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South Pacific

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Abby wondered how in the hell she got talked into taking the same flight that her stuffy, uptight boss was going to be on. She should have known that when a deal sounds too good; it usually is. So when her best friend and coworker told her that there was a first class seat available, she jumped at the chance. After all, it was going to be a long flight. Little did she know that the said seat was on the company jet.

Although the flight was smooth, the accommodations excellent, and service impeccable, it was a dull, quiet flight. They stopped in Los Angeles for a refuel and the eight hours it took to get there felt like twenty. She sighed deeply. There was still several thousand miles to go before they got to Sydney, where the conference was being held.

Abby knew she should be sleeping, and she was tired; but she just could not relax. Her body clock was very off, having crossed many time zones. Staring out the window into the darkness, she daydreamed about white sand and turquoise water. Being January, it would be nice and warm in Australia; a delightful change from the snowy weather back home.

Bored, Abby glanced over at her boss, who had finally put his ledgers away and tried to sleep. He was an enigma. The proverbial workaholic, he kept to himself, never participating in any office activities. She had heard through the grape vine that he was hard on his secretary and a major asshole to women.

He hadn’t said a word to her the whole flight, so she couldn’t tell if he had asshole tendencies or not. He was hard to read and way out of her league. She knew that he was tall, having seen him in the office. Wide shoulders and narrow hips lent him a powerful physique. His dark hair was kept rigidly controlled, and when he looked directly at a person, shocking emerald eyes looked directly into their soul. She stared directly at him, feeling safe to do so, since he was sleeping.

“I wonder if he’s a boxer or brief man,” she mused, when she felt the plane dip sharply.

Startled, she grabbed her seat and tried to make out what was happening in the darkness. The plane tilted, making things on the table slide off and crash to the floor. Abby quickly buckled her seat belt and yelled out to her boss.

“Hey! Wake up! Something’s wrong,” she screamed.

Her boss’ eyes snapped open; his keen gaze surveyed their surroundings. He pressed the call button and barked out orders to the pilot.

“The number two engine is failing, sir. We’re doing everything we can. Just please buckle your seat belt,” the pilot said.

Abby’s stomach lurched up to her throat, when the plane dipped sharply, again. It felt like with every dive the plane was having a harder time righting itself. Her hands were trembling so bad that she looked like a drug addict in withdrawal. Her eyes were wide open, but seeing nothing. Hyperventilating and in a panic, she started clawing at her seat belt.

“I gotta get out of here! Let me out of here!” she panicked.

Freeing herself, Abby leapt from her seat and darted to the emergency exit. She wrapped her hands around the door latch and was about to open it, when a strong pair of arms wrapped around her waist and hauled her, kicking and screaming, back to her seat. Her boss shoved her back into the seat and quickly buckled her into it.

“PLEASE! The engines are failing. We gotta get out of here,” she cried.

He opened his mouth to say something to her, when the pilot announce over the speaker for him to buckle his seat. He lurched to his seat just as a loud explosion was heard in the cockpit, and the plane took a nose dive. They were going down and fast. Abby screamed. He braced himself, and then it was black.

When Rick woke up, he was unable to tell if he had been out a few minutes or a few hours. Groaning, he untangled himself from his seat belt. The cabin was burning. Smoke was quickly filling the enclosed space. He needed to get himself and the small woman he was traveling with out before they died of smoke inhalation. He knew just from the sound of the explosion earlier that the pilot was dead. He wobbled over to the emergency exit and pulled the latch, opening the door.

The broken plane was floating on the surface of the ocean. He inflated the life raft and tied it to the plane. Gently lifting the unconscious woman into his arms, he maneuvered her into the raft. After savaging as much as the raft would hold, he got into the raft and began to roll away from the wreckage. Rick looked back, still in awe that they had survived the crash, relatively unharmed. He began to row away, but since it was still dark, his sense of direction skewed.

They floated on the rolling ocean surface, until the burning wreckage was only a soft glow on the horizon. There was a soft purple hue in the east, when Abby woke up. Tired from watching over her all night, he gazed, with veiled appreciation, she stretched; her blouse pulled tight over her full breasts. The early morning air was chilly, giving him the added pleasure of seeing her large nipples standing erect.

“Ugh…what happened?” she groaned.

“The plane went down, Miss,” a deep British voice answered.

Abby jumped upward, making their tiny raft unstable.

“Whoa! Whoa! Whoa!” he growled, “Be still, or we’re going swimming.”

“I’m sorry,” she said, gingerly sitting back down.

Rick nodded.

