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The Clubhouse Ch.2

"Alyx gets wilder."

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She woke the following morning just before it turned to afternoon.  She had totally vivid and intense dreams of screaming down the highway on the back of a bike, dancing around campfires naked, being in a gunfight.  As she walked down the stairs, she was unsure she would be able to bring herself to look her parents in the eyes.  She thought briefly of honesty as an option, after all, she was an adult now.  They had never forbidden her to go in the clubhouse, or talk to the bikers.  But she had always been a very good girl too, up until half a day ago.  She decided to leave out any details but be as honest as she could be if asked.  

“Wow, you slept late Alyx.  Feeling ok?”  Her mom got up to make her some brunch.

“Yea I'm fine.  Just stayed up late.”

“Oh?  Where’d you go?”  She looked her in the eyes.  ‘Fuck’, Alyx thought.  She hated lying and liars.

“Where’s Dad?”

“Traffic detail.  Are you avoiding the question?”

“Yes.”  Alyx was absent-mindedly staring out the kitchen picture window directly at the Clubhouse.

“Did you go out with a boy?  Is everything ok?  You aren’t yourself.  Did something happen?”

“Nothing I wanna talk about.  I didn’t get raped, don’t worry.  I had a few beers, and yes I met a boy.  At a party.  But he’s older.  Like, a lot older.  I’m not sure if it would be appropriate to date him or not.”

“How much older?”

“I didn’t ask, but he told me he had a daughter about my age.”  Even that little lie ate at her immediately.

“Alyx!  That's too old for you!  He’s at least thirty-five, probably older!”  

“Maybe.  Mom, he’s fucking gorgeous and super cool.  Seems to have his shit together.”  Her mom turned to look out the window to see what she could be staring at, almost looking to be in a trance.

“Ok, A, language.  B, why are you transfixed on the clubhouse?  Is that where you went last night?  Don’t lie to me.”  Her mom's nostrils were almost flaring.  This was about to suck, but she already knew.  Alyx needed to talk to her about it while her Dad wasn’t home.  If she was going to date Scooter, they were going to find out at some point.

“It is.  Please don’t be mad.  I know it wasn’t the smartest thing, but it wasn’t bad.  I had fun.”

Her mom was visibly shaken but was doing a good job at containing herself while trying to choose what she wanted to say.

“Never, ever, tell your father that you went in there, first of all.  You’re liable to get him killed.  Second, what were you thinking?  You just walked into a criminal organization because you were bored?  Horny?  What is wrong with you?  Are you insane?!”

“No.  I met a daughter of a member a few days ago and told her I was curious about what it looked like.  She let me in, and it looked cool, so when they invited me back for a party, I accepted.  It was really that simple.”  She was bending the truth, but she couldn't just say, ‘Yes, bored, yes horny’ as much as she wanted to admit it to her awesome mom.

“So let me guess, this guy is Scooter.  Fuck!”  Both ladies faces turned red as soon as she said it.  

“What?  How do you know him?  Or, that it is him?”  

“He's the only good looking one!  As far as how I know him, that’s a story you may not want to know about.  But I will tell you one thing about him; he’s not, they are not, people you want to hang around with, trust me.”  She looked visibly upset like memories had hit her hard, she was suddenly lost in thought.  Alyx instinctively went to hug her mom, sensing she was about to cry, and she was right.  

“I’m thinking we need to have a long mother-daughter talk mom; I think we both need to figure some shit out.  Wanna go for a walk?”

“Sure, eat your eggs and get dressed, you’re right.”

After she got dressed and they were a good mile from home, Diane opened up first.  “About six years ago, your father was away on what he said was a training thing, and when I looked it up, I could find nothing about it.  I got suspicious but still don’t know where he was, and I never confronted him about it.”  She paused, considering if she should go on.  “But while he was gone I got very drunk one night and decided if he was having fun I was going to as well.  I was emotional, vulnerable, and stupid.  You were sleeping at your friend’s house.”  She started crying again, Alyx held her hand.  

