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The adventures of Dean Roberts: part I

"A female decides to give a high school geek a mercy fuck"

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Julia Wright was twenty one and a junior in college. She was black haired, blue eyed, gorgeous, extremely busty and slutty. The lethal combination of those parts ensured that her high school years had been a walk in the park. She was a former cheerleader captain. She was more than aware of her good looks and features and used them for her advantage. Julia was not above opening an extra button on her shirt or wearing a tight fitting shirt in order to extract preferential grades from her male teachers.

"Who's the new guy?"

This came from Mary Scott, Julia's best friend and current passenger. Mary was twenty one as well and roomed with Julia at college. Mary was much more self-deprecating about her looks, though she was as gorgeous as Julia. Shorter and slimmer than her friend, she had long black hair and big green, almost emerald eyes, which stood out in stark contrast to her black hair. Unlike Julia’s shameless slutty flirtations, Mary relied on her intelligence to get her through school.

She glanced over at Julia, as Julia leaned over the console to get a look at whom she was talking about. Like always, Julia's blouse gaped open at the neck, giving anyone with passing curiosity an eyeful of her breast.

"Wish I had boobs like Julia," she thought. "But she doesn't have my movie star mouth!" It had recently been pointed out to Mary that she and that new actress Devon something or other, had the same wide, full mouth, complete with straight, white teeth. She flashed a big smile at Julia when Julia noticed her glance down her blouse.

"Would you quit staring at my boobs, Mary?" Julia asked.

"Like you mind! Quit hanging them out if you mind so much!" Mary replied rolling her eyes

Julia giggled and shook her shoulders, causing her exposed breast to ripple and jiggle with her movements.

"You're just jealous! Now who are you talking about?" she said, stopping the car.

Mary turned and pointed out the window to where Dean slumped against the wall, trying his best to pretend that he didn't notice the two busty girls talking about him, not thirty feet away.

"I don't know. He doesn’t look fam… wait a minute! I think that's Dean the lawn boy! You know, from down the street!"

Mary looked closer now. It did look like Julia's neighbor, but he had definitely changed since she had last seen him over two years ago. She could remember the lustful gazes the gawky teen had given them as they sun bathed around Julia's pool while he sweated bullets, push mowing the Wright's lawn. Julia took endless delight in tormenting the shy boy, but Mary had frequently taken pity on him, trying to carry on a conversation with him. Those conversations would often end awkwardly as inevitably Dean would sprout an obvious hard on and slump away with Julia's derisive laughter echoing after him.

"Wow, he's really grown up," Mary said, instantly regretting the words as Julia chuckled.

"Like what you see Mary?" she teased, noticing a little glimmer of interest in her friend's eye. She leaned further over towards the open window. "Oh, lawn boy!" she called.

"Stop it Julia! I was just saying..." Mary shrank back into her seat, horrified that Julia was apparently going to get his attention

"What?! You think he's good looking, don't you?"

"I didn't say that! He's just, you know, grown up..." Mary replied.

"Oh, Dean!"

"Cut it out Julia!"

Dean could hear the two girls plainly and cut his eyes to the car to see Julia Wright waving him over.

He groaned. "Just what I need,” he thought, more cock teasing.

Julia had forever wiggled suggestively in front of him or flashed him huge portions of cleavage when she knew he was staring, which was often when they had been in school together. He had fantasized about his sexy neighbor many nights. But, he had been enormously relieved upon her graduation and studiously avoided her when she visited home on breaks from school.

"Hey Dean! Come over here! We won't bite!" Julia yelled.

People at the ordering window were starting to stare, so Dean ducked his head and began shuffling towards the Julia’s car.

In the car, Mary turned to Julia. "Don't you dare embarrass him!" she hissed at her grinning friend as the obviously mortified young man walked slowly over. She turned back.

"Hi Dean! Long time no see! Whatcha been doing?"

"Yeah, Dean. Where's your car? You do know this is a drive-in, right like Sonic‘s?" Julia laughed.

Mary elbowed her friend in her ribs as Dean stopped near the window, his hands shoved into his cutoff camo pants He shuffled his feet nervously.

"Hey Mary, hey Julia," he mumbled and wondered how long they expected to him to stay and endure this torment. From his vantage point, he could see right down Julia's gaping blouse and his cock began to harden in his pants. He discretely shifted it so it might not be so apparent.

Julia noticed his furtive movements and teased a long, manicured nail down her collar and slipped it between her creamy mounds of flesh. She pushed her fingertip between the soft valley of her chest and brought it back out, before teasing the corner of her mouth with it. Mary did not notice Julia's teasing, but Dean's bug eyed reaction was evidence enough.

