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Purple Girl's Sexploits

"Sexploits: The Diary of Purple Girl. If found, please return."

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It was a trifle ironic that the language section was the library’s least popular. Perhaps that was why the girl had chosen it.

It was almost certainly why the girl had chosen it.

From his office James had a view diagonally across a tiny courtyard to the language section one floor below him. The girl was seated at a table by the window. She’d set up her laptop alongside various pieces of paper and books. She tapped on the computer, turned a few pages in a book, then scribbled some notes. She appeared to be diligent, but then that’s what things had looked like yesterday too.

He weighed his mobile in his hand. He’d added the number to his contacts earlier. With a sense of mounting excitement he called the number, holding the phone up to his ear even though he didn’t think there’d be a reply. The first tone sounded in his ear as he watched the girl below intently.

Her lips parted. She leaned forward, planting an elbow on the table and one hand over her mouth. The soulless tones sounded in his ear as the girl twisted her body slightly. Her eyes looked bright and amused. He gave it two more tones before pressing the button to cut the unanswered call.

The girl straightened up, looking back over her shoulder, but there was no-one there. There was hardly ever anyone in the literature section. James watched as she took a deep breath and turned a page in one of the books.

He estimated her age to 21 or 22, and had gathered she was a student. She was very pretty and gave the impression that she knew it, with her straight, blonde, shoulder length hair, glittering eyes and lavishly glossed lips. A purple dress looked as if it was designed to be stripped off her rather than conceal her bosom. He couldn’t see her legs because the table was in the way, but he wanted to.

He wanted to, because the next time he dialled the number, listening to the unanswered signals, he was sure she was at the very least crossing her ankles. She certainly twisted her body, with one hand over her mouth again.

He was enjoying this, even though it made him feel like an old pervert at the same time. He was, after all, 41; old enough to be the girl’s father. On the other hand, he was divorced and not seeing anyone, so it hardly counted as cheating, did it?

He pressed the button, ending the fruitless attempt to get through, but this time he re-dialled the moment the girl had looked back over her shoulder.

The response was better than he could have hoped for. The girl’s body twisted heavily. When her lips parted, she looked over her shoulder worriedly, he supposed because there was a very real risk of someone having heard her. Clamping one hand over her mouth, the girl was suddenly clutching at a breast with the other. There was clear swelling on the untouched breast; the kind of swelling that seemed capable of piercing the fabric.

He let tone after tone ring in his ear, thinking that her phone must be set not to go to voicemail. It was almost impossible to break the call now, the girl squirming, her eyes glittering with the delight that only comes with doing the forbidden, the hand coming away from her mouth, but only for her to bite her lip.

When he finally cut the unanswered call, the girl just sat there, breathing heavily, not at all interested in the books and papers in front of her. It was a shame it was too risky for him to masturbate here in the office. You never knew who might want him for something. Right now it was coming up to closing time, but that meant nothing.

Well, it meant that the girl would soon be leaving. He dialled again, hearing the tones, watching as the girl’s mouth opened. She bit her lip as her body arched. The purple material pulled tight across her breasts, but he hardly had time to observe the outline of nipple before she was squeezing her breasts with both hands. She tilted her head back, still with teeth biting into lip. He watched her body shift and wished he knew exactly what state she was in.

A loud, distorted voice rang out, though in his office he was somewhat shielded from the full impact of it. “The library will be closing in ten minutes. Would visitors please conclude their business and take care not to leave behind any belongings. We hope you will return soon!”

He took the phone from his ear and cut the call. Down below the girl was breathing hard, bent forwards across the desk. He called up the text function and tapped. “Have found your notebook. Please call.” Then he pressed send. A couple of seconds later the girl below sat up straight, a slight shudder running through her. Then she began to hurriedly gather her things together, stuffing them in a canvas bag.

The notebook in question was a small moleskin job, sitting on his desk. The girl had left it behind yesterday. She’d sat in that exact same spot, in much the same kind of predicament as today, if with a certain irregularity. He’d watched her with rapt attention for a half an hour. Then something else had demanded his immediate attention, and when he returned the girl had gone, but the moleskin notebook was left on the table.

He’d gone down to retrieve it. On the inside cover there was neat script, “If found, please return,” along with a phone number. He might have phoned immediately if the opposite page hadn’t stated, in block capitals, “SEXPLOITS: THE DIARY OF PURPLE GIRL.”