“Scooter always knows where your Dad is; they use scanners.  They have cops on their payroll.  He had hit on me several times.  Well, flirted with me anyways, while you were at school and Dad was at work.  I walked to the clubhouse drunk as hell.”  She folded at her knees and started sobbing, Max licking her pretty face and Alyx wrapping her in a warm embrace.  “It was fucking terrible; I’m a terrible person!”

“Mom, you are not, you had a weak moment.  I love you; you don’t have to explain anything to me.”

“Alyx, they are sick.  Look at me!  Do NOT trust them.  You can’t hang out with them, I beg of you, you are a game to them, a toy!  Promise me!”  She was squeezing Alyx's shoulders, a desperate look on her face.

“I love you mom, but I really do like Scooter.  I’m only telling you ‘cause it’s true, not because I want to like him.”  She hugged her mom tightly.  “Whatever happened to you that night, I don’t care what it was, I love you, and everyone makes mistakes.”

As they walked Alyx never had to explain her secret, her mom was too shattered from her revelation and the memories it raised to ask about last night.  She told her mom that she was going to let Scooter take her to dinner tonight and that would probably be it; she didn’t want to date a home-wrecker.  Diane didn’t want this but had a pretty good idea he probably owed her beautiful daughter at the very least a night out on the town.  

Diane was torn.  She too had a thing for bad boys, Alyx's dad was kind of a badass in his day.  Scooter was devastatingly handsome in her opinion and had a certain boyish charm that had sucked her in as well once.  That night.  Of course when she knocked on the door that night she had no idea that he, Hammer, and several others would be taking turns on her all night long, after willingly tying her down.  She didn’t tell Alyx she needed an abortion after that night, that she had craved Scooter ever since he had laid his eyes on her, and told her how “well” they could take care of her.  Or that she loved every fucking minute of it and got herself off thinking about it whenever she was alone.  They had really worked her over, being the cop’s wife, and she had never had an experience even close to it, before that or since.  So needless to say she was swimming in emotions.  She wanted her daughter to be happy.  She needed to talk to Scooter, yesterday.

When they got home, Diane asked her daughter if she would do a grocery run and pick up some dry cleaning, hoping Scooter would be in.  She speed walked to the clubhouse and pounded on the door, and he answered, a look of shock on his face.  She asked him to please step outside.

“You sure you don’t wanna come in again?”  He snickered, stepping outside and lighting a cigarette.

“Listen, I know Alyx was here last night, and I know nothing I do or say will change that.  But what I can do and say is that she is my kid, and I don’t want to see her hurt.”

Scooter hugged Diane.  “You’re in luck.  I love your kid.  I wouldn’t let her get hurt.”

He looked her in the eyes when he said it, and it seemed sincere.  She was at a loss, as this wasn’t the reaction she expected.  She couldn’t bare looking at him long, and looked at the ground, remembering the complete womanization she experienced at he and his friend's hands.  It suddenly felt like just yesterday.  

“Can I take her to dinner tonight?”  She knew she couldn’t stop him anyway.  

“Can you have her home at a decent hour, so her father doesn’t put out an APB?”

“If you can break the news that his daughter will be dating the older white trash from down the street, you got a deal.”

“Dating?  C’mon Scooter, she’s eighteen.”

“Honestly, I still feel about twenty.  I really do think I’m in love with Alyx, no bullshit.”  She had no idea what to do or say, so just hugged him tightly, trying to convey her desperation and that she wasn’t mad at him for what happened that night, years ago.  She walked away.  

“Diane!  Don’t be worried.  I may be your son-in-law soon!  It could be fun!”  He actually got her to smile as she looked back, hurriedly walking home, already thinking of how she could tell her husband what was going on.

Later that night, waiting until her husband had a few beers in him after standing on his feet doing absolutely nothing in the sun all day on detail, she just blurted it out.  

“A DS stopped at the house and asked if he could take Alyx out, and I said yes.”

