver his bike with her on the back, leaning into the turns, accelerating out of them and gracefully roaring around, like some mixture of raptor and rabbit.  She had never felt anything like it.  She held on tight for her life with her chin planted on his shoulder, feeling the wind, the vibration, seeing all the beautiful views flying by like some kind of a visceral seamless slide show.   

When they found a bar and stopped for a beer, she was even more impressed when a group of five lumberjacks looking, rather large fellas started acting like morons towards them.   

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“Demons Sons?  You guys lost?”  The biggest one laughed.

“That can be the whole point of a ride my friend,” Scooter replied, ordering them all a round of beers.

“Well thanks for the beers, ‘friend’, but I’m more interested in those little darlings you got there to be downright frank about it,” he squinted at Scooter’s tag, “Scooter.  I heard you biker boys like to have some fun with the fairer sex.  I could be down for some of that since your actin’ all generous like.”

“That’s weird, man, ‘cause I heard you woodchucks liked cock more than pussy.”  Scooter glared at the guy with a broad smile for the first time since they walked in, as the other DS spit his beer all over a good portion of the room laughing.

“Yeah you guys are just assholes, it’s too bad you need a patch and twenty-five friends to feel like men.”

“Hey, you might be right.  I think we’re just a motorcycle club personally but to each his own.  If you want us to leave, we’ll leave, I’m sure you basically live here and I respect that.  But if not, I’m gonna have to ask you to kindly shut the fuck up and mind your own business while we cool down our bikes for a little while.  If you're good little boys, maybe one of our ravenous lady friends here may decide they want you all in one piece for later.”  

It was like they were fiddle he had just played!  They all huddled up, whispering, confused, curious and acting like school-yard bullies that had just been told off by some little kid using words they didn’t understand.  Soon enough the big guy just ordered the riders a round of beers and nodded with a smirk that said, “Okay, okay, enjoy yourselves.”  Alyx realized they must get this all the time, with men having the egos they often do, and fighting their way out of it every time would be dangerous and exhausting.  Neither member looked worried, intimidated, or challenged.  Just another day in the life for them.  After three or four beers each, the two girls kissed for a minute to tease the woodsmen, then they got up and headed back to the campsite at a pace more suitable and relaxed for someone with a few beers in them.  

When they reached the dirt roads and it was quiet enough to talk, Alyx inquired.

“What goes on tonight?”

“You’re the Queen, lover, you tell me.”

“Well, what usually happens?”  She wanted to ask about stuff that she wasn’t sure if she really wanted to know.

“Anything we want to happen.  That’s kind of the point of living this way.”

“Does the Queen usually get gangbanged?  Because last night the president of the other chapter stopped everyone from fucking me because you weren’t there to ‘give permission’, apparently.”

“Pitbull did that?  Remind me to pay him a visit later.  You can too if you want.  I wouldn’t say ‘usually’, but I ain’t gonna say it hasn’t happened either, my Queen.”

She decided to shut up.  She didn’t want him thinking she wanted it, nor did she want him thinking she didn’t want it.  She had no idea which was the case.  She really didn’t want to know if that’s what he wanted either, the mystery was enough.  He seemed to live very much in the moment.  She was sure tonight may as well be Christmas as far as he was concerned.
On the one hand, she had moments of thinking it was incredibly slutty and preposterous to even think about it.  Then there were other moments, especially while getting fucked, when it’s all she could think about, and she was sure she wanted it.  She wanted to be enjoyed and brought to another world by as many of these fierce men as possible, the bigger, the better.

After a few beers, he walked her to a cabin hidden in the woods nearby and introduced her to Pitbull, the National President.  Also to the president of Scooter’s chapter, Owl.  The cabin was very well furnished and not what you would expect by looking at it from the outside.  A few other officers were hanging out, as well as a couple of incredibly beautiful and sultry looking women.  

“Boss, I can’t thank you enough for last night,” Scooter said as he hugged Pitbull.  

