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Sisterhood of Sin -- 7 -- The Cunt Whisperer

"Our heroine finds comfort from an unlikely source."

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My sex life has really sucked since the night I took a pathetic victim of spousal abuse from his home to a safe house. Since then, Mr. Fuscia has come a long way toward recovering while I have been haunted by the things I witnessed and the things that I did to him on that night. I've since become his sponsor and he has become my second male protégé, having taken the oath after I convinced him that we had more to offer him if he committed to an alliance. I visited him at the safe house and participated in the negotiations that legally ended his marriage. We did not have sex again. It would have been wrong to do so after what we had been through together.

Mr. F has regained custody of his home, his business, and his children, including the son who was fathered by one of his wife's lovers. Mrs. Fuscia saw that the cards were stacked against her, took a cash settlement, and settled into a new life as a pro for the black card sisters. She can have all the cock she wants, although I suspect the thrill is all but gone.

I feel good about the change I've helped bring to their lives, but I'm paying a price for it. I masturbate at least two and often three times each day to fantasies based on the memories from that disturbing night. I usually come, but it isn't very satisfying. I can't forget the sick excitement of caning him, the sight and sound of the impact of the cane on his flesh and the whimpers it caused. My memories and fantasies include the thrill of being the keyholder for his chastity cage, and the sense of success from milking his prostate. I am caught between disgust and desire for more.

I also fantasize about being locked in a chastity belt and feeling the cane on my own ass, of being denied orgasms and humiliated and required to do degrading acts. I imagine being chained in my basement and watching on a monitor as Dan makes love to other women in our marital bed. I imagine the opposite, chaining him and forcing him to watch and listen to me with Gabe. I feel loathing for myself and yet I get sexual release as I wallow in it. I lose my desire for 'normal' sex. I turn down opportunities to be with Kyra, Claire, and even Gabe. I look through the favors wanted listings, but I talk myself out of taking any of the femdom opportunities.

Barbie Malibu hasn't been able to help me. She barely even let me get started describing my feelings. Her specialty is marriage counseling and although my marriage has certainly suffered from my condition, it is not the cause. She referred me to a shrink who specializes in sexual dysfunction. The shrink has read my stories and asked me not to even give her a pseudonym when I write about her, so she will remain, 'the shrink'. She is adept at getting her clients to talk about their feelings, but she found so much enlightenment from my stories that we quickly progressed to therapies.

Of course, the shrink told me what I already knew, that I have a mix of guilt from the things I have done or failed to do, residual anger at Dan for cheating on me, and feelings of inferiority resulting from that cheating, and from aging out of my most attractive years. She also identifies something that I didn't recognize. My sterility as a result of complications from the birth of my twin boys limited the size of our family. We both wanted another child. I have guilt, completely irrational, about stopping one short of our goal.

The shrink somehow managed to tell me all of that in a way that gave me understanding and hope. My condition is a response to the extremely disturbing events of the night in Mr. Fuscia's home, meeting his wife, beating him, controlling him, and finally liberating him and his children from a woman who saw them as accessories. She was convinced that time and talking and experimentation would help me.

The shrink and I mutually decided that it would be okay to experiment with chastity play, so I have ordered a custom chastity belt from Serena, the woman who has built my custom strapons. I want it to be impossible to stimulate my clit and that is difficult to achieve but Serena has agreed to work with me. The goal is to give me perspective on how bad it was for Mr. F, to help me forgive myself for the steps I had to take in order to rescue him.

I want Dan to participate in my emotional healing, but sex with Dan has become strained. It only works if I turn away from him and let him spoon into me from behind. For some reason I can't bear to have him seeing my face as he fucks me. I just lube his cock and let him use me, not even allowing him to attempt foreplay. When he seems reluctant, I insist.

I hate being just a warm wet hole for a man to pump cum into, but I realize that this dysfunction is my problem, a consequence of my own choices, and I don't want to risk the potential consequences of making Dan wait until I'm over it. His mistress has just transferred far away for her career and I haven't found him another, yet. I don't want to do that until my emotional state is improved.

I could send him as many gifts as it takes to keep him sexually satisfied, but I find that I enjoy the feeling of his thighs slapping into me and the one hand reaching around to caress my breasts while the other lightly scratches my back. I masturbate as he fucks me and sometimes I come. Usually I also cry. But Dan faithfully shows affection and understanding, and that really helps. I haven't told him why I am messed up, only that I am seeing a shrink and that I wasn't a victim of abuse. He wants to know more, but I can't find the words.