“WHAT?  ARE YOU FUCKING NUTS?”  He literally spat his beer out.

“She’s eighteen, and incredible looking.  We both knew it was coming someday.”

“No, we didn’t both know it was coming.”  He stood up, putting on his service belt.  

“Oh my god, Bob, calm down, think this through.  She’s an adult now; there are no legal ramifications.”

“YET!  YET DIANE!”  He took off his belt, realizing she was right.  Meanwhile, on the highway several miles away, Alyx was on the back of a Harley for the first time.

“Holy Shit!  This is incredible!”  She yelled as he gracefully wove thru the traffic.  She loved it.  She’d never felt anything like it.  Not just the bike either.  Wherever they went, everyone gave them a wide berth and stared at them in awe.  Until either one looked back, then they would stare at the ground, not daring to make eye contact.  The patched M.C. member had the drop-dead gorgeous young girl on his arm.  Some people looked scared, some full of respect, but she knew absolutely no one would dare fuck with her while she was with him, and it felt powerful and intoxicating.  He took her to the nicest place in the city, and the host not only let them in under-dressed, but called Scooter sir, and hurried to serve them a complimentary bottle of expensive champagne.  

As he had promised her mom, he dropped her at her house on his way home, killing his engine far away and coasting to avoid having to talk to Bob.  Even this little maneuver knocked Alyx's socks further off.  Her dad was sitting at the kitchen table when she walked in.

“Alyx, what have I always said about the DS since you were little?”

“Don’t bother them they won’t bother you?”

“Like what?”  He looked angry.

“Wild Animals.”

“Exactly.  You are hanging out with a bear.  You're swimming with a shark.  He will eat you, do you understand?  They are unpredictable, violent, and couldn't care less about you or any other civilian.  They care about each other, their patch, their bike, money, and that’s it.  They are dangerous.  You are an adult now, and you make your own decisions as such.  But every word I just said is true, and you know this.  I love you very much, goodnight.”  

He had to leave the room because he couldn’t let his daughter see him cry, and he loved her so much he was about to.  This moment speaking to her was the first time it hit him, that his little girl no longer belonged to him.  She had grown into a woman, and it felt like it had happened overnight.  After all, it really had, the previous night.   

“I love you too Dad.  Very much.”  She crawled into bed, ears still ringing from the loud motor.  She laid on her back, lightly playing with her nipples, her thoughts more images than words.  Scooter’s amazingly deep blue eyes, that hadn’t left hers for one moment all night basically.  Sharks swimming.  She felt the strong wind in her face like she was on the roaring bike again, vibrating under her as she moved her hand under her underwear.  A campfire.  What’s with the campfires?  

She intentionally went back to images.  The hot tub.  Scooters perfectly sized and shaped penis.  Her hand started rapidly flicking her clitoris.  She pictured a winged patch as she inserted two fingers, reaching for her g-spot.  She tried to make out the colors on the wings as she lifted her hips off her bed, fingering herself, rubbing her magic spot.  She pinched her nipple, tugging on her large breast with it.  She came on her hand as the wings turned bright gold.  Then she drifted off to sleep, crying a single lonely tear for her mom and her dad, and her innocence lost.  

The following day was apprehensive, no explanation necessary as to why.  She wanted so badly to just go hang out at with the club but knew her parents needed her home if she wanted them to be any version of sane.  She knew they both really loved her; she was always home in the summer because she loved them too.  She used to be happy just hanging out with them and Max, and a couple of close friends.  That had all changed so fast.  Her good friends would be traveling away to good colleges soon, while she was just going to the local Community College.  Her grades had sucked, and she didn’t want to leave home.  Because she walked her dog faithfully almost every day, sometimes twice, they didn’t mind when she said she was taking him for a walk that afternoon, either.  When she saw Scooter, her knees weakened, almost perceptibly.  

