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Resolutions - Part 2 of 2

"Ellie's friend Beth helps her end the year with a bang."

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It’s almost midnight and darkness has finally settled in. We’ve hung lanterns from the low-lying tree branches, and there’s a floodlight at the rear of the house blanketing the backyard in a yellow glow. The warmth of the day lingers even without the sun.

The guests have become rowdier than ever now. There’s wrestling going on in one of the wading pools and a drinking game in progress. A close work colleague of mine has just flung off her bikini top. She’s straddling one of Lucas’s friends after having been introduced to him for the first time tonight. Since she’s normally the quiet type, I know she’ll be regretting this by tomorrow.

It makes me wonder if I’ll have any regrets of my own after tonight.

I’ve somehow managed to stay out of Lucas’s way, but I know I can only avoid him for so long. Even if I dodge any advances he makes during the party, I still have to live with him. The looks he’s been sending me over the past couple of hours suggest he’s still planning to make a move during the fireworks show. I’ve decided it’s for the best if I turn him down, but it doesn’t stop me from indulging in a few what-if fantasies.

Every time I think about him getting close to me and turning on the charm, my skin tingles and my body warms with pleasure. Saying no to him won’t be easy, but my friendship with Beth is more important. I’m certain my attraction to him is just a physical one, but that won’t matter to her if I take him up on his offer and she finds out later.

I’m standing near the tree where she and I had our encounter a few hours ago. It’s quiet over here compared to the rest of the yard and I’m enjoying the solitude. I’ve been mingling with the guests most of the night, but I just need a few moments alone now to gather my thoughts.

I turn and glance out at the lake that backs onto our property, watching as a group of latecomers make their way down to the water’s edge. They’re too far away for me to see them clearly, but I suddenly want to be among them and away from all of this tension and temptation. I wish I could go back to the beginning of the night when my life wasn’t so complicated.


I whirl around to find Lucas standing there. "You scared me," I say, flattening a palm against my pounding heart.

“Why so jumpy?”

He isn’t close enough for me to see his expression, but there’s no mistaking the humour in his tone. It helps me feel more at ease around him because I’m reminded again that this is only a game to him; shooting him down isn’t going to hurt his feelings. “I don’t know, I guess I just get that way when people sneak up on me in the dark.”

He lets out a huff of laughter that almost makes me smile. Without waiting for a response, I walk out from under the cover of the trees, moving closer to the fence so I’ll have a clear view of the show. I should be heading back to join our friends, but I know he won’t let up until we’ve had this discussion. It’s probably good timing because I’ve reached the point now where I’m tired of finding reasons to disappear every time he comes near me.

He follows me and stops at my side. “What are you doing over here anyway?” he asks. “Avoiding me?”

I shoot him a glance, unable to stop myself from smiling this time. “Not only are you pretty, you’re perceptive too.”

He chuckles as his gaze sweeps over me. The playful expression on his face makes me want to forget all about my decision to keep my distance. His hands are in his pockets, his stance casual and at ease. I’m never sure if his ability to appear unflappable annoys or impresses me.

“It looked as if you were enjoying yourself with my girlfriend earlier,” he says, returning his attention to the activity around the lake.

It’s just like him to try to throw me off balance by steering the conversation into inappropriate territory. He does it so naturally, too. The only way I can stay in control is to pretend it has no effect on me. “Hmm… maybe. What gave it away?”

He slants me a look. “Public orgasms are a pretty big clue.”

It surprises me that in the midst of all this, he’s still able to make me want to laugh. “Yeah, I guess so.”

“Were you thinking about me when she had her hand in your panties?”

The sound of his deep voice and the rush of desire the memory triggers have me wrapping my arms around myself. “You shouldn’t talk to me like that,” I say.

He gives me a quick smile then glances in the direction of the party, leaning forward as if he’s searching for someone. When his gaze shifts back to me, there’s an intensity in his eyes that wasn’t there seconds ago. “Do you know what I wanted to do after I watched you come?” he asks.

