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Sally Plus Two

"A married yoga instructor out with her class stretches an opportunity to invigorate her sex life"

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Sally was forty-three years old when she first had sex with two guys at once. Her son and daughter were both away at college. She was still married at the time but that had already grown into a hollow sham of a relationship. She partly blamed herself. Her sexual appetite was strong and her husband over the years sensed he was never able to fulfill her needs. Eventually he stopped really trying and their lovemaking grew mundane. Her desire for passion and sexual fulfillment had gone past frustration on into resignation. It’s the way things were for Sally for years.

There was nothing planned or magical about how she came to be with those two men that night. She was out with a bar hopping bachelorette party for one of the younger girls in her yoga class.

It was the last stop on their evening tour, a bluesy honky-tonk bar with a couple of pool tables and a good Friday night band that was still playing past midnight. Some of the yoga group had already abandoned. The remaining girls were playing pool and dancing with the men that collected and thronged about them. None of the girls were there to pick up guys. They just laughed and giggled about the guys who approached trying to get lucky. Sorry, this was girls’ night out. They weren’t actually drunk but what Sally considered a pleasantly high level of alcohol maintained silliness.

Sally did flirt with each of the young hunky bartenders and they flirted back. It was just typical bar stuff. She was enjoying the innocent attention bar-staff often give to garner higher tips. Sally knew how it worked and thought nothing of it.

Later when she was getting another round of drinks the one bartender asked if she would like to dance. She giggled out, “Yes, yeah sure, why not.”

She delivered the drinks to her three remaining friends, gulped her vodka tonic down and said, “ I’m going to dance with the bartender.”

The bartender’s name was Frank. He was strong and Sally figured he was a bartender by night and lived in a gym during the day. He was not a great dancer but he held her close and that sure felt good. She could feel her breasts mashing against his muscular chest. She enjoyed the powerful arm around the middle of back. He told her she was one of the sexiest women he had ever seen in there.

She giggled, stroked the back of his head and whispered, “You dear boy” into his ear.

“No, really. You remind me of that actress, the one in that baseball movie with Kevin Costner,” he said.

“Bull Durham, “ she said, “You think I look like Susan Sarandon in Bull Durham?”

“I think you’re sexy like her and even prettier.”

“Oh you dear, dear boy” she said looking straight at him, and gave him a kiss on the lips.

The band continued into another slow blues ballad and Sally and Frank kept dancing. Just as she was beginning to feel the swell of his groin, the other bartender cut in. “Hey little brother, you gonna keep this pretty lady all to yourself?”

Andrew was actually a little leaner than his younger brother but still muscular and strong. He moved better to the music, and she moved with him for most of the song in a silence Andrew finally broke, “You smell nice, “ he said, “Frank always spots the sexiest women.’

“You guys have set plays when it comes to women?” Sally asked teasingly, noticing that she liked the way Andrew smelled too, there was a musky sweetness to him.

Andrew stopped moving, drooped his head and dropped his hands to his sides and feigned a surprised and hurt look. Then he turned to Frank who had not moved far and said in self-mocking voice, “She’s all yours Frank, but watch out she’s a smart one. She’s got us all figured out already,” Then he turned to Sally, smiling big, kissed her cheek and said, “A pleasure to meet you, Sally,” before walking back to the business side of the bar.

Frank again drew Sally close and continued his slow shuffle. Sally was feeling giddy with her body pressing up against Frank. How good it felt to her to be with such a strong man. His physical power was intoxicating. Soon she could feel the full of his cock pressing into her belly. She began to feel a bit dizzy. When the song ended and before the next one began Sally pushed herself away and said, “I think I need to get a little air.”

Frank took careful hold of her wrist and said, “Follow me.” He led her down the hallway, past the restrooms and the opening to the kitchen to burst through a door marked “Emergency Exit Only - Alarm Will Sound” silently into the darkness of the back ally. It was invigorating. Sally sailed through the cool air and swung at arms length around Frank to curl into the crook of his arm where his lips met hers in a deep kiss. Upon release Frank let himself fall back against the brick wall pulling Sally slightly off balance against him.