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“Hi, beautiful.”  She was clearly in love the way she kissed him, Diane thought, as she spied from her kitchen.  Her Dad couldn’t bring himself to look.  “Coming inside?”

“Do you want the good news or bad first?”  Her hips pivoted as she smiled at him, biting her lip.


“I’m not coming in.  I know what happened with my mom when I was twelve, but I didn’t wanna ruin our date last night, I had a good time.”

“I hate to tell you, but your mom basically fucked me!  Not the other way around.  What’s the good news?”

“They both know we are together.”

“Well, that is good news!  I suppose I should be expecting to get arrested soon, but good news anyway!  Speaking of laying low, would you by any chance be interested in going camping with us?  We’re meeting another chapter in the mountains, and it’s always a really fun party.  We are leaving tomorrow.”

“Tomorrow?  Wow.  How long?”  He answered two nights.  “I’m still kind of pissed that you fucked my mom.  But I’ll think about it.  Save a seat for me on your bike in case I decide to go.”

“My rear seat belongs to you Alyx, camping or not.”  She hears herself coo a little and hoped he couldn’t hear it.

She kissed his cheek and walked away, Max trotting along faithfully at her hip.  When she got home, she asked her parents if she could go camping with the club.  She didn’t have to ask, but she thought it was the right thing to do.  After an expected double no, she reminded them that she didn’t have to ask, and asked them why.  Neither of them could come up with a solid answer, and she somehow talked them into it.  Her father pulled her aside and gave her his revolver, the one that was always in his bedside table, that she had carried Friday night.  

“I want you to have this.  If you ever need to use it, don’t hesitate.  And if you find yourself having to pull it, you better shoot it, or it could get taken from you and used against you.  I know I’ve told you this before, but if you’re going to hang with this crowd, you should have it.”

“Thanks, Dad, I appreciate this.  I’m not in danger though, I promise.  Scooter really does like me, and he’s the Sgt-at-Arms too, I’m safe.”

“Just keep it on you please, concealed.  If anything happens to you I... I couldn't…”

“Nothing will.  Thank you for being an awesome Dad.”

After they went to bed, she snuck out to the club and gave scooter the good news that she would come.  He took her downstairs and made love to her.  It was the first sober, tender lovemaking they shared, and every bit as intense as it had been yet for her.  They rolled around in his bed devouring each other for a good hour before she said she should go and kissed him goodnight and let herself out.  She flipped Hammer off with a smile when he asked if it was his turn as she walked out.  All the guys laughed and wished her a good night.  She just focused on the image of a campfire in her head and tried to fall asleep to it.  She wanted to relax; she had the feeling there would be a lot of excitement in her near future.  

She called Scooter early the next morning and asked what she needed to bring and what time to show up.  He told her just a toothbrush, and wear boots, jeans, and gloves for the ride.  She decided to fill a small backpack with a bathing suit, change of underwear, a couple of t-shirts, and of course her new pistol.  She tied a bandana on her head, one around her neck to keep the bugs off her face.  She put her stretchy jeans on that made her ass look unbelievable, a heavy black H-D sweatshirt remembering how chilly the wind had made her, and a pair of work boots.  Her mom gave her a pair of leather gloves she had and some clear plastic shooting glasses she also never used.  She felt one hundred percent badass, and even her mom said she looked like a legit biker babe.  Her dad was at work.

She was smiling ear to ear as everyone climbed onto their bikes and formed up, there was probably about twenty guys, maybe six other ladies, and all of the excitement was real.  There was a van filled with camping gear, beer, and food in coolers following the pack as they pulled on the interstate.  She felt like she was part of a sacred order or something as they revved up their engines on the highway, flying most of the way at close to one hundred miles per hour in a tight formation, two-by-two, Scooter and her one row back from the front.  Her thrill and happiness seemed contagious.  Every time someone looked at her, they smiled, remembering why they were in this life, for the pure joy and fun of it under all the bullshit.