Mary turned and looked at her friend. "Shit Julia!" Mary made up her mind right then to somehow make it up to the humiliated kid for all the years of Julia's taunting. "Here, get in Dean. You can come watch the movie with us."

"Mary! No fucking way!" Julia replied.

Mary was already opening the door and bounced out, leaning the passenger seat forward in order to allow Dean to get in the small back seat.

Dean blushed even more furiously. "Uh, aw, no thanks Mary. I appreciate it though. My friends should be here soon."

Mary looked at the flushed boy. She could tell he was lying. She did feel really bad over the way she had allowed Julia to treat the boy over the years and saw no better opportunity to right two wrongs than to let him hang out with them. She hoped that maybe just by being seen with two most popular former students, his coolness level might be raised.

It was a friendly, innocent proposal on her part, but to Dean, the idea of sitting in the car with the two gorgeous girls was like a dream come true, he could feel his cock hardening even more.

"No, really Mary. That's super nice, but I'll wait for them."

Mary huffed and grabbed Dean’s hand, pulling him into the back seat behind her.

"I insist Dean!"

Dean had to duck his head quickly to keep from getting brained by the door frame as he was hauled into the back of the car. Dean plopped into the back seat, his bare leg contacting Mary's smooth thigh. When she leaned across him to pull the door shut, he sucked in half the oxygen for a mile radius, her small, soft large tits pressing against his arm.

"There! Comfy?" she smiled at him.

Dean grinned awkwardly back at the black haired coed.

"God, what a pair of lips," he thought, looking at her full mouth, "I bet she could suck the chrome off a...."

"You've got to be fucking kidding, right?" Julia huffed from the front seat, turning around to stare at dean.

"I'm not. So you might as well drive to the movie and find someplace to park. Dean is going to be our guest tonight," Mary said with authority.

Julia muttered under her breath and gunned the car towards the movie and parked in the back row of the drive-in, hopeful that no one would see who was in her car. Flicking her eyes to the rear view mirror, as she listened to Mary chat one-sidedly with Dean, she had to admit that little Dean had grown up quite a bit since she had seen him last, but still...

Julia found a parking place and shut off the engine. She rolled her eyes as Dean haltingly told Mary about his summer. She could see that her friend was showing genuine interest in Dean's ramblings and she threw open the door to the car.

"I'm going to get a drink. You want anything?" she asked looking at Mary.

"Yeah, you want anything Dean?"

"Uh, popcorn?" Dean could see the repugnance on Julia's face and scrambled to pull some money out of his pocket.

She huffed and held her hand out, snatching the wrinkled twenty from his hand.

"Your treat lawn boy," she snapped and stomped off.

"I'm sorry she's such a fucking bitch to you Dean," Mary apologized when she turned back to the Dean. "There's no reason for her to act like that toward you."

"It's okay. I don't even notice," Dean replied.

Mary patted his knee, her hand cool on his leg, and she didn't notice his bugging eyes as she turned towards the screen and reached and turned the radio to the right station to hear the movie

"You're nice to act like that, but we both know she has been a total shit to you for a long time."

"You more than make up for it Mary," Dean said before he could catch himself. He braced himself for a slap, but Mary just turned and patted his arm.

"Aww, you're adorable!" she suddenly leaned over and kissed his cheek. Her peppermint breath floated over Dean's face and her hair brushed his face as she swung back around.

He shifted in his seat, his cock at full mast, desperate that he not creep out Mary with his raging hard on. She was being so nice to him, he didn't want to ruin it. He sat back and tried to concentrate on the previews, his nose full of Mary's clean, fresh scent.

Minutes later, Julia walked back up to the car, struggling with the two drinks and large popcorn. She was disgusted to hear Mary giggle from the backseat at whatever lame story Dean was stuttering through. She placed the items on the roof and yanked open the door, taking satisfaction in the way Dean jumped in surprise.

"Here are your snacks you two lovebirds," Julia sarcastically said, handing back the popcorn and drink. She got in and slumped as far as she could in the seat and still be able to see the screen. A horror movie she had been dying to see was showing and this only pissed her off more. Dean's presence was sure to ruin it.

Mary giggled again from the back.

Julia rolled her eyes. "Why am I not surprised? "

Mary punched her friend in the shoulder and grabbed a handful of the popcorn Dean was holding in his lap. If Julia would only give Dean a chance, she thought, she'd see he wasn't the dork he'd been made out to be all these years. While he would never be a jock type like Julia went for, Mary found him entertaining.

Their chatting trailed off as the movie started.