She turned her head and let her cheek come to rest on his chest secured by the rich rapid beating of his heart. The wrongness of where this was going spun through her mind and mercifully exited as unheeded as their passage through the back door. Realizing she didn’t want to be anywhere else Sally reached down and stroked Frank’s cock through his pants. That sparked a flash point and within seconds of passionate kissing and hands freely roaming each others bodies, Sally slid to her knees on the hard alley surface and wrapped her lips around the head of Frank’s cock as she freed it from his pants. It was a glorious cock to Sally, hard beyond belief.

After a few moments Frank pulled her up and kissed her and said how he was right about her being sexy and how he had a condom but first he needed to taste her, and he was already under her blouse pulling her bra up over her breasts so he could feel their flesh and roll her firm nipples, so large she finds them embarrassing, between his fingers before bringing his mouth down to them.

She felt the cool rough brick against her back, leaning against it with her shoulder blades to leverage her lower body into Frank. She had her fingers in his hair and she almost involuntarily was pushing his head downward. Frank was headed there, quickly opening her black jeans and pushing them down over her butt and working his hands all over her bottom, thighs and belly, pushing her thong off to the side and roughly working a finger up into her.

The raw roughness of it felt more than right to Sally who remained impatient and aching for more. She pushed her jeans further down, pulled one of her legs free and with his hand behind her knee holding it up to the side his tongue was there, on her sex. It felt warm and soothing to Sally. The sensation of his fluttering tongue, the pull of his lips, the command of his grip combined to transport her towards space, toward the band of stars in the black sky visible to her as she arched her head back against the brick wall. It was as quiet as space save for the smacking sounds of Frank’s mouth on her sex echoing off the walls of the deserted alleyway on that cool starry night of late summer.

When Frank stood the condom was in his hand. There was no awkwardness, no question, no hesitation, the condom went on and he entered her. The orgasm that began stirring in her from his mouth was unabated and reaffirmed as Frank’s cock push into her. Sally could feel Frank’s breath on her neck, she could feel the rough brick along her entire back pinned there by the pressure of Frank’s body and the massive bolt of his cock ramming deeper and harder on each of the initial strokes. Through her alcohol fog the pain of both felt good and the fucking felt good. The orgasm washed over her and Sally found herself clinging to Frank’s neck with both arms, pulling her panting, writhing self to him as his own body convulsed and jerked in orgasm.

Suddenly Andrew’s voice was next to them. “You ARE planning to keep her to yourself, aren’t you Frank?”

“Well she sure is a hot one, “ Frank said breathing hard, “but I think she’s able to decide these things for herself. Hey, who’s working the bar, Andy?”

“Everyone left,” said Frank. “Even the band wanted to roll.”

“What about my friends?” exclaimed Sally, still hanging onto Frank.

“Told ‘em you left with Frank ‘cuz I thought you had,” Andrew said. “Didn’t know you were back here enjoying this nice night. They even took your purse, said something about taking it to class in the morning.”

Sally was still straddling Frank with her legs wrapped high around his hips. She became aware he was going soft so she pushed and felt him flop out. She dismounted, straightened her bra, found her spiked sandals with her toes and slipped into them. Then she picked up her jeans and carried them back in through the door held open by Andrew. Frank removed the condom, hastily put himself back together and followed them inside.

Sally walked into the bar and headed for the pool table. It seemed mercilessly bright. She knew Andrew was behind her. As she walked toward the pool tables he had a perfect view of her proudest body parts, her legs and butt, long lean and tight. Sally felt bold and in control and walked with just slightly more swivel in her hips than usual. “Hayyeee,” said Andrew, I thought you looked good in those black jeans, but baby, your bare ass looks even better.”

A smile crossed Sally’s lips. Her heart was racing. She wasn’t scared but she was way beyond her comfort zone. She reached the pool table, turned and hopped up to sit facing them.

They each hopped up to sit on either side of Sally. It was intimidating. To buy some time, she then hopped down saying, “I’d like to freshen up a bit.” Before she disappeared into the ladies room she looked back and said, “When I return I expect you two to be at least as naked as me.”

In the ladies room Sally removed her thong and took a wad of folded paper towels, wet them with warm water and pressed the mass against her pussy moving it slowly and soothingly.