The horizon was now a deep orange, giving more light to their situation, in more ways than one. The hours spent in the raft, while the woman was unconscious, gave him time to estimate where they were. Judging from the amount of time they were in the air, and the position of the stars, Rick guessed that they were somewhere close to Australia. Although it was nice to know their approximate location, the south Pacific was vast.

“As far as I can tell, we are somewhere in the south Pacific, Miss,” he explained.

“Abby…my name is Abby,” she said.

She waited for him to reply. Sitting before her was a very much different man than the one from the plane. Although he was attractive before, being disheveled just made him sexier than ever; his hair was no longer controlled, and he had shed his suit coat. His once crisp white shirt was stained with soot and open halfway down his chest. Abby shook her head and wondered what was wrong with her. Here they were stranded in the ocean, and all she could think about was how sexy he looked.

“I know you’re my boss and all, but are you expecting me to call you sir?” she inquired.

“Huh?” he asked, as if coming out from a deep thought.

“Your name? What is it?” Abby prompted, amused.

“Rick,” he answered.

“Great…I get stranded in the middle of nowhere with a man of few to no words,” she mumbled.

Rick smiled and said, “Don’t worry. I’m pretty sure that you’re going to be tired of hearing me talk before long. I’m just tired.”

“Why don’t you catch a few hours of sleep? Is there anything you want me to do?” she asked.

“Just watch for land,” he said, settling down.

Abby watched him sleep. He had large hands, and she had a serious thing for strong hands. His shirt lay open, drawing her gaze to his sculpted chest. A little lower ran a trail of dark hair that travelled into unknown regions. His pants were snug over his package, which from the look of it was lying thickly over his hip. All she could think about was how his cock would feel in her mouth…how he would taste.

They drifted along for several hours. When the sun was high in the sky, the tiny raft started bobbing, as the surf became choppy. Abby snapped out of her fantasy and scanned the horizon. In front of them lay sparkling sand just beyond the white capped waves. She shook Rick awake.

“Hey! Look; there’s a beach over there,” she said, excitedly.

Rick shook off the last dredges of sleep and grabbed the oars. As he started rowing toward the mass of land, he thought about the interrupted dream he was having, when she woke him. All he could remember was her hard nipples, now bare, rubbing over his lips. Just the thought of them, warm and pink, had his cock growing. He had to get ahold of himself, if he wanted to guide them to shore in one piece. Yelling for her to hold on, he guided the rubber raft into the surf. Warm, salty water sprayed her face like a kinky lover. Abby felt like she was being tossed like a garden salad.

“Hold on!” he yelled.

The tiny raft lurched back and forth, snagging on some coral that lay close to the surface. With a loud pop, the raft ripped flinging Rick and Abby into the water, still clinging onto the ruined life boat. Abby’s head broke the surface, and she gasped for air, before being dragged back under the salty water. Kicking madly and in a panic, she screamed in pain when a piece of jagged coral tore down her skin. Gulping air where there was no air, Abby felt water rush into her lungs, and a vicious cycle began.

She reached for the surface, which was just inches away, but the under current, like a jealous lover, kept snatching her back down. As her vision began to dim, Rick pulled her from the ocean and dragged her onto the beach. He held her hair from her face, as she gagged and coughed up what felt like several gallons of sea water. With her lungs burning, she rolled over on her back. The sun, now very high in the sky, had heated the white sand. So tired from her battle with the gods of the sea, Abby let the scorching heat beneath her relax her muscles. Rolling her head to the side, she locked eyes with Rick, who lay breathing hard from his own battle. The stress of the night and early morning started to catch up with them, and with the adrenaline rush wearing off, the couple drifted off to sleep.

The sun had disappeared into the sea, when Abby woke up. Stretching, she sat up and stared out at the ocean. The air was warm and balmy. The scent of salt hung thick in the air. Millions of diamond white stars glittered in the night sky, competing with the pregnant full moon for dominance. As if in a surreal dream, the neon white capped waves shimmered brightly in the seductive glow of the tropical night; magic filled the night.

Leaving Rick sleeping on the beach, Abby wandered away from the beach into the lush jungle. Heavily scented flowers perfumed the thick, humid air. Beads of sweat rolled down her chest, soaking her ruined shirt, and suddenly the thin garment felt like a strait jacket. Beads of moisture rolled down her back, as she travelled deeper into the thick jungle.

The scent of night jasmine hung heavy in the air. Abby marveled over how everything seemed to glow brightly, even though it was night.

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Large leaves tugged at her hair, caressing her skin erotically. Moving a large bush to the side, Abby stepped out of the jungle and into a clearing.