How am I supposed to answer that? I shouldn’t be having an intimate conversation like this with someone else’s boyfriend in the first place. The part that annoys me most is that despite how wrong this is I desperately want to hear his answer. I raise my eyes and blow out a breath, choosing the wiser option of saying nothing.

“I wanted to grab Beth’s hand while you were still standing there and lick the taste of you from her fingers.”

God, I can’t stand this any longer. I wish he wouldn’t say these things to me. The huskiness in his voice brings goosebumps to my skin and the urge to touch him grows even stronger. My eyes close, and I focus on my breathing in order to hold back a reply.

“The way you looked at me when you came… I wanted to shove you up against the tree and fuck you right there while everyone was watching.”

My eyes shoot open, my mind flooding with sensual images that are so vivid I can almost feel him inside me. My arms unfold and I glance around to make sure we’re still alone. “Stop it, Lucas. I mean it.”

A ghost of a smile plays about his lips and he’s watching me as if I’m his latest form of entertainment. He looks like he’s trying not to laugh, and I can’t for the life of me figure out why he finds this so funny.

“She knows.”

My stomach drops and my heart pounds so hard that the noise from the party barely registers. “What do you mean?”

“It was Beth’s idea.”

I sweep my gaze over the row of trees that separate this area of the yard from the other, expecting her to step out into the open clutching her stomach and laughing. “What?” I’m barely able to hold back from grabbing fistfuls of his tank top to shake the information out of him.

“I told her it was fucking stupid. I didn’t think you’d go for it but she said you had this list of dares or a…” He pauses as if trying to remember the term Beth used.

“Bucket list, a sexual one.” It’s a struggle to form the words while my mind’s trying to grasp the concept that this might be real. I draw in a quick breath, my hands clenching and releasing at my sides.

“Yeah. She wants to watch me with another woman, but you’re the only one she trusts. You apparently had a threesome on your list, so...”

My pulse is fluttering in my throat. I blink and try to make sense of what he’s saying. “Watch you with another woman? Are you serious?” I’m not even sure he’s talking about the same Beth.

One side of his mouth quirks, and he pulls his hands from his pockets. He reaches out for me, hooking my elbows to bring me closer. “Maybe you don’t know this about her… but she’s a little kinky.”

That could qualify as understatement of the year. While I’m still processing that information, a movement in the corner of my eye catches my attention. I hold my breath and watch as Beth moves out from between a couple of trees to join us here in the clearing. My body jolts and the fight or flight instinct kicks in. I attempt to pull my arms free from Lucas’s hold but he only drags me closer.

I figure it’ll look worse if I make a scene, so I try to relax and wait this out. I need to know what’s going on here.

“I wondered where you two were,” she says, smiling. “I’ve been looking for you.”

Since Lucas and I have been gone for a while, she launches into an animated update on the party, reporting on the status of the food and alcohol supply, letting us know which guests have hooked up and who’s crashed already. All the while, her descriptions and the tone of her voice give the impression she’s completely unaware of the strange vibe going on here.

It all feels surreal because Lucas is still holding on to me like he has every right to touch me. He doesn’t meet my eyes but his thumb sweeps over the sensitive skin inside my elbow, keeping me all too aware of his presence. I’m sure it’s intentional.

“I told her,” he finally says, cutting Beth off.

She stops in the middle of a sentence and looks from him to me. Her eyes are unusually bright in the dim light, and her hand comes up to rake through her short, dark hair. The way her smile falters makes my breath catch, and it’s in that moment I realise Lucas has been telling the truth.

It feels like my heart stops beating and then I’m suddenly hit with a rush of understanding. The glimpses of humour he’s been showing these past couple of weeks, his flirtatious behaviour and his lack of concern over who sees him… it’s all been leading to this.

My best friend wants me to have sex with her boyfriend.

“I meant to talk to you about it while we were dancing before,” she tells me quickly. “I’ve been working up to it for days but… we kind of got distracted.” She gives me a meek smile that’s completely unlike her, and I realise for the first time that she probably feels vulnerable showing this side of herself to me. It shocks me that there’s so much I don’t know about her even though we’ve been close for years.

