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Suzie Demands Her Rights

"Suzie gets a double-header then the guys do Melanie"

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Sue returned from her business trip in the afternoon of the day following Jake and I double-teamed Melanie. During the intervening hours, Melanie had worked herself into a lather worrying that Sue might be angry with her for boffing her husband while she was away and had decided to apologize to her upon her return. Her decision was facilitated when Sue came trotting through the back door into our kitchen at about six o'clock that evening, looking to borrow some ingredient for the meal that she was preparing.

Both couples habitually left their back doors unlocked when at home to allow us all to have ready access to each other's houses.

I was working on my laptop in the living room at the time and so could hear their conversation clearly. Sue hugged and kissed Melanie, then asked if she could borrow some cumin, which Mel quickly provided. Melanie then broached the tricky subject uppermost on her mind by saying, “Look, Suzie, I need to talk to you about something.” Her voice sounded both a little shaky and nervous.

“Last night, by any chance?” Sue inquired. “Jake told me all about it.”

“Oh, Suze, I am so sorry!” Mel exclaimed. “Please don't be angry with me!”

“Angry? Why on earth would I be angry with you, Mel?” Sue inquired in a puzzled tone.

“Well, because you weren't there and I did not ask your permission,” Mel almost wailed.

“Ah, you silly girl, come here,” Sue cooed at her and pulled her into a hug. “You fuck him when I am right next to you, why would I be angry if you fuck him when I am not there? You have my full permission to do him anytime you want!

This seemed like a good time for me to put in an appearance, so I strolled into the kitchen, saying with a smile as I arrived, “Does that mean that I can do you anytime I like, too?”

“Oh, hi, Nick,” she greeted me, stepping in close and going up on her toes to kiss me. As she dropped back down, she ran her hand over the front of my pants, smiling as she felt my dick twitch under her hand in automatic response, and said in her throatiest voice, glancing at Melanie, “Yes, you have carte blanche to fuck me anytime you want. If that is okay with Mel, of course?”

“Seems fair,” Mel responded, then with a grin added, “of course, you have always fucked him whenever you felt like it anyway, so nothing really changes, does it?”

Sue laughed, snuggled in under my arm and pulled Mel in for a group hug. Melanie was tucked into my left side and Sue onto my front, giving me two armfuls of beautiful ladies, and I was enjoying all that warm femininity wrapped around me when Sue mischievously ran her right hand over my dick again, this time pausing to grasp it through my pants. Laughing, she said to Melanie, “Hey, Mel, feel this,” moving her hand down to my balls to make room for Mel to fondle my dick, which she did.“Well, well,” she observed, “Look who is as hard as a rock. Is that for Suze or for me?”

“Suze caused it, but you could both benefit from it,” I offered hopefully.

Both women laughed with that throaty, sexy laugh that they had in common, then Sue said: “Hold that thought,” stepping out of my embrace and turning to Melanie.

“So, here's the kicker,” she said to Mel. “There is a price for my generous forgiveness and understanding of your trollop-like behaviour, young lady.”

“Uh-oh, here it comes,” retorted Melanie, looking at me. “And pray, what might that be, madam? Do tell.”

“You got yours last night, I want mine tonight. I want to schedule a play date for tonight.”

'Play dates' was how the two women had taken to describing our nights of group sex, which were sometimes spontaneous and sometimes scheduled. All nights at the cottage were automatically designated as play dates.

“Jake could not wait to crow about what a great time you gave him and Nick last night, and he gave me all the juicy details. I want some of that! So in return for my letting you off the hook, I want both men tonight and they get to do to me exactly what they did to you!”

“Do we men get a say in this,” I asked, tongue well in cheek.

“No!” both women chorused, Mel following up with, “What? Are you going to refuse? I don't think so!”

“Ah, woe is me, forced into sexual slavery again,” I lamented. That got me a dig in the ribs from Mel and a punch in the arm from Sue.

“Okay, you got it,” Melanie acceded.

“Great! Why don't you come over to us for supper and we will take it from there?” Sue suggested. “Wear your sexiest lingerie, Mel, and dump your dress as soon as you come through the door. We will be eating in our undies!”

“Huh, there wasn't any lingerie last night,” Melanie mock grumbled. “Why should there be tonight? ...and why do I have to dress up if I don't get to play?”