I focus on the brights spots in my life; the love of my family and the upcoming return of our children to our home for the summer recess, my career, and my restored faith in the sisterhood as Liz commits to the changes that Kyra, Bethany, Barbie and I recommended for preventing tragedies like William Fuscia's. I throw myself into recruiting new women into the sisterhood and my Red Circle is beginning to get encouraging results. So it is no surprise when I get a call from one of my team members while at work.

"Hi, Mrs. B."

"Hi Tina, how's the beta test going?"

"It's going great, but I thought you might want to see the results from one of the responders. She's um... unusual. We didn't plan for people like her. I've sent the link to her profile in an email."

"Okay. I'll check it out."

Tina Topaz is the lead programmer of my Red Circle. Our new free divorce consultant webpage was targeted to a select group of women with a clear warning that it was a beta site and limited to the Columbus area. It asked a series of profiling questions and then usually referred the respondent to a local divorce lawyer based on their stated specialties. The questions had already resulted in at least one successful recruitment.

One of Tina's tasks is to review the profiles of those who reached a certain point total, indicating potentially high value to the sisterhood, but who are excluded for one of the show-stopper reasons. In this case, the candidate has only been married for one year and has no children. Reading through the profile, I am glad that I requested text boxes so the candidates could explain some answers. I discover that she wants children but her husband "got hisself snipped without consulting me". So obviously, depending on how badly she wants children, she either must either find another sperm donor, cuckold her current husband and hope the marriage survives, or remain married and childless.

Her field of expertise is child development. She is a college educated childcare provider specializing in special needs children. I'm intrigued enough to follow up, but instead of an email address in the field for contact, she has included a skype address.

I retrieve my bandit mask from my car, close my office door, put on the mask and enter her skype number. When the window opens I see a beautiful twenty-something young woman sitting at a desk. I apologize for using the mask as a security precaution and introduce myself as Mrs. White. I inform her that I'm doing a followup on a free divorce consultant survey.

"Oh good. Sorry about not including my email addy, but he reads my emails. For all I know, he's recording this, too, but I'm hoping he isn't that tech savvy."

"By 'he' do you mean your husband?"


"You wish to leave him?"

"Yes. But I don't think it will be easy. I don't know where I am. He keeps me locked up."

"You're locked up!?!"

"Yes. It was part of our pre-nup. I have to stay locked up until I have children. I signed all kinds of papers. I thought he really wanted children."

"And then he got a vasectomy?"

"He already had the vasectomy. He just finally admitted it because I haven't gotten pregnant and I wanted us both to see a doctor."

"Oh you poor girl. Have you tried to contact anyone else?"

"I need to know my options first. The contract doesn't let me have outside contacts, but I think he already violated it by being sterile."

"I'm sure that doesn't really matter, dear. I would bet the contract is illegal on many levels. You can't really have a contract to be a slave."

"I'm not really a slave. I volunteered for everything he did, even this."

She stands and lifts her skirt. Her panties are made of shiny metal straps with locks attached. It's a chastity belt! There's one strap around her waist and one that drops down and passes through her crotch. It's similar to the one that I ordered from Serena, but it doesn't look as comfortable as I'm hoping mine will be. Seeing it on this amazing young woman wakes something inside me. I want her. I don't want to cane her or even spank her. I don't want to humiliate her or deny her orgasms or be cruel to her in any way. I want to free her and fuck her. I want to mother her and learn from her and make her life better. I want to vent my residual anger from Dan's infidelity on the man who locked her up and denied her what he promised to give to her. Him, I would cane. Him, I would lock in chastity and force to suffer. And I would enjoy it. The sudden force of my emotional response scares me. My nipples are hard and I can feel sudden wetness of my pussy. I struggle to keep from masturbating.

"He said he wanted to make sure that any babies I had were his, but I guess he's just a pervert. He tricked me good. If you can get me out of here, I won't have a cent to my name, but I'll make sure I pay you back."

She sits back down and continues describing her circumstances. She's locked in a basement, but it's got all the amenities she needs. "Like an apartment." She's fairly comfortable, but she's chained to his bed at night when he removes the belt for sex and sleeping. He leaves the key for the chain's lock out of reach so she won't get it while he's sleeping with her. I am horrified, but she says, "It's not so bad. It keeps me out of trouble. I agreed to all of it."