Dean's eyes were glued to the screen, but he was painfully aware of how Mary shrank against him each time the villain dispatched a victim. Her long, smooth legs rubbed against his as she shifted positions and her double D cup breast brushed his arm from time to time. His dick had been hard for thirty minutes, and while he never wanted this evening to end, he looked forward to the chance to rub one out once he got home.

For her part, Mary had no idea of the effect she was having on the horny young man. While not as well traveled as Julia, Mary had had her fair share of boyfriends over the years and had quickly gotten tired of their clumsy groping. She was enjoying Dean's company, but only saw him as a friend, an innocent guy who she could maybe pump up his self-confidence with some conversation.

The next hacking came from a dark closet and Mary squealed, pressing herself against Dean as the villain disemboweled someone on screen. Without taking her eyes from the screen, she reached down for some more popcorn without being aware that her startled jump had spilled the box of popcorn on the floorboard.

Dean yelped when he felt Mary's hand close over the hard cock in his shorts. Her hand pulled back for just a second and then closed back over the fat tube, squeezing tentatively.

Dean cut his eyes at Mary, whose eyes were no longer on the movie screen, but glued to the fabric stretching monster in his shorts.

When Mary’s hand first contacted the huge, hard lump, Mary instantly knew what it was; having had her hand forced into enough slobbering boys' laps to know. She jerked her hand back quickly, but curiosity brought it back. "Damn, that thing feels huge!" she thought, her nipples instantly stiffening inside her tight, white T.

She could feel the scratch of her shirt against the sensitive nipples as they strained outwards. She timidly gripped the thick shaft, feeling its heat burn her palm through the fabric of his shorts. Even in the darkened interior, she could see the length of the broad cock snaking down his thigh. She ran her hand down the pulsing cylinder to where the head of his cock lay, not two inches north of where his cutoffs ended. Slowly she slid her cool fingers under the edge of the fabric.

When she dropped her hand down on his hard cock, Dean was sure that he was going to shoot off in his pants. Mary seemed to be fascinated, not disgusted by his erection as she slid her hand down, squeezing the bursting tube tenderly. It took all of Dean’s self-control not to cum at the first touch of her cool fingertips as she slipped her hand underneath his shorts.

Totally unaware as to what was going on behind her, Julia called over her shoulder, "Don't let him try the hole in popcorn box trick Mary!"

This startled the two, not enough that Mary withdrew her hand, but she raised her eyes to look at Dean. He was breathing heavily through his mouth, his eyes wide, and the whites of his irises visible in the dark. When she withdrew her hand, he was sure that his first hand job was done.

Mary raised her finger to her lips to shush him and felt the heat of his cock still on her skin. Shocking herself with her boldness, she reached down and began to unsnap his pants.

Dean's heart pounded wildly in his chest as Mary slid his zipper down and folded back his pants. He watched as her hand slid into the opening and closed around his hard shaft. His eyes moved to hers, but her attention was focused on his hard cock she was hauling out into the opening.

“Oh, my God!” she whispered, her hand flying to her mouth. “Dean, it’s huge!” As she looked at Dean’s mammoth cock in front of her, the huge, bulbous head bobbing as it throbbed with the blood coursing through it. The veins were big, standing out clearly against the hard shaft, and she let her eyes travel down the length of his shaft. She was sure that there was room enough for her to stack her other hand on top with room to spare.

She licked her lips unthinkingly; further inciting Dean's passion at the sight of her pink tongue teasing her impossibly full lips. She also knew what she wanted – what she needed – to do next, and she felt her pussy flood with anticipation. She looked at him again.

"Can I?" she asked.

Not trusting his voice, Dean adamantly nodded his head. It would take an army to stop him at this point. He bit back a whimper as she gripped his long thick, veiny cock like a baseball bat, with one hand right below the head and the other below that. His cock was so thick that her fingers couldn’t reach all the way around it, and the feeling of having his throbbing cock in her hands was wonderful. She felt it all the way down to her soaking wet pussy.

She gripped his cock firmly and heard him gasp, then slowly pumped her hands up and down the thick, hard shaft. A huge drop of precum instantly appeared at the tip, getting bigger as she pumped his shaft, until it was so big that it dripped from the tip of his cock. Without hesitation and without thinking Mary immediately ducked her head down and caught the big drop of precum on her tongue, swallowing it as she maintained her grip on his cock.

“Mmmm!” she whispered, then looked quickly up at Dean. The look in his eyes was a combination of desire. She smiled innocently at him, and to her delight and surprise he smiled back. She looked back down at his cock in her hands and pumped it again, and after two strokes another big drop of precum appeared at the tip. When it was just about ready to slide off the head of his cock she opened her mouth and stuck out her tongue, licking up the drop of precum with the flat of her tongue.