It was wrong to read other people’s diaries of course, but he hadn’t been able to resist. At home that evening he’d sipped a glass of Merlot and read the entries that were there, all ten or so pages of them. At first he’d been inclined to think that the diary was an attempted work of erotic fiction or a synopsis thereof, by someone wanting to be the next E.L. James. But then he’d come to an entry that in all its brevity seemed to explain the blonde’s strange behaviour in the library.

“Sat with phone in my panties during today’s lecture. I don’t know how I managed not to moan out loud when it vibrated. Not enough texts or calls to make me cum, but it would have been really humiliating if I had. Went straight to the ladies’ afterwards and brought myself off. So wet and horny!”

Now, he slipped the notebook into his inside pocket. The library may be closing to visitors, but he had an hour left to work. He wondered if the girl had time to sneak into the ladies’ before closing, or if she’d actually climaxed there at the table. It was hard to tell.

It was also hard to concentrate fully on work after what he’d seen, but he resisted the temptation to sneak off to the staff toilet. Save it for later.

He was packing up his things himself when his phone announced an incoming text message. He took it out, calling up the message immediately. “Gr8 u found notebook! Can u bring it this evnin @ 8? W8 if im l8.” There followed an address.

The message irked him. It was as if she was taking his kindness for granted. On the other hand, he was intrigued, and it wasn’t as if he had anything better to do, even if it was Friday evening.

He checked the location. It was half an hour away, so he had time for a bite on the way. The thought occurred to him that it might be some elaborate, criminal scheme; that he might be walking into a trap of some kind. He resolved to be careful, but the street in question looked like a perfectly ordinary residential street, with buildings three storeys high. He found the relevant entrance and climbed the set of steps to the door, but was then confronted by a series of names and buttons, and not knowing which button he should press, he resolved to wait. He was five minutes early, after all.

As he was standing there, a young, burly looking man climbed the steps towards him. Immediately thoughts returned of this being a trap, but then he spied the moleskin notebook in the man’s hand.

The burly man looked him over. “Evening.”

“Good evening.” Then, because the moleskin notebook couldn’t possibly be a coincidence, “You wouldn’t happen to know someone who calls herself Purple Girl, would you?”

The man stared at him, all cropped hair and suspicious eyes. “How do you know about that, then?” he asked.

There was only one way for James to answer, by bringing out his own moleskin notebook.

“What the fuck?” the burly man exclaimed. Then he put out his hand. “I’m Rodney, by the way.”

“James.” The two of them shook.

“So what the fuck you think’s goin’ on?” Rodney said.

“Beats me,” James said.

Rodney seemed keen to elicit information. “So yours,” he said, nodding at the notebook. “Was it full of…?”

“Sexploits?” James suggested, watching as Rodney smirked.

“Do you reckon she’s for real, or is it just a crock of shit?”

“Oh, I think she’s for real,” James replied. “I mean, she exists at least.”

“You’ve seen her?”

“Oh yes. Haven’t you?”

“Nah. Went for a burger and found the thing sitting on a table,” Rodney said. “At first I was gonna toss it, but…”

As he tailed off, James thought that just like himself, and presumably as most men would, he’d been unable to resist reading and phoning this Purple Girl, who at the very least had a vivid imagination and a keen sense of the fun and games a girl could with just a phone.

“So what’s she like, this Purple Girl?” Rodney asked, checking his watch.

“Pretty freaking hot,” James said, slipping into the colloquial, as a man to man approach seemed appropriate.

Rodney nodded. “Coz you never know, do you? It could be like the internet, where someone says she’s dead hot and turns out to be a right minger.”

James couldn’t recall Purple Girl actually describing herself in her Sexploits, but perhaps Rodney had a different version. “Oh she’s really something,” he said.

Rodney scratched his crotch with a certain look in his eye. He seemed about to say something when both men were distracted by another man climbing the steps. The newcomer was wearing a suit and tie and James could see him eyeing the notebooks he and Rodney were holding.

“You too?” James said, waving his notebook.

The man reached into his pocket, pulling out an identical moleskin notebook. “That’s right,” the man said, looking at James and Rodney with a furrowed brow. “Very odd, all this.” He put out his hand. “I’m Nigel, by the way.”

James took the proffered hand. “James.”

“Rodney,” the burly man said, shaking. “So how did you get hold of yours?”

“On the train,” Nigel said. “The girl sat opposite me, reading it. Then she got up to get her luggage down, and the next thing I know, she’s gone and her notebook’s still there. How did you come by yours?”

“Burger bar,” Rodney said.

“Library,” James said, adding, “Rodney here’s at a disadvantage. He hasn’t actually seen her.”

“Yes, very attractive,” Nigel mused. Then, “So what do you make of it all?”