At a gas stop, one of the ladies saw Alyx struggling with her tangled hair and walked up to her to wrap her ponytail in a small leather strap.  She said, “There, even hotter now somehow,” then french kissed her.  Alyx, shocked, grateful, and still buzzing from adrenaline, kissed her back.  Scooter just smiled as he filled his tank.  “I like her Scoot; she’s cute.”  She climbed back on her man’s bike.  As they roared back onto the road, Alyx felt a campfire in her pants.  She put her head on Scooters shoulder and cupped his groin with both hands.  He slid one hand behind him and under her ass, giving it a squeeze, as they flew by cars full of people secretly wishing they had gone a different direction in life when they saw and heard them rumble by.  

When they arrived at the campsite, the other group had already arrived and was twice as large.  There were at least fifty bikes.  There was a giant grill, kegs of beer on ice, people swimming naked, people fucking on the beach.  Everyone hugged each other when they got there, and Scooter made it a point to introduce Alyx to everyone he saw and knew.  Each one of them hugged her like a family member; it made her feel warm and comfortable.  When she saw the lovely woman who had given her the hair strap she walked over to help her set up her tent since Scooter had excused himself to go talk some club business.  

“Thank you so much!  That last hundred miles was a breeze without my hair whipping my face.”

“My pleasure sweetheart, keep it, it looks good on you.  Thanks for the kiss!”

Alyx blushed.  “You got my first girl kiss.”  

“Oh really?  I’m so honored!  Can I tell you a secret?”  She walked up to Alyx and rubbed up against her, kissing her a second time.  She whispered as she slid a hand under her sweatshirt, “I totally have the hots for you, and would love to introduce to other girly things just as soon as we get this tent set up and a few beers in us.”

“Uhm, Ok,”  Alyx said, then kissed the woman again.  As the woman finished staking down the tent, Alyx went and got four beers from a cooler, and dragged two beach chairs from a van to outside the tent.  She was highly excited, and it showed.  The woman was probably twice her age but as sexy as sin and built like a goddess.  

“I’m Alyx.”

“I know sugar.  Scooter never shuts up about you.  I’m Delilah.”

“Would Scooter be mad if he found us together in this tent?”

“Maybe until we both start sucking him off!”  They both laughed.  The sexual tension was palpable.  Alyx had been curious about women since she could remember, and Del was notoriously bi-sexual and had a thing for younger girls, especially if they were as gorgeous as Alyx.  “So, would you like a massage Alyx?  That’s what I do for work, but can’t think of anything I’d rather do for fun right now to be perfectly honest with you.”  Alyx downed her beer fast.  

“I would love a massage, Delilah, my ass is killing me from the ride, I can’t even feel it.”  Delilah also finished her beer and followed the young one into her tent, where an air mattress had already finished inflating.  

“First let me get these clothes off you, I need to see this body naked.”  She smoothly but rapidly undressed her, remarking the whole time, saying things like ‘absolutely perfect’, ‘unreal’, ‘you’re amazing Alyx'.  She started the massage with her feet, rubbing every inch expertly, even rubbing each toe.  By the time she made it up to her tight ass, Alyx was a version of totally relaxed, yet her pulse and breath were spooled up to a breakneck pace.  Apparently, Delilah decided to postpone the massage when Alyx gave in to her urges and propped her bubble butt in the air and spread her legs.  

Delilah got the hint and dove into the younger girls pussy like it held some nectar of the gods.  She rubbed her tightened clit with her thumb as she licked her slowly with her whole tongue, from the bald area where her pubic hair used to be to her asshole, and back down.  She crossed her arms, grabbed her hips, and forcefully flipped her over.  She grabbed both thighs and spread them even more forcefully, and attacked her bright pink young pussy with her whole mouth, trying to eat it.  Alyx was almost hyperventilating.  She held the woman’s head with both hands, while Delilah’s hands were on her big breasts, squeezing them like she was trying to pop some water balloons.  

