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Test Driving Wendy - Part One

"Steve brings his wife Wendy round for the boys to ride."

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During a beautiful, warm Indian Summer week in late September Melanie called Steve, Jake's cousin of Airtight Night fame, and invited him and his wife Wendy to join us, along with Jake and Sue, our neighbours, best friends and extended family, for dinner on the upcoming Saturday night. When he accepted she reminded him of the deal he had made with her on that earlier night by asking, “Did you talk to Wendy about what we agreed?”

“You mean about letting Jake and Nick take her for a test drive?” he asked. She could hear the grin in his voice.

“Yes, exactly,” Mel answered. “Did she agree? Is she up for it?”

“Yeah, she's all over it,” he drawled. “She can't wait to get her hands on them.”

“Good. Tell her to wear her sexiest lingerie,” Mel instructed.

Just her sexiest lingerie?” Steve asked.

Not sure whether or not he was joking, Mel replied tartly, “No, you idiot, under her clothes!”

“I'll tell her,” Steve acknowledged with a short laugh. “See you at seven on Saturday.”

Shaking her head as she hung up the phone, Mel turned to me and asked, “Just how dumb is Steve really?”

I chuckled. “Hard to tell,” I said, “But pretty dumb I think. Nice guy, though.”

“Hmm, I only want him for his body anyway,” Mel joshed and I laughed.

“Slut,” I teased.

“You bet,” she replied happily. “And I intend to be in fine slut form on Saturday night, so get your strength up.”

“Yes ma'am,” I responded.

“That's the attitude. Keep it up,” she complimented me mockingly.

“That's what you will be saying to all us men on Saturday night,” I joked. We both laughed.

Saturday night rolled around and our four guests arrived on time within minutes of each other. The guys were all casually but smartly dressed, but the women were dressed to kill.

Sue was dressed in what I would call a clubbing dress, primarily because I have no idea what a woman would call it. It was extremely short and it glittered with random patterns of all the colours of the rainbow. As usual, Sue was accentuating her glorious, huge breasts, so it had a plunging V-shaped neckline that cut down almost to her navel, showing a breathtaking amount of deep cleavage. On her feet, she was wearing what Melanie later told me were Jimmy Choo ankle-strapped sandals with six-inch heels, also in a glitter finish, blue over the toes and front of the straps, black on the heels and back of the straps. I am over six feet tall and these extreme heels brought her up to my height so that she was looking me straight in the eye. Her dark brown, thick, wavy, waist-length hair had been brushed to a lustrous shine and was swirling around her shoulders. I noticed that the shade of green in her rainbow dress exactly matched the shade of her eyes. She looked good enough to eat and I told her so as she gave me a hello kiss.

“Later,” she whispered provocatively, blowing in my ear.

Steve introduced Wendy. Seeing her Scandinavian features I guessed that she had a prairies heritage and she confirmed it, telling me that her great grandparents were Swedish. She was a straw-coloured blonde with high, prominent cheekbones, cornflower-blue eyes, and a very pale complexion. Her thick hair came to just below her shoulders. Her face was a little too hard for my taste but was still very attractive. Her height was similar to Sue and Mel's, maybe an inch taller, so around five-eight, with long legs, plentiful breasts and a nice curve of hip and ass. She was wearing the classic little black dress; spaghetti straps, low cut neckline, skin tight and very short. The outfit was completed by plain black, pointed toe dress pumps with four-inch heels. She too looked delicious, but I did not yet know her well enough to tell her so.

Mel introduced herself to Wendy and walked her over to one of the three white leather sofas arranged in a U-shape facing the giant flat-screen television, sitting down next to her and drawing her into conversation. I watched the other two guys eyes follow Mel as she walked away, taking in the fact that her dress was the shortest of all and drinking in the sight of her gorgeous long legs.

Her dress was a deep forest green silk with a halter neck and cross-over bodice that hugged her breasts and demonstrated quite clearly that she was not wearing a bra. Mind you, neither were either of the other women. Her back was completely bare to her waist, with only her long, straight dark brown hair trailing to her hips and obstructing the view when she was motionless. The dress was stretched taut over her world-class ass and I swear if she had shrugged her shoulders you would have been able to see her panties. She too was wearing extreme heels, about five inches high I think. The shoes were green leather basket weave sandals that exactly matched the colour of her dress, secured by ankle straps.

Three great looking women to work with; this could be a good night!

Sue joined Mel and Wendy in the living room while I dragged the guys off to the kitchen to help me mix up a batch of margaritas

While we were busy concocting, Steve opened the discussion by asking, “So what do you think, guys? Do you like her?” meaning Wendy.