He moaned as her soft, wet tongue briefly caressed the tip of his cock, watching as she swallowed that drop as well. She pumped his cock again, producing more precum, and she licked it all up as fast as he could produce it. After several minutes of this she looked up at him, smiling.

“Wow, Dean, you make a lot of precum!” she said, licking her lips. “I’ve never seen this much come out of a man before!”

She continued pumping his cock, gripping it firmly in her warm, soft hands, mesmerized at the sight of this monster cock literally drooling precum right in front of her face. She’d seen pictures and movies of cocks this big before but this was the first time she’d ever seen one up close, let alone have the chance to wrap her hands around it. And to think that her best friend’s neighbor was walking around with this thing tucked away inside his pants the whole time! As another huge drop of precum drooled out of the tip of Dean’s cock.

Instead of licking this one up, she used the palm of her hand to spread it around the head of his cock, causing Dean's eyes to roll back in his head, and he groaned, much louder than he intended. This unfortunately got Julia's attention and she swung around.

"What are you two...?" her words trailed off at the sight of her best friend's hand filled with Dean's mammoth cock . She looked at Mary who seemed to not even notice their discovery.

Mary was amazed at the amount of precum that he was producing, and of just how slippery it was. She knew from her own past experience that precum was slippery and she knew why, but Dean’s seemed to be more slippery than others. It only took a minute for her to cover the entire bulbous head of his cock, leaving it glistening and slick, and then she started to spread the slippery stuff down his shaft as well. In a matter of minutes she had spread his slippery fluid down and around the entire length of his cock, enabling her to slide her hands easily up and down his now-slick shaft. She gripped his cock firmly with both hands, sliding them up and down his huge, thick shaft, spreading the precum over his shaft as it appeared.

When Julia looked up at Dean, his mouth dropping open in shock, she overwhelmed his attempts at holding out and his hips pumped up off the seat cushion.

"Fuuuuuuuck!" he gasped, as his cock exploded.

"What the hell?!" Julia managed to get out before the first long, thick, heavy stream of cum blasted past her and splattered against the ceiling of her car.

With a barely stifled whimper, Mary dropped her head, her full lips parting wide to encompass his exploding cock as the second long, powerful stream went straight into her mouth and right down her throat. She gagged for a second but hung on to his cock as the second blast filled her mouth, then she swallowed and kept pumping his shaft as his cock throbbed in her hands again and again as his cock pumped stream after long stream of hot, thick cum into her mouth. Her eyes grew wide in amazement and surprise as his cock pumped and throbbed in her mouth and hands, blasting much more cum into her mouth than she was expecting.

She swallowed again and again, struggling to keep up with the fire hose stream of cum exploding into her mouth, but it was just too much for her. After swallowing the first four blasts of cum he shot into her mouth and down her throat she lost control of the cum flood shooting from his cock, and a stream of cum slipped from each corner of her mouth to drip down onto the base of his cock as she struggled to swallow what she could.

Finally, after what seemed like an eternity, the pulsing and throbbing of his cock began to slow and the flood of cum shooting from his cock abated to a trickle, and she pumped the last of his cum from his cock with her hands and swallowed it down. When she was sure she had it all she released his cock from her mouth and from her hands. She gasped for breath, her mouth hanging open, two streams of cum slowly dripping from the corners of her mouth.

Dean was panting and gasping for breath, too; she had made him cum hard, and he was surprised by the intensity of it, the volume of cum he had shot, and the amount she had managed to swallow. He looked down at her gasping for breath, noticing the two streams of cum at the corners of her mouth and the two pools of it on either side of his cock.

"Have you two lost your fucking minds?!" Julia screeched, looking at the big wet stain on her upholstered roof. "You're paying to clean that you fucking shithead!"

"Julia? Julia!"

Mary's voice startled Julia out of her rant. "What is it Mary!?!"

"Drive to somewhere private. Now."

"No fucking way. Were not leaving 'til..."

"Julia, now! And maybe I'll let you have a turn with this." Where this was coming from, Mary didn't know, but she knew that she had to have this big cock in her wet aching pussy.

"You'll let me fucking what?" Julia said dazedly and then her eyes focused for the first time on the size of Dean’s mammoth cock coming out of Mary's hands. She gasped. "Fuck me! That damn thing is huge. Where have you been hiding that one?!"

Without taking her eyes off the still hard monstrosity, she cranked the car and dropped it in drive, peeling out and almost hitting another car before directing her attention back to driving. As they sped out of the drive-in, a cloud of dust. Julia adjusted her rear-view to watch Mary continue her sliding her hands up and down dean‘s cock.