“She didn’t believe me.” Lucas keeps his attention on me but directs his words to Beth, smiling as he pulls me even closer. He slides his hands up my arms and strokes my shoulders. I let out a slow breath, trying to get my head around the fact that this is happening. He’s never touched me this way before and now Beth’s here to witness it all.

“Will you do it, Ellie?” she asks. “Just this once?” The back of her hand brushes mine and our fingers slide together while my gaze remains on Lucas. She leans in to me, pressing a kiss on my cheek. “It would turn me on,” she whispers beside my ear, “so much.”

I’m overwhelmed with longing, but I don’t know who exactly I’m longing for. I turn to face her. “I can’t even make sense of this,” I say, taking in her features as if I’ve never seen her before. “How can you watch us together and not hate me?”

Her attention darts to my mouth and she moistens her lower lip. “Because I love both of you,” she says.

It makes me wonder if it can be that simple. Before I can think too much about it she curves her free hand around the back of my neck and kisses me softly. The gentleness of the touch makes me sigh. My eyes close, and I feel Lucas sweeping his palms from my shoulders to elbows. He moves in close and cups my chin, urging my mouth to leave Beth’s.

When our lips make contact for the first time my knees quiver. I want to check Beth’s reaction but I can’t tear my attention away from Lucas. I let go of her hand so I can hold onto his forearms and steady myself. My mouth moves with his, my lips opening to invite him inside. He makes the most of the opportunity, his tongue diving in to tease mine.

I hear Beth whisper “yes” as her fingertips stroke the back of my neck. That single word and the force behind it sends my desire soaring and eases my doubts. She moves in behind me, slipping her arms around my waist.

The three of us stand like this for long moments, with Lucas and I kissing while Beth’s hands slide over my body, arousing me further. The intensity between us deepens, our touches becoming demanding rather than teasing. I feel Lucas’s need; the hunger in his kiss and the hardness of his cock pressed against me. I let out a whimper and push closer to him.

He groans against my mouth, moving his hands to my shoulders to slip the straps down my arms. Beth’s there to take over and pulls them to my elbows, helping me tug my arms free.

The knowledge that both of them are undressing me so that he can have his way with me in front of her only makes me kiss him harder. I grab his wrists and lift them, desperate to have his hands on me. When his palms cup my breasts, I thrust my tongue against his and make an urgent sound in my throat.

Beth works the dress over my hips, my mouth remaining occupied with Lucas’s while I step out of the bundled material. Suddenly I’m standing in our backyard sandwiched between my two housemates, wearing nothing but my panties.

He moves his mouth to my neck, his lips tasting my skin while his fingertips work my nipple into a hard, aching point. I tip my head back and watch Beth as Lucas kisses his way down my throat.

“We don’t have much time,” she says. “People will be looking for us soon. Please, Ellie. He’s so good.”

Lucas’s breathy laugh warms my skin. His hand glides from my breast to my belly, slipping between my thighs in one fluid movement. I let out a shocked cry as tingling warmth spreads through me. He massages my pussy with a confidence that has me wrapping my arms around him to keep him close.

It’s in that moment I decide I’m going to let him to do whatever he wants and just trust that Beth will put a stop to it if it goes too far.

My legs part to allow him easier access, and his groan rumbles against my throat. The heat of his palm penetrates my panties, his thumb finding my clit through the damp cotton. He presses a soft kiss on the underside of my jaw, and I sigh in response.

“Your pussy feels so good,” he says. The deepness of his voice makes my stomach quiver. “Want me to fuck it nice and hard for you?”

Oh, God. Desire slams into me. Rather than answer him, I grab fistfuls of his tank top and drag it up his chest. He plants a smacking kiss on my mouth then pulls back to help me tug the material over his head. Once discarded, he yanks me against him and his mouth closes over mine. His arms slide around me, and the kiss goes on as if neither of us can get enough of each other.

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It feels so different from the moment I shared with Beth. His body is hard where hers was soft, his touch commanding where hers encouraged. I love the sensation of his strength pressed against me, his fingers moving back and forth over my panties. I shove my hands between our bodies and latch onto the button at the top of his shorts, popping it open so I can get started on the zipper.