“Well, I've known her for a while, so you know I like her,” Jake told him, so Steve's eyes swung to me.

“She looks great,” I opined, “But give me a chance to talk to her and ask me again if you are really interested.”

“I really just wanted to know if you both fancied her,” Steve clarified.

“Of course we do,” I replied. “She's very fanciable.”

“So do you think they will all get naked?” he asked eagerly.

“I'd bet a very large sum of money on it,” I informed him. “After all, we have all had Mel and Sue, so your wife is the only possible hold out, and you have already told us that she is raring to go, so how is it not going to happen?”

“Great!” he exclaimed, grinning like a loon. Jake just raised his eyebrows at me sardonically.

When the drinks were prepared we rejoined the ladies in the living room and I poured for everybody.

Melanie raised her glass in a toast. “To good company and a sexy night,” she proposed. We all happily drank to that.

Glancing along the line of sitting ladies, all of whom had their legs crossed, I observed, “There is a hell of a lot of gorgeous leg on display here, girls!”

“We are all hoping it will give you boys an appetite,” Sue replied archly.

“I'm fairly drooling,” I retorted.

“That's the way we want you,” Mel chimed in.

Wendy slowly and deliberately uncrossed her legs, making a performance of it, kicking her right leg high and swinging it out as she placed her foot on the floor with the leg extended straight out to her right, displaying a tiny pair of black satin panties.

“And this is where we want you,” she husked throatily.

Sue giggled and said to Melanie, “Oh, she is going to fit right in!”

“And so are they,” rejoined Wendy, nodding at we men. This sent all three women into a giggle fit. We men just grinned hopefully at each other.

“Okay,” said Mel, “Let's go eat, then we can get down to the good stuff that much sooner.”

“So there is going to be good stuff?” I queried disingenuously.

“Of course there is, dumb bunny,” Sue informed me. “We want your bodies!”

“Live bodies, I hope,” I teased back.

“For sure,” Sue shot back. “None of us are into necrophilia.” Then, turning to Wendy, “Well I assume you're not, are you, Wendy?”

We all cracked up.

Wendy said, “What's necrophilia?” causing more merriment.

Melanie realized that it was a serious question and was kind enough to explain, getting an “Ooh, yuk!” from Wendy in response.

Melanie seated us around the table with the women on one side and the men on the other with nobody directly opposite their spouse, also artfully placing Wendy between her and Sue so that they could question her from both sides. This arrangement had the added benefit of giving we guys a great view of the ample amounts of bosom on display across the table, a bonus that we all took full advantage of.

Melanie brazenly opened Wendy's interrogation by asking, “So, have you had group sex before, Wendy? Enquiring minds want to know.”

Wendy grinned at her and answered, “Yes, lots. Since before we were married I have been doing Steve and his brother Brad, and now, when Steve is out in the evenings, Brad will often come over with his best friend Mike and I will do both of them.”

“Together or sequentially?” from Sue.

“Both,” with a wide grin.

“Anal or oral?” from Melanie.

“Both,” still grinning.

“Both?” Steve interjected, sounding surprised. “You mean Brad and Mike have been getting your ass and I haven't?”

“Well, you never asked,” his wife replied, laughing at his shocked expression.

“You up for getting airtight?” from Sue.

“Lead me to it,” Wendy enthused. “Steve told me all about doing that with you both and I have been horny ever since, thinking about it. Can we do it tonight?”

Mel and Sue both laughed at her enthusiasm, then Mel answered her question; “After dinner, but not right away. First, you have to entertain our husbands separately and together while we seduce your husband.”

“Together or sequentially?” Wendy asked, tongue in cheek.

“Both,” Sue and Mel chorused, and all three women broke up.

We men were so busy watching the entertainment being provided by the girls that we barely exchanged a few words with each other during the meal. Of course, we were also busy stuffing ourselves with delicious steak au poivre, veggies, and baked potatoes, so our mouths were full most of the time anyway! The meal was washed down with a couple of bottles of a delicious German white wine selected by Melanie, our resident wine expert, and followed up by liqueurs, so by the end of the meal we were all quite relaxed.

Rising from the table Melanie announced that she was taking the ladies through to the bedroom and that we gentlemen could make ourselves useful by clearing the table and loading the dishwasher while they made themselves even more beautiful for us. We agreed with alacrity. As Melanie led the women out she threw over her shoulder, “Oh, by the way, be naked when we get back!”

While we were performing our assigned tasks Steve started talking – and talking - and talking!

He opened with, “I can't wait to get stuck into Melanie again. She is wild!” This elicited nothing more than an “Uh-huh” from me, but it set Jake off. He immediately began extolling Mel's virtues to his cousin, listing off many of the wildest rides Melanie had given him and closing with a detailed account of her trying to smother him with her pussy a week or so ago.