“This,” Rodney opined, holding his notebook in the air, “is seriously kinky shit.”

“I was thinking more of the whole situation,” Nigel said. “It’s almost like an experiment, with us cast as unwitting guinea pigs.”

He had a point, and James might have thought so too had he not seen the girl there at her table in the language section. But just because the girl appeared to be enjoying herself didn’t mean she might not have found a way to combine study and pleasure. “You mean some kind of social psychology research, to find out how people react when they find…”

James broke off, because now he’d caught sight of Purple Girl. She was crossing the road, coming straight towards them. “Fucking hell,” Rodney said. “You were putting it mildly when you said pretty hot.”

Then the three men fell silent as the girl climbed the steps. “My diaries!” she exclaimed. “Thank you so much for returning them! I can’t believe I lost them! They mean the world to me!”

Neither man spoke, as if suddenly tongue-tied. James was thinking that she looked even more stunning up close. She was still wearing the purple dress from earlier, and now he saw that the legs he had longed to see were clad in black nylon that stretched down to shocking pink trainers.

“I can’t thank you enough,” Purple Girl gushed as she took the notebooks from the men. “In fact I don’t know how to thank you.” She paused as if thinking. “But if you want to come up…”

It could still be some kind of trap, but as James looked at the other men, Rodney said, “Yeah, why not?” Perhaps he was thinking, as was James, that there was safety in numbers. Perhaps he was thinking that if the worst came to the worst he could always handle himself; he certainly looked the type.

Once the men had murmured their assent, Purple Girl took a key from her purse. “Top floor and no lift, I’m afraid,” she said, taking the lead.

As the men followed in her wake, James couldn’t help but wonder if she’d put the phone back inside her knickers. There was an easy way to find out. He made sure he trailed the small party, bringing out his phone and pressing the relevant buttons.

In the stairwell it was possible to hear the vibrations. Purple Girl was three quarters of the way up a flight of stairs. To James’s delight she gave a little gasp, moving to one side to grab the hand rail.

James let six signals go through. He couldn’t help but recall watching the girl from his office window. He thought she was clutching the hand rail very tightly as she continued upwards, but there was no other sound except for the vibrations.

There was an extra treat when they reached the top and Purple Girl’s door. A vibration sounded just as she was unlocking, and her body gave a little twitch. Since James had put his phone away, he assumed it was someone else entirely texting her. This was fun, and promising.

The girl’s flat was very small. There was a kitchenette set in an alcove, but otherwise there was just the one room, crammed with a three-seater, a desk, a small round table with a couple of chairs, and some shelves; all of them leaving virtually no room to move about.

There was no separate bedroom, but screen dividers hid the bed from view, unless you were sitting on the sofa, which the three men soon were. Rodney’s bulk occupied the middle seat, legs splayed, forcing James to keep to the extreme left and Nigel to the extreme right.

“I’d offer you a drink,” Purple Girl said, “but all I’ve got is orange juice.” She’d placed the notebooks on the round table and pulled out a chair to sit facing the men.

“I’m fine, thanks,” James said.

“Yeah, I’m good too,” Rodney said, in the tone of voice that suggested he considered anything weaker than lager to be effeminate.

Purple Girl turned her eyes to Nigel, who picked at some imaginary piece of fluff on his trousers. “To lose one or even two diaries may be put down to carelessness or even misfortune,” he said, sounding as if he’d rehearsed the line. “To lose three suggests some kind of ulterior motive.”

The girl gave precisely the kind of smile that seemed to contain a lot of ulterior motives. James had his hand in his pocket, fingers round phone as Purple Girl said, “Well, maybe it was kind of an experiment of sorts.”

So Nigel hadn’t been too far off the mark. There was a short silence before he said, “What kind of experiment? Psychology? Social psychology?”

Purple Girl smiled again. She answered, but was looking at James rather than Nigel. James, who had brought out his phone and was pushing buttons. “I am studying psychology, but… Aaaaah!”

They could all hear the vibration emanating from beneath the girl’s dress. She stabbed a finger at James. “Has no-one told you that … ooooh … you don’t read other people’s … ooooh … diaries?”

The men stared at her as she fidgeted. “Oh come on, love!” Rodney exclaimed. “You couldn’t expect us not to read.” He paused to scratch the inside of one thigh as the girl gasped at the continued vibrations. “What I wanna know is how much is true and how much is fiction.”

Yes, James thought, that would be interesting to know. He had enough evidence to know that at least part of his own notebook was true.