“Hey you owe me big time, I had some very pissed off people crying about that call.”  They all laughed, including Alyx.  She was offered some Dom Perignon, and shrimp cocktail and lobster which she accepted and hungrily ate.  The higher-ups were more sophisticated and polite than your average biker, they seemed to have a lot going on with their phones the whole time they were there.  They also almost constantly checked on a few laptops that were on a table nearby.  It had a command center feel to it, they were very busy and preoccupied.  Before they left Alyx was sure to give Pitbull a hug and a kiss, and also thank him.

When she asked about what they were so busy doing, Scooter just said clubs had changed, there was a lot of legit business to be taken care of nowadays.  He explained that everyone got into it for different reasons but that as you rose in rank it changed people, and some of the bosses didn't even have time to ride anymore.  He told her he never wanted to become an officer but was nominated because of his combat background in special operations in the military.  When she asked him why he left the military, he said he didn’t like talking about it.  She gave him a hug and a kiss, knowing by his expression and lowered eyes that he had probably witnessed or done some horrible things.  She thought to herself that there could be a chance he and her dad were more alike then anyone would care to admit.

After canoeing on the lake for a bit, they decided it was probably time to drink and paddled to the shore closest to “the bar”.  They became engaged in a heated trivia competition, where it was hilarious to see some of the more Neanderthal looking men were quite intelligent as well as some of the wild looking females.  After consuming quite a bit of alcohol as well as taking a few hits off of a giant Jay that had been passed around,  Alyx started feeling a bit mischievous and went and sat on Hammer’s lap.  He was so big it felt like she was in a giant easy chair.  He hugged her tight, and gave her a kiss on her head, as an uncle may do to a young niece.  She leaned back against him, and it was comfortable.  Scooter seemed unconcerned, and no-one else really paid attention as darkness fell.  She permitted some light touches and felt Hammer’s hammer stiffening slowly.   

“I heard you watching out for me last night, Mr. Hammer,” she whispered, “how can I repay you?”

“I would really enjoy a blowjob sweetheart since you’re asking, but you’re gonna have to call Scoot over here first, that’s his call.”  

Alyx remembered Corin saying he was frustrated.  She also recalled Scooter saying something about if she wanted it, it was okay.  Most of all she was curious about the size of the penis on such an enormous man.  She got up, walked up to her boyfriend, and whispered into his ear.

“Hammer was very sweet and protective of me last night.  I think he deserves some head.  Wanna watch?”  Scooter just got up and followed her, being well on the way to drunk by now.

Alyx knelt down in front of the freakishly large man, and his enormous cock swelled and struggled against his pant leg.  She glanced at Scooter, who showed no emotion, but nodded in approval.  Biting her lower lip, she unbuckled his belt and unzipped his pants.  She would have to be devoid of all senses to not notice it’s size already.  He stood up and dropped his pants and shorts.  She gasped, suddenly realizing the task at hand.

It had to be ten inches, and nearly as thick as a beer bottle.  She wrapped both of her hands around it and guided his large glans to her lips.  She licked it, and flicked it’s opening with her tongue, tasting already a hint of pre-cum.  Curious to see if she could stuff it in her mouth she opened wide and lowered her pretty head into it, as Hammer took a large swig of his beer and sunk further into his lawn chair, watching his buddy's girl working his huge tool.  

His head the size of a plumb.  She sucked on it, and Hammer moaned a “fuuuuck”, as he felt her tongue squeeze its way around it, circling the corona and licking the sensitive hole.  She stopped to lick its shaft, while she cradled his big balls and jerked the base of the monolithic rod.  She stuffed it back in her mouth and resigned to getting it into her throat, wanting to give the giant release.  He helped her by pushing her head down on it firmly but not too rough, as he felt the tension build in his nuts and prostate.  Scooter was now jerking off, and although he was tempted to pull her pants off, he was engrossed in the young girl’s determination and impressive display of successfully deep throating his gifted brother.  After an upstroke she took a second to whisper, “push it in,” and forced her head back onto it, relaxing her throat as hammer encompassed her whole head with his hands and slid his thumping monster into her throat.  

Scooter increased the intensity of his self-abuse as he watched Hammer fuck his girl's throat, unable to imagine how it felt for either one of them.  She was now humming wildly and as he slid her head up and down on him, pulling it all the way off of him at the end of each penetration.