Steve's response was, “Oh, I gotta get me some of that!” then, turning to me, “Has your wife got the world's greatest ass or what?”

“Option number one,” I replied shortly.

“Huh?” Steve responded, looking completely baffled. “Anyway, I could not believe it when she went airtight three times with all of us. That is some hot pussy!”

“And mouth, and ass,” I amplified sarcastically.

“Too right,” he crowed, missing the sarcasm completely. “I reckon that woman could do the whole Olympic hockey squad and still be looking for more!”

“Er, Steve...” Jake interrupted on a warning note, but I waved him down.

“What about Wendy?” I asked Steve, intending to derail him. “How many times do you think she will go for airtight tonight?”

Clearly, he had not considered this at all!

“Well, I suppose as many times as we can give it to her,” he answered dubiously. Then his face brightened as a cogent thought developed. “She is a real tramp, you know. She'll definitely take us all on, probably the girls, too. She likes it everywhere – in her pussy, up her ass, I just found out, in her mouth! She swallows, too!”

“A well-rounded slut then,” I observed, grinning at Jake, who understood full well that I was winding up his cousin. He winked back at me.

“You got it, man. She will keep your pecker up. You won't be disappointed,” Steve enthused.

I wonder if verbal diarrhea is a hereditary trait in Jake's family, I thought unkindly, but I said, “Well, we will put her through her paces tonight, won't we Jake?”

“We sure will,” Jake assured his cousin.

“And don't forget, you get to ride Sue, too,” I reminded Steve mischievously. Behind Steve's back, Jake pulled a “Did you have to?” face at me and I grinned back at him, nodding yes, I did.

Sure enough, Steve launched into a catalogue of Sue's blowjob skills, her great tits, her tight pussy and even tighter ass, and on and on and on...

“My work here is done,” I whispered in Jake's ear as I went to collect more glasses from the dining table. He almost choked trying to smother an involuntary laugh.

Just as Steve was telling Jake how much he was looking forward to sticking his dick up Sue's ass while she was wearing that sexy rainbow dress the lady herself came strolling back into the kitchen, clearly having heard every word.

“I came for wine for us girls,” she said.

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“We need drinkies while we are making ourselves sexy.” So saying she pulled a fresh bottle of white wine from the refrigerator, scooped up three glasses and turned to Steve.

“You won't be doing anything to me in this dress, Steven,” she informed him. “You don't wear a thousand dollar dress to go rolling around the floor or get come stains on it!”

So saying, she flounced out, leaving Steve mortified and her husband thunderstruck.

“She heard,” Steve whispered, abashed.

“A thousand bucks?” Jake mumbled, stupefied.

I roared with laughter.

“Don't mess with the ladies, guys,” I advised them. “They will get you every time.”

“A thousand effing bucks?” Jake reiterated piteously.

“Do you think I will still get laid tonight?” Steve asked anxiously.

I laughed so hard I had tears running down my face!

When all our chores were completed we all dutifully stripped naked, piling our discarded clothes on to dining room chairs, then settled ourselves down in the Great Room to await the return of the ladies, all now nursing nice cold beers.

Our living area is very large, with three distinct relaxation spaces. On the West side is the home theatre area with three twelve-foot white leather sofas arranged in a U-shape around the giant flat-screen mounted above the fireplace. On the East side, in front of the floor-to-ceiling picture windows, is a separate conversation group seating area, raised one step from the home theatre area, with four white leather armchairs arranged around a glass coffee table. Down three steps from there, occupying the East and South corners is what we call the Fun Pit, a twenty-foot square area strewn with huge cushions and low endtables, useful for playing all kinds of games.

We chose to sit in the home theatre area and I was amused to note that we each took a separate couch. Naked men do not like to sit too close to each other!

When the ladies returned they came in procession, with Melanie in the lead, Wendy in the middle and Sue bringing up the rear. It was worth the wait!

I was pleased to see that none of them were wearing panties, a sure sign that it was to be straight down to the action.

Melanie was continuing her forest green theme for the night. She was wearing a deep green basque with black lace around the bodice and black lace panels inset down the front and back. Black garters with silver buckles were hooked to classic black silk seamed stockings and she was wearing the same extreme stiletto-heeled sandals as earlier. The cups on the bodice of the basque were cut so low that only the black lace edging was concealing her nipples, leaving about seventy-five percent of her gorgeous tits exposed.