“Ooooh!” the girl moaned. “Are you… aaaah… going to turn that thing… aaaah!”

She was squirming, just as James had seen her in the library, just not bothering to clamp her hand over her mouth, and refraining from clutching at her breasts. “I think we all want to know how much is real and how much is fiction,” he said.

“Perhaps… Aaaaah… that’s none of your… business!”

But by now it could hardly be any more of their business. Glancing to one side, James could see where Rodney’s pride and joy had created a bulge in his sweatpants. It mirrored his own erection, though the cut of his trousers made it less obvious.

“Aaaaah!” Purple Girl moaned, twisting on the chair, eyes closing. “Aaaaah!”

Then Nigel surprised James, possibly everybody, including himself. “Downstairs you said you didn’t know how to thank us,” he said. “But this is a nice start.”

“What … aaaaah … do you mean?” Purple Girl said, eyes opening. James got the feeling she was putting on a show, trying to sound affronted, but it wasn’t working at all, with the way the vibrations were so obviously effecting her.

“Nigel, my son,” Rodney said, though obviously younger than the man. “You are so right!” Somehow he managed to bring his knees even further apart, his erection so obvious he might as well have taken it out and asked the girl if she wanted some.

Purple girl fidgeted, gasping, staring at Rodney, then at Nigel, then at James. One hand moved. For a moment James thought she was going to clasp her breast, but then she thought better of it, putting her hand behind her neck. She had that look in her eye he’d seen at the library, the one that indicated delight in the forbidden.

“Of course I am,” Nigel said. “We deserve a reward, I think.” What an old lech he was turning out to be, James thought.

“Aaaaah!” Purple Girl gasped. She was staring straight at James with those glittering eyes. “Are you going… aaaah … to turn that thing… aaaah … off?”

He stared right back, somehow emboldened. “Perhaps I’m conducting my own experiment,” he said.

Purple Girl’s eyes slid across the assembly as she gasped some more, chest heaving. Tiny bullets were clearly visible through the fabric of her dress. “All right… aaaah. I’ll show you… aaaah … mine. But first I want… aaah… to see yours.”

James was stunned. He hadn’t really believed or intended any outcome, and in spite of all he’d read in the diary, this was better than he could have expected or hoped.

Rodney wasted no time. His hand was pulling on the hem of his sweatpants, stretching them. James was slightly disgusted to realise that the man wasn’t wearing underpants, but niceties were hardly the issue here.

“Aaaaah!” Purple Girl gasped. “All of you! Aaah! Don’t be shy!”

James was suddenly glad he was wearing y-fronts today, finding it comparatively easy to unzip and bring out his cock, while Nigel had to lift his arse and slide trousers and boxers down his thighs.

“Aaaaah!” Purple Girl gasped as the vibrations continued to sound, staring from one man to the other and smiling, even as her face twitched. Then she was suddenly on her feet, hitching up her dress. In a flash she was pulling black panties down. The phone fell from them, bouncing on the carpeted floor before the panties ended up there too.

The men just stared as she kept her dress hitched up, perching on the small round table, one foot on the floor, another on the chair, her legs spread wide so that they could easily see the neatly trimmed growth on her mound. James pushed the button on his phone, now that the vibrations were no longer needed.

Rodney gave an appreciative whistle. “Fuckin’ awesome, love,” he opined.

Purple Girl flashed him a smile. “If you want to see more,” she said, “you’re going to have to make it mutual.” She gestured with her right hand, fingers curled, index finger meeting thumb.

James felt slightly self-conscious sitting here with these other men. It was an entirely new experience for him. He fancied the same might be true of Nigel, but in between them Rodney grabbed his shaft as if he did this every other Tuesday before going down the pub.

Purple Girl stared at them, a wicked smile playing on her lips.

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One hand slid down her body, across her mound, searching out the folds that shielded her tunnel, toying with them momentarily before two fingers were suddenly deep inside her. Her legs were spread wide, black lace surrounding her thighs two thirds of the way up, her mouth open, her eyes displaying as much pleasure as she was voicing. She moved her fingers swiftly, plugging herself as her other hand slid down to her mound, holding still while the sound of moisture made its way across the room to the three men.

They sat there, all in a row, stroking their hard cocks as they watched. The situation went far beyond anything James had ever experienced before. Purple Girl smiled at them, her hand working. Then she tilted her head back, closing her eyes. “Aaaaaaah!” she gasped.

“Er, you wouldn’t happen to have a kitchen roll somewhere?” Nigel said.

“Unless you want a mess all over your carpet,” Rodney added.

