We were on our way back from a cup-match against one of the London teams. Not a regular thing, but we had actually made good progress in the Amateur Rugby Cup this year and so found ourselves matched against some clubs from further afield than we were used to traveling. When I say "we", I am referring to the local Amateur Rugby League club that my husband, Dave, played for.
I was just a supporter, and follower, although the team seemed to have adopted me as a good-luck mascot, as they had been winning more games than usual since I started coming to watch them. The team was in good spirits, having won comfortably, as well as having been celebrating with a couple of crates of beer in the changing rooms after the game. Plus, they had managed to acquire from somewhere another couple of crates, for consuming on the coach home.
The only trouble with these away games was the length of time it took getting there and back. Not wanting to waste money on London hotels, the lads had decided they preferred the long coach trip home after the game, even though we were looking at about four hours traveling. Now, less than half an hour into the journey and they were starting to get bored.
"Hey, Marie, come here a minute," called someone in the group on the back seats.
I started to get up to see what they wanted, but Dave stopped me.
"Be careful," he warned, "you know they are probably going to try something."
"Well, if they do, let them," I told him, "You know they would not hurt me, and you also know I am always up for some fun. Besides, if I need you, I will yell, Okay?"
He nodded, smiling indulgently. He knew what I was like, and that no matter what went on, I would still be ready for his pleasure when we got home. As I made my way to the back, the team captain, Jack, grabbed my arm.
"Watch them, Marie," he told me, "you want me to have words with them?"
"No, it is fine, Jack," I told him, "if I need rescuing, I will yell our safe word. Otherwise, let them have their fun. Dave is already fine with it."
"If you are sure," he agreed, "but I might come along later just to join in if that is okay with you?"
"Jack, when have I ever said no to you?" I reassured him, "If you do decide to come and join the fun later, you will be more than welcome. Besides, we don't even know if they are going to do anything yet."
"Want to bet," he grunted, "I know those randy bastards all too well. I still remember how quickly they jumped at the chance of gangbanging you after the cup match."
"I never noticed you holding back at that," I laughed, "in fact, I seem to recall you were the first to have me."
"Come on, Marie," the call came again from the back of the coach, "come here."
"Aye, well, " Jack muttered, "just you be careful. Go on, have fun."
A slap on my backside sent me on my way. That stung. Not that my backside was all that well covered, dressed as I was in a short denim skirt and short sleeveless matching jacket, which displayed my assets rather than hid them, and left my midriff uncovered.
As usual, I had not bothered with any underwear, as I enjoyed the feeling of freedom that I got from not wearing bra or panties. I normally only wore those when I was enjoying some sexy fun and my partner (or partners) liked having something to take off my ever-eager body. One once told me it was like getting a Christmas present, and that half the fun was unwrapping it.
When I reached the back seats, after having more than one of the passengers stroke my bum as I passed, I saw several of the older lads were there along with young Alan, the youngest player in the side and still painfully shy.
"Hey, Marie," Bill said, "we reckon young Alan here has never been kissed, but he claims he got a kiss with you sometime, but will not tell us how or when."
"Bill, don't you know a true gentleman never kisses and tells," I told him, "and Alan is a true gentleman, as well as being a superb kisser," and I leaned forward to give Alan a kiss guaranteed to curl his toes.
His arm came up and round my neck, as our tongues teased each other, before he broke away, blushing deeply at the cheers from the other players.
"Was that all?" I asked cheekily, planting a kiss on the top of Bill's bald head.
I turned to leave, but was grabbed by the waist, and fell backward onto Bill's knee. I squealed as he lay me across several knees and planted a wet kiss on my bare belly.
"Hey, Bill," one of them called, "is she ticklish?"
"No idea," Bill replied, "shall we find out?"
A chorus of approval was his answer, from all the onlookers in nearby seats as well as those that I was lying across.
"Bill, Don't you..."
My objection was cut off as he tested my lower ribs for a reaction and had me squirming and giggling helplessly in seconds.
"Think so," Bill called to his questioner, "better make sure though."
He started again, and as I wriggled, trying to push his hands away, my wrists were grabbed and held by one of the lads sat near my head, leaving Bill free to explore just how ticklish I was. I squirmed and twisted, laughing uncontrollably, and two others held my feet and legs to stop them kicking,
By then my skirt had ridden up considerably, and my top was twisted crookedly, only one button on it still fastened. As Bill carried on with his tickling, and I laughed helplessly, I felt a shoe being removed and fingers started teasing the sensitive soles of my foot. The soles of my feet are the most sensitive areas for tickling me and I was squealing like a schoolgirl as I was tormented.