Wendy was wearing a white silk bustier trimmed with gold sequins; it was cut extremely low and it both lifted and compressed her breasts so that they were overflowing and her ample cleavage was magnified. Around her hips was a matching white and gold sequined garter belt attached to white stockings with lace tops. On her feet, she wore white open-work, ankle-strapped sandals with gold buckles and the highest stiletto heels I have ever seen, seven inches or more I would guess.

Sue wore nothing at all on top, just allowing her magnificent, huge, dark-nippled breasts to swing freely as she walked. She too wore a garter belt, in a deep crimson with black lace trim, attached to seamed fishnet stockings of the same shade. Her leather sandals were also deep crimson with gold five-inch heels.

The procession made its way to the area between the couches, where the girls all turned around gracefully several times to allow us all a three-sixty view of their outfits and their lovely bodies.

They were all facing me when they first halted, giving me the opportunity to admire Mel's silky dark-brown, almost black, three season bush, Wendy's downy golden thatch and Sue's curly, dense, dark-brown forest so similar to Mel's, before they all turned so that I could admire their asses. Mel's is always the best in any company, perfectly contoured, round, soft but firm, and provocative as hell, but the others were excellent too. Wendy's was a little too flat, but otherwise very nice, while Sue's was only marginally less perfect than Melanie's and somehow always made me want to get stuck right in there. Framed by the crimson garters and fishnets it was even more provocative that usual!

As the girls were turning for the fourth time Wendy suddenly crowed, “Look, girls, they are already rising to the occasion!” as she perceived that all three men already had erections. The three women giggled delightedly, pleased that they wielded such sexual power over we poor weak men.

We poor weak men just sat back and admired all that bountiful, almost naked female flesh and waited to see what they would propose.

As usual, it was Mel who kicked things off. Opening her right hand she revealed a loonie coin. “You two,” she said, pointing at Jake and I. “Jake, call it,” and she flipped the coin as Jake called heads. Holding the back of her left hand down where we could both see it she revealed the coin.

“Tails. You're it, Nick,” she told me.

“I'm what?” I asked.

“First up with Wendy,” she clarified. “Sorry, I meant to say 'First up Wendy'.” We all laughed.

Without further ado, Melanie dropped to her knees in front of Jake, pushed his knees apart, leaned in and scooped his cock into her mouth. After a couple of sucks, she stopped briefly and admonished him, “Now you are not to come, lover, because you are next up with Wendy and we want to keep you fresh. This is for relaxation purposes only, okay?”

“Okay,” Jake acknowledged and my wife went back to gobbling his dick.

Wendy sat down next to me. We kissed deeply for a breathtaking minute; she had a very active tongue which she put to great use. I noticed that she smelled very nice. She was wearing a light flower scent which was also slightly musky. The effect was very sensual.

“What would you like?” she asked throatily, obviously a little nervous.

“A little bit of everything, I think, until we figure out what you like best,” I answered with a smile

“How would you like me?” she followed up.

“How about you just lie back, spread your legs and let me warm you up a bit,” I offered.

“Mmm, sounds good,” she said, and complied, sliding herself down the back of the sofa until her pussy was aligned with the edge and spreading those long, white stocking-clad legs wide open.

She has done this before, I thought, with an inner smile.

Kneeling down between her thighs I first admired her soft pubic down, which was both a different shade of blonde and a different texture to her hair. It was finer and a paler gold rather than straw-coloured. I then gently prised her vaginal lips open and went down on her, licking slowly up along the line of her cleft several times before sucking gently on her clitoris. She was moaning before I had finished the third repetition!

God, she's going to be a noisy one, I thought. I was not wrong!

After a couple of minutes, she sat forward slightly and grasped the back of my head with both hands, forcing my face further into her pussy and wriggling her hips forward to exert pressure with her pelvis. The volume and pitch of her moaning increased immediately. I gave her about ten minutes of this before surfacing for air.

“Okay,” I said, “Now lie on your back on the floor.” She was there almost before I finished speaking.

Glancing around the room I took in the other players.

Melanie was just in the process of relinquishing her blowjob on Jake and settling herself beside him on the sofa, on her knees with her upper body resting on the padded arm and her ass in the air.

Looking over her shoulder at Jake she said, “Remember how we did it when we were watching the movie the other night?”

“Sure,” replied Jake. “The micro-fuck.”

“Yes, that;s it. Do me like that, just stir me gently.”

Jake obligingly knelt behind her, slid his dick into her moist pussy and then moved only in tiny increments. Melanie looked as sexy as hell in that position. Jake had eased the cups of her basque down from her tits so that they were fully exposed and he had one in each hand as he kept his dick steady inside my wife. Her delightful ass was accentuated by the garters and dense black stocking tops as she gently rotated her hips around Jake's cock, taking great care not to over stimulate him.