Her fingers maintaining the rhythm, Purple Girl opened her eyes, staring straight at Nigel. “Maybe you won’t need it,” she said. “Maybe if you’re good boys I’ll let you cum on my tits.”

James had to keep his hand still for a moment. The sheer lewdness exhibited by the girl had made a trickle of pre-cum emerge from the tiny slit and slither across his bulb. This was completely bonkers!

“We haven’t even had a butchers at them yet,” Rodney complained.

Purple Girl’s eyes gleamed. Her hand came away from her pussy as she stood up, the dress falling back into place, concealing both her nakedness and her stocking tops. For a moment James thought she was going to pull her dress down, but all she said, in the most flirtatious way possible, was, “Patience, boys!”

She sashayed towards them where they sat, still holding their rigid cocks. For a moment, it seemed as if she was going to come right up to them, but then she veered off round the divider. James, who was closest, stared at the curve of her arse as she crawled across the bed on all fours. He could see her rummaging under the pillow, and when she turned, she was holding a thick, red dildo in one hand.

The men were silent, all of them just waiting, wondering what all this was about. The girl stood in front of Rodney, within touching distance. The settee was so narrow that any of the men could have touched her by leaning forward. They didn’t, all eager to see what the girl would do.

It occurred to James that the diaries weren’t fake at all in so much as he suspected that they mirrored an unceasing appetite for sex. That was at any rate what he now saw in her eyes. Maybe in the old days the girl would have been called a nymphomaniac. What was the modern term? It didn’t matter. He had a sudden, silly idea to ask her about what her psychology studies told her about herself.

Before he had time to voice anything that daft, the girl was in any case kissing the tip of the dildo. She looked from one to the other of the men, no doubt seeing what she wanted to see in their eyes, before she slid her lips over the head and simulated oral sex, making sure to make the sound of her sucking as dirty as possible.

Then she was plunging the dildo deep inside her mouth, bringing it back out to slide her tongue up and down it as a trickle of saliva dripped from her mouth. Her expression was such that James was in no doubt there was much more to come.

“Bloody hell,” Rodney said. “If you’re gonna pull a stunt like that, you’re gonna have to get your tits down here a bit smartish.”

Purple Girl smiled. “I’m glad you’re enjoying the show,” she said. “As I said, I can’t thank you enough for returning my diaries.”

This could easily have been an invitation to do more than just sit wanking, but James still wasn’t sure, and neither, it appeared, were the other two men. All three of them remained seated as Purple Girl gave the bulb of the dildo a good lick. Then she twisted the base. Vibrations hummed. She pulled up her dress with one hand, once again revealing the neat trim on her mound. Legs parted slightly, she pushed the vibrating rubber up between her thighs.

“Aaaaaaah!” she gasped. “Have you any idea how horny I am right now?”

Then she angled the dildo, pushing it in between her folds. The bulk of it disappeared in an instant, the girl gasping as she pushed it up and down, before bringing it out, now glistening with moisture. She angled it so that it rested between her folds, vibrating against her clit. “Aaaaaaaaah!”

She repeated the action twice, and then a third time. Though she aimed her eyes at the men, she hardly seemed to see them now, as if she was drawn into her own pleasure.

Inevitably it was Rodney who made the move, reaching out to place his hand on the girl’s thigh, just above her stocking top. This seemed to bring Purple Girl back out of her reverie, and the dildo out of her quim. “You can touch me there,” she breathed, thrusting her pelvis at Rodney, who obligingly moved his hand up, fingers rubbing at her labia as he stroked his cock with the other hand.

Then his fingers disappeared as Purple Girl’s body heaved with a great sigh. James watched as the man’s hand moved, imagining how it must feel inside the girl. When Rodney pulled his fingers out, they glistened, just as the dildo had. “How do I taste?” the girl asked.

Obligingly Rodney moved his hand to his mouth, sucking on the fingers the girl had allowed him to insert. “Fucking fantastic,” he said.

Purple girl moved to her left, standing in front of Nigel. “Can I interest you in a taste?” she asked.

She could. Purple Girl breathed heavily as Nigel reached out to insert his fingers. He pulled them out and raised his hand to his mouth. “Very tasty!”

Purple Girl smiled and moved back across, now standing in front of James. “Now you, Mr Phone Man.”

He reached out, feeling his cock give a little skip of delight as he eased his fingers between the girl’s labia. He remembered how he’d watched her at the library, wondering how things looked below the waist. Now he could both see and feel, the girl exquisitely lubricious. “Mmmmm! Very nice!” the girl murmured as he wriggled his fingers.

