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Settling in

"Man discovers the sexy side of his older neighbors"

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"You can't settle down and provide me the security I need." Those were the last words in the letter from my latest ex-girlfriend.

I had a good job with a large corporation, and made a good living. The only drawback was that they relocated me. A lot. I am 31 and had been with the company for 6 years. I quickly moved up the ladder because of my willingness to relocate. In fact I was so willing to relocate they moved me 9 times in that 6 year period.

The call came at a little after nine on a Tuesday morning. "Eric, this is Bob Chambers, can you meet me for lunch today?" Bob Chambers was the executive in charge of the Midwest division. He was based out of the Kansas City office and happened to be here in Phoenix for a large executive conference. I knew what this meant, I was moving...again.

I met Bob for lunch and was prepared for the speech, after all I had already heard 8 times before. "Eric, I'm not going to play games. I want you on my team. Our office could use a guy like you. This isn't a temporary position like you are used to, once you get to Kansas City, I suggest you look into buying a house."

I told Bob that I was very interested in his offer, but needed a day or two to think about it. It was a line full of bullshit, but I didn't want to seem too eager. As I was getting ready to leave the next afternoon, I picked up the phone and dialed Bob's cell number.


"Bob, Eric Wallace. When do you want me in Kansas City?"

Bob chuckled and told me that the transfer paperwork was already filled out; he'd turn it in to have it processed in the morning.

I went online at home and began my online house hunting. Finally I was going to be the man all my ex girlfriends wanted, successful and settled. I narrowed my decision to 5 houses that I wanted to view in person and set an appointment with the realtor.

I flew to Kansas City a week later and took walk throughs of the 5 houses. I narrowed my decision to 2 and told the realtor that I would call him with my decision by mid-week.

The house I finally decided on was a large house built in the early 70's. The layout was massive with all the living space on the main floor and in the finished basement. There were 3 bedrooms and a large walk in attic on the second floor, with the huge master located off the back of the main floor. It almost seemed as though it was an after thought the way it wasn't near to any main part of the house, only connected by a long hallway. I liked the way it was laid out, because when and if I married and had kids, the master bedroom and bath provided a bit of privacy. It was one of two houses located at the end of a dead end street right across from a small park with a lake.

Most of the habitants of the neighborhood were older than me, mostly in their 50's and up. Many of the people still lived in the house they had built for them. I had two months before my transfer was enacted, so I met with designers and remodelers and gave my house a little make over.

My move went seamlessly and I began my new position as one of Bob Chamber's junior executives. I participated in all kinds of company events, softball, basketball, charity events, anything to get to know more people. The truth was, I was exactly where I wanted to be in my life, but I was lonely. I needed someone to share my success with. I worked very hard to get to where I was, but all I had to show was any an empty house to go home to at night.

Two months passed and spring came. I decided that there were things that needed to be done to the yard. After many trips to the local Home Depot, I was starting to turn my yard into a perfect little suburban slice of heaven. Well, somebody's slice of heaven.

One day while tearing down the deck in preparation to build a new one I met my next door neighbor. Marlene Johnson appeared to be in her late 40's or early fifties. Her hair was brunette with just a hint of gray. She had a small slender waist and ample breasts. I bet she was extremely hot in her younger days. She had bright green eyes that seemed to sparkle in the spring sun.

"Hello, I'm Marlene. Marlene Johnson. Sorry it took so long for one of us to get over to say hello." Her voice was light and sweet. I moved to the fence to shake her hand, "I'm Eric. It took me a little longer to get settled in or I would have come by and introduced myself."

"It's ok, we hoped you were settling in nicely. I'm sorry, my husband Fred hasn't gotten around yet."

We chatted for awhile, she told me of the old neighbors and a bit about the neighborhood. After learning a bit about her and her husband I was invited to dinner. I gladly accepted, and went back to work on the deck.

Fred Johnson was a wonderful guy. He was in his early sixties, a doctor, full of stories, but paralyzed from the waist down. Fred had a love for driving fast. He became a renowned surgeon in the area, and began making decent money. Fred bought fast sports cars through the years, finally being done in buy a Porsche 911 Carrera Turbo.