Beth makes a sound behind me, and it’s the first time it registers that she’s no longer touching me. I pull my mouth from Lucas’s, letting out a panting breath as I turn my head.

Just as I’m worrying that the reality of the situation isn’t matching up to her fantasy, she looks at me and says softly, “God, Ellie, this is so hot. I can’t—I have to…” Her voice trails off and she moves back to sit on the grass.

She arranges herself in a cross-legged position, her dress stretching taut over her thighs. With a quick movement of her hand, she has her bodice lowered to expose one of her breasts. When she covers it with her hand and begins toying with her nipple I take that as an encouraging sign. I tear my gaze away from her and return my attention to Lucas.

“She’s okay,” he reassures me. He kisses me again, his lips softening against mine, his tongue making slow, sweeping caresses through my mouth. I press closer to him, the feel of his bare chest against mine urging me on. I want to know what it’s like to touch every inch of him, to feel him inside me. The longer this goes on the more the craving for him builds. I’m desperate now to have him.

His mouth moves from mine and leaves soft pecks across my cheek. “Lie down next to her,” he says quietly beside my ear. “I want you on your back so you can see the fireworks while I’m fucking you.”

My limbs tremble and the ache between my thighs becomes unbearable. I close my eyes for a moment just to calm myself.

Lucas kisses my temple and tucks his thumbs in the waistband of my panties, sending them to my ankles with one shove. I kick free of them, faintly self-conscious about being the only one naked among the three of us.

He lowers me to the ground right beside Beth, and she leans over to kiss me. I curve my hand around the back of her neck to encourage her closer, our lips moving together in the deepest of kisses. She strokes my cheek then finally backs away, seeming more intent on watching my pleasure than being the source of it.

A rush of emotion overwhelms me as I turn back to face Lucas. He looks down at me from his standing position, and I suddenly want him everywhere; on top of me, inside me, to be able to think and feel nothing but him.

I’ve seen him half-naked before. He walks around the house shirtless often enough that I should be immune to the sight of his body, but I’m taking in the view of him now as if I’m seeing him for the first time. His broad chest and defined arms make my mouth go dry. The line of dark hair that travels from his navel to the waistband of his shorts has me wanting to follow it with my fingertip then grip what I find at the end with my hand.

He shoves his open shorts and underwear down his hips, the fabric catching on his cock. He tugs the material free then reveals himself to me. This part of him I’ve never seen before, and now that I have I can’t look away. In the dim light his hard length stands out proudly from his body tempting me. I want to drag him on top of me just so I can get my hands and mouth on him.

He lowers his shorts and underwear, then steps from them and kneels before me.

We’re really doing this, is the first thought that hits me as I stare at his beautiful body. I’m actually getting ready to have sex with my best friend’s boyfriend. I want to look at Beth and check that she’s okay, but I can’t make myself do it because I don’t want to see anything in her expression that might cause me to stop.

Lucas cradles my bent knees, his mouth kicking up on one side as if he’s aware of my inner struggle. “Open your legs,” he says, keeping his eyes on mine.

I want to do this, but at the same time I don’t. Even though the lack of light allows me at least some modesty, the idea of him sitting back and just watching me bare myself seems like a monumental thing to me. He’s never seen me like this before. Once I put myself on display, he’ll know exactly what I look like every time he sets eyes on me.

He continues watching me, his patient expression impossible to resist. My stomach churns as I move my heels away from my body. I hold my breath and slowly part my legs, feeling warm air invade my inner thighs. He makes a sound that’s somewhere between a growl and a groan, then cups my knees and encourages my legs to spread wider.

My breath shudders from me, my palms flattening against my lower belly in an effort to keep the butterflies under control. “I can’t breathe,” I whisper, looking up at him just before I send a glance Beth’s way. She takes in a shaky breath, giving the impression it’s no easier for her than it is for me.

“Do you want to do this?” Lucas asks. His hands slide down my outer thighs then curve under my ass.

I close my eyes and give the slightest nod of my head. I’m not even sure he can see it in the dim light, but the way his fingers suddenly grip my buttocks tells me it registered.