Her attitude fascinates me. After my experience with Mr. Fuscia, I find it hard to imagine how she can be so... positive about her circumstances. To meet a woman who is treating enforced chastity so casually is both surprising and comforting.

"What kind of trouble do you think you'll get in?"

"Sex. I just can't get enough of it." She describes her upbringing. She was brought by her single mother into a polygamous cult in the southwest. She was a natural babysitter and loved taking care of the younger children, but she was kicked out by 'Father' when she was eighteen, after numerous corrective measures were tried, because she kept seducing his wives. "It's just something I do. Lonely women are fair game. Sex makes our lives so much better. But I like sex with men, too."

She went from the cult to a job with a university day care center where she was encouraged to 'job share' with her co-workers, taking classes part time while caring for the children of professors and students. Her tendency to get into sexual fiascos with her fellow employees had almost 'scotched' her graduation, but she managed to get her degree with a specialty in 'special needs' children. This is what I found most appealing about her. Our needs for additional daycare providers were expected to grow as we stepped up recruiting, and to have our own expert for the more difficult children would be beneficial.

I tell her that I think we might be able to find her and that we have the means to liberate her and hide her from her husband. I explain that it might be easier if she tells me her husband's name, but she refuses, fearing that this is a trick that her husband is playing on her. So I coach her through the discovery of her IP address from her computer, thinking that might be the only thing we have to go on for locating her. She believes she is somewhere west of Columbus, based on the airport traffic visible from her barred basement window. She tells me that if I can find her and rescue her, she'll trust me after that.

I consult first with Bethany and she passes the story to others. Barbie Malibu calls me and gets the story. Then my shrink calls and explains that it might take some rehabbing effort to integrate this young woman into the sisterhood, she'll want to see her professionally to clear her for working with children. A lawyer calls me and gets the story. Claire calls me and gets the IP address. Beth calls me back and says the sisterhood can do the rescue if we find her, but there's currently no safe house to take her to and she won't be able to get a black card without at least one child.

"Is being pregnant good enough?"

"Yes, if she intends to keep it. Why? Is she pregnant?"

"Not yet, but she wants to be and it may solve some... other issues."

The lawyer calls back and tells me the contract has to have a legally acceptable divorce clause to be legal. I call Mr. Fuscia. I ask if I can leave a house guest with him and give him the basics of her situation. Unfortunately, he will be gone for the next week. He's taking his children to see their grandparents. He's not sure how his parents will respond to his mixed-race son. He offers the use of his house, but I think a newly liberated person might need to be monitored full time for a while. Plus, I'm excited at the prospect of spending time with her. So next I call Dan.

"Honey, can we have a house guest for a week? Sisterhood business. A young woman. I think you'll like her. I do."

"Um. Okay." It pleases me that he so readily accepts my request. My fantasies take a different turn, away from the dark thoughts of canes and control.

Finding this mysterious woman is surprisingly easy. Her IP address leads Claire to her cable internet provider and one of our sisters in that provider coughs up a home address. Bethany's people begin surveillance the next morning. One follows the husband away to his day job and I place a skype call to verify that she is now alone. I ask if she's ready to leave and she confirms that she is. I watch as Bethany's people rescue her. The last thing I see is her laptop screen folding down before the skype connection is lost.

Bethany and I are waiting in a hotel parking lot when they arrive. The rescuee sees me and rushes into my arms, hugging me as if I'm a long lost lover, running her fingertips over my back, shoulders and waist. She's being far too familiar for a first meeting, but I forgive her exuberance under the circumstances.

"Thank you. I'm Chelsea."

"Cate Blanc. Come inside. We have to search you and your belongings for tracking devices. Your husband has just left work and is on his way back to the house. He was probably monitoring you remotely."

"Probably, I hope I was careful enough."

She has a sly grin on her face as she whispers, "I was wondering how long it would take you to get me out of my clothes."

I whisper back "This is just a precaution."

"It's okay. I'm used to it. You've been pinging my gaydar since I first saw you."

"I don't..."

"Yes you do. You and that woman over there have." She nods to Bethany. "And I see that you're married, so I'll play it cool. Don't worry. Mama always said I was a handful, but you'll get used to me."

She goes into the room with two of the rescuers and they begin to search everything she's brought with her. They give a copy of the marriage contract to Bethany, who tucks it into her briefcase.