Apparently one night coming home from a charity function Fred was speeding along when a drunk driver swerved into his lane. Fred swerved to avoid him losing control of the car and hitting a concrete embankment. The wreck severed his spinal cord and left him in a wheel chair. After recovering, Fred stopped performing surgeries and took up a family practice.

Marlene had always been a stay home wife. She raised their two kids and nursed Fred back to health after his car accident. After the kids moved out and Fred was back practicing medicine, Marlene began volunteering her time at a local children's hospital.

The Johnson's seemed like the stereo typical suburban parents. We became friends quickly. We shared dinners, I helped Fred do some of the things around the house he could no longer do, because of his physical limitations.

Spring turned to summer and summer to fall. I had dated a few women, but none seemed to be the type that I was looking for. I was talking to Marlene one afternoon after helping her rake leaves when she asked me, "Eric, why aren't you with someone? You are too handsome and too charming to be alone."

"Well, Fred already married the only perfect woman, so I am still looking for the second most perfect woman," I chuckled. Marlene giggled and said, "If you only knew, you'd run and hide Eric." I laughed with her, but got the feeling I was only getting part of the joke.

That weekend I had a date with a woman named Marcy, and things went so well, we ended up back at my house. After a few rounds of extremely good sex we said our goodbyes, and made a date for the next weekend. I was just about to jump in the shower when the phone rang. It was Fred and he asked if I could give him a hand. I told him that I would run over right after my shower and he replied, "Ok but hurry."

I was caught off guard by this because Fred had never been pushy about needing help before. I showered, dressed and went next door. Fred informed me that Marlene had gone to get her hair and nails done and there was some stuff in a closet that he needed, but couldn't reach. I went into their room and pulled the two boxes from the top shelf. They were marked "Marlene 1977-81" and "81-???" I had no idea what the urgency was or why Fred had seemed so pushy on the phone, but I got the feeling he wanted something in those boxes without Marlene's knowledge.

I felt like he was using me and I started to get mad when he turned to me and asked something, "Eric do you think you could do me a huge favor? Before you answer just keep in mind that I will forever be indebted to you." I started to answer when he said, "This is a huge favor, one that I expect you to think hard about before answering, Ok?"

I nodded and he began rummaging through the boxes after I laid them on the bed. He pulled out a shoe box from one of the boxes, opened it and glanced in. A smile confirmed he found what he was looking for. I put the two larger boxes back into the closet and we went to the kitchen. Fred grabbed 2 beers from the fridge and went out into the garage. I was still puzzled by his activities but followed.

"Eric there is a dance that is coming up, it's an annual ball that me and Marlene used to attend every year before my accident." I started to feel like an ass, I could see where this was going and here I was irritated by Fred's phone call. I could have finished the next sentence for him. "Marlene doesn't know I am asking you this, but would you be interested in taking her for me? She really deserves this, she won't go because she doesn't want me to feel left out."

I started to answer when he put his right hand up and patted the shoebox in his lap with his left. "This is a rather exclusive ball. I am sending this box with you, take a couple of days to look through the contents, then you call me with your decision." I nodded and Fred slammed the remainder of his beer. With a grin he said, "Now get out of here before she gets home and finds out what I'm up to."

I took the box and the remainder of my beer and headed home quickly. I went to my office and sat at the desk. I sat the box and my beer down. I opened the lid of the shoe box and saw two small photo albums, they were the kind that only held about 30 pictures and you flipped through like a rolodex. I took one out and I began to flip through it. I saw pictures of Marlene and Fred dressed from previous balls. Marlene was absolutely stunning in her youth. I guessed that the pictures in this album put Marlene in her mid to late twenties. There were pictures of the couple dancing with each other and with various other partners. There were some of them sitting at a table with other couples.

I reached in and pulled out the second album, more of the same. "Why was Fred so secretive about all this?" I began to wonder. I looked in the shoe box, at the bottom laying face down were many other pictures. I scooped them up and began to look through them.

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The look on my face must have been priceless.