“First, I am upping the ante, darling,” Sue rejoined. “Second, you will get to play later, if you are a good girl while the two guys are having me. I am suggesting that the two of you stay over tonight, and then you and I, Mel, will see what they are still capable of after I have had my wicked way with them! Third, I enjoy looking at you in your sexies while I am banging your husband. It makes me even hornier!”

“Your wish is my command, milady,” Melanie responded mockingly. “I will be there, suitably attired, for your viewing pleasure. What time?”

“Eightish,” Sue answered quickly. As she turned to go out of the back door she ran her hand over my package again, saying with a giggle: “Save that for me! No banging Mel before you come over!”

“Out, slut!” Melanie ordered, also giggling.

At around seven-thirty, I dressed in black chinos and a white silk open-necked shirt as I watched Melanie dressing for the evening. She chose a black brocade bustier with silver and gold sequins trimming its cups and edges, a black lace garter belt with chrome garter buckles, sheer black silk seamed stockings with plain midnight-black tops, a minuscule black silk thong, a pair of five-inch pointed-toe black stilettos with silver heels, and topped it all off with a shiny, knitted-silk black mini-dress with a pleated, flared skirt that swung and shimmered nicely as she moved.

“What do you think?” she asked me, turning to give me the full view.

“Exquisite,” I replied. “Good enough to eat!”

“I certainly hope so!” she responded, wiggling her eyebrows archly, leering, then giggling at her own performance.

“I can see that you are ready to go,” I answered, smiling at her, “and I mean that in both senses!”

“Then let's head over there,” she suggested.

When we arrived at Jake and Sue's front door we found it slightly ajar, so that we could walk right in, which we did. I closed the door behind us as Melanie walked on into the living room. As I came into the large room behind her I saw Sue and Jake rising from the couch to greet us as Melanie reached the centre of the room, where she raised her arms out from her sides to shoulder level and pirouetted on her toes three times, causing the skirt portion of her dress to flare out to the horizontal, displaying her beautiful long legs sheathed in black silk and her perfect ass sheathed in nothing at all!


Sue clapped and laughed as Mel whipped the silk dress off over her head in one swift movement and tossed it over the back of a convenient armchair. Sue then walked over to embrace Melanie, which gave me the opportunity to take in another eyeful of beautiful womanhood decked out in her skimpy finery.

Sue was dressed - or more accurately, undressed – in a tiny red lace bra, the sparse open-work lace of which barely concealed her nipples and left a massive amount of deep cleavage provocatively exposed, a red lace garter belt with gold garter buckles, red seamed stockings with fancy lace tops, a tiny red silk thong with a gold rose embroidered on the front panel and six-inch red pumps with gold heels. Her wild, wavy, dark-brown hair was tumbled about her shoulders and down her back almost to her waist, off-setting her creamy skin to perfection. She looked absolutely stunning!

“Ah, the Scarlet Woman, I see!” Melanie greeted her as they exchanged kisses. “How appropriate!”

That crack earned her a quick pinch on her buttock from Sue's long, scarlet-painted nails and an accompanying giggle. Mel then hugged and kissed Jake by way of greeting as Sue did the same thing with me. God, Sue was a delightful armful! Those wonderful king-size breasts were flattened against my chest and I could distinctly feel her erect nipples through the silk of my shirt as she stuck her tongue down my throat and prolonged the kiss to the point where I was having trouble breathing. As she stepped back she ran her hand lightly over my package and trilled to Melanie, “Well, will you look at that, you have only just got here and Nick is horny already!”

Melanie was still kissing Jake, but she broke off the kiss, cupped his package in her hand, and replied, “Huh, surprise, surprise, so is Jake!”, and both girls dissolved into a giggle fit. I anticipated that this was likely to be the first of many in the course of the evening.

Sue then spun on her heel and headed for the kitchen, calling over her shoulder, “Okay, let's eat,” then hastily adding as she saw me about to speak, “food, Nick, food! You guys go on through to the dining room and Mel and I will bring the food.”

I kid you not, the rear view of those two gorgeous women walking away was enough to give a saint a heart attack! Two perfect asses, two pairs of lovely legs, one pair in black stockings, the other in scarlet stockings, both pairs of hips swaying sexily; Jake and I stood entranced until they disappeared into the kitchen, whereupon Jake sighed loudly and said, “I need a drink! You?”