At the other end of the clearing, a moderate sized pool of water dominated much of the clearing. The light emanating from the full moon shimmered off the rippling water. Water falling from higher ground glittered, making the pool dance enticingly.

She approached the pool and knelt down. The water was cool. Parched from the day in the sun, she scooped up a handful and drank it down, letting the silky fluid arouse her throat. Unable to bear the oppressive heat any longer, she stripped off her torn, dirty blouse and dropped it on the ground. Her pants, bra, and panties quickly followed suit.

Abby sat down on the moist bank and slid silently into the dark water. She dunked her head under the surface, letting all the salt from the sea wash away, and then floated to the surface. Staring up into the night sky, her thoughts drifted toward the man sleeping on the beach.

His quick thinking had saved both of their lives, but just thinking about that brought the crash back into her mind. Not wanting to ruin her moment, she shifted her focus to his body. As the water lapped at the sides of her breasts, she fantasized about how his thick fingers would feel trapped inside her wet pussy. Her clit started to tingle, and she squeezed her thighs together tightly, making the tingles sharper. A burst of warm air danced over her nipples, making them pucker.

With her body throbbing, Abby was unable to take it anymore. She swam to the other side of the pool to where the small water fall was located. Ducking under the sheet of water, she perched herself on a flat rock that lay half in and half out of the waterfall. She maneuvered her body on the rock so that the rush of water drummed steadily down on her puffy pussy lips.

Closing her eyes, she thought about Rick’s tongue and lips stimulating her clit to dizzying new heights. Using her index and ring finger, Abby pulled open her pussy. The water abused her pearl until it was swollen. Her pussy, so engorged with blood, felt hot and thick.

Abby need to ease the deep ache in her slit; she desperately looked around for anything that she could use to fill her hungry pussy. While she searched frantically, she was oblivious to the man standing in the shadows. The silent stranger watched her slide back into the water and swim to shore. He slipped into the pool and hid behind the waterfall, knowing that she would be back. He watched her distorted image, as she made her way back to her perch.

When her feet pushed through the sheet of falling water, he watched her hands open her fat, hairless lips. Her tiny fingers rubbed her turgid clit. Her toes curled, as she got closer to cumming. He listened to her deep sighs and heavy moans; his cock bobbing to every sound she made. Her fingers moved rapidly back and forth, almost abusing her delicate pink nub. She got closer and closer; her body starting to stiffen, and then…nothing. He heard her frustrated groan and stepped out from behind the curtain.

Gliding to her head, he laid his hand on her smooth belly. Startled, her body jumped violently; her eyes snapped open. Abby stared into the bottomless brown eyes of this strange man by her head. Opening her mouth to scream for Rick, she felt him place his thick finger lightly over her lips. He leaned down close to her ear and said, “Shh.”

Abby, tense, watched him warily, as he moved to the top of her head. His gentle fingers pressed against her temple and rubbed. His hands slid down her neck to her shoulders and massaged her tension away. Abby felt her body melting, as she relaxed into this man’s touch. His face loomed upside down over hers; his long silky black hair tickled her face.

Her eyes danced over his face from his enigmatic eyes to his full lips, which remained silent. Who was he? She didn’t think that he would hurt her. In fact, if he was, would he not have done it already?

His large hand, calloused from every day use, scratched down her tender belly and headed to her weeping slit. A thick, brown digit rested on her pink mound a minute before parting her puffy lips and sliding just inside her seam. Abby’s pussy kissed his finger, as he pushed it inside her hole. Her body, used to her own smooth skin, celebrated the rough texture of his, and she began to pump her hips, trying to get him deeper.

The young Polynesian man studied her face. She was uniquely beautiful; her mouth slack and gasping; her head thrown back and eyes shut tightly. He had never seen such a response. He pushed another finger into her tight pussy and watched her back arch sharply. Beginning to move his hand in tandem with her hips, his cock grew longer and harder with each of her moans. Using his other hand to quickly strip off his loin cloth, he freed his jutting pole, which bobbed with the caress of the slight breeze.

Wet, sucking sounds filled the air, competing with her moaning, as his fingers sloshed around in her drenched pussy. Clear seminal fluid leaked from the slit atop of his purple, thick mushroom. He smeared the fluid all over his cock head, coating his thumb, and then, pressed it to her pink lips. Abby’s tongue darted out, sucking his thumb clean.