The first picture was of Marlene, she was in one of her ball dresses, but this wasn't what I had ever pictured her as. The straps of the dress were pulled done exposing those ample breasts. A man, not Fred, was sucking her right one while fondling the left. The dress was hiked up around her waist where another woman's head was between her legs, apparently licking her pussy. My dick began to harden as I to look through the pictures that were lying loose.

There had to be 40 or 50 pictures of Marlene doing all kinds of sex acts. One man, two men, a group of men, women, it seemed that Marlene did it all. At some point I absentmindedly pulled my cock out and began to stroke it. My hand flew up and down my shaft, I finally came when I saw a picture of Marlene naked with three people. She was sitting on one man's cock while Fred stuffed her ass. While the two men were filling her, Marlene had her head buried in a petite blonde's crotch.

As I cleaned up the sticky mess I had just made all over my lap I was in shock. My mature motherly neighbor was a slut in her younger days, and had photos to prove it. The next thought that hit me was her husband was asking me to take her to a ball, well to get balled! I didn't know what to think. I wondered how it would change our relationship as neighbors if I agreed. Would Fred be hurt if I said no? Would he feel that I didn't feel find his wife attractive? I knew I had to think this through before I gave Fred an answer.

The weekend came and I had not seen or talked to Fred or Marlene, this was kind of a relief, because I was still unsure of my decision.

I went out on my date with Marcy and after dinner we were back at her apartment. We sipped wine and talked. Soon one thing lead to another and we were in her bed. I had Marcy on all fours pounding into her from behind when all of a sudden I remembered the picture of Marlene and Fred with the other couple. I felt my balls tighten. I pulled out and shot long, thick ribbons of cum all over Marcy's back. My mind had been made up.

The next day after I left Marcy with the promise I would call her and see when we could get together again, I got in my car to go home. I picked up my phone and dialed Fred and Marlene's number. Marlene answered and I felt myself growing hard at the sound of her voice. "Hello?"

"Marlene its Eric is Fred busy, I have to ask him a real quick question?"

"No not at all dear, let me get him for you." I heard her set the phone down and call for Fred.

"Hello," Fred's voice seemed shaky, almost giddy.

"Fred, do you think you could come over to the house in about an hour or so? I have something to show you." I never heard Marlene hang up her extension so I didn't want to say too much. "Sure, I'll just walk right on over," Fred chuckled. "Ok smartass, call and I'll meet you in the garage and wheel your handicapped ass into the house." I laughed back. Fred laughed hard at this. I don't think too many people joked with him about his handicap and he seemed to enjoy that I treated it as a personal joke rather than a hindrance. "Ok see ya in an hour," Fred laughed back into the phone.

I got home and jumped in the shower. After I got out I threw on some clothes and rushed in to the office. I gathered up the contents of the shoebox Fred sent home and put them back. I had left the garage door open so I wasn't surprised when I heard a knock at the interior door. I opened the door exchange hellos with Fred and wheeled him into the house. He noticed the shoebox on the coffee table as we went into the living room. I ran to the kitchen and grabbed two cold beers.

I handed Fred a beer and sat on the couch, facing him. "Well, what did you 'wanna show me'" he asked with a slight grin on his face. "Ok, before I answer I have to know something," I asked trying to hide the anticipation in my voice. "What all does this ball entail? And also what role do you want or expect me to play in all this?"

Fred took a second as though he was taking all this in. "Obviously you looked through the box." I nodded. "Well what I want, and expect of you is to show my wife a good time. A little dancing, a few drinks, and whatever else you two deem necessary to have a good time. And by whatever I mean anything you two do is ok with me."

I couldn't believe my ears! Here was my neighbor telling me that if his wife wanted me, or vice-versa, to go ahead and do it. "Eric," Fred said in a very serious tone, "you have to understand something about Marlene. Aside from masturbating she has not been with anyone since my accident. Hell, that was twenty some years ago. You saw those pictures. Did you look closely at her face? Marlene was the most sexual woman I have ever known in my life. My wreck took that from her. Even though she wanted to continue having the fun we always had before, she never would. I think she felt guilty because of me. Our thirtieth anniversary is this year and this is my present to her."