“Sure,” I answered, and he made cocktails for all four of us.

Over dinner, Sue turned the conversation to our recent vacation and tried to get Melanie to tell her all about it, but Mel refused, saying that she was saving that for our next trip to their cottage and that, anyway, we had far more immediate things to discuss while we were eating.

Sue's response was “That good, huh?”

Melanie replied, “Oh, yeah, you better believe it,” setting the bait.

“When are we next going to the cottage?” Sue asked Jake.

“Not this coming weekend, the one after,” Jake told her.

“I can't wait that long, Mel!” Sue wailed.

“Gonna have to,” Melanie smirked back at her.

“So what is it that we have to discuss right now?” Jake enquired.

“Running order and stage directions,” Mel responded promptly. “The first thing Sue has to decide is the running order.”

“What do you mean?” asked Sue. “I just want them to do to me what they did to you.”

“Yes, but do you want them in name sequence or in husband sequence? If you go with name sequence, then Nick would be doing you first while you suck Jake. If you choose husband sequence, then Jake will be doing you first while you suck Nick. You see? Nick did me first and he is also my husband, so for me the same thing, for you two different things.”

“Ah, I get it,” Sue said, thoughtfully. After a few moments of consideration, she added: “I am going to go with husband sequence.”

I smiled happily to myself, knowing that her quick mind had run through the script and that she had decided that she wanted me to be the one fucking her face and to be the one finishing her off doggy-style.

“Okay,” Mel followed on. “That means that you two guys will be performing the opposite roles to those you performed last night with me, which is where the stage directions come in. You have to tell each other your moves, while I explain mine to Suzie.”

With that, the girls and the guys split into two separate conversations as we all briefed each other.

My first question to Jake was about what he had been doing to Melanie when he dived underneath us while I was doing her in the missionary position. He grinned mischievously and told me that he had been licking and sucking on her butt cheeks while watching my cock slamming in and out of her pussy from a distance of about two inches.

“Didn't Mel know?” he asked.

“Couldn't feel a thing,” I told him.

“Huh,” he said, obviously a little chagrined but smiling. “Well, it wasn't wasted effort, the view was terrific!”

We filled each other in on what we had done when and shortly after we finished the girls said they were ready, too.

Sue stood up, away from the table, slipped her thong down her legs and stepped out of it, placing it on the table, then slid her arms out of the bra straps and turned the lace cups of her bra back, exposing her nipples and freeing her breasts, which she shook briefly from side to side to fully release them from captivity – but she kept the bra on! It was amazing how that scrap of red lace supporting those magnificent tits enhanced their appearance!

“Okay, boys, get your asses into the bedroom,” she ordered theatrically. We moved to comply.

“Can I come?” Melanie asked Sue plaintively.

“Of course, you can, goose,” purred Sue. “You are the official photographer.”

That stopped Jake and I in our tracks and elicited a squawk of “Whaaat?” from Melanie, followed by “I am NOT going to be some kind of Internet porn queen!”

“No, no, no, no, no,” soothed Sue. “I just thought it would be nice if we had our own sort of porno family album to remind us of our exploits when we are all too old to do it anymore. And so that we can all look at each other naked any time we want on our huge television screens, whenever we are feeling horny and the others are not available!”

“Ooh, I like that idea,” Mel cooed, and we all headed into the bedroom.

Sue briefly explained the functions of their Canon digital camera to Melanie, then started to move towards the bed as I threw myself down on it on my back, but stopped when she saw Mel hook her thumbs into her thong and start to remove it.

“Oh no you don't,” she admonished. “You keep that on until I tell you otherwise! Remember, I am the'Queen of the Revels’ tonight and you all do my bidding! You,” pointing at Mel, “will not distract the boys while they are working on me, 'cause you are far too good at that! No inserting yourself into the action, either. If you behave there will be a playtime for you when I am done with them!”

Melanie was grinning from ear to ear at this little mock tirade. “Yes, Your Majesty, your smallest wish is my command!”

“You better believe it!” Sue shot back, then slid onto the bed on her stomach next to me, bringing her head to the level of my groin and scooping my already erect dick into her mouth with her right hand.

As her head started bobbing up and down, Melanie moved in with the camera to take her first pictures.