“Harder, ” she admitted, drool dripping onto his cock.  She couldn’t believe she was about to come and knew if he would just fuck her throat more forcefully she would.   Finally, when he felt his first orgasm in quite a long time starting, he wrapped one giant hand around her neck, and pushed on the back of her head with the other, sliding all the way into her gorgeous face and throat, then let it rip.  She bucked and gagged as she also came, without her pussy ever being touched.  She felt the huge cock blow up and erupt in her throat, her newest erogenous zone.  He held her down on him while he continued to pump his seed into her belly, unable to resist as he had never face fucked a girl this deeply before and it felt so incredibly wrong but wonderful at the same time.  

Scooter came too, and when Hammer finally released her, she spun around and saw his sperm covered hand and cock.  She pounced on it and licked it all up, and started blowing her boyfriend, getting him rock hard again in a matter of seconds.   “Go get Owl,” he whispered to Hammer while sitting back in awe of his cock hungry plaything.  Hearing this she increased the fervor of her cock sucking, wanting to see if she could get him to come again before being fed by the President.  He pulled her hair into a ponytail and fucked her head hard, knowing she would have no problems taking it all after swallowing Hammer’s sword.  When Owl, now sitting next to them, had worked his own impressive pole into rigidity, he pulled her pretty mouth off of himself and pushed her over onto his lap, and lowered her head onto him.  

“Take it nice,” he whispered, as he fucked his boss with her head, slowly at first, but with more intensity as she made lusty whimpers and sucking sounds.  “You gonna swallow him too?”  

“Yes sir,” she said, as he pulled her head off the bulging cock.  

“Good girl.”  He pushed her back down onto Owl, who was now squeezing her huge tits with his eyes closed, getting ready to feed the young thing her third load.  He opened his eyes when he heard Pitbull say something to Scooter about being dealt in, and taking a seat next to him, pulling out his weapon too.  Owl felt the cum coming and grabbed her head with both hands and slammed it down on to him, and erupted into her while rapidly rolling his hips and bobbing her up and down on it like he was shaking a very large drink.

“Holy fuck, ” she gasped, and before she could fully catch her breath Scooter grabbed her by the hair again and shoved her full lips onto their fourth pacifier, and told Pitbull not to hold back.  As he spanked her, he told her he wanted to see her swallow Pitbull too, that she was doing a damn good job and he was proud of her.  By this time the voracious Alyx was incredibly wet, and Scooter felt it, as he rubbed her pussy under her jeans that told a tale with their dampness.  He whispered for Hammer to go find the throne as he unbuttoned her jeans and started to slide them off.   

With the Queen’s throne in position, and Pitbull’s seed now mingling with the other men’s deep in her belly, Scooter told Hammer to “put her in her place”.  Hammer lifted her and sat her on the chair, and the other men strapped her calves to the stirrups while Scooter got behind her and first tied her hands behind her to the headrest with one bandana, then blindfolded her with another.  He kissed her and felt her lips trembling.  

“You okay?”  he whispered.

“Yes.  Ohhhh fuuuuuuuu…”  She felt Hammer enter her.  They had lifted her sweatshirt up over her delicious breasts and pulled the bra cups down off of them while nibbling and sucking on her pinging nipples.   Hammer slid into her slowly, out of mercy, not because it was a challenge.  Her pussy, while tight as a snare drum, was completely soaked with a stream of her juices leaking from it.  Her heart beat so hard and fast that she started to get lightheaded, and was in a state of utter and complete ardor.  The heat coming from the inside of her cunt was burning, and she had electric tingles over one hundred percent of her body.  

As Hammer started to really fuck her, she erupted into another orgasm that just kept going.  She convulsed while Scooter squeezed and fondled both her tits as the other two men sucked on them, both teasing her clit and pussy with their fingers while it was pummeled by Hammer’s slab of meat.  She was breathing way too hard to drink much of a beer that someone tried to pour down her throat, and much of it just spilled down her torso, its cold and wet sensation adding to her lustful craze.  Someone put some expensive headphones on her ears playing “Magical World” by Bassnectar featuring Nelly Furtado.  This was the icing on the cake as she just surrendered to them, and focused on calming her breath and accepting the fucking she was about to endure and enjoy.     




Written by BlinkOneSomething
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