When the second shoe was also removed, the torment increased and I was helpless to stop the three ticklers from enjoying their fun. The final button on my top came undone as I squirmed as best I could while being held, and the top fell open to show my tormentors that I was not wearing a bra.
At least the display of bare tits distracted them from the tickling. At least momentarily. When the tickling resumed, the sight of my naked tits bouncing and jiggling free got a lot of attention, and I laughed until tears were rolling down my cheeks. Eventually, they took pity on me. Or more likely, they did not want to tire me out too quickly. Instead, they started exploring what was on display.
With my wrists still held firmly, I was only able to lie there, as those nearest leaned over to kiss the tits, and tease the nipples with teeth or lips, while those further away used fingers. Now I was squirming for a different reason, soft moans coming from me as the nipples swelled to full hardness, making them even more sensitive.
Other hands started exploring the displayed legs, stroking from ankles to upper thighs, some fingers sneaking their way up under the skirt, and finding a bare shaved pussy, already wet and waiting for their attention. I arched my back as fingers stroked slowly along my slit, feeling how wet I was. By now over half the team were gathered around watching the action on the back seats, making me even hornier, if that were possible.
Somebody noticed the two buttons holding the skirt on, and these were quickly undone, and the skirt folded back exposing my complete nakedness. In moments I had hands exploring every inch of the exposed flesh, stroking and teasing. Bill must have decided it was going too fast, because all of a sudden I was flipped over onto my tummy, leaving just my back, legs and bottom for them to play with.
Not that that stopped them enjoying themselves with what was still on display. My bottom, in particular, was getting a lot of attention. and I was wriggling nicely as I grew more aroused. The lads were making nice comments about my bum, which really pleased me until one mentioned how he would love to spank a bottom that sexy. There was silence as the idea sank in, then a few murmurs of agreement, and I could almost feel the lads loving the idea.
"Oh no," I said, trying to wriggle free, "you wouldn't?"
"Oh Really?" asked Bill, "want to bet?"
I was flipped over so I was bent over his knee, head down and held there by the man next to him gripping my shoulders, and bottom high.

"Who is first," asked Bill, "three each, no more."
"You take the first shot, Bill," someone called, and other voices echoed the sentiment.
He did not need any more encouragement. His big hand came down with a smack right across both cheeks, making me yell out. A second followed, making me try wriggling, but I was held securely and the third landed dead center.
Cheers went up at the sight of my bottom already turning pink, and the next took his turn, alternating the first two, one on each cheek, and the third shared between the two. Each of the lads watching took a turn, while I wriggled and squealed at each smack, although many were mere love-smacks. Even young Alan, I noticed, gave me three spanks, and I swear I noticed Jack enjoying a turn, although it was not easy identifying individuals from my upside-down position.
Eventually, all who wanted to had spanked me and my bottom was turning a nice shade of pink I suppose. I know it was smarting nicely and felt very warm. As always, being spanked had started the wetness between my legs, which I hoped the lads would not notice. That hope lasted all of ten seconds.
As soon as they flipped me back onto my back, and Bill stroked along my slit, he held up the fingers to show the others.
"Looks like our little lady is feeling a bit excited," he told the watchers, "we might need to give her a bit of attention."
He stroked again, rubbing my clit briefly to make me moan softly. Other hands started exploring, fingers checking the wetness of my slit, and the sensitivity of my clit, along with teasing my nipples to full hardness. I was squirming nicely for them, expecting to come at any moment, but Bill stopped them.
"Slow down," he warned them, "we want to take this nice and slow, make it last so we can enjoy it for longer."
Murmurs of agreement came from the lads.
"What we need, " Bill went on, "Is some way to spread the lady out so more of us can enjoy touching at the same time, as well as giving everyone a better view of the gorgeous girl. Any ideas?"
"Robbie, go ask Artie if he has his bag with him," commanded Jack, "if he has, tell him I need half a dozen of the bandages.".
When had he joined the fun? I might have known he would have some ideas. After all, he and Dave had been having me in threesomes for over a year now.