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Jake lay down next to Sue, watching her blow me and sliding his fingers into her pussy. We then all proceeded according to the previous night's script.

When Jake had Sue's pussy good and wet he nodded to me and I moved out from under his wife and over to the head of the bed, where I sat on my heels and braced my arms along the headboard, my rigid dick waving at the level of Sue's face as Jake manoeuvred her into position in front of me on her knees. I watched, enjoying the view of Sue's bountiful tits and her lovely ass framed by the red garters and stockings, as he slipped his stiff cock into his wife from behind and started doing her slowly, doggy-style.

Sue then scooped up my cock and popped it into her mouth, sucking hard as her lips closed around it. Languorous is probably the best word to describe the next twenty minutes or so, as Jake did his wife slowly with long, deep, gentle strokes and she slowly worked her soft mouth up and down my cock, using lips, tongue, and teeth to great effect.

After that, the pace started to pick up. Melanie was taking photos constantly, zooming in for extreme close-ups and out to capture all of the bodies. Sue's attentions to my cock became more emphatic, as she increased her suction to the point where her cheeks were fully hollowed out and her head bobbed back and forth on my dick at a progressively more rapid pace.

Her soft lips felt like silk on the shaft and she has this trick with her tongue whereby she flutters the length of her tongue against your dick somehow as her lips are sliding up and down the shaft, which gives a sensation that is very hard to describe, but wonderful to experience – it is like having an angels wing brushing your dick as it is being swallowed deep into that soft mouth.

When this sensation reached the point where it was so intense that it almost became pain, I gave Jake the nod and he took his wife by her tits and hauled her back into his lap. As he did so I straightened up to keep my cock in her mouth throughout the adjustment of positions. When Sue was settled comfortably in Jake's lap, astride him with his dick well up inside her and his hands cupping her tits, and with Sue's hands down on her thighs, I slid my by now diamond-hard cock forcefully into her mouth. Sue slid her head down to meet the thrust and swallowed me right down to the root, then we both withdrew until only the head of my dick was left in her mouth, then repeated the process.

We synchronized our rhythms and gradually built up speed until we were moving at the pace of a freight train on a downhill run, with my cock ramming deep into her mouth and on down her throat and her swallowing the whole thing avidly each time.

Those magnificent tits were bouncing around all over the place when Jake moved his hands from her tits to her hips and her ass was squirming away in Jake's lap as she did her level best to vacuum up my balls! She kept her hands on her thighs throughout, as per the stage directions.

After the deepest thrust yet, in which my balls actually bounced off her chin, I realized that if she swallowed me one more time I was going to come, so I nodded repeatedly at Jake and hauled my cock out of her mouth as he lifted her bodily off his cock, rolled her onto her back and plunged back into her in the missionary position.

Sue immediately wrapped those beautiful, scarlet stocking-clad legs around him, tucked her feet up behind his shoulder blades and started to moan as he pounded in and out of her pussy with hard, fast strokes. I managed to get my head down below Jake's thighs with sufficient clearance that he could continue his pounding without hammering my head and started licking and sucking at Sue's gorgeous ass while admiring the view that Jake had told me of earlier. My eyes were only about two inches from Sue's dripping pussy as Jake's cock plunged in and out of it, her pink cave swallowing his homing python into its warm depths at the end of each thrust, then the rigid member reappearing only to strike again!

From the corner of my eye, I saw Melanie's face appear behind the digital camera as she moved in to capture the same close-up that I was experiencing. After what seemed like a very long pounding I saw Jake's dick start to throb and he drove it deep into Sue then held it there as he shot his load inside his wife. I rolled out from underneath them and was up on my knees as Jake dismounted and rolled onto his back.

Sue was lying on her back gasping as I moved in, rolled her over onto her stomach, pulled her up to her knees and turned her so that her head was positioned over her husband's groin. I parted the lips of her pussy with my left hand and slid my dick into her with my right, then took her by the hips and hauled her back onto my cock. She wriggled her ass against me to get my cock settled comfortably inside her, then went down on Jake.

By now I was desperate to get at her, so I drove hard and deep with the first thrust and then went after her like a steam hammer. As I was ramming home inside her I was also watching her skillfully sucking Jake off. She had him erect again in no time at all and thereafter was swallowing him all the way down with each ducking motion of her head. I was also glancing down to catch the delightful sight of that beautiful ass and pussy framed by the scarlet stockings and garters with my dick sliding in and out of her in the center of the frame.