Unable to control herself, Julia blindly reached back and gripped Dean’s big shaft, the car swerving and almost going into the ditch.

"Hey!" Dean squeaked, concern for his safety momentarily overcoming his amazement at his current situation.

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"Watch where you're going!"

"Fine!" Julia hissed, returning both hands to the wheel. She was amazed at how quickly the sight and feel of the gigantic cock overwhelmed her feelings towards Dean. Her nipples were so hard they ached, and she felt her pussy start to flood with anticipation. ‘He may be a geek‘, she thought, but he's a geek with a great big cock. "But I get the next one!"

"Just keeping it ready for you," Mary whispered. Her hand still wrapped around Dean’s cock.

As her pumping continued, she tilted her head towards Dean and offered him her glistening lips. Without a thought, he smashed his mouth to hers and they moaned loudly into each other's open mouths, their tongues slip sliding rapidly.

Julia was thankful no cops were on their side of town as she ran every red light and stop sign. She even broke every speed limit posted and slid into the secluded area at the lake in record time. The heavily wooded lake line was open in places, allowing one to pull their car close between the trees and water giving a modicum of privacy. They had the entire lake area to themselves tonight, because everyone else was still at the drive-in or ‘Big K‘s‘

Julia slammed the gear stick in park and punched the trunk release button. She was out of the car in a beat of a heart beat, snatching a quilt from the trunk and shaking it out, just behind the car. Dean was the first to hesitantly step from the car, his shorts still unbuttoned, his long tube of his cock swung in front of him

Julia looked at him hooded lust filled eyes and dropped to her knees whipping her blouse over her head. She fumbled with the rear clasp of her bra; her large breast swayed with her movements. Julia‘s attention centered on the big shaft making its way slowly towards her as Dean shuffled forward.

"Get out of those clothes and help me with this," she hissed.

Dean rushed to take off his own shirt, exposing his dark brown tan and newly formed, hard muscles. Julia looked him over appreciatively as he bent and pushed his shorts and underwear down, stepping out of his Sebago’s. He stood awkwardly, not sure what to do next.

Julia eyes grew wide as she looked at the mammoth cock in front of her. The huge, bulbous head bobbing as it throbbed with the blood coursing through it. The veins were big, standing out clearly against the hard shaft, and she let her eyes travel down the length of his shaft to his balls. They were smooth-shaven, as was the base of his cock, and they were big as well, bigger than any she’d ever seen before. They hung heavily beneath his cock, stretching the skin of his sack as they hung, heavy and full. Seeing the size and heft of his balls, she now understood how that was possible. Her mouth watered at the sight and she swiped her hand across it before she started drooling.

"Get that thing over here."

As Dean stood before her, she found it easier to center her gaze on the mammoth cock rather than look up and acknowledge just who she was about to suck off. She reached back and was finally able to unclasp her bra. Rolling her shoulders forward, she shrugged it to the ground and revealing her huge breasts to him.

Her tits were huge and were remarkably firm for their size. They stood out proudly from her chest with very little sag, slightly longer than they were round, giving them their distinctive 'twin torpedo' look. Her nipples were round and pert, surrounded by large areola that were pale pink in color. Dean could see her huge globes rising and falling with each breath she took, and as Dean watched she reached up and tweaked her nipples with both hands, gasping slightly at her own touch.

"Worth the wait?" Julia asked as she gathered the huge breast in her hands and squeezed them together enticingly.

"Uh huh," Dean muttered. All the years of imagining what Julia Wright's big tits looked like paled in comparison to the real thing, now glowing before him in the soft pale moonlight. He watched breathlessly as she lifted her large breast alternately and flicked her tongue over her stiff nipples.

"Do you like my big tits, Dean?" she asked with a wicked smile.

"Now you're just showing out," Mary said behind him, startling Dean.

Julia giggled and grabbed the heavy, rounded globes of her breasts in both hands, lifting them up slightly and separating them, then looked up at Dean. He got the hint, reaching down to hold his erect cock straight out for her. She smiled at him as she lowered her tits down and pressed them together, wrapping his cock up in them and covering it completely.

"Thanks, Dean," she said, pushing her breasts together firmly around his cock, "I'll take it from here!" She gave him that wicked smile again as she dropped her head and drooled a long strand of saliva into the valley of her chest. She slid her mammoth tits up and down on his cock, pushing them together firmly to keep his shaft trapped between them. Her breasts were so big that his cock disappeared between them.