Alyx had never experienced anything like this; she was on another planet.  She wondered if both the boys that had tried to eat her out in high school may have been gay.  She thrashed her hips uncontrollably as this woman completely owned her pussy, covering every square inch of it with her tongue as her lips stayed locked on to her.  She flicked her tingling clit with the tip of her skilled tongue, then stuck it in her as deep as she could.  She even propped her ass in the air with both hands and tongue fucked her young star.  

“Fucking YES!  You are a fucking hot little bitch!”  She started fucking her with her fingers, curling them upward and attacking her prized g-spot with one hand, while she squeezed her mons hard with the other.  Alyx shrieked as she came impossibly hard, expecting Delilah to ease up, but it seemed to feed her intensity, and she dove back on to her soaked cunt with her mouth again.  She stuck a finger in her ass, then two, and fucked her ass with them as she continued attempting to swallow her vagina.  She continued like this until Alyx had come two more times.  After that, she just said, “That’s a good little slut” and got up and left the tent, still fully dressed.  

About one minute later a man she hadn’t seen before came in the tent and before she could even react, fucked her even more senseless, pounding her with everything he had.  He was very muscular and totally covered in tattoos; even his face had some.  After she came a fourth time, she told him to stop.  He pulled out and jerked off onto her huge breasts while choking her, then left the tent, never saying a word.  When she came to her senses, she felt horrible and got nauseous, and quickly put on her black bikini and escaped the tent, just before another man was about to come in.  She took her pack with her to the water at a far end of the beach, dove in and just swam away, not wanting to cry in front of anyone.  

She just wanted to be with her dog and her parents.  She let herself sink in the lake and tried to stay under, but her body wouldn’t let her mind drown herself.  Way over her head both literally and figuratively, she thought of her Dad's words.  She thought about calling him as she eventually swam back toward her pack on the beach.  She started to relax when she got close enough to see it was still there.  
She composed herself and walked her outrageously sexy body back to the tent.  She said a quick prayer of thanks that her clothes were still there.  After dressing, she needed to find Scooter as soon as possible.  She walked over to the large tent he had disappeared into for the meeting, and there was no sign of him.  A foreboding man asked her what she was looking for.  She said Scooter, and he said Scooter had a mission he had to run and he would be back late.  

She walked around until she found Delilah.  She sat next to her at a picnic table.  “Hey Pumpkin, you ok?  I’m sorry about Bulldog.  I tried to grab him and say no but, it is what it is.”

“I don’t feel safe without Scooter here.  Can I stay close to you?”  Del reached into a cooler and handed her a beer.  

“You’re safe unless the Warlords show up.  If that happens, hit the woods fast.”  ‘Jesus Christ’, Alyx thought to herself, wondering what the fuck she was thinking coming here.  Trying to sound less naïve then she was about this stuff, she asked why they would be crazy enough to show up here.  

“We are in unclaimed territory.  They would have to be crazy, but they are crazy.  Don’t sweat it, relax rookie.”  They sat and drank a couple of beers together.  Then, “as a matter of fact, I could use a little relaxing too, let’s hit the tent.”  As she took her by the hand to the tent for the second time, she whispered that if they are quiet this time, they wouldn’t attract any cock.  She climbed into the tent and pulled her own clothes off.  Alyx realized she was looking for payback now, and couldn’t help but start to get turned on by what she knew she had to do.  

“Ready for your first taste of pussy, young one?”  Delilah looked sultry, laying on her back, playing with her softball-sized breasts, her legs spread open to reveal a small neatly groomed patch of blond pubic hair, and her already aroused vagina.

“I actually am,” Alyx declared and settled in to pleasure the older woman with her lips and tongue.  It didn’t taste bad, and Alyx actually enjoyed licking her spread inner lips and trying to harden her protruding clit.  She found herself getting into it, trying to mimic what Del had done to her, but more slowly and with less expertise.  She didn’t stop until Delilah had clearly come, which took her quite awhile.  After that, she curled up with the woman, and they drifted off into a warm snuggly nap.  











Written by BlinkOneSomething
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