He brought them out, feeling the strong scent of arousal on them as he raised them to his mouth. The girl smiled happily at him as he took a taste, sucking on his own digits. “I could drink a whole bowel of that,” he said, thinking it sounded silly. Nevertheless, the girl rewarded him with a look he would never forget. She moved her free hand between her thighs, letting him see close up how she slid her fingers between her folds and into herself. The dildo was still humming in her other hand.

Then she was pressing the dildo against herself as she held her fingers in front of his face. James let his lips part for the girl to insert her fingers, sucking on them, feeling the strong scent and taste of her arousal such that he had to make an effort to control himself. “Mmmmm! Ooooooh!” the girl exclaimed, pushing the dildo against herself, giving James the feeling she was pretty close herself.

As the girl pulled her fingers back from his mouth, James found himself leaning forward, following them. The girl moved the dildo, angling it. She took a step forward, then pushed the object back inside herself. James was so close to her now that the smell of female was overpowering. Somehow he managed to angle his head past her arm, and hardly knowing what he was doing, he suddenly had his tongue between her labia.

Purple Girl gave a loud gasp as his tongue teased her nub. Where she was moving the dildo inside herself, he could hear her juices as clear as anything. Spurred on by the sound, he flicked his tongue a little harder. “Aaaaaah!” Purple Girl moaned.

Then Rodney was on his feet, behind the girl. His hands reached round, grabbing her breasts. Not content with just the feel through chiffon, he pulled the straps down, the dress hanging awkwardly against James’ face on the girl’s arm. James didn’t care. Everything for him centred on the girl’s nub, and her gasps and the squishing from her vagina. He was dimly aware that Rodney was pinching and pulling on the girl’s nipples, and somehow knew that the man’s cock was pushing against her behind, but more than anything James was intent on licking and licking.

“Oh shit!” Purple Girl gasped.

“What’s that, doll?” Rodney said. “You want to go further, or do you just want us to cum on your tits and fuck off?” Clearly a right charmer, Rodney.

“Oh!” Purple Girl gasped. “Aaaaah!” She seemed incapable of saying anything else.

Now Nigel was edging his way across the sofa to get closer to the action. He reached out, touching the girl in a somewhat aimless fashion. “You want a proper feel, mate?” Rodney asked.

With his face still pushed up against the girl, James could sense Nigel nodding. The dildo kept moving and humming, the girl still moaning and groaning as Nigel got to his feet. Rodney made way for him to take his place and maul the girl’s firm breasts and taut nipples.

“Aaaaaaah!” Purple Girl gasped. “Nnnnngghhhhhoooooh!”

She was definitely very close to cumming, James decided. Intoxicated by the smell and the sound and the taste, he hardly knew anything, except that he didn’t want this to end, at least not so soon. He pulled away from the girl, hardly recognizing himself or his voice as he said, “Let’s get her on the bed!”

“I’m with you there,” Rodney said.

Nigel refrained from commenting, but it wasn’t as if it took the three of them, or even any effort to manoeuvre Purple Girl onto the bed. Rodney and James grabbed her arms and pulled her, the girl following willingly, the dildo spilling on to the floor where it continued to vibrate. Once they’d pushed her onto the bed and made sure her dress joined the dildo on the floor, Nigel had undressed. That was a turn up for the book!

The girl was sitting on the edge of the bed, legs parted, the kind of gleam in her eye that suggested she had very few limits. As James and Rodney backed off to undress themselves, Nigel stepped forward, holding the long curve of his manhood. Purple Girl licked her lips. There was no need for words, since it was obvious that the girl was as willing to take the cock in her mouth as Nigel was to have his dick sucked.

James and Rodney watched, stark naked, holding their cocks as Purple Girl slid her lips halfway down Nigel’s cock, humming as she sucked. Then Rodney climbed onto the bed behind Purple Girl, ending up flat on his back, aiming his cock at the ceiling. “Here, can I get some service?” he said jokily. Yes, a right charmer, Rodney.

But Purple Girl didn’t seem to mind. She gave Nigel a final lash of her tongue before twisting her body round and crawling the short distance to Rodney. He was still holding his cock in the air, and the girl bent her head down to lick his bulb. At the same time, her arse was pointing straight at Nigel and James, both men easily able to see how ready and available her pussy was.

The way things had panned out, there seemed little point in foregoing this pleasure. The only question was, who should be first? To James’s surprise, Nigel merely held out a hand. “After you,” he said.