The head of Dean’s cock popping out at the top as she slid her big globes down onto his shaft. His precum was flowing freely now, the length of his thick shaft and the valley between her huge tits quickly becoming shiny and slick with the slippery fluid. Julia looked down and watched the head of his cock appear and disappear between her tits, occasionally dipping her head down to suck the head of his cock when it appeared between her huge tits. She moved her huge globes up and down his long, thick shaft in a steady rhythm over and over again, fucking him with her tits, her eyes glazed over with desire when she looked up at him as she moved.

"God, your big cock feels so good pressed between my tits!" she breathed, her voice husky with desire. "I want it inside me now!" her eyes wide with excitement and eagerness at what was about to happen.

"Turn around and get on your knees and spread them apart," Dean commanded.

Julia did just as he told her to. She glanced anxiously over her shoulder, her breath quickening as she saw Dean moving into position behind her, and she got a glimpse of the bulbous head of his mammoth cock heading straight for her sopping wet pussy. She gasped as she felt the huge head of his monster cock pressing against her outer lips, and moaned as Dean rubbed the head up and down her wet slit. She yelped in surprise as Dean rubbed the head of his cock over her clit, the hard nub very sensitive and sending little shock waves of electric pleasure through her.

"Please, Dean, put your big cock inside me!" she pleaded, pushing her hips back against him. "Please fuck me! Fuck me with your big cock, Dean! Please, dean, fuck me hard with that big cock of yours, and fuck me now!"

Dean positioned the head of his cock against the opening of Julia's pussy and pushed hard, shoving the head and first three inches of his cock into her tight, wet tunnel. Julia threw her head back and cried out as his thick shaft plunged into her, stretching her pussy out more than she'd ever experienced before.

Dean's first pussy did not disappoint, bathing his mammoth cock with wet heat. He could feel her strong pelvic muscles fluttering, struggling to accommodate the big intruder. His eyes were glazed over, his mind a whirl of emotions. One second he was imagining the many years of torment at the hands of this busty vixen, and wanting nothing more than to fuck her mercilessly. The next he was almost overcome with gratitude at her allowing him, geeky little Dean, to fuck her

Dean paused for a moment, then shoved more of his cock into her with another hard thrust, making Julia cry out yet again as another three inches of Dean's cock invaded her tight pussy. Julia's pussy was very tight and very, very wet, so he had little trouble shoving his big cock into her. Other than the fact that she was so tight and had never had a cock this big inside her before. Then he placed his hands on her hips and gripped them firmly as he began thrusting slowly, pushing more and more of his throbbing cock deeper and deeper into Julia's tight pussy with every forward thrust of his hips.

"Oh my God, yes!" Julia groaned, grabbing the quilt in her fists as Dean's cock slipped further and further into her tight, wet tunnel.

She could feel her pussy being stretched beyond what she thought was possible as the incredibly thick, incredibly hard pole of man-meat pushed deeper and deeper into her. She pushed her hips back to meet Dean's thrusts, helping him get as much of his cock inside her pussy as possible. She gritted her teeth and groaned with the effort as nearly nine inches of Dean's cock slowly sunk into her. She gasped loudly as she felt the huge head of Dean's cock hit bottom, and she moaned as he held his cock in place for several moments to let her adjust. Julia panted and gasped for breath, gripping the quilt tightly in her fists as she struggled to get used to the telephone pole that impaled her.

"Oh my God, your cock is huge!" Julia gasped through gritted teeth, glancing back at Dean as he watched her. "I feel like it's gonna split me apart!"

Dean leaned forward, holding his cock deep inside her as he slid his hands around her body to grab her heavy, hanging breasts with both hands. She moaned as he squeezed the heavy, firm globes hard, bracing herself with her arms locked out straight as Dean tightened his grip on her tits. She moaned again as he pulled hard on both nipples, stretching them out as he pushed his cock against her womb, then squeezed her huge mounds again even harder.

He felt Mary's cool hands on his shoulders.

"Slow down Dean. Enjoy it, take your time." This brought him out of his trance.

Then, he released her reddened breasts from his grip and straightened up, grabbing her firmly by the hips once again. He began thrusting, slowly at first, sliding his thick cock nearly all the way out of Julia's pussy until just the bulbous head was inside before pushing forward and thrusting his cock deeply into her again.

He took his time and went slowly, pushing his cock as deep into her as he could and making her gasp each time he hit bottom, giving her a chance to adjust before he really began fucking her. Her pussy was hot and wet, so very wet, that he slid in and out of her with relative ease - on his part, anyway. Julia felt like she was being fucked by an elephant as the monster cock slid in and out of her tight pussy, making her moan and groan with each thrust.

Dean looked down and watched his cock slide in and out of Julia's wet pussy, the shaft glistening with her juices as he pulled out. Her pussy was wet, very wet, and it felt wonderfully warm and tight around the shaft of his cock. He began increasing his tempo, thrusting his cock in and out of Julia's tunnel faster and faster, his big ball bumping gently against her clit at first and then slapping against it as the tempo and force of his thrusting increased.