"Of course he'll have it," one of the lads said, "He damn near sleeps with it."
General laughter at this. Artie was the club trainer and the one who ran onto the field with his sprays and sponge if any of the lads took a knock during a game. Heaven help any newcomer who dared help himself to anything from his bag of tricks. Robbie came back carrying the rolled bandages.
"He said God help you if he doesn't get them back before the next training session," Robbie told Jack.
More laughter, Artie was very protective about his supplies.
"What we do now," explained Jack, "is, we tie the bandages to the handles on the back of the next three rows of seats to make a webbing, a cradle that we can lie her in, making sure it is at the right height for what we need, say this high," indicating with his hands the height he wanted.
Eager hands soon had the cradle arranged between the rows of seats, so I would be lying in the aisle, my head and hips a little less than three foot off the floor.
"We still have these bandages left over," Robbie told Jack, "You want me to give them back to Artie?"
"No, we have a use for them," Jack told him, "Watch."
He and Bill lay me on the webbing cradle, head toward the front of the coach and body supported from my bottom, all along my back and shoulders and up to the back of my neck. Jack raised one of my wrists to the grab-handles that were on the sides of all the aisle seats, this one being three rows in front of the back seats, and wrapped a length of bandage around the wrist and handle, securing the wrist in place. Cutting the bandage free, he repeated the procedure with my other wrist, so both arms were raised above me and spread slightly forward and apart. Bill did the same with my ankles to the grab-handles on the seats just in front of the back row, so my legs were also raised pointing towards the ceiling of the coach, and spread slightly wider than the aisle of the coach.
So I was spread open, helpless to stop the lads touching anywhere they wished. Need I add that just knowing that made me wet as I could get? Needless to say, I was only left untouched in that position a few moments, while the lads enjoyed the sight of my naked body spread open to their eyes, and as they quickly realized, their hands. Then I had hands and fingers touching me from all angles, with every sensitive spot being teased and touched until I was squirming helplessly for them, yet none of them was giving me the stimulation I needed to make me come.
The touching teasing seemed to go on for ages, and it was a relief when someone near my head tilted my head back and a hard cock slid into my mouth. I was tongue teasing the tip of it when I felt a head between my open thighs and then a tongue starting to lick and tease me, with fingers rubbing my clit, while the tongue probed inside me.
I was thrusting up at the tongue and fingers, hoping that at last, I could come. It must have been over thirty minutes that I had been teased and tormented, and I was so desperate for a climax, but after only a few moments the teasing tongue withdrew, and a new tormentor took his place, then another, until most of the watchers had tasted me, and many others had enjoyed limited pleasure from my mouth.
The mouth was still being enjoyed when I finally felt pressure against the tightness of my pussy, and a hard cock slid slowly into me, just nuzzling itself into place first, then ramming into me hard and fucking me, while his strong hands gripped my hips. All the time, lads either side of me had been teasing and nibbling my sensitive nipples, and it did not take me long to start coming, pushing myself at my ravisher as he rough-fucked me.
He must have been turned on already, as I felt him explode deep inside me as I came. Moments later a new cock was inside me, and again I was screwed hard and fast, everything vanishing except the cock plunging into my wet and hungry cunt, driving me higher until I came with a scream.
Time after time, I was fucked to climax. At one point I realized Jack was kneeling near my head.
"Jack, are you waiting to fuck me, Jack?" I gasped, "Fuck me, please?"
"I already did, Sweet Tits," he told me, kissing me deeply, "enjoying it?"
I nodded happily, as another ravisher took his place between my open legs. This one wanted something different, and I felt the wetness as his fingers used my own cum to moisten my bum-hole, then his cock was sliding into my puckered arse, and he bum-fucked me until he came, warm creamy cum spurting into my back passage.
A few others enjoyed that hole but most preferred my hot and hungry cunt, and I came over and over for them as I was thoroughly gangbanged, covered in sweat and spunk, all over arse, belly, tits, and face, until anyone who wanted to had enjoyed me at least once.Some had either used me twice or had enjoyed coming at both ends.
Someone had fetched Artie's bag, and they used the bottled water and his sponge to wash me down, before releasing me and helping me back into skirt and top, although I did notice the top was left unfastened. After that, it was kisses and hugs, with assorted gropes, from each of my ravishers. Guess who was looking forward to the next away game?