Sue started to orgasm after about fifteen minutes of this and just kept orgasming for about another ten minutes, somehow managing to moan around Jake's dick as she sucked it, until I finally exploded inside her with a shattering climax that left me feeling as if my insides had been completely sucked out, but in a good way.

Sue kept sucking for another couple of minutes until Jake came in her mouth, then swallowed it down and licked him clean before collapsing in a heap.

Melanie gave us a brief round of applause, before jumping on the bed with us, still clutching the camera, and assuring us that she had hundreds of good pictures as well as video of the hottest action. The rest of us were still trying to re-oxygenate at this point, so we were incapable of the enthusiastic response that she so clearly wanted. Sue eventually managed to get out in a small voice: “Mel, would you please be a dear and fetch us all some drinks?” Mel, sweetheart that she is, immediately bounced up to do so.

Mel joined us on the bed when she returned with a tray of drinks and we all lay around drinking and chatting for a while. After about forty-five minutes had elapsed Sue resumed her role as ‘Queen’ of the Revels by saying, “Alright everybody, the break is over and now it is playtime for Melanie.”

Yes!” exclaimed Melanie happily.

“So get your panties off, Mel, and get psyched,” Sue instructed. “The name of the game from here on is 'I suck 'em, you fuck 'em!', Mel. I am going to get them up and then they are going to take turns doing you until you have had enough.”

“I can never have enough!” Mel retorted, grinning like a Cheshire cat.

“You say that now, but we will see what you say later,” Sue shot back as Mel stood and slipped off her thong.

Sue then lay down on her back, spread her legs and said: “Eat me!” to Melanie. Mel obliged, getting on her knees between Sue's legs and resting on her forearms to go down on her. Sue then told me to step over her face, which I did, facing Mel, and Sue took my cock into her mouth and started softly sucking on it, using lots of tongue for stimulation.

After a few minutes I was erect in her mouth, so she removed my cock and said to Melanie, “This one is good to go!” then added, “Go get her” to me.

I knee-walked around behind my wife, settled between her black stocking-clad thighs, slid my dick into her wet, warm pussy and began doing her hard doggy-style. Once again I was struck by the difference between entering the two women. Sliding into Sue was to be enveloped by tight, warm, moist flesh: she was still extremely virginal. Entering Melanie was like diving into a large underground cavern with a hot spring inside; she was capacious and it was like immersing your dick in a pleasantly hot bath.

As I was speculating on this, Sue rolled over, got to her knees, sat back on her heels, beckoned her husband over and started blowing him, while Mel started her patented ass-grind on me and I jacked her up from behind. While I pounded in and out of her pussy I looked down, admiring her perfect ass framed by garters and stocking tops, and her gorgeous, exceptionally long legs encased in the black silk seamed stockings, then raised my gaze to take in the sight of Sue, clad in her scarlet stockings, kneeling in front of Jake, who was upright on his knees in front of her. She was sucking energetically on his dick as she aroused him ready for his next performance.

They were positioned sideways to Mel and me, so that both of them could watch Melanie riding my cock with her tits flying with each impact as I hammered home. After a short while, I accelerated into hyper-drive, knowing that Mel was by now extremely horny and would be wanting it rough. I banged her ass off for about fifteen minutes before exploding inside her just as she started to moan, and she exclaimed “Don't you dare!” just as I did!”

I pulled out and crawled over the bed towards Sue, who promptly stopped sucking on Jake's now erect dick, saying to him, “You're up!”

Melanie giggled and said, “Not yet, but he will be as soon as he gets over here!”

Taking her at her word, Jake knee-walked over, positioned himself behind her between her legs, slid his cock into her moist pussy and took over where I had left off. He went straight into top gear, holding Mel by the hips and slamming his dick home with fierce, hard strokes.

I lay down next to Sue, in a position where I could watch Jake servicing my wife and enjoy the sight of her being thoroughly done in her sexy lingerie, and Sue stepped astride my legs and went down on me.