She looked at herself in the mirror, straightened her hair and said to herself, “I hope you know what you’re doing, girl.” She started for the door, went back to the mirror and added to herself with a self-satisfied smile, “You beguiling slut you.” At the door she deliberated for a moment before deciding to put her thong back on.

Meanwhile the brothers were out in the bar area getting excited.

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“You think she’s for real, man?” Andy said.

“Yeah, I do.” Frank answered removing his shoes and socks and undoing his belt. Andrew went over to the sound system and put on vintage Bonnie Rait. Then began to remove his pants as well.

When Sally strode out of the restroom the two young men were leaning up against the pool table in front of where they had been sitting. They each were wearing only their black boxer briefs, having gone a step beyond her request by removing their shirts. Sure, show off those fabulous abs, she thought to herself. She could tell they were excited. She hoped her pounding heart didn’t betray how excited she was.

“So here’s how this is gonna work,” said Sally, taking charge as she walked toward them, the sound of her voice lifting their eyes from her legs and the front patch of her thong to her own eyes. “You two are in my charge and at my service. You will follow my lead and we will have all kinds of fun, if not I will own this bar in a month.” Are we in agreement?

The two brothers looked at each other and then turned their heads again at her and nodded together. “Good, now sit back up on the table and lie back. As they did she stood between them stroking each of their cocks through their shorts. Andrew’s cock sprang to full hardness, thick and firm. Frank was still in recovery from their tryst in the alleyway, but in a moment Sally could tell her kneading of his cock was causing it too to stir once again.

Sally like giving head ever since her teen years when she and her first boyfriend had months of hand and oral sex before they actually had intercourse. Now, after years of lackluster marital sex with no desire to ever blow her husband again, the brief sensation of Frank in her mouth rekindled her appetite. Sally worked hard to control her own eagerness to get her lips around one of these two great cocks just so she could maintain control of these guys.

She slid her hands up inside the closest leg of each man and wrapped her fingers around both shafts. Sally could feel pre-cum on the inside of Andrew’s shorts and his cock felt smooth and hard and so thick her fingers barely reached around it.

Andrew closed his eyes and relaxed with his head tilted back as she slowly rubbed her hand along the length of his cock inside his shorts. Frank never took his eyes off her as she did the same to him.

Finally unable to resist any longer Sally withdrew her hand from Andrew’s shorts and began to pull down on the waistband. He helped and in a flash they were gone. While continuing to work Frank’s member with her right hand Sally bent over and slid her tongue along the length of the bottom side of Andrew’s shaft. The sweet odor of Andrew that she noticed when they danced was evident again. She sure did like the way he smelled.

She wanted to take Andrew past the point of no return. It had been a long time since she felt the squirt of a man’s cum in her mouth and right now she wanted it more than ever. Andrew’s pre-cum tasted good to her and his smell was lovely. She wanted it all. Her attention became focused totally on Andrew. She stole her hand from Frank to work Andrew’s cock and balls aggressively toward orgasm.

Temporarily abandoned, Frank rose from the table and kneeled behind Sally. He pulled her thong slowly and carefully over her hips and down her long legs kissing the tight orbs of her ass. She stepped out of the thong as he made sure it didn’t catch on her high heels. He pushed first one then two fingers up into her dripping pussy. She widened her stance. Frank licked his fingers and quickly reinserted them into her and repeated the act of tasting her three then four times before he leaned forward to whisper into her ear while she was sucking Andrew’s cock that he wanted to “free her tits. “

Sally, growing increasingly euphoric, straightened and continued to work Andrew with her hands while Frank reached his arms around her, undid the buttons on her blouse and peeled it off her shoulders. He then undid the back of her bra and it slid forward off her shoulders and down her arms to entangle with Sally’s hands and Andrew’s cock.

His eyes open for this unveiling, Andrew did not hesitate to beg her to smoother his cock with her tits. She leaned forward and carefully trailed one of her nipples along its length before nestling her breasts against him to smother his cock between them.

Frank sat between Sally’s legs licking her pussy from behind. She continued to rock her engulfing tits back and forth over Andrew’s cock looking up to enjoy the expression on his face. The multiple sensations of Frank using his tongue on her vagina, his nose bumping against her ass, and the feel of Andrew between her tits combined to build Sally’s second orgasm of the night. She found herself anticipating it as if witnessing someone setting up a fireworks display. The spark of ignition came from her thought of this whole scene, the thought of Franks nose against her ass, the thought of her inevitable gush into his mouth, the hope of Andrew’s explosion into hers and her determination to swallow all of it. When she came her face displayed every nuance of her orgasm to Andrew.