I sat in silence as Fred poured his heart out. He looked at me, "Eric, I promise things won't get weird between us, any of us." He started to chuckle, "And who knows, if she likes you, you might get more invitations to dinner and dessert, if you know what I mean."

I took a big gulp of my beer, my throat suddenly felt very dry. "Fred, count me in, I want to help you give Marlene the best anniversary present you can give." I stood and offered my hand to Fred, he took it and pulled me to him hugging me tightly. "Thank you."

Fred told me to leave everything to him, just make sure I had a tux and the second weekend in October open.

The next few weeks flew by. I still dated Marcy off and on, sometimes sex was involved, and other times we just had dates. I tried not to let her too close yet, because I wasn't sure of how things would go if she found out about my arrangement with Fred.

Fred called the Wednesday before the ball, he had rented a car, bought Marlene a dress, booked a room at the hotel where the ball was being held, and purchased the tickets to the ball. He explained his plan to me in detail, which left me grinning and needing to relieve the sudden swelling in my groin. I began to get restless; Saturday wasn't coming soon enough for me. Work seemed to drag on, I found myself watching the clock, and wishing time would fly.

Saturday finally came and Fred put his plan in action. Marlene was sent to the beauty salon to get her hair and nails done, she was under the impression that her and Fred were going out for an elegant dinner. Fred and I hoped into his special equipped van and went and picked up her dress, and the rental car. Fred really outdid himself choosing an elegant gown, and renting a Mercedes for the drive. After picking up the car we drove to the hotel where we checked in and I changed into my tuxedo.

Fred went to the beauty salon with the gown in tow. The lady at the desk was in on Fred's plan so she was not at all surprised to see him. She was however surprised to see me. A puzzling look came across her face. Fred whispered, "Marlene's date. He's taking her dancing, I have two left feet." The receptionist snickered at this and took the gown from him.

Marlene emerged a little while later looking amazing. If I hadn't known better I wouldn't have ever guessed this was a woman just over 60. I was standing back and out of her view. The gown Fred had chosen was a red satin with small spaghetti straps. Marlene's heavy chest was well defined by the dress, giving a generous view of her cleavage. The dress flared out as it went down stopping just high enough to keep the matching red satin high heeled shoes in view.

"Fred! Why aren't you dressed?" Marlene asked in surprise. Fred extended his hand offering the tickets to the ball to Marlene, "Because my dear, tonight you will dance the night away. I found a date that should fill in quite nicely for me."

That was my cue and I stepped into Marlene's view. The look of surprise and joy that filled Marlene's face was one that I am sure Fred will never forget in his life. She bent and kissed Fred passionately, smudging her lipstick. The receptionist had a tear in her eye as she went to get someone to apply a fresh coat of lipstick for Marlene.

I offered my arm and Marlene took it. I led her to the car and opened the door for her. After closing the door I started to make my way to the driver's side of the car. Fred stopped me. "I almost forgot something," he handed me a box that was wrapped in a metallic gold paper with a shimmering gold bow. "Have her open it when you get there, she will know what it's for." He shook my hand and thanked me. I got into the car and turned the ignition key.

The drive to the hotel was just a short 30 minutes, Marlene was silent, just watching the cars and buildings as we passed them smiling the whole time. As we pulled into the circle drive of the hotel Marlene softly grabbed my arm. "Eric, do you understand what goes on a these things? If there is anything that makes you uncomfortable let me know."

I turned to her and smiled, "Fred explained it all to me. He even showed me some, ummm, visual aides." Marlene's expression changed, at first I took it for anger, and then I realized that it was lust. "And?"

"Well as Fred put it, tonight I am his stand-in. I am to fill-in in any and all aspects of the job as you and I see fit," I said to her. "From what I saw in those pictures, I have a lot of work ahead of me tonight." Marlene giggled and squeezed my arm. It was then I remembered the gift.

"He said you would know what this was for," I said as I handed her the shiny present. I inched the car forward, working my way to the front door and the valet. Marlene unwrapped the gift revealing a brand new digital camera. A small card was inside that said, "For the memories."

Continued in part 2.

Written by curiouscplkc
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