"Oh... my... God... oh... my... God!" Julia moaned with each of Dean's forward thrusts, her mouth hanging open as Dean began slamming his cock in and out of her in hard, deep thrusts. Her big, heavy breasts swayed and bobbed beneath her as Dean thrust hard, fast and deep, yanking her hips back against him as he thrust forward and making Julia cry out with each thrust. Dean looked down and watched Julia's ample ass ripple with each thrust, his balls now slapping against her mound and clit as he fucked her hard and fast.

His hands gripped her hips tightly, the fingers digging into the soft skin, yanking her back against him as he thrust forward. His hips were slapping against her now as he fucked her, and she was moaning almost constantly under the onslaught of dean’s big, thick cock.

"OH! OH! OH! I'M...GONNA... CUM! I'M... GONNA... CUM!!" she cried with each forward thrust, and then she screamed as her orgasm hit.

She shoved her hips back against Dean hard as she gritted her teeth, grinding her hips back against Dean's cock as hard as she could. Her fists gripped the quilt tightly as she rotated her hips around Dean's thrusting cock, and dean could feel her pussy clamping down and fluttering around his shaft as her orgasms flooded over her body. Dean kept up his momentum, never slowing even for a moment, pounding his cock in and out of Julia's pussy as her orgasm ran its course.

She was gasping for breath when it finally slowed, but as soon as Dean reached around and grabbed her heaving, heavy breasts in his hands and yanked on them to pull her back against him, she was immediately hit with a second, stronger orgasm.

"AAAIIIEEE!" she screamed as the second orgasm rippled through her body, Dean hanging on to her huge tits and squeezing them hard as he continued to piston his cock in and out of her dripping pussy.

Dean fucked her straight through this orgasm as well, and Julia was covered with a fine layer of sweat when her orgasm finally faded. Her now-sore pussy was literally dripping with her juices, and she was gasping for breath as Dean continued thrusting.

After a few moments Dean released her big tits from his grasp and straightened up, sliding his hard cock out of Julia's pussy

"Oh... my... God," she managed as she collapsed onto the quilt.

"Uh, thanks," Dean replied. Maybe there was hope for him after all he thought, watching the satisfied, well fucked former cheerleader writhe beneath him.

"My turn stud."

Dean had almost forgotten about Mary and he rose to his feet turning to face her. She had removed her own clothes and stood demurely in front of him, hand on her hips, one foot poised in front of the other. Her legs were long and lean, capped by a small, tight ass. Her breasts were big and heavy but firm with very little sag, and they were capped by two big, prominent nipples surrounded by large, dark areolas.

After letting his gaze linger on her breasts for a few moments he looked down at her pussy; her pubic hair was trimmed into a very narrow strip, and her outer lips were shaven smooth. He could see that her outer lips were swollen and full, slightly parted, an indication of just how aroused she was. Her long hair hung down past her shoulders and her big smile lit up the night.

Dean walked over to Mary and she threw herself at him, wrapping her arms tightly around his neck and kissing him passionately, pressing her naked body firmly against his, and she felt his mammoth cock immediately. She jumped up and wrapped her legs around his waist as they kissed, immediately tightening them around his body and pressing her mound firmly against the base of his hard cock. She slid her tongue deeply into his mouth, finding his own and dancing with it, as he held her up with his hands on her firm, rounded butt. She was breathing hard with anticipation and desire, and there was an urgency to her actions that aroused Dean even more.

“Carry me over to the car, Dean!” she gasped, breaking the intense kiss and jerking her head backwards towards the car. “Throw me down on the back of the car and fuck me, please!” Then she planted her lips on his and kissed him again.

Dean carried her over to the car, and Mary slammed the trunk of the car closed. Mary released her legs from around his waist as he set her down on the trunk lid, immediately hooking her feet on the back of his legs and pulling him close to her.

Mary looked down at Dean’s cock with a huge smile on her face as she wrapped her hand around the big shaft and squeezed. She pumped his cock as she slid her hips forward so that she was sitting right on the edge of the trunk, then rubbed the big head of his cock up and down between her outer lips. She was soaking wet, and the head of his cock glided up and down easily as his precum mixed with her juices.

“I can’t wait to get your big, hard cock inside my pussy!” she said, looking at him with hooded eyes as she rubbed his cock up and down her slit.

Then she placed the head of his huge cock against her tight opening and hooked her feet behind his legs again, pulling him towards her and driving the head of his cock into her pussy. It slid in easily, spreading her opening wide and stretching her walls as more of his cock slid inside her tight pussy.