The driver of the getaway vehicle pulls a small key from her pocket and gives it to me. "Apparently this belongs to the 'boss-bitch'. That was me until now. It's either for you or Mrs. Riviera. She got it from a peg near the door to the dungeon. I have to take this vehicle away to see if she dropped a tracker in it. She may have planted one on you when she hugged you. We'll be following him around to see if he homes in on the car or her or the laptop."

I go into the room after she drives away. I didn't expect this level of precaution, but I realize that I should have. Chelsea is now naked except for the chastity belt. They are searching her hair and clothing carefully. She seems completely understanding of the necessity of these precautions. I unlock the locks on her stainless steel panties. When she has stepped out of them, she smiles and says, "Who wants to do the cavity search?"

I look over at Beth and she says, "That won't be necessary."

"Darn. It's been so long since I felt the loving touch of a woman." She's joking, clearly having fun with our predicament. She almost certainly isn't guilty of planting any trackers on us, or having any inside herself, but we have to be prepared for the worst.

"Can I shower?"

"Sure, Chelsea. If you don't mind, I'll stay in here while you do. We have to prepare to leave here if he comes our way from your house."

Beth searches through the chastity device. I undress to my undies and we search through my clothing and hair, finding nothing. Chelsea steps out of the shower and begins washing her chastity belt. When it's clean and dry, she starts to put it back on.

"That's not necessary, sweetie."

"You should get to know me better before you decide. I'll feel more comfortable with it on, and with the key in your hands, until we know each other better."

We get her dressed and copy some files from her laptop before reformatting the hard drive. Then Bethany and I take her to the shrink's office while the two women who liberated her wait in the parking lot outside the hotel room. They see her husband show up and retrieve the laptop. He must have lojacked it. They say that he looks very dejected as he drives away with it. They follow him home and surveil the house.

Chelsea spends an hour talking with the shrink. When they're finished the shrink requests her back for two more sessions. "Not because I don't trust her. She's cleared to work with children. I just want to hear more of her fascinating story." An odd speculative smile is on her face as she says goodbye to Chelsea.

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I begin to feel that Chelsea's 'gaydar' might be as accurate as she seems to think it is.

From there we go to a lawyer's office. We pour over the contract together and find enough holes that we can use to shred it in family court. A last little bit of anxiety that I had detected in Chelsea evaporates as she hears that she's free of him. We start the divorce paperwork. The lawyer offers her service in exchange for future babysitting time from Chelsea.

We take Chelsea to lunch and, as I explain the situation to her, Bethany checks in with various team members. She releases the getaway vehicle back to the rental company. The chase car driver who followed her husband to his job and then to the hotel is now set to surveil my house. The two women at Chelsea's former house say that everything is quiet.

After lunch, we take her to a clinic to get a women's wellness exam. I give her the key and when the exam is finished, she returns it to me.

"Doc says I'm fine."

It's time to take Chelsea to my home and let Bethany get back to other business. When Bethany drops us off, she gives me a goodbye peck and thanks me for bringing some excitement into her life.

Chelsea and I are alone together for the first time, sitting at the kitchen table having tea.

"Well," she says with a pause. "Here we are."

"Yes. Welcome to my home."

"Thank you, and thanks for all you've done. I suppose you wonder why I locked myself back up and gave you the key."

"Yes. You know that you don't have to."

"I know that I don't want to abuse your hospitality. This is a reminder that I'm a guest and I don't make the rules. Trust me, I might need this reminder. Father said my pussy doesn't have enough brains to keep me out of trouble. Mama said I have poor impulse control. I could've left that house. I had a ax for emergencies. I could've broken out of that basement, grabbed the keys for this thing and run off. But then where would I be? I have no money and I signed that contract. I want babies that bad. And it wasn't that bad compared to what I grew up in.

"I just wish I would've made sure he had wigglies before I signed it, or made sure it was void if I didn't get pregnant sooner. So now I'm your guest and I can see that you have a wedding ring and I don't want to do anything that might make you want me to leave, because I'm still in the same boat, no money and nowhere else to go. So as long as I have this on, it won't do me no good to get between you and your husband, no matter how fun that could be for all three of us.

"So I'll let you hold the keys until I'm taking care of babies again. Once I'm doing that, my pussy doesn't drive me to do stupid things so much."

"So, when you're taking care of children you don't need the belt?"

"Nope. I want babies of my own, but I won't risk losing any that I'm caring for. So... did you set up this website to find women like me?"