“Good,” he says, then he lifts the lower half of my body and his mouth closes over my pussy.

Exhilaration rushes through me and my eyes shoot open. I let out a cry of surprise, watching as he gives my pussy one long lick. His tongue feels warm and wet against my flesh, his touch leaving tingles in its wake. While I’m still responding to the first stroke, he goes back and does it again.

Beth reaches out to stroke my hair, murmuring words of encouragement under her breath.

A chant rises among the party-goers, and it takes me a moment to realise they’re counting down. A final shout of “One!” breaks through the surrounding noise. Cheers erupt from the crowd at the lake, mingling with those coming from the other side of our backyard.

I hear a sizzle overhead closely followed by a pop. I raise my eyes to see the sky light up with colour, reminding me again of his intention to take me during the show. Now I know it was all prearranged it’s going to be a moment to remember rather than regret. A bolt of blue spreads and disappears in the blackened sky, then a whoosh sounds as it’s quickly followed by another.

My shoulders press into the grass, my heart thumping as Lucas’s tongue moves over me again and again. He circles my clit, licking the swollen nub until I wish I had a sheet under me to grab in my fists. His tongue trails down to my entrance, slipping inside to tease me. My mouth drops open and guttural moan tears from me. I sink my hands into his hair and clutch him to me, needing something to hold on to while he takes me on this ride.

His tongue returns to my clit, swirling and licking. One of his hands moves from its position under my ass, and he slides two fingers inside me. I glance at Beth. She’s watching Lucas suckle my clit while his fingers plunge in and out of my pussy. My back arches and I feel it right to my core.

Urgency sweeps over me. I look away and try to catch my breath, my stomach fluttering as I follow the journey of a firework that’s just been launched into the air. I watch it break apart and shatter into a shower of sparks before it falls back to earth. It feels like the same thing is going on inside me. My attention returns to Lucas in an almost dreamy state. I stroke my nipples and reposition my legs, resting them over his shoulders.

He groans and pumps his fingers harder inside me, his tongue relentless on my clit. My hips push back against him, my ass cradled in his palm. Beth reaches out to clasp my breast, pinching my nipple between forefinger and thumb. She leans down and kisses me, her lips damp against mine, her tongue soft and teasing.

It comes over me slowly, the pleasure sliding through me while I twist in Lucas’s hold. My thighs tremble and I clutch my breast, lifting my ass as it consumes me. I urge my pussy closer to his mouth, riding out the orgasm as it races through my body. My head tips back and Beth rubs my nipple with her thumb as I turn into a shivering, quivering mess.

My hips come back to earth and I drape my arm over my eyes, making soft sobbing sounds while I try to gather my senses.

Lucas climbs over me. I hear him kiss Beth and the satisfied murmur she gives in response. He trails his lips over the forearm I’m hiding behind and I try to smile.

“You okay?” he asks, pulling my arm away to look at me.

“Uh-huh.” I suck in another gulp of air and turn my head to make sure no one else heard the noises I made. I can’t see clearly from my position, but going by the ruckus coming from the other side of the garden I’m sure it’s gone unnoticed.

While I still have my head turned away, Lucas pushes my knees wide apart and settles between my thighs. His bare chest comes to rest against mine, and a thrill rushes through me at the feel of him pressing against me. He reaches down to grip his cock, sliding it back and forth against my pussy.

I face him again. Our gazes lock, the intensity in his eyes leaving me lost for words. After one long, heat-filled moment, he dips his head, crushes his lips to mine and drives his cock inside me.

My moan borders on a scream. His mouth muffles the sound and I close my eyes, shutting out the last of the fireworks. I taste myself on his lips and my intimate scent lingers around us. My back bows and I lift my legs, wrapping them around him.

He thrusts his tongue against mine, pulling his cock out to plunge into me again. I link my ankles at his lower back, digging my fingers into his shoulders. Each time he sinks into me I hang on, clutching him tight and lifting my hips to deepen the connection.