By now James wasn’t about to say, ‘No, after you.’ He climbed straight onto the bed. “Oh yeah, that’s great!” Rodney was saying as Purple Girl worked her tongue against his cock.

“Well, I really am so very grateful to you all,” she said. Her hand was round Rodney’s cock and now her lips slid over the man’s bulb as James got his own cock into position. She gave a loud hum as James penetrated her, and maybe an extra little slurp at Rodney’s cock. Reacquainting himself with her extreme moisture, James felt a certain anxiety, that he might overheat if he went too fast; such was the effect the girl had on him.

So he slid his cock slowly back and forth, savouring the heat of her. “Oh yeah, babe!” Rodney gasped. “You’re the fucking biz, you are!”

Purple Girl slurped loudly on his cock, wriggling her arse a little. James thrust a little harder. “Mmmmm!” Purple Girl hummed.

And then Nigel, who had stood by watching, defied his hitherto so placid demeanour. He got onto the bed and grabbed Purple Girl’s head between both hands. “You’re just a randy little tart, aren’t you?” he sneered. “Suck that cock properly! All of it! Right the way down!”

James could see how hard he was pushing, but Purple Girl made no sign of protest, removing her hand from Rodney’s cock, allowing Nigel to shove her down on it until her throat protested loudly.

James kept thrusting, but he was amazed by the turn things had taken. Nigel released the girl’s head, allowing her to readjust, but then Rodney had his hands on her, pushing her down. “Go on, girl,” he said. “There’s enough deep-throat action in that diary of yours. Show us what you’re made of!” Was that it? Had the other two diaries contained more hardcore material than James’s own? Enough to make them confident Purple Girl would respond well to this?

This time the girl managed to suppress her gag reflex, but James was having a hard time suppressing his urgent desire to shoot his load. He shoved his cock right the way into her, but then held still. The girl wriggled her arse again. “Fffffngghhhheeeeeee!” she grunted, her mouth full of Rodney’s meat.

What she wanted was plain enough. James gestured to Nigel, urging him to take over, which he was extremely willing to do. “Good girl!” Rodney grunted as James pulled out of her pussy. “Take it right the way down your fucking throat!”

Then Nigel was behind her. She grunted at the back of her throat as he rammed his cock into her. James sat there on his knees, feeling embarrassed that Nigel was able to fuck her that much harder than he had without cumming. The treatment seemed to agree with the girl, who moaned at the back of her throat as the two men used her.

James noticed that Nigel was separating her buttocks as he drove his cock into her, but was still surprised when the man turned to him. “Spit on her arse!” he said.

Really? But by any reserve was rapidly vanishing. Nigel had opened her up so that her anus seemed to be inviting both of them. As the man kept up the pace, James leaned over, gathering saliva in his mouth to dribble onto that tightest of holes.

He didn’t know what Nigel had in mind, but couldn’t help but slide his finger into the hole. From the noise the girl made, she wasn’t at all put out about it. Then came another surprise as Nigel slowed a little, but only because he was fingering her anus himself, his finger coming up against James’s, widening the girl’s hole, edging slowly into her alongside the finger that was already there.

It was extraordinary. James had never experienced anything like it, having his finger alongside another man’s inside a girl’s anus. He could feel the man’s cock too, through the thin membrane. Both men had their fingers in up to the knuckles, and Nigel seemed to want to keep the full length of his cock inside her now, just ramming up against the girl. At her other end Rodney was pulling on her hair. “Suck my balls!” he told her. “Suck on ‘em!”

The girl gasped loudly as the rod came out of her mouth. “Fuck, guys! What are you doing to me?”

“Balls!” Rodney commanded, and James watched, wriggling his finger a little as the girl’s lips clenched hold of scrotum.

By now James felt he was sufficiently in command of himself to get back in the game. “I could do with some of that,” he said, hardly knowing what he was saying.

Rodney leered. “There’s one easy way to arrange so that we all get some,” he said. “Come up here and sit on my cock, girl!”

As the girl pulled forward, James became absurdly aware of how the vibrator was still humming away all by itself on the floor. Well, that was neither here nor there now. The girl was straddling Rodney, lowering herself onto his cock. He made a grab for her tits as she leaned over. Everything was happening as if it had been prearranged. Nigel made his move, grabbing his cock with a look on his face that you wouldn’t have thought him capable of if you just met him casually.

The girl was just sitting there on Rodney’s cock as he squeezed her breasts, waiting. James watched enthralled as Nigel pushed the head of his cock up against the tight hole the two of them had just fingered together.

“Aaaaaaah!” Purple girl moaned. “Give it to me!”