A moment later she returned her mouth to Andrew’s cock and took him in as deeply as possible and almost instantly felt the first pulse of cum hit the roof of her mouth. She drank it back and started sucking aggressively as she felt the second spurt on the back of her tongue and a third came further forward on her tongue. Before she could get it all down it spread a coating over the entire inside of her mouth that triggered youthful memories.

Sally was still sucking hard on the pulsing cock when Andrew asked her to stop. She pulled away letting the gleaming member fall back toward his abdomen. He put his hands over it and exclaimed, “Damn, girl that was some serious sucking.”

After a moment she stood and turned, pulled Frank up and kissed him, tasting herself, and slid her hand down to his cock. “You’ve reloaded”

“Sure have.” Said Frank.

“Start slow, then fuck me hard, “ Sally said, and turned back around and bent deep over the table smothering Andrew’s groin with her tits

She held Andrew’s eyes with hers as Frank slowly slid his cock into her pussy, sopping wet from his licking. Andrew watched her face intently. He watched her slight grimace, and the way her mouth opened a little each time Frank pushed into her. He rolled his pants, which were draped over the edge of the table, into a pillow to support his head. He placed his hands on either side of her face for support. They smiled at each other, her face rocking to and fro from Frank’s increasingly powerful strokes.

To Andrew this was truly a unique experience: watching the effects of a powerful fucking from behind appear on the face of this attractive older woman, seeing his brother behind her straining with the effort of driving into her while feeling her large soft breasts undulating against his limp cock to the rhythm of their fucking. Andrew watched three orgasms march across her face before Frank finally pulled out, removed his condom and spewed on her ass. The show excited his cock back to life.

She lifted her breasts from his cock. Taking hold of it with her hand she stroked it a couple of times and said, “Perfect timing.”

They rearranged with Sally on her back in the middle of the table and Andrew in classic missionary position pounding his thick cock into her so mercilessly against the hard surface that she initially needed to grip both side pockets to keep from moving up the table. Andrew’s young body completely engulfed hers, his arms cradled and covered her head and his thrusts so skillfully matched her own rhythms that within minutes she entered an orgasmic thrall that kept her whimpering for an unaccountable time until he unloaded into her.

After a momentary panic she discovered Andrew too had used a condom.

Frank showed her to the private restroom adjoining the office. She took stock of herself and almost cried at the mess of smeared lipstick, smudged mascara, and matted hair. The brush and washcloth there aided her restoration. She felt surprisingly guilt free.

Reappearing, she told the boys she didn’t know what came over her but they sure had let her genie out of the bottle. They laughed, said it was the most amazing night ever and that her genie granted all their wishes. They promised to drive her home after they finished closing down the place, but she asked if they would call her a cab and lend her fare.

When the cab arrived they gave her forty dollars. Over their objections she promised to pay them back. “Don’t be surprised if I show up at closing time in a week or two.” She said with a wink.

The next morning Sally had a hard time making her 9AM Yoga class, but she knew it was important. The girls were there with her purse. “Thanks for abandoning your yoga instructor last night ladies.” She said sarcastically.

“Didn’t you leave with that bartender you danced with?” Karen asked.

“What?” Exclaimed Sally.

“The one bartender said you left with Frank, the other bartender. Didn’t you?” Karen said.

“No way, I was in the bathroom throwing up, then went out the back door to get some fresh air. The bartender saw me go out and brought a moist towel out after me. The cool air felt good, I guess I lost track of time. I even threw up again. By the time we got back inside you were gone with my purse, cell phone and house keys. The bartenders lent me some money to take a cab. I had to wake my husband to let me in when I got home! I can’t believe you left me there!”

“I checked both the ladies and the men’s rooms!” Karen declared in the realized horror of having abandoned her friend.

“You didn’t leave with the bartender?” Janet quizzed again.

“Pulleeeese, in my dreams maybe, but I’m a married woman!”

Written by Rotsen
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