Jake had Melanie moaning again after only a few minutes and she was writhing around on the end of his dick like a milking machine, tits bouncing, ass grinding and legs forcing her ass back into him. It was a great performance that combined well with Sue's delightfully soft blowjob to bring my dick back to life in record time. Sue then kept it fully erect in her mouth by the slow, gentle use of her tongue and lips for about another twenty minutes as her husband jacked up Melanie more and more forcefully, faster and faster, with him giving her the occasional light slap on the ass to spice things up, until finally, he blew his wad inside her with a loud gasp of pleasure. Melanie moaned out a long, loud “Ohhh, yesss!” and collapsed on her face.

Sue popped my cock from her mouth and instructed me to “Go for it!”

As Jake moved away from Melanie I came up on her other side, flipped her to her back, spread her legs and climbed into the saddle. Once my cock was bedded home inside her Mel swung her legs out and around to place one leg over each of my shoulders. I took an ankle in each hand and straightened my arms out from the shoulders, horizontally at about a forty-five-degree angle, spreading Mel wide open, knowing how much she enjoyed this sensation. I then started driving hard and deep again.

As I did so I saw Sue, with her mouth once again full of Jake's dick, scrabble with her right hand for the camera and start taking photos of Mel and I.

I pounded away on Melanie in this position for about another fifteen minutes, enjoying the view of those long black stocking-clad legs suspended in the air as I did so, before succumbing to the urge to come again. Melanie moaned loudly, gasped and squirmed enthusiastically throughout and started coming in waves at about the ten-minute mark. After climaxing I rolled off and lay next to her gasping for air as Jake appeared next to me, pushed Melanie's legs back behind her ears, pinning them to the bed by her ankles, and mounted in my place. Sue had evidently got him going again, too!

He started riding Mel again, driving his dick home to the balls with each stroke and rapidly increasing the pace. Sue came over to me and started her ministrations to arouse me once more, using that marvellous mouth to wonderful effect. I laid back and enjoyed it as I watched her husband go to town on my insatiable wife again. I had a grandstand view: Mel's legs were bent so far back that her pussy was fully exposed to view, framed by those long legs encased in black stockings with the garters running along her thighs, and I could watch as the entire length of Jake's cock slid forcefully in and out.

I have to give the man credit, he did her very thoroughly again, eliciting a constant moaning as he jacked her to her umpteenth orgasm. As he erupted inside her for the second time he, too, collapsed, falling off to her other side, where he lay striving to get more oxygen into his lungs.

Panting still, I said to Melanie: “God, woman, have you had enough yet?”

“Almost,” she replied. “If you two can get it up one more time I would like to do you both together, one in each end, then I will let you off the hook!”

“Dibs on the mouth,” Jake jumped in quickly.

“You've got it,” I agreed, realizing that somehow Suzie had me erect again!

I rolled Melanie onto her left side, pulled her right leg up level with her waist, sat astride her left leg and slid my dick home in my wife again. Jake lay on his side with his dick at the level of Mel's mouth and slid it between her lips. Mel started sucking and I started screwing her for the third time that night!

Surprisingly, Mel did not take long to bring Jake's dick back to life, at which point he started fucking her face quite vigorously. I got a good steady rhythm going for quite a while before accelerating into the grand finale. Melanie was emitting a moan that was almost a growl from the back of her throat as Jake drove his dick in and out of her mouth and I nailed her pussy harder and harder. I eventually ejaculated inside her and slid over behind her, leaving my dick embedded as I relaxed.

Mel kept sucking for a few more minutes as Jake strove to reach the deeper regions of her throat before finally erupting in her mouth. Melanie drank it down, licked his dick clean, reluctant to give up a drop, then rolled onto her back, smiling contentedly.

“That will just about do it, boys,” she murmured happily. “I am going to be walking bandy-legged for a week!”

“Good,” I said. “Jake and I will need a week to recover!”

“Too bad, guys” Mel rejoined. “We have another play date scheduled for Saturday, so you better take your vitamin E!”

“Wow, you are such a terrific slut, Mel” Sue observed admiringly. “I can never match that!”

“Of course you can, silly,” Melanie responded. “What do you think you were doing right before that?”

“Yes, I was, wasn't I?” Sue giggled delightedly. “Maybe I can be as big a slut as you!”

“We'll work on it,” Mel promised, much to Jake's and my delight.

With that, we all drifted off to sleep.



Written by stockingsandgarters
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