"No dear, you're probably the last thing we expected to find, but once we did, we couldn't just leave you there."

"So... you have these ninja chicks at your disposal to break into people's houses and stuff?"

"It's not a routine thing for us, at least not that I know of, but I belong to a group of women that rises to the occasions we find ourselves in. It's good to have such friends."

"How do I join?"

"That's a problem at the moment. We all have kids. That's the one bit of glue that gives us a common cause. You score high as a potential recruit, except for that one sticking point."

"So I can't join because I don't have any kids?"

"Yes. But that doesn't mean we can't associate with you. We can try to find the right job for you, the right guy, the right location. We have a need for childcare experts, often on short notice, and especially with your qualifications. So we keep a pool of talent and I think I can add you to that pool, there's just a lot that we can't talk about yet, until you are accepted. But there are two things I should ask. Do you ever see yourself being faithful to one man or requiring him to be faithful to you?"

"No and no. I had only two parents until my real father left and it sucked. Then I had a lot of mothers and one creepy old guy as a stepfather and that sucked just as bad. I'm not sure what the answer is, but I sure am curious about what you and your husband are doing."

"Well that's the thing, I won't talk about that yet, because a sex scandal could hurt either of our careers. We have to build trust first. That trust comes easier when our interests are aligned. Part of what we do is lead a secret life. When you have kids, having that much in common with us will help. In the meantime, we'll put you to work and maybe one day you can take the oath."

"Let me take the oath now, and I will earn the trust."

Her willingness to trust us was the deciding factor. I record her oath on my cell phone camera and send it to Bethany with a text, saying that I haven't promised membership, but that I have a plan for Chelsea. While I'm doing that Chelsea begins looking through my kitchen cabinets. When she sees that I'm finished, she says, "I'm guessing you don't cook much."

"No, since the kids are away, we eat out most nights. Neither of us are good cooks."

"How about a home cooked meal then. You've got enough that I can whip something up. I'd like to start earning my keep."

"You don't have to, sweetie, but if you really want to cook, my husband will be home for dinner."

"Good, I want to make a favorable impression."

Dinner goes very well and Dan seems quite impressed with her. I don't feel threatened by this. I can tell that they aren't connecting on an intellectual level and I know that would be important to Dan for any long term relationship. She couldn't be a mistress for him, but she certainly catches his eye. But I think about plans that I've discussed with Mr. Fuscia and, while Dan and Chelsea relax and get to know each other after dinner, I excuse myself to our home office to take care of some business.

I send a copy of Chelsea's oath video to Mr. F and propose a partnership. I want him to think that she's already a part of the sisterhood, and now that he's a collaborator, he'll assume this is official sisterhood business. He has made it clear that he isn't interested in remarrying, but he does want a nanny for his kids, especially his daughter, who has reacted poorly to the divorce. I want a position for Chelsea where she can be available as a sitter or daycare provider to our sisters. His house would be good for that.

He calls after seeing the oath and, after I tell him that we have rescued her from a bad marriage and that she needs a stable home, and explain her qualifications as a nanny, we come to an agreement. He'll hire her as a live-in nanny and she can take in extra kids for the sisterhood. His 'dungeon' will be repurposed as a playroom for when the weather is bad and his back yard will become an outdoor fun zone. I can tell that he's excited about the possibilities.

I return to the living room to find, as I expected, that Chelsea and Dan are having an intimate conversation. They are clearly both interested in each other. I jokingly ask Dan if I might borrow Chelsea for a few minutes, promising to bring her back. Chelsea and I go into our guest bedroom and I close the door.

I explain that I've found a job for her and that it will start when Mr. F returns. I explain a little about Mr. F's history, but only that he was a victim of an abusive relationship that our influence unintentionally triggered, and that we rescued and rehabbed him.

"Like you're doing with me."

"Yes, but of course your situations are very different. But I'll let him choose what to tell you and I'll let you choose what to tell him."

"Thank you. I look forward to meeting him. So this will be my room for the next week?"

"Yes, unless you want to... get started on having your own baby."

"What? You mean..."

"Let me talk to Dan. If you're interested. I can't have any more kids, but I have your oath and it's clear you two like each other. So maybe I'll sleep here while you two have some fun."

"I wouldn't dream of it. I would love to have his baby, but there's no way I would go to your bed without you. You would have to join us. The more the merrier."