She groaned out loud again as Nigel pushed, his rod sliding into her back passage. James couldn’t help himself now, but stepped forward, tilting the girl’s head back as she gave another moan. She looked at him, eyes glazed over with unbridled lechery. James pushed his equipment against her face, holding his stiff rod against the side of her nose. His balls were resting against her lips, and without his having to tell her, the girl brought her tongue out to lick them.

“Fuckin’ hell,” Rodney said, his body moving as he pushed upwards. “I thought those diaries of yours were a complete fiction, but you really are a randy little sweetheart, aren’t you?”

“Ooooooh! Aaaaaaah!” Purple Girl moaned. Nigel was panting behind her. James could see the man’s cock moving in and out of her back passage, as she nibbled on his own balls. He looked down to see where Rodney was pinching her nipples, rolling them between his fingers.

Her enthusiasm was back up to the level it had been at before. Seeing how the other two were treating her, James didn’t understand why he should bother playing the good guy. “You haven’t sucked my cock yet,” he said.

The girl’s face assumed a debauched expression. She opened her mouth wide, and her eyes told him to just get on with it. He took aim, the girl’s lips closing on him as he entered her. He grabbed her head with both hands, pulling her onto him.

“Fuck, she’s a hot one!” Rodney said. “Give it her, boys!”

James wanted to ask who had put Rodney in charge, but this was no time to argue. The girl was moaning like mad as the three men ravaged her. Nigel looked like he was punishing her bumhole, and as he watched, James pulled the girl’s face down on his cock as far as he could. Warm saliva engulfed him as he felt sure the girl must gag, but miraculously she seemed able to take as much as he had to give her.

Below him Rodney had gone red in the face from thrusting up into the girl. To his left Nigel had broken out in a sweat. The girl herself was uttering something indecipherable as saliva dribbled over her lips. “Nnnnnnnggghhhhh!” She was looking straight at James, and he could literally see her eyes pop as her body tensed.

Her body seemed to remain rigid for all of five or ten seconds. Then she twisted her head violently. James released her, allowing her to scream out loud as spasms ripped through her. “Yes! Yes! Yes! Fucking yes!” Her body clenched for the umpteenth time. “Cum for me guys! Cum for me!”

James realised that the other two were holding the girl in place, stopping her from toppling onto the bed. Well, why not? The sight of her cumming had brought him close to the boil, and Nigel and Rodney were still going at her. He twisted her head back into position, stifling the girl’s loud gasps with his cock. It didn’t take more than a few thrusts. His balls had been tight for ages.

There seemed little point in announcing anything. It was obvious he was cumming from the strangled cry he gave. Holding Purple Girl on him, he let spurt after spurt shoot straight out into her mouth.

This seemed to set the other two off, though they were nowhere near as polite. “Nasty little slut!” Nigel gasped. His mouth fell open and he emitted a series of hoarse cries.

“Randy little fuck tart,” Rodney added, his mouth falling open as he too gasped out loud, eyes closing as he arched his body in his eagerness to fill the girl’s quim with his spunk.

All spent out, James pulled his dick from the girl’s mouth, leaving her to sigh heavily. When she was finally allowed to topple onto her side, thick cream was emerging from her cunt and arse, though James was gratified to note that she seemed to have swallowed everything he’d give her.

“You’re one hot shag, aren’t you?” Rodney said.

It took the girl a while to regain her composure enough to say, “Just think of it as a little thank you.”

The men, not quite knowing what to do now that satisfaction had been achieved, gathered their clothes to get dressed. The vibrator was still buzzing away by itself on the floor. James picked it up, switching it off and tossing it on the bed, where Purple Girl slowly turned to lay on her back, still with the men’s slippery offering making her orifices glisten.

“So what was the experiment?” Nigel asked.

Purple Girl flashed him a cryptic smile. “Maybe I’ll write a paper about it,” she said. “Would you like me to give you a call when it’s finished?”

“You can give me a call any time,” Rodney said, before Nigel had a chance to get a word in.

The girl idly let her fingers play between her thighs, scooping up some of the cream and moving her fingers to her mouth. “Normally,” she said, licking the cum from her digits, “I make a rule of never fucking any man more than once.”

“Normally?” James said.

The girl smiled again, scooping up more of the cum. “If I change my mind, I’ve got your numbers,” she said.

“What, don’t call you, you’ll call us?” Nigel said.

“Oh, you can call whenever you like,” the girl said, staring at James in particular. “I’m sure I’ll get a buzz out of it.”

Written by PervyStoryteller
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