“Oooooh, my God, that feels good!” she moaned, her mouth falling open as she looked at his cock sliding inside her pussy.

Dean pushed slowly but firmly. It was still a tight fit, a very tight fit, her pussy walls stretched nearly to their limit. She moaned as his cock filled her, stretching her and opening her up, tilting her hips up to give him better access and help getting his cock as deep inside her as she could stand. She leaned back and looked up at him, her eyes hooded, her mouth open, as he pushed his cock further and further into her wet, slippery, and oh-so-tight pussy. He looked down and stood there, motionless, holding his throbbing cock still as her clutching, squeezing pussy adapted to being filled.

“Mmmm, I love it!” she moaned, smiling up at him. “I’m so horny for your big cock that I’m gonna cum as soon as you start to move!” she said, squeezing his cock with her pussy. He reached out and grasped her big breasts with both hands, gripping them firmly and loving the feel of their mass in his hands.

“Then I guess you’re just gonna have to cum,” he said as he started to move, pulling his thick, long cock slowly out of her tight, wet pussy until just the head was inside her, then pushing it back in just as slowly. She gasped as he began to move, and her breathing quickened with every stroke of his cock in and out of her tunnel. It only took three strokes for her to cum.

“I’m cumming, Dean, I’m cumming!” she cried, clamping her legs around his waist and pulling him towards her, driving his cock deeper into her pussy as her orgasm exploded inside her.

She gritted her teeth and squeezed her eyes closed as his cock thrust in and out of her pussy, the waves of pleasure crashing over her as he moved, and he could feel her inner muscles gripping him as she continued to cum. He kept stroking her pussy with his big, thick cock in steady, even, firm strokes, pushing it in deep with each thrust of his hips and pulling it nearly completely out before pushing it back in again.

She came long and hard, her pussy flooding with her juices, all of which combined to trigger his orgasm. He felt a stirring in his balls as she pulled him closer with her legs hooked around him, her pussy gripping and squeezing his thick cock as he fucked her, the sight of her body in front of him and the look of ecstasy on her face driving him quickly to orgasm.

“I’m gonna cum, Mary,” he warned, breathing hard as he gripped her big breasts firmly in his hands, continuing to drive his huge cock in and out of her tight, wet pussy.

“Give it to me, Dean,” she gasped, looking up at him as her orgasm faded. “Cum inside me, fill me up with your hot cum, Dean, please, give it to me! I‘m on the pill.”

That was all it took. Her words triggered his orgasm and he felt his cock widen for just a moment, and judging from the look on her face she felt it as well, just before his cock erupted inside her pussy. He moaned and thrust his hips forward as his cock erupted, pumping and throbbing as it spewed stream after stream of his hot cum deep inside her tunnel.

She cried out as his cock drove deeper than ever into her, but kept her legs clamped around him to keep him from backing out. She could feel his enormous cock throbbing and pulsing inside her as it pumped stream after stream of his cum deep inside her, and she felt the excess cum slipping out of her pussy and sliding down her ass to pool on the car trunk beneath her.

She held him tight with her legs and her pussy as his cock pumped its usual huge load of cum into her, giggling as his cock throbbed within her. Seven, eight, nine times his cock pumped his cum into her tunnel, until the spasms running the length of his cock finally began to slow; he pushed forward and held his cock deep inside her as his cock pumped the last of his cum into her and making her gasp, then she clamped down on his cock with her pussy to squeeze the last bit of cum from him. He was gasping for breath, his knees a little shaky from the intensity of his cumming, and he opened his eyes to look down into the smiling face of Mary, her hair still hanging around her face.

“Oh my God, that was great!” she said, reaching up and kissing him briefly but deeply. “I absolutely loved feeling your big cock pumping inside me!”

“I love it, too, Mary,” he replied, as they stood still, his cock slowly softening inside her.

“I don’t know which of us three needed that more, me or you! Or Julia” she said, running her hand along the side of his face.

"That shit better not take the paint off," Julia muttered behind them, watching Dean's impressive output drip wetly from between Mary's thighs to drop onto the trunk lid.

Later that night.

"How was the movie?" Mary's younger sister Taylor asked when she wobbled home an hour later.

Mary stopped in the hall and regarded her sister curled up on the couch. As good as Dean had made her feel earlier, she felt the need to repay him even more.

"Hey, isn't Dean Roberts in your class?"

To be continued?

Copyright ©2014 xxSnakePlisskenxx ~All Rights Reserved. No part of this story may be reproduced or transmitted in any form without prior written permission of the author, Nero Williams.

Written by xxSnakePlisskenxx
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