Meanwhile, looking through the open archway to the dining room I could see that Steve had Sue bent over the table and was doing her from behind vigorously. Sue was all ass, crimson-fishnet-clad legs, and bouncing tits as he rode her hard. I could see his dick driving home in her wet pussy and her pushing back hard with her ass to try and get more into her.

Everybody was having a good time, back to business.

I knelt over Wendy's face and slid my cock between her lips; she gulped it down and began sucking with great gusto. When I was rigid I slithered down her body until I was between her legs, slipped my cock into her pussy and lifted her legs over my shoulders.

“That's one fucking huge cock you've got there, Nick,” she observed as she settled herself onto it.

“Like it?” I asked with a grin.

“God, yes,'' she gasped as I drove it home hard. “Give it to me!”

I took her ankles in my hands, spread her legs wide at arm's length then pushed them gently back until they were almost level with her ears, one of Mel's favourite positions.

“Can you manage this alright?” I asked. “Are you comfortable?”

“God, yes,” she repeated. “I feel so – splayed.”

I rode her this way with long, brutally hard but slow strokes for about five minutes, then withdrew.

“Christ, don't stop, I was loving that,” she objected.

“Turn over,” I ordered.

She did so eagerly, lying flat on her stomach with her legs spread in a wide vee. I slid into her pussy again, took my weight on my straight arms in a press-up position and recommenced my long, hard, slow strokes from the back. By now she was very loud indeed, “Ooh”s, “Agh”'s and moans coming nonstop at high volume as I rode her. She was also dripping wet; this lady liked her sex for sure!

After another five minutes, I got her up to her knees, taking the opportunity as I did so to check on the progress of the other participants.

Melanie now had her head down on her arms, but was otherwise still in the same doggy-style position, with Jake still just moving gently in and out an inch at a time while teasing her tits, which now had inch-long, rock hard nipples.

Sue was now face down on the table with Steve going at her like a battering ram. Sue was moaning, but nowhere near as loudly as Wendy. Her legs were spread even wider apart than they had been earlier and she was obviously nearing her climax. I did notice that there was no ass-grind, though; Sue was just taking it passively. She's saving her best for later, I decided, knowing her very well.

Returning my attention to Wendy, I gently pulled her buttocks apart and slid my cock swiftly up her back passage, which begot a loud “Ooooh,” followed by “That's a hell of a lot to jam up there, you know, Nick.”

“I do know,” I admitted, “But I also know that you are liking it.”

“You got that right, big guy,” she replied with a laugh and settled herself more comfortably on my cock with a little wriggle.

“Alright, go for it,” she instructed. “You can come up there if you like.”

I did like. Her ass was good and tight and I decided to pound it hard, to see how much she could take. I held her butt cheeks apart to gain maximum penetration and gave her ass the hardest, fastest, deepest ride that I could. She took it all and loved it, but God, did she make a racket. When I glanced over to Mel as I was riding she was looking right at me with a huge smile on her face and she winked when she caught my eye. I knew it was Wendy's loud wailing that was amusing her.

After maybe five minutes of pounding Wendy's deliciously tight ass at this breakneck pace, I fired off copiously then dismounted.

“Jeez, I've never had an orgasm from somebody doing my ass before,” Wendy breathed as she collapsed face down on the carpet. “So, did I get good marks?”

“Eminently satisfactory,” I replied.

“What?” she demanded in mock outrage, sitting up abruptly and punching me hard in the bicep. “I was excellent!”

“I did say 'eminently',” I pointed out, then abruptly realized that she probably had no idea what the word meant but decided that explaining would be too condescending, so I didn't.

“Eminently my ass,” Wendy grumbled.

“Yes, that was the part I was praising,” I teased her, which earned me a giggle and a much gentler punch in the bicep.

Looking over to where Jake was still embedded in my wife I caught his eye, nodded towards Wendy and said, “You're up next.”

“On it,” he replied and dismounted from Melanie.

“Spoilsport,” my wife murmured. I laughed, kissed her and asked if she would like a beer.

“Love one,” she answered as she shifted around to seat herself on the sofa.

Passing through the dining room to get to the kitchen I saw Steve just in the act of coming in Sue, and Sue shuddering with orgasm as he did. I laughed and said to Steve, “Well, you obviously got the job done.”

“He always does,” Sue murmured supportively as she straightened up from the tabletop.

“There you go,” I teased Steve. “Get that recommendation in writing!”

“What?” he said, looking bewildered. Jesus, I thought and kept walking.

“Beer?” I called back over my shoulder and received affirmatives from both.

Written by stockingsandgarters
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