I had thought about that possibility, thought that it might be good for both Dan and me, but I'm not sure that I can find the courage. "Hmmmm. He doesn't know about me and... other women."

"Trust me, I'm good at reading men. As long as we include him, it won't bother him. You can pretend it's your first time with another woman if you want, but no, he loves you so much. You can be honest with him. It's the best policy."

Her childlike simplicity astounds me. Surely there are many things that can go wrong with doing this, but I want it. If Dan and I are going to spend our golden years together, it would be good to get this one secret, that I have sex with women, out in the open between us. And I also want to please Chelsea. Our time with her will be short, so I decide to make the most of it.

"Okay, let me talk with him about this. If he's not comfortable with getting you pregnant..."

"Then he's not getting in my pants. He's a great guy, but without sperm, he just isn't what I'm looking for."

This surprises and pleases me. "But I thought you were worried about making me jealous with your impulsiveness."

"Not making you jealous, making him jealous. I have a thing for MILFs. I want you almost as much as I want a baby. But as long as you're sharing each other with me, I'll be out of here in a week, hopefully with a bun in the oven, and hopefully you two will be smiling and have some good memories. Otherwise we'll have to sneak around behind his back or you'll have to keep me caged until I meet my new boss."

I give her the key to her chastity belt and a nightshirt, and I tell her that it might be a long conversation before I return for her.

The conversation with Dan is long and very awkward. Sending a gift to him isn't as personal as telling him that this woman I've brought into our home wants his baby and that he has my permission to fuck her. We end up carrying the conversation into the bedroom as we dress for bed, crawl in and speak pillow-to-pillow. He keeps asking me if I'm sure I want this and I keep telling him that I want this if he wants it. We talk about the legal and financial ramifications, including child support and the potential for scandal. I'm pleased that he didn't just jump at the opportunity without committing to the child it might produce.

I convince him that a 'love child' with Chelsea would be special to me and that I would protect it and Chelsea through the sisterhood. I assure him that I would not feel he was cheating on me. Finally, I say, "Look, my friend in there wants to get started on making a baby. But it's not just that. She wants to fuck both of us and then move on to a new life. I'll find some other guy for her if you don't want to be involved. I'm in either way. Should I go to her or should I bring her to our bed?"

"You're telling me that you would... do things with her?"

"I wouldn't. Cate would. That's part of this double life that I lead. She's the side of me that knows that rewards come from risks taken. And Cate would share you with her, despite the risks of doing that, because this could be good for me, maybe even be a breakthrough with my problem. All I know is this young woman woke something up in me. Not just desire for sex with her, but desire to sponsor her and help her get what she wants out of life."

"It's odd, because I feel the same way toward her. And I like Cate. Only a fool would say no to spending more time with Cate, and you didn't marry a fool. Our bed it is."

When I get to Chelsea's room, I find her sleeping naked on top of the covers with the bedroom door wide open. I think that she must be too tired to do anything tonight, but when I put a blanket on her, she pops awake and quickly reassures me that she was just 'napping'.

"Come with me. Let's get you laid."

She's eager but she stops me as I drag her out of bed. She removes my nightshirt and then kisses me. "Thank you. Let's go."

My body doesn't compare well to hers. She's only 25 and a couple of inches shorter than me. I know that Dan likes height, but that's really the only advantage I have over her. She has a pretty, elfin face, straight thick raven black hair, light brown eyes, smoother skin, and perkier very nice smallish breasts. She's a little soft and carries a few extra pounds, but it's well distributed.

"God, I feel so old and ugly compared to you."

"Nonsense. You're beautiful. Your husband is one lucky man."

We enter the bedroom and peel the sheet off Dan. He still has his pyjamas on! Chelsea and I each grab a leg and lift it enough to peel his jammies off. His cock is hard. She straddles him and mounts it. I suddenly have an oh-my-god-why-am-I-doing-this moment. No amount of sending other women to him could prepare me for the moment when I actually witness his cock slide into another woman. It hurts. It is as if the hurt from his original infidelity is just as raw as it was the day I discovered it. I almost try to call it off. I almost run from the room in shame at seeing his desire for another woman. But then he comes. His cock was in her for about ten seconds before I heard the distinctive sounds. It reminded me of the first time I had sex with him, when I barely lost my virginity.

"Whoa, that was quick." I worry that she's said the wrong thing, but she quickly follows up with, "I'll take that as a compliment."