Unbeknownst to the occupied couple, Rick watched from the bushes. When he had woke up on the beach alone, he got concerned for Abby and went in search of her. Never expecting to find her being finger fucked by a stranger, his jaw dropped in surprise. Not having a personal connection with the woman, he wasn’t jealous…just incredibly horny. Quickly shrugged off his shirt, he opened his pants and pulled his iron shaft free. Tightly fisting it in his hand, he tugged on it, slowly pulling his skin taut. His balls felt heavy. After several minutes of just watching, he cautiously stepped out of the bushes and approached the couple.

The strange man watched him closely, not knowing if this was his woman or not. But the closer the white man got to them, the more at ease he was. The white man’s was hard. He must have been watching.

“Abby?” the white man asked.

Abby’s eyes flew open. Her face flamed red, as she made to cover herself. She looked over at Rick, and lust clouded her mind when she noticed his hard dick. She pulled him closer, guiding his hand to her heavy breasts. Her small hand wrapped around his shaft and started stroking him. Turning her head, she was face to cock with the strange man. She fisted his cock with her other hand and simultaneously jacked both men off.

Abby compared the cocks in her hands. Both were thick, with the strange man’s being a fraction longer. She leaned closer to the stranger, pulling him closer, as well. Her tongue darted out and flicked over his slit. She teased his sensitive ridge with the tip of her tongue, making him moan louder. He pulled his finger out of her pussy, breaking the suction. Moving to the head of the stone, he pulled her body up, until her head was hanging off the slab.

Rick, taking this opportunity to get between her open thighs, climbed on the slab and buried his face in her sopping pussy; the stranger probed her lips with his thick mushroom. Abby slurped on the top third of the man’s shaft, and then opened her mouth wider to take him deeper into her throat.

As the strange man, groaned and fucked Abby’s mouth, Rick wrapped his lips around her turgid clit and sucked in hard. Her squeals, muffled by the cock in her throat, were music to his ears. He teased her nub, until her hood was fully contracted, baring her bright red, pulsing pearl. Rick moved lower, shoving his tongue deep inside her contracting hole. Using his nose, he frigged her clit, while tongue fucking her cunt. Her juices coated his face.

Abby, delirious with pleasure, humped his face. Difficult to focus, she tried to suck the stranger’s cock, and at the same time, enjoy the best oral sex she had ever had. She wrapped her arms around the dark man’s thighs and sucked. His thrusts were becoming more erratic. When he grabbed her tits in both of his hands and pumped his dick faster, she decided to forgo sucking and just let him take control.

Rick, sitting up, wrapped her legs around his waist and guided his cock to her hungry hole. He pushed in roughly, and then leaned forward. Abby’s legs were against her chest, with her knees on the stone slab on either side of her head. Her pussy was wide open and full of Rick’s cock. He started to thrust downward, with long and hard strokes.

Abby grunted with each savage thrust. The stranger’s cock was harder than ever and pulsing in her mouth. She could taste his salty precum, as it coated the top of her mouth. He pushed faster, and when she could not take anymore, he pulled free of her bruised throat. Milking his shaft, several white ropes of sticky cum splashed along her forehead, nose, and mouth. Warm from his body, she felt them ooze from her face and down her neck, only to pool on the cool stone slab beneath her. He rubbed the head of his cock all over her face, leaving a slimy trail across her skin.

Abby, now able to make more noise, screamed and grunted. Rick’s cock was balls deep in her pussy and so very hard. The way he had her rolled up, there was no way of moving. The stranger, now beside her, pinched and rolled her clit.

The feelings were too much. Abby’s body tensed up tightly, nearly throwing Rick off the slab. She screamed her already sore throat raw, as wave after wave of white hot pleasure coursed through her body. Her pussy contracted down on his shaft, sucking and milking it with rhythmic contractions.

Rick, holding on tightly to the thrashing woman, held hot cum race up from his balls. Abby’s juices squirted from her body every time his cock withdrew. He shaft, granite hard, twitched. He thrust as deep into her body, as he could. As his mushroom punched against her cervix, he flooded her cunt with a deluge of creamy cum that just kept coming. Finally, after the hardest orgasm of his life, he let her legs down and leaned heavily on her chest.

“I can’t breathe,” she wheezed, laughing.

“Sorry,” he said, moving to the side.

Now that his cock was free from her pussy, Abby felt their mingled juices drain from her slack hole. The stone slab was uncomfortably wet, making her squirm. The strange man, still beside the stone, smiled.

She looked at him, smiling shyly, and said, “Abby”.

“That’s cool…I’m Bobby. You seem lost,” he said.

Abby looked at Rick, who looked back at her. They told him about the plane crash. He listened closely, and then said, “Come on back to my cabana. I got a phone there…and a bed.”

Abby shivered. Was her deepest fantasy going to come true?

Written by Kim
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