Lucas tears his mouth from mine, his pace hard and fast. His weight lifts from me, and I open my eyes to find him pressing his palms into the ground, locking his elbows at his sides. His sharp breaths keep time with each of his thrusts and tension ripples through him. With his lower lip swollen from our kisses and his dark eyes glittering in the moonlight, I’ve never seen him look more appealing than he does right now.

I turn my head and share a long look with Beth. She smooths the hair from my eyes, smiling slightly before she lowers her gaze to take in my body. Her attention lingers on the place where Lucas’s body joins with mine. She sweeps her hand over my breasts, sliding down until her fingers dip between us. My breath catches when she makes contact with my already sensitive clit. She strokes me a few times, the softness of her touch increasing my pleasure. Her heavy breaths give away how much this is turning her on.

She grabs my wrists with her free hand and raises them above my head, pinning them to the grass. Her other hand massages my pussy, her attention focused on my clit. Lucas leans over and gives her a hard kiss on the mouth as he continues driving into me.

"Ellie, you feel so fucking good,” he says breathlessly.

It’s all too much for me. I can’t even put into words how he’s making me feel, and what it’s like to be with them both in this way. My heart’s thumping so hard. My thighs are aching from the effort it takes to keep them wrapped around him. I love the sensation of his body pressing down on me, his cock pushing into me. All while Beth works on my clit with a pressure that’s so perfect it makes me want to scream.

Lucas thrusts deeper, harder. I stare up at him wide-eyed, my thighs clamping around him and my hips lifting to meet the slick glide of his cock. He keeps hammering into me. My breasts jolt with the harshness of his thrusts, my belly tightening with desire.

“I’m gonna... come,” I say.

Fuck,” Beth says softly, appearing completely immersed in the moment.

Lucas lowers himself onto me, burying his face against my throat. He shoves his cock inside me... again… again. The force of his thrusts makes me cry out. My legs tremble and a moan tears from me as I come hard, shuddering beneath him.

He groans and pins me to the ground with his last thrust. I close my eyes and clutch him close as he shoves deep inside me, finally exploding and filling my pussy with his cum.

When it’s over my pulse still flutters in my throat and my breaths sound harsh. With the weight of him pressed against me, I stroke his back and open my eyes to stare at the sky.

Even though the fireworks are over, the noise from the lingering crowd at the lake intrudes on the quiet here. I want to stay right where I am, wrapped around him while my body settles and the languid feeling takes over but… he’s not mine. While Beth strokes his hair and whispers that she loves him, it becomes even more obvious to me.

I reluctantly shift my hips and give his shoulder a gentle push. He catches on and rolls to the side. His absence hits me immediately, and it takes all of my self-control not to reach for him again.

We all busy ourselves dressing, my mind spinning while I try to figure out how I feel about this now that it’s over. I want to do it more than once, that much I know for sure. I’m already trying to come up with reasons for why Beth should let me be with him again.

When he’s finished throwing his clothes on, Lucas moves to a standing position and holds out a hand to Beth and me. My fingers brush his palm and I experience that familiar tingle of awareness. The smile he gives me as he pulls me to my feet tells me he feels it, too.

Lucas helps Beth up, and while I’m still wondering what to say next, he clutches the back of my neck and gives me a kiss that has me moaning in the back of my throat. I reach for his now-clothed chest to steady myself, my body already responding to his touch.

“Mmm, that’s enough of that.” Beth’s voice is thankfully light-hearted as she nudges her way between us. Her arms wrap around me and she pulls me into a tight hug, whispering her thanks beside my ear. She pulls back and smiles as she says, “Happy New Year, Ellie.”

I glance from her to Lucas, still finding it hard to believe this has just happened. It’s safe to say I’ve never had a year start out like this one before, and I can’t help but wonder what living together is going to be like from now on.

Beth slips her fingers between mine and Lucas’s, urging us to rejoin the party with her. As I walk beside my best friend and feel the heat of Lucas’s gaze on me, I get the feeling it’s all going to be good.


Author's note:

Thank you so much to everyone who supported me throughout 2013 while I completed my one-story-per-month writing challenge. Your comments, votes and messages have been very much appreciated!

Written by Lisa
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