"Nothing to be sorry for. I'm glad you found me so attractive."

My emotional turmoil simply shuts down. The moment has passed. He's come inside her and I want his cum to stay inside her, to maximize the possibility that she will get pregnant, so I suggest they roll before he pulls out.

"Good idea. Keeping it where it will do me the most good won't hurt."

Dan pulls out and lays back on the opposite side of her, so I say, "You didn't have time to come and that helps get the sperm in, so I'll help." I start rubbing her pussy and sucking a nipple. Dan takes the hint and starts sucking the other.

I get an idea. "Dan, I think your tongue will work better than my fingers."

He looks down at her black pubic patch and she spreads her legs a little to encourage him. He crawls between her thighs and starts licking her clit.

"God that's so hot," Chelsea says, "I've never been licked by a man before."

"Yup, that's so hot, Dan. You're licking where you just came. Don't lick it all out."

I realize that he might think he's doing something degrading, but I don't want him to stop, so I crawl around so that I can start sucking his shrinking cock. I can taste his cum mixed with her pussy sauce, and I feel like I'm doing something degrading, 'cleaning' my husband's cock the way some cuckolds are required to clean their wife's pussy, or her lover's cock. I'm disturbed at myself for being so excited by doing it. I feel Chelsea's thumb dip into my pussy and then start circling my clit. It feels good, but not enough. I have to let Dan pay attention to another woman for a while, and I still feel jealous, but at least I'm not completely left out.

Dan's tongue is good. Chelsea encourages him with little comments as he brings her closer. "Faster," she gasps, "Now, suck it hard now! Yes! Fuck!" Her hips are bucking and Dan's face is riding the saddle. I like the sound of her coming and I imagine her cervix drinking in his sperm.

"Now do Cate, Dan. Make her come, too."

I like that she's giving him commands and he's responding well. I spin around and spread my legs for him. His tongue dives into my hole and licks my nectar up around my clit. I can see her juices glistening on his face and they quickly get mixed with mine. I worry that his tongue and jaw will get tired too quickly, but Chelsea starts to suck one nipple and tug and twist the other. My fingers grip the sheets and my cunt pulses. "Ahhh, fuck! This is... fuck... this is so fuckin'... ahhh, fuck, I'm coming! Yes!"

When I finally push his face away, Dan surprises me by crawling up beside me so that I'm between him and Chelsea. It's the perfect gesture until he starts kissing me, which is the new perfect gesture. I roll on top of him and kiss him and lick the juices of all three of us from around his face.

"You are a wonderful man, Dan Geroux, and when Mr. Happy gets hard again, I want you to come inside her again. And again tomorrow morning before work, and tomorrow night and every day for the next week."

Chelsea slept in our bed, usually between us, every night for the next week. Waking to find my husband fucking her was a little upsetting at first, but one or the other, and usually both, included me in the fun soon after. I can't recall any other week in my life where I had sex every morning. The nature of our jobs ensured that I would get home from work before Dan, and Chelsea wouldn't have to do anything more than smile at me to make me want her when we were alone together. I got wet instantly when she coyly touched me. We didn't always wait for Dan to get home and he 'caught' us having sex several times that week. Dinner was a bit delayed on those nights, because 'catching' us resulted in him joining us with extra enthusiasm.

Chelsea also cooked dinner for us every day, amazingly good meals from the ingredients we could barely manage to make palatable. I will sure miss that. By the end of the week, Dan was exhausted. On the morning of the final day, we could barely get him hard enough for one last plunge. After Chelsea kissed him goodbye and he left for work, we had a good laugh about how draining it was for him. She thanked me again for sharing him with her,

Truth be told, I think I benefited more than either of them. Chelsea's ability to repeatedly arouse me doesn't bring me entirely out of my dysfunction, but Dan looks more attractive to me than he has in years. I feel sexier and more alive than I have in years. My fantasies still stray into the darkness of that night with Mr. F, but I no longer feel guilt or inferiority. Chelsea has convinced me that those feelings don't make sense.

While Chelsea was with us, she wore her chastity belt all day, asking me to lock her into it every morning before I left for work, and waiting patiently for me to unlock her every night. Dan thought it was bizarre behavior, but after she explained about the missing year of her life, he understood that it was just a comforting ritual. I probably should have seen trouble on the horizon, but I didn't even think about it when we left for Mr. F's house